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November 21, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-11-21

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Ia tils


Latest Deadline in the State


Faculty To Study
'U' Speakers Ban
Dean Walter, SI Representatives,
Express Willingness To Cooperate
Names of the five-man faculty Senate committee appointed to
study the political speakers ban were revealed by President Alexander
G. Ruthven yesterday.
Members are: Dean of Students Erich A. Walter, chairman, Prof.
Carl G. Brandt of the speech department, Prof. John P. Dawson of
the Law School, Prof. Lionel H. Laing of the political science depart-
ment, and Prof. Robert M. Thrall of the mathematics department.
AT ITS LAST MEETING, the Senate voted for appointment of a
committee "to determine the degree of control the University has
over student discussions of public political issues on University
(The University Senate consists of all those holding the rank
;E of assistant professor or higher

Bucks Fall, 13-3;
Wolverines Cop
23 Straight Wins
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan Finishes
His First Season Unbeaten, Untied
(Special to The Daily)
COLUMBUS, O.-Michigan wrote finis to one of the most glorious
pages in football annals today as they vanquished a stubborn and,
at times, brilliant Ohio State eleven, 13-3 at the Ohio Stadium to
capture their second straight Big Nine title.
Playing before 82,754 fans, the second largest crowd ever to
see a football game in Columbus, the Wolverines struck with char-
acteristic suddenness for two scores in the second and fourth periods
to overcome a 3-0 lead the Buckeyes had built up.
* * * *
INSTEAD OF CHUCK ORTMANN, it was Wally Teninga, who
stepped into the limelight with his kicking, passing and running. He
almost single-handedly paced the Wolverines to the game-clinching
marker late in the final period.
Teninga's punting was often phenomenal as he kept the
Buckeyes bottled up deep in their own territory. He averaged 42
yards per boot with two of them G * * *

Hope for UN
Still Survives
Evatt Forecasts
Berlin Solution
PARIS - (/P) -Hot words here
and the cold war elsewhere have
gone on without a break during the
first nine weeks of the United Na-
tions Assembly.
The Assembly has three weeks
more to run at the Palais De Chail-
lot. Up to now it has not bridged
any of the big rifts between the
East and West.
WHILE THERE is no unbound-
ed optimism, its leaders are not
lost in pessimism.
The Security Council, meet-
ing concurrently with the As-
sembly, still has the Berlin
crisis before it and has met
more frequently on urgent mat-
ters than during any previous
In a special statement written
for the Associated Press, Assem-
bly President Herbert V. Evatt,
Australian Foreign Minister, pre-
dicted the Berlin deadlock would
be broken and other big issues
EVATT and UN Secretary-Gen-
cral Trygve Lie initiated an ap-
peal to the four big powers-after
the Soviet veto--to get together on
a settlement of the Berlin crisis
and carry on from there through
the completion of the German,
Austrian and Japanese peace
Some Western Powers represen-
tatives do not share the optimism
of Dr. Evatt, but they acknowl-
edge generally that the door has
- not been slammed on what he pro-
three-quarter post in this 12-week
Assembly, it appears that two great
poitical factors have struck hard
here and held the attention of the
58 national delegations.
One is the Berlin issue which
was injected into the Security
Council by the Western Powers
on the contention that Russia
threatens peace by closing Ber-
lin to all but airlift traffic.
The other is the election of
President Truman to a four-year
term starting next Jan. 20 and
the indicated stiffening of Amei-
can policy.
Varsity Group To Meet
The Varsity Committee of the
Student Legislature will meet at
7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Union.
Seating arrangements for the
basketball games and tennis court
fees will be discussed at the meet-

