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November 13, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-11-13

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lflr yr



Latest Deadline in the State









* * *

Campus Set
For Largest
Ballot Tussle
107 Candidates
File for Offices
One hundred and seven candi-
dates have filed petitions for
thirty-nine campus offices with
what appears to be one of the
largest all-campus elections in his-
tory less than two weeks away.
First sign of the intense elec-
tion activity came yesterday when
SL election committee chairman
Knight Houghton pushed the elec-
tion date ahead one day.
* * *
sieged by local politicos who had
scheduled rallies and meetings for
Ithe day before the election.
Houghton reconsidered and
the election will be held Tues-
day and Wednesday, Nov. 23
and- 24 as previously scheduled.
Independent and Fraternal or-
ganizations are both aiming at a
hbig chunk of the expected 10,000
FRATERNITY and sorority
houses will begin the usual vote
swapping and combining for the
J-hop election. In the battle for
the 32 SL seats the fraternities
work to beat the Hare system of
proportional representation, ac-
cording to IFC .chairman Bruce
This involves having the
bigger houses give their second
place votes to weaker houses.
Lockwood said that, as usual,
some fraternity men would pose
as independents and vice versa.
SORORITIES will work together
and with the fraternities in ex-
changing votes, Mary Stierer,
'48Ed, Panhellenic president said.
Sororities are already at work
sending post cards asking for votes
to the various houses.
The independents are in there
pitching too. Member Al Maslin
said that the independents ex-
pect to cop twenty-five seats in
the Legislature.
East and West Quadders will
hold rallies the evening before
election with all candidates speak-
ing. The independents have ar-
ranged to get one man from each
house to run. They are asking the
houses to vote first for their own
man, then for the rest of the inde-
pendent slate.
ASSEMBLY president Arlette
Harbour said that, "list~s of inde-
pendent men and women, running
for office will be distributed to all
the residence halls." Assembly is
planning a rally four days before
election to introduce the inde-
pendent candidates.
At yesterday's deadline, eight
students had filed for Board in
Control of Student Publications,
twenty-one for J-Hop Commit-
tee, and thirteen for Senior class
Candidates for Senior Class Of-
ficers: president: Pete Elliott and
Val Johnson.
Biased Polling
Procedure Hit
By Newcomb
The main reason for the failure
of the pollsters to predict accur-

ately the recent election was a bias
favoring the Republicans in the
methods of sampling, according to
Professor Theodore Newcomb.
Speaking at the Hillel Founda-
tion yesterday, Professor New-
comb said that the quota sampling
method used by Gallup and Roper
has consistently under-estimated
the Democratic vote in this cohn-
The interviewers have free
choice of whom to sample, which
tends to eliminate the lower in-
come groups who usually vote
Democratic, he stated.
The large number of 'undecid-;
eds' polled influences the results
of the polls, Professor Newcomb
said. "I have a hunch they voted


Band Fund Near $2,000!

* ,

As the "Bandwagon" rolls into
its third and final day, some
$200 is still needed to send the
Band to Ohio State.
Pledges now total nearly $1,-
YESTERDAY'S biggest pledge
-$200-came from the Univer-
sity of Michigan 6lub in Detroit.
And an individual alumnus,
Doug Roby of Detroit, climbed
aboard the "Bandwagon" with
a century note.
Stockwell Hall pledged $125-
the largest sum pledged so far
by a campus organization.
BANDWAGON deadline is 2
a.m. tomorrow morning. Persons
$204 is needed to roll the
Bandwagon to the $2,000 mark-
er. Deadline is 2 a.m. tomorrow
morning. To make a pledge,
phone The Daily at 2-3241 and
ask for the Band Fund Com-
mittee. Plans for collecting the
money will be published in to-
morrow's Daily.
wishing to make pledges may do
so by phoning The Daily at
2-3241 and asking for the Band
Fund Committee.
Arrangements for collecting
the money pledged will be an-
nounced in tomorrow's Daily.
The spontaneous drive for
$2,000 to send the University
Marching Band to Columbus for
next week's game was launched
day before yesterday by Lambda
Chi Alpha fraternity with an
initial pledge of $65.
SMARTING under allegations
by a national magazine that
Michigan's band is inferior to
Ohio State's, students, faculty,
townspeople and alumni flocked
aboard the Bandwagon.
The Daily got permission
from University authorities to
act as a clearing house and
contributions started pouring
With its annual two-trip tra-
vel budget exhausted, the Band
wouldn't have been able to make
the trek to OSU. But Band Di-
rector William D. Revelli says
his men will be glad to go if
- the necessary $2,000 can be




