See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
l l
U.S. Citizens
North China
Fear Invasion
By Communists
NANKING - (P) - The 1,000
wives and children of U. S. Mili-
tary personnel in China are being
sent home and all other American
civilians are being urged by the
embassy to leave the Shanghai-
Nanking area for fear of Commu-
nist invasion.
In addition, Vice Adm. Oscar C.
Badger said in a news conference
in Shanghai that he might shift
some Marines from the Tsingtao
base to Shanghai, "but only as a
protective force "
manding the U. S. Western Pacific
fleet, said. "The Marines hold spe-
cial status and can land on a for-
eign shore without constituting an
.act of war. They are recognized
by international law as interna--
tional policemen."
We may have to bring some to
He said he had no intention of
aliandoning th Tsingtao base on
the North China coast but was
prepared to evacuate Americans
and citizens of friendly nations
"on a humanitarian basis."
* * *
(PACIFIC FLEET headquar-
ters at Pearl Harbor said the
American civilian evacuation did
not apply in Tsingtao, where there
are 1,015 Americans, mostly de-
pendents of service men. Admiral
Badger has said he could take
them all off in a few hours on a
single ship if the need arises.)
It appeared that the American
steps were taken only after the
embassy's military staff ad-
vised it that the Chinese gov-
ernment no longer had the
physical power to keep the war
away from the national capital.
Chinese spokesmen declined
public comment, but one high of-
ficial said the American action
"appears unwarranted."
hai are south of the broad
Yangtze river, but both could be
cut off from the sea.
Nanking is linked to Shanghai
by a 193-mile railroad which
follows the river's south bank.
Shanghai, although a great
port, is 13 miles up the Whang-
poo River, which flows into the
Yangtze estuary.
Maj. Gen. David G. Barr, direc-
tor of the U. S. joint military ad-
visory groups in China, said all the
groups' dependents would be re-
turned to the United States as
rapidly as water transportation
becomes available, with the U. S.
West Coast strike tying up a ma-
jority of ships that normally ply to
China, accommodations may be
hard to get.
Heidt To Hold
Auditions Here
Auditions for the Horace Heidt
show coming to Ann Arbor Nov.
20 will be held again at 6 p.m. to-
morrow in the WUOM studios of
Angell Hall.
The five best acts from tomor-
row's and yesterday's auditions
will appear in the two and a half
hour stage show to be given at Hill
Auditorium Nov. 20 and Detroit
Nov. 21. The Heidt show will be
broadcast from Detroit.
First and second cash prize will
be awarded by Heidt to the best
performers and will be. determined
by audience applause.
The winning contestants will al-
so have an opportunity to compete
in the final audition for appear-
ance on the Band leader's broad-
cast in Detroit.
The auditions are open to pro-
fessional and amateur talent. All
types of musical ability are quali-
fied to enter into the competition.
Heidt climbed to fame in his
'Pot-O-Gold show, one of the first
':giv Ama , '" nmy a M a A,.ed
'Cleared for Action'
TRIPLE-THREAT-Three salvos to be fired at the Middies today
by Michigan are Leo Koceski, Wally Teninga and Chuck Ortmann
as the Wolverines seek to stretch their winning streak to 21 games.
Ortmann and Koceski, Michigan's sophomore stars, will carry much
of the offensive load, both on the ground and in the air, while
Teninga will provide the punts, when necessary.
Dulles Says U.S. No Longer Disarming
PARIS-(P)-John Foster Dulles
told the Russian bloc today that
the United States has stopped
disarming and "intends to be
strong" so long as fears grip the
free peoples of the world.
From the tone and manner of
his speech it was apparent that a
firm American policy in the Unit-
ed Nations Assembly is shaping up
quickly after last Tuesday's Pres-
idential election.
DULLES, the Republican party
adviser on foreign affairs, thus in-
dicated the election had not
changed in any way the general
foreign policy supported by both
Republicans and Democrats.
He denounced as "vicious
falsehoods" Russian charges
that the United States aims for
world mastery. Dulles told the
UN Political Committee:
"Our growing national strength
no doubt displeases some; but it
does not, I believe, frighten any.
