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November 18, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-11-18

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Latest Deadline in the State








UN Officials
Renew Plea
For Peace
Western Powers
Reject Mediation
PARIS - () - United Nations
leaders Herbert V. Evatt and
Trygve Lie renewed their appeal
for Berlin peace after the West-
ern Powers refused once again to
negotiate with Russia until the
blockade is lifted.
THE WESTERN Power view-
point was set forth in three separ-
ate notes handed to the Assem-
bly President and Secretary-Gen-
eral by the United States, Britain
and France.
These notes, re-plying to last
Saturday's appeal byLie and
Evatt for four power Berlin
peace talks, said the Berlin situ-
ation is still a threat to peace
and must remain in the hands
of the Security Council under
present circumstances.
The new Lie-Evatt plea carries
a significant shift in emphasis.
In the original appeal the stress
was placed on possible four-power
* * *
IN THEIR new appeal, the two
leaders urged the big powers to
note "in particular" the part of
the earlier Lie-Evatt letter calling
on them to "lend their full and
active support to the efforts at
mediation of the Berlin dispute by
the president of the Security
One "neutral" source said the
new Lie-Evatt statement ap-
parently indicated the two lead-
ers had accepted the western
view that the Berlin conflict
should remain in the Security
In any event, it seemed obvious
that the appeal to cooperate with
Council President Juan Atilio
Bramuglia was directed at Rus-
sia since each of the three west-
ern powers in their replies to Lie
and Evatt specifically pledged co-
operation with Bramuglia.
A UN SOURCE said Lie and
Evatt expected no formalanswer
to their latest appeal.
"What is wanted is an answer in
deeds, not in words," this source
In the past Russia has taken
the position that the Berlin dis-
pute should be settled by the
council of foreign ministers and
not by the Security Council.
Aircraft Vital
For Security,
Stowers Says
Air power is national life insur-
ance, aircraft executive Harvey
Stowers told more than 300 speech
students at the second Speech As-
sembly of the year yesterday.
Stowers, assistant to the pres-
ident of the Aircraft Industries
Association, pointed out that,
"Without the security of air power
we will not have security at all."
DISCUSSING the bill passed by
Congress this year calling for an
expanded peacetime air force of
70 groups, he emphasized that
funds have only been provided for

the first year of the program.
The plan, according to Stow-
ers, calls for the production of
13,366 planes this year. Under
this plan the U.S. will have a
small but highly modernized, air
force in five years.
"Still, this air force will have
only one-fifth of the strength
which it had on V-J Day and pro-
vide adequate protection for only
ten months," he said,
ANSWERING the attack of
critics who have claimed that the
program is unnecessarily elaborate
and expensive, Stowers pointed out
that three impartial committees
working separately came to the
conclusion that an air force of 70

U.S. Sends More
Marines To China
By The Associated Press
The U. S. is speeding 1,000 more marines to its naval station at
Tsingtao, China, as a result of the southward surge of Chinese com-
Secretary of Defense Forrestal disclosed this. He said the Marines
will help evacuate Americans.
HE DID NOT make it clear whether they would fight the Reds
if necessary to maintain our position there.
What to do if the Communist horde grabs the city has be-
come a growing question. It involves American naval strategy,
and American prestige.
There are now 3,600 marines in Tsing-Tao, along with a 12-ship
task force.
* , 4 *
AS THE UNITED STATES planned to send fresh troops to war-
torn China, the Chinese government high command in Nanking as-
serted the Communists have already lost 90,000 men.
Communists, on the other hand, claimed that nine govern-
ment divisions were "wiped out." That could also be 90,000 men.
Hard-pressed leader Chiang-Kai-Shek yesterday; sent a letter di-
rect to President Truman in Key West, Fla.
* * * *
IT WAS LEARNED the Chiang appealed in the letter for en-
couragement to the hard-pressed armies and people of nationalist
China in their critical battle with the Communists.
Secretary of Defense Forrestal will fly from Washington to-
day to talk with the President regarding the grave developments
in China.
Forrestal told his news conference yesterday that while he had
submitted his resignation, along with other members of the Cabinet,
he is "at the service of the President."
* * * *'
THIS WAS JUST another indication that his desire to see the
President did not concern his own future, but a serious foreign policy
This would be a preliminary to a full-scale review of the inter-
national picture, Monday at the White House with Secretary of State
Marshall and ECA roving ambassador Harriman. Mr. Truman is flying
back to Washington Sunday.
Met Basso Ezio Pinza
Will SIng Tonight at Hill
The stage of Hill Auditorium will be graced with one of the
greatest present-day artists when Ezio Pinza sings to Ann Arbor
concert-goers at 8:30 p.m. today.
In the third concert of the regular Choral Union series, the
Metropolitan basso will present several songs and arias in his native

