IIOLY LAND PEACE ? See Pags 4 It6 :43 a t 149 FAIR, STILL COOL Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LIX, No. 3 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPT. 23, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS TropicHurricane Takes Nine Lives Storm Moves Towards Sea After Wreaking $25,000,000 in Damages MIAMI, Fla-(P)-A toll of three lives and at least $25,000,000 in crop and property losses was charged tonight against the tropical hurricane still raking the coast with high winds as it centered off South Florida. The storm moved out to sea near Jensen Beach at 3:30 p.m. (EST) after raking the entire south end of the Florida peninsula ing winds up to 160 miles an hour. Adding in the Cuban toll, the total losses in the reached nine dead and about $30,000,000 damages. Six were killed in Cuba when the tricky storm lashed ern part of the island; ImorP HiPH in Miami- with rag- hurricane the west- and three Draft To Call 15,000 Men In Decenber, WASHINGTON - (A) - Fifteen thousand more men were ordered into the Army today. They will be in uniform before Christmas. At the same time the Army asked that pre-induction physical examinations begin within two weeks for the first 10,000 men or- dered inducted under the new peacetime draft law. The men in the initial draft call are expected to be in uni- form in November. Most of them Will come from the top age brack- ets, men 24 and 25 years old. THE SECOND CALL, 5,000 larger than the first, will dip down into lower age groups, it is be- lieved. IndLansing Colonel G. B. Ar- nold, state selective service di- rector, said today that a total of 41,440 Michigan men may be eligible for induction into the armed services. Meanwhile, Carl R. Gray, Jr., chief of the Veterans Administra- tion, said today charges that any VA policies are Communist-dic- tated are unfounded. "SO FAR AS I know, there are no Communists employed in posi- tions of trust anywhere in the VA," Gray said in a statement. "Should any be discovered, they will not remain with the administration." Gray said he was forced to com- ment by a recent series of charges in Michigan and California that VA policy on flight training is dic- tated "by Communists who have wormed their way into VA." The administration recently tightened its policy on flight training, photography, dancing and similar instruction. It now re- quires veterans to prove before en- rollment that they plan to follow such professions. Avocational or recreational training is barred un- der the GI program. AIM Elects J. Kallinan To TopPost The Association of Independent Men, at their first official meet- ing held yesterday evening at the Union, elected James K. Kallman president for the fall semester. Kallman, a married veteran, lives at 927 S. State St. The position is temporary, sub- ject to confirmation. Plans for the first I-M Dance of the semester which A.I.M. is spon- soring in conjunction with Assem- bly, Independent Women's organ- ization, on Oct. 16, were also dis- cussed. Future plans of the A.I.M. in- clude a non-profit venture offer- ing athletic equipment at whole- sale prices to University residence houses. The organization isalso in the process of dividing the campus into districts for better represen- tation of Independents, similar to the system practiced on the Ohio State campus. HUNTING SEASON Is HERE! I IIIVI'e uleu III IYIIUILII. X: * NINTH VICTIM was Frank Robert Lockwood, 50, whose body was found along the government cut entrance jetty at Miami Beach. Police said he was the victim either of drowning or a crushing blow against one of the rocks which cover the jetty. Torrential rains that sheeted down on gusts of wind up to 160 miles an hour left some communities in its wake under inches of water and brought fear of floods to towns in the Lake -Okeechobee region. The weather bureau reported in a 4:30 p.m. (CST) advisory that the storm was moving away from Florida in a northeasterly direction at about 12 miles an hour. S* * * WINDS IN THE lake region were still near hurricane intensity and forecasters warned that "all precautions shouldhbe continued in the Palm Beach- Daytona Beach area for a short time.,, There is an extensive area of gales winds to the rear of the storm. Hurricane warnings are dis-- played from Daytona Beach to Palm Beach and storm warnings north of Daytona Beach to Charleston, S.C. Milk and other supplies will be flown to Key West tomorrow, Red Cross officials said. County Dems Pick Delegates To Convention PairAdmuit Sla yingof Cab Driver Slayers Face Murder Charge Two sullen, ill-clad men, their hands manacled together, stood yesterday before Ann Arbor Mun- icipal Judge Jay H. Payne charged with murder. The pair, 22-year-old Kenneth Basha, a dishonorably discharged BULLETIN Kenneth Basha and Willard Swartout pleaded innocent late yesterday when arraigned in Municipal Court on a murder charge in the Sunday night slaying of a Dearborn taxicab driver. Examination of the two was set for next Wednesday and