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November 11, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-11-11

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-T I WN9

See page'4


:43 a t tH


Latest Deadline in the State


UY N Off icials
See Marshall
Truman Talk
Plans for Stalin
Meeting Denied
(By The Associated Press)
U. S. Secretary of State Mar-
shall was expected by Paris sources
to confer soon with President Tru-
man about the possibility of direct
peace talks between the United
States and Russia.
Informed Americans at the
United Nations Assembly said the
Secretary would go to Washington
later this month for a full review
of the world situation after Mr.
Truman ends his vacation at Key
West, Fla.
* *, *
there are no plans of any kind
for a Truman-Stalin meeting, and
that President Truman has no in-
tention of going to Moscow.
Eben Ayers, assistant presi-
dential press secretary, empha-
sized, however, that the United
s States chief executive still stands
by his offer to confer with Prem-
ier Stalin anytime the latter
wishes to visit Washington.
And, then Ayers added:
"There are no plans for a meet-
ing of the President and Stalin
* * *
SUGGESTIONS published in
Moscow and Rome that Mr. Tru-
man might see Prime Minister
Stalin personally in an attempt to
settle the bitter East-West differ-
ences were received generally with
enthusiasm at the UN Assembly.
Marshall would not comment
on the possibility.
Assembly President Herbert V.
Evatt, UN Secretary - General
Trygve Lie, and other leaders were
known to feel that a Russian-U.S.
agreement is just the shot in the
arm that the UN needs for effec-
tive work.
IN KEY WEST, White House of-
ficials were puzzled by the reports
the President himself might go to
Moscow. Undersecretary of State
Robert Lovett said in Washington
he knew nothing of such a move.
Meanwhile, there was no word
whether President Truman has
given any further consideration to
a personal emissary to discuss with
Stalin a basis for getting a better
understanding between the two
The President is in constant
contact with Secretary of State
Marshall, but Ayers said he did
know when the two will confer on
the international picture.
Coed Winner
In Engineering
School Race
The Engineering Council an-
nounced last night that results of
the balloting in yesterday's spe-
cial election in the engineering
school gave Arlene Lange, '52E,
a victory in the race for freshman
class secretary.
Miss Lange, majoring in aero-
nautical engineering, will fill the
post left vacant last semester by
the failure of the small freshman
engineering class to file nominat-
ing petitions for secretary.

elevated by the Council to the po-
sition of junior class president,
taking the place of Harry Evans,
who no longer attends the Uni-
versity. Allen was formerly sec-
retary of the junior class.
The status of the honor sys-
tem was clarified by the Coun-
cil after several members noted
that there was some confusion
among the faculty and students
as to its scope.
Bruce Lockwood, '49E, president
of the Council, stressed the fact
that the honor system applies to
any course in engineering school
for which engineering credit is
given. "This includes those classes
containing non-engineering stu-
dents," he added.
;Meanwhile, plans for the biggest
event in the engineers' social sea-
son, the Slide Rule Ball, were
completed with the announcement
that all engineering students with
activities coupons would be enti-
.tled to a $1 rebate on the price of

Drive for Band's
OSU Trip Begun
Daily City Editor
Still smarting under recently published accusations that the
Michigan Marching Band is inferior to the Ohio State Band, Univer-
sity students have started a financial drive to send our band to
Columbus next weekend.
Because its travel budget has been exhausted by previous football
trips this semester, the band would have been unable to make the OSU
jaunt. However Band Director William D. Revelli says the group will
be happy to make the trip if the necessary $2,000 can be raised.
* * * *
SPEARHEADING the fund raising drive are members of Lambda
Chi Alpha fraternity who have pledged $65 toward the cost of the
trip. A letter explaining their stand appears on the editorial page of
today's Daily.
The Daily secured the permission of University authorities
to act as a clearing house for additional pledges of financial sup-
port from campus groups and individuals.
Persons wishing to pledge funds to cover the band's travel expenses
may do so by phoning The Daily (2-3241) and- asking for the Band
Fund Committee.

