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November 17, 1948 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-11-17

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PAAI~ 'Prm*~

Wolver ines

Pre ar e



T oimusi Named as Lineman of Week


Tilt Saturday

Indicated by Record

(Sports Feature Edlitor)
At least four different outfits
will be taking a crack at the Buck-
eyes this weekend in Columbus,
and from the noise and dander be-
ing raised around Ferry Field, it
looks safe to predict that there'll
be action aplenty.
From the graduating varsity
gridders like Pete Elliott, through
the Jayvees and 150-pounders, to
the glockenspiel virtuoso for the
Michigan Marching Band, the en-
suing rivalry with OSU is increas-
ing in intensity. ,
magazine that created all this fric-
tion between the two schools. It
goes deeper than the paper on
which the needling words were
printed. .
To bick out a specific date or
Line coach Jack Blott, who cen-
tered for Michigan in 1922-23-
24, said that this bitter feeling
wa vdent evnbefor he can
to Mcigan.vn r ae
"Maybe it was due to the num-
ber of Ohio boys like myself who
chose to play for the Wolverines
rather than OSU. Or perhaps the
short distance between the two
schools allowing students to travel
to Columbus and Ann Arbor for
the games added personal fire,"
Blott indicated.
AT ANY RATE, the 1922 game
at Ohio State stands as the blaz-
ing battle sign of fiercer things
to come-and came, as succeeding
years proved.
The Wolverines had dropped

out of the Big Ten Conference
for ten years, rejoining in time
to beat the Buckeyes in 1918.
Ohio State retaliated-the next
three times-and they were will-
ing to put up milk shakes that
they'd take the fourth encoun-
ter in 1922.
It would be a fitting climax to
the dedication of their new horse-
shoe stadium, a true setting for
the Ohio State powerhouses. But
Harry K'ipke, Paul Goebel, and
Fred Cappon said, "Uh-uh.'' Ohio
State lost 19-0, while loyal nobles
of Columbus court sat dumb-
* * *
THE 6,000 MICHIGAN students,
over half the student body, went
wild. They had poured steadily into
town on six student specials since
late Friday night.
As a solid group mn the north-
east section of the stadium- that
afternoon, they sounded like a
mass bomber squadron over Berlin
during the last war. Their after-
game devastation was even more
Band members, resplendent In
spotless new uniforms and glis-
tening yellow capes, enever
showed to such advantage ac-
cording to an account in the
1922 Daily.
And in Ann Arbor, the victory
called for "extras" of the student
paper. Michigan-OSU fans who
saw the game will never forget
it. The following years only nur-
tured the memory, until today,
this rivalry is rooted deep in those
physically unconnected with the

'M' Thitielads
Vie for Honors
On Wet Track
It was a wet day ysterday at
the University Golf Cuss
more than 30 varsity and fresh-
man harriers vied for honors over
a soggy one and two thirds mile
The incentive for the keen com-
petition was the presentation of
fifteen medals to the squad by
former trackman and alumnus
Fred Zoellin.
Bob Thomason was the first
varsity thinclad to cross the fin-
ish line, with teammates Bruce
Vreeland, Garth Kirkendall, Ted
Birdsall, Fred Stoliker, and
Warren Dwyer strung out be-
hind in that order. Thomason
covered the wet turf at a 7:49
Coach Don Canham's freshman
tracksters were led by Don Mc-
Ewen, with Aaron Gordon but five
yards in the rear. Ron Packer, Don
Cooper. and Larry Lange also
showed well for the first year men.
Tomorrow will conclude the
outdoor work - for the squad as
the boys become "Tha nksgiving
Another track .enthusiast, Phil
Diamond, has staked the first ten
men to finish tomorrow's two mile
event to a complete turkey dinner
at the Michigan Union. After the
dinner, Olympic movies will be

Pass Defense, Punting
B oltered fo rC ceyes
Ma'lize and Blue Point for Victory to Cineli
Botl Unbeateni Season and Big Nine Crown

Michigan jumped of f in its
preparation for the annual battle
against the Buckeyes of Ohio
State as Coach Bennie Oosterbaan
devoted yesterday's practice ses-
sion to pass defense and efforts
to uncover support for the Wol-
verine punting department. .
Gene Derricotte continued in his
role as the number one pass break
up man, constantly stopping the
aerial efforts of the JV's.
LEO KOCESKI and Chuck Ort-
mian joined Harry Allis in at-
tempting to build up the kicking
power of the team which hereto-
fore has rested in the capable
hands of Wally Teninga. All three

ence team since the days of the
Golden Gophers in 1940-41.
* * *
IT WILL GIVE Michigan the
distinction of having beaten all
likely candidates for the 1949 Rose
Bowl game. Michigan has already
dropped Minnesota and North-
western in the Big Nine, and has
a 14-0 victory over the coast's
probable representative Oregon.
(Oregon is the likely choice be-
cause of a ruling that the team
that has been farthest away from
the New Year's Day classic is the
one nominated by the Pacific
Coast Conference.)
DO YOU KNOW . . . that the
Wolverine trackinen are now be-
ing led by two men who, ran on
the same cinder paths just a few
years ago? Head Track Coach
Don Canham won track letters
in 1939, '40, '41 and Einer
Swanson, Assistant Track Coach,
earned his in 1943. '44, '46.

