-i. . - C - i i .l [ Y i. rid r f3. i 4f3 i YlT.a.l .M . c1Ai4Y3.\ ?'sYi TiB~° AL -LJL v.aa a. .ss. a. . V Ill V I4MU5KLeLVv -LOS Trite Brotherhood? A CONSPIRACY has begun at Amherst-a conspiracy against the one phase of fra- ternal life which is based on double-talk and not on the principle of brotherhood which underlies the fraternity system. Alpha Chapter of Phi Kappa Psi be- lieved in the principle. They insisted on pledging and initiating a Negro into their chapter despite the amassed sentiment of their national organization in opposition: For this the chapter had its charter re- voked. But it has not stopped them. The chapter announced it will continue with the initiation, and its alumni council, meeting last week, failed even to discuss the situation, seemingly giving tacit ap- proval to the chapter's action. The local chapter of Phi Psi says that be- cause of the fact that the fraternity system as it is established at Michigan provides for all races and groups, this chapter was in agreement with the action of the national organization. This sounds like the beginning of the Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. argument expressed by the white suprem- acists of the South. It rationalizes that because there are equal facilities for the different groups, no effort should be made to make them one united body. It says that the personal desires of the Alpha chapter are not to be considered, although the membership voted unanimously to accept the Negro student into its ranks. The action of Amherst has struck a blow at the disease which threatens to decay the fraternity system. It is because they are a group united by common interests that they are a fraternity. This is the idea behind the fraternal system. They have not been lim- ited in their choice of brothers by artificial restrictions put on them by an outside force. If the brotherhood idea is to continue, it must grow, just as the nation is growing under the interpretations of our courts and the stand of our president on the ques- tion of civil rights and racial and religious equality. We believe that the idea of brotherhood, of which the fraternity system is but one phase, will develop if given a chance and not hindered by arbitrary limitations. It has as much a place in the constitution of a fraternity as it has in the constitution of our country. -Al Blumrosen Don McNeil NIGHT EDITOR: MARY STEIN 041" Everybody' WITH THE CORDIAL extension of Thanksgiving Day invitations to foreign students on campus, the stereotyped Amer- ican version of hospitality has taken on a new and finer meaning in our university. For too long, the main root of college sentiment has been centered solely in the welfare of its native students, with marked indifference as to the spreading out of the foreign wel- come mat. Now it is evident, for a weekend at least, that this attitude has been re- vamped to give foreign students a real flavoring of democratic tradition. To maintain that our exchange classmates will appreciate the plan's endorsement is a masterpiece of understatement. Such a move, insignificant as it may seem, should go far in cementing amicable relations between these students. Although the situation may appear rela- tively unimportant, it is actually far from that. The festivities planned by Ann Arbor civic groups, student religious societies and Greek organizations, will enable representa- tives of 46 foreign nations, having at the least one more year of study here, to secure 'S Turkey a more helpful insight into the American hearth. besides partaking of the traditional tur- key-and-cranberry feast, a year-round for- mula for the enlightenment of foreign men and women is definitely in order. Increases in activities designed for their behalf have been proposed repeatedly, but only politicians cling to the patter of little feats. Words are of no avail, but with the advent of these Thanksgiving Day invitations, new hope emerges for creation of a coordinated intra- student setup. We know they are our friends, but can we, normally self-satisfied with the edu- cational and social privileges we consider inherent, feel certain how we stack up in their eyes? The only way to eliminate all traces of skepticism is to show them that here we mean business, and that in a state university, as typical a slice of good -fellowship that exists in the country, in- terest in their acclimation runs high. This Turkey Day deal is a beautiful start- er; let's hope the idea isn't killed just as suddenly. -Don Kotite. (Editor's Note is written by Managing Editor Harriett Friedman.) THIS UNIVERSITY'S student body has handed opponents of student self-gov- ernment the best argument they've had in a long time. The current election petitioning debacle could be taken as a sign that students here simply do not understand what responsibility means. By presenting illegal petitions, candi- dates not only showed no respect for the "rules of the game," but for rules which had been laid down by their fellow stu- dents, and laid down, not just for the fun of it, but to make elections really re- flect student opinion. Evidently students