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October 31, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-10-31

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Latest Deadline in the State




War, Strikes
Hit Peak il
Postwar Era
Chinese Report
Loss of Mukden
War, revolution, striking work-
ars and failing cabinets seemed to
be signs that civil unrest is more
irresistibly on the march than at
any time since World War II, As-
sociated Press reports reveal.
NANKING-Mukden has col-
lapsed into Chinese Communist
hands in the most stunning gov-
ernment loss of the three-year
civil war, reliable sources in this
fearful capital reported last night.
Many high Chinese and for-
eign sources declared the civil
war had been decided with the
fall of the great Manchurian
city. Quick retirement from the
remaining small holdings in
southernmost Manchuria was
Bitter fighting may continue in
China proper for months or even
years, the sources said, but Gen-
eralissimo Chiang Kai-Shek's ef-
fort to defeat the Communists on
a nationwide scale has died. The
latest setback brought speculation
on the possibility of replacing
China's long-time leader.
ATHENS, Greece's 87-year-old
premier, Themistokles Sophoulis
said his government would re-
sign within two or three days.
The Premier's statement came
as a result of a quarrel between
himself and the deputy leader
of his Liberal Party, Sopho-
cles Venizelos, over a proposed
re-shuffle of the cabinet. Veni-
zelos is the son of the late
Fleutherios Venizelos, founder
of the Liberal party and one of
Greece's greatest statesmen.
Venizelos had given notice that
he would ask parliament for a
new government picked for ability
rather than party affiliations or
political strength.
The country has been under
martial law for 48 hours.
* * *
LIMA Peru - Gen. Manuel
Odria, leader of Peru's three-day
revolution, has arrived in Lima to
form a new government.
A Buenos Aires dispatch said
Bustamante had arriver in the Ar-
gentine capital by special plane
to take up residence in exile. He
reiterated to newsmen that he
had not resigned and had not
given up his mandate to the peo-
ple of Peru.
The revolt which he started
in Arequipa, in southern Peru,
spread to the capital and caused
the overthrow of the govern-
ment of President Jose Luis
Odria, a former interior minis-
ter, said in a broadcast from
Arequipa before taking off for
Lima that he would hold demo-
cratic elections as soon as poss1-
PARIS-French troops and po-
licecompleted the occupation of
more than half the struck coal
mines in northern France today,
driving pickets out of 20 pits near
Four million tons of un-mined
coal has been lost to the nation
in the 26-day tie-up-about 10
per cent of the yearly production.
So the government is expected to
divert $19,000,000 of Marshall
Plan funds from cotton, food and
raw material purchases to get

more foreign coal.
Recuperating Vets
Will See 'Furia'
Patients at the Veteran's Re-
adjustment Center have been in-
vited to the last showing of the
Italian film "Furia" at Hill Audi-
torium tonight by the Art Cinema
League and National Lawyers'
Guild in cooperation with the



28-20; Krueger
Stars for Illini
McNeill, Rifenburg, Teninga, Allis
Record Tallies for Maize and Blue
Associate Sports Editor
In one of the most bitterly contested games seen in Ann Arbor in
over a year, Michigan's undefeated Wolverines carried their victory
string past the 20 mark yesterday as they subdued a desperately bat-
Uling Illinois eleven, 28-20.
Before a screaming Homecoming crowd of 86,000 the Wolverines,
>howing sign of a letdown after their grueling encounter with Minne-
sota last week, exhibited just enough power and finesse to stop the
.eyed up Illini.
* * *
CAPITALIZING ON ALMOST every break and flashing an effec-
'ive passing attack the Maize and Blue used the aerial route to score
three times and counted once ono * * *

OUTA THE WAY-Two Wolverines block and an Illinois man tackles thin air as Chuck Ortmann pushes his interference, Joe Soboleski, around right end for a first
down in yesterday's game with the Illini. All pictures of thehe Michigan-Illinois game are by Daily Photographer Alex Lmanian.
/* * * *
* * *