with President Ruthven as
The committee will report back
at the next Senate meeting Dec.
APPOINTMENT of the commit-
tee raised the possibility of coop-
eration between the faculty and
Student Legislature leaders who
are also drafting a proposal for
consideration by the Board of Re-
At the Nov. 13 Regents' meet-
ing, the Board instructed SL to
submit a written alternative to
Ithe speakers ban.
At the same time they refused
a hearing to the Committee to
Abolish the Ban before consider-
ing the officially representative
Student Legislature's proposal.
* * *
DEAN WALTER, chairman of
the newly-formed faculty group,
said he will be glad to meet early
this week with Student Legisla-
ture representatives to discuss
possible cooperation.
SL President Blair Moody has
already said he thinks it would
be extremely desirable.
In the absence of Moody, Norm
Gottlieb last night reiterated the
Student Legislature's view that
cooperation "would bring together
representatives of the faculty and
representatives of the students to
work jointly on a common prob-
lem." Gottlieb is a member of the
SL cabinet.
AND BILL MILLER, vice-pres-
ident of the Student Legislature,
emphasized that if SL meets with
the faculty committee it plans to
work out "the most essential
points" in advance in order to
provide a basis for discussion.
Prof. Woodly's
Funeral Suet
Funeral services will be held at
3:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Muehl-
Jig Funeral Chapel for Prof.
Clifford Woody of the education
school, nationally known educa-
tion expert and lecturer who died
Prof. Woody had been at the
University since 1921.
At the time of his death, he was
director of the Bureau of Educa-
tional Reference and Research
and graduate adviser to the State's
four teachers' colleges.
Dean James B. Edmondson of
the education school said his loss
'will be keenly felt by his associ-
ates as well as by the thousands
of graduate students whom he ad-
vised during his long connection
with the University."

DECIDING FACTORS-Wally Teninga (right) and Leo Koceski
(left) played brilliantly for the Wolverines in the last game of
the year. Teninga's long punts put Ohio State deep in their own
territ y, tn Koceskid'Donsistent ground-gaining, especially in
the last touchdown drive, were potent factors in the Michigan
victory. Koceski went all out to shine for his family and friends
who came to the game from his home in Cannonsburg, Pa.,
to see him for the first time this season.

AFL Extends
Invitation to
Miners' Union

TeamBand Come Honie
A fter Victorious March


by Convention'

ican Federation of Labor took an-
other step toward the elusive goal
of labor unity.
It invited John L. Lewis and his
600,000 miners to come back to
the fold.
Earlier in the AFL convention,
the delegates had approved a res-
olution inviting the CIO to return.
They declared the door was not
only open to the rival labor group
but said they were extending a
hand of welcome.
*' * *
THE LEWIS resolution said it
was a "deep shock" to the AFL
to learn of the miners' disaffilia-
tion last Dec. 12-after the bitter
convention fight in San Francisco.
Lewis had fought almost single-
handed to get the AFL to refuse
to sign non-Communist affidavits.
Although not a Communist,
he wanted to take that provi-
sion, which is the basis of elig-
ibility to use the National Labor
Relations Board, as the signal
for an all-out fight against the
Taft-Hartley Act.
Lewis lost at the San Francisco
convention, called the other AFL
leaders "intellectually fat and
stately asses," and said the fed-
eration "has no head; its neck
just grew and haired over."
BUT TODAY the AFL seemed
willing to forgive. The resolution
said "we do not here attempt to
explain or interpret the para-
doxes involved in this disaffilia-
Whatever may have motivated
the action, the resolution added,
"the march of events since then
has not shown a justification for
disaffiliation of the VMW from
the AFL and we -hope that the
union, mindful of the loss result-
ing from disaffiliation will recon-
sider its decision and rejoin their
parent body, the AFL."

