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November 05, 1948 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-11-05

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Pen t

A New Party


"!HOSE OF US who expc ted, ater Nov. 2,
to be ponering the pi'eIm ol xiat
would happen to the Denocratie prty, gt
our answer almost before we asked the ques-
tion. The Democrats, without the support
of the radi-al element (whit had turned
to Wallace) or the Southern r(utionares,
managed to win a conclusive victory in an
b election they were expected to lose. Tf they
use the opportunity wisely they hL5v a
chance to build a strong paty, unified on
liberal principals.
We are left with the question of what
will happen to the Republicans? The see-
ond-guessers are already at work trying
to explain Tuesday' deat. Some of th
most common reasoning is that because
i of overconfidence the tpublii faild
to get out the cote, that Truman was
dragged in on the coat-tails of other strong
Democratic canidates or that Trnan
had more personal appal than Dewey.
To some extent these reasons may be valid
but they do not seem to provide a complete
explanation of the Democratic victory. Over-
confidence may have caused sone voters
to stay homne, but if' the country as as over-
whelmingly pro-epublican as u as supposed
there still should have been enough votes
to put them in power. Althou:h the strength
of men such as Lausele in Ohio and Ifun-
phrey in Minnesota may have swung these
states toward Truman there rernains th
question of why Warren's California weit
Democratic and Michigan, despite Williams,
returned Ferguson to the S nate and itie w
its electoral votes to Dc ey.
As far as personality gos, it is true
that Truman has a certain folksy charm
which makes Dewey seem rather cold, but
elections have been won before by men
without great personal appeal-notably
A fourth explanation, whiclh many old
guard Republicans may have trouble accept-
ing, is simply that the GOP has failed to
convince the average man that it has his
interests at heart. The Republican party has
acquired, partly by actions and partly by
myth, which they have made no attempt
to combat, a reputation as the party of Big
Business and special interests. Despite vague
promises of raising minimum wages and
helping farmers they showed little real sym-
pathy or understanding for the problems of
labor, the farmer and small business.
This is not to say that there are no lib-
eral Republicans, but they are mostly
younger men, without great influence in
party circles. The older generation, as
demonstrated by their labeling of Dewey
as a "liberal" may have become resigned
to the sound of the word but have not
yet accepted its meaning. As far as ideals
and program goes they ae still back in
the twenties.
It looks as if the Republicans may have to
reorient their thinking. If this election
proved nothing else, it demnonstiated that.
as the Free Press ruefully admitted, a ma-
jqrity of the people, for better or worse, are
in favor of the New Deal. When they elect
a President they look for someone who cares
about them. And if the Republican party is
to survive it must learn to pay attention to
the little man-with the bi vote.
---Allegra Pasqualeti.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
ind represent the views of the writers only.
P DR A * tll
"'OU LOOK at the figure , am.1 you ca't
believe them. Anybody vwhou ,ts merely
that this election is the up,-t o1 the cnty

is guilty of almost affct(d udtanementW
For the upset is important i e f, b
because it marks a rea leg 01' theio1':
fabric aid texture of our pitial life. I am
not going to try an ex'nded analysis now,
because I have a feeling that perhaps we
won't be able to integrate our thmkig about
this election for maybe eight or ten years
But there are some notes that should b
put down.
ITEM: Every punlit in the country is
now going to tell Mr. T.ruman just what
the election meamis, how he won it, what
he must do in conseence of it, et.. But
obviously Mr. Truman has a right, for a
limited time at leas, to bob almost any-
body of this sort in the eye, and to mm-
mur: "Advice iroum you I plainl:y do not
ITEM: The ejcton marks a fundane-r
tal change in relatinr between the Presdent
and Congress. 'V& he curirus msiuation whih
existed during Rooseveht'slast seven yearisr
in which while he was being triumhn tly
reelected and re-re ecd, ho found the pro-
ple steadily giving }E Con ros wily
hated and fouOt him, ha now been end d
From now on the us b a It l
relationship between the poliie oftee
ecutive and the pic11 t of the etur
The attention of ti peo which had been

