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November 21, 1948 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-11-21

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Student Crisis

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"NEWS ITEM: General Jacob Devers tells mothers their sons
will not be sworn at in new army."

Letters to the Editor..

We seem to be witnessing a kind of crisis
in student government at the University.
The question is whether a representa-
tive government can pull its own weight
and also bear the burden of student
The Student Legislature cabinet has been
Proceeding thoughtfully to formulate plans'
tur a student forum based on the Oxford
Union debate plan.
While forging ahead with plans for a de-
bate forum, Student Legislature leaders have
also been working on a proposal to the Re-
gents for doing away with the political
speakers ban.
This is the regulation that hamstrung
student political clubs during the 1948
election campaign, and called forth re-
peated student protests partially mobil-
ized by the 13 campus organizations in the
Committee to Abolish the Ban.
The faculty Senate has thought it import-
ant enough to get a committee appointed to
study the matter. This committee will draw
up recommendations to the entire perman-
ent faculties of the University, which may
send a resolution to the Board of Regents.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
nd represent the views of the writers only.

This is significant because, although the
regulation directly concerns only students,
the faculty have recognized that it affects
There is a better-than-fair chance that
the student leaders and the faculty com-
mittee will get together before any pro-
posal is finally presented. This would be
a very fine thing; it would help bridge the
gap between faculty and students that has
been created by the increasing size of the
But it's been remarked that "we'll be lucky
if 5,000 students vote" in the election a week
hence. That's less than a quarter of the
student body; it would leave the supposedly-
representative Student Legislature out on a
long limb.
It would also mean that the faculty would
have to carry the ball alone on such aca-
demic freedom issues as the political speak-
ers ban. Superficially that might seem at-
tractive to some; students do nothing; ev-
erything is taken care of for them.
But that's what we've had in the past,
and have been struggling to get away
from. Other people have been taking care
of things for the students up to now; the
results include the political speakers ban,
the University rule on liquor and various
other restrictions that have given rise to
student complaint.
If students ignore opportunities to run
their own affairs, some one else will run
things for them-or against them.
-Phil' Dawson

EDITOR'S NOTE is written
tor Harriett Friedman.

by Managing Edi-

The New Army

JUST WHEN the campus is about to bid
good-bye to the war vet and take up the
good old days, another species of college
student will make his appearance-the new
Since he should begin his descent by early
fall, it is time for the University to prepare.
The literary college showed great foresight
when it planned the new system of upper-
class advisors.
But perhaps it should look a little closer
to the present and revise the program of
academic counseling for the new vet. In
devising a satisfactory plan for his rehabil-
itation, it would of course be best to study
the peacetime army's method of creating a
"homelike atmosphere" for the boys.
We, too, had dismissed these stories of the
"good life" with its non-swearing sergeants,
etc., as so much propaganda for the peace-
time draft. That is, until the other day when
a friend of ours got a letter from her 19-
year-old son's Commanding Officer.
Then we began to realize the situation
which the Administration will soon face in
adjusting these boys to University life.
I Our friend's leteand it was personally
addressed, began- with mention of a chat
the C.O. had had with her son. "Frank is

in fine health and looks grand as a result
of all the regular exercise he's been get-
Following a discussion of the spiritual
training Frank was also receiving, came a
paragraph concerning Frank's evident inter-
est in mathematics. "I suggested that he en-
roll in a course in-our Instructional and Edu-
cational Service," the C.O. said, adding, "We
want our boys to be sound in both mind and
Next came a long, traveloguish descrip-
tion on the pleasures of army life. "The
PX-just like your corner drugstore." And,
"we have one of the finest mess halls at
Fort Sill. Our motto is Take all you want,
but eat all you take.'."
The letter concluded with an invitation.
"You're welcome to visit Fort Sill at any
time, and of course if you do come down, be
sure to stop in and see' me." All "very sin-
cerely" signed by Capt. , Com-
manding Officer, Company 8.
We don't know exactly what the new vet
will begin in college trends. Our concern is
more with what we will have to offer him.
For the University will really have to step up
to compete with the aura of friendliness of
The New Army.
-Joan Katz