« s "sS f - -
" " a*w ""0" " ew "em
" " Mr" s " w "

.. contributions pour in from students, alumni and merchants
* * * *

FOLLOWING is a list of
pledges made yesterday:
Hinsdale House $21, Stock-
well Hall $125, Anonymous, $5,
Alpha Kappa Kappa $10, Dom-
inic Dascola $5, Don W. Kelsey
$10, Metzger's Restaurant $5,
Delta Tau Delta $20, Kappa
Delta $10, Robert Campbell $2,
Theta Xi $20, Quarterdeck So-
ciety $10, Chi Omega $10 and
Swift's Drug $10.
The list continues with
Tinker, Inc. $5, Doug Roby
$100, Kenmore Restaurant
$5, Williams House $15, Health
Service staff members $30,
Witham's Drug $5, Mrs. Betty
O'Connor $5, WPAG radio
station $25, Dr. Vincent Moore

$1, Eleanor Downing $1, Ken
neth Chatters $2, Mosher Hall
$25, George Wells $5, Phi Al-
pha Kappa $10 and Mr. and
Mrs. Paul H. Atkins $1.
Concluding yesterday's list are
Tom Walsh $1, University of
Michigan Club of Detroit $200,
Boersma Travel Service $5, Ran-
dall's $10, Room 14 Winchell
House $1, 4th Floor Anderson
House $10, Dr. L. F. Ritter-
shofer $5, David Bailie $2, Ray
Kehoe $1, Prof. Jesse Ormon-
droyd $5, Bert Heideman $2, Sig-
ma Chi $75, Goodyears $25,
Adams House $10, 1023 Stock-
well $1, Bob Wise, Wm. Chap-
man, Ray Schultz $3.

U' Regents
Refuse CAB
Hearing Plea
SL's Proposal
Will Be Heard
The University Board of Regents
yesterday refused an audience at
its monthly meeting to the Com-
mittee to Abolish the Ban.
In a preliminary session yester-
day, the Regents told CAB rep-
resentatives that a hearing could
not be granted because they were
expecting to receive a written al-
ternative to the protested speak-
ers ban from the Student Legis-
BLAIR MOODY, president of SL
told The Daily that he hadn't
been told the SL's tentative sug-
gestions to the Regents were to
be submitted in writing for their
consideration. He said that no
written proposals had been drawn
up by SL.
"However, the Legislature will
formulate a proposal early next
week," Moody said. He refused
to say whether the suggested
Oxford Ui on system of debate
would be included,
Buddy Aronson, spokesman for
CAB, announced that the Regents
said they would examine the Leg-
islature recommendations first be-
cause it is the more representative
group, and has previously con-
ferred with the Board about the
Aronson explained that CAB
would continue its task by filing
with the Office of Student Affairs
a petition with more than 1,800
names protesting the speakers ban
for the Regents' consideration.
* * *
registered its disapproval of the
ban, along with 13 campus groups
in CAB, originally requested a
hearing before the Regents last
spring. However the Regents never
got around to them.
Moody and Bill Miller, vice
president of SL, were to have
presented their suggestions for
revising the ban.
Now that the Regents have ap-
parently given the 'go ahead' sig-
nal to the Legislature, action to
whip up a plan will probably get
under way quickly.
* * *
WHAT THE PLAN will amount
to is still uncertain. However, high
in consideration is the "Oxford
Union" system reported on by
Ralph Carson, University grad-
uate and Rhodes Scholar, earlier
this week. The plan, which would
probably be called "Michigan Fo-
rum" would offer a regular escape
valve for student opinion on po-
litical and other issues.
The Oxford Plan calls for
weekly debates on issues of local
and national interest, with two
speakers arguing on each side
of the question for fifteen min-
The audience is permitted to
enter into the subsequent discus-
sion. Informal debate is carried
on for two hours under the direc-
tion of the president.
Slippery Streets
Cause Accidents
A total of eight accidents on
slippery Ann Arbor and Wash-
tenaw County streets were re-

