THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURISDAY, NOVFiBMM- 4, 19491 m I itsv 4 flte (Editor's Note is written by Managing Editor Harriett Friedman.) RIGHT NOW, I don't feel at all capable of explaining what happened Tuesday night. Of course the election results could be the people's demand for a domestic program of action on housing, prices and civil liberties, rather than an outline of empty promises for lower taxes and higher unity. A demand for ideas rather than efficiency. But if I wanted to be particularly hope- ful, I would suggest that the American people were feeling for a middle road between the "rightism" of Dewey and the "leftism" of Wallace. The election could have been America's answer to the dilemma of extremes that is facing the rest of the world: a way of saying that a forced decision between Left and Right is not necessary, that a real liberalism must, and can be found. * * * 1AM NOT SAYING that this was definitely the motive behind Truman's election; there are toomany other complicating fac- tors, like America's feeling for the underdog, Truman's whistle stop campaign, dislike for the contempt of the American people shown by Dewey in his refusal to discuss issues. And anyway, the effective motive behind the votes will be discovered only in the way Truman and the new, vigorous Congress ac- cept their mandate. If the President interprets the vote as a request for a new liberalism, if the Con- gress acts by this premise, then no matter what the varying angles behind the elec- tion, that will be the motive that counts. BUT BEFORE anything else, a deep apol- ogy is owed not only to Truman, but to the American people, who were just as vastly underrated. Americans showed by voting split tickets and by the men they chose, that they were capable of voting for individual men and issues and not just by marking a big X at the top of a list. There is new hope among the people I have seen, Democrats, independents, and even Wallacites and Republicans. For the American people have spoken; and they have said that America must keep moving forward. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Where Now?, IN ONE OF THE greatest political upsets in American history, Harry Truman has been elected to the Presidency, an office to which he originally succeeded by a mere quirk of fate. Mr. Truman will begin his first full term in the White House at a time of crisis which is probably as severe as any which this country has ever experienced. The nation has emerged from World War II as the most powerful country in the world, with commitments and responsi- bilities which girdle the globe. Despite its unmistakable prominence as a world pow- er, the United States has so far been un- able to find a satisfactory basis for per- nanent peace in Europe and Asia, and it is confronted with serious domestic prob- lems in many fields. The closeness of the popular vote indicates that a great many Americans feel that Mr. Truman has so far done little to solve the post-war problems which have faced the country. Some people might even lay the blame for many of our difficulties upon the shoulders of the rather unassuming man from Missouri who has guided our affairs for three years. However, it appears that more Americans were willing to entrust these affairs to Mr. Truman than to any of the other candidates in the field. Regardless of how they voted, the Amer- Explanation THE FOLLOWING is a copy of a tele- gram to The Daily from the New York Herald Tribune Syndicate, which dis- tributes the Alsop column: Alsop Brothers prefer their crow fric- asseed. Please kill column "Flying Dual Control." Publish this as explanation of omission if you choose. ican people will expect real leadership from President Truman. We may be as- sured that they will not stand for any government by the "Missouri Gang" or by old military cronies. They will not stand for the dictation of foreign policy by cabinet officials who appear to have more strength than the President. They will expect the President himself to be the guiding force in controlling the adminis- tration. Mr. Truman may find himself in a posi- tion to exercise more effective control over his subordinates than he has in the past, due to the very nature of the victory which he has won at the polls. It appears that the President has won the election without the solid support of his cabinet, his party, the left-wingers, and the South. His labor sup- port was much less noticeable than that enjoyed by President Roosevelt. Mr. Truman won the election ' on his own, and should therefore not have to bow to any segment of his party in mak- ing his decisions. He will be free to make future appointments to responsible posi- tions on the basis of merit alone. This situation surely justifies the hope that we shall witness a marked improvement in the President's relationships with his ad- visors and appointed officials. The entire future of America, and per- haps of the world, depends largely on how well Mr. Truman provides the sound lead- ership