U' Professor Crticizes
Life's Ridicule of Band

A statement in Nov. 1 issue of
Life Magazine concerning the
Michigan Marching Band, in-
tended as humor according to
Life officials, was regarded as ser-
ious by Prof. William D. Revelli,
band director, today.
Life said the Michigan band
was "sotpitiful in comparison" to
Ohio State's last year, that the
team was accompanied to the
Rose Bowl by a band of "Detroit
ringers carrying Petrillo cards and
subsidized by the Buick Division
of General Motors."
* * *
LIFE HAD concluded the charg-
es with "or at least so the report
was around Columbus."
Part of an article on Ohio
State school spirit,the state-
ments were intended as color,
according to Life's Detroit offi-
cials and were not the opinions

of either the writer or Ohio
But Prof. Revelli was not amus-
ed, nor the many alumni who
contacted him, from as far away
as Oklahoma.
* * *
"ONLY STUDENTS are eligible
for the Marching or Concert
bands," he said, "and we are
stricter than most of the nation's
colleges in that, eligibility require-
ments are the same as for ath-
letics, a 2.0.
11e especially regretted the
references to Buick, saying that
the General Motors Division had
subsidized the band to one trip
a year.
"Last year they sent us to the
Rose Bowl," he said. "This year
they paid for the trip to Minne-

Straw Ballot
Gives Dewey
Faculty Vote
Plurality Equals 290
Out of Total of 350
It's Thomas E. Dewey for presi-
dent among the majority of fac-
ulty members who voted in The
Daily's traditional faculty straw
Dewey received 290 votes to 113
for President Harry S. Truman.
Votes were cast on unsigned post-
cards by 530 of the University's
more than 1,000 professors and
Henry Wallace ranked third
with 66 votes, and Socialist Nor-
man Thomas, whose name was
omitted from the ballot by error,
received 26 write-in votes.
Only four votes were cast for
States Rights Democrat J.
Strom Thurmond, and Social-
ist-Labor candidate Edward A.
Teichert was given one write-in.
One faculty member voted for
Eisenhower. Other write-ins were
"Stahlin," "Republicans," "The
Democratic Party," and "Some
protest candidate."
* * *
pressed themselves as "undecided"
or stated that they would not vote
as none of the candidates were
The faculty straw vote has been
conducted regularly by The Daily
before presidential elections. In
every past vote, the Republican
candidate has come out with at

Judges Choose Winning
Sigma Nu, Alpha Chi Omega Place First
Phi Gamma Delta, Mosher Hall Second
When the judges of this year's record crop of homecoming dis-
plays started touring the town yesterday morning, they had no idea
what a job lay before them.
It took them two and a half hours to look over the 92 displays and
pick the ten winners, and there were some tough decisions to make.
* *
SIGMA NU TOOK first place among the men's entries, followed
by Phi Gamma Delta with second place and Alpha Delta Phi with
third. Psi Upsilon and Zeta Psi were awarded honorable mention.
Alpha Chi Omega won first place honors among the women's
displays. Mosher hall was judged second, and Delta Delta Delta
Honorable mention went to Gamma Phi Beta and Chi Omega.
, *
CROWDS WHICH STOOD and stared at the displays were some-
times heckled by hucksters attempting to "sell" their entries over
loudspeakers. Many of the displays were equipped with sound ef-
fects, moving parts, and blinking lights.
Sigma Nu's winning entry was modeled after an atomic fis-
sion lab. They called it "The Phoenix Athletic Lab," with white
coated Doc Bennie as the brain behind the atomic team.
The second place Phi Gams engineered a "Michigan Point-Ma-
chine," with Illinois players as raw material. A long conveyor belt
carried points to the sidewalk, where passersbys were advised to help
* * 4' i
THE "MICHGAN Destruction Co." at 556 S. State gave Alpha
Delta Phi third place award. A knotty fence shielded the wrecking

