U DEMOCRATIC WAY tr rigun ~~aitP CLOUDY AND WARMER 4 See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LIX, No. 45 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1948 0sk CommunistsSekKokuBlwi PRICE FIVE CENTS China - no Oxford Debate Plan Suggested for U' By AL BLUMROSEN A solution to the problems of the Political Speakers ban was suggested yesterday at a special session of the Student Legislature by Ralph M. Carson '23L and en- dorsed by Dean of Students Eric A. Walter. Rhodes Scholar Carson, the only American to ever be president of the Oxford Union, said that the system of weekly debates on is- sues of interest as used at Oxford could be adapted for use at the University. * * * DEAN WALTER said the use of the plan here was an "excellent idea." Political issues could be dis- cussed since the speakers ban only refers to personalities, he said. Carson termed the political ban, "Unworthy of an educa- tional institution." The discussion each week is cen- tered around a motion on a defi- nite issue, Carson said. Two speak- ers argue on each side of the mo- tion for fifteen minutes and the discussion is thrown open to the floor. Informal debate is carried on for two hours under the di- rection of the president, who is se- lected for his speaking ability, Carson added. AT THE END of the meeting, everyone votes on the motion by leaving through doors marked 'U'Debates To Go on TV StationWWJ High school debaters will watch the University's varsity debate team in action in a special tele- vision program at 9:30 p.m. Mon- day over WWJ-TV. Sponsored by the Michigan High School Forensic Association and the speech department, the pro- gram will be viewed by students in the Detroit and Ann Arbor area. Dale Stafford, managing editor of the Detroit Free Press, will in- troduce the program, and Dr. Ru- pert Cortwright, chairman of the Wayne University speech depart- ment and president of the Speech Association of America will serve as moderator. The debate will be on the offi- cial high school topic: "Resolved, That the United Nations Now be Revised into a Federal World Gov- ernment." Nafe Katter and Irwin Robinson will take the affirmative; Frank Nelson and Don Nuechterlein, the negative. B urglars Lift ''Narcotics Burglars broke into the Univer- sity Hospital drug dispensary Wednesday night and made off with a quantity of narcotics. The theft of a bottle contain- ing 100 morphine tablets and sev- eral bottles of dilaudid tablets, was reported to the police. Several cabinets had been brok- en into, and bottles were scattered about, police said. It was believed that the thief had gained entrance by crawling over a six-foot shelf fronting the hospital hallway, and had made his way in and out of the hospital unobserved. OHIO STATE Is Just Around The Corner BUT IT'S TOO FAR- If you have a ticket but no ride, or If you have a ride but no ticket. If you have neither, it's even worse. "Yea" or "nay," the system used in the British House of Commons. "The discussion of issues of commoninterest and the fact that everyone participates by voting stimulates student inter- est," Carson said. Distinguished personalities in the political and intellectual fields often appear at Oxford to take sides on the issues under discus- sion, Carson said. * * * THE STYLE of debate used at Oxford is relaxed and witty, he added, "but Michigan can and should develop its own style." Carson suggested weekly or bi-weekly debates with speakers of state or national importance and the retention of the voting system as the basis for a Michi- gan adaptation of the Oxford system. "Nowthat we have the idea, it is up to the students to go ahead and make a success of it on cam- pus," SL president Blair Moody said. He tentatively named the system "the Michigan Forum." Some fifteen members of the Legislature were present at the meeting. Group To Vote On Marriage Lecture Series Action on a possible marriage relations series this year may be forthcoming Monday when 14 representatives of student and fac- ulty groups meet to discuss the program. Ivan W. Parker, chairman of the committee sponsoring the lectures, called a meeting of the group yes- terday to "reviewv the situation and discuss financial problems. ."A STRAW VOTE of the com- mittee will be taken to determine