NTERSPERSED between radio advertise-
ments for three of the nations top brands
of automobile America heard the creation
of a new Democratic party out of nothing
Tuesday night.
It is a party with a leader, (although
we never thought we would call Truman a
leater in the full sense of the word.)
Wito l ecrats, without the left wing
emnt of Henry Wallace, the middle
l norts, the unions and a
ht o L-ew ithout any particular affili-
tio pa the mam ft'oum Missouri back in
the Vt/ite Ibouse.
And Truman carved the job for himself
sinrslhaud ed.
fiw down-to-earth campaign appealed to
the people, while Dewey, confident, talked
to thin air from the heights of Mt. Olympus.
And now that the pollsters are handing in
th Jr reaignationds, d the new Democratic
party heaves to its feet, what is in store for
the Pra sde t'
Li all hs three years in office, Truman
neVer did a job as well as he handled his
cWnI campaign. The air of fumbling, un-
ure, inipotent inefficiency that charac-
te'ri,!ed a good part of his administration
was entirely lucking during the last three
moIths. He sold the country a bill of
goods about his own ability. We hope that
he sold it to himself.
Truman is out from under the shadow
thtt has dominated the American political
scene for the last sixteen years. The party
that FDR! held together by. his magnificent
statezmanship fell apart and a new grouping
has taken its place.
Wili thr solid majority that the Demo-
c %ats w fill have in the Eighty-First Congress,
ta, r'eationaries, the future of the sixteen
year old New Deal seems brighter.
At least we don't have to worry about the
tidelands oil going to the states, or the
government's conservation policy going to
the dogs, as would have been the case under

Business will probably wonder just how
"new dealish" the second administration
of Truman will be, but the fact of prosper-
ity can't be changed overnight and the
predicted boom of 1949 is still in the off-
Civil rights may come more into the open
with a Democratic, non dixiecratic Congress
and Henry Wallace may justify his stand
if something is accomplished.
The red hunt will die dowen in Washing-
ton as J. Parnell Thomas, elected by a 2-1
vote in his home state steps down from
the chairmanship of the Un-American.Activ-
ities Committee.
Washington will have the benefit of sev-
eral fewer crazy econonmisl s in this next
administration. One of the best bits of
election news was the defeat of tax-axe ma'
Harold Knutson
The big question this day after election
is our foreign policy. The bi-p rtisaa-
get-tough-with-Russia policy had itI"ih-
ception in 1945 when the former isolation-
ists joined in. What will happennow th'at
the Denms by themselves have majori ies
in Congress is another matter. Rumor al-
ready has it that George Marshall;1il re-
The Chicago Tribune, which hasn't won
an election in years followed Dewey down
the line as second best to Taft in th& race.
Col. McCormick, ex-governor Green, and ex-
Senator Curly Brooks can all retire to a
corner for four years, at least.
The third party of Wallace did just what
every third party has always done, forced
one of the major parties to adopt enough
of its platform to take away its votes. Exit
Henry Wallace.
The man who has breathed life into a
new liberal Democratic party has a chance,
in the four leveling years ahead, to bring the
country, and possibly the world out of the
throes of reconstruction and war toward an-
other new deal.
-Al Blumrosen.


ThANKS TO Michigan's largest depart-
ment store, we have an elegant view of
the state at the Rackham Galleries. Ten
artists have put "Michigan on Canvas" (and
paper) to form an exhibit whose art value
vies with its Chamber of Commerce-ish
Surprisingly enough, only two of the
arti;"ts commissioned for the show have
f i hfully recorded every detail of the
Michigan scenes they undertook to paint.
Although adequately executed as far as
technique, John DPe Martelly and Ogden
Pleissner's works fall far below the level
of the rest of the exhibit.
Of an almost "buckeyish" type is De Mar-.
telly's "Tulip Festival, Holland," billed as.
.a c:aracter study of two Dutch maidens..
.And some of Pleissner's water colors might.
.also look better in their more normal.
Shabitat-an insurance calendar.... , .
Carlos Lopez, a member of the Architec-
ture school faculty incidentally, seems to
have felt hirmself restricted in this assign-
nent, despite the alleged aim of the spon-
sors 1 allow thi'ir artists full freedom within
state boundaries.
H'I; paintings of the interiors of Detroit
factories, however, make up considerably

