A NEW PARTY See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State 14*br :43 a t t CLOUDYE OCCASIONAL SHOWER TS VOL. LIX, No. 39 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1948 PRICE FIVE CEN' WestWisAtr ControlMeasure Russia Bitterly Protests Assembly's International Regulation Approval PARTS--M~-The Western Powers won overwhelming approval in the United- Nations Assembly for their international atomic control plan. The first major decision in the Assembly's 1948 session was taken over bitter Russian protests. Soviet deputy foreign minister Andrei X. Vishinsky said there war no point in new consultations on atomic control since no basis for East-West agreement exists. HE DESCRIBED the western plan as fantastic and unreal. It would leave the economic life of other states at the "tender mercies" of a control organ which would be controlled by the United States, Vis'hinsky charged. By a show of hands the Assembly approved the western plan Victorious TrumanReturns to Capital, r 'Bears'No Grud es' Against Opponents .. N '...Lost by ax Nose : , ::. :¢" r, :. .:"?: ":::%":::rAn election bet is going to \.." \ ; , " ;cost Johni",J.. . :::epharty';i '45.. ...E .. ,one"t .\ .}. \,.. rv .l n~y + ., .. ;:' l n... .r ,::.;:. ., ;.. .;...v . }" r::?: :'t,: "?;%y%?:,:, scraped:!?Ynose :{today1. . .n..4 . ,r " . ::v:4475A t}i;noonv today}Y"iiiK ep%:??hart's.ai nose"v: ' , ...k , .... ..'..... . .. ... . f r o m {t . f . . .. K e p h a r t.:r : ."t l : w i ll. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .: : : :: : : :: : . . . :o v e r s e e t he.+ " : . .. . .. " :: : . v v: x } . : r .. \ .. .....r ..,, ..::K e p h a rt;"} v:::: .h ad:::::;w ag ered::.v:v::::: h i":mY: ".. , ::¢.".; ry ',;?v;,. ;.. $. .5 . r r .. f: :!: ,$.;. "". .:. .... ....,.:.:: wl..:: :.:.:.......... ............th at:.. ...N o rm an.. .....T ho:....a.....w ould..a: .... ..., ..,. .::?~ ., .a . . . . ...,.a..::":.::::: ........ .... ......;::";:::::::........,......:. ..........poll......m ore......votes,... thanoo t da H enrys os ' 4a:.,. \,.... ..a.,allace.:T.y. ~t..5 .... .... ....... Stand Behind Mie, President Asks Nation No Third Term, Associates Hint 4 . Med, Dental Students Get Deferments Draft-age students in the Uni- versity Dental and Medical Schools may be granted special deferment until graduation in accordance with the recommendations of a special Selective Service Commit- tee. Deferments for all students in the Dental and Medical Schools are practically guaranteed unde . ,ae plan. THE PLAN also provides for the special deferment of a certain number of students who hav completed at least one year o college. Under the plan students en- tering the Medical or Dental Schools in 1949, 1950 or 1951 may apply for admission now, and, if granted a probationary admssion, they would bede- ferred until completion of their pre-professional studies or until the Deans of these schools terminated their probational ad- mission. The extent to which the Denta School will issue these deferment bearing admissions will depend upon the number and quality o applications received, according t Dr. R. W. Bunting, Dean of th Dental School. ** * DR. M. H. SEEVERS, Associat Dean of the Medical School, sai that the Medical School has a yet reached no decision as to th use they will make of the defer ment set-up. The plan, which is not oblig- atory, permits the Deans to issue deferment-bearing admis- sions to a number of students applying for admission in 1949 equal to 55 per cent of the 1948 freshman classes. They may choose for special de ferment 62 /per cent of this num ber from those who seek admissio in 195. They may grant defer ments to a number of student seeking admission in 1951 9pual t the entire 1948 freshman class. UWF Hears Panel of Four Role of Nationalism Discussed by Expert The role of nationalism in world government was discusse by a panel of four experts ato UWF roundtable held last nigh in the Union. Prof. Palmer Throop of the his tory department traced the his tory of nationalism and said tha: the humanitarian nationalism o the last century gave way toe realistic nationalism based o economic rivalry. "Religion and international la are the two solvents of national ism," he declared. Prof. Robert Angell of the soci ology department explained tha the roots of nationalism are dee] and can't be sloughed off. Nation alism's good points should be uses to foster a peaceful world, he said Draft Summons First County Men Washtenaw County Draft Boari officials announced