I ask each delegate to search his
own mind and come to his own
conclusion as to who and what his
nation fears. I shall be satisfied
with a silent verdict, for sTknow
that some fear even to express
their fear."
AMERICANS, Dulles said, make
no apology for their decision to
stop disarming "because our
strength is not for ourselves
alone." He added: "It is our pur-
pose so to unite and strengthen
the forces of freedom that they
will not have to fear."
Dulles spoke in a debate on the
Balkans. He said Americans had
organized "no disloyal groups, no
fifth columns, to do our will" in
Europe after withdrawing all but
a fragment of the huge armed
forces which fought in the war.
He said this was proof that the
United States has no aggressive
Garg, Directory Crews Battle
To Get Issues on Stands First
Odds ran high in publications
circles yesterday over the fever-
pitched battle between the Gar-
goyle and the Student Directory
to decide which would pounce
upon the campus first.
The conflict and confusion broke
out early this week when the Di-
rectory failed to materialize on
Monday as advertised. Directory
Accident Fatal to
University Student
Injuries sustained in an auto
accident two months ago, proved
fatal to John C. Goodale, '50L, of
Milwaukee, Wisc., who died yes-
terday morning in University Hos-
Goodale, who graduated Phi
Beta Kappa from the University
of Wisconsin, had done outstand-
ing work in the law school, for
which he was appointed to the
Michigan Law Review.
Goodale is survived by his wife
and parents, also of Milwaukee.
No funeral arrangements have
been made.
editors howled with agony when
they heard that the bindery had
broken down. And to top it off,
someone lost the Directory's 450
page innards somewhere in Chi-
* * *
SUCCUMBING to fate, Business
Editor Bill Graham announced
that the Directory would positive-
ly, absolutely, finally, and for all
year-come out next Tuesday,
Nov. 9.
At this point, cries of glee
broke out from the Garg of-
fices. Their publication date
had been settled 13 weeks ago
for Monday, Nov. 8. The Gar-
goyle would be first.
But complications have set in
at the printers. And Nov. 8 will
come and go before the ink is dry
on the Garg's copy and the Gar-
goyle comes to campus.
* * *
MEANWHILE, in the middle is
the poor hounded printer. Sand-
wiched between clanging tele-
phones, he hears voices on each
demanding, "The Gargoyle first!"
.. . "No, the Directory first!" . .
"THE GARG! . . ""NO, the..."
Wovrld News
(By The Associated Press)
NEW YORK - Stock prices
dropped drastically in the broad-
est market on record.
Brokers said it was a renewal of
the post-election plunge fed by
Wall Street fears of restrictive
legislation affecting business.
* * *
CAIRO-An Egyptian War
Ministry spokesman said that.
Egyptian forces had repulsed
Israeli attacks in Southern Pal-
estine. He said the Jews had at-
tacked Egyptian positions in
Majdal, north of Gaza, and
other positions in the Negev.
ST. JOHN'S, N'f'l'd-A United
States airplane is reported to have
crashed tonight within a 100-mile
radius of Argentina, the big
American navy base in Southern
*' * *
MUNICH, Germany - Four-
teen Germans have been hanged
but one accused of tearing scalp
knots from the heads of concen-
tration camp inmates won a re-
prieve. All were convinced of
war crimes.
* * *
Session Called
To Raise State -
LANSING-(fP)-The Executive
office announced unexpectedly
that a special session of the Legis-
lature.would be called Tuesday.
Officials said the purpose is to
vote pay raises for legislators and
state officers. But almost im-
LANSING-(/P)-A call for a
special session of the Legisla-
ture Tuesday to raise legisla-
tors' pay was suddenly retracted
early today.
mediately the announcement
touched off an old feud between
two Republican leaders rejected
by voters this week.
In Detroit, Governor-elect G.
Mennen Williams said it appeared
that the announcement was kin-
dling "internecine warfare" with-
in the election-battered Republi-
can party. He said, however, that
he favored getting the salary
raises through immediately.
* * *f
ing as Governor in the absence of
Kim Sigler, set off the dispute
with a threat to make a gas tax
raise the first problem of the spe-
cial session.
