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November 23, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-11-23

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it zgun


Latest Deadline in the State




Un-American Activities Committee
Charges Conmmunis t Infitration
WASHINGTON-(IP)-The House Un-American Activities Corn-
mittee said Communists are seeking to "corrupt" religion in the
United States by infiltrating churches and church organizations.
The Committee said that if the Reds should seize power in this
"You wouhi have to choose at once between church and Com-
munism. If you should choose the church, then prepare for perse-
S* * * *
THE HOUSE GROUP'S VIEWS are set forth in a pamphlet en-
titled "100 things you should know about Communism and religion."
It is one of a series of committee reports to be published before the
end of the year, dealing with Communist influences and threats to
various phases of American life.
Forthcoming reports will focus on Communism in education,
labor and government.
"You cannot be a Communist and believe in God," the report said.
"That is the long and short of it. You cannot believe in God and
~'have a peaceable life under Communism.
*, * * *
AMONG ALLEGED FRONTS for the-Communists the Committee
1. The People's Institute of Applied Religion-described sin the
report as "one of the niost vicious Communist organizations ever set
up in this country. Declared subversive by the attorney general."'
2. The Methodist Federation for Social Action--"a tool of the
Conununist Party, denounced by numerous loyal American Meth-
odists. Although strictly unofficial it is trying to use the prestige
of the Methodist Church to promote the line of the Communis
3. The Protestant-"a magazine which fanatically spreads Com-
munist propaganda under the guise of being a religious journal. Its
avowed purpose is to 'build a bridge' between Christendom and Com-
munism. Boasts support of 6,000 ministers, but not actually connected
In New York. the Rev. Jack R. McMichael, executive director
of the Methodist Federation for Social Action, termed the committee's
*charges "ridiculous and untrue."
* -* *
*Local Religious Leaders
Denounce House EXpose
t 1a religosauthorities contacted by The Daily late last night
were unanimou in their disapproval of the latest ''expose" of the
House Un-American Activities Committee.
However, some of them disagreed on the matter of Communist
infiltration into the organizations cited by the Committee.
* 4. *I
IN PROTEST to the statement of th ouse Cmitebadn
The Protestant magazine as Communist-dominated, Dr. William
/Lemon of the Presbyterian Church said, "I have read The Protestant.
The statement by the Un-American Activities Committee is ridiculous.
---< "The magazine is probably

Charges Murray
Forged Petition
Charging forgery on a J-Hop
Petition, the Men's Judiciary
Council y es t erd ay disqualified
David R. Murray, 'SOBAd, from the
coming campus election.
Ev Ellin, President of the Judi-
ciary said that several of the 75
signatures on Murray's petition
were, "obvious forgeries." His pe-
tition was disqualified after dis-
covery of the alleged forgeries.
A CHECK with the same names
on other petitions revealed several
discrepancies,e Ellin chred.eof
any forged signatures, and said
"I never considered the possi-
bility of foregries on my peti-
He said he had checked most of
the names on the list with the Stu-
dent Directory and the Office of
Student Affairs to see it they
were in the right class.
THIS WAS Murray's second pe-
tition, the first having been dis-
qualified last week along with
most of the other J-Hop lists be-
cause of signatures from unquai-
fied students...
Murray will face Men's Judi-
ciary at a hearing next Mon-
day to settle the issue, Elliri
tions wre approved yster day b
the Judiciary. Al t he Senir Cls
and 27 J-Hop committee hope-
fuls got Judiciary approval. Their
first petitions had been turned
down because of faulty signatures.
SIX J-HOP candidates failed to
Ein said that the latest peti-
tions showed a great improvement
over the originals xxhich were
thrown out last week. "All the
checked and double-checkedfor
accuracy and several candidates
added notes to that effect to their
petitions," Ellin said. -
He hoped that this would set a
pr ecedent for future elections.
In Wisconsin
HAYWARD, Wis. - (P) -The
Milwaukee Sentinel said that
Bobby Breen, singing star, and his
esha, Ws, are safe and uin-
harmed. h b .. .
Sundnay whens their red Stinso
monoplane disappeared on a flight
here from Waukesha.
Williamson said authorities had
not been notified that Breen or
the plane has' been located.
The Sentinel said its head
photographer, Leland M. Ben-
fer, received a telephone call
from a group of hunters who
told him they found Breen and
Thompson hiking along a road
near Glidden, Wis.
The Sentinel quoted Breen as
saying bad weather had forced
them down on the isolated Wil-