think that signatures are required on petitions only to make it more difficult to run for office. But any candidate who believes himself competent to hold office, should be intelligent enough to realize that the petition requirements are set up as one way of insuring real represen- tation. First of all, the demand for 75 or 150 signatures is a method of having candi- dates show that their election is really desired by some portion of the student body. Second, the requirement that petitioners obtain the signatures themselves, was set up to make sure that a candidate at least was seen by that many voters, and by the voters who supposedly want him in office. On a campus this size, without a party system, ordinary nominating procedures are impossible, and except for major cam- pus figures, personal knowledge of candi- dates is just as difficult. So with the hope that at least 150 people would meet a candidate and, in effect, nominate him, student governing boards formulated the present petition system. Unfortunately almost all candidates ig- nored the whole business and went about their merry way, having friends pass peti- tions around in classes or just stop some- one along the street, and say: "If you're a student, sign here." The whole petition mess could undoubt- edly have bad effects on plans for more student self-rule. When one considers the constant chafing at University-imposed controls and the coupled demands for stu- dent rule, the action of these students in disregarding their own decisions is simply self-destruction. My own opinion is that those candidates who failed to show enough interest to collect their own petition signatures, from the pro- per school groups and then check them for authenticity, no longer merit consideration for office. But perhaps this year's mistakes will serve as a lesson. We can only hope that future candidates will act sufficiently in good faith to prove that students are capable of handling their own affairs. I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: "The Big Puish On Washington Had A Setback Too" NANKI "" ' NR Ki > -. 1 f 1 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Letters to the Editor ... Of Cars and Democracy F OR YEARS; 'American journalists, broad- casters and politicians have told Euro- peans that political freedom is "the main thing," but there seems to be a new gen- eration of propagandists who believe we can save Europe's people from Communism by telling them how rich we are, over here. As a defensive argument, the line that American Capitalistic workers are not the prisoners of starvation that the Kremlin might want them to be does very well. It shows that in the Worker's Paradise. the laboring man must slave for perhaps 18 hours to buy what the American work- er can get by the productive labor of one hour. But this is as far as the argument goes. Any further attempt to exploit American liv- ing standards as an appeal to pure material- ism is dangerous. We cannot simultaneously claim that the United States is a fine place because we have democracy and at the same time assert that it is the car in every garage that makes America God's country. The "New York Times" of Nov. 14 has an interesting bit about a railroad engineer recording a talk for a "Voice of America" broadcast to Germany. The article says he is "the latest of many American work- ers and professional men to be heard in Department of State broadcasts in an attempt to convince German working and professional men that freedom of speech and a car in the garage are worth the entire collected works of Karl Marx, com- plete with slogans and brass bands." This may sound like a compromise be- tween "idealism" and "materialism," al- though the equation: "free speech plus car equals complete edition of Marx plus slogans plus brass bands" may be puzzling. But really it is just confusing, because later in the article a "Voice" official explains that the short talks "confine themselves to facts about the standard of living of the labor union member and the doctor, lawyer and school teacher in the United States." Are we now going to say that political freedom is just a means toward a higher living standard? Are we going to invite Europeans to look toward us as a rich relative, a sort of "Uncle Shylock" who can outbid Communist competitors in the mar- ket of good will? How long can we expect any people's support if we say we are, better because we are richer? The second simple explanation is that the United States has the raw materials and the hla~r rflirt nP~nP'~ a'rv finr a.hala~n Penn and Free Enterprise should neither be pre- sented as something that will give you three square meals a day, nor yet as an abstract concept that is fine even if you starve while enjoying it, but rather as a way by which people will be best off in the long run, both physically and spiritually. -John Neufeld. Looking Back 'q 50 YEARS AGO TODAY: The Board of Regents made the following appropriations: 262 yards of matting for the Law Library; $300 for a refrigerator; and $300 to repair the ice house. The total cost of running the University for the previous year was $551,471.72. $328,406.39 was received from the state, $213,266.81 from earnings, and $177,373.62 from student fees. 30 YEARS AGO TODAY: A front page editorial deplored the lack of student contributions to the United War Work Campaign. It pointed out that Mich- igan has contributed more men to the army than any other college. After producing the best football team in the country despite the influenza epidemic, the slackening off in war work was surprising, the editorial de- clared. 