for such as the "U.S. Coast Guard Cutter
Mackinaw." And certainly his "View of Ann
Arbor" deserves as much interest as a work
of art that it must have received locally as
a reproduction of a familiar scene.
With an emphasis on linear effect, Joe
Jones depicts Michigan scenes with a tech-
nique slightly similar to that of John Mar- g
in in his Atlantic Coast sketches.
The charming touch is given to the show
in the paintings of Doris Lee and Arnold
Blanch. Blanch's "Perch Fishing" and "Lake
St. Clair" are especially delightful in color
and design.
Aaron Bohrod, Zoltan Sepeshy, and Al-
bert Dehn also provide some excellent
paintings for the exhibit, but most out-.
standing of all is David l edenthal's work.
Ilis sketches of foundry workers are done
with tremendous vitality, and his two large
paintings are equally dynamic in color and
However successful the exhibit may have
been as a publicity stunt for the department
store, for boosting the state, or for obtain-
ing a collection of generally worthwhile
paintings, it certainly deserves merit for
arousing Michigan citizens' interest in art.
-Joan Katz.

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the Presiaent, Room 1021
Angel hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m.Satur-
VOL. LIX, No. 39
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts:
Midsemester reports are due not
later than Fri., Nov. 12.
Report cards are being distrib-
uted to all departmental offices.
Green cards are being provided
for freshmen and sophomores and
white cards for reporting juniors
and seniors, Reports of freshmen
and sophomores should be sent to
108 Mason Hall; those of juniors
and seniors to 1220 Angell Hall.
Midsemester reports should
name those students, freshmen,
sophomores, and upperclassmen,
whose standing at midsemester is
"D" or "E", not merely those who
receive "D" or "E" in so-called
mid-semester examinations.
Students electing our courses,
but registered in other schools or
colleges of the University should
be reported to the school or col-
lege in hich they are registered.
Additional cards may be had
at 108 Mason Hall or at 1220 An-
gell Hall.
Choral Union Members whose
attendance records are clear will
please call for their courtesy
passes admitting to the Cleveland
Orchestra concert Sunday eve-
ning at 7 o'clock, at the offices of
the University Musical Society in
Burton Memorial Tower, between
the hours of 9:30 and 11:30 and 1
to 4, on Friday, November 5. No
passes will be issued after this
Women students living in League
Houses: Room and board pay-
ments for the second half of the
fall semester are due to the house-
mother on Nov. 12.
Approved student sponsored so-
cial events for the coming week-
November 5.
Chi Omega, Delta Tau Delta,
Intercooperative Council, Jordan
Hall, Lutheran Student Assoc., Phi
Gamma Delta, Undergraduate
Psychological Society.
November 6.
Acacia, Alpha Delta Phi, Al-
pha Kappa Alpha, Alpha Kappa
Psi, Alpha Sigma Phi, Beta Theta
Pi, Chi Phi, Delta Chi, Delta Kap-
pa Epsilon, Delta Sigma Delta,
Delta Upsilon, East Quadrangle.
Lawyers' Club, Phi Delta Ep-
silon, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi
Kappa Tau, Phi Sigma Delta,
Phi Sigma Kappa, Psi Upsilon,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Al-
pha Mu, Sigma Nu, Theta Chi,
Theta Delta Chi, Theta Xi, Trigon,
Zeta Beta Tau, Zeta Psi.
November 7.
Zeta Beta Ta.
Bureau of Appointments has an
immediate need for a man to
teach Physical Education part-
time, in this area. Contact the Bu-
reau of Appointments at once.
Phone University Extension 489.
Mr. F. W. Powers, of Pratt &
Whitney Aircraft, East Hartford,
Connecticut, will be in Rm. 1077
E. Engineering Bldg., Nov. 8 and
9, to interview February Mechan-
ical and Aeronautical Engineering
graduates for positions as Junior
Engineers, particularly in the
Experimental Test Section. There
is also the possibility of a limited
number of openings for engineers
who desire work of an analytical
research or mechanical design na-

ture. The interview-schedule will
be on the Aeronautical Engineer-
ing bulletin board. Application
blanks may be obtained in Rm.
1079, E. E.
Rebecca West Lecture Canceled
-Due to illness Rebecca West has
cancelled her lecture scheduled
here on the 1948-49 Lecture
Course Nov. 10. The Oratorical
Association announces the engage-
ment of Clifton Fadiman, noted
radio personality and book review-
er, to appear here March 14. Pa-
trons are advised that the tickets
for Miss West's lecture will admit
to the Fadiman lecture.
University Lectures in Journal-
ism, sponsored by the Department
of Journalism: Gurney Williams,
associate editor of Collier's Week-
ly, will speak on "The Adventures
of a Humorist" at 3 p.m., Fri., Nov.
5, Rm. E, Haven Hall. He will lee-