He'll tell you it's the Offensive
ineman like Dom Tomas, rugged
little guard on Michigan's grid
machine, who has been chosen
Lineman -of - the -Week by The
Daily sports staff.
DOM'S PLAY in last Saturday's
game against Indiana stood out as
he opened holes for line plunges',
led the interference on end sweeps,
and warded off would-be tacklers
on pass plays.
The work of a defensive line-
man comes in spurts-whenever
the play comes his way. But an
offensive lineman has an essen-
tial assignment on every play.
He has his work cut out for him
every time the ball is snapped.
It's that consistent hard block-
ing that distinguishes Tomasi.
* * *
THlE COACHING staff thinks so
much of Tomasi's blocking that
they have assigned him the im-
portant role of pulling out of the
lime and leading many of the Wol-
verines' offensive plays.
Dom didn't start his football
career until he was a senior at
Flint Northern High School. But
he made up for lost time in a
hurry, making the All-State

in itself, is proof of the respect
his teammates hold for him.
Dom is a comparative midget
when stacked up aainst som
Western C onference. ie stands
a er 5f., 9 n, adwelgbs
only 180 pounds. When up
against a line like the 1947 MIn-
nesota forward wall, with such
monsters as Leo Nomellini, the
game caraly be touh foa
With his four years of footblli
against the roughest competition
in the nation, Dom has shtowed
good conditioning and a real foot-
ball know-how by coming through
without a serious injury.
Saturday's game at Ohio Stat
will bring to a close Tomasi's bril-
liant college athletic careei'. Be
sides the gridiron, he has also
shown his ability on the baseball
diamond. For four years he has
held down the second base posi-
tion on the Wolverine team..
DO YOU KNOW .. . that until
the 1947-48 season Wol-
verine basketball teams had not
won a conference championship
since the 1928-29 serIes? Dur-
ing that season, they won 14 and
lost only two games while scor-
ing 475 points to 333 for their

tain Tomasi completing a bril-
liant college football career,
playing the same outstanding
ball he's been playing for the
past four seasons.
* * *
team at a guard position during
his first year at the game.
Dom finished high school in
February of 1945, and came to
Michigan the following fall. He
wasted no timein earning himself
a berth on the varsity line -- a
rather remarkable feat for a 17-
year-old freshman.
* *
NOW IN IS fourth year of

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A eThs "Manhattan"~ sportshirt.
Nothing timid about that colorful Scotch
Tartan plaid. Superbly tailored
for style and easy comfort. Fabric is washable
rayon. At your favorite men's store now.
Copr. 1948, The Manhattan Shirt Company



...Leaves injuries behind
went all out in perfecting their
"coffin corner" punts and Allis
prepared for his role as "upright
splitter" in the forthcoming Buck-
eye clash.
If the Wolverines needed any
further incentive to take Ohio
State seriously Saturday, the
Buckeyes provided it when they
trampled the ionce "fighting"
Illini by the impressive score of
Michigan fans can remember
how the Wolverines were hard
pressed all the way to emerge vic-
tors over the same team by a 28-
20 count.

- f
- ...





OHIO STATE has made no ef-
fort to conceal the fact that the
Michigan game is the headliner
on this year's schedule.
3 powrfulbacks to throw against
E Michigan in the presence of Joe
Whislera22 pond flback ad
All thre participate in the
rout of Illinois and contributed to
-> , the impressive Buckeye ground at-
* tack. They are expected to do the
V,1same against Michigan and can be
S counted on to take to the air ways
;to bolster the Ohio attack.
* * *
WI;~ ' ~~mu nt~ ~A VICTORY over Ohio will add
Sseveral more feathers to the al-
ready crowded Wolverine head
% It will assure Michigan of its
second undefeated season and
extend the Wolverine winning
streak to 23 straight games, the
- longest in the nation at present.
It will assure Michigan of its
second straight Big Nine title,
something which hasn't been ac-
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MoItd your
on present
- a --

1. Let your beard grow dur'
ing the week end.
2. Monday morning, when
your whiskers are at their
longest and toughest, put
your present cream on half
your face.
3. Put Moll6, the heavier
brushless cream, on the other
half of your face. Spread it
4. Go over your face JUST
ONCE with your razor . .
nand fanl th& diffhrence.


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