SOME sort of moral should be drawn from
the most recent episode in the eventful
life of Gary Davis, "citizen of the world."
Davis, the World War II veteran, who re-
nounced American citizenship to become a
""world citizen," tried to give a little speech
in the United Nations Assembly the other
Leaping onto a barricade near his seat
in the spectator's balcony during a recess,
Davis cried: "Let me speak to the people.
I want to speak to the people."
Guards immediately rushed the world's
only world citizen from the hall. But not
before he shouted: "Pass the word to the
people-one world."
* * *
FROM what we've heard of Gary Davis' ac
tivities, he cannot be dismissed as simply
"off his beam;" he seems rather to be one of
those impractical dreamers who insist on
acting by what they believe.
He is evidently the one person who be-
lieved all the talk about "one world,"
about surrendering national sovereignty,
about people standing as individuals, face
to face, in a new area.
The strange actions of Gary Davis are
considered in most poor taste by the na-
tional leaders and their followers, because
although it's perfectly fine to talk about
one world, it's most embarrassing to dis-
cover someone who is really trying to bring
that situation about,
THERE'S nothing easier than calling Gary
Davis crazy, because he does things that
you and I are afraid to do. It's easy to sit
cloaked in the security of national pride
and protection and laugh at utopians.
But just for a moment pretend that you
aren't a citizen of any little bounded area;
pretend that you loudly proclaimn that
what we need is "one world." Imagine, for
just a second of course-that you de-
cide to really work for world unity as an
individual, instead of sitting back and let-
ting a handful of men do it.
Well, Gary Davis can tell you what will
happen. People will call you crazy, and any
upstanding assembly of world figures will
see that you get a very fast and efficient
bum's rush.
Democrats Analyze
NOW THAT the jubilation is subsiding
some of the soberer leaders of the Tru-
man administration are beginning to analyze
the election returns. What they are finding
is important as a warning to the more suc-
cess-intoxicated members of the President's
The figures in the key states of Iowa, Illi-
nois, Ohio, Indiana and Minnesota speak for
themselves. In all five, President Truman ran
far behind the local Democratic ticket. In
other words, Harry S. Truman, the individual
candidate, had demonstrably less appeal for
the voters than the Democratic party whose
principles he expounded.
The sense of this lack of appeal (which
the President of course did much to counter-
act by the extraordinary courage and energy
of his campaign) was what so completely
misled the local Democratic leaders.
They have come up with some singularly
interesting facts. The prime fact was neat-
ly summarized by a chief Truman cam-
paign strategist, as follows: "if the Repub-
lican National Committee had only spent
a few of its millions supporting the corn
market in the last half of October, Dewey
would certainly have carried Illinois and
probably two or three other corn-belt
The truth is that almost on election eve,
the corn market gave the Mid-Western

farmers a dramatic lesson in the meaning of
the Eightieth Congress policies the Presi-
dent was attacking.
Corn was selling in July for $2.25 a bushel.
All through the summer it slipped steadily,
until in the week ending Oct. 23 it was sell-
ing for $1.38 a bushel. This was already six
cents a bushel less than the government par-
ity loan on corn for which approved storage
could be found. Then, in the final week be-
fore election, it took another nose-dive to
$1.26 a bushel.
The other sleeper-factor that the Demo-
cratic professional politicians seriously
underestimated was, of course, the effec-
tiveness of labor's effort in the campaign.
In 1948 . . . all the labor organizations,
C.I.O., A.F. of L. and railroad brotherhoods,
joined to do a tough, quiet, business-like job.
They made little noise. They merely got out
the vote.
Adding up all these data, the Administra-
tion analysts have reached a simple conclu-
sion. The electorate favors the ideas that
President Truman voiced in the campaign.
He need not hesitate, temporize or compro-
mise in presenting his legislative program.
He must, on the other hand, work ard to
build up confidence in himelf as a ]eader.


"Darn you. Darn you. DARN YOU TO HECK!"

(Continued from Page 2)

British Steel Socialization

FAR FROM waging a dull campaign based
on such vague issues as "national unity,"
it appears as if Britain, politically, will be
divided into two armed camps firing over the
steel nationalism issue in the 1950 general
The House of Commons has passed a bill
favoring in principle steel nationalization,
and Winston Churchill, now the Conserva-
tive Party leader, has fired a salvo against it
calling it "a burglar's jimmy to crack the
capitalist crib."
An issue which could have all sorts of
implications in America as well as being
England's most controversial issue, the na-
tionalization of steel is a rather complicat-
ed affair which is worth exploring in an
impartial way.
When the labor government was election-
eering in 1945, one of the planks of their
platform was the nationalization' of steel-
thus the bill isn't going farther than the
party planned in its promise to the populace.
Already coal, railroads, road and air trans-
port, banking, gas, electric power, and radio
are socialized in Britain but steel is the bold-
est step proposed so far.
The final bill to nationalize steel still
hasn't passed the House of Commons
(though it has in principle) but it seems
* All Sorts
Who, Me?
ACOUPLE COEDS are developing insom-
nia as a result of an unwitting remark
passed under their dormitory window the
other night.
The room-mates had just settled down
to get some much-needed slumber, when
the following statement was wafted up to
their window in a deep masculine voice:
"Gee, she'd be a terrific girl if she were
only normal!"
Double Take