Vetoes OSU
Declares Sendoff
MightUpset Men
Plans to hold an elaborate send
off for the Wolverines as they left
for Ohio State were cancelled yes-
terdaybecause of the objections
of football coach Benny Ooster-
Oosterbaan said that he appre-
ciated the interest and spirit of
the students but a formal send off
might cause excitement to the
THE PLANS, as outlined by SL
Varsity Committee chairman Bob
Ballou, called for five bands from
dormitories and fraternities to
tour campus before the rally, pick
up students and take them to Yost
Field house.
A loud speaker was to be set
up and Oosterbaan and Dom
Tomasi would be asked to speak
to the crowd. The students
would then walk the team to
the busses.
"Walking through the crowd of
students with bands playing might
excite the team and we do not
want that , he said.
"OUR POLICY has always been
to leave quietly for all away games
without any formal sendoff," Oos-
terbaan said.
"It has succeeded," he added.
He did not want to change that
procedure for this game.
Plans for the send off, which
were backed by the Student
Legislature, IFC, Assembly, Un-
ion, AIM and Pan Hl, included
an Olson and Johnsontouch.
Ballou said that unexpected
things would be happening all
through the rally.
OOSTERBAAN stressed the
fact that he was all for any spon-
taneous sendoff that the students
wanted to give the team. "School
spirit and interest mean a lot to
all of us," he said. His only ob-
jection was to the formal demon-
stration, he said.
Ballou introduced a motion at
last night's SL meeting protesting
the policy of the Athletic Admin-
istration in regard to the rally.
The motion was tabled and will
be considered at SL's next'meet-
Sb Dismisses
Two Absentee
Two student Legislators lost,
their seats on SL last night be-
cause of excess absences.
Charles Gibbs and Jim Sakuer
were dismissed by President Blair
Moody because they had been ab-
sent from meetings more than is
allowed in the SL by-laws.
* * *
A COMMITTEE was set up to
draw up plans for the Michigan
Forum, local adaptation of the
Oxford Union where students de-
bate on vital issues.
The Forum will not replace the
SL fight against the Political
Speakers ba, Moody said.
The SL cabinet will submit a
written plan for the abolition of

the ban to the next Regents' Meet-
ing in December.
SL AGREED to underwrite the
marriage lecture series to the ex-
tent of $50.
Plans are underway to set up
a new Pep Committee composed
of representatives of SL,, Wolver-
ine Club, the Union, IFC, AIM,
Assembly and Panhel to provide
forbbigger and better pep rallies,
Bob Ballou reported.
Jim Jans reported that the fac-
ulty was being sounded out on the
possibility of setting up a non-
credit course in Music Lit 41 to
fill a student need. SL approved
a petition that students interested
in the course may sign.

NAVY PLANES PHOTOMAP ALASKA TERRAIN--Three Lockheed PZV2 Neptunes from Navy Pho-
tographic Squadron One fly over Mt. Fairweather range in southeast Alaska during a project in
which 30,000 square miles of rugged Alaska terrain were photomapped. The survey was under-
taken in cooperation with the Interior department to determine waterpower possibilities of the
"panhandle" area from Skagway to the south to estimate paper pulp resources, and to supply more
accurate maps.

Student Bandwagon Drive
Draws National Publicity

PINZA FIRST GAINED prominence with the
and San Carlo opera companies of Italy during the
Singing with the Met in 1926, he became
favorite after his first few per- '-----

La Scala, Milan
an immediate

formances in this country.
In this evening's concert, the
local audience will hear Pinza sing
"Beato chi puo," by Cavalli; "Alma
Mia" from Handel's "Floridante";
"Dormi, Amore" from "La Flora"
by Da Gigliano; Nel Cor piu non
ini Sento. by Paisiello; and Leg-
renzi's Che Fiero Costume.
CONCLUDING the first part of
the program will be an aria from
an unknown opera by Pasquini;
"Se Vuol Ballere" and "Non Pui
Andrai" from Mozart's "Marriage
of Figaro."
After the intermission, Pinza
will continue with La Prison, by
Faure; Bruneau's "L'heureux
Vagabond"; The Bell Man, by
Forsyth; Thompson's Velvet
Shoes; and Dirge, by Virgil
The evening's performance will
conclude with I Due Tarli, by Zan-
donai; three Piedmontese folk-
songs arranged by Leone Sinigag-
lia; and "Il Lacerato Spirito" from
Verdi's "Simon Boccanegra."
A few single tickets for tonight's
concert are still available. They