The Wolverine warriors returned
late last night after their stellar
performance before 83,000 scream-
ing rooters who jammed the OSU
stadium yesterday.
Sharing the spotlight were the
victorious team and the Marching
Band, which under the direction
of William Revelli, turned in a
World :News
Round- Up
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON -- Catholic
bishops of the United States called
today for a change in the Supreme
Court ruling that religious sects
may not teach their beliefs in pub-
lic schools.
The decision was based on a
"novel interpretation" of the First
Amendment to the Constitution,
the bishops said in a sharply criti-
cal statement at the close of their
annual meeting here.
*' * *
l'ARIS - IThe United States
States announced its oppositionj
to a part of the British-support-
cd Bernadotte plan which would
slice the huge Negev desert from
Israel and give it to the Arabs.
The American position was
stated by U. S. delegate Philip
C. Jessup in the 58-member Po-
litical Committee of the United
Nations Assembly.
Jessup followed closely Presi-
dent Truman's declaration of
Oct. 24 that no reductions in Is-
rael's territory should be made
without full consent of the Jews.
* * *
KEY WEST, Fla. - President
Truman put away his slacks and
open-neck sports shirts to fly
back to Washington for impor-
tant peace talks.
A "wonderful" two weeks va-
cation ended, he boards the "In-j
dependence," at 11 a.m. today for
the four-hour flight to the White

display of its ability in an attempt
to prove to Ohio fans and Life
Magazine that they needed no
subsidized musicians to swell its
PROF. REVELLI, still hoarse
from cheering, could only say,
"The band put on what was prob-
ably the best performance they've
ever made, and I heartily thank
every student who helped to send
them down to Columbus."
In Revelli's opinion, yester-
day's clinching of the Big Nine
title was "one glorious day for
everyone. The band itself got
the largest and most friendly
reception it's ever had from
Ohio State fans."
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan, who
quietly returned to town last night
with half the team members, said,
"Today's victory made me very
happy. Ohio played a fine game
against us, and we had to push
through a very strong defense to
put over the touchdowns we need-
ed to win.'
Oosterbaan was generous in his
praise of the band. "They gave us
great support all year for which
we're very grateful."
Rig~'hts Denied
CARACAS, Verezuela- -U)-The
government suspended constitu-
tional guarantees of freedom of
press, speech and political meet-
ings today amid rumors that some
army officers are demanding a
cabinet shakeup.
The decree, issued by President
Romulo Gallegos after a meeting
of the cabinet, said it was made
necessary by "circumstances that
have created a state of alarm
which affects the economic and
social life of the nation."
The suspension will continue
until normal conditions are re-
stored, it was announced.

CIO Revokes
City Councils
Charter Right
Red Party-Label Put
On New York Group
PORTLAND, Ore. - (P) - The
CIO Executive Board has revoked
the charter of the New York City
CIO Council on the ground that
this body has given "slavish ad-
herence" to the Communist party
The decision, which CIO Presi-
dent Philip Murray said was by a
vote of 38 to 5, ends the case.
IN A JOINT statement, James
Durkin, president of the New York
City Council, and Saul Mills, ex-
ecutive secretary, said they will
not appeal the verdict of the CIO
convention next week.
They denied the charges of
Communist Party dictation, but
said they would accept the de-
cision in the interests of CIO
The Executive Board appointed
Louis Hollander, president of the
New York State CIO Council, to
take over all property and funds
of the city group and wind up all
its affairs.
THEN LATER, CIO officers will
determine when to issue a char-
ter to a new council and will set
a time for election of officers.
Officials of the New York City
Council stirred up CIO wrath
when they failed to reject Henry
Wallace's third party and neg-
lected to endorse the Marshall
Plan of aiding European coun-
The case is nationally important
because it is a major test in the
continuing warfare between the
right and left wings of the CIO.
Huron May
Be Cleaned
Nearby Huron River, widely
known for its fine carp-fishing op-
portunities, is going to be sub-
jected to an intensive study that
may result in carp-less cleanli-
A special sub-committee on
drainage and pollution in the Hu-
ron River and its tributaries has
been formed from the central
committee on water drainage and
pollution of the Detroit Metropoli-
tan Area Regional Planning Com-