likely to before long. It will call for govern-
ment ownership of all but the smallest steel
mills, which wouldn't be taken over before
Thus if the Conservatives sweep to
power in two' years, they would have to
pass a counter proposal in order to return
steel to the system of free enterprise.
This wouldn't be the Herculean labor it
might appear. Plans don't call for the dis-
integration of existing company organiza-
tions but the trading of company stocks for
governments bonds. The managers and
boards of control of the companies would re-
main the same; thus the Conservatives
would have only to trade the boys' stock
back to them and that would be that.
Arguments for and against the measure
are already saturating England. The Labor
Party hollers that it has a mandate from
the people from the 1945 elections to pass
the bill-their platform reads "only if public
ownership replaces private monopoly can
the industry become' efficient."
They argue that the industry includes
many vertical monopolies-that is, indus-
tries closely related to steel itself, such as
raw materials and engineering concerns-
which might better be publicly owned.
The Conservatives bellow in return that
the Laborites would be exceeding their man-
date by taking over the steel companies be-
cause in doing so they would acquire owner-
ship of chemical and engineering concerns
already subsidized by the steel companies
and thus be competing with privately-owned
Further, they scream, the battle of pro-j
duction would be seriously hampered by the
seizing of an efficient industry.
While the issues are complex as the in-
sides of a watch, the crux of the matter
seems to be whether or not Britain's march
of democratic socialism will continue or
will be abruptly halted by a people who
think socialism has gone far enough-or
too far.
--John Davies
New Books at General Library

Rm. 303 Chem. Bldg. Miss Doro-
thy Eyke will review "Polaro-
graphic Differentiation of Inor-
ganic Cis and Trans Isomers" and
Mr. A. F. Beale, Jr. will discuss
some "Physico-Chemical Aspects'
of Ion Exchange Methods."
University Symphony Orchestra,
Wayne Dunlap, Conductor, will be
heard in a program at 8:30 p.m.,
Tues., Nov. 23, Hill Auditorium. It
will include Haydn's Symphony
No. 104 in D Major, Bartok's Con-
certo for Orchestra, and Sym-
phony No. 1 in E Minor, Op. 39 by
Sibelius. The general public is in-
Events Today
Sunday, Nov. 21
Westminster Guild: Regular
Sunday evening supper, 5:30 pn.
Following supper a one-act play,
"Thanksgiving," will be given.
Roger Williams Guild: Dinner
and program at Guild House, 6:00
p.m. The Reverend James B. Ken-
na, minister of the First Methodist
Church will speak on "John We-
Canterbury Club Supper, 5:30
p.m. Rev. John Burt will speak on
"The Place of Doctrine in the
Christian Life." Evening Service,
8:00 p.m., singing of the Bach
Cantata, "The Lord Is a Sword
and Shield," by Schola Cantora.
Unitarian Student Guild: Meet
at the Church, 6:30 p.m. Snack
supper and discussion of "Ethics
of Capitolis, and Social Activities."
Evangelical and Reformed Stud-
ent Guild: Supper meeting, 5:30
Lutheran Student Association:
Meet at 5:30 p.m., Zion Lutheran
Parish Hall. Supper, 5:30 p.m.,
followed by program. Professor
Paul Kauper will speak on "The
Purpose of Education."
Michigan Christian Fellowship;
Meet at 4:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Dr.
Clarence Bouma, Professor of
Philosophy, Calvin College, will
speak on "Reason and Faith." Re-
freshments after the meeting.
Eta Kappa Nu: Meeting, 7 p.m.,
Michigan Union. Graduate mem-
bers are invited.
Gallery Talk, by Prof. Jean Paul
Slusser, Director of the Museum
of Art, on Contemporary Paint-
ings from the Albright Art Gal-
lery; Museum of Art, Alumni Me-
memorial Hall, 3:30 p.m. The pub-
lic is invited.
U. of M. Hot Record Society: A
live jam session at 8 p.m., Michi-
gan League Ballroom. All musi-
cians are invited.
Corning Events
Graduate History Club: Coffee
Hours, 4-5 p.m., Mon., Nov. 22,
Clements Library. All graduate
history students and faculty are