yesterday th nma n fthe first five t ountv mr 40 to 6. Four nations--India, South Africa, Afghanistan and Venezuela-abstained.hNegative votes were cast by the Soviet bloc. Representatives of the Western Powers held their lines against Russian attacks on the plan and defeated a Soviet counterproposal and an Indian attempt to soften their stand. * "' * MEANWHILE, the United Na- tions Security Council in a resolu- s tion called on Israel to withdraw from positions won in the recent offensive in Southern Palestine. This action was taken after adop- tion of an American amendment to a resolution eliminating any threat of sanctions. It was the first move in the Palestine Tuesday's election. American case since n An authoritative " source said e Washington was notified in ad- f vance and "presumably" the gen- eral principles embodied in the U.S. amendments were shown to President Truman. An Israeli spokesman attacked the amendments, declaring they were the same "in spirit and ef- fect" as the original British-Chi- nese resolution. By its vote on atomic energy the Assembly: 1-Approved the majority plan for atomic control as the basis for' a establishing effective international - regulation. This is based on pro, d posals made June 14, 1946 by f Bernard M. Baruch, then the o American delegate on the U.N. e Atomic Energy Commission. RCAB Outlines d e e rive Plans Petition Campaign To Start Monday Representatives of the 13 mem- ber organizations of the Com- mittee to Abolish the Ban met yes- terday to complete plans for their - campaign against the University - ban on political speakers. n The group voted unanimously to - conduct a campus-wide petition s drive starting Monday, with the o petitions to be submitteg at the next meeting of the Board of Re- gents on Friday, November 12. Students elected to represent the CAB before the Regents if the hearing is granted were t e Shute of SRA; Susan Siris, NSA; Harry Albrecht, Young Democrats, Ralph Oliv- anti, AIM, and Buddy Aronson, AVC. S Organizations represented fcr the first time on the CAB were a AIM, Betsy Barbour, the West d Quad, the UN Council, and Sigma a Delta Tau. ANYWAY, HERE IT IS-No, this isn't a picture of University alumnus Thomas E. Dewey glumly getting the latest election returns day before yesterday, but of the then future (now ex-) Presidential candidate as he appeared in a Union opera of the early '20's. This picture, exhumed from some musty files, would have run in yesterday's Daily if Dewey had won. He lost, but we're running it any- way because of its intrinsic interest (and because we've already paid to have it engraved). Petition Blanks For Elections Available Now Petitions for all posts in the all- campus elections to be held Nov. 23 and 24 are now available from Mrs. Ruth T. Callahan in Rm. 2, University Hall, Knight Houghton, SL election committee chairman, said yesterday. The campus will vote for Stu- dent Legislature representatives, student members of the Board in Control of Student Publications, and J-Hop Committee. The Senior Class and the education school will elect officers. Petitions for Student Legislature posts are due in Rm. 2 University Hall by Tuesday, Houghton said. The revised SL petition includes a 25-word statement on the role of the Legislature, questions on campus issues, including a polit- ical speakers ban, and a photo- graph of the candidate. The information in the petitions will be printed in The Daily be- fore the election. Tentative plans call for six poll- ing places to be set up on campus during both days of the election. SL officials are aiming at a vote of -10,000 students, almost double that of last year. HEAD BACK TO THE BOOKS: 'U' Politicos Map Future Strategy ____ _ v - Political hangovers from elec- to discuss the future of the tion night have now been slept off, group and analyze the election. and the campus politicos are set- k . . tling back into the routine of studying and making ever-opti- THE STUDENT Socialists, a mistic plans for the future. group still in the formative stage, Most active at the moment are will hold a final organizational the Wallace Progressives, who meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, No- held an executive meeting to plan vember 9, in Rm. 3-K of the Un- activities Wednesday. They laid ion. tentative plans for changing the Both the Young Republicans group's name to Young Progres- and Young Democrats are crack- sives. ing the books right now, hoping The group will hold a meeting to get their new programs