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November 19, 1948 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-11-19

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Hail Tradition

"AR^RAH' r"ay be coming back to Ann
After several enjoyable decades of exile,
this "spirited' manifestation of nonsense"
can easily banish forever the present feeling
of scholarliness that has given the campus
an air of intellectual respectability.
However it's all still the brain-child of
Bill Gripman, member of the Student
Legislature, who has assumed the toga
of investigator and with shovel in hand
unearthed this long abandoned skeleton.
His plan for a "Frosh-Soph Week" is a
pretty watered down version of the riots of
olden days, but it still stands as the opening
gun in a revival of adolescence that could
easily get out of hand.
Without benefit of pollsters, let us as-
sume that John Q. Average-Student has
found the fountain of youth and grown
younger. We can predict the following:
More struggling freshmen will be be-
deviled by other things than bluebooks and
the percentage of flunks will grow propor-
Spiritedness between small groups of
Freshmen and Sophomores will get out of
hand and the victors and vanquished
will compromise over in Health Service.
Constructive school spirit-which has
sent the Marching Band to OSU, opposed the
speakers' ban, created Michigras and con-
tributed to such campaigns as the support
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members. of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

of our sister University in the Philippines-
will give way to useless outbursts of energy.
Residence athletic teams will be neglected
as scholars confine themselves to tugging
on ropes, bowing to each other and paddling
The present attendance at guest lec-
tures, which is at best pathetic, will drop
to new lows. Speakers will be able to
accommodate their audiences in telephone
Student groups, already under attack for
representing only thin slices of student opin-
ion, will find themselves ever lesser repre-
sentatives of the campus.
In general, the august air of intellectual-
ism will give way to rowdyism.
But don't think these will be the only
results. Far deeper, but of much more sig-
nificance will be the general changes in phi-
losophy that militant school spirit engenders.
Danger of creating a vigorous class sys-
tem exists. Too great a distinction is placed
on school rank and other factors. This
often results in intolerance and snobbery
among our supposedly better educated
And the whole precept of utilitarianism
on which modern philosophy is based would
give way to foolishness, wasted time and
last of appreciation of modern values.
What we do here-the good ideas we
develop and support, and the pre-con-
ceived notions we harbor in our minds-
will go with us for the rest of our lives
and become the things the nation does
over the next half-century.
Evidently there is no place for traditional
campus rowdyism in a changing and pro-
gressing world.
-Craig H. Wilson.

At Lydia Mendelssohn filmed. Perhaps the pacing of the action and
the perennial agitation of some of the char-
CARMEN, with Charlie Chaplin. THE acters may seem dated to modern eyes, but
GHOST GOES WEST, with Robert Donat, this only serves to add to the hilarity.
Jean Parker, and Eugene Pallette. THE GHOST GOES WEST takes the
antics of a vengeful Scotch ghost as its
HUMAN PRETENTIOUSNESS becomes the initial theme. From there it broadens its
target for the jibes of both the film scope to poke fun (if in a more restrained
classics making up the Art Cinema bill this fashion than CARMEN) at quite a variety
week. of institutions. Such things as dissimilar
The deathless Chaplin comedy makes as Scottish feuds and American bour-
great sport of the Bizet opera and al- geoisie become objects of merriment.
though some opera-lovers may feel this is The plot concerns the sale of a haunted
treading on sacred ground, I think the ma- eastle fated for transportation abroad, and
jority will be much amused by this hilari the ensuing complications. We also receive
ous nonsense. for once the catharsis of being able to laugh
The great pantomimist and his team of at the English stereotyping of Americans in-
equally apt burlesquers perform with great stead of vice versa. Good for the soul and
relish, and, for the most part, their cari- for the post-midsemester blues.
catures are as funny now as when they were -Carol Anderson.
At the Michigan . .. At the State ...
HOLLOW TRIUMPH, with Paul Henreid MAN-EATER OF KUMAON, with Sabu
and Joan Bennett. and Friendly Tiger.
(. HENRY would be right proud of the 1HATE TO BE a wet blanket-but this
popularity of his ironical denouements is a DAMN DULL PICTURE!
with today's overworked script writers. And Nothing happens!
this one is done quite well, if like a good It's not that Friendly Tiger doesn't carry
little movie fan you will hang on patiently his end of the deal. He is a fine, big Friendly
and credibly through the myriad of incidents Tiger, who does everything his trainer tells
that are contrived to get Paul Henreid into him to do. And he doesn't maul anybody
theto .Ainaldoen'cornery.dy
the final corner. onthe set but the cloth dummies.
It's a double identity job, with Paul as
the hunted "hero" who encounters his Yes, indeed, he is a fine Tiger. He deserves
respectable double and decides to change a big hunk of rare director.
character rather than trains the rest of Unfortunately, I can't say as much for
his rather perilous life. It ain't easy to Sabu. The Elephant Boy has put on some
change lives in middle age, in fact, one of weight since we saw him last, but has not
my smaller ambitions is to see it done changed otherwise. In this vehicle, he does
outside the cinema, but Paul is smart, oh most of his acting with his big soulful eyes.
so smart. This is nice-because he sounds like Peter
Neither scars nor brothers nor blondes can Lorre.
halt his shifty shift, but secretary Joan
Bennett introduces the love element, which The rest of the cast is unimpressively
is bigger than both of him. If you have adequate, and the set is crammed full of
willingly swallowed all the coincidences and scenic backdrops and potted plants. But
contrivances along the way, you will feel nothing happens. It's just a mess of trumped
that the end justifies your diet, but Miss up emotion, endless bungling, and misery.
Bennett doesn't quite deserve so many tears The camera caught one swell shot of the
on her mascara. If here is a typical case it's Tiger looking hungry, which is used and re-
a wonder most career girls don't start look- used until one thinks of dinner . . . which
ing for a double to move in on. provides a fine excuse to escape.
-Gloria Hunter. -Bob White.