the ground on a wide sweep by
Wally Teninga.
The Illini attack, which also
sputtered on the ground, was
centered around the aerial wiz-
ardry of Bernie Krueger, a
heretofore unheralded junior
from Hammond Indiana.
The elusive Illinois quarterback,
dropping back sometimes fifteen
yards behind the line of scrim-
mage with superb protection,
completed 12 amazingly accurate
bullet-like passes out of 21 at-
tempts good for 216 yards, ac-
counting for more than twice the
yardage .of any other individual on
the field.
of Kreuger and end Walt Kersul-
is, another junior who towers 6
feet 4 inches that threatened to
bring Michigan's long winning
streak to an abrupt halt.
But when the clock finally ran
out the Wolverines emerged
with more than enough for the
victory, and a more secure
grasp on their defense of the
Big Nine title.
For the Wolvtrines on a far
from perfect afternoon, the point-
after-touchdown perfection of end
Harry Allis, who kicked four in a
row, was the highlight of the day.
HIS ACCURACY could well
have been the margin of victory,,
but just to make it certain, the
Wolverine sophomore personally
accounted for the final touchdown
when the Maize and Blue led by a
single point.
The contest threatened to turn
into a punting duel between
Michigan's Walt Teninga and
Illinois' Dike Eddleman, as early
in the game neither team was
able to get its offensive machine
Not until 12 minutes of the first
quarter had expired did either
team register a first down and
neither team was able to capitalize
on a couple of breaks that could
havet split the contest wide open.
MIDWAY in the initial period
Teninga dropped back to kick on
his own seven and fumbled a bad
pass from center. It was Illinois
ball on the Michigan five.
In four plays, including a fake
field goal attempt, the hard-
charging Wolverine line stopped
the Illini cold.
Only a few plays later Eddleman
fumbled a Teninga punt on the
Sss 'M' NOTCHES, Page 7

Excited Fans
See Michigan
Down I.inois
87,000 Enjoy Near
Perfect Weather
It was a hoarse and sunburned
throng of 87,000 homecoming fares
that poured from Michigan sta-
dium following the Wolverines'
spine-tingling win over the Illini.
The close game brought them
to their feet screaming time and
time again during the two-hour
grid clash played under the siz-
zling rays of an Indian Summer,
THEY ENJOYED the sidelights
of the game too.
Michigan's high-stepping
{?arching band put on an exhibi-
tion of terpsichore which had the
fans jubilantly clapping time with
They got a big kick out of the
pre-game festivities when old
Louis Elbel, '98, vigorously led
the band in the famed "Victors"
song he composed just 50 years
The sell-out homecoming crowd
gave the cheerleaders a big hand
as they peddled around the sta-
dium in an old-fashioned one-
wheel bike before the game. The
cheerleaders' new method of
counting the score by bounding,
from a portable springboard also
came in for applause.


Sw I eToaVisit Campus
For News Speech at Hill

BEFORE THE game time
throngs of alumni crowded the
Union steps and lobby greeting old
friends ancL nostalgically looking
over the campus.
All over the campus area
crowds of spectators gaped at
the ingenious house displays
fashioned by the 91 entrants
vying for trophies and cups.
The sell-out horde of fans be-
gan arriving in Ann Arbor early
Friday. By yesterday they had
filled every extra room and hotel
in town. Restaurants were jammed
and heavy traffic slowed travel in
the normally quiet town.
AT LEAST 1,000,llMini rooters
made the trek from Champaign.
They occupied the northeast cor-
ner of the stadium and were led by
two white-clad cheerleaders.
Half-time. announcements of
homecoming display winners
caused small eruptions in the
stands as residents of winning
houses danced in their seats,
cheered and waved pennants.

Raymond Gram Swing will be
in town tomorrow to deliver his
analysis of "History on the
March" at 8 p. m. in Hill Audi-
Known as the foremost author-
ity on atomic energy among the
commentators, Swing is also an
advocate of world government. He
is the national vice-president of
the United World Federalists.
Swing has just returned from
an extensive tour of Europe, and
held conferences with the leaders
of France and England. He is con-
vinnpdt+whma IAworldiomrrnment is


The program will originate in
Ann Arbor, and can be heard over
stations WXYZ and WUOM-FM.

Kids' Party Lessens Holiday Vandalism

least a 2-1 victory.
Truman ....
Teichert ........

... . . . 290
.. . . . . . 1

Squawk horns split the quiet
air of Yost Field House last night
as the Junior Chamber of Com-
merce established an uneasy truce
with Halloween-happy Ann Ar-
bor youths.
More than a thousand kids,

when pranksters kept the Fire
Department busy until 4 a. m.
stopping off opened fire hy-
drants. Officials said the city
temporarily had no fire protec-
A window in the Rackham
Bnilding was smashed. nolice re-

But police remembered Fri-
day night and held their breath.
That was only a warm-up; to-
night is officially Halloween
Busy with Homecoming activi-
ties, University students failed to

11loTo Shmow Movt~t~pi




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