La p'tite causette: Monday, 3:30
p.m., Grill Room, Michigan
Sociedad Hispanica: Social hour,
4-5 p.m., Mon., Nov. 29, Interna-
tional Center.
Student Peace Fellowship:
Meeting Mon., 7 p.m. in the
Lounge, Lane Hall.
EasycChair Group: Lane Hall,
Fireplace Room, Mon., 7:30 p.m.,
The Weekly Bull Session: Lane
Hall, Mon., 7:30 p.m.
Economics Club Lecture: Dr.
David McCord Wright, professor
of economics and lecturer in law
at the University of Virginia, will
speak on "Toward a Coherent
Anti-Trust Policy," Mon., Nov. 22,
7:45 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium.
Note change from the usual meet-
ing place. The public is invited.
Sigma Xi: Dr. Joseph Kaplan,
national lecturer, will speak on
the topic "The Upper Atmosphere
of the Earth," Rackham Amphi-
theatre, Mon., Nov. 22, 8 p.m. This
meeting is open to the public.
U. of M. Dames' Child Study
Group: Meet at the home of Mrs.
Helen Ulmer, 1547 Washtenaw,
Nov. 22. Miss Ruth Carney, School
of Nursing, will show a film on
"Life with Baby" followed by a
discussion. For transportation,
call Mrs. Gilkeson at 2-2046.
Wallace Progressives: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., Mon., Nov. 22, Michigan
Union. Agenda includes a prospec-
tus for the visit of the Dean of
Canterbury. The meeting will end
with a short movie of an interna-
tional flavor.
Scalp and Blade Fraternity will
hold a "get acquainted" meeting
for students from Buffalo and
Erie County in the Michigan Un-
ion, Mon. Nov. 22, 7:30 p.m. Guests
are cordially invited to attend.
Hiawatha Club: Meeting, Mon.,
Nov. 22, 7:30 p.m., Kalamazoo
Room, Michigan League. All stu-
dents from the Upper Peninsula
are urged to attend.
United World Federalists Exe-
cutive Council, meeting scheduled
for Monday has been cancelled.
The Geological - Mineralogical
Journal Club will meet Tues., Nov.
23, 4 p.m., Rm. 2054, N.S. Bldg., to
hear Prof. Hans Cloos of the Uni-
versity of Bonn, Germany, speak
on "Granitization and the Struc-
tural Behavior of Igneous Rocks."
All interested persons are invited
to attend.
Pershing Rifles: Meeting 7 p..,
Tues. Nov. 23, R.O.T.C. Rifle
Range. Everyone will attend.
Freshman-Sophomore Forestry
Conference: 7:30 p.m., Tues., Nov.
23, Rn. 2039 N. S. Several seniors
and graduate students who held
jobs last summer will talk on what
you can expect and what is ex-
pected of you in summer employ-

The Daily accords its readers the <.
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
, . ."
Your Candidates
To the Editor:
DOES the Legislature work for
you; or is it hamstrung with
dead wood into office by blind bloc
voting and power politics?
For 3 years you and all of us
have been trying to raise the Stu-
dent Legislature from nothing to
the most powerful voice of stu-
dent activity and opinion on cam-
pus. The Legislature should
function as the true voices of the
Michigan campus, working to co-
crdinate all phases of campus life
in furthering the best interests of
the student body.
This has not been done and we
are responsible ! ! ! !
Everytime a voter transfers to
the ballot the list of chosen candi-
dates handed him by fraternity,
sorority, or dorm house he is shov-
ing another stick through the
spokes of progress. This is the year
of decision for our Student Leg-
islature. At this very moment a
host of campus pressure groups
are working behind the scenes in
an effort to push pre-chosen
slates into the Legislature, slates
chosen for the most part without
any consideration of the ability or
experience of the candidates.
To be sure, there are some of
these candidates who will work
and do the job for which they are
elected. No doubt the one or two
you know are good choices. But
why must we be wind-bagged
into voting for non-entities who
have taken no stand on anything
and are getting on the bandwagon
for personal publicity?
If you have a good man who
should be on the Legislature, don't
take the chance of fettering him
with incompetents who will ren-
der all his worthwhile efforts im-
potent while they waste time ar-
guing; or what is worse, doing
Go to the polls a week from
Tuesday and Wednesday and vote
only for those who have proven
themselves or who have demon-
strated their ability and desire
to work for Michigan. The alter-
native is to fill the Legislature
meeting rooms each week with
backsliders and backslappers who
ment in private industry and pub-
lic forestry.
Freshmen are expected to at-
tend and Sophomores are wel-
Graduate Student Council:
Meeting of the new Council for
purpose of election officers and
discussion of future plans, 7:30
p.m., Tues., Nov. 23, E. Lecture
Rm., Mezzanine floor, Rackham
I.R.A.: general meeting, Tues.,
Nov. 23, 7:30 p.m., Michigan Un-
ion. The topic of the last meeting,
"Techniques of Action in Inter-
group Relations," will be discussed.
I.Z.F.A. Study Groups both
Tues. and Wed. sections. Sub-
ject, "Life in Israel." Michigan
Union Rm. 3R. Tues., 23rd. 7:45
Phi Lambda Upsilon: Business
meeting for the election of new
members at 7:30 p.m., Tues., Nov.
23, Rackham Bldg., E. Conference