11am Mietid farm near Glidden
and they spent the night at the
farm house, where no telephone
was available.
* * *
THE HUNTERS, according to
the Sentinel, took Breen and
Thompson to a Glidden tavern,'
where they telephoned the paper.

r man


with Marshall




EUGENE, Ore. - (VP) - After
Calitornia was chosen for the
Rose Bowl today quairter back
Norm Van Brocklin broke down
and cried and Oregon coach
Jim Aiken said, "I think our
football team has been slight-
"I'm from West Virginia,"
Aiken said in his gravel-throat-
ed tones. "and down there we
never forget a favor or a
siken said he was not con-
vinced California has the better

IT WON'T BE LONG NOW-This picture was taken in Nebraska but It may soon be repeated here
as wintry winds blow toward Ann Arbor. With tomorrow's weather forecast predicting snow for part
of the state, the campus has only a little while yet before Old Man Winter really sweeps down.
___ * * . 4

Wright Hits
Economic Rule
Government control of the na-
tional economy would be no better
Athan business monopoly, Dr. David
McCord Wright declared here last
"The solution to today's eco-
nomic problems lies in an enlight-
ened public opinion which will
perpetuate capitalistic enterprise,
but at the same time restrict it so
that small business will have op-
portunity to expand," he said.
nomics Club, Dr. Wright, pro'fes-
sor of economics at the Uhnive-
sity of Virginia, declare d tha the
American people are afraido te
unknown factor of a strictly free
economy. .
They desire what they believe
to be the greater security of a
controlled economy, he said.
So the fundamental inadequacy
of American anti-trust policy is
due to the psychological attitude
of the public, according to Dr.
Wright. *
BESIDES BEING professor of
economics, Dr. Wright is lecturer
in law at the University of Vir-
ginia. He also has had wide expe-
rience in administering, and will
speak on that subject-"FreedOm
in the Administrative State" at
4:15 p.m. today in' the Rackham
He served as attorney to the
Reconstruction Finance Corpo-
ration and as adviser to various
Afte r e eivnhi law edegree
at the University of Virginia Dr.
Wright took his doctorate in eco-
nomics at Harvard. His Ph.D thesis
there won him the Wells prize. He
has written numerous articles and

more anti-Catholic than anti-
tra to call ames at anyone who
doesn' agree wihus."
REV. EDWARD II Redman of
the Unitarian Churchi agreed with
Dr. Lemon on this point. He1 said
(about The Protestant) is true. All
the ministers backing the mag-
azine are ministers in good stand-
Another religious educator
contacted by The Daily refused
to make a statement, since he
did not want in any way to
support the investigations con-
ducted by the Committee.'
However, he felt that the alleged
Communist-dominated organiza-
tions as well as The Protestant
were not entirely free of Commu-
nist influence.
* * *
man, University Research Con-
sultant in Religious Education,
said, "All propaganda ideologies
do this sort of penetrating.
"I'm not defending the Commu-
nists or saying they're not there.
But our missionary organizations
are penetrating into Russia in the
same way" -

Bus Facilities
Set for Rush
Services Prepare for
~H ldayWeekend
The annual Thanksgiving stu-
dent rush will find local transpor-
tation services ready with special
train and bus arrangements.
KNewsYorknCental officias sai
morrow, leaving 10 minutes ahead
of east- and west-bound runs of
the Mercury and Twilight Limited.
The same schedule will be in ef-
fect Sunday.
BUS SERVICE will be extended
by adding an 8:30 a.m. trip to
Lansing starting tomorrow, Grey-
hound Bus Lines said.
additonal"ligta plne
for the Turkey Day weekend.
And the ban on student driving
will be in effect as usual for the
whole week, according to the Of-
fice of Student Affairs.
* * *
THE MERCURY'S schedule to-
morrow calls for a west-bound trip
leaving at 1:21 p.m. and an east-
bound run leaving at 2:58 p.m.
The Twilight Limited will leave
for the West at 5:25 p.m. tomor-
row, and for the East at 9:39 p.m.
Besides trains and busses, the
knights of the muscular thumb re-
port good hitch-hiking opportun-
ities once Ann Arbor weather' is
left behind.
By The Associated Press
LONDON-King George VI post-
poned because an acute circula-
tory ailment in his legs the royal
tour of Australia and New Zealand
scheduled for next January.
.An announcement from Buck-
ingham Palace said complete rest
had been ordered for the 52-year-
old British ruler.
Seven airmen were killed when a
four--engine Lancaster returning
from duty on the Berlin airlift
crashed into a wooded hilltop near
here in a dense fog.
The lone survivor, radio officer
Sidney Stanley, was thrown clear
with his clothes ablaze when the
plane hit the trees. He was taken
to a military hospital suffering
from burns and shock.
'U Syphn
To PaToa

