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November 14, 1948 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-11-14

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Leadership Call
HE THUNDER rolling out of China fol-
lowing the recent lightning-like Com-
munist victories over the Nationalist armies
is echoing ominously in Washington today.
President Truman has been urged to
call the 80th Congress back into session
to appropriate emergency aid for Chiang
Kai - shek's hard - pressed government.
Some observers have estimated that it
might require as much as a billion dol-
lars to "restore the situation" in China.
But in the all out rush to save Chiang's
government, an important factor has been
Chiang's troops, equipped with modern
U. S. equipment and receiving expert mili-
tary advice from U. S. observers, have made
an extremely poor showing against ragged
Communist armies.
Yet, these are the same soldiers who
amazed the world with their courageous,
practically bare-handed stand against the
Japanese only a few years ago.
However, American correspondents with
the Nationalist troops have revealed the
reason for this strange reversal of form.
They report that the Nationalist soldiers
do not believe Chiang's government is worth
saving-and with good reason.
Many Nationalist troops began their
artny careers by being seized on the
streets, chained, and dragged to the near-
est training camp without the benefit of
the desirable process of the draft.
They saw the "class system" of Chiang's
government allow wealthy youths to buy
their way out of the army and live in lux-
ury while others were wallowing in the
Manchurian mud.
Tyrannical officers beat and killed men
without the slightest provocation when en-
raged at military defeats.
The wholesale surrenders and deser-
tions to the Communists are not difficult
to believe in the light of these conditions.
But, even more important, the civilian
population, rather than being dismayed at
the prospect of Communist domination, has
actually hindered government defense ef-
forts. They seem to prefer to be left to the
tender mercies of the Communists.
This doesn't speak well for Chiang and
his "representative" government.
The United States is in the driver's seat
in China now. By refusing more aid to the
Nationalist government as long as Chiang
is in power, we can insure his immediate
overthrow by the dissatisfied liberal ele-
ments in Nationalist China and give that
war-torn country the leadership it needs.
-Leon Jaroff.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members9 of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Take a Letter
TOWARD THE END of last month Mar-
shal Sokolovsky, Russian pro-consul in
Germany, received an interesting letter
through the secret channels which connect
the Soviet command in Germany with the
German Communists. What makes the let-
ter interesting is the fact that it was signed
by Wilhelm Pieck and Otto Grotewohl.
Pieck is a lifetime Communist, who
took part in the Spartacist revolt in 1919.
'Grotewohl is a renegade Socialist, who
:sold out to the Russians after the war.

They are co-chairmen of the Russian-
sponsored Socialist Unity party, in reality
the Soviet zone's Communist party. There
were four other iigners as well as Pieck
and Grotewohl, all important but subor-
dinate German Communists.
The letter, whose contents are known to
the American government, was of course
written in the tone of respectful humility
which' Communists use when addressing
their Soviet masters, and was full of pro-
testations of loyalty. Yet it was neverthe-
less deeply displeasing to Sokolovsky and
the rulers in the Kremlin.
For the German Communists begged
Sokolovsky to end the blockade of Berlin.
They stated flatly that the blockade was
undermining the German Communist
movement, by turning the German masses
against both the Socialist fatherland and
the German Communist party. Discipline
within the party was more and more dif-
ficult to maintain, and the party was daily
losing previously loyal adherents. German
Communists were good Communists, the
six wrote, but they were also Germans.
Sokolovsky's response was unequivocal.
Pieck and Grotewohl were hauled on the
carpet and charged with "narrow nation-
alism" and "deviationism." They were allow-
ed to retain their positions, perhaps be-
cause their purging would have created an
unwelcome uproar. But they were warned
that no repetition of such insubordination
would be tolerated. And to force the point
home, the four lesser Communists were cart-
ed off to jail.
Stalin himself, in his recent Pravda inter-
view, hinted that he considered the world

Next to Nothing

]PHE YEARS of effort and the billions of
American dolars that have found their
way into China to boster the Chiang-Kai-
Shek regime have produced next to nothing
in concrete results. City after city in re-
cent weeks has fallen before the sweeps of
the Chinese Communists, and the Chiang
government faces its most critical hour,
threatened with annihilation and rout.
Nevertheless, aid to China under the
Marshall Plan continues, while Chiang
renews desperate appeals for more and
more help. The basic assumption in his
demands is that assistance now in large
TO Readers
This is an open letter to the students,
alumni and townspeople who have helped
put the Band Fund over the top. Your
spontaneous response to this appeal has
assured the $2,000 needed to send oui
marching band to Columbus next week-
This response has completely re-
pudiated allegations cast by a dis-
torted article in a national magazine
recently. It has raised the morale of
the bandsmen sky-high. And finally it
has ably demonstrated that the tra-
ditional Michigan spirit is still very
much alive.
We at The Daily are proud that we
have been able to play a small part in
assisting this drive. But we know that
the major share of the credit goes to the
loyal students and alumni who have con-
tributed financially to the drive.
To all those who helped put the drive
over the top we can only say-thanks.
-The Senior Editors.