Letters to the Editor

ture before the classes in "Ameri-
can Newspaper" and "Newspaper
Problems!" Other journalism con-
centrates and interested Univer-
sity students are invited to attend.
Coffee hour will follow.
Lecture: Professor Anibal San-
chez Reulet, former Dean of the
Faculty of Philosophy and Letters
at the National University of Tu-
cuman, Argentina, and now di-
rector of philosophical studies at
the Panamerican Union in Wash-
ington, D.C., will lecture on the
subject, "Las ideas filosoficas en
Hispanoamrica," at 8 p.m., Fri.,
Nov. 5, Rackham Amphitheatre;
auspices of the Department of
Romance Languages and the So-
ciedad Hispanica.
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry: Seminar,
4 p.m., Fri., Nov. 5, Rm. 319 W.
Medical Bldg. Subject: "Enzymes
as Tools in Analytical Chemistry
of Biological Products." All inter-
ested are invited.
Students in English 127 please
bring Harrold and Templeman
texts to class Saturday.
The University Musical Society
will present the CLEVELAND OR-
CHESTRA, George Szell, conduc-
tor, in the Choral Union Series,
Sun., Nov. 7, at 7 o'clock sharp in
Hill Auditorium. Maestro Szell
has arranged the following pro-
gram for this concert: Wagner
Overture to "The Flying Dutch-
man," Haydn's Symphony in G
major, Ravel's "La Valse"; and
the Schumann Symphony No. 1.
A limited number of .tickets are
available at the offices of the Uni-
versity Musical Society in Burton
Tower, up to Saturday noon; and
from 6 p.m. on the evening of the
performance at the Hill Audito-
rium box office.
Events Today
Geological-Mineralogical Jour-
nal Club: 12 noon, Rm. 3056 Nat-
ural Science Bldg. Mr. Richard
Strong, of the Department of Ge-
ology, will speak on the subject,
"Some Factors in Paleoclimatol-
ogy." All interested persons are in-
Bill of One-Act Plays will be
presented tonight and tomorrow
night, 8 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre,Aby the department of
speech. Admission is free and no
tickets are required. Doors will
open at 7:30 p.m. and no one will
be seated after 8 p.m.
Society for General Semantics:
8 p.m., Recreation Room, Interna-
tional Center. Speaker: Miss M.
Kendig, Educational Director for
the Institute of General Seman-
tics. All interested persons invited.
Tryouts for the German Play:
3-6 p.m., 204 University Hall.
German Coffee Hour: 3-4:30
p.m., Michigan League Coke
Bar. All students and faculty
members invited.
Student Religious Association:
Coffee. hour, 4:30 p.m., Lane
Hall lounge.
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
Meeting, 6:15 p.m., Fireplace
Room, Lane Hall.
Chinese Christian Felowship:
Meeting, 7-10 p.m., Lane Hall
Presbyterians and Methodists:
Hard Times Party, 8-11:30 p.m.
Meet at recreation hall, Presbyte-
rian Church.

B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Sabbath Evening Service, 7:45
p.m. Fireside discussion by Profes-
sor Frank Huntley on "Religion on
the Campus." 8:30 p.m.
Art Cinema League and AVC'
presents "Fanny" by Marcel Pag-
non, starring Raimu and Charpin,
8:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday,
Hill Auditorium.
Coming Events
Le Cercle Francais: 8 p.m.,
Tues., Nov. 9, Hussey Room, Mich-
igan League. Mr. Claude Meil-
lassoux, a student from France,
will give a short informal talk on
"le surrealisme." Popular French
songs, social games. Admission of
new members.
Graduate Outing Club: Meet at
northwest entrance, Rackham
Building, Sun., Nov. 7, 2:15 p.m.
for pastoral frolic. Please sign
list at Rackham checkroom desk