going in at 7 p.m. Monday in the Union about two weeks. The Young Democrats, who are slowly recovering from sur- prise over Truman's victory, will try soon to get Governor-elect G. Mennen Williams to speak to them. They also hope to bring Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt to Ann Arbor. The Young Republicans plan to set up a committee to review up- coming legislation and keep in- formed on the activities of Con- gress during their monthly meet- ings, Chairman Jim Schoener said. Nobel Prize Awarded to T. S.SEliot STOCKHOLM, Sweden - (P) - Nobel prizes for 1948 were award- ed today to the American-born British poet Thomas Stearns Eliot, the British physicist P. M. S. Blackett and the Swedish chem- ist, Arne Tiselius. Blackett, winner of the physics prize whose discoveries have con- tributed to solution of atomic en- argy problems, recently wrote a book saying that Russia was right n rejecting American plans for atomic control. The prizes are worth about $44,- 900 each. Earlier, the 1948 award in medicine was given to Dr. Paul Mueller, discoverer of the insect- 'killing powers of DDT. The Swedish Academy gave Eliot, 60-year-old native of St. Louis, Mo., the literary prize "for his remarkable pioneering work in modern poetry." The - hard-to- read poet built up his literary ca- reer in England where he became a British subject in 1927. Tiselius won his award for his discoveries in biochemistry and in- vention of important laboratory apparatus. The Swedish Academy of Sci- ence said Blackett, professor of physics at Manchester University Since 1937, merited the award for his improvements of the Wilson Thamber and discoveries in nu- 2lear physics about cosmic radia- tion. Dem Election Victory Lauded By Communist The sweeping Democratic elec- tion victory represents a healthy :elf-assertion of the working class and the people, James Jackson, Michigan Communist Party secre- tary, declared last night. Speaking at a forum on civil rights, sponsored by the campus AVC chapter at the Allenel Hotel, Jackson was the main center of interest, being subjected to in- tensive questioning by the audi- ence. The people recognized the un- disguised reaction of one of the major parties, but they were de- ceived by Truman who masked his capitalism behind "the homely mask of a neighbor," he charged. He pointed to the emergence of the Progressive Party as an event of historic significance. It will continue to mushroom because neither of the two old parties offer a solution to the problems of the people, he ex- plained. "They are both on one side- big capital," he declared. The Progressive Party did not get a big vote because it failed to explode effectively the lesser of two evils theory, Jackson asserted. WITH TRUMAN FN ROUTE TO WASHINGTON - (A') - A smiling warrior rolled on to the capital with malice toward none and a plea that the people "stand behind me." Word that the President is not interested in a third term or in any "reprisal" dismissals from his cabinet was passed to newsmen today by sources close to the vic- torious Chief Executive. THESE INFORMANTS said he is content to let his record in his- tory rest on his administration during the next four years. The smiling President, in ad- dressing a crowd at St. Louis, had voiced a plea that the peo- ple "stand behind me." Meanwhile, persons close to the President gave this picture of his present feelings and plans: * * * HE FEELS that he should con- centrate on "securing the peace" and strengthening the domestic economy. Mr. Truman's fighting spirit was kindled by those who tried, to sidetrack him before the last Democratic convention, With all its burdens, he wanted a second term in his own right. He feels that he has been vindi- cated by his astounding upset vi- tory. He not only won a victory for himself, and helped elect a demo- cratic Congress, but he restored a weak and sagging party. * * * MYSTERY WOMAN: Coeds' Claims Flood Manhattanite with Mail 4f c °' t.,,' " Newly-Formed 'Campus Group ElectsOfficers Bill Miller was elected president last night of the Committee for Displaced Students, newly-formed: campus organization which will facilitate the placement of dis- placed studentspat the University. In its first official meeting last night the Committee also selected Jerry Rees first vice-president in charge of legal affairs; Hugh Greenberg, transportation vice- president; Dorothy Fogel, admis- sions and tuitions vice-president; and 'Roberta Reiter, placement vice-president. Other officers