going over 60 yards each. And it
was these long punts that kept
Michigan in the ball game.
They met an inspired Ohio State
team that would settle for nothing
less than the upset of the year.
They struck savagely over the
ground in the first period, but
their attack bogged down on the
Michigan 28, when Jim Clark fum-
bled and Wolverine end Ozzie
Clark pounced on it.
* * *
A FEW MOMENTS later it was
the Buckeyes' turn to capitalize
on a fumble. From Michigan 12,
Tom Peterson broke through tackle
and as he was being hit he lat-
eraled over Ortmann's head. Jack
Lininger, who played a great foot-
ball game for the Buckeyes fell
on it and it was Ohio's ball on
Michigan's 7.
But the Wolverine forward
wall, which will go down in his-
tory as one of the best, rose up
and stopped the Ohioans three
times. Then Jim Hague stepped
back to the Wolverine 26 and
from a bad angle he placed the
ball between the uprights for a
field goal and a 3-0 lead for
From then on, until late in the
second period, it was a punters
duel, with Joe Whisler and Tenin-
ga matching kicks.
** * *
WHISLER placed one out of
bounds on the Wolverine nine, late
in the second period and the Wol-
verines began to march. Ortmann
threw a long pass to Dick Rif en-
burg on the Michigan 43 which
was ruled complete because of in-
Pete Elliott then heaved a pass
to Ortmann on the Ohio 44 and
after two incomplete passes,
Ortmann hit Harry Allis on the
Buckeye 18 and Rifenburg
threw a key block as Allis' went
all the way unmolested. His kick
was good and Michigan led 7-3
with 5 minutes left in the half.
The third quarter looked like a
repeat of the first as the Scarlet
and Grey warriors came roaring
back. The second time the Buck-
eyes got the ball they started to
march from their own 24. In. 12
plays Pandel Savic and Jerry Krall
moved the ball to the Wolverine
20 yard stripe.
* * *
long pass toward the Wolverine
goal, but Elliott leaped high into
the air to snare the ball with a
back-handed catch and Michigan
was out of danger.
The game settled back to the
punting duel that carried on
about nine minutes of play re-
maining, it was anyone's ball
game. But here Teninga took over
for the injured Ortmann and
Michigan's second straight unde-
feated season and their 23rd vic-
tory in a row was assured.

OSU Roote rs
Still Berserk
Battle of Bands
Gets Ohio Cheers
(Soecial to The Daily)
COLUMBUS, O.-Despite Michi-
gan's win over a fighting OSU
eleven there was little let-down
in this football-mad town last
Excitement bordering on hys-
teria had been building up in the
Buckeye capital all week. It cul-
minated yesterday afternoon when
nearly 83,000 frenzied fans jammed
into the horseshoe-shaped sta-
dium to see Michigan edge Ohio
VIEWING the hard-fought bat-
tle as a moral victory, OSU root-
ers were still defiantly singing "We
don't give a damn for the whole
state of Michigan" as they
streamed from the stadium.
Earlier the wildly partisan
homecoming throng had rocked
the stadium with cheers follow-
ing each Buckeye scoring at-
During the highly-touted half-
time battle of the bands they ap-
plauded the Michigan marching
band but really tore the roof off
in cheering their own musical
* * *
THE FAMED Michigan march-
ing band, whose trip to Columbus
was largely financed by student
contributions, had polished the
old routines and snappily high-
stepped through their part of the
half-time show.
Yesterday's gridiron tilt cli-
maxed the Buckeye homecoming
celebration which had featured
parades, queens, parties and
dances. Nightspots and hotels
were filled with celebrating OSU
and Michigan rooters.
Brisk trading was going on in
scarce ducats all weekend with
some promoters asking-and get-
ting--as much as $50 for midfield
The game itself was played un-
der a grey sky with raw winds
sending the temperatures down to
the low 40's. Low temperatures
had fans resorting to flrewater
flasks to ward off the chill and
police were kept busy rounding up
inebs aates.
News Manager
Dies Suddenly

Family Life Still Intact - Just Stripped of Trimmiings

DETROIT - (/1)-- American
family life isn't breaking up--it's
just being stripped of the old

family functions, which has led
to predictions of a break-up.
"In reality," Hertel maintains,
"the way is now open for more at-

This is one of the chief func-
tions of the Family Service Asso-
ciation, which includes 240 com-
munity agencies, about 20 of them

-in church, school and commu-
nity activities. Social responsibili-
ties should be introduced at any
early age."

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