By The Associated Press
A grocr-laden snowmobniewas
ner of Marquette County to bring
food to stranded deer hunters.
The state conservation depart-
Demand Withdrawal
Of ForeignArmies
PARTIS-- (/P) - Russia attacked
t eB er aott a n aP ae scheme
to of British and Aeica omi-
Soviet delegate Semen K. Tsa-
rapkin told the 58-member politi-
cal committee of the United Na-
tions Assembly that Russia be-
lieved the proposals of Count Folke
Bernadotte, slain UN mediator,
were "prepared in the British for-
eign office."
* * *
TSARAPKIN lashed out bitterly
at the United States and British
for the role they have played in
He declared the British-Amer-
ican policy had made a fiasco
out of mediation attempts.
Tsarapkin added:
"The U.S.S.R. delegation con-
siders that with the view to estb-
lishing peace in Palestine it is
necessary to withdraw all foreign
forces which are on territories of
the Jewish and Arab states in
Palestine, which creation was de-
cided by the General Assembly's
decision of Nov. 29, 1947. -
* * *
HE ALSO demanded that meas-
ures be taken immediately in order
to prevent any further military ac-
tion in Palestine.-
Polish delegate Oscar Lange
joined in the attack. Referring to
the United States and Britain,
he said.
"Defense of an old and now
crumbling empire, on the one
hand, and the expansionist drive
toward the establishment of a new
empire, on the other, are respon-
sible for the present situation in

Food Rushed to Stranded
Hunters by Snowmobile

mentfsaid it had receivea ndum-
hunters that food supplies were
dwindling since a weekend storm
sealed them off from civilization.
THE STORM had abated today
but the Weather Bureau forecast
In Ishpeming area, scores of
searchers fanned through the
woods in a hunt for 16-year-old
Robert 3. Lapin, of Champion,
Mich., missing since Friday. The
area is blanketed with 15 inches
of snow.
Another searching party sought
Orlyn Pepper, 33, of Addison, who
disappeared Friday in Baraga
A GREAT crush of homeward
bound hunters jammed the St. Ig-
nace approach to the Straits of
Mackinac after the storm moved in
Friday and Saturday.
Meanwhile, another group of
hunters made the trek northward
to be on hand for the final full
week of the 1948 deer season.
The death toll for the season re-
mained at seven hunters. Last year
18 died of gunfire wounds during
the season.
College Fire
Kills Student
CORTLAND, N.Y. -- (P)-One
student was dead today and 10
were fighting serious injuries after
fire swept a sorority house at
Cortland State Teachers College.
Three are in critical condition
at the Cortland County Hospital.
The others were reported in "fair"
* * *
MOST OF THE 24 occupants of
the Are Thusa local sorority house
were asleep on the second and
third floors when the fire was dis-
covered early Sunday in a kitchen.
The flames spread rapidly
through the three-story frame
structure. Barbara Kelsey, 20,
of Carthage, N.Y., died several
hours after breathing in flames.
She was a senior.
Marilyn Hiller, 21, of Rochester,
whose condition is described as
critical, awoke many of the girls
and helped them to the street.