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pl-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and ietters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editorsgreserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
"P" C'* * S li
Un publicized Thrill
To the Editor:
WE WOULD LIKE to give notice
of one Michigan thrill hither-
to unpublicized. Anyone with five
minutes to spare at any time of
the day can witness several close
calls between cars speeding along
Forest Ave. and pedestrians at-
tempting to cross in front of the
WAB. Cars attempting to maneu-
ver the zig-zag in North Univer-
sity at this point also add to the
The large number of pedestrians
crossing at this intersection and
the wild driving of unsuspecting
motorists is a particularly deadly
combination. Is it necessary for a
serious accident to occur before
effective traffic measures will be
-Lois Johnson.
Dorothy Robinson
Hazel Campbell
And Others.
Real Success
To the Editor:
As AN ALUMNUS, resident and
businessman of Ann Arbor
since 1932, I want to express my
appreciation to the University, to
the student body, to the business-
men, and to all those who par-
ticipated in making the Home-
coming week-end one of the out-
standing events in years. The time
and effort put forth by everyone
is worthy of praise. The displays
were plentiful and outstanding.
The spirit was high. Let us not
be outdone by other campuses-
by continuing to do Good Things
first in a big way. CARRY ON:
-Dominic Dascola, '36.
* Y * ,
Not Authentic
To the Editor:
J UST A NOTE, the substance of
which I would appreciate see-
ing in print, about an article in
the Oct. 29 issue of The Daily,
concerning my trip to Spain this
summer. The sources of my in-
formation about two attempts on
the life of Franco this summer
were most unauthoritative and by
no means reliable, as indicated in
The Daily story. Personally, I
doubt their authenticity.
-John E. Longhurst.
Re: Election
To the Editor:
Looking over the recent Presi-
dential election I am forced to
admit that the Democrats agreed
with Gov. Dewey when he said
"What this Nation needs is unity."
The results of the election show
that the American people took his
advice by writing both a Demo-
cratic House and Senate behind
the progressive ideals of Harry S.
-Mack J. Peranich
To the Editor:
ALL OVER THE nation, Demo-
J eats have been elected on
promises of a new liberal domestic
policy Voters have thoroughly re-
pudiated the 80th Congress and
call for effective legislation to
make possible a better life for all
Americans. We, Wallace Progres-
sives, have long fought for repeal

of the, Taft-Hartley Act, fOr full
civil rights, for more extensive so-
cial security legislation, for na-
tional lhealth insurance, housing
legisla'tion, action on the high cost
of living... We continue the fight,
and hope that the 81st Congress
will carry out campaign promises.
But -we add: Without a change
in foreign policy, no domestic leg-
islation can bring the desired re-
sults. Aid to big business through
a draft and Marshall Plan is not
the road to a prosperous America.
Loyalty purges and employment
of Nazis abroad, are incompatible
with civil rights for all. We can-
not attain greater security at
home while arming for war.
before noon Saturday. All gradu-
ates welcome.
U. of M. Dames: General Meet-
ing, 8 p.m., Nov. 10, Rackham As-
sembly Room. This meeting will be
a White Elephant Kitchenware
Sale. Xmas wrappings and cards
will be on sale.

We call for a revision of foreign
policy. That only will make pos-
sible the new deal for which the
people have voted. The fight
against monopoly control of our
country and the resulting trend
toward war continues. A great job
is ahead of us. Our immediate aim
is the repeal of the draft. Join us.
We shall work to materialize the
hopes of this election.
-Jack A. Lucas
To the Editor:
THE FOLLOWING is a copy of
a letter mailed to President
Truman early yesterday morning:
I am writing to ask you if you
would kindly predict the scores of
the various football games this
weekend. You seem to be the only
national "expert" with a winning
percentage. Democratically,
-R. J. Shinn.
* * *
To the Editor:
On the front page of Sunday's
Daily appeared a summary state-
ment of the results of what was
described as "The Daily's tradi-
tional faculty straw vote" on the
presidential election. An opinion
poll may be conducted in one of
two ways. If the group being poll-
ed is small, every member of the
group may be given an opportun-
ity to express his view. If the
group is large, it may be necessary
to resort to a "judicious" sampling
of opinion. The story in The Daily
suggested that the poll referred to
was of the first type.
On Tuesday morning I learned
that not a single member of the
Economics Department had been
given an opportunity to express
his opinion on the presidential
election. Can it be that we are
not considered to be members of
the University faculty? Or can
it be that the students conducting
the poll concluded that the Eco-
nomics Building was uninhabit-
able and therefore passed us ?
Whatever the explanation of -tl i
omission of a substantial segment
of faculty opinion and whatever
the conclusion as to how the re-
sults of the poll might have been
altered by including this segment,
I regret the inaccurate reporting
illustrated in this case. Faculty
views may have considerable in-
fluence, rightly or wrongly, on the
views of others, and every effort
should be made to have these
views correctly stated. The Daily
might learn something as to the
techniques of proper polling by
studying the methods developed by
the Survey Research Center.
-William B. Palmer
* * *
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Daily staff
members were directed to place the
questionnaires in departmental mail
boxes. It is greatly regrettable that
the economics department was ne-
glected. It was an unwitting, but
serious mistake.)


