PAGE F'OUR TIM MIC H IAN fDAILY .a U . . . i . .. .. W .. " . , a I V L -. F T1vfla'v aa iv~arnarulA 1OA l And After ToJo?* SO WE'VE CONVICTED TOJO and his ne- farious associates. After almost three years of presentation of evidence and count- er evidence, the eleven prosecuting nations have made official what was evident from the very beginning - that the Japanese war leaders were responsible for waging a war of aggression. The record is nothing to be very proud of since the only thing we have proved by holding the trial is that we were the victor nations. When the trial started a little more than a half year after Japan's surrender, the world was filled with a hope that the future offered something better than just intervals of peace between wars. At that time the trial made sense because, even though the unprecedented arraignment of the enemy's leaders in a court was not based on previous concepts of internation- al law, it was hoped that it would lay down a pattern for the future. The Allies completely muffed that op- portunity. Instead of presenting a united front against the Japanese, national differ- ences manifested themselves as the months dragged by and international tension mount- ed. The absurdity of having a Soviet judge and prosecutor participating in a trial which was supposed to have determined the guilt of the Japanese in starting a war and mis- treating prisoners is as obvious to the man Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: AL BLUMROSEN in the street in Tokyo as it is to any Amer.. ican. It was only after protracted argument and the expenditure of several cablegrams to Moscow that the Soviet prosecution, in the final summation of their case, deigned to include the United States and her allies, in listing the victors over Japan. When it is considered that, in a par- oxysm of fear, we are prepping Japan for the role of eventual ally in a war against Russia, the significance of the trials pales. It may be argued that the present and the future are of far greater importance than the past, but our failure in that past will come back to haunt us. Such personal shortcomings as marred the trials, particularly Chief Prosecutor Keenan's intent preoccupation with favorable propa- ganda about Joseph Keenan, we can never hope to do away with entirely. However, there is a solution for ameliorating the sen- seless national jealousies which have made a mockery of the solemn proceedings at the International Military Tribunal for the Fax East. As long as national sovereignty bars the way to an effective world order, we shall continue to have farcical trials following needless conflicts. It is only when the citi- zens of our country convince our chosen leaders that mankind's salvation lies in banding together in a world government un- der the Federalists' principles, that we shall no longer find the need to hold trials over the vanquished. It should be evident that such an organization must come sooner or later. Our duty to the future generations (if there are to be any) requires us to demand world federalism NOW. If Tojo's death will drive home this fact, the trial will not have been in vain. -Ulrich Straus 11RATHER BE RIGHT: IGeometrical By SAMUEL GRAFTON OUR FOREIGN POLICY is based on the doctrine that Russia means to destroy us, if she can. And certainly her intentions toward western capitalism are not, on the whole, sympathetic, and it is probably a safe guess that she does not prayzfor us very often. Yet I wonder if we have not made a mistake in basing the whole of our for- eign policy on Russian ill-will. That is the quite obvious base for a foreign policy, certainly, and on it any draftsman of normal intelligence could build such con- structions as the Truman Doctrine, ERP, etc. Once you accept the premise that the leading fact is Russian ill-will toward the West, you can go ahead and build your science on it, the way geometers build ma- jestically on the doctrine that parallel lines can never meet, etc. And yet there is such a thing as a non- Euclidean' geometry, which has, in its own way, been provocative and useful to the world, even though it disdains some of Eu- clid's assumptions. What I would like to propose, if only on a speculative level, is a kind of non-Euclidean foreign policy, based on some other postulate than that the lead- ing fact in our world is Russian ill-will toward America. What then? What could we construct on that basis, and how would that construction differ from the standard geometry of the State Department and of the convinced bi- partisans? There is, as a matter of fact, more basis for feeling that Russia cannot make war upon us than for feeling that she can, and in this muggy field of picking assumptions. upon which to bottom one's thinking, the one choice is quite as respectable, philo- sophically, as the other. And one of the first disclosures of our proposed non-Euclidean foreign policy is that we would suddenly find we had some part of fifteen billion dollars to play with each year that we do not now have, fifteen billions being the amount now contemplated for our annual arms expenditures. With fif- teen billions a year, we could rehouse