PA "q T X
Dr. Ralph Perry To Talk
On American Institutions
Dr. Ralph Barton Perry, pro-
fessor emeritus of philosophy at
Harvard University, will deliver
the fifth series of William W. Cook
Lectures on American Institutions
from Monday, Nov. 29, through
John Mason
Brown Speaks
Here Friday
Seeing things is John Mason
Brown's specialty.
This fact will be borne out Fri-
day evening when he will present
his running commentary on the
art and theatre world at 8:30 p.m.
in Hill Auditorium.
BROWN HAS been interested in
the theatre ever since he was
"King Lear" at the age of nine.
Even though his father and grand-
father were Yale men, Brown de-
fied family tradition all for the
sake of the stage.
He went instead to Harvard,
worked in the drama workshop,
and after graduating cum laude,
became drama critic of the The-'
atre Arts Monthly.
Later on, he held drama posts
on the New York Evening Post and
the New York World Telegram.
DURING the war, he was in the
Navy and served in the Sicilian
and Normandy invasions.
When the war ended, Brown
became an associate editor of the
Saturday Review of Literature.
In his weekly column "Seeing
Things" Brown dissects the cul-;
tural activities of the day.
Tickets for the lecture will go+
on sale Thursday, at the Hill audi-1
torium box office.t
Friday, Dec. 3 in the Rackham
TheCook lectures are made pos-
sible through an endowment es-
tablished by the late William W.
Cook, a distinguished member of
the New York bar and an alum-
nus of the University. This year
five lectures will be given on the
subject "Characteristically Amer-
* * *
address at 8 p.m., Nov. 29, in Rack-
ham Lecture Hall will deal with
"The American Cast of Mind." His
Tuesday lecture, entitled "The De-
velopment of Thought in Amer-
ica" will take placeat8p.m. in
the Rackharn Amphitheatre.
The third lecture, scheduled
for 4:15 p.m., Wednesday, Dec.
1, will deal with "William James
and American Individualism."
Thursday he will speak at 8 p.m.
on "Religion in America." The
concluding talk on "American
Democracy" will be given at 4:15
p.m., Friday, Dec. 3.
The late Carl L. Becker of Cor-
nell University gave the first series
of Cook lectures in December, 1944
on "Freedom and Responsibility
in the American Way of Life."
sor of jurisprudence atPrinceton
University, delivered the second
series in March, 1946 on "Total
War and the Constitution."
The 1947 lecturer was John
Maurice Clark, professor of eco-
nomics at Columbia University,
who spoke on "Alternatives to
Serfdom." Late in April of this
year, Arthur T. Vanderbilt, chief
justice of the New Jersey Supreme
Court, gave the fourth series on
the subject "Men and Measures in
the Law."
MIGHTIEST CRUISER STARTS TRIAL-The U.S.S. Des Moines is eased into the Fore River away
from the shipyards in Quincy, Mass., where she was built for start of her trial run 'in the open ocean.
The 17,000-ton heavy cruiser, rated as the most powerful vessel of her class in the world, is the
first to mount a battery of fully-automatic eight inch guns.
Map Room Hidden in Library
Solves Traveling Problem
Planning to search for old gold
in South Africa?
You'll have no trouble mapping
out a route from the maps in the
third floor map room in the Gen-
eral Library.
HIDDEN AT the end of a cor-
ridor of busy rooms is a collec-
opera Society_
Issues Call for
Stagye Crew
Is there a carpenter in the
If there is, you're wanted on
stage. And the stage is the set
for the Gilbert and Sullivan So-
ciety's upcoming production,
"Yeomen of the Guard."
ARMED WITH hammers, saws,
and paint brushes, the under-.
manned stage committee will at-
tack the tough problem of creat-
an authentic medieval setting on
a modern stage as designed by
Felix Reiss.
When they're done, the stage
will be transformed into' a rep-
lica of the Tower of London, and
its surrounding buildings, com-
plete with the block, where the
fearful Headsman carries on his
gruesome trade.