Americans Flee Riot-torn China

* * *


AT THE PRESENT TIME only pledges of financial support are
being sought and the actual money will be collected at a later date.
The spontaneous drive to send the band to OSU springs
from an article published in Life Magazine two weeks ago. The
article lauded the OSU band claiming that it is the best in the
Taking issue with this statement the Lambda Chi's said that
"our marching band is the finest in the land." And they want to prove
it by sending the famed Michigan Marching Band to the OSU-Wol-
verine grid tilt in Columbus next weekend.
* * * *
GRATIFIED AT THIS spontaneous interest from the student body
Prof. Revelli said that the band would be able and willing to make
the trip if financial support could be gained.
However, in order that necessary technical and travel arrange-
ments can be made the band must be assured of financial support
by the end of this week.
During the fund raising drive The Daily will provide special phone
operators to take pledges.
THE LAMBDA CHI'S SAY ". . . if all campus organizations as
well as individuals will climb on the 'Bandwagon' Michigan will be
assured of showing up Ohio State's band as well as their football
If sufficient funds are raised the marching band will join
the thousands of University students who are planning to make
the trek to Columbus to view the gridiron battle between the
traditional rivals.
Many of them will make the trip in a special train sponsored by
the Wolverine Club.
Camera fans To Get Chance
For Radio in 'Ensian Contest

Reds Seek To
Force Down
Clay Pledges to
Keep 'emFlying
BERLIN -0(/P)-The Russians
threatened to force down Ameri-
can and British airlift planes that
fly outside the three air corridors
in the supply route to Berlin.
U.S. commander, replied tersely to
the threat: "We will keep them
His Chief of Staff warned the
Russians they would be held re-
sponsible for any damage to air-
craft or personnel.
The British have not yet formal-
ly replied to the Soviet note dis-
closing the threat, but an offi-
cial said publicly British pilots
obeyed the air rules and the Rus-
sians would be held responsible
for any action they take.
The Russians charged that num-
erous "foreign" planes have been
flying illegally over their territory.
Although American pilots said
they had standing instructions
since last May to obey any Soviet
fighter plane seeking to force
them to land, the Soviet order
increased chances for a serious
international incident.
In the past both Britain and
the United States have threatened
to use fighter planes to keep the
airlift going is necessary.
NEITHER United States nor
British military chiefs would
comment tonight on what their
course would be if the Russians
forced down any airlift planes.
Two airlift pilots who landed
at Templehof tonight just after
the Soviet notice had been de-
livered reported no incidents in
the air corridor.
Bad weather cloaked the air-
fields at Wiesbaden and Frankfurt
late tonight, causing American
airforce officials to close down the
airlift with no prospect of re-
sumption before morning. The
Russians were not expected to at-
tempt any action enforcing their
order until daylight and in good
flying weather.
The Russian threatnwas dis-
closed when Brig. Gen. C. K.
Gailey, Chief of Staff to Gen. Clay,
replied to a letter dated yesterday
from G. S. Lukjantschenko, Soviet
chief of staff.
In reply Gailey said "full and
complete responsibility will rest on
the shoulders of the Soviet au-
thorities should any injury be sus-
tained by any of our pilots, or
should any damage occur to our
planes from any Soviet action
taken in this connection."
In bad flying weather, which
will be worse in the coming
months, it is hard for pilots to
tell whether they are exactly
within the corridor limits.
It would be just as hard for
Soviet fighter pilots to tell
whether they were taking action
outside or inside the corridor.

Dt __
.Detention Hit
The arrest of a Detroit Commu-
nist early yesterday brought sharp
comment from Ernest Ellis, stu-
dent director of the Communist
Party in Michigan.
Ellis commented that the arrest
and detention without bail of Dr.
James E. Jackson, Jr., Negro,
chairman of the Dearborn section
of the Communist Party, on a
charge of breaking and entering,
"was an attempt to further in-
timidate the Negro people and to
defame American Communists."
The Associated Press reported
that the case would come un to-


El Toro air base at Santa Ana, Calif., spent the 173rd birthday
of the Marine Corps fighting a brush fire that swept over thou-
sands of acres and caused 1,500 persons to evacuate their homes.
The fire came within a mile of the 900 building Marine air base.
The Devil Dogs are shown picking up fire axes at a ranger station
to use in battling the blaze.
Check Reveals Students Want
Marriage Lectures Continued

Students emphatically favor
continuing marriage relations lec-
tures, a Daily spot check revealed
Juniors and seniors-the two
classes most immediately affected
-voiced support of the education-
al program.
, ,*
RISING COSTS of lecturers'
fees and apparent lack of student
support may keep the annual se-




Student photographers will now
get a chance to see their pictures
in print, and maybe win a radio
The opening of the 1949 Michi-
ganensian photography contest
has been announced by Bill Oster-
man, Ensian assistant promotions
THE OBJECT of the contest is
to get candid and posed shots for
possible publication in the '49
Ensian. Anyone who buys a 1949
Ensian is "eligible.
The winner of the contest will
receive a brand new table model
radio, and other good shots may
be used in the new yearbook.
However, Osterman said that
under the rules of the contest, all
pictures become the property of
the Ensian, and the Ensian re-
serves the right to decide whether
they will be published or not.
* ' A
THE PICTURES should be
brought or mailed to the Ensian
office, Student Publications Build-
ing on Maynard Street. All entries
must be in by December 15, so
that they can be given to the three
judges for consideration.
Judging the pictures are Jean
Leonard, Daily advertising man-
ager, Alex Lmanian, Ensian
photography editor, and Pete
These three will choose the win-
ning picture which will be an-
nounced the week of Jan. 3.