Amer- ica, and rehousing America would certainly be a smashing blow against world Commu- nism-yet a fair blow, legal by every stan- dard of sportsmanship and international law. (Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation) i- " J "Don't Put Yourself To Too Much Trouble, Judge- I've Got Another Appointment At The Capitol" ettersto the Editor .. M 4 $ .:tF}' V 43 ' -4-; "2i' COR .1 dv n'. AFr ARrj ' Air i yip , ._ RF rs .; , a. a ec ... ,. i+s+t rea +vw++ c*or. r... R" . LDAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN + MUSIC + At Hill Auditori um ,teresting piece, it is a good example of Pope's SHidi r- --dictum that "the sound must seem an echo Thor Johnson returned to Ann Arbor to to the sense." "Satan's Dance of Triumph," for instance, is grotesquely exultant; the conduct the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra theme reminds one of a child's taunting in an interesting and generally satisfactory chant, but the emphatic bass makes it im- concert last night. pressively demonic. The former Choral Union conductor led a The section that most showed the influ- brisk rendition of Glinka's Overture to Rus- ence of English folk music, which is strong slan and Ludmilla to start the evening, in Williams' work, was the last-"Galliard Mozart's "Haffner" Symphony (No. 35), of the Sons of the Morning." which followed, wasn't performed with the The orchestra, under Johnson's direction, same assurance. Clear and vigorous play- gave the whole piece expertly effective per- ing carried the first and final movements formance. along very spiritedly. But in the contem- Following the intermission, they played plative second movement, contrapuntal Midsummer Vigil by the modern Swedish lines sometimes tended to become obscured composer Alfven, who seemed to be quite a or too much subordinted to the rhythm; workmanlike composer in rather traditional blending and balance occasionally didn't style. The concluding work was an orches- seem quite right. On the whole, though, the tral suite from Strauss' Der Rosenkavalier, Mozart symphony was given lively and sym- of which the waltzes particularly were per-" pathetic realization. formed with sweeping spirit. Job-A Masque for Dancing by Vaughan In general, the orchestra seemed more at Williams, the next work on the program, home in brassy and highly rhythmic pas- was in many ways the high point of the sages than in delicate counterpoint; this was evening. It is based, the program notes point reflected in the program, which included out, on William Blake's Illustrations of the more of the former than the latter. All in all, Book of Job, and consists of a series of a highly successful evening. dances with titles related to the story. An in- -Phil Dawson MATTER OF FACT: Someone Must Payr Current Movies By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON-One of the penalties of President Truman's stirring victory is that he must go on doing the dirty jobs of government. And it now seems all too likely that raising taxes is going to be the first and foremost among these unpleasant tasks. In fact, if the President pays his customary attention to his expert advisers, he will ask the Congress to raise something like the huge total of five billion dollars of additional governmental revenue. Treasury and Budget officials are not making any public statements on higher taxes. Yet, as they point out privately, the facts speak for themselves. It is worth' noting that they would have spoken just as loudly to Governor Thomas E. Dewey as to President Truman. For the facts are both simple and inescapable. In this fiscal year the Truman-vetoed tax cut will cost the government, according to the estimates of the Council of Economic Advisers, upwards of five billion dollars. As a consequence, the Treasury will run into the red by an estimated billion and a half dollars. Every economist, from left to right, agrees that such deficit financing in boom times is economic insanity. And the hard fact is that next year, unless the most im- portant commitments of the United States are to be briskly tossed into the ashcan, gov- ernment expenditures are sure to be sharply increased. The chief areas of increase can be brief- ly listed. The greatest increases derive, of course, from fear of Soviet aggression. De- fense spending, which now accounts for about thirty percent of the load on the taxpayers, will have to be boosted by an absolute minimum of a billion dollars- and the budget experts agree that if the boost can be held to a billion a miracle will have been achieved. Irnt',hkc, nrld Chinn. Tt ic, 1w~vminrr ,4ilr, the social security, housing, health and edu- cation fields which, according to a prelimi- nary estimate by the Council of Economic Advisers, should cost about an extra half billion dollars. Against all these increases, only comparatively small savings, especially in tax refunds and veterans' expenditures, are possible. Inherent in both forms of increased taxa- tion is the danger that business men will angrily respond by cutting expansion and other commitments to the bone, bringing the specter of depression out of the wings, to front and center stage. Yet the fact re- mains that the vast bulk of government spending is now essentially a response to Soviet pressure. No one likes high taxes. Yet it is difficult to see how very high taxes can be avoided, unless this country is simply to fold its hands in these menacing times and hope for the best while failing to pre- pare for the worst. If Governor Dewey knew any other alternative to high taxes, he never revealed it. Copyright, 1948, New York Herald Tribune, Inc. _Looking Back 50 YEARS AGO TODAY: The University of Chicago weekly ex- pressed the following sentiments about the Michigan Varsity: "Michigan plays like a lot of tyros . . . disgustingly poor football .. - game is slow and uneven ... complete lack of teamwork. 