Included also will be the authen-
tic gloomy interiors of the Tower,
where Colonel Fairfax, Elsie, Jack
Point, and the whole crew of Gil-
bert and Sullivan characters carry
on their merry antics.
But additional handymen with
the hammer and saw are needed
to create this medieval master-
piece in Ann Arbor, so the Society
has asked all those interested to
come to the Ann Arbor Armory,
Fifth and Ann streets, at 8 p.m.
tomorrow to begin building the set.
Any further information can be
secured from Fred Scheffler, 213
Wenley House (2-4401).
tion of maps' which detail the
whole worldinto latitudes and
longitudes. Whether a request is
for the California coast line or St.
Louis, Mo., Mrs. Boggs, who is the
librarian in charge, can locate the
right map.
On file are the maps issued
by the United States Coast and
Geodetic Survey and the Navy
Department. The University is
the depository in this region for
maps issued by the Army Map
Service and aernoautical charts
of the Army Air Force which
were used during the war for
night flying.
The United States Soil Surveys
of the Department of Agriculture,
the weather maps, and the city,
county, and state maps are on
hand, in addition to some old fif-
teenth and sixteenth century maps
of the square-cornered world.
If you want to plan a hosteling
trip through Europe or win an
argument over the height of Mt.
Hood or find the weatherrreport
for Los Angeles, the map room is
open to you.
Iunitz Talks
On Soviet Life
"While Communism is prohib-
itive to a limited degree in the
Russian literature of today, writ-
ers are still mirroring the thoughts
and attitudes of the people to-
ward their government," Dr. Josh-
ua Kunitz said yesterday afternoon
in Kellogg Auditorium.
Speaking on "Russian Litera-
ture: A Reflection of Russian
Life," Dr. Kunitz, noted authority
on Russian literature and culture,
cautioned his audience against
relying too much on writers as
perfect reflections of a country's
"Modern Russian poetry written
by veterans of World War II is
filled with the great faith and
warmth of men who have fought
for an ideal," Dr. Kunitz said.
Dormitory Newsj
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Contributors to
What's Up in the Dorms should con-
tact Dolores Palanker at The Daily or
105 Betsy Barbour.)
meeting candidates for the upcom-
ing election will have that oppor-
tunity at the Betsy Barbour tea, to
be held at 3:15 p.m. today. All can-
didates are urged to attend.
JORDAN HALL is having its
semi-annual affair, "Pilgrim's
Prance," from 9 p.m. to midnight
Friday. The dance will be infor-
mal and decorations will follow a
Thanksgiving-harvest there
Music will be supplied by Bill Hen-
line's orchestra.
Jordan's bridge tournament was
concluded last week. Winners
were Millie Fox and Ann Weiner.
chairman, announces that West
Quad's annual "Holly Hop" will be
from 9 p.m. to midnight, Dec. 4.
The dance willdbensemi-formal
and will follow a Christmas theme.
Cliff Hoff's orchestra, featuring
Judy Parody, will provide the
music, and tickets will be limited,
to residents, alumni and guests.
* * *
Law Club bought amannequin and
one evening, when his roommate,
Jim Mortell, was on a binge, he
lodged the figure in the most ap-
propriate place he could find.
Mortell returned home, rather
gay but still considerate enough
not to turn the light on while
he got ready for bed. Then crawled
under the covers-they say he's
still suffering from shock.
Since then, "the woman" has
made the rounds of the rooms on
the floor, startling many a stu-
dent who unexpectedly opens a
door to find "her" draped provo-
catively about his room, clothed
in fractions of complete sets of
And "she" frequently appears at
the men's windows to tease some
passing University official into
believing there's something wrong.
K -
Few Ducats
Remain for
Pinza Fans
Basso Will Sing
Hlere Tomorrow
Tickets are still available in
limited numbers for operatic star
Ezio Pinza's concert at 8:30 p.m.
tomorrow in Hill Auditorium.
Though most single tickets for
the basso's concert have been sold,
several are available in each price
group to the many Pinza fans in
and about Ann Arbor.