Please sign rny-
HE NEVER SAW you before aid-from
his brusque manner - he apparently
cares not whether he ever sees you again.
But a numbered page is thrust in front of
you with an abrupt "Are you in lit school?
Please sign my petition."
More often than not, you sign. You
haven't the foggiest notion of what he
stands for or against, but you've gotten
rid of him with no muss, no fuss and
very little bother.
But in doing so you've helped defeat the
very purpose of petitioning: to make sure
that the candidate is actually representative
of those who have signed his petition.
There's no point in being obnoxious about
signing. After all, each candidate in the up-
coming student elections has to go out on
his own and round up from 75 to 150 sig-
natures, and he can't oblige every crank who
wants an individual ten-minute campaign
speech as the price of his signature.
So if you know the candidate well
enough, directly or indirectly, to think he'd
make a good office-holder, by all means
sign his petition pronto.
But if you've never heard of him before,
you might ask him for a one-minute sketch
of his background and of what he proposes
to do if elected. And, of course, you're well
within your rights in simply refusing to sign
a petition.
If more of us-a lot more of us-had this
attitude, we'd eliminate the cavalier care-
lessness in handling petitions that has re-
sulted in the recent postponement of stu-
dent elections, and our ballots wouldn't be
quite such a bewildering welter of unknowt
names. In short, we'd have a more represen-
tative, more responsible student government.
-Art Higbee.
I DO NOT BELIEVE any great public pas-
sion will develop around the question of
whether the Republicans are going to ap-
point some liberal to be their voice in Con-
gress, in place of Senator Taft. A few weeks
or months ago, this would have seemed a
matter of great importance. The naming of
a liberal Republican as party spokesman
would have been a great victory for the
But a dynamic change has taken place
as a result of the election. As matters stand
now, if the Republicans do not name a
liberal spokesman, they will lose out; the
people will not lose. It is the Republican,
not the popular, future which hangs in
If they don't want to do it, they don't want
to do it, as the saying goes. And the pop-
ulace will not wait for bulletins nor will it
shed tears. The choice is entirely up to the
GOP. If it prefers to remain in the glue in
which it found itself stuck on election day,
that is on the whole a private choice of
the party bigwigs, invested with only faint,
if any public interest.
If the Republican liberals, such as Sen-
ator Aiken, of Vermont, really wish to
transform their party (and I repeat that
this is a matter of rather more import-
ance to them than to the people) they
will have to behave a little bit more as
if the iron had entered their souls.
For the plain truth is that, regardless of
what decision the Republican party takes,
whether to have liberal or conservative
leadership, the people will not lose. The
public is just not on the receiving end any
And it must be a hard thing, I feel, for
the strategists of the GOP to understand
this shift that has taken place. For the
mistake the Republicans made during the

last election was not just the surface one
of guessing wrong as to how the totals would
come out. It was a mistake of a much deeper
order; it was like a mistake in noting which
way a stream flows, or a wind blows. It was
a mistake in orientation. or years it must
have seemed to the GOP that the center of
national events lay within its councils, that
events moved outward from this center as
from a control room, that here the signals
were given and the dials twisted to produce
the national future.
It now turns out that this wasn't the
control room at all, that the dials were
dummies, that events really flow the
other way. What was supposed to be the
center of the circle turns out to have been
only a point on the circumference. The
really woeful figure in the last election
was the dogmatic Congressman, full of
the certainty that he was telling the world
what life was going to be like in years
to come, only to find in the end that he
wasn't telling anybody anything, but was
in fact merely learning of his own fate,
by telegraph.
And so the question of what sort of lead-
ership the Republican party is to have is no
longer even a national question; it isa pri-
vate question. It may determine what hap-
pens to the nation. And it is not altogether
a bad principle for a democracy to set up,
that, within reasonable limits, a mistake
made by a public figure, shall, so far as
possible, hurt only himself and nobody else.
(Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation)
A S COMMUNIST strength rises in China,