they were remanded to jail without bond, the Associated Press reported. Army veteran, and 19-year-old Willard Swartout have confes- sed to the murder of Dearborn cab driver Francis R. Andrews early Monday morning. * * * THE MURDER-Andrews was shot four times without warning- took place in the driveway of a lonely farmhouse a mile outside of Willow Village . Prosecutor Douglas K. Read- ing said the two youths admitt- ed that they had planned to rob Andrews. Basha, who said he did the ac- tual shooting, could not explain why. He just began shooting, and Andrews, a former infantry lieu- tenant who spent 19 months in service and who fought overseas, never had a chance. *1 * * THE TWO WERE captured in Dearborn on a tip to the police af- ter an intensive search through the fields and woods adjacent to the scene of the crime failed to find them. At the arraignment before Judge Payne yesterday, Norman Leemon, Detroit counsel for Basha, demanded an examina- tion for his client. The judge ruled that both men would be examined on Sept. 29. An examination in municipal court is to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to conclude that a crime has been committed and that there is rea- son to believe the suspects in1 question have committed t h e crime. * * * IF THIS IS the case, Basha and Swartout will be bound over to Circuit Court where they will en- ter their pleas. 'U' Anticipates Fewer Drivers This Semester The driving permit lines look a little shorter this year, according to John Gwin of the Office of Stu- dent Affairs who is in charge pf issuing the pasteboards. As older students graduate, the number of student drivers will continue to decrease, Gwin hopes. No statistics are ready on driv- ing permits. But summer session permits totalled 600 less than in the previous summer, a good in- dication, Gwin said. Regulations are substantially unchanged this year. Slightly few- er commuting students will have to use the bus, he said. "But that doesn't affect more than 100 peo- ple." There's a new list of University parking areas open to students. Parking in restricted areas will bring fines and possible loss of driving privileges on the offender, Gwin pointed out. Faculty and staff personnel and disabled students must get park- ing permits. "A driving permit is not a parking permit," he said. Western Allies SStunch Berlin Stand- Bevin ;. U.S. DELEGATES AT GENERAL ASSEMBLY OPENING-As Arabs ambushed and killed four in an Arab convoy, members of the United Nations General Assembly met in Paris. Left to right, John Foster Dulles, Warren R. Austin, head of the U.S. delegation, and Secretary of State Marshall. * *k * Arabs- Ambush UN Convoy Kill Four ae Oa_ OT Slosson Criticizes RepublicanPolicies Will Risk Peace I A rejuvenated Washtenaw County Democratic convention last night elected 100 delegates and alternates to the State party convention-its largest represen- tation in 16 years. Prof. Robert Angell, chairman of the sociology department, was elected permanent chairman of the County convention. Samuel Eldersveld of the political science department was among the State convention delegates chosen. IN ADDITION to the conven- tion delegates, an estimated 200 persons packed County Court- house chambers to hear addresses by Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department, candidate for Congress from the State's sec- ond district, and L. L. Forsythe, State legislature candidate and former principal of Ann Arbor High School. Slosson directed an attack against Republican lack of con- cern for housing, education and civil rights legislation. Forsythe called for a general over-haul of State rules for ap- portionment for representation in the State Legislature. Student Freed From Charge County Prosecutor Douglas K. Reading yesterday cleared a twen- ty-three year old University stu- dent of any possible criminal charges in the traffic fatality of a seven year old youth Sunday. The cleared student is Homer Forrester, of 332 E. William street. He was the driver of a car that struck the Whitmore Lake child Sunday on US-23 north of Ann Arbor. In a conference with Capt. Ervin Klager of the Sheriff's de- t~ivP h rnn.en ading vesterdavo TEL AVIV, Israel-(AP)-Arabs ambushed a United Nations-spon- sored Jewish convoy today and killed an American technician and three Jews, Israeli army au- thorities announced. The convoy, carrying the white flags of the U.N. truce, was at- tacked near the Latrun pumping station while en route from Tel Aviv to Jersualem. The Ameri- can was identified by U.N. head- quarters as John Locke Lewis of Philadelphia, who arrived here a few days ago as a consultant ex- pert on railways. THE JEWISH DEAD included a woman and the commander of the convoy. None of the victims was connected with the United Na- tions, which sponsors such con- voys under terms of the Holy Land truce. (Cairo was the scene of other World News At a Glance CHICAGO - Golden - haired Pamela Lamphere who was born with her bladder outside her body, submitted to the first of three of operations designed to correct the condition. Physicians said the operation was "very successful." '.