PINZA, acclaimed as one of the
greatest singers in the world, to-
day, will present local concert-
goers a varied program including
several songs and operatic pieces
in his native Italian, as well as
a group of contemporary American
At home with almost any kind
of music, the great basso has
been part of the backbone of
the Metropolitan Opera since
he came to this country in 1926
after six years' service it the
Italian army in the first World
TO YOUTH in the United States,
Pinza's sparkling personality has
been almost as great a drawing-
card as his voice.
Of Pinza, a noted New York
critic has said, "he is one of the
artistic pillars of the Met, whose
vocal ability and personal mag-
netism have playedavital part
in the success of many perform-
Tickets for his performance here
tomorrow are available at Univer-
sity Musical Society offices in Bur-
ton Tower, and will be on sale in
the Hill box office at 7 p.m. the
evening of the concert.
CifrOmwell To
Speak at SRA
Leta Cromwell, of the American
Friends Service Committee, willi
discuss her journeys through
Quaker projects in Europe at 4:30
p.m. today in the Fireplace Room
of Lane Hall.
In her talk, "Unofficial Diplo-
mats," Mrs. Cromwell will explain
how the youth of America and Eu-
rope are forging a new order to-
gether abroad.
Last year Mrs. Cromwell saw
Quaker projects in Germany, Po-
land, Austria and France, where,
she says, "persecution has killed
many but conquered few."
Following her talk and a dis-
cussion period there will be a pot-
luck supper at 6 p.m. Those who
plan to attend the dinner may
contact Betty Jobes at 2-2226.
House To Release
Auto Testimony
investigating committee an-
nounced tonight that evidence of
"exorbitant" profits reaped by
some automobile dealers is being
turned over to the Justice Depart-
ment and other law enforcement
Chairman Macy (Rep., N.Y.),
head of a special House group
making the investigation, said in
a statement that "appropriate fed-
eral and local authorities" should
determine "whether any violation
of law has been uncovered."
A question frequently put to
auto trade men during the hear-
ings was whether they reported
bonus payments on income tax re-
Macy's statement came at the
end of two days of hearings.
A Michigan Department of
Health mobile X-ray unit has
moved into Washtenaw County to
begin an extensive tuberculosis
Consisting of a staff of highly
trained technicians and nurses and
a portable X-ray machine, the unit
made its first scheduled stop at
the University High School where
several hundred students, teach-
ers and other staff members had
chest X-rays taken yesterday.
ALTHOUGH most University
students have had X-rays taken
recently, they and. any others who
are interested may take advantage
of this free service at any one of
the mobile unit's scheduled stops,
according to Mrs. Evelyn Prosser,
chief clerk of the County Health
The survey, taken every two
years, is expected to check more
Precious Metal
FORT KNOX, Ky. - Despite
low-cost production developments
in the copper industry since World
War I, the price of that metal has
dropped only one cent per pound
in the past twenty years.
State Health Department
To Conduct TB Survey
dinner time ... party tEine
... any time!
than.10,000 0mm X-ray films
to be taken in this county.
If anyone in Ann Arbor is dis-
covered to have positive results,
he will be sent to St. Joseph's
Hospital, where a larger X-ray
will be taken to verify the results
of the first.
area by the County Health Depart-
ment, the rWashtenaw County
Medical Association and the Wash-
tenaw Tuberculosis Association,
the mobile unit has scheduled
stops in high schools and factories
in all of the county's larger cities.
Immediately after -the stop at
University High, the mobile unit
left for Ypsilanti, but local res-
idents will be able to take ad-
vantage of the free X-rays when
the unit returns for an extended
stay in Ann Arbor, beginning on
Dec. 6.
Its schedule of stops follows:
Ann Arbor High School, Dec. 6
and 7; the King Seeley Co., Dec.
9 and 10; Hoover Ball and Bearing
Co., Dec. 13; Economy Baler Co..
Dec. 15 and 16; American Broach
Co., Dec. 17 and 20 and the Mich-
igan Bell Telephone Co., Dec. 21
and 22.
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