ported by local authorities last
Three persons were injured as a
result of these traffic mishaps, in-
cluding one University coed who
was struck by a car driven by
Richard C. Wakefield. also a Uni-
versity student. Hiealth Service
authorities reported that her in-
juries were of a minor nature.

... Last home game
* * *
Local Grid
Year Exits
Ole King Football will abdicate
today, as far as Ann Arbor is
But the ruler who reigned su-
preme these past eight weeks won't
give up his crown without the us-
ual fanfare of bands, cheerleaders,
crowds, and caravans of autos.
* * *
SOME 85,000 FANS will have
their final football fling today.
Though the game is not a sellout,
it might develop into one before
kickoff time at 2 p.m.
Don Weir, University Ticket
Manager, announced that the
stadium ticket booths wou'l be
open for business this morning
as long as the ducats last.
The weatherman was not as
grim as usual on football Satur-
days. He predictecL.cloudy skies
but little chance of rain this af-
THOUGH THIS is not a sell-
out game, Ann Arbor's hotels were
nevertheless packed to capacity
last night.
For the crowds, the band has
fashioned something new in the
way of half-time entertainment.
The music makers will stage an
old-fashioned minstrel show,
complete with Mississippi River
"Waiting for the Robert E. Lee,"
"Old Man River," and "O Su-
sanna" are some of the numbers
they will play.
The band will share the field,
both before the game and at half
time, with Indiana's band, under
the direction of Daniel Martino.
Chinese Rivals
NANKING - (/') - Pro-gov-
ernment newspapers proclaimed in
extras today a "major victory"
over nine Chinese Communist col-
umns along the Grand Canal 160
miles northwest of Nanking.
(The Communist radio, heard in
Peiping and San Francisco, made
similar victory claims over Gov-
ernment forces. The Communists
said they were within six miles
north of Suchow, last main base
guarding Nanking.)
* * *
THE OFFICIALLY - sanctioned
Nanking reports said National
troops savagely attacked and
hurled back General Chen Yi's
troops who were trying to cross
the historic canal.
Government claims of victory
and of enemy casualties usually
are greatly exaggerated, but it was
the consensus of observers in this
capital that the main Communist
drive' against Suchow had been
stopped-at least temporarily.

