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November 17, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-11-17

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Latest Deadline in the State


Chinese Reds
Fail To Gain'
Suehow Goal
Continue Assault
In South Sector
By The Associated Press
Battle-seasoned Chinese Com-
munist troops have been hurled
back east of the vital government
base of Suchow in what Nanking
hailed as a major victory.
While independent observation
confirmed a Red withdrawal on the
east, there were signs that a Com-
munist assault to the south threat-
ened to encircle Suchow, which is
200 rail miles northwest of Nan-
bassador Wellington Koo disclosed
today that he has asked the State
Departmenton behalf of his gov-
ernment for a declaration of
American policy on China in the
present crisis.
His disclosure came some
hours after President Truman
reported that he would review
the whole international situation
with Secretary of State Marshall
here next Monday. American
policy on China is expected to be
one of the major problems be-
fore them.
. What is wanted, he said, is a
declaration of "sympathy, solidar-
ity and support" for Chiang's Na-
tionalist regime which recently
has suffered critical defeat at the
hands of the Communist forces in
Manchuria and North China. An
American statement of the kind
his government wants, Koo said,
would help to raise morale of the
people and armies of Nationalist
China in their struggle with the

UN Orders Armistice
In Palestine Conflict
PARIS--(P)-The Security Council today ordered Arabs and Jews
to negotiate an armistice immediately as a step to peace.
With this new directive to back him up, the acting United Na-
tions mediator, Dr. Ralph Bunche, said he would ask the Jews and
Arabs to begin talks at once.
THE 11-NATION Council sought to replace the Palestine truce, in
existence since July and broken by one side or the other several times,
with a more durable armistice.
Meanwhile-Russia and the Western Powers apparently
doomed the Lie-Evatt plea for renewed Berlin peace negotiations
by announcing today their previous positions remained unchanged.
The Western Power position was disclosed by President Truman
when he said flatly that the United States will not resume four power
talks on Germany until Russia lifts the Berlin blockade.
* * * * .
RUSSIA, on the other hand, said in a note to Dr. Herbert V. Evatt,
President of the United Nations Assembly, and Trygve Lie, UN Secre-
tary-General, that the Council of foreign ministers must consider all
German problems, not merely the Berlin dispute.
The Russians said more plainly than ever that they would
like a big four meeting of Prime Minister Stalin, President Tru-
man, Prime Minister Attlee of Britain and Premier Queuille of
On the Palestine question considerable confusion arose among
Security Council members over the technical differences between a
truce and an armistice. Gen. A. G. L. McNaughton of Canada said a
truce is something which can be imposed by an order to stop fight-
ing. An armistice is a mutual agreement between the parties. In gen-
eral, also, a truce is more of a temporary arrangement.
'New Era' for All Middle East
Expected in Growth of Israel

As JTudi'

iarv Continues




s / _ _



THE COMMUNIST radio said
Red troops have seized Suining, 48
miles southeast of Suchow it was
reported in Nanking. If true, they
are less than 60 mile from closing
a ring around Suchow, since their
forces are either in or around Suh-
sien, 58 miles southwest of Sui-


Alleged Killers
Of Taxi Driver
Plea Not Guilty
Two youthful alleged killers,
held for the murder of a taxi
driver near Willow Village last
Sept. 20, stood mute Monday when
arraigned here in Circuit Court.
At the request of defense attor-
neys, pleas of not guilty were en-
tered for both men and their trial
set for Jan. 12.
The two accused men, Kenneth
Basha, 22, of Melvindale and Wil-
lard Swarthout, 19, of Norwayne,
were previously examined by a
three-man sanity commission who
turned their report over to the
While the report will not be
made public, it is assumed that the
youths were held responsible for
their actions.
Otherwise, different proceedings
would have been necessary.
Basha's attorney indicated,
however, that his client's defense
would be not guilty by reason of
Stowers To Speak
On Air Security
. Harvey Stowers, assistant to the
president of the Aircraft Indus-
tries Association, will speak on
"Air Power Is National Life in-
surance," at 4:15 today, in Rack-
ham Lecture Hall, at the second
Speech Assembly of the year.
When a round-trip ride
may be "yours for the
Wu/ v rl\n/G G k-rvT->