which we expect. The United States cannot take an effective part in world af- fairs unless he does. All of us, regardless of whom we may have favored prior to elec- tion day, will have to join in the hope that Harry Truman meets the challenge which faces him as the world learns the results of the 1948 Presidential election. -Paul Brentlinger. ' '--No Mandate For Us" T~ t) ,4 DAIL OFFCIALBULTIN Letters to the Editor... The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. A VC Farewell To the Editor: FRIENDS and members of cam- pus AVC unable to attend the last meeting may be interested in a brief farewell message that I de- livered in turning the chair over to the new chairman, Robert Hol- ston. Following are the remarks: "Those disappointed in the out- come of the struggle in AVO's- campus chapter should take heart in this news. A new liberal force is slowly being developed on this campus and elsewhere. It aims to oppose the totalitarian extremes of right and left, and to provide posi- tive leadership in the direction of political and economic democracy. This force is based, not on power politics but on the dynamics of fellowship. "Finally, to our friends in and out of AVC, may I say: We'll be back!" May I say in addition to these' remarks that friends of AVC will await with interest the determina- tion of the National Convention at the end of November as to wheth- er AVC is to become another party-line political instrument or an active, liberal veterans organ- ization. This not being Czechoslo- vakia, the outcome cannot long remain in doubt. -Everett W. Bovard, Jr. 4e * * Protest To the Editor: x SHOULD LIKE to protest vig- orously against the 'Ensian'9 use of Hitler's photograph as an advertising medium in Sunday's Daily. It was in extremely poor taste and shows a surprising lack of maturity of those responsible, for its use. Hitler was indeed a "noted" author-of the most in- .famous crime in history, a man who ruled and ruined Europe. It is indeed a shame that the former excellence of the 'Ensian's ad- vertising policy has dropped. If an attempt at humor was meant, it was shallow. -Helen G. Shap o. Good Sport To the Editor: DON'T LIKE Notre Dame. I an; a rabid Michigan follower, as was my father before me. But I don't like the vindictive, stupid article by B. S. Brown on the Na- tional Football Poll for this week. I suggest that The Daily find a "good sport" to write their articles. Mr. Brown doesn't seem to see the difference between cynical re- marks about fickle sports writers and petty abuse of another team,, -John J. Duffy. Pollsters' Paradox NIGHT EDITOR: DON McNEIL I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Choice Partners By SAMUEL GRAFTON CHIANG KAI-SHEK'S new military de- feats punch several holes in the theory that it is all right for us to give help to reactionaries, so long as they will fight Communism. What's wrong with this theory is that reactionaries lose. It is awkward and inconvenient that it should be so, but it is so. And while it is jaunty of us to say that we don't care whether a foreign potentate whom we are helping is reactionary or not, the people on the spot do care. And it is on the spot that the battles are fought, and that armies either hold fast or go over to the enemy. It is a pity, perhaps, that the people on the spot will not share our indifference to the question of whether the local government is corrupt and autocratic. We have explained that it does not matter, but for some reason the explanation does not seem to carry. We have, in effect, pointed out to the Chinese peasants that it is not really important that their government sweats them unmercifully, and boils them to the bone between inflation and taxes, but they don't seem to get it. They persist in their illusion that the kind of government they have and the kind of lives they lead matter very much, even though most of our Congressmen and com- mentators have plainly said it isn't so. In more than one case, the allies whom we are so happy to have are leftovers whom the Russians wouldn't touch with a long pole, and yet the obvious fact that it must mean something that nobody is trying to take these choice partners away from us, or win them over, seems to escape our attention. We are going to have to change our ap- proach, and realize it was a deceptive spring which seemed to be dawning when, early this year, we looked at each other, as if in sudden awakening, and said gaily: "Why, it doesn't matter what sort of ruler Chiang is!" That is the kind of discovery one makes at mid- night, when tired, and should forget by morning. The truth is, it does matter, very much. If we had unlimited men, and unlimited money, and could blanket the world with our force, we might, though only for a limited time, get away with our new theory to the effect that reaction doesn't matter. Since we do not have unending resources, and since we must depend, upon political factors, we had better stop babbling about thins~ rnt ma~tterinx. WHILE EVERYONE is still trying to catch