Osterman said that the pictures'
subject matter should follow the
theme of the 1949 Ensian, which
is "Michigan Today." He said that
the Ensian wants informal shots
which may be used in a candid
photo section of the book.
HE SUGGESTED shots from
the dormitories, fraternities,
league houses, sororities, social
functions, and other potentially in-
teresting pictures.
Photographers are not required
to submit negatives of their prints;
just the print.
IRA Group To
Hold Session
A training session in the tech-
niques of fighting racial discrimi-
nation will be held at 7:30 p.m. to-
day in the Union, by the Inter-
Racial Association.
Heading the program will be
Prof. T. M. Newcomb of the So-
ciology Department and Dr. Ron-
ald Lippitt, director of the Re-
search Institute for Group Dy-
namics, which recently moved to
the campus from M.I.T.
The training session will consist
of talks and a series' of "Socio-
dramas" which demonstrate the
techniques used in combatting dis-



Aviation Job
Although the aviation industry
is still in a somewhat "turbulent"
stage, Prof. W. C. Nelson predicts
a "continued solid demand" for
engineers in the field.
Speaking before the Institute of
Aeronautical Sciences last night,
Prof. Nelson said the present de-
mand for aeronautical engineers
in government research and in-1
dustry permits graduates to
"screen job offers" to a large ex-
PROF. NELSON attributed the
present fluctuation in the aircraft
industries to their dependence on
the federal government.
Changes in government con-
tracts cause most aeronautical en-
gineers to shift their jobs several
times during their first five or
ten years in the industry, he said.
However, the aircraft industries
are definitely "big business," he
added, predicting greater stability
in the field soon.
Pointing out the different areas
open to aeronautical engineers-
testing, design, research and sales
-Prof. Nelson cited the federal
agencies, CAA and NACA, as good
"schooling groups" for graduate

ries off the University calendar
this year, Ivan W. Parker, chair-
man of the sponsoring committee,
said yesterday.
Many of the students con-
tacted would make the series
"More down - to - earth" and
"Just when I come of age," an
indignant senior woman echoed
"They start thinking about discon-
tinuing the lectures."
* * *
A SENIOR MAN who had heard
the talks in previous years said
he would like to attend again.
However, he criticized some lec-
tures as not "frank and open
"The lecturers stayed on too
high a level," he said. "They
should bring their talks down to
(Last year the lecturers spoke
on subjects like psychological ad-
justment for marriage, historical
background of marriage, and its
physical aspects.)
"EVALUATION sheets filled out
at the end of the series might
help to correct deficiencies in the
program," a junior suggested.
Professor Hall
Going to Tokyo
Prof. Robert B. Hall, director of
the University's Center for Japan-
ese Studies and member of the
geography department, will leave
Washington, D. C. this week for
Tokyo to serve as a consultant in
General MacArthur's headquar-
Considered an authority on
Japan, Prof. Hall has made sever-
al previous trips to that country
the first being in 1928. He served
as a colonel with the Office of
Strategic Services in China and
the Pacific Area during the sec-
ond world war.

Liquor Ban
DETROIT - (') -There will
be no beer and skittles for pa-
trons of the Detroit Symphony
Orchestra next season-a skittle
or two perhaps, but not a drop
of beer.
The State of Michigan has
turned thumbs down.
Why, demanded the sym-
phony, what's the matter with
a few cooling draughts with a
few soothing tunes on a mid-
summer's night?
Toosmany kids around, said
the State Agricultural Commis-
sion, and anyway we don't allow
beer sold on state property.
The kids should be in bed, re-
plied the symphony. Horse race
fans drink beer at the same
fairgrounds where we plan our
concerts. So do fair goers. What
gives? Are music lovers sup-
posed to be camels?
Never mind, said the com-
mission, that's our ruling.
We'll see about that, vowed
Henry Reichhold, angel of the
symphony. We'll take it up with
the liquor commission. After all
they drink beer in Vienna and
it goes well with music.
NYLRI3 Rule=
UE W Ouster
United Electrical Workers Union,
already barred from government
atomic energy plants, has lost a
labor case pointing to its ouster
from many plants in private in-
Failure of UEW's officers to
sign pledges disavowing Commu-
nist ties figured in the decision,
too, as it did in prompting the
atomic plant ban.
The union has been described in
Congressional hearings as Com-
munist dominated.
* * *
the National Labor Relations
Board. It ruled that a union se-
curity clause in UEW's contract
for the General Electric Company
plant at San Jose, Calif., is illegal.
No prior election among em-
ployees to sanction the union se-
curity clause had been held by'
the NLRB as required by the
Taft-Hartley Act.
Because UEW's officers have
failed to sign the Non-Communist
affidavit the union was unable to
obtain such an NLRB election.
* * *
ORDINARILY a contract is
deemed by the NLRB as a bar
against any other union seeking
to wrest employee representation
rights from the contracting union
for the duration of the contract.
But because the UEW's union
security clause in the San Jose
contract was determined to be
illegal, the NLRB said the con-
tract could not bar a represen-
tation challenge from the Inter-
national Association of Machin-
ists, an independent union.
So the board ordered an elec-
tion held within 30 days with only
the IAM's name on the ballot.
announced a union campaign for
repeal of the Taft-Hartley Law
and restoration of the Wagner Act.
Albert J. Fitzgerald, president
of the 600;000-member union,
said petitions asking those actions
are being printed for circulation