A New Era for all of the Middle
East is coming with the state of
Israel, according to Albert Elazar,
authority on Arab-Jewish rela-
tions, who spoke before members
of IZFA last night.
"The poor, peasant Arabs are
More Money
Pledged for
'l'hand Trip
Another $200 was pledged yes-
terday toward sending the famed
Michigan Marching Band to Col-
ombus this week-end.
The pledge was made by the U.
of M. Alumni Club in Saginaw.
This brings the total band fund
past the $2,350 marker.
THE ORIGINAL goal for the
drive was set at $2,000. However
band business managers said that
travel arrangements will cost more
than had originally been antici-
pated and the extra money will
keep the band out of debt.
Sparked by Al Oeming, the
Saginaw alumni group approved
the band fund pledge yesterday.
Oeming learned that the drive
was being carried on while here
over the week-end to view the
Wolverine-Indiana grid clash.
Not to be outdone by a $200
pledge made by Detroit Alumni,
the Saginaw group pledged a sim-
ilar amount.
WITH THE TRIP assured, Band
Director William R e velli has
promised a bang-up show at the
OSU stadium. Hardworking
bandsmen are working this week
to perfect formations.
Tito Admits Soviet
Economic Pinch
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia--(P)--
Premier Marshall Tito acknowl-
edged for the first time that Rus-
sia and her Eastern European sat-
ellites are imposing an economic
squeeze on Yugoslavia.
"One thing is not clear," he said,
"and that is why in trade the
peoples' democracies are taking a
harder stand toward Yugoslavia
than toward some capitalist coun-

beginning to see an answer to
their problems with the new ele-
ment in Palestine. They see pros-
perity and democracy and the end
to the status quo that has made
them the serfs of 'feudal' land-
holders," he' commented.
ELAZAR, who was born and ed-
ucated in Palestine, studied in Eu-
rope and served in the British
Army in Palestine, explained that
only the antagonisms of the Chris-
tian religions of the East towards
the Jews and charges by Arab
leaders that "Israelites would de-
stroy other religions" stand in the
way of greater unity.
He said that the actions of the
Israeli Army in protecting the
Holy City of Nazareth is allev-
iating any distrust and many
Arabs are even seeking to return
to the homes they fled "in
terror" before Israeli forces en-
tered. Christian elements like
the Greeks and Armenians, with
"2,000 years of accumulated hat-
red"-are either making peace
or leaving Palestine.
Elazar, who is now a leader in
Detroit Zionist activities, had only
praise for French and Italian mon-
astic groups that threw open their
facilities to retrieve the wounded
under fire and treat them.
*' * * -
FOR A SOLUTION to present
hostilities, Elazar asked the gov-
errnments of the world "to leave
the Arabs and the Jews alone."
"Cooperation, even with present
Arab governments, would come
about under projects such as a
TVA for Palestine, which would
extend into surrounding areas,"
he said.
Ohio or Bust!
Persons having OSU game
tickets who need transportation
to Columbus may purchase
roundtrip train tickets for $9.50
each all this week in Rm. 2
University Hall. The special
train will leave Ann Arbor at
6:30 a.m. Saturday and leave
Columbus at 5:30 p.m. Satur-
day. Persons who have pur-
chased Wolverine Club combin-
ation train-game ducats and
planned to return on the Sun-
day morning train may return
immediately after the game and
will receive a $5 refund.

PRESIDENT RUTHVEN AND HOBBIES-President Alexander G. Ruthven and Lexy proudly display
the latest additions to the Ruthven menage. They're seven diminutive copies of Lexy, (the big
boxer on the left) who traces her ancestral lineage back to early English "band dogges." The dogs
are one of President Ruthven's hobbies. The oth or is raising Morgan horses.
* * * *
Pups Stual Show in Rthvren Home