their breath over the Truman victory, and while the commentators are still com- menting on all the unique features of this election, it is well to point out perhaps the most significant feature of them all-the public opinion polls. Not that these political prognostications were scientific or accurate-they were anything but that. However, this is just where their significance begins, for per- haps never before has a single communi- cation device so completely changed the course of an election. The public opinion polls in this election had a sort of paradoxical, reverse effect on the voter and the candidates, such as might be best compared with the delicate morale of a great football team just before a game. In football, it is almost axiomatic that a team's coach make every attempt to con- vince the players that they will have to fight for their lives in order to win their next game, such as Mr. Crisler did so successfully last year. If the coach gives a good talk, his team will be alert and precise when they hit the field. It is too bad for Mr. Dewey's sake that he didn't have a Crisler coaching him. For Mr. Dewey committed the cardinal sin of good football, and apparently good poli- tics, during his campaign-overconfidence. And this overconfidence was due to faith in that twentieth century scientific star- gazer-the poll taker. Briefly, the results of these "sleeping polls," as Mr. Truman called them, are as follows: 1. The polls' prediction of an easy victory for Dewey in the presidential race led a number of Republicans to the assumption that Dewey would win anyway, and there- fore the election had no more significance to them than an off-year contest. To be sure, the high votes indicate that not too many stayed home for this reason, but a glance at the returns will also show that a few thousand more votes in a few key states would have brought victory. 2. Dewey's assumption of a presidential election snap prompted him to concentrate on helping out local Republican senatorial and congressional candidates-whether con- servative or liberal-which made him appear inconsistent to the independent voter. 3. This overconfidence also influenced him to speak in glowing generalities throughout his entire campaign, which left the farm bloc and other normally Re- publican groups doubtful as to whether he was for them or against them. Truman's positive stand at least left no doubt in these and independent voters minds. And so we can bid a fond adieu to the Dewey football team as it limps off the field to the already overcrowded dressing room of "has beens." The more respectable back- field of Dewey and Warren may patch up their wounds, and try again. Many of the more reactionary linemen, such as Sen. C. Wayland Brooks, will probably be carried off the field for the last time: With the sympathetic tolerance of a Michigan home crowd watching another vanquished eleven traipse off the field, we now say good-bye to the would-be star quarterbacks of 1948. And we would also suggest that they polish up on a few plain fundamentals of the game before the next clash in 1952. -Russell B. Clanahan Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive noticeto all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the Present, Room 1021 Angell Aall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Satur- days.) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1948 VOL. LIX, No. 38 Notices Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Midsemester reports are due not later than Fri., Nov. 12. Report cards are being distrib- uted to all departmental offices. Green cards are being provided for freshmen and sophomores and white cards for reporting juniors and seniors. Reports of freshmen and sophomores should be sent to 108 Mason Hall; those of juniors' and seniors to 1220 Angell Hall. Midsemester reports should name those students, freshmen, sophomores, and upperclassmen, whose standing at midsemester is "D" or "E", not mci-ely those who receive "D" or "E" in so-called mnid-semester examinations. Students electing our urAf s. but registered it not her schools or colleges of the University shoul( ba reported to the school or col- lege in which they are registered. Additional cards may be had at 108 Mason Hall or at 1220 An- gell Hall. Fraternity and sorority presi- dents are reminded that monthly membership reports for October are due on or before Nov. 5 in the Office of Student Affairs. Choral Union Members whose attendance records are clear will please call for their courtesy passes admitting to the Cleveland Orchestra concert Sunday eve- ning at 7 o'clock, at the offices of the University MusiCal Society in Burton Memorial' Tower, between the hours of 9:30 and 11:30 and 1 to 4, on Friday, November 5. No passes will be issued after this date. Women students living in League Ilouses: Room and board pay- ments for the second half of the fall semester are due to the house- mother on Nov. 12. Teacher's Certificate Candidates for February: A list of candidates has been posted oil