sar t
Fifty-Ninth Year

A I 1t toeS teo

Marjorie Main and Donald O'Connor.
HERE IS MORE skullduggery than feud-
ig, quihe a bit of fussing and lots more
laughs than fights in this preposterous but
gay "Collier's" story. Rimrock and Big Bend
are two wide spots on the road in the rugged
old w'st, traditional rivals in an annual
footr-ace for the championship of Bench
The reason for this isn't quite clear, but
it's a nice change from Indians and the
U.S. Cavalry, and the good citizens take
their cotest quite seriously. Rimrock has
been flatiooted for the last few years in
the race, and when Donald O'Connor
sprints through town after the stage he
gets shanghaied by Mayor Marjorie Main
and Congress is going to be solved by the
simple means of insuring that both of them
are of approximately the same mind on the
national policy level. This very uncompli-
cated ansver has not occurred to most of
th xpt who have been tinkering and
figuring in this field, but it is the kind of
plain, good answer which does occur to the
people as a whole, once their attention is
i oc-, d and aroused.
11'TE,V: The great liberal middle in
Amerio'an life has become conscious of
itself as a political force, and has begun
to live a life of its own. It will continue
to live alone and like it. It will not make
term-; with any extreme opinion, but will
insist that the (xtremes make terms with
it. It has discovered itself, in the same
moment in which we have discovered it.
ITLM: The people have proved their exist-

to put the burg back on the marathon
It's good clean coercion, with a pretty
blonde thrown in for bait, but after two
weeks confinement in a livery stable, O'Con-
nor feels that he could make the sequel
to "My Brother Talks to horses." The
Olympics are tame compared to this
scrounged up version of sportsmanship, but
the author was such a kindly soul that even
Miss Main gets herself a man. Being an
O'Connor fan I enjoyed the horseplay, but
then, even movie reviewers are allowed their
-- -Gloria Hunter.
* * * *
At the Michigyan 0
THE VELVET TOUCH, with Rosalind
Russell, Claire Trevor and Sidney Green-
THIS SUSPENSE-murder - thriller should
come as welcome relief to weary Ann
Arbor picture addicts.
Before a lengthy flashback takes us back
to pre-murder days, the audience is ac-
quainted with the fact that Miss Russell
herself has wielded the blunt instrument.
Having clarified her motive-which is not
awfully logical-the picture wends its ab-
sorbing way to an exceptionally believable
The statuesque Miss Russell is under-
standably excellent in the role of Valerie
Stanton, prominent Broadway actress.
Had the part been handed to a lesser art-
ist, the picture very likely would have
sunk to the depths of melodrama.
Even in this story-which is something
less than great----she affirms again that she
is one of the few great actresses in Holly-

Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ...Managing Editor
Dick Maloy.............City Editor
Naomi Stern ........Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualettl ... .Associate Editor
Arthur Higbee ........Associate Editor
Murray Grant ...........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey ......Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery........Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ..................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Hait......Business Manager
Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager
William Culman .....Finance Manager
Cole Christian .... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
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otherwise credited to this newspaper.
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
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So! TWO ofiyou brats! But who else
is in my house? That strange voice-
Oh, that wasn't

A fire! How did a blaze that size
start? So quick! Just like magic!t
- jYes. He has a {

Where is he?

Cepy. 14148,tNew Yak ft, kIn,
Rep. v S. Pa. CM,
;' 3slaochree!

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