Buck Shot
While most ambitious deer
hunters rough it up in northern
Michigan for about two weeks,
and sometimes still come home
empty-handed, Ken Giriffith,
'51, went home to Howell, 28
miles from Ann Arbor, last
weekend and shot an eight
point buck a few hours after
the season opened.
Griffith bagged his treasure
on the dead run with three
shots, and intends to feast on
deer meat over the winter.
No Parleys
4 re Planned
KEY WEST, Fla.-(M-Presi-
dent Truman declared today the
United States stands pat against
four-power negotiations on any
phase of the German question
while Soviet Russia maintains a
blockade of Berlin.
Thus a new East-West dead-
lock developed, for Russia shortly
before had informed United Na-
tions officials who appealed for
new four-power negotiations that
any talk about Berlin must take
up the whole question of Germany.
*, * *
has no intention of leaving this
country to talk to Premier Stalin,
and no plans to send an emissary
to see the Russian leader.
The shadow of tense develop-
ments abroad hung heavily over
the peaceful vacation setting
where the President held his
first news conference since his
stunning election victory-
The President said he would
press for passage of the domestic
legislative program for which he
campaigned. Repeal of the Taft-
Hartley Act, and passage of civil
rights laws were cited particularly.
* * *
shall, he said, has prepared a
statement-which he has approv-
ed-in reply to a suggestion by
United Nations Secretary-General
Lie and UN General Assembly
President Evatt that the talks be
And, he made it abundantly
clear that he wants General
Marshall to stay on in the cabi-
net as long as he will delay his
retirement. They will discuss
Marshall's future, too, when the
latter comes home from Paris.
Give Europe's
Views on Aid
Trade Blocks Felt
Economic Headache
U. S. aid cannot solve Europe's
biggest economic problem-break-
ing down inter-nation trade bar-
riers-Europeans feel, but they
generally praise the Marshall Plan
as evidence of our recognition of
common interests.
This was the composite opinion
of Prof. John P. Dawson, of *the
law school, who supervised export
and import controls in Greece last
year, Roelf Pastoor, of the Neth-
erlands, and Zorac Organschi of
Italy. They discussed European
views of the Marshall Plan in a
lecture sponsored by Club Europa
They deplored bilateral trade
agreements in which each country
tries to sell as little necessities as
possible. Multi-lateral agreements

are needed to channel goods into
their essential uses.
"We must aid Europe, for four
or five years yet," Prof. Dawson

When you're a University presi-
dent, spare time is pretty hard to
come by.
Zoologist-turned-President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven is no exception.
But Dr. Ruthven still manages to
keep tabs on what's going on in
the animal kingdom through his
two hobbies, horses and dogs.
RIGHT NOW seven five-weeks-
old puppies arehtemporarily steal-
ing the limelight in the Ruthven
home on South University avenue.
They're pedigreed boxers, whose
ancestors back in medieval Eng-

Additional SL
Petitions Are
Thown out
Consider Election
As investigation of elections
petitions continued yesterday,
another Student Legislature can-
didate was disqualified and a
large number of J-Hop petitions
were found to be faulty in a pre-
liminary check by the Men's Ju-
diciary Council.
This action followed closely the
disqualification of all seventeen
petitions for Senior Class office
and that of one SL candidate, by
Men's Judiciary Monday.
As the number of invalid peti
tions mounted, officials began
speculating on the possibility of
postponing the election until af-
ter the Thanksgiving week-end.
* * *
THE LATEST. disqualified. SL
candidate is Calvin Klyman, '51,
who had a non-student signature
on his petition according to Men's
Judiciary president Ev Ellin.
The remaining sixty SL peti-
tions and all petitions for
Board in Control of Student
Publications have been approved
by the Judiciary Council.
A preliminary check of J-liop
petition revealed "several irregu-
larities," Ellin said. Members of
Men'sJudiciary will thoroughly
examine the J-Hop petitions this
afternoon. No names will be re-
vealed until tonight.
* * *
meet at 4:15 p.m. today to hear
appeals to their decisions on the
two SL petitions.
A revision of the petition rules
to allow consideration of names
in excess of the number required
will also be discussed, Ellin said.
A number of the questionable
J-Hop petitions contain more
than the required number of
signatures and a rule change
would validate them.
An early check revealed that
most of the Senior Class candi-
dates were carefully circulating
new petitions.
petitioning Senior Class candi-
dates have been cut to 100 signa-
tures from students in the literary
college, music, forestry and archi-
tecture schools, due to the short-
age of time and to make certain
that the candidates would get the
names personally, Ellin said.
They are due at 3 p.m. Friday
in Rm. 2 University Hall. Men's
Judiciary will review them the
same day, Ellin added.
Ellin said the actions of Men's
Judiciary in disqualifying the
nineteen petitions was, "an ef-
fort to improve the caliber of rep-
resentative student government."
student body have established an
intelligent procedure for petition-
ing in order to protect their best
"Candidates for campus office
should show enough interest in
student government to comply
with these rules and acquaint
themselves with their electorate

as represented by their petition
signatures," Eln added.
A list of rules for election day
procedure will be issued today by
the Judiciary Council.
Election Plans
Survive Probe
As prospective J-Hop committee
members sweated out the investi-
gation of their petitions and Senior
Class candidates repeated last
week's signature hunt, pre-elec-
tion campaign plans went on.
Betsy Barbour House has
planned tea and open house for
candidates and all interested stu-

land-they were then known as
band dogges" used to be boon
companions of wandering tink-
Aristocratic though they are,
Dr. Ruthven's "band dogges" are
still content just to be plain pup-
pies. At night they sleep in the
basement of the Ruthven home,
while their mother Lexy guards
the upper regions of the house-
* * *
THE PUPPIES' sire belongs to
a Chicago friend of the president.
When the dogs get a little