amazing war-time eleven will be
playing their last game in Mich-
igan stadium.
Among them are Captain Dom
Tomasi, Stu Wilkins, Quentin
Sickels, Joe Soboleski, Dan
Dworsky, Ed McNeil, Donn
Hershberger and Pete Elliott.
The Hoosiers, well known for
their "one man team" triple-threat
George Taliaferro, will not be at
full strength for their encounter
with the Wolverines.
* *I *
SUFFERING FROM the effects
of a gruelling 42-6 licking at the
hands of powerful Notre Dame last
week,, they will be without the
services of fullback Harry Jagade
who suffered a leg injury.
It will be a battle of yearling
coaches this afternoon with both
Michigan's Ben Oosterbaan and
Indiana's Clyde Smith compet-
ing in their initial season as
head mentors at their respective
Smith, who took over for Bo
McMillan when he left to coach
the Detroit Lions has not encoun-
tered much success so far this sea-
son. Although his Hoosiers start-
ed out fast this year with vic-
tories over Wisconsin and Iowa
they have failed to emerge vic-
torious since then and have
dropped successive contests to
Texas Christian, Ohio State, Pitts-
burgh, Minnesota, and Notre
* * *
INDIANA, however, shares with
Army the distinction of being the
only team to have beaten the
Wolverines twice during the past
five years.
Many of the present members
of the Maize and Blue squad
still remember the stinging 13-
'7 defeat in 1945 at the hands of
the Hoosiers who went on to win
the conference championship.
By way of revenge the Wolver-
ines have run up impressive scores
against Indiana in their last two
meetings, defeating them 21-0 and
Other Wolverines who will be
playing their home finale today
will be All-American Dick Rifen-
burg, Gene Derricotte and Ralph
Fur Cravats
ick leMen?
Fur bow ties!
That will be the latest fad on
campus if freshmen Jerry Schafer
and Milt Rosenbaum have any-
thing to say about it.
The two Flint students are sure
that the leopard skin creations of
Flintite Leon Backhaut will go
over big with the students.
Selling for two dollars, in brown
or spotted leopard skin, the fur
bows will soon be on sale in cam-
pus shops if Schafer and Rosen-
baum san swing it.
"The only other fur bow ties we
know of are mink and sell for fifty
dollars," Schafer said.


Michigan Picked


Top Hoosiers

M' Seeks To Extend Win Streak,
Gain Firm Grasp on Big Nine Title
Associate Sports Editor
Michigan's magnificent Wolverines, looking for number 22 in
their long undefeated streak, meet Indiana's injury-ridden and victory-
starved Hoosiers this afternoon in their final home appearance of the
1948 season.
Seeking to assure themselves of at least a tie for the Big Nine
championship and a more firm grasp on their ranking as the nation's
top pigskin aggregation, the Maize and Blue will be favored to win
going away by as many as five touchdowns over the hapless Hoosiers.
THE LAST REMNANTS of the famous "pink-cheeked wonders
of 1945" who composed Michigan's0



U' Experts Endorse Marriage Lectures
4 ~ ---/

War Tribunal
Orders Tojo,
Aides To Die
MacArthur Holds
Review Power
TOKYO-(OP)-Hideki Tojo was
sentenced to hang as chief' of the
criminal Japanese military clique
whose dream of ruthless conquest
wrecked their own country and
tumbled all East Asia into chaos.
Six of his fellow conspirators
were sentenced to the gallows with
him. No execution date was fixed.
ment; one a 20-year term, and an-
other seven years. The tribunal
Oresident, Sir William Webb of
Australia filed a separae opinion
stating in effect that Emperor
Hirohito-not on trial-was mor-
ally responsible but politically im-
None of the 25 defendants was
acquitted by the 11-nation In-
ternational military tribunal
which spent two and one-half-
years trying them.
After the interminable months
of wordy trial, it took just 21
tense and dramatic minutes for
the court to convict and pronounce
sentence on the men who tried to
fashion the greatest oriental em-
pire since the time of Ghenghis
Khan seven centuries earlier.
mander of the Allied occupation of'
defeated Japan, set Nov. 19 as the
deadline for appeals. MacArthur
is the sole reviewing authority. He
has power to reduce but not to
increase sentences.
Tojo, the slight, bald little'
man whose arrogant cunning
won him the nickname "The
Razor," scorned in advance any
plea for clemency from the man
who engineered his defeat.
Anticipating the death sentence
he got, he told his attorney to
make an appeal based on his con-
tention that Japan fought in self-
* * *
IN ADDITION to Tojo, those
sentenced to hang were Generals
Kenji Doihara, Seishiro Itagaki,
Heitaro Kimura, Iwane Matsui,
Akiro Muto and former premier
Koki Hirota. .
Life sentences went to Gen.
Sadao Araki, Col. Kingoro Hash-
imoto, Gen. Shunroku Hata, for-
mer premier Kiichiro Hiranuma,
former cabinet member Naoki
Hoshino, Marquis Koichi Kido,
Gen. Kuniaki Koiso.
Gen. Jiro Ninami, Adm. Taka-
sumi Oaka, former ambassador
Hiroshi Oshima, Gen. Kenryo
Sato, Adm. Shigetaro Shimada,
former finance minister Okinori
Kaya, former ambassador Tochlo
Shiratori, Gen. Teiichi Suzuki and
Gen. Yoshijiro Umezu.
Shigenori Togo got 20 years and
peg-legged Mamoru Shigemitsu
seven years. Both these former
foreign ministers will get time off,
for the nearly three years already
served, Aged and ailing, neither
seems likely to survive his remain-
ing term.
T'rrnan nrimrea