30 YEARS AGO TODAY: Students at Indiana University had to forego the pleasure of dating for a few weekends as a preventative measure in com- bating the influenza epidemic. "Martha Cookies" unveiled their authentic jazz band replete with banjos, ukes and saxo- I* At the Michigan .. . "THE LOVES OF CARMEN" with Rita Hayworth and Glenn Ford. DON'T LET the name fool you, folks-this is not the Carmen of the opera, Carmen Jones or any of the other Carmen characters. Rita Hayworth simply looks good in gypsy outfits and clicks a mean castinet, so they whipped up some technicolor and tragedy around these promising potentialities. She's a spirited gal, she is, this Hay- worth Carmen, and for several reels she keeps busy vamping the men, kicking up her most attractive heels and spitting on and at numerous people who cross her willful path. Glenn Ford is the naive young Army officer who ruins his career and sinks to almost animal level following her siren song, but she doesn't return his "the world is well lost for love." It rolls off like a typical Spanish novel, much of the mountain background and char- acters therein looking like a holdover from "For Whom the Bells Toll." Carmen flits about the rocks with never a smudge, and a fresh change for every moonrise in her saddle bag, taking all eyes and most of the picture, while Glenn gets any sympathy that's kicking around for the various messes he makes of things. It would be dramatic, but Carmen is much too beautiful and head- strong to come to anything but an untimely end so they show her off for the necessary reels before she throws in her rose. -Gloria Hunter At the State.. . THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE, James Cag- ney, William Bendix, Wayne Morris, and Jeanne Cagney. IT'S AN OLD LAW: What goes down must come up. And the quality of Ann Arbor really climbed when the Cagney trio, William Bendix and company went into a 'dive' on Pacific St., 'Frisco, ad did what down-and- outers do. Incidentally, if you are not already familiar with William Saroyan's great play (I can say that without fear of contradic- tion) it is the story of how little people- Kitty "Du Val," the forlorn, Kit, the well- preserved renegade, and Tom, the simple guy, come in and "Be themselves" in Nick's joint. Along for the ride is Joe-Jimmy Cag- ney-the angel who makes everything work out just as it wouldn't in real life. The movie, which faithfully follows the play, except for decreasing emphasis on the inexplicable "Arab" and a few others, im- proves on the original by the camei'a's abil- ity to switch the point of interest quickly from one character to another and yet not (Continued from Page 2) Motion Picture: "The Story of Palomar," (technicolor), 8 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. Admis- sion without charge. Public wel- come. Movie to be presented by Phi Lambda Upsilon for chemists and chemical engineers at 4:15 p.m., Rm. 1400 Chemistry Building. Films "The Origin and Synthe- sis of Plastics," "Catalysis," and "The Story of Aviation Gasoline." Tennis movies, sponsored by Varsity Tennis Team. Slow-motion and normal speed demonstration and action pictures featuring Don Budge, Bobby Riggs, and Alice Marble. Showing time: 75 m. Waterman Gymnasium, 8:30 p.m. No admission fee. Gilbert and Sullivan Society: Rehearsal of all chorus members and principals, 7:15 p.m., Michi- gan League. Room will be posted. Graduate School Record Con- cert will be held Tuesday rather than Thursday this week because of the Pinza recital. East Lounge, Rackham Building, 7:45 p.m. Haydn: Symphony No. 104 in D. Major; Beecham, London Phil- harmonic. Bartok: Quartet No. 2 in A Minor, Op. 17; Budapest. Beeth- oven: Sonata No. 21 in C Major, Op. 53; Gieseking. Bach: Con- certo No. 1 in D Minor; Fischer, piano. All graduateustudents invited: Silence is requested. Zeta Phi Eta, Speech Arts: Busi- ness meeting, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 3209 Angell Hall. Sigma Delta Chi: 7:30 p.m., Rm. 3K, Michigan Union. Convention report will be given. Newspaper judgment committees will be an- nounced. Woverine Club: Meeting, 7:15 p.m., Michigan Union. Association of Independent Men: 7 p.m., 3-C, Michigan Union. "The Club Europa" sponsored lecture and discussion on the ERP. 8-10 p.m., Rackham Assembly Hall. Everyone invited. Polonia Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., International Center. Prac- tice Christmas carols. Students