Band Salutes
Gobs, Marines
Between halves of today's game,
the Marching Band will salute the
Navy, Michigan's opponent in the
game, and the Marine Corps,
which will celebrate its 173rd
birthday on November 10.
Participating in the program
will be men from the University
N.R.O.T.C. detachment, who will
form an anchor in the center of
the field, while the band spells out
the word NAVY.
A detachment of Marines from
the Central Recruiting Division of
Detroit will assist the band in re-
creating a memorable moment in
American history - the raising of
the American flag on Iwo Jima.'
Other formations planned for
the program will be a large ship,
complete with cabin and stack,
and a plane which will fly down
the field with motors roaring.
Democratic ticket, Barkley said,
"We'll cross that bridge when we
get to it. It may not even be a
bridge when we get to it."
Barkley also predicted passage
of the major parts of President
Truman's campaign platform,
including some legislation aimed
at controlling prices.
Barkley said he thinks the Taft-
Hartley Labor Act should be re-
pealed and possibly replaced by
some modifications of the original
Wagner Act.
In addition, Barkley predicted,
the extension of Federal rent con-
trols beyond March 1, and said he
thinks President Truman again
will call on Congress to enact civil
rights legislation.
Meanwhile, Gov. James Folsom
of Alabama filed suit in Federal
Court to force Alabama's 11 Dem-
ocratic electors to cast their votes
for President Truman.
A flood of telephone calls from
States Rights and regular South-
ern Democrats reached Washing-
ton sounding out the wisdom of
switching any or all of the 38 elec-
toral votes scheduled for Thur-
mond to Mr. Truman's column.
Dixie Democrats in Rush
To Get Back into Party
By The Associated Press
Southern Democrats are scurrying to get back into the Democratic
fold and President Truman's good graces after his smashing victory
at the polls.
Statements of Vice-President-elect Alben W. Barkley, Sen. Joseph
C. O'Mahoney (Dem., Wyo.), and Sen. Olin D. Johnston (Dem., S.C.),
indicated that they will be received back into the party without
Prediction of party harmony in the coming Congressional session
were voiced both by Senator Johnston,, a Southern Democrat who
opposed Truman and later voted for him, and Senator O'Mah'oney,
who is identified with the Northern and Western members of the party.
* * * *
WHEN ASKED whether there will be reprisals against legislators
who supported the States' Rights ".
Benelux States
Will outline
Atlantic Pact
U.S. Arms Three
French Divisions
PARIS-(P-The Brussells Alli-
ance will begin next week with the
outline and perhaps the actual
draft of a proposed North Atlantic
pact with Canada and the United
States, British and French sources
said. Thedobject is to have the
treaty ready to submit to Congress
in January.
This development followed the
disclosure that the United States
already has re-equipped three
French divisions in Germany from
surplus material.
* *
HIGH AMERICAN, British and
French commanders in Germany
will confer this week-end with
Field Marshal Lord Montgomery,
chief military planner of the
Brussells Alliance, to map stra-
tegic plans for European defense.
This will take place at Han-
nover, residence of the British
military governor of Germany,
even before the representatives'
of Britain, France, Belgium, The
Netherlands and Luxembourg
gather in London next week to
discuss the projected North At-
lantic pact.
The Frankfurt dispatches ex-
plained that the United States is
automatically committed to the
defense of Western Europe-re-
gardless of the existence or non-
existence of a formal alliance-so
long as American troops are in
Naval Attack
Geared for
First Victory
Rain Threatens
Winning Streak
(Daily Sports Editor)
The Navy will be operating on
another sea-a sea of mud-as
they meet the mighty Michigan
Wolverines at 2:00 p.m. today at
Michigan Stadium.
And as on most seas, the Navy
will be tough to sink on this mud-
dy morass. With a weather report
of rain and more rain for today,
the high-stepping, quick-shifting
Wolverines may find themselves
with more than they bargained
NAVY has a good team, despite
the record, and they are by far a
better running team than they are
a passing aggregation.
Michigan, on the other hand,
operates most effectively on a
dry field under blue skies. The
deceptive attack employed by
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan us-
ually has three or four men
handling the ball in the back-
field. And with a wet ball that
isn't easy.