quantities will eventually effectuate the
defeat of the Communists and pave the
way for a stable anti-Communist regime.
It should be apparent to President Tru-
man and the State Department that at best
this hope is problematical, and at worst,
forlorn. Provided that any aid is not yet
too late to keep Chiang from complete col-
lapse, effective support will be io penny
ante poker.
The current debacle proves conclusively
that the Nationalists can not be relied upon
to conduct a successful campaign. They
simply lack the resources and the enthus-
iastic support of the people. The black mar-
ket continues to flourish, inflation is worse
than ever, the entire currency stabilization
program has failed, funds that are supposed
to last six months last two, and the people
are rioting for food. In short, the Kouin-i
tang is on the verge of disaster.
To recoup the situation will require an
outlay of billions. Chiang would need
enough lend lease immediately to hold
off the Communists plus even greater
amounts to wage the offensive necessary
to finally drive out the Communists. The
whole process would involve a desperate
This hopelessness of the American posi-
tion in China, in part, reflects the inade-
quacy' of an American policy based solely
on opposition to Communism. In order to
contain Communism, we are compelled to
back a crumbling feudal regime, lacking
popular support and unable to cope with the
problems of inflation, food shortages and
imminent military disaster.
It looks like time to get out of Cin .and
divert irreplaceable resources to those places
where there is a hope for economic recov-
ery and democratic institutions.
-Jake Hurwitz.

"And Why Did The Administration Let So Many
Foreigners Get Into The United Nations?"

Letters to the Editor...


(Continued from Page 2)

Question of Mlorals

THE CASE of the strictly Hon. J. Parnell
Thomas is indeed an interesting one.
Some doubtless expected some such poetic
justice to operate to his disadvantage. But
to most of us it comes as a distinct surprise
to find him behind the eight-ball instead
of his cloak of immunity for a change. Jus-
tice is not something which comes about
naturally-the world doesn't work that way
-so it's a pleasant surprise to find a scoun-
drel entangled in a web of his own making.
It still is too much to'hope for if any-
one is expecting him to get the full 34
year sentence following his indictment for
conspiracy to defraud the government.
But in any case, it seems to put an end
to his conspiracy to defraud citizens of
their freedoms. Of course, he would no
longer rate a committee chairmanship in
the House anyway; but we might get rid
of a very dangerous man this way since
his own constituency did not see fit to
repudiate him.
Whatever the final fate of the "gentleman
from New Jersey" may be, the case serves
to illustrate an axiom put forth in another
connection once. "Persons engaged in fun-
damentally immoral activities are not like-
ly to be much concerned with questions of
petty dishonesty." Men of the Thomas-
Bilbo stripe (and the chief differences be-
tween the types are: 1) Thomas did not
carry on a private war against the Negro
segment of the population, and 2) Bilbo
had a generally better voting record) are
usually engaged in activities which would
revolt any self-respecting, fairly moral per-
BiLba waged a violent and nauseating
war on all Negro members of the citizenry.

And Thomas has occupied himself with
a battle to deprive citizens, if they hap-
pen to lean to the left of Calvin Coolidge,
of the rights that are theirs as members
of a free society. Both men have been
basically immoral; they have done noth-
ing in their public activities for which
they could be prosecuted; and it matters
little if at all whether they were sin-
cerely motivated. They may have been
sincerely fearful for the safety of the Re-
public, or they may have been primarily
concerned with vote-getting, but their
activities were immoral regardless.
And it follows that we must "get" them,
or at least Thomas, on an issue of petty
dishonesty. It is true that men of that
ilk are likely to leave themselves open on
some such grounds. But it is a terrible
lesson indeed, if the conclusion is that we
must allow the Thomas-Bilbo brand of
avocations to go on unmolested till such
time as we find an act of petty dishonesty
with which to pry them out of 'office.
Why is it too much to hope that such
men will be thrown out by their own
Freedom is not an automatic heritage:
it has rather to be fought for in every cen-
tury,' generation, and every year. And the
fight cannot be won if it is fought only by
those who feel the pinch. Maybe the voters
in Thomas' district had not been personally
hurt by his undemocratic antics, but they
might have seen the danger to society in
his continued pyrotechnics and forthwith
voted him out of office. True, we "got"
him on his petty dishonesty; but how much
better would it be to get him on the larger
question of his immoral but not illegal