of Polish descent invited. Square Dance Group: 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Understanding World Faiths Seminar: 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Christian Science Organization: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Upper Room, Lane Hall. I.Z.F.A.: General meeting, Tues., Nov. 16, Hillel Foundation. Mr. Albert Elazar will speak on "Jew- ish-Arab Problems." Everyone wel- come. Women of the University Fac- ulty: Supper meeting, 6:15 p.m., Hussey Room, Michigan League. Asso. Dean Charles H. Peake will speak on the academic counseling program in the Literary College. Bookshelf and Stage Section, Faculty Women's Club: 2:45 p.m., home of Mrs. C. B. Slawson, 1415 Brooklyn Ave. Sigma Rho Tau: 7 p.m., Rm. 2084 E. Engineering Bldg. Topic for discussion: "Project Speaking." Coming Events The University Concert Band will begin its schedule of daily re- hearsals Mon., Nov. 22, at 4:15 p.m. There will not be a rehearsal this Wednesday evening. Research Club: 8 p.m., Wed., Nov. 17. Rackham Amphitheatre. Program: "Reforming Administra- tive Procedure," Dean E. Blythe Stason. "Vocabularies of Philip- pine Negritos Considered from the Standpoint of Language and Race," Prof. Harley H. Bartlett. English Journal Club: 7:45 p.m., Wed., Nov. 17, East Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Professor Denkinger, of the Romance Lan- guages Department, will discuss "The French CriticalPosition on th~e Problem of Poetry since the end of the 19th Century." Tau Beta Pi: Dinner meeting, 6 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 18, Michigan Union. Delta .Sigma Pi, Professional Business Fraternity: Business meeting, 8 p.m., Wed., Nov. 17. Be prompt because pictures are to be taken at 8 p.m. Pledges meet at 7:30 p.m. A.S.C.E., Student Chapter: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Wed., Nov. 17, Rooms. 3KLMN, Michigan Union. Mr. 0. A. Cuthbert, Engineer-Di- rector, County Road Association of Michigan, will speak on the subject, "Highway Engineering." Institute of Aeronautical Sci- ences: 7:30 p.m., Wed., Nov. 17, Rm. 1042 E. Engineering Bldg. Mr. Donald Frey, Engineering Re- search Institute, will speak on the subject, "High Temperature Met- allurgy." Leta Cromwell of the American Friends Service Committee will speak at 4:30 p.m., Wed., in the Fireplace Room, Lane Hall. Sub- ject: "Unofficial Diplomats - American and European Youth Forge a New Order Together in Europe." Potluck supper. U. of M. Radio Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 18, Rm. 1084 E. Engineering Bldg. Pro- gram: Tour of radio station WHRV near Ypsilanti. Modern Poetry Club: Wednes- day, 7:30 p.m., Wed., Nov. 17, Rus- sian Tearoom, Michigan League. Discussion of W. H. Auden's latest poem. Young Democrats: Meeting, Room 3-D Union, 7:30 p.m., Wed., Nov. 17. Professor Dawson will speak on "YD and the Future." United World Federalists: Gen- eral Chapter meeting, Wed., 7:30 p.m., Henderson Room, Michigan League. Agenda: Report from del- egates to the UWF Nat'l. Conven- tion. United World Federalists: Ex- ecutive Council Meeting, 7 p.m., Wed., Henderson Room, Michigan League. Meeting before General Meeting. The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer'ssignature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste " will not be published. The editors"reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. a *...* Discourtesy To the Editor: THE OTHER NIGHT one of the girls living at 1108 Hill Street received her pin serenade fromthe Sigma Chis. This is a tradition on every campus where there are fra- ternities-a tradition with solemn meaning behind the beautiful songs. Our annex is across the street from East Quad, and we are used to a variety of rude noises, but that night the conduct of some of the residents of the Quad hit an all time low. The beautiful rendi- tion of the Sigma Chi songs was marred by uncalled-for hooting, jeering and howling frommany windows of the Quad. The singing of the fraternity and our answering songs was not meant to disturb anyone. On the contrary, many intelligent people enjoy beautifully stng music. We hope that in the future, the residents of East Quad will listen politely to serenades, for it is in- deed a shame that the ill-conduct of a few can lower the public opinion of the group as a whole. -Joyce Buna, Marjorie Berger. And others. * *i * Exchange To the Editor: WOULD ANY readers like to correspond with an English housewife with a view to exchang- ing newspapers, etc.? I am very in- terested in your country and would like to know more about it, from an ordinary housewife like myself. -Carpenter's Wife Mrs. M. Tippen, 36 Wagstoffe St., Middleton, Manchester, England. * * * Stark Tragedy To the Editor: A TRAGEDY HAS occured. What is the most famous limb of American Society? The leg, of our American girl? Always where peoples of the world meet, the American girl's legs are spoken of as symbols of beauty. And who should be more observant than those future leaders of the world, the men of Michigan. Let me relate an experience. The other day I strolled 'cross campus in comfort. The sun was shining (I