THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSI),AIY, NOVEM$E* 4, 1948 THsCTGN AT TRURSDA.Y, WOY _.. , Th48. . . What's Up in the Dorms (EDITOR'S NOTE: Contributors to What's Up in the Dorms Should con- tact Dolores Palanker at The Daily or 105 Betsy Barbour.) Reaction around the dorms to the election was one of general ac- ceptance before the returns started coming in after which the pro- verbial lid blew off. Jordan Hall,' which held a forum Monday night presenting the various party plat- forms, was the only dorm, except for West Quad's mock election, that had anything planned. IDENTIFIED to anxious inquir- ers in the food line as anything, even . a guinea pig testing dorm. food, the dorm reporter had dinner at Wrest Quad Monday to observe the mock election at the invita- tion of Peter J. Ostafin, faculty adviser, and Ray Okonsky, presi- dent of the West Quad Council. Although more than 1300 resi- dents voted, it seems that their statistics, as well as the Gallup poll's, were wrong. * * * THE IDEA of the mock election originated with Leonard Wilcox who with the help of his house ad- viser, Bernie Ellison, organized the committee. Wilcox represented Allen-Rumsey while other repre- sentatives were Bill Gabriel, Wen- ley; Jack Ray, Michigan; Howard Hartnell, Lloyd; Leon Stock, Wil- liams; Bill Skye, Adams; and Joe Epstein, Winchell. She also witnessed the presenta- tion of the West Quad Council cup, awarded to Michigan House for winning first place in the Council Homecoming display contest. Bob Daniels, chairman of the Mich- igan House display committee, ac- cepted the cup from President Ray Okonsky. The Council passed a motion unanimously favoring the Com- mittee to Abolish the Ban, formed in protest of the political speak- ers ban. SOMEONE LIKED the Allen- Rumsey Homecoming display which consisted of a mannequin representing Illinois being lured by a Wolverine, so much that he lured the female figure away- the top half, that is. Allen-Rumsey men aren't too worried about the mannequin, but they'd like the sweater she was wearing returned so they can give it back to the Adelia Cheever gal who loaned it to them. CHICAGO HOUSE and Betsy Barbour are having an exchange dinner tonight between 24 ex- changees. This is the first social event for Chicago House, which is planning four smokers and a hay- ride during the semester. Bowery Bounces BOWERY BILL 20,000 NAMES LOST: Troubles Assail Directory From Unexpected Sources Frenzied faces dominate the scene at the office of the Student Di- rectory staff today, and paranoia is fast setting in. "The whole world is against us!" cries Kathie Douglas, campus sales manager for the Directory. Bill Zerman, Directory general sales manager, lights a cigarette, and explains dejectedly. "First, we were supposed to come out Nov. 2-you know, new United States government, and new University of Michigan Directory." BUT THEN the bindery broke down!" Kathie cries again. "Our beautiful red, white, blue, green, yellow Directory, and the bindery in Ypsilanti breaks down!" "Yes," Zerman continues, "it's the fattest-an inch and a half thick-and most colorful Directory yet. * * 3 "B'UT THE insides are lost!" Kathie repeats. "The scarlet covers went to Detroit on a truck to get bound, and the insides .... the 20,- 000 names . . . .they're in a freight car 'somewhere in Chicago.'." WINNING BALLOTS-President Harry S. Truman, Mrs. Truman and daughter Margaret cast their vote at Independence as the President calmly predicted his landslide victory. ForeignStudents Lack Fundsa The dollar shortage is slowly the end of the current semester, strangling the education of many Dr. Gale pointed out. foreign students, according to Dr. At present the one remaining Esson M. Gale, director of the hope for Chinese students is relief International Center. funds raised in this country. YOU ASKED FOR THEM WE HAVE THEM SWEAT SHIRTS - TEE SHIRTS CREW HATS, - FROSH DINKS BANNERS - PENNANTS WALL SKINS With the coat of arms of your fraternity in any color. L. G. BALFOUR CO. 1319 S. University Phone 9533 for FORMAL RENTALS All New - All Sizes See RAB I DEAU-HARRI S 119 So, Main St. Phone 6924 4 A Alll l !l IIMI . ImIIIYIOI ' 15 -PERFEC1 g .r Cid;g.: n forcasa4zome ts 1 J How formal can you get ...and not be there in a .Jantzen Sweater. Cardigans for casual moments, slip-ons for "dress" dates .. . New fabrics for women include full fashioned Angoras and Chinese Cashmeres, Lacestitch, Feather Fleece-for men, Snowshaker, Scotch Fleece, Handstitch. There's color news, too, with exclusive coordinated college colors., At leading stores. F "1I JANTZEN KNITTING MILLS INC. PORTLAND 14, OREGON IA~rTIL DEL~rED 1AIA1~DC f~DkA\II