But even with the mud and rain
the Wolverines will go into the
contest as a two or three touch-
down favorite. They have won six
straight games this season and are
looking for their 21st victory in a
* * *
NAVY, TOO, is working on a
streak. But this one is an unen-
viable record. They've lost six in
a row this season and have been
on the short end in their last ele-
yen outings.
But one of the major reasons
for their unimpressive season is
the "suicide" schedule they face.
Of their nine games the Middles
must face six out of the top ten
teams in the land. They've al-
ready been beaten by Notre
Dame, California, Penn, and
Missouri, who rate one, five, sev-
en and nine respectively.
They've also dropped close de-
cisions to Cornell, unbeaten until
Army knocked them off two weeks
ago, and Duke, one of the powers
of the Southeast.
another contender for the mythi-
cal national title. The men who
made up this schedule must have
been Army grads.
Yet strangely enough the
Middies have scored in each
contest and have made real
fights of most of them. They
lost out to Penn in the closing
minutes and Cornell had to
come from behind to triumph,
NOW COACH Oosterbaan has
brought his squad up to another
peak and has them set for the last
three big games of the season.
With the worst over, and an un-
defeated season in view, the
coaching staff and the team don't
want to see it disappear before one
of the lesser lights they face.
* * *
Threat of Rain
Fails To Malt
Influx of Fans
Michigan may sink the Navy
today, figuratively and literally.
As 85,938 fans prepared for a
colorful gridiron clash, the weath-
erman grimly stuck to his predic-
tion that yesterday's all-day
downpour would continue.
But whether the Navy squad
really has to "sail down the field"
will make little difference to the
sellout crowd streaming into Ann
Arbor this morning.
HOTELS WERE packed last
night with fans, and buses and
trains entering Ann Arbor this
morning are expected to be
jammed, company officials re-
Coach George Sauer, the
"mighty middie" squad, and their
goat mascot. arrived in Dearborn
French Comedy
Presented A gain
Monkeys Help in Battle
Against Polioryelit1is
All the monkeys aren't in the
About 200 of the little animals
are performing their hijinks in
the Public Health School labora-
The furry funsters are helping
Dr. Gordon Brown and a large
staff in the research on poliomye-
litis under the direction of Dr.
Thomas Francis, Jr., chairman
of the epidemiology department.
* * *
,U1!. M UW. mVm tt,- ,..A
contacts, only 18 per cent will have
the virus. One to 10 per cent of
the non-contacts are infected, ac-
cording to research figures.
keys with specimens, the pres-
ence or absence of virus is deter-
mined by examination of the ani-
mals. Information from this re-
search which began in 1941 will
be applied in fighting the disease
in human beings.
MADRID - The Spanish Gov-
ernment was reported to be plan-
ning to grant amnesty for all
Monarchists facing trials or fines
for anti-Franco activities.
* * *
PARIS -- Communist union
leaders said that 84 per cent of
their railroad worker followers
favor a 24-hour national strike.
The Communist-led General
Labor Federation controls 180,-
000 of the 460,000 rail workers.
* * *
STUTTGART, Germany - Dr.
Jhalmar Schacht, former wizard
of German finance, will have to
stand trial again before a denazi-
fication court, Hans Kuraski, de-
nazification chief of Wuerttem-
berg-Baden, said.
Resell Non-Student
The Art Cinema League and the
AVC will present the second show-
ing of "Fanny," the French com-
edy at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Au-
Marcel Pagnol's story is one "To
be honored and placed with 'The
Baker's Wife' and 'The Well-dig-
ger's Daughter'," according to
Norman Rappaport, manager of
the Art Cinema League.
The Hill box office will be open
today and the price of tickets is
50 cents.
Students Sport 'Sink Navy' Badges
Navy fans seeing "Sink the
Navy" buttons which popped up
to replace Truman and Dewey pins
BOUGHT BY Mrs. Root as part
of a publicity stunt they failed
to arrive in time for the football
were part of a drive to really "sink
the Navy."
* * *
"I'M AGAINST disarmament,"