whether the groups favor continu- ing the lectures this year," he said. "If there is a demand for the program and if one- or two of the five student groups repre- sented on the committee agree to underwrite expenses, we can draft plans for a lecture series this year." Increased lecturers' fees and an apparent lack of student support had previously threatened to rule out the lectures. BOB HOLLAND, Union presi- dent, Patricia McKenna, president of the League, Blair Moody, Stu- dent Legislature head, Phil Bu- bertson, Student Religious Asso- ciation president and Harriett Friedmann, Daily managing edi- tor will represent their groups. Dean Erich A. Walter, Dean Walter B. Rea, Dr. Margaret Bell, Lloyd Berridge, Health service mental hygienist, Dr. Franklin Littell of the Student Religious Association, Miss Ethel McCor- mick of the League, Prof. Howard Y. McClusky of the School of Edu- cation, a representative of the Dean of Women, and Rev. H. L. Pickerill will also attend the meeting. U.S. Policy On Russia Reaffirmed Vandenberg Says PeopleDecided ..PHILADELPHIA - (AP) - Sen- ator Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.) urged Russia not to "fool itself" into the belief that President Tru- man's election victory means any softening in American foreign pol- icy. The Michigan Senator - who turns over the chairmanship of the Senate Foreign Relations com- mittee in January to Senator Con- nally (Dem., Tex.)-tallied the election results as 47 to 1 in favor of the existing bipartisan foreign policy. VANDENBERG said in a speech prepared for delivery before the Reserve Officers Association that For Pledges Pour in Band Trip By DICK MALOY Daily City Editor University students climbed on the "Bandwagon" to the tune of some $952 yesterday. Following yesterday's story that the band would be unable to make the trip to Ohio State unless they could get hold of $2,000 in a hurry, The Daily was deluged with phone calls pledging aid. PLEDGES OF all amounts came in from individuals, dormitories, fraternities, sororities and merchants. Even a spokesman from Rm. Slightly less than half of the money needed to send the Band to Columbus has been pledged so far. About $1,100 is still needed. To make a pledge, phone The Daily (2-3241) and ask for the Band Fund Committee. The money will be collected next week. 426 Adams house called to pledge a buck from the men in that room. The spontaneous demonstration of support for the famed Michi- gan Marching Band has attracted state-wide attention. Newspapers, wire services and radio stations have all carried stories about the drive. Although the proposed OSU trip will mean another week of ardu- ous practice for them the bandsmen's morale was lifted sky-high by the student support. And the band's long time director, Prof. William Revelli, who was completely taken aback by the drive, is going around with a big grin on his face. * * * ~ THE PLEDGES started rolling in yesterday after a letter appeared in The Daily from members of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity donat- ing $65 toward sending the band to Columbus. The Daily followed it up with another $50 donation and set it- self up as a clearing house for telephoned pledges of financial aid. Then the phones here started jangling with messages of support and additional pledges from groups all over campus. The Lambda Chis' letter referred to a Life Magazine article which made an unfavorable comparison between the OSU and the Michigan Band. And they urged that the campus get together to send the band to Columbus to disprove that contention. * * * * CONTINUING ITS special phone service today The Daily will have special operators on duty to take pledges. Persons wishing to make pledges may do so by phoning 2-3241 and asking for the Band Fund Committee. All pledges must be in before this week-end in order that travel arrangements can be worked out for the band. Following are a list of pledges made as The Daily went to press: Lambda Chi Alpha $65, Michigan Daily $50, Michigauma $50, Delta Sigma Delta $20, Mrs. Dorothy B. Elliott $5, Zeta Psi $25, Theta Chi $10, Phi Kappa Sigma $15, Alpha Tau Omega $25, Phi Sigma Delta $40, Beta Thet, Pi $40, Chi Psi $30, Tau Delta Phi $20, Rm. 426 Adams House $1, Phi Gamma Delta $20, Phi Kappa