in electrical, radio and machine
shops throughout the nation.

Martial Law
Declared for
Nanking Area
Hoffman Plans
To Probe Crisis
By The Associated Press
Americans fled from a Chinas
torn by hunger riots as a Com-
munist drive thundering down
from the north exposed shaken
Nanking to direct attack.
In Nanking, a responsible of-
flcial said Chiang Kai-Sihek's
government-fighting for its life
amid the most severe mili-
tary and economic reverses--
was imposing martial law in
Nanking and Shanghai in an ef-.
fort to halt food riots and other
Martial law was declared in the
Nanking and Shanghai areas,
scenes of angry rice riots and
looting in the past few days.
Nanking, China's capital, was quiet
after Chiang Kai-Shek decreed a
curfew between 11 p.m. and 6 am.
SUCHOW, the big gvernment
base 170 miles to the northwest,
was bypassed by powerful red col-
umns, military reports indicated.
This would seem to have isolated
the bulk of the government troops
trying to block the road to the
Yangtze and Nanking.
Against the twin perils of ad-
vancing Communists and grow-
ing hunger riots in Nanking,
Shanghai and Hangehow, the
U.S. Army moved swiftly to re-
move Americans.
Dependents of military person-
nel were being flown to Tsingtao
the U. S. Navy anchorage 280
miles to the north. More than a
dozen transport planes were being
used. All 500 dependents are ex-
pected to be flown out within three
Meanwhile in Washington, Paul
G. Hoffman, America's foreign aid
chief, was planning a flying on-
the-spot survey of the "desper-
ate" situation in China, early in
December, unless the situation, by
that time, becomes too dangerous,
or improper.
"IMPROPER" was taken to
mean the possibility that the ECA
chief's plans might be vetoed by
top officials of the State Depart-
ment or President Truman.
Ralph Carson
Slated To Talk
At SLMeet
New York attorney Ralph Car-
son, '17, Rhodes scholar and for-
mer president of the Oxford Union
will address a special session of the
Student Legislature at 7:30 p.m.
today in the Union.
Carson, here by Legislature in-
vitation, will discuss the applica-
tion of the Oxford Union plan to
the University.
scribed by SL president Blair
Moody as an organization of stu-
dents at Oxford which meets to
discuss political issues. After one
person has argued for each side of
the proposition, the meeting is
thrown open to discussion, under
the direction of the president.
Moody said that tentative
plans call for the local adapta-
tion of the Oxford Union.
The University version of the

Oxford Union would be called the
Michigan Forum, Moody said.
Carson, who graduated in 1917,
was secretary of the Student
Council, class orator, member of
the varsity debate team and
Speaker of Adelphi debating so-
His address is a follow-up to
SL action which secured the area
under the flag pole for student

World News At A Glance
By The Associated Press
BAY CITY, Mich. -A Federal Court jury tonight acquitted the
R. & G. Motor Sales, Inc., of Flint and its president, Peter Gavriloff,
on charges of making illegal contributions to the Republican Party of
FRANKFURT, Germany-British and American authori-
ties announced today a vast reorganization plan under which the
Ruhr's coal, iron and steel industries will revert to German own-
ership "in the near future."
The French protested almost immediately. They felt the de-
cision would be a threat to French hopes for international con-

City To Pay Tribute on Armistice Day

A solemn Ann Arbor will pay
tribute to the dead of World War I

Eight years later CongressJ
passed a resolution directing the

American Legion Memorial Club-
house at which beer and stew will

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