20 YEARS AGO TODAY: Play Production issued private invitations only to their production of "The Intruder." The Coliseum, after being closed for three years due to damage caused by fire, was ready to reopen with a refurbished interior. 1 YEAR AGO TODAY: The local chapter of the American Vet- erans Committee started a survey of the student vets cost of living as a preliminary to renewed pressure for government subsist- ence increases under the GI Bill. -From the Pages of The Daily. A TRUMAN NEW DEAL, to take shape in 1949, will center around subsidies and social - insurance programs, more than around new controls for business. Low-rent public housing, aid to education, bigger old- age pensions, health insurance, insurance against disability, all are,-high on the list. There is to be something for everybody, from cradle to grave. Costs, eventually, will be high as programs are enacted and grow. fliaao,' nonm1 1 fit. * m .khn .n.*. nl n 'Rest of World' By SAMUEL GRAFTON THE PLEA by Dr. Herbe'rt V. Evatt and Mr. Trygve Lie to the Big Four powers to get together and make peace is of historic importance. Most American commentators have re- acted to the Evatt-Lie proposals with rath- er startled expressions. They seem to won- der where that noise came from. It came from the world, my lords. It came from the very world which we consider we are saving, and which the Russians, too, say hotly they are saving--but it is a world which doesn't really want to be "saved" by anybody; it just wants peace. "There is no question," says a New York Times report from Paris," . . . that the ap- peal reflected the general feeling of many nations not directly involved in the Berlin dispute." And it is a wonderful thing to hear "the rest of the world" speak up, to see a new force developing in world affairs, with peace aims of its own. It is a fearful piece of bus- iness to have the world divided between just two conflicting tendencies, and we have been a little pert and a little smug in ac- cepting this pattern, in welcoming it and even gloating over it. But the initial American comments on the Evatt-Lie proposals are, I find myself com- pelled to say, very disheartening. One editorialist moans that the trouble with the Evatt-Lie statement is that it doesn't take sides. Obviously, he says, our cause is better than Russia's, and the Evatt-Lie communication should have re- flected that fact, and should not have treated us and the Russians on equal levels. One must be pretty far along in anger to feel that every statement made in this world, plus, perhaps, the testimony of the stars in their courses and the daisies in the field, must be testimony on our side. Another essayist complains that new Big Four conversations would bypass the United Nations. One wonders when this dreary chestnut is going to be dispensed with. One can "bypass" the UN to make war; but there is no such thing as "bypassing" the UN to make peace. What has happened, perhaps, is that we have so convinced ourselves that we speak (Continued from Page 2) program of songs and operatic arias by Cavalli, Handel, Legren- 21, Pasquinia Mozart, Faure, Zan- donai and Verdi. and Cecil For- syth, Randall Thompson and Vir- gil Thomson. Tickets are available at the of- fices of the University Musical So- ciety in Burton Memorial Tower during the day; and at the Hill Auditorium box office on the night of the concert at 7 p.m. Exhibitions Museum of Art, Alumni Memo- rial Hall: Contemporary Paintings from the Albright Art Gallery; through Nov. 24. Daily 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sundays, 2-5 p.m. The pub- lic is invited. Events Today Student Faculty hour: 4 p.m., Grand Rapids Room, Michigan League. Music school will be guests. Co-sponsored by Assembly and Pan-hel associaions. International Center weekly tea for all foreign students and American friends. 