Tau $25, Alpha Delta Phi $25, Alpha Epsilon Phi $10, Pi Beta Phi $22.50, and Zeta Tau Alpha $15, Chi Phi $25. The list continues with Phi Delta Theta $25, Delta Delta Delta $5, Alpha Omega Pi $15, Allen-Rumsey $20, Betsy Barbour $20, Helen Newberry $10, Martha Cook $25, Wenley $6.40, Strauss $28.19, Tyler $20, Chicago $14.34, Anderson $20, Cooley $20, Gamma Phi Beta $15. A. C. Barth $3, Ritz Beauty Shop $1, Betsy Ross Shop $5, The Par- rot $10, Slater's Inc. $5, Van Boven $15, Calkins-Fletcher Drug $5, Fol- lett's Book Store $10, The Quarry $5, MacLean's Grocery $1, Wahr's Book Store $5, Chester Robert's $10, Eibler Jewelry Store $5, and Campus Bootery $5. Other contributors are Campus Drug Store $5, Wagner's $10, Kresge's $10, Frank Tinker $10, Van Boven Shoes $15, Gage Linen Shop $5, Arcade Jewelry $1, Coon's Lending Library $5, Van Buren Shop $2, Gach Camera Shop $2, Brookins Shoe Store $5, Artway Cleaners $5, Gold Bond Cleaners $5, Lyon & Healy $5. GERONIMO! Gargyoyle's'Huck sters' Invade Campus Today Pre-Dawn Show If you happened to be peer- ing into the pre-dawn skies to the southeast this morning, you saw it-the new comet called the most beautiful since Haley's Comet last appeared. Members of the astronomy department said last night that if the sky cleared, the tiny speck would be visible. Harvard astronomers dis- covered the comet from teir South Africa observatory Sun- day. Ten Guilty In Jap War CrimeTrial TOKYO - (') - The Interna- tional Tribunal this morning be- gan reading off verdicts of guilty against Japan's wartime leaders, ,climaxing a trial which has lasted more than two years. As the 25 defendants sat silent and grim faced, the court at the end of the seventh day of reading a long verdict got down to cases- the question of guilt or innocence of each man in the dock. THE FIRST 10 ticked off were pronounced guilty. Hideki Tojo, wartime Premier and No. 1 de- fendant was next to the last on the list, which was being read al- phabetically. After the verdicts are an- nounced, the sentences will be handed down. Thename of Gen. Sadao Araki came first. ARAKI, A LEADING Jingoist and twice Minster of War, was convict- ed on counts 1 and 27. The first alleged conspiracy to wage aggressive war, the 27th of waging war against China in Manchuria in 1931. Gen. Kenji Doihara, who engi- neered the Mukden incident which set off the war in Manchuria in 1931, also was convicted on the same two counts. In addition he was convicted on counts 29, 31, 32, 35 and 36. THIRD TO hear the verdict of guilty pronounced against him was Col. Kingoro Hashimoto, who sank the Panay in the Yangtze before the U. S. was involved in the war. He was convicted on two counts. Field Marshall Shunr o k u Hata, former commander- in- chief in China, was the fourth to be convicted. He was found guilty on six counts alleging con- spiracy to wage aggressive war and waging aggressive war. Next was Baron Kiichiro Hira- numa, former premier, who was found guilty on six counts. FORMER PREMIER Koki Hi- rota was convicted on three counts. Naoki Hoshino, former chief of Hideki Tojo's planning board, was convicted on five counts. Eighth to hear the verdict of guilty pronounced was Gen. Sei- shiro Itagaki, former Minister of War and once chief of staff of the crack Kwantung army in Man- churia. He was named in seven counts. Elections Petitions for Board in Con- trol of Student Publications, J- Hop Committee, Senior Class officers and education school officers are due by 5 p.m., today in in Rm. 2, University Hall. Date of elections for these posts, as well as for Student Legislature, has been changed to Nov. 22, and Nov. 23. NO REASON TO SMILE-Gen- eralissimo Chaing Kai- Shek faces his most crucial test as government forces fall back be- fore the onslaught of Communist armies. Senator Sees SENATOR VANDENBERG "no softening" the American people had spoken Nov. 2 in favor of the policy "in thunders which should penetrate even the Iron Curtain." "The final tally in this free election will be about like this: for this policy, 47,000,000 plus; against this policy, 1,000,000 plus." In an obvious reference to Henry A. Wallace's Progressive Party, Vandenberg said the 1,- 000,000 votes that might be fa- vorable to a change in policy were polled by "the one party which