tie bulletin board in Rmn. 1431 University Ele- mentary School. Any prospective candidate whose name does not appear on this list should call at the office of the Recorder of the School of Education, Ri. 11:37 U.E.S. All Seniors who wish to run for class office in the School of Edu- cation register in the Office of the Dean before Wed., Nov. 10. Civil Service Announcements for Public Health Nurses, Health Sanitarians and Health Engineers for the State of Washington are now available at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Lecture Mr. John Alexander Pope, As- sistant Director of the Freer Gal- lery of Art of the Smithsonian In- stitution, Washington, D. C., will lecture on the subject, "The Growth of Interest in Chinese Ceramics in Europe and the Final Refinements of Porcelain Manu- facture in Ch'ing Times"' (illus- trated), 4:15 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 4, Kellogg Auditorium; auspices of the Department of Fine Arts. The public is invited. University Lectures in Journal- ism, sponsored by the Department of Journalism: Gurney Williams, associate editor of Collier's Week- ly, will speak on "The Advtntures ot a humorist" at:3 p~m.. Fli., Nov. 5, Rm. E, Haven Hall. He will lec- ture before the classes in "Ameri- can Newspaper" and "Newspaper Problems!" Other journalism con- centrates and interested Univer- sity students are invited to attend. Coffee hour will follow. Lecture: Professor Anibal San- chez Reulet, former Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters at the National University of Tu- cuman, Argentina, and now di- rector of philosophical studies at the Panamerican Union in Wash- ington, D.C., will lecture on the subject, "Las ideas filosoficas en Hlispanoanrica," at 8 p.m., Fri., Nov. 5, Raekhan Amphitheatre; auspices ot ie Department of Romance Languages and the So- ciedad Hispanica. Academic Notices Biological Chemistry: Seminar, 4 p.m., Fri., Nov. 5, Rm. 319 W. Medical Bldg. Subject: "Enzymes as Tools in Analytical Chemistry of Biological Products." All inter- ested are invited. Concerts Carillon Recital: by Professor Percival Price, 7:15 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 4: War March of the Priests, Andante, Pilgrims' March by Men- delssoln; A Little Study, Air for Percival Price, Four Miniatures, Andante Cantabile by J. W. Gor- dol; fve spirituals, and Waltz (Serenade for Strings) by Tchai- kovsky. Student Recital: William Mac- Gowan, Organist, will be heard at 8:30 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 4, Hill Au- ditorium, in a program presented in partial fulfillment of the re- quirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music. Formerly a pu- pil of Palmer-Christian, Mr. Mac- Go wan is now studying with Fed- erick Marriott, Visiting Professor of Organ. His program will in- clude compositions by Purcell, Bach, Haydn, Franck, Karg-Elert, Mulet and Dupre, and will be open to the general public. Exlilintions Museum of Art, Alumni Memo- rial Hall: Contemporary-Paintings from the Albright Art Gallery. Nov. 4-24, Daily, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sundays, 2-5 p.m. The public is invited. Michigan on Canvas, Rackham Galleries, through Nov. 11, daily except Sundays, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. The public is invited. Events Today Tau Beta Pi: Dinner meeting, 6 p.m., Union. Rm. 4208 Angell Hall. Every mem- ber is urged to attend. Association of Interns and Med- ical Students: 7:30 p.m., N.P.I. Amphitheatre, University Hospi- tal Sub-basement. Members and non-members are invited to hear the lecture illustrated by Dr. John W. Henderson, "Surgical Opera- tions on the Eye." Short business meeting for members following the film. Political Science Graduate Stu- dents: Round Table, 7:30 p.m., Rackham Assembly Hall. Wives of students and of faculty members are invited. Discussion of the Ber- lin crisis. La p'tite causette: 3:30 p.m., Grill Room, Michigan League. Gilbert and Sullivan Society: Meeting of all the chorus and principals, 7:15 p.m., Michigan League. The room will be posted. Graduate School Record Con- cert: 7:45 p.m., East Lounge, Rackham Bldg. BACH: Sonata in E; Landowska, Harpsichord, Me- nuhin, violin. MONTEVERDI: Madrigals, cond. by Boulanger. BEETHOVEN: 13th Quartet in B Flat, Op. 130; Budapest. MOZART: Piano Concerto in A Major, K488; Curzon and Na- tional Symphony Orchestra, cond. by Neel. All graduate students invited; silence requested. International Center weekly tea for all foreign students and their American friends. 