With the fate of marriage rela-
tions lectures at the University
hanging in the balance, four fac-
ulty members yesterday endorsed
a program of marriage education.
One-Dr. Edward Blakeman-
even said that "twice as much
time should be spent on sex edu-
cation as is now spent on English
and mathematics."
* * *
THE OTHERS-a sociologist,
Prof. Robert C. Angell; a physi-
cian, Dr. Warren E. Forsythe; and
a psychologist, Roger W. Heyms,
declared their support of such a
All indicated, however, spe-

cial emphases or changes that
might be made in the series that
has been offered here. ,
Prof. Angell, chairman of the
sociology department, declared
that "Any course or program that
will make marriage better from
the start is a good thing. If stu-
dents want the lectures continued,
they should be," he said.
* * *
HE POINTED OUT that stu-
dents seemed to be partly dissatis-
fied with the program offered last
Dr. Blakeman, University re-
ligious counselor, declared that
much more time should be spent

Coed Earns New Nickname
STracking Down Bacterium

on marriage training-and that
it should be taught "reverently,
thoroughly and scientifically."
He advocated splitting marriage
education into several classes
dealing with different phases of
the subject.
"Here at the University, under-
classmen as well as seniors should
be given a chance to hear the lec-
tures," he said.
Blakeman's stand, Dr. Warren E.
Forsythe, director of Health Serv-
ice, also favored different classes
for the various subjects treated in
the program.
Parents' responsibility in
molding their children's charac-
ter should receive primary em-
phasis in the marriage relations
course, he said.
Roger Heyns, research associ-
ate in Navy conference research
and psychology instructor, took a
slightly different tack. He favored
a course emphasizing marital ad-
justments as well as stressing the
family as a social unit.
"We have over-emphasized ro-
mantic love before marriage in-
stead of facing realistically the
adjustments necessary afterward,"
he warned.
Boote Will Open
For Ticket Resale
The football ticket resale booth
at the Union will be open from 10
a.m. until 2 p.m. today, with tick-

Most people would object to be-
ing called "corny," but Marguerite
Arozian, '50, doesn't mind.
In fact, she's rather pleased with1
her newly earned nickname of
"Corny Arozian." This epithet
represents her first scientific dis-
* * *
MISS AROZIAN, who intends to
go into microbiology, pioneered in
her field-on a small level-when
she tracked down a hirtherto un-
identified soil bacterium recently.
Scientific ethics gave her the right
to add her surname to the genus

picks and shovels each day of class
this semester to get soil samples.
Since that time the class has been
making various tests on these
Miss Arozian hit "pay dirt"
when she attempted to identify
the particular soil micro-organ-
ism she had chosen to work on.
Her sepcies was unclassified
in Bergy's 1,529-page "Manual
on Determinative Bacteriology."
The discovery may bear little
weight beyond the limits of the
University, Dr. Jones said, point-
in ouit that there man hf eamanv

_____________ ____._ e

Uranium Makes World Grow Around


NEW YORK-')-A new idea,
that atomic energy is changing the
earth's surface, was presented to

The changes are slow. No ge-
ologist saw the least danger
that this buried atomic energy
H aan c im..... fl. o hn

from uranium and other radio-
active minerals which are thin-
ly spread. Atomic physicists
havt. hen ciaring it nossi-

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