World Honors Students as 'U'
Postpones IS Day Celebration

Permission Denied*..**
Celebration of International
Students Day was postponed by
the Student Affairs Committee
yesterday because sponsoring
groups failed to secure sufficient
advance permission.
A panel discussion by six foreign
students comparing American and
foreign students was put off for
two weeks. The program, spon-
sored by UWF, Inter-Guild, ISA
and the NSA Committee of the
Student Legislature was to have
been part of a world-wide tribute
to 157 Czechs slaughtered by the
Nazis on Nov. 17, 1939.
* *, *
IN KEEPING with the spirit of
the day, Tom Walsh, spokesman
for the sponsors, urged all students
to consider inviting a foreign stu-
dent to their dorm or home for
Thanksgiving Day dinner.
The Young Progressives and
other individual students who were
denied permission for a continu-
ous showing of the movie "Hymns
of Nations" will go ahead with
their clothing drive for the stu-
dents at the University of Yunnan
in Kunming, Nationalist China.
placed in front of the Union, on
State Street and N. University,
and at S. University and E. Uni-
In addition to contributing

In connection with today's
world-wide celebration of Inter-
national Student Day, the Uni-
versity National Student Asso-
ciation committee is expanding its
program of foreign correspond-
Under this program, American
students will be able to correspond
with students from Russia, Ger-
many, England, China, Brazil, and
other countries in Europe, Asia,
and South America.
S * *
"FRIENDSHIPS established
through these letters are an im-
portant step toward creating in-
ternational good will," Dorianne
Zipperstein, chairman of the For-
eign Correspondence Bureau of
the AVrichigan Region, NSA, said.
At present the program in-
cludes ten foreign countries.
Miss Zipperstein will be in the
Student Legislature Room of the
Union from 4 to 5 p.m. today and
Friday to supply addresses to all
interested students. She can alsoj
be contacted at Helen Newberry.

older, Dr. Ruthven intends to sell
them, pedigrees and all.
So far the dogs haven't rubbed
noses with Dr. Ruthven's other
hobby-Morgan horses. The horses
live at Stanerigg, the president's
farm near Ann Arbor.
* * *
BEING THE only horses in the
world that own one less vertebra
than other equines, they're pretty
special. zoological specimens.
Right now Dr. Ruthven has
about a dozen of the breed in the
stables at Stanerigg, which is
named, incidentally, after his
family's home in Scotland.
DR. RUTHVEN couldn't possi-
bly have finer hobbies-you can
take his granddaughter Sandra's
word for that. Sandra, like the
other Ruthven grandchildren, has
practically grown up with horses
and dogs (Dr. Ruthven raised Eng-
lish bulldogs before he switched to
boxers three years ago).
She doesn't have the same zo-
ological interest in them that
her grandfather does.
"But there's nothing she likes
better than to be out on the farm
with the horses," according to Dr.
New Government
Seen in Greece
ATHENS, Greece--VP)-Author-
itative sources said a committee of
Liberals and Populists had agreed
on formation of a new Greek gov-
ernment which will be the same
combination as the old one.
There will be only two changes,
the sources said. The Liberal Party
will take the Ministry of War and
the Populists (Monarchists) the
Ministry of Air. The posts were
reversed in the Liberal-Populist
government of Premier Themi-
stokles Sophoulis which resigned
four days ago because rebel lib-
erals charged it with failing to
suppress Communist guerrillas.

INS Foreign News Director
WillGive Journalism Talks
* * *
Journalism students and otherĀ«
interested students will hear a dis-
cussion by news expert J. C.
Oestreicher on "Social and Ethical
Responsibilities of Foreign Cor-
respondents in a Crucial Age," 3
p~m. today in Rn. IB Haven Hall
Oestreicher, director of the for-
eign news department of Interna-

Legislator Seeks Revival of 'Rah-Rah'

Fei'shman castug's of war over I

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