further information, call at the
Bureau, 201 Mason Hall.
University Community Center
Willow Village, Michigan: Sun.,
Nov. 14, 10:45 a.m., Interdenomi-
national church and nursery; 5:30
p.m., Church-sponsored pot-luck
Mon., Nov. 15, 8 p.m., Benefit
card party. Sponsored by the
Wives' Club. Everybody invited.
Tues., Nov. 16, 8 p.m., Village
Garden Club. Miss Marion Wilson
showing colored slides. Everybody
Wed., Nov. 17, 3:45-4:45 p.m.,
Rev. and Mrs. J. Edgar Edwards'
week-day play group for primary
children; 8 p.m., Ceramics.
Thurs., Nov. 18, 8 p.m., Ceramics
and Crafts; Faculty Wives' Club
Lecture: Dr. Joshua Kunitz of
New LYork City, under the aus-
pices of the Department of Rus-
sian, will lecture at 4:15 p.m.,
Tues., Nov. 16, Kellogg Auditorium,
on "Russian Literature: A Mirror
of Russian Life."
Academic Notices
English 149 (Advanced Play-
writing) will meet at 7:30 p.m.,
Tues., Nov. 16, Rm. 2019 Angell
Hall, instead of Mon., Nov. 15, Rm.
3217 Angell Hall.
Mathematics Colloquium: 4 p.m.
Tues., Nov. 16, Rm. 3201 Angell
Hall. Prof. N. Coburn will talk on
The Methods of Characteristics in
Three - Dimensional Supersonic
Graduate Students in English:
The preliminary examinations for
the doctorate will be given accord-
ing to the following schedule:
American Literature, December 1;
English Literature, 1700-1900, De-
cember 4; English Literature,
1500-17C0, December 8; English
Literature from the Beginnings to
1500, December 11.
Concert: The University Musi-
cal Society will present the Cin-
cinnati Symphony Orchestra,
Thom Johnson, conductor in the
Extra Concert Series, Mon., Nov.
15, at 8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium.
Dr. Johnson will conduct the or-
chestra in the following program:
Overture, "Russlan and Ludmilla"
(Glinka); Mozart "Haffner" Sym-
phony; Vaughan Williams' "Job";
Midsummer Vigil by Alfen; and
the Strauss Suite from "Der Ros-
Student Recital: Roger Hauen-
stein, Organist, willbe heard at
4:15 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 14, Hill
Auditorium, in a recitalvpresented
in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the Bachelor's de-
gree in music. The program will
include compositions by Campra,
De Grigny, Buxtehude, Bach,
Franck, Sowerby, Karg-Elert, and
will be open to the general public.
Student Recital: David Larson,
pianist, will be heard in a program
presented in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the Bachelor
of Music degree, at 4:15 p.m., Mon-
day, Nov. 15, Lydia Mendelssohn

Theatre. Mr. Larson is a pupil of
Mischa Meller. His recital will
include works by Bach, Scarlatti,
Beethoven, Brahms, Debussy, and
Chopin. The public is invited.
Events Today
Gallery Talk, by Prof. Chet La-
More, College of Architecture and
Design, on Contemporary Paint-
ings from the Albright Art Gal-
lery; Museum of Art, Alumni Me-
morial Hall, 3:30 p.m. The public
is invited.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society:
Full rehearsal with orchestra, for
all chorus members and principals,
2-3:30 p.m. Michigan League. The
room will be posted. '
U. of M. Hot Record Society:
"Jazz Vocals from the Beginning
to the Present" will be featured
8 p.m., Michigan League Ballroom.
Everyone is invited.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Musicale, 8 p.m., Program:
Brahms. Bloch, Grieg, Dvorak.
Everyone welcome.
Student Religious Groups:
Evangelical' and Reformed Stu-
dent Guild: Supper meeting, 5:30
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stu-
dent Club: Supper and program,
5:30 p.m.
Congregational - Disciples Guild:
Supper, Congregational Church.
Elton Trueblood's latest book Al-
ternative to Futility' will be dis-
Unitarian Student Group: 6:30
p.m. Upper Room, Lane Hall. Mrs.
Rachel Rose Andresen will discuss
the Amsterdam meeting of the
World Council of Churches.
Roger Williams Guild: Dinner,
fellowship and program, 6 p.m.,
Guild House. Prof. Albert Hyma
will speak on "Our Protestant Her-
Westminster Guild: Supper
meeting, 5:30 p.m., followed by
"Open Road."
Lutheran StudenthAssociation:
5:30 p.m., Zion Lutheran Parish
Hall. Supper, 5:50 p.m., followed by
a movie, "Salt of the Earth." Choir
rehearsal, 4:30 p.m., Parish Hall.
Coming Events
Movie to be presented by Phi
Lambda Upsilon for chemists ahd
chemical engineers at 4:15 p.m.,
Tues., Nov. 16, Rri. 1400 Chemistry
Building. Films "The Origin and
Synthesis of Plastics," "Catalysis,"
and "The Story of Aviation Gas-
Motion Picture: "The Story of
Palomar," (technicolor), 8 p.m.,
Tues., Nov. 16, Rackham Amphi-
theatre. Admission without charge.
Public welcome.
Graduate History Club Coffee
Hour, Mon., Nov. 15, 4-5 p.m.,
Clements Library. Faculty and
graduate history students invited.
Tau Kappa Epsilon: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., Mon., Nov. 15, Mich-
igan Union.
La p'tite causette: Monday, 3:30
p.m., Grill Room, Michigan League.
Alpha Kappa Psi: Business
meeting, 7:30 p.m., Mon., Nov. 15,
Chapter House. Our 'Ensian pic-