have no proof of this but my word). I happened to glance down at the tips of my shoes, and as my eyes began the long journey upward, I first saw the tragedy. A coed walked ahead of me. Equipped with the new look, her skirt drooped to within ten inches of the ground. Her soxs, of the 'Bobby' variety, were stretched up to their maximum length. Herein lies the tragedy- fully exposed to my eyes were one and 7/16 inches of pure legs. Is this the American way? Is this what our boys fought for? Sir, there be but two alternatives: Either down with the socks, or . . . . . No longer shall the men of Michigan suffer from this tragedy. The time has come for action. As our famous war time hero said, "The leg shall return." -Bob Krell. * * * Objection To the Editor: I WISH TO RAISE an objection to the opening sentence of an editorial in last Saturday's Daily. I quote: "An importation from Ox- ford has provided the answer to long standing student objections to the Political Speakers ban." The Forum Plan introduced by Mr. Carson seems to be one good method of debate, and I hope to see it adopted on this campus. But it does not represent any kind of an answer to the Speakers Ban. Last week I signed a petition, circulated by the Committee to Abolish the Ban which represents many recognized student organiza- tions. I signed the petition be- cause it politely, but definitely re- quests the Board of Regents to re- peal that ban entirely, but does not make any mention of an "alterna- tive." Since organizations which should have the right to organize political discussions are those which are recognized by the Uni- versity as responsible groups, and since it is assumed that as stu- dents of the University we are all more or less intelligent and re- sponsible individuals, any kind of restriction of discussion, organ- ized or spontaneous, cannot be jus- tified on any grounds, especially since it actually deprives such a large student body of an education in citzenry. No doubt students, individually and in campus organizations, must prove to the Regents that we are responsible and intelligent enough to engage in political discussion and listen to political opinions. If my memory serves me correctly, any political discussion or speech which was freely held on this cam- pus was handled intelligently and politely-at least during the al- most three years I have been here. I hope that the Student Legis- lature will utilize our signatures, rather than the Forum editorial, when the time comes to present our views to the Regents. -Werner Blumenthal. * * * Serious Charge To the Editor: BILL CARTER, in his letter pub- lished Saturday, November 13, states that he is going on trial by proxy, with the twelve Communists on trial in New York on charges of plotting to overthrow the gov- ernment of the United States by force and violence. First, he refers to the charge as a "vicious and monstrous distortion." We will let the jury decide that. As to the very trial itself, he refers to it as a "farcial trial." Evidence, please, Mr. Carter! That is a serious charge you are making. He mentions that the fate of these twelve men will be his fate, reasoning that if those men are convicted, then "liberals" like him- self will also be condemned by in- ference. We note the use of that famed word "Fascism" whichwe the people are supposedly threat- ened with 'if we-through our courts-attempt to protect our- selves from a group of men against whom the Grand Jury considers sufficient evidence to have been presented to warrant a trial. He mentions that he, as a Com- munist, is proud of the role of his "party" in the history of this country. Then, undoubtedly, he considers Louis Budenz, former ed- itor of The Daily Worker, a traitor to the "liberalism" his party rep- resents. Mr. Budenz left the party when it became obvious to him that the Communist Party was not working for the advancement of peace throughout the world, nor the uniting of liberal forces, as they so widely claim. He has spent most of his life in this fight, in- cidentally. Now then, if an outstanding man of Mr. Budenz' caliber leaves these "liberals," Mr. Carter, what source of information might you be us- ing-Pravda? -Richard F. Schults, g Mark Peranich. Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harriett Friedman ...Managing Editor Dick Maloy ................City Editor Naomi Stern .........Editorial Director Alegra Pasqualetti .... Associate Editor Arthur Higbee . ......Associate Editor Murray Grant ...........Sports Editor Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed. Bev Bussey ...Sports Feature Writer Audrey Buttery......Women's Editor Bess Hayes ..................Librarian Business Staff Richard Halt .......Business Manager Jean Leonard .,...Advertising Manager William Culman.....Finance Manager Cole Christian ....Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or Otherwise credited to this newspaper, All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mall, $6.00. BA Yi1 A job, Swami? Somebody wants us to make a Ghost appear for him? Get out a press release to Life and the Sunday supplements, Doc ... A communify All iwant, O'Malley, is peace and quiet- i