"As A Last Resort We Could Try Decent Government"

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The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in whichj
they are received all letters bearing]
the writer's signature and address.-
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
, , ,
Re: Amherst
To the 'Editor:
AS A GRADUATE of Amherst
. ,College I was interested in
your story on the revocation of
the charter of the local Phi Kappa
Psi chapter there because it
pledged a Negro. While not a
member of Phi Psi, I know the
fellow involved and cannot help
but feel that he would be an asset
to any group.
It is disappointing to find that
the Michigan chapter defends the
action of the national group,
which seemshplainly discrimina-
tory. I understand that there are
fraternities for Negroes here, and
Mr. Tennent seems to feel that
this is good reason 'for backing'
the national. At Amherst, how-
ever, there are no fraternities
based" on either race or religion,
and a Negro must join a regular
fraternity or be an independent.
With only about eight Negroes in
the College there is no other an-
swer. The fact that Michigan has
another set-up (whether good or
bad) is no reason for prohibiting
a Negro in the national frater-
nity when the local decided unan-
imously that he would make a
good member.
This is hardly an isolated case
since this type of thing has hap-
pened at other colleges (the Uni-
versity of Vermont, for example).
In fact, Phi Kappa Psi is the sec-
ond Amherst fraternity since the
war to leave the national over
questions of race or religion. The
other was Delta Tau Delta. The
action of the national fraternity
is to be condemned as are those
who approve such action. Support
of discrimination in a case such
as this by the supposed future
leaders of our nation should cause
all Americans to consider what
their country's future is to be.
-Richard D. Andrews.
To the Editor:
T HE NERVE of the Amherst
chapter of Phi Kappa Psi.
Don't you agree with me Mr. Ten-
Why should they want to pledge
a Negro when there are SPECIAL
fraternities for them.

Why should a Negro be dissatis-
fied with Jim Crow rules when
there are special places provided
for them. Like the back of a bus,
last row in the theatre, the other
side of the sidewalk and even the
rear door of restaurants.
So what if we have lost our con-
science, Mr. Tennent, by restrict-
ing Phi Kappa Psi. We can always
-George Krell.
To the Editor:
MOST OF THE East Quad men
more-or-less enjoy serenading,
and on behalf of our less-appre-
ciatives we apologize for past dis-
However, perhaps the decrease
in appreciation has been caused
by an increased amount of off-
the-cuff caterwauling by wander-
ing groups that has several times
gone on all night.
Two discourtesies add up to
nothing but discourtesy, however.
Caterwauling, no. Serenading, yes.
We'll attempt to improve things

-Frank Whitehouse:
* * *



Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the Presient, Room 1021
Angell Hal, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Satur-
days.) ,
VOL. LIX, No. 51
"Messiah" Stand-in Quartet
Tryonts: Members of the Choral
Union who desire to try out for
the stand-in solo parts for the
"Messiah" performances, will
please confer with Conductor Les-
ter McCoy in Room 111, rear of
Hill Auditorium; or make appoint-
ments at the offices of the Uni-
versity Musical Society in Burton
Memorial Tower.
Over the Thanksgiving Holiday
women students will have 12:30
permission on Nov. 24 and 11 p.m.
on Nov. 25.
Football-game broadcast par-
ties for the Ohio State game have
been authorized for Sat., Nov. 20,
from 2-5 p.m. for the following
Acacia, Alpha Kappa Psi, Del-
ta Kappa Epsilon, Phi Gamma
Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, Psi Upsilon,
Sigma Chi, Theta Delta Chi, Win-
chell House.
Students intending to apply for
admission to the College of Liter,
ature, Science, and the Arts, for
the Spring Semester on transfer
from any other school on campus
must have their applications and
all necessary transcripts on file in
the Office of Admissions with Ad-
vanced Standing, 1209 Angell Hall,
on or before January 1, 1949.
Women Students wishing to be
away Thursday night, Nov. 25,
must secure permission from the
Office of the Dean of Women.
Housemothers may grant over-
night permission for Wed., Nov.
Approved social events for the
coming weekend:
November 19
Deutscher Verein, East Quad,
Jordan Hall, Phi Sigma Delta,
Stockwell Hall.
November 20
Adelia Cheever House, Alpha
Delta Phi, Alpha Kappa Kappa,
Alpha Sigma Phi, Beta Theta Pi,
Delta Sigma Delta, Delta Tau
Delta, Hillel Foundation, Lloyd
House, Michigan Christian Fel-
lowship, Phi Kappa Psi, Philip-
pine-Michigan Club, Phi Sigma
Kappa, Stevens House, Theta
Delta Chi, Theta Xi, Triangle,
Winchell House, Zeta Psi
November 21
West Lodge Dorm 8
Mr. W. H. Nance, of North
American Aviation, Los Angeles,
California, will be here Nov. 23 to
interview Aeronautical, Mechani-
cal and Civil Engineering grad-
uates in the February class (B.S.
and M.S.). Obtain application
forms from Rm. 1079 E. E. Bldg.
The Public Schools of the Dis-
trict of Columbia, announces ex-
aminations for licenses to teach in
the District's schools. Examina-