* * * PARIS-Britain lined up with the United States today in sup- port of the late Count Folke Bern a dot te's recommendations for establishing peace in the Holy Land. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., Thomas E. Dewey tonight said world peace and control of in- flation are inseparable. ABOARD TRUMAN TRAIN- President Truman asked Cali- fornians today to join in what he called a "crusade against the spe- cial interests" and not elect ano- ther Republican Congress that would "do you double dirt." WASHINGTON - Air Force headquarters reported tonight that an American transport plane missing for five years with eleven aboard has been found in the Canadian wilderness near Fort Nelson, B.C. Mideast violence. At least nine persons were killed and 12 wounded when a blast rocked the Jewish quarter. Rioting flared after the explosion. The ambush occurred about 2 p.m. Israeli time, near the Latrun pumping station, which was blasted last month by Arab irreg- ulars. IN THE CONVOY were a white United Nations jeep, two private cars, six trucks and one gasoline tanker. United Nations officials said the convoy was being led by French Col. Dumoncel, a senior U.N. observer in the Latrun area. The dead woman was identified as Mrs. S. Van Friesland-Hoofien, of Jerusalem, a sister of the gen- eral manager of the Anglo-Pales- tine Bank. JEWISH witnesses who hid in a ditch 20 minutes before escaping back to Tel Aviv with most of the convoy told this story: The Arabs opened fire with rifles and a light machine gun as soon as the white jeep carrying the French Colonel had passed. The Jewish commander in the second car was wounded, while the UN men in the first car waved frantically to the Arabs to cease fire persons in the other carstao fire. * *' * (AN ACCOUNT received by the U.N. in New York from its press officer in Palestine said three men in white headdress did the firing and escaped. (After the incident the con- voy returned to the Jewish lines and a U.N. observer drove to the scene and picked up the dead and several wounded.) Brr! It's Fall Summer bowed out last night and autumn moved in with a vengeance as the Wea- ther Bureau forecast a general frost warning for Michigan. Book laden students could expect a chilly low of 45 de- grees as they trudged to eight o'clocks followed by slightly warmer weather later in the day. Sen. Taylor Set To Talk HereToday Sen. Glen Taylor will invade Ann Arbor today in a gust of campaign oratory for the Pro- gressive party. He will make a public speech at 4 p.m. in Ann Arbor's West Park. At 12:30 p.m. Taylor will speak at a Woman for Wallace luncheon in his honor at the Union. Taylor's motor cavalcade will leave the Union shortly before 4 p.m., and will follow a route down State street to Huron, turn left down Huron to W. Huron and Sev- enth street, then turn right two blocks to the Seventh street en- trance of West Park. Taylor will make his speech from the band shell. * * * HE WILL END a busy day with a talk at 5:30 in Willow Village's Simmonds School. A former actor and singer, Taylor has had a stormy politi- cal career since he was elected senator from Idaho in 1944. Known as strictly independent of the Democratic Party line, he participated with Sen. William Langer, of North Dakota, in a fili- buster against the draft earlier this year. He has gained a repu- tation in the Senate as a forceful and amusing speaker. * *. * PROGRESSIVES' plans t o boom Sen. Glen Taylor's speech in Ann Arbor today may turn into a boomerang if the local gendarmes have their way. Taylor supporters have an- nounced they will use a sound truck to advertise the senators appearance although permission to use the truck-required by city ordinance-has been deferred by the Ann Arbor City Council. In defense the Progressives cite a recent Supreme Court ruling nullifying municipal ordinances against sound trucks when no standards are set up governing the licensing of the vehicles. Police chief Casper Enckemann declared that "in accordance with the Ann Arbor ordinance regulat- ing sound trucks, the Police De- partment will oppose any attempt by the Progressive Party to use them." The Young Republicans are holding a meeting at 7:30 p.m. to- day in the Union, with the Young Democrats meeting at the same time in the ABC room of the League. Rushee Total Climbs to 460 IFC To Wind Up RegistrationToday The total number of registrants for Fall rushing climbed to four hundred sixty during the second day of a three day rushing per- iod. Those who wish to sign up have only this afternoon to do so, ac- cording to Jim Ely, IFC rushing chairman. The IFC Office will be open from 3 to 5 p.m. today. The Fall rushing program for social fraternities on campus will be outlined to all rushees at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan Union Ball- room. Assistant Dean of Students, Rea STILL