iran with Moscow's blessing and with avowed Communist support." VANDENBERG, who received the Reserve Officers Association medal for his efforts toward peace, said Soviet Foreign Minister Mo- lotov apparently had miscalculat- ed the impact of last week's elec- tion on American foreign policy. "In his post-election estimate of these election returns, Mr. Molotov hailed the re-election of President Truman as some sort of encouraging repudiation of the bi-partisan peace aims of the Government -of the United States-claiming in typically in- cendiary language that our peo- ple have rejected the 'frankly aggressive Republican pro- gram'" Vandenberg said. Taft-Hartley r Bill Revision Cites Closed Shop, Strike LawChanges WASHINGTON-(P)-A bill toE "take the abuses out" of the Taft- Hartley labor law will be one of1 the first concerns of the Senate1 Labor Committee, according tof Senator Elbert D. Thomas (Dem.,c Utah). Thomas is slated to return to the chairmanship when the Demo- crats assume power in January. Back in the capital from Salt Lake City, Thomas told a reporter: *' * * "WE SHALL CARRY out the1 promises of the Democratic plat-c form." One of those promises wasf repeal of the Taft-Hartley Act. t The act, passed by the 80th Congress over President Tru- man's veto, was castigated by] labor leaders as a "slave labor" law, and was assailed again and again by the President in his successful campaign. Actually, the law is a deep- reaching revision of the Wagner Act, the so-called charter of labor passed in the early days of the Franklin D. Roosevelt administra- tion.1 Senator Thomas said he had talked to no Democratic party leaders about the measure and had no detailed plan for taking up re- peal legislation, although he had heard that the administration is preparing a new labor bill. But Thomas has some ideas of his own. He said the Taft-Hartley ban against the closed shop and against jurisdictional strikes should be eliminated. In his view, public opinion alone should force the correction of abuses which arise from such practices. Indian Students To Meet Diplomat University students from India will have an opportunity to meet their nation's new ambassador to the United States, Sir Benegal Rama Rau, at the International Center today. The statesman, a native of the province of Coorg, near Mysore in South India, will address mem- bers of the Hindustan Club at 2 p.m. and be greeted later by Pres- ident Alexander G. Ruthven. He will leave late in the day for Washington, Nationalists Makie Stand Near Suchow Million Men in Decisive Struggle NANKING - (Ai) - More than 1,000,000 men have been com- mitted to battle today on Nan- king's Suchow defense lines in fighting on a scale unprecedented in China even during the Jap- anese invasion, a Chinese govern- ment military spokesman an- nounced. The spokesman, Lt. Gen. Teng Wen-Yi, furnished no details on the exact locations and progress of the crucial battle-one which may determine China's fate. * * th*t HE SAID, however, that the scene was north of the Yangtze- River and south of the Lunghai Railway, a stretch of about 200 miles. Last previous reports had placed the oncoming Commu- nists about 100 miles northwest of Nanking in the Pengpu area and within ten miles east of Suchow, major government base 200 miles northwest of Nanking. General Teng said the Reds, us- ing more than 500,000 troops, had a slight numerical superiority. HE SAID government defenders had outfought the Communists in the opening phases, but acknowl edged several Nationalist with- drawals "to shorten their lines." Scantiness of details on 'this climactic battle apparently re- sulted from the government im- position of censorship on a post- publication, basis. (While a gigantic battle on the approaches to Nanking was a log- ical development, both sides throughout China's three - year civil war have habitually exagger- ated numbers involved and enemy casualties.) THE SPOKESMAN said Com- munist generals Chen Yi, Chen Keng and Liu Po-Cheng already were throwing all their available manpower, 15 entire armies against the last defenses north of the Yangtze. The Yangtze itself remains a formidable barrier, more than two miles wide, with Nanking near the south bank.) He said the government was hurrying up reinforcements. Some