At 8 p.m. Professors Shull, Len-
ox, and Brockway will speak on
"What is Life?" Refreshments.
Quarterdeck Society: There will
be a meeting of the Quarterdeck
Society on Tues., Nov. 23, at 7:30
p.m., Rm. 3B Michigan Union. A
student panel on shipyard opera-
tion will be featured.
United World Federalists
Roundtable on World Federation-
Michigan Union 7:30 p.m., Tues.,
Nov. 23. Subject: "International
Justice In A World Federation."
Panel guest: Dr. Lawrence Preuss,
Prof. of Int. Law. Proponents and
opponents of world government
Thanksgiving Breakfast, 9 a.m.,
Thurs., Nov. 25, Lane Hall. Pro-
gram of songs and reading of
Thanksgiving Proclamation. For
reservations, telephone Lane Hall
before Tuesday noon.

:care nothing about their jobs or
their constituents.
-Ev Ellin
Keith Jordan.
Bill Milulich
* * *
Civil Rights
To the Editor:
THERE is still a struggle for civil
rights. Unfortunately, the ad-
vent of a new administration has
not dispensed with the necessity
for such a struggle. It was, re-
member, under President Tru-
man's order that the present in-
dictment against the twelve Com-
munist leaders was carried out.
The trial of these men is certainly
far from farcical. It is extremely
tragic to those of us who can rec-
ognize this perilous symptom that
leads to thought-control and' de-
Individually, I am convinced
that if these Communist leaders
are convicted, it will be the first
shaky step toward the establish-
ment of fascism. After the C'om--
munists are jailed, deported, or
otherwise disposed of, the Social-
ists and Progressives would be
able to count their days of legal
existence. Trade unions, cooper-
atives, and any other form of lib-
eral development would then be
squashed. This is a trend that we
must not allow to develop.
I have thoroughly read the gov-
ernment indictment and the con-
stitution of the Communist Par-
ty. I've also read the briefs of the
Schneiderman case in which the
Supreme Court held that member-
ship in the CP did not constitute
advocacy of overthrow of this gov-
ernment by force and violence. Un-
fortunately, few of us have had
the opportunity to read this ma-
terial and form a valid conclu-
It is for this purpose that I ex-
tend an invitation to all interest-
ed students and faculty alike to
attend a meeting this Monday
night. There are many, I feels
who realize that the interests of
all progressive and minority groups
are in danger. We must preserve
our constitutional rights for all
and reiterate our faith in the be-
lief that democracy can only bene-
fit by a free and unrestricted ex-
change of ideas.
If further information is want-
ed, please call Ann Arbor 6284 and
ask for me.
-Hy Bershad
** *
To the Editor:
RE: YOUR article of Friday, No-
vember 19, 1948 entitled:
"Students Urged to Form Friend-
ship with Faculty." I 'am eagerly
awaiting the sequel: "Faculty
Urged to Form Friendship with
-Bob Sinnett

r lii lt
Fifty-Ninth Year


Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ...Managing Editor
Dick Maloy ................City Editor
Naomi Stern......Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti ... .Associate Editor
Arthur Higbee ........Associate Editor
Murray Grant..........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey...Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery...... Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Halt .......Business Manager
Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager
William Culman .....Finance Manager
Cole Christian ....Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to It or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
mattersherein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,


Cpyyi g t r-. .. 08.
[There's my Fairy Godfather-

See what Jane and I painted
in Kindergarten, Mr. O'Malley.,

It's the sun. And Jane painted
the moon.She' used white paint.

I was about to drop in to ask-
your teacher if she'd excuse
you from your studies. To be

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