GOOD FOR LAUGHS: Gargoyle Goes Serious After 40 Years of Humor Proposals on Deadlock Go To Moscow Three Powers Boost 'Air Lift' LONDON-(P)-Foreign Secre- tary Ernest Bevin stated unmis- takably today that the Western Allies intend to stake peace on an unyielding stand in Berlin. Shortly afterward, a Foreign Office spokesman announced that Britain, the United States and France had delivered new notes on the Berlin deadlock to Moscow's' envoys in the three capitals today. BY JOINT decision of their for- eign ministers, the three powers sent what a French spokesman described as identical notes asking a definite decision on their propo- sals for a precise agreement on control of currency in the former German capital. * * * Addressing a packed and hush- ed House of Commons, Bevin as- serted the Russians are people "from whom you cannot buy peace" with concessions. "Berlin stands out now as the symbol of resistance-a sort of salient," he said. To save that salient, he declar- ed, Britain and the United States will boost the "air lift" of food and fuel into the blockaded Ger- man capital, with most of the in- creased winter burden falling on the United States. The three western powers are not only "on absolute agreement as to the policy of the lift and of the lift and of defending our- selves in Berlin, but in the policy we shall jointly pursue if it fails." French foreign ministry spokes- man in Paris said the notes of the three powers were addressed to the "Kremlin" in Moscow instead of to Soviet foreign minister V. M. Molotov, and thus might come to the direct attention of Premier Marshal Josef Stalin. * * * "I am not saying by that we are committed to war," Bevin said. "We have not reached that stage yet." The foreign secretary stood hunched over a table reading from a prepared manuscript instead of indulging in his usual style of ex- temporaneous oratory. He gave no particular emphasis either to "war" or "yet." There wasn't a stir in the House as he uttered the words. Deputy Soviet foreign minister Andrei Vishinsky charged earlier that certain powers are attempt- ing to create a "disunited na- tions." He did not name these powers, but he laupched an offensive against every move by the west- ern nations to put controversial is- sues before the United Nations Assembly. Then by thumping majorities the 14-nation steering committee voted to put on the assembly work list every item opposed by the Russians. AVC Protests 'U' Ban on Speakers AVC members last night passed a resolution protesting the Uni- versity's refusal to let a Commu- nist speaker appear before a forum. They plan to start a campaign protesting the denial. Carl Winter, one of 12 Commu- nists under indictment, was to have spoken at a AVC civil liber- ties forum next Wednesday. The group has now canceled the meet- ing. After 40 years as a humor mag- azine the Gargoyle will make a sharp break with tradition to enter the literary field this semester. Editor Doug Parker announced that a meeting for tryouts inter- ested in working on the staff of the revamped magazine will be held at 4:30 p.m. today in the Student Publications Building. HE URGED students enrolled in writing classes to join the mag- azine's staff, thus gaining an op- portunity to have their work pub- lished. Serious articles will also be solicited from free lance writ- ers. Humor in the form of poems, vignettes, and short jokes will remain an important part of the magazine. But a new emphasis will be placed on serious literature written by University students. THIS IS A BREAK from the long tradition of the Gargoyle which was first published in 1906 as a strict humor magazine. The new trend in campus magazines, according to Parker, is toward a combination of humor and serious student writing. The magazine departments, literary, humor, art and photog- raphy, are at present staffed only by a skeleton group, Parker explained. This means, he continued, that students with new ideas and who are willing to spend an afternoon or two a week working on the magazine will be eligible for rapid advancement. ANYONE WHO IS willing to work for the success of the new Garg, even if it is only handling the paste brush, is wanted for the new staff, Parker declared. Also on the wanted list are photographers to staff the new photo-feature department, Par- ker said. The new Garg' will make its debut in the next 6 weeks, and will be the first of five issues for the school year. Tryouts Meet Students wishing to tryout for The Daily business staff are urged to meet at 4 p.m. today in the conference room of the Student Publications Building. Those who are unable to at- tend the meeting may call Jean Leonard at 2-3225. STUDENTS JAM BOOKSTORES: Harassed Workers Sigh in Relief as Rush Nears End Dance Group Seeks Artists I Comments by workers in cam- I ONE MANAGER said that al- Artists, flat-brush painters, and especially those with good ideas are urgently needed for work on Michigan Union. have seldom been One bookstore manager said he