tions in several elementary and
secondary fields will be given Dec.
15-17. For further information,
call at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall.
University Lecture: Dr. Fran-
cisco Curt Lange, Director of the
Instituto Interamericano de Mu-
sicologia, Montevideo, Uruguay,
8 p.m., Mon., Nov. 22, Rackham
Lecture Hall. Sponsored by the
School of Music, the Department
of Romance Languages and the
Latin-American Student Society,
the lecture on "The Evolution of
Latin-American Primitive, Folk,
Popular, and Art Music," will be
open to the general public. Fol-
lowing the lecture Dr. Lange will
be guest of honor at a public re-
ception at the International Cen-
Economics Lecture: Dr. David
McCord Wright, professor of eco-
nomics and lecturer in law at the
University of Virginia, will speak
on "Freedom and the Administra-
tive State,"kTues., Nov. 23, 4:15
p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre;
auspices of the Department of Eco-
nomics. The public is invited.
John Mason Brown, noted critic,
author and lecturer will speak to-
night at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Audi-
torium as the third number on
the 1948-49 Lecture Course. Tick-
ets may be purchased today from
10 a.m.-8:30 p.m. in the audito-
rium box office.
Economics Club Lectwe: Dr.
David McCord Wright, professor
cf economics and lecturer in law
at the University of Virginia, will
speak on "Toward a Coherent
Anti-Trust Policy," Mon., Nov. 22,
7:45 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium.
Note change from the usual meet-
ing place. The public is invited.
Sigma XI: Dr. Joseph Kaplan,
national lecturer, will speak on
the topic "The Upper Atmosphere
of the Earth," Rackham Amphi-
theatre, Mon., Nov. 22, 8 p.m. This
meeting is open to the public.
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar:
4 p.m., Fri., Nov. 19, Rm. 319 W.
Medical Bldg. Subject: "Growth
Factors Associated with Protein-
Strepogenin and the Animal Pro-
tein Factor (Vitamin B12?)." All
interested are invited.
Elements of Design from the
Museum of Modern Art, New York;
through Dec. 3, Lobby, Architec-
tural Bldg.
Events Today
History Department Tea 4-6 p.m.
p.m., Rackham Assembly Hall for
faculty and graduate students of
the department. Faculty and stu-
dents' wives are cordially invited.
Hawaii Club: Meeting, 7 p.m.,
Rm. 3A, Michigan Union.
.Student Religious Associatio)
Coffee Hour: 4:30 p.m., Lane Hall.
Wesleyan Guild: Daniel Boone
party, 8:45 p.m., Social Hall, First
Methodist Church.

Letters to the Editor ...