include: Sue To- pel, secretary, and Bruce Lock- wood, treasurer. Six foreign student tuition scholarships have been provided for the spring semester by the Ad- ministration. Oampus organizations will be asked to sponsor the students, providing room and board and general maintenance. Groups in- terested in offering their assist- ance to the Committee by spon- soring or contributing to the sup- port of a displaced student are asked to contact Roberta Reiter at 2-3119. Organizations represented on the Committee include: Assembly, by Dorothy Fogel and Betty Rich- ards; Panhellenic Association, by Curtain Goes Up Today On One Act Play Bill The Speech Department's first bill of one act plays will be staged at Lydia Mendelssohn at 8 p.m. today and tomorrow. Directed and staged by students in advanced courses in theatre, admission is free and no reserved tickets are required. The first play will be "Over the Teacups," directed by Earl Mat- thews. The second play on the bill will be Noel Coward's famous comedy, "Fumed Oak," directed by William Deam. It is the amusing story of a Hot Time Firemen rushed to the Union late yesterday to extinguish flames that rose yards above the pave- ment at a sewer opening. The fire apparently started when gas seeping from a broken main was ignited by a cigarette tossed down the sewer by a passer- by. Curious students were held back by a police cordon. hen-pecked husband who is dom- inated by his wife, daughter and mother-in-law and who finally leaves them for good. "The Bronze Lady and the Crystal Gentleman," directed by Dick Charlton, will be the third one-act on the program. Set in a French asylum, the farce has for it's hero a gentleman who wishes to escape his wife and who enters the institution to find peace. A western setting will be the background for the final play "Summer Comes to the Diamond O." WHILE THE President traveled back from the campaign wars, the usually ho-hum national capital hung out the flags and hoisted the welcome banners for a new political champion. Bands were rounded up for a gigantic parade when Mr. Tru- man gets in at 10 a.m. CST to- day. And as he rode eastward by spe- cial train from his Independence, Mo., home, Mr. Truman brought no "malice" toward the man he beat or those who predicted a Dewey victory. "The man who is defeated," lhe said, "feels badly enough without being crowed over." That, he said, was what he would tell the Washington Post. He got a telegram from the paper inviting him to a turkey dinner at which pollsters, political writ- ers and radio commentators would munch "breast of tough old crow." Rebecca West Cancels Talk Rebecca West, noted British novelist, who is scheduled to speak in Hill Auditorium Nov. 10 in the third lecture of the current Orato- rical Association series, has can- celled her appearance because of illness. However, Clifton Fadiman, lit- erary critic and master of cere- monies on "Information Please," has been engaged to lecture on March 14 and tickets for Miss West's talk will be honored at that time. Fadiman, formerly a book re- viewer of "The New Yorker," is a member of the board of judges of the Book of the Month Club. He also was a member of the execu- tive editorial board of the ill- fated "'48, The Magazine of the Year." French Film Will Be Shown Tonight 4. 31DIAI NVUA X Wanted: a woman. Not just any woman, as many Michigan coeds seem to think, but the slender 5'10" 'U' student who spent June 13th at The Cloisters in New York City, chatting amid the museum pieces with Manhat- tanite Erich Etten. * * * ETTEN, WHO last week pur- sued his quest for the mysterious lady through The Daily classified ads, has nearly decided that find- ing her isn't worth the sorting from is a svelte 5'10"-er who sported brown hair with bangs, and suntanned freckles when he met her in the New York museum. * * * HIS ONLY CLUES to her iden- tity are: she had lived in Virginia before her parents moved to New York last year, she was enrolled in astronomy during the '48 Uni- versity summer session and she takes her exercise with golf clubs and sailboats. All Etten wants is her address, f... .....no. mI na 1nzew iul CITY LANDMARK DOOMED: New Building To Replace Courthouse The 70 year old Washtenaw County Courthouse, which once played host to such American political greats as William Jen- corridors and 118 years of Washtenaw County history crowded. Into its records, will be price of $400,000 for two separate units. Under an act recently ap- proved by the State Legislature, i