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature andsaddress.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repet-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
To the Editor:
DUE TO THE obvious monetary
reverses in ticket sales this
past football season due to the
poor showing by our football
team; an d consequent inability of
this university to sponsor our band
at the Ohio State game, we the
following hereby pledge to the
amount of one cent (1c) each to-
ward defrsying the expenses nec-
essary to sending the band.
Incidentally we would like to
know where the band intends to
sit, since from authoritative
sources-we have learned that every
available inch of space in the sta-
dium there has long since been
sold out . . . or are they going to
-Glenn E. Watkins.
Raymond R. Schwartz,
Sol H. Jakobson,
T. Schatzhi,
Harvey Schwartz.
Hitler Ad
To the Editor:
THE "HITLER Ad" o' the 'En-
sian brings one to believe that
the 'Ensian's advertising staff is
completely devoid of good taste,
and the knowledge of basic adver-
tising psychology. An advertise-
ment should attract attention,
which they have done quite well,
but should not shock the public,
appear distasteful, recall ills or
unhappiness, and finally leave a
good impression of the product.
The latter elements have been
achieved in the absolute negative.
Also, a testimonial from Adolph
Hitler is hardly an inducement
to the purchase of a product.
The 'Ensian would fare better
with mature, professional-like ad-
vertisement, thanwith the pro-
ducts of "cute kids."
-Leon Reiskin.
* *
To the Editor:
THE SUBJECT of Adolf Hitler
arises again. First question I
wishto ask is: Is the subject of
Hitle' sti taboo in the American
press? It certainly has been. Ex-
cept for disparaging moralists the
blanket has been tucked down
tightly all around.
Judging Hitler solely as a citi-
zen of the German state as a lead-
er of. one circumscribed group
who alleged complete subservi-
ence to the welfare of that group
is it possible to find inconsistancy
in his acts that would indicate
he was a monster performing his
work against the German state?
Another thing. Izvestia is a
four page newspaper. Why is it
that with the universities all over
the country staffed with profes-
sors of Russian, there is not ex-
tant a single complete edition in
English? The press is making
capital of the use of isolated flash-
es translated from Russian. Very
likely if the entire paper could be
perused on the library racks as
ture will be taken. Be prompt and
wear a suit, shirt, and tie.
Sociedad Hispanica: Social hour,
4 to 5 p.m., Mon., Nov. 15, Inter-
national Center.
I.Z.F.A.: General meeting, Tues.,
Nov. 16, Hillel Foundation. Mr.
Albert Elazar will speak on "Jew-
ish-Arab Problems." Everyone we-

Bookshelf and Stage Section,
Faculty Women's Club: 2:45 p.m.,
Tues., Nov. 16, home of Mrs. C. B.
Slawson, 1415 Brooklyn Ave.
Student Religious Association:
Student Peace Fellowship: meet-
ing, 7 p.m., Mon., Nov. 15, Lounge,
Lane Hall. Discussion: "The Ends
and Means of Peace."
Easy Chair Group: 7:30 p.m.,
Mon., Nov" 15, Lane Hall, Fireplace
Room. Guest: Prof. Lawrence Aller
of the Astronomy Department.
Executive Committee, Student
Religious Association: 7:30 p.m.,
Mon., K7oy. 15, Lane Hall.
Weekf Bull Session: 7:30 p.m.,
Mon., Nov. 15, Lane Hall.
Jazz Concert Ushers: Call at Hill
Auditorium Box Office, Tues., Nov.
16, between 5 and 6 p.m. for
your:tickets for the Horace Heidt
Concert to be given Saturday, Nov.