University students' spontaneous
drive to send the famed Michigan
Marching Band to Columbus this
weekend haas attracted mnation-
wide publicity.
Word of the drive reached edi-
tors of Life Magazine, whose re-
cent article cast unfavorable light
Attacks News
Declares Censorship
Blocks Understanding
Censorship and repressions of
news are two of the most flagrant
stumbling blocks to understanding
between nations, J. C. Ostreicher,
direstor of the foreign news de-
partment of International News
Service, said here last night.
French, Spanish, and even
English newspapers are under a
heavy yoke of censorship, he de-
clared. Ostreicher spoke at Kel-
logg Auditorium.
the news so that readers misun-
derstand its real meaning.
More important, it creats mis-
understanding in diplomatic cir-
cles among nations, he said.
United States news services
are fighting for democratic
freedom in the principles of a
free press, the lecturer empha-
.However, they are not meeting
with any success, he said..
The reason is that the people of
European countries never knew
what it was like to possess com-
plete freedom of the press.
*' * *
"WE IHATED our own war cen-
sorship in the United States, but
we accepted it as a necessary evil
for safety's sake in wartime," ac-
cording to the speaker.
"American newsmen must ad-
here to the policies of understand-
ing and freedom in reporting," lie
"Their big ambition in the
world today must be to report un-
biased, unemotional facts to the
world. If they can do this they
will contribute a real and decisive
addition to world peace."

on the Michigan band. And now
Life is going to do a special pic-
ture section on the drive.
* * *
TIME MAGAZINE is also plan-
ning to carry an article on the
drive this weekend.
Tentative arrangements on
the Life article call for a pho-
tographer to fly to Ann Arbor
Friday. He will accompany the
band to OSU and cover the half-
time "battle of the bands."
The picture story is slated to
appear in next week's issue of
THE DRIVE was touched off by
a letter in The Daily from mem-
bers of Lambda Chi Alpha frater-
Members of The Daily staff
are making the rounds this week
to collect contributions pledged
to the Marching Band's Ohio
State trip.
If your pledge has not been
collected, please contact The
Daily office.
nity who pledged $65 toward ex-
penses of sending the band to
Because its tiny travel budget
had been exhausted, the band
hadn't planned to make the trip.
But then students all over campus
climbed aboard the "Bandwagon"
with financial pledges.
Korda Movie
Opens Today
Alexander Korda's gay roman-
tic comedy "The Ghost Goes
West" will be presented by the Art
Cinema League at 8:30 p.m. to-
day, Friday and Saturday in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The renowned English film clas-
sic stars Robert Donat as Donald
Glourie, an impoverished young
Scotch highlander who is forced
to sell his haunted castle to an
American millionaire.
Robert E. Sherwood prepared
the screen play from a story by
Eric Keown which appeared in
the London Punch.
Reserved tickets may be pur-
chased at the Lydia Mendelssohn
box office.

Ford Predicts
Fourth Round,
Of Wr'k
calls Another Pay'
Boost 'Inevitable'
Ford II predicted the nation's
workers will get a fourth round
wage increase. and prices will go
"A new pay boost is inevitable,"
the president of the Ford Motor
Company told a news conference.
"I don't think anything can pre-f
vent it."
But the 31-year-old automobile
executive here to inspect his firm's
Chester, Pa., plant, added:
"Prices too must go up. There is
no place else for them to go." f
Ford admitted that production
has improved "but we haven't got
sufficient productivity to reduce
"Prices are high today," Ford
said, "maybe too high-but we
can't lower them without lowering
wages and material costs.
"I wish we had a buyer's mar-
ket today. We're living in a fool's
paradise. Unquestionably, priees
will go down in a buyer's market."
World News
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO-The "Meadowlark,"
fast streamliner of the Chicago
and Eastern Illinois Railroad,
crashed into the rear of a sub-
urban train near Dolton, outside
of Chicago, and at least 29 per-
sons were injured.
* * *'
Campbell, former secretary to
Rep. Thomas (Rep., N.Y.),
pleaded innocent to charges of
conspiring to help Thomas pad
his office payroll.
A' * *
BERLIN - The Russians an-
nounced a new system of passes
which threatened to seal off the
Soviet sector of Berlin from the
three western sectors.
The Russians said that starting
tomorrow three kinds' of identity
cards would be in use : For Ger-
mans, for those without national-
ity and for "foreigners."
President Philip Murray made a
scorching attack on the pro-Com-
munist minority of the CIO today.