4:30-6 p.m., In- ternational Center. Hostesses: Mrs. Arthur Dunham and Mrs. Harold Wethey. Gilbert and Sullivan Society: Rehearsal for "Yeoman" for all the chorus and principals, 7:15 p.m., Michigan League. Room will be posted. Arts Chorale: Work meeting, 7 p.m., Rm. 506 Burton Tower. Meet- ing will adjourn in time for the Pinza Concert. Tau Beta Pi: Dinner meeting, 6 p.m., Michigan Union. La p'tite causette: 3:30 p.m., Grill Room, Michigan League. U. of M. Radio Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 1084 E. Engineering Bldg. Tour of radio station WHRV near Ypsilanti. Alpha Phi Omega, Service Fra- ternity: General meeting and elec- tions, Michigan Union, 7 p.m. U. of M. Rifle Club: Firing, 7- 9:30 p.m., ROTC range. Executive meeting. Winter Carnival: Mass meetings for all persons in- terested in working on the Win- ter Carnival, 5 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Rm. 3S, Michigan Union. Committee for Displaced Stu- dents: General meeting, 7 p.m., Tea Room, Michigan League. Agenda : Committee policy, Sub- committee rpots Financial re- port, Publicity, PlaIcemnent of first three students. AVC meetin: 7:30 p.m., Michi- gan Union. Election of Correspond- ing Secretary, and formation of committees. Council, Student Religious As- sociation: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall. University of Michigan Dames' D~ranma Group will meet at the home of Mrs. James Livingston, 417 Eighth Street. Mrs. La Verne Pitcher is transportation chair- man, phone 2-7483. February 1949 graduates in Engi- neering: The Firestone Tire & Rubber Company Representatives will pre- sent a sound film at 5 p.m. in Rm. 229 W. Engineering Bldg. This is preliminary to their interviews in the Department of Mechanical Engineering on Fri., Nov. 19, and in the Chemical-Metallurgical En- gineering Department on Mon., Nov. 22, but is open to all those interested in seeing the film, "The Building of a Tire." Interviews are arranged in the respective Depart- ments. Coning Events Mr. Thomas D. Perry, author and woodworking consultant, will speak on Modern Developments in Wood Utilization, 11 a.m. Fri., Nov. 19, Kellogg Auditorium. Students in the School of Forestry and Con- seryation are expected to attend. Others interested are invited. Graduate Outing Club meet Sun., Nov. 21, northwest entrance, Rackham Building for ice-skating. Sign supper list at Rackham checkroom desk before noon Sat- urday. All graduates welcome. Business Education Students: Get-together for students major- ing or minoring in Business Edu- cation, 4 p.m., Fri., Nov. 19, Rm. 267 Business Administration Bldg. History Department Tea: 4-6 p.m., Fri., Nov. 19, Rackham As- sembly Hall for faculty and grad- uate students of the department. Faculty and students' wives are cordially invited. Sigma XI: The Council wishes to extend a cordial invitation to members of other Chapters of the Society, who are now associated with the University of Michigan, to affiliate with the local chapter. This may be done by notifying the Secretary, 402 South Wing; Tele- phone: Extension 2535. Deutscher Verein "Pops" and Dance: 8:30 p.m., Fri., Nov. 19, Schwabenhalle. Public invited. TWickets in German Office, 204 Univ. Hall, and at door. German Coffee Ifour: 3-4:30 p.m., Fri., Michigan League Coke Bar. Students and faculty mem- bers are invited. Roger Williams Guild: "Open House" at 8:30 p.m., Fri., Nov. 19, Guild House. I.Z.F.A.: Regional Seminar, Nov. 26 through Nov. 28. For infor- mation and reservations call John Hofman 2-7786. Delta Epsilon Pi, Hellenic Club: Final meeting before the Conven- tion to be held Thanksgiving week- end in Ann Arbor, 7 p.m., Fri., Nov. 19, Rm. 3-B Michigan Union. All students of Greek descent and Phil-Hellenes are invited. The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they arereceived all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. s . . Re: Discourtesy To the Editor: We, the undersigned residents of Strauss House in the East Quad wish to register a hearty protest against the letter submitted to the Daily by the girls of 1108 Hill St. Miss Joyce Buna, Miss Marjorie Berger and Miss And Others were very careful to mention only those facts about the pin serenade which would incriminate the clean-living, hard -working, red-blooded Strauss Housers in the eyes of the world. Let the facts be shouted to the rooftops. Had it been known that the odd assortment of noises which came floating into our windows around 12:30 a.m. constituted a pin serenade, we would have grit- ted our teeth and suffered in si- lence. But with the tremendous assort- ment of post midnight serenades to which we have been subjected recently, we find it very difficult to distinguish between any type of serenade, pin or donkey. To the young lady who hap- pened to be pinned on that mem- orable evening, we wish to offer our heartiest congratulations and deepest apologies. BUT, to the remainder of those who engage in nocturnal choral activities, we scornfully snarl our defiance. Let it be known that any serenading after 11:59 p.m. will be drowned out in an avalanche of Strauss House fury. However, if it becomes absolutely necessary to conduct a pinning serenade in the vicinity of the East Quad after this deadline, Strauss House humbly offers the services of the famed Strauss Serenaders who concentrate in quality and not volume. -L. E. Johnson and 23 other Strauss House residents To the Editor: DISCOURTESY is right, GIRLS. Having lived in the East Quad last year, I cannot miss this oppor- tunity to take a dig at the girls in 1108 Hill Street who caused me and many others living in the East Quad to lose many and sundry hours of precious sleep. In your Letter to the Editor today, you al- lege that the boys in the East Quad marred a traditional per- formance of the Sigma Chi song, rendered on the occasion of one of you being pinned. It is most