the original now is, it's "small
town" nature would be clearly
-Thure Rosene.
* * *
To the Editor:
WE FAIL to see how the mar-
riage relations lecture series
"ticket sales lagged perilously"
last year, when tickets could not
be found, let alone purchased.
We were juniors then, and tried
in vain to purchase ticketsfor
the series. The answer in every
case was "Sorry, we're sold out".
If all the tickets were gone, how
can the statement be made that
the students let their support of
the series lag?
Resume the marriage relations
series, by all means! Why take
away one of the best and most
practical courses ever offered un-
der the auspices of the Univer-
sity? Forget the almighty dollar
for a change, and give the stu-
dents a chance to learn some-
thing of real value to them in
--Dale Cade,
Ruth Barton,
Gloria Miller.
Consideration Lack
To the Editor:
IT APPEARS to me that some
of the students on this campus
belong back in the second grade
as far as consideration for others
is concerned.
I'm a music student and I have
a night practice hour, the same
as nearly a hundred other stu-
dents. If you've ever walked past
the School of Music building at
night, perhaps you've noticed that
nearly all the basement windows
on the front of the building are
open; it gets pretty warm in-
side if they aren't.
Some non-music students don't
seem to realize that the people
who are practicing, are doing so
because their music course re-
quires just as much preparation
as an academic course. These
non-music students must get a
big charge out of standing. out-
side the windows hooting and hol-
lering to cover up what is coming
from the inside. It's no different
than if they were in their room
in the dorm studying and some-
one went up and down the hall
hooting' and hollering just to see
how much noise he or she could
We music students may not like
to practice at night any more
than you other students like to
hear us, but we are, because it's
the only solution to a terrific
problem with which those in
authority in the Music School
Office had to cope. A lot of credit
is due them for handling the sit-
uation as well as they have.
-Marilyn Mittler.

Fifty-Ninth Year

Inadequate Classrooms

THEARMY ROTC building, about as
glamorous as a thumb in your eye, has
been rumored on its way out.
Snuggled between the Union and the
new Administration Building, the brick-
and-mortar structure has remained a
veritable sore-spot on a rapidly chang-
ing campus. Near rotted floorboards and
a dark, dank interior may have inspired
Edgar Allan Poe, but it is certainly no
atmosphere for the execution of an ROTC
program in an accredited university as
The military faculty may condone their
placement, but obviously only for lack of
extra space; moreover, a competent staff
of instructors are undeniably entitled to
fulfill their achievements in halfway decent
teaching quarters. Class members sweat in
overheated rooms, brought about by an
antiquated ventilation system. The absence
of organized lighting facilities and the peep-
hole effect of undersize windows are defin-
itely not conducive to proper work habits.
Narrow staircases and a similarly affected
corridor network constitute a third prob-
lem with which students have to cope.
I do not advocate any ultra-modern

architectural masterpiece by any means.
But if the Business Administration school
rates a new home, and if administrative
offices can be shifted across the street,
then why should 800 students, a fair
percentage of the 21,090 total, be left to
pursue courses of study in such a poorly
equipped edifice. Considering the amount
of property owned by the university, and
the interest it supposedly takes in its
departments' welfare, something should
be done. It would not demand a wealth
of construction.
A little can often go a long way, but a
little more, in something's very best inter-
ests, is usually the key to the door.
-Don Kotite.
New Books at General Library
Brines, Russell-MacArthur's Japan. Phil-
adelphia, Lippincott, 1948.
MacDonald, Betty - The Plague and I.
Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1948.
Nicolson, Marjorie-Voyages to the Moon.
New York, Macmillan, 1948.
Plivier, Theodor-Stalingrad. New York,
Appleton, 1948.
Sherwood, Robert E. -- Roosevelt and

- Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board In Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ...Managing Editor
Dick Maloy ...............City Editor
Naomi Stern ........Editorial Director
Allegr Pasqualetti ....Associate Editor
Arthur Higbee.......Associate Editor
Murray Grant..........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey ...Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery......Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Hait .......Business Manager
Jean Leonard ... .Advertising Manager
William Cuman..Finance Manager
Cole Christian ....Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $.00. by mal,


1 dare say all your colleagues in
Kindergarten are rejoicing now

Mr. Merrie won't object to lovable )
old Gus staying in his house now 4

Yes, indeed... Yes, Mr. Merrie.
Guaranteed ghost-breaking is


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