52 Petitions
Thrown Out
By Judiciary
Balloting Moved
To November 30
The all campus election was
ostponed one week by the Stu-
dent Legislature last night after
Men's Judiciary tossed out the pe-
titions of 33 J-Hop committee
This brought to 52 the number
of petitions invalidated by the Ju-
diciary Council this week. Only
twelve petitions for the J-Hop
committee elections were approved.
AFTER A stormy hour-long de-
bate, the Student Legislature voted
26 to 14 to push the election date
ahead to Nov. 30 and Dec. 1.
Postponement of the election
was requested by SL election
committee chairman Knight
Houghton because of the large
number of disqualified candi-
dates and the impossibility of
getting the names of the re-pe-
titioning J-Hap hopefuls print-
ed on the ballot by Tuesday.
Arguments raged in the Legis-
lature against the postponement.
Legislators claimed that it would
unfairly penalize candidates who
had good petitions and that the
campus would lose interest after
a week.
HOUGHTON said that the de-
lay would actually cause more
campus interest and would result
in the election of a more repre-
sentative group of candidates.
Men's Judiciary president Ev
Ellin said that the petitions had
been rejected in an effort to
combat students' apathy and
makethem realize the import-
ance of obeying their own rules
and regulations.
Ellin said that all the disquali-
fled J-Hop candidates could re-
* * *
DUE TO THE' shift in election
dates, the J-Hop petitions and the
Senior class petitions will be due
at 3 p.m. Monday in Rm. 2, Uni-
versity Hall. They will be re-
viewed at that time.
Appeals of the two disqual-
ified SL candidates, Calvin Kly-
man, '51, and Walter Hansen
were accepted by the Judiciary
Council yesterday and they will
be allowed to repetition.
Ellin said that they had proved
that there was no malicious in-
tent to defraud and that the faulty
petitions were the result of "a
minor oversight." Their second
chance petitions will also be due
THE 33 J-HOP petitions were
rejected after a thorough three-
hour examination yesterday after-
noon by members of Men's Judici-
ary and the SL election committee
using University files to check the
Ellin said that the petitions
were rejected because they con-
tained fictitious signatures, du-
plicated signatures or names of
people who were not Juniors.
* * *
THE POLICY of Men's Judiciary,
is to use the number of required
signatures and strike any extra
from the end of the list, Ellin add-
Blanket permission to repeti-
tion was granted to the candi-
dates because of the large num-
ber of rejections and the extenu-
ating circumstances.

dates were:
Jim Burk, Virginia Correll, Dick
Hitt, Steve Bernard, Jim Smith,
Janice Olivier, Gilda Fried, Ken
Gould, Joan Leszczynski, John R.
Montrose, "Mac" Barnum, Don-.
ald Hiles, Jo Lyons, William E.
Duerr, Jeanne Hendel, John
Baum, Jack Hayward, George D.
Hawthorne, James S. T. S. Ely,
Ruth Campbell, Margaret Price,
Bill Owen, Donna DeHarde, Joan
Fast, Mary Ann Harris, David R.
Murray II, Jeri Mulson, Reginald
G. Sauls, Jean Blake, Betty Jane
Schmidt, Kenneth Scobie, Esther
Kaufman, and Georganna Will-

...will sing tonight
* * *
may be purchased during the day
in University Musical Society of-
fices in Burton Tower or at the
Hill box office immediately before
Pinza's appearance.

Europeans Dissatisfied with
Marshall Plan, Quaker Says

Europeans are not so delighted
with the Marshall plan as official
reports would imply, Mrs. Leta
Cromwell, of the American Friends
Service committee said last night.
Mi-s. Cromwell, who has traveled
extensively in Europe recently,
said that the working man sees
ERP as an aid for capitalism be-
cause his boss gets money.
*' * *r.
BUT IT'S STILL hard for the

"They also ask us why we set
up the draft, the atom bomb,
and our defense plan if we
truly want peace."
In her work in Quaker camps,
Mrs. Cromwell also noted the
hatred that exists between Euro-
pean countries. In Poland, for in-
seance, there was no talk of lov-
ing the Germans.
M *

East Quad Men Fight Baile of Phone

f you ever have occasion to
coiulain about your two-party

editors of the Occasionally re-
ennl tondueted a survey of resi-

with 31 users per line, Helen New-
berry and Betsy Barbour with 27,l



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