mirac- ulous! There must be hundreds and hundreds of you living in that house, or else you have a pin turn-over of about one a week for each of you, for scarcely a night passed last year when there was not some serenading going on outside your house. Surely you girls are not that fickle, or am I wrong? Almost every night last year, at 11:00, 12:00 or 1:00, (it did not seem to make any difference to you) the singing commenced. I might add that usually the word singing was a gross overstatement. Whatever you call it, there is no question that you kepthhundreds of fellows in the East Quad awake. Even those who were not in bed and were studying found it im- possible to do so. No girls, it isnot the residents of the East Quad who were rude -it was YOU! If you would limit the serenading to only those times whendsomeone actually did get pinned, I'm sure the boys across the street would understand. But when it happens every night- well, you just can't blame them for trying to drown you out. Here's hoping for future har- mony across Church street. -Lewis R. Williams, Jr. . * Misleading To the Editor: In the Ann Arbor News of No- vember 15 there appeared the fol- lowing excerpt from a UP dispatch from Paris. "Top representatives of the United States, Great Britain, and France will meet here tomorrow to decide how to reject the latest peace offensive in the cold war." Our statesmen should be highly commended for taking this cour- ageous stand against the insidious attempts of the UN to force peace down the peoples' throats. I am quite sure that we all real- ize. what a successful peace offen- sive will mean. It will strike, for instance, a terrible blow to the munitions and aircraft industries. Their profit margins will be great- ly reduced, if not completely wiped out. This alone will seriously un- dermine our beloved free enterprise system. A successful peace offensive may force our government to spend the 15 billion dollars, which it is now expending on armaments, on such useless and wasteful projects as housing, old age pensions, educa- tional benefits, highways, parks, recreational facilities, and public health. This will destroy individu- al initiative and make our people lazy. Furthermore, the end to the cold war will bring an end to the draft. Just think, then, of all the unem- ployed generals and colonels we will have to look after. President Truman cannot possibly hire all of them to walk his dogs. Our statesmen, therefore, should be congratulated on their ability to grasp these fundamental prob- lems. We can be sure that unless the insignificant minority who want peace protest against this wise policy of our leaders, the cold war will continue and perhaps even grow hot. -Ed Shaffer No Review To the Editor: I looked vainly through last week's papers for a criticism of the recital given by Paul Doktor, vio- list, and Marian Owen, pianist. It was one of the outstanding recitals I have heard in Ann Arbor and deserved recognition. -M. Jean Harter (EDITOR'S NOTE: Although the faculty andastudent recitals given under the auspices of tihe Music School provide some of the best musical programs in Ann Arbor, The Daily finds it impossible to review them because of their frequency and number.) Error To the Editor: I read in yesterday's Daily that Mr. Ezio Pinza fought for six years in the Italian Army in World War II. As far as I know, Italy started fighting in 1940 and quit in 1943. It also said, and this is really as- tonishing, that after discharge, supposedly 1946, he toured for five years which makes 1951, and as we are living now in 1948, it makes me wonder how the hell he got away with it. It occurs to me that Mr. Pinza fought his own World War, some- time, maybe in between both World Wars, and then he started singing for five years. -Domingo Arteaga (EDITOR'S NOTE: Because of a typographical error, World War I became world war II. The error was corrected in the story in yesterday's Daily. Our humblest apologies.) firy- iha Fifty-Ninth Year 1 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harriett Friedman ...Managing Editor Dick Maloy.'..............City Editor Naomi Stern........Editorial Director Allegra Pasqualetti ....Associate Editor Arthur Higbee ........Associate Editor Murray Grant..........Sports Editor Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed. 1ev Bussey ......Sports Feature Writer Audrey Buttery........Women's Editor Bess Hayes ..................Librarian Business Staff Richard Halt ... ...Business Manager Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager William Culman .....Finance Manager Cole Christian ....Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper, All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mal matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Student Religious Association: Social Action Department: p.m., Lane Hall. World Student Service Fug Committee: 4:15 p.m., Loun Lane Hall. 1' and ge, BARNABYI Mr. Merrie Does the Ghost in that haunted house know you're after him, Swami? expects you. Suite 13- Okay, Hold I The Doctor and I are here in secrecy. But Horrors! A front page story! Horrors1