from the Peiping-Hankow railway area, 200 to 300 miles south and southwest, already have moved up. TENG said the Communists had suffered 30,000 casualties around Suchow, three times as many as the government. All available government war- planes, from old 4-engined Libera- tors to fighters and some new Can- adian-made Mosquitos, operated steadily out of Nanking. Gwin Urgfes Driving Care John Gwin, of the Office of Stu- dent Affairs yesterday cautioned students to drive more carefully on football weekends. "Recent increases in weekend traffic accidents, several involving students, have increased the im- portance of careful driving," he said. He advised students to wait un- til post-game traffic thins out be- fore commuting to their homes. . Gwin also asked student drivers not -to park their cars on crowded Ann Arbor streets. "A number of recent accidents have involved parked automobiles," he declared. Students can lessen the danger of accidents by keeping cars in garages and off the main thor- oughfares, Gwin said. Comnmerce Society Names Members Beta Gamma Sigma, national honorary commerce fraternity, has elected ten students to member- ship this fall. Among those honored were Rob- CAN'T EAT WORDS: Shortages Strongly Affect English Literary Class Today is Gargoyle day-the Gar- goyle, campus humor magazine, comes out today. Moving in and occupying the campus, the Gargoyle business staff will station its hawkers at all strategic spots. From 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. both ends and the mid- dlie of the Diag will have their Gargoyle men. At noon, they will branch out and sell the magazine at the Union and the Willow Run bus stop. * * * STUDENTS previously on cam- pus know only too well the hawk- ing techniques of the Gargoyle funnymen. Beverly Dippel, busi- ness manager, will be in their truck tossing out the 2,400 copies of the magazines to the barkers. For 25 cents, the price of the new Garg, students can get the maga- zine and the small sideshow that goes with Gargoyle selling. The unpredictable Gargoyle staff will do almost anything to extract their 25-cents-a-copy from the students. Quips, gags, Seniors in Pharm acy gasps, and antics are acceptable selling techniques to Gargoyle hawkers. In the process they will prob- ably proclaim that the Gargoyle is new; that the Gargoyle has two Hopwood winners; that one is Richard Kraus' "Gunna Play Trumpt with Beechet"; that the other is Robert Uchitelle's "The World Is On Our Doorstep"-the freshman Hopwood winner; that it is indeed half funny, half seri- ous. By GLORIA GOODSTEIN Literature today is more affect- ed by economic shortages than by artistic poverty, in the opinoin of J. E. Morpurge, English critic, edi- tor, and publisher. Speaking yesterday on "Post- War Reconstruction in English Letters," Murpurgo said that Brit- ish periodicals cannot afford to "play with new names." Publish- ers are beset by shortages of paper, machinery, and printers, and careful planning does not allow them to consider new work. filar |'trash" work, Morpurgo said that it is the good writers, such as Graham. Greene and. Evelyn Waugh, who are selling. This forces the publisher to rely on a few top authors. * * * IN EXPLAINING the absence of outstanding war literature, Mor- purgo pointed out that most Brit- ish were away from home for many years and did not feel heroic or ro- mantic as in World War One. Most war writing was a new type of re- porting of an artistic quality. CAMPUS EYE-SORE: 'U' Dump To Become Place of Beauty The University has finally de- cided to bury the skeleton in its closet. After many years, the vast "open" dump behind the Univer- sity Hospital is to be converted into a four-acre area of land- scaped beauty. A LitttTf'tr .r I..- 1 PYYYf. 1 run into the years, according to Walter Roth, University plant de- partment superintendent. But he added that improvement will be visible day by day as the bull- dozer cuts its trenches, packs down the refuse and covers it with dirt. BURIED REFUSE, piled layer ing refuse which was burned as soon as it was dumped. Roth stressed the fact that the burning process has been com- pletely discontinued and that the only fires flaring up from the for- mer gravel pit are accidental. * *L * . RATS ARE STILL a problem i