4:30-6 p.m., International Center. Hostesses: Mrs. Charles L. Stevenson and Mrs. Franklin M. Thompson. Student-Faculty Hour: Grand Rapids Room, Michigan League. Romance Languages department will be guests this week. Co-spon- sored by Assembly and Pan-hel- lenic associations. Alpha Phi Omega, Service Fra- ternity: General meeting and nominations, 7 p.m. Prof. R. C. Angell, Sociology Dept.; and Prof. P. A. Throop, History Dept. Moderator: Chester Byrns. Pro- ponents and opponents of world government are invited to attend;; Joint meeting with members of the UN Intercollegiate Council. Coming Events German Coffee Hour: 3-4:36 p.m., Nov. 5, Michigan League Coke Bar. All students and fac7 ulty members invited. Hawaii Club: Meeting 7 p.m:. Fri., Nov. 5, Rm. 3-B, Michigah Union. Tryouts for the German Play: 3-6 p.m., Fri., Nov. 5, 204 Univer- sity Hall. Presbyterians and Methodists~ Hard Times Party, 8-11:30 p.m., Fri., Nov. 5. Meeting ground floor recreation hall at Presbyterian Church. Roger querade Nov. 5. Williams Guild: party, 8:30 p.m., Mas- Fri., i V 4 Fifty-Ninth Year l Silence Is Silver... c THIS ELECTION seems in some mysterious way to have revived a characteristic of the Roosevelt administrations that we al- ways thought was particularly valuable. Roosevelt apparently felt that the Presi- dent is not only policy-maker and adminis- trator, but also chief educator to the na- tion. ' Since his death, American politics has lacked the kind of direct communication between politician and citizen that was exemplified in the Fireside Chat. He must have realized the American vot- er's crucial need to know what the govern- ment is doing, and why-and to have it explained in words that mean something to him. This was Roosevelt's great gift, and he used it. During the depression, he set forth simply and directly what the major gov- ernmental problems were and what was being done about them. Roosevelt's war speeches were somewhat more inspira- tional, but they were also informative in precisely the way that most government bulletins are not. Whether or not his policies were always good policies, they were clearly presented to the public for evaluation. When prosaic Harry S. Truman moved into the White House, this spark died. Talking things over as man-to-man, the basis of citizen participation in govern- ment, became a lost art. There has been no one on the national scene since then who has had Roosevelt's genius for getting in touch with plain cit- izens everywhere. In this election, the voters haven't been hearing from Truman the kind of speeches they would have heard from Roosevelt. This year they've heard about an 80th Congress composed largely of Republican blackguards -a blunt attack on "reactionaries," not the same thing at all as Roosevelt's customary subtle combination of humor and veiled scorn. In spite of that difference, the 1948 election has been a "grass roots" election in which ordinary citizens have gotten in touch with their President. They've rejected the candidate who had nothing to say, and elected the candidate who communicated, however, imperfectly, some sense of the urgency of the issues. -Phil Dawson. U. of M. 9:30 p.m., There will team. Rifle Club: Firing, 7- ROTC rifle range. .be try-outs for the U. of M. Radio Club: Meeting 7:30 p.m., Rm. 1084 E. Engineer- ing Bldg. A complete 7Mc 200 watt transmitter will be displayed and explained. Committee on Intercultural Dis- cussion: 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall lounge. Social Action Dept. Meeting: 1 p.m., Lane Hall lounge. United World Federalists: Roundtable on World Federation, 7:30 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 4, Michi- gan Union. Subject: Role of Nationalism in World Government. Participants:I Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under t 1 authority of the Board in Control o! Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harriett Friedman ...Managing Editor Dick Maloy ................City Editor Naomi Stern .........Editorial Directf Allegra Pasqualetti ....Associate Editor Arthur Higbee....... Associate Editor Murray Grant...........Sports Editor Bud Wedenthal ..Associate Sports Ed. Bev Bussey ...Sports Feature Writer Audrey Buttery........Women's Editor Bess Hayes ..................Librarian Business Staff Richard Hait......Business Manage Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager William Culman .....Finance Manager Cole Christian ....Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 " Member of The Associated Press, The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it of otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Anh Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regultw school year by carrier, $5.00, by mall, $6.00. Looking Back A1 50 YEARS AGO TODAY: Northwestern University announced the inauguration of a course on the art of getting married. The course would deal solely with the marriage ceremony it was cautiously explained. "Love making will not be included for at a coed institution the students can take care of that part of it themselves," the report said. Zeta Phi Eta, Speech Business meeting 4:15 Arts:I p.m., BARNAB1i Gosh! What a big fire! Skillful work, eh? Just that littler can of gasoline- But, say! This fireplace smokes a bit. We want. Mr. Merrie comfortable- Traditional accomplishments of all good Pixies, making chimneys draw well.... If-Ah!-here's the method! In my Fairy Godfather's Handy Pocket' Guide. "Tie a rock on the end of a clothesline-" I