Roger Williams Guild: "Open
House" 8:30 p.m., Guild House.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Sabbath Evening Services, 7:45
p.m. fQllowed by a talk on "The
Undergraduate and Social Respon-
sibility" by Dr. Roger Heynes of
the Psychology Dept., 8:30 p.m.
Delta Epsilon Pi, Hellenic Club:
Finail n ieating before the Conven-
tion to beheld Thanksgiving week-
end In Ann Arbor, 7 p.m., Rm. 3-B
Michigan Union. All students of
Greek descent and Phil-Hellenes
are invited.
Art Cinema League presents
Charlie Chaplin's burlesque on
"Carmen" and "The Ghost Goes
West" at 8:30 p.m., Friday and
Saturday, Lydia Mendelssohn
Mendelssdhn Theatre. All seats
reserved;, phone 6300.
Coming Events
Gallery Talk, by Prof. Jean Paul
Slusser, Director of the Museum
of Art, on Contemporary Paint-
ings from the Albright Art Gal-
lery; Museum of Art, Alumni Me-
morial Hall, 3:30 p.m., Sun., Nov.
21. The public is invited.
Graduate Outing Club meet
Sun., Nov. 21, northwest entrance,
Rackham Building for ice-skating.
Sign supper list at Rackham
checkroom desk before noon Sat-
urday. All graduates welcome.
Hiawatha Club: Meeting, Mon.,
Nov. 22, 7:30 p.m., Kalamazoo
Room, Michigan League. All stu-
dents from the Upper Peninsula
are urged to attend.
Inter-Guild Council: Lane Hall,
Sun., Nov. 21, 2:30-4 p.m. Agenda:
the reorientation of policy.
I.Z.F.A.: Regional Seminar, Nov.
26 through Nov. 28. For infor-
mation and reservations call John
Hofman 2-7786.
Hillel Foundation: Dogpatch
Stomp, Sat., Nov. 20, 8-12 p.m.
Blue Jeans. Members free.

Fifty-Ninth Year

To the Editor:
TO THE residents of 1108 Hill
and surrounding sororities:
Congratulations to your recent-
ly pinned sister.'We of East Quad
are so heavenly pleased! And we
too glory in the ivy-covered tradi-
tions that prevail between frats
and sats. But gods of Olympus!
Must we be subjected to "beauti-
fully sung music" at one and two
o'clock in the morning? (And, yea,
sometimes at three!) Be reason-
able, oh ye fun-loving sorors. We
at the Quad are here primarily--
believe it or not-to attend classes
at the University of Michigan.
And somehow being roused from
study or sleep in the. wee hours
of the morn by a group of well-
meaning frat boys 'is no pleasant
occurrence. And let me add that
on more than one occasion have
we been disturbed at 3 a.m. by a
group of drunken students making
sad attempts at serenading you
lovely damsels. Please girls, give
us a break. Let us sleep. Let us
study. By all means have your fun,
your gay times, your joyous tradi-
tions, but let's limit them to week-
ends, or at least conclude them
by midnight on weekdays.
-Martin Lee,
Carlas Meding,
and Other East Quad
H ARRY S. TRUMAN appears to
be more indebted to the
farmer than to labor for, his elec-
tion to the Presidency. Without
the aid of the farmer, labor was
able to give the electoral votes
of only two states-Rhode Island
and Massachusetts to Mr. Tru-
-U.S. News.


Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ...Managing Editor
Dick Maloy ................City Editor
Naomi Stern.......Editorial Directo
Allegra Pasqualetti ... .Associate Editor
Arthur Higbee ........Associate Editor
Murray Grant.........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey ......Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery........Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ..................Librarian
1$usiness Staff
Richard Halt......Business Manages
Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager
William Culman .....Finance Manager
Cole Christian ....Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reerved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class matl
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,


EZIO PINZA sang last night before a
large and wildly enthusiastic audience.
Becoming increasingly dependent upon his
prepossessing appearance and his beautiful
enunciation of Italian to carry him through
his repertoire, Pinza uses mezzo-voce much
more frequently than he has in the past, and
frequently quite unjustifiably. Thus, when
he interjected it for no apparent reason
in Randall Thompson's "The Velvet Shoes"
he marred a good interpretation. The same
difficulty arose earlier in the program, when
he sang two songs similar in subject, Da
Gigliano's "Dormi, amore" from Floridante
and a Pasquini aria. The first was an ex-

come Mr. Pinza's standard interpretation,
and while it may be highly amusing, leaves
much to be desired musically. His mugging,
however, was extremely successful in con-
veying Legrenzi's "Che fiero costume"
(which is just as enjoyable when sung ar-
tistically) and the three Piedmontese folk-
songs arranged by Sinigaglia.
Most of Mr. Pinza's best efforts were in
non-Italian music, since he then frequently
has to consider the music. Faure's "La
prison" and Forsyth's "The Bell Man" were
rewarding, because Mr. Pinza, after due con-
sideration of the works, emerged with an
understanding and effective interpretation.


I The floor of the room disintegrated 1
from under you? You were-doused by
invisible water? And hit by a brick x

It won't be easy to drive a malicious Ghost
like that out of your house, Mr. Merrie. As
I told the reporters, he'll be'very-tenacious!

If Mr. Morrie had only just TOLD me (j
he didn't want me here! ... Goodbye-

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