By The Associated Press
Top policy moves came out of
CIO and AFL conventions yester-
day-with Philip Murray of the
CIO lashing out at Communists in
the union and William Green of
the AFL. pledging repeal of the
convention opened with a bang -as
Murray,'for years peaemaker of
the CIO, publicly switched into a
lashing opponent of leftists and
"unfit" unions within his own or-
And CaiO convention delegates
overwhelmingly supported Presi-
dent Murray's annual report.
Before the opening session of
the national CIO convention he
demanded the reorganization of
three unions which he said had
fald nthe C 's misio "to
The CIO president's denounce-
ment was unprecedented. It sur-
prised even the executive board
members of the platform with
him. It stunned delegates. But it
was popular.
THEY CAM0E to their feet cheer
igwen he singlede out the O-
fe and Professional Workers and
ions that are "obviously not suf-
left wing of the CIO. A erc n
25th term as president and ad-
journed its.67th annual conven-
Green pledged the organization
to make repeal of the Taft-Hartley
Act its first goal.
"It is the dawn of a new day, a
new experience, a new opportun-
ity for the AFL," Green said after
delegates gave him a rousing dem-
onstration. He has been president
since the death of Samuel Gom-
pers in December, 1924. -
"We are determined to exer-
cie good judgment, to proceed
judicially, to act together n'ot as
an organization but as citizens of
the U. S. A.," Green said.
An open meeting to discuss bas-
ketball seating and tennis court
fees will be held at 7:30 p.m. to-
day in the Union.
Varsity committee chairman
Bob Ballou said that the meeting
would give students who had ideas
about the preferential basketball
ticket system a chance to advise
the Student Legislature.
If no action is taken by the Var-
sity Committee, the ticket system
will be dropped and the doors at
Yost Field House will be thrown
open to students on a first-come
first-served. basis, Ballou said'.
,Ideas for the lifting of the tennis
court fees will also be discussed.

Refuse Word
On Possibility
MarsfilsS tatus
Stays Uncertain
Truman received a "very informa-
tive" report from Secretary of
State Marshall on the whole field
of American foreign relations, In-
cluding the critical situation in
Word of the discussion between
the two men in the President's
White House office came from
press secretary Charles G. Ross.
whether any decisions were made
on China or any other foreign p01-
icy issue.
He also gave a no conunent
response to inquiries as to
w h e h r t e talka had det rm ine d
as Secretary of State.
Ross met reporters late in the
afteroon aftere checking directly
could tell about the results of this
first post-election conference be-
tween Mr. Truman and General
Marshall. Marshall had returned
f om th ied eiNationsymeeting,
ROSS TOLD reporters that
their discussion ranged over the
whole field of foreign relations,
including the situation in China,
Asa s hoeanFuroe He
"very informative" and said the
secretary may see the President
again today.
Mr. Truman, Ross said, had
nothing to add on the subject
of Marshall's future in the Cabi-
net beyond what, he said at a,
news conference during his va-
cation at Key West, Fla.
The President told the Key West
conference that he wanted Mar-
MBefore conferring with Marshall,
sador W. Averell Harriman that
the outcome of the p'residential
election had created "a wave of en-
thusiasm across Europe."
* * *
In China Battle
NANKING - (IP) - Chinese
Communist- armies mounted twin
offenives in central and north
Red troops attacked with re-
newed vigor on the east flank of
Suchow, key defense point for
Nanking and central China. Pro-
government dispatches said the
Nationalis~ts held the initiative.
Independent sources gave an op-
posite account.
* * *
successes east of Peiping, but they
seemed minor. The announcement,
in Peiping, came immediately on

den admission of Nationalist with-
drawal from Paoting, AIopeh pro-
vincial capital.
Paoting can decide the fate of
both Peiping and Tientsin.
The fighting around Suchow
represented new perl to ha's2
miles to the southeast.
OFFICIAL government reports
said Gen. Huang P0-tao's Na-
tionalists still were defending
Nienchuang, 33 miles east of Su-
chow. Reliable unofficial sources
earlier said the Communists had
taken the town for the second
The official reports saId
Huang's troops led by ar-

Temperturencreae i
Statshee ScenisSy

Contrary to a popular belief, it
gets quite hot as one rises into the
upper regions of the earth's atmo-
Prof. Joseph Kaplan, University
of California physicist and an au-
thority on the upper atmosphere
of the earth, cited the incireasing
temperature as one of the discov-
eries coming out of post-war re-
search work.

The V-2 rockets penetrated the
outer atmosphere and brought
about the temperature discovery
as well as other significant facts
in the field of cosmic energy, he
said. * * *
sult of measuring the ionized layer
of the atmosphere. And due to
wartime research, geophysicists

Dick Wakefiel Buys Ruthven Pupp

President Alexander G. Ruthven
in dinino a flourishing business in

Ruthven's aristocratic "band

WAKEFIELD SAID he isn't plan-

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