TH M..~4TU T EE . AN D ~LYATT.LV 4'ATTTR.T*&AV ' f1Rlfm o& 1AAV aTa s 111_.T1 U.1ta l\II ATTVi. A ? .i' 1tD.[. Ax, 7 .f' £.~' V Fb . 31; 4 S~ Real United Nations THRE YEARS AGO, we thought we had something. San Francisco had been a success. The United Nations was a reality. The first step toward maintaining peace in the world had been taken. People who remein- bered that the League of Nations had died in womb when the U.S. failed to join were looking, hoping and planning for the second try at world organization. It seemed only a matter of time before the UN would have at least a resemblance to world government. The UN of three years ago does not exist today. Its whole character has been deter- mined by the conlfict betweenthe U.S. and Russia, modified by every other conflict that has come up. While Vishinsky uses the UN as a base for spreading effective anti-U.S. propaganda and paints a pretty picture of Russia's ac- tions, stumbling, unsure western representa- tives make attempt after attempt, all futile, to explain our aims and explain our actions. On other issues too, the UN, far from leading the world toward a solution of its problems, has found itself in a position of following. The Palestine issue is but one example of hopeless talking in the UN. The decision to set up a Jewish state came from the UN, but if it hadn't come, the state would have been formed anyway. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff lnd represent the views of the writers only. Jewish forces were doing the UN's job, but they would have done it on their own if the UN hadn't given its approval. The original partition plan was agreed to in principal because Israeli statesmen .did not know the strength of the new state and were satisfied that some terri- tory was better than none. The UN did not lead, but simply ook advantage of an already existing situation. Here it came out on the credit side of the ledger. Bernadotte's limiting redefinition of the boundaries of Israel got U.S. and British support in the UN, but the government of Israel, now sure of its military supremacy will not follow them. There is no reason why it should agree to a further reduction of its territory. It is clear that the only thing the UN can do is wait until the Jewish govern- ment decides it is satisfied with the boun- daries of its state as defined by the position of its fighting forces, and then decree that the new area shall be the official territory of Israel. It can again come out on the credit side of the ledger. But if the Un persists in supporting the Bernadotte proposals, it will lose. And it will lose on every issue -where it runs counter to existing trends unless it can find for itself an international police force in being. The chances of this are practically non- existent. Three years ago, it was possible, but U.S.-Russian relations have made it im- possible. The UN cannot lead, and never will be able to lead until it gets a .military force. The one hope for world peace is now drifting on the shifting seas of international developments with no hope of finding an anchor. -Al Blumrosen. NIGHT EDITOR: DON McNEIL ... __ Backward Move? WITH LITTLE notice from the newspa- pers, the good old gang is getting back into the saddle in Japan. The tipoff came when the middle-of-the- road, though inept, Ashida Cabinet fell over a scandal which permeated all government circles. Seizing this opportLnity, Shigeru Yoshida, leader of the opposition Democra- tic-Liberal Party which is neither demo- cratic nor liberal) demanded and received the premiership. Yoshida achieved prominence as Japan's prewar ambassador to Great Britain and during the war was persorm-non-grata Zi th the militarists because he advocated a limited program of expansion in China, rather than war against the Western pow- ers. His liberalism, widely hailed, is strictly of the seventeenth century type. His party's economic program, -therefore, con- sisting of proposals to lilt controls and I rtufn to the laissez-faire system of old, is not too surprising, Yoshida, returning to power after an ab- sence of two years as leader of the opposi- tion, is not his own master. He faithfully follows the line laid cown by the big bus- inessmen, ultranationalists, and prewar cor- rupt politicians vho were purged after the -war and supposedly have been banished from political influence. Thus, when he retires to his seashore home, allegedly to nurse a "cold," the nearness to the rsidence of the prewar boss of the p rty enabls Yoshida to receive more than just medicinal advice. It is to the credit of MacAr.0ur's Gov- ern;ent Section that it has waged a long rearg-u-rdae io o ro ?)p upthe more liberal p c o cbinets, but ciir- cumstanees within and outside of Japan have combined to make their task diffi- cult. Various sections in MacArthur's headquarters have been working to dis- credit the liberal forces and have spared no effort to boost the reactionaries. Moreover, the government in power gets blamed for what goes wrong in Japan to- day, despite MacArthur's enthusiastic self- congratulatory reports on the progress of democracy under our guidance. Finally, the anti-Communist world-wide program of the United States plays right into the hands of these forces in Japan who read the pro-. nouncements of U.S. leaders, twist them to suit their own designs, and then mouth them to show that America is backing the Demo- cratic Liberal Party straight down the line. It's about the only thing Yoshida's cohorts can talk about. Our shortsighted policy in Japan, de- manding, and consequently getting the wished-for "democracy" from the comply- ing Japanese, is partly to blame for the circumstances which have paved the way for Yoshida's return. If we were more in- tent on building democratic principles in Japan and less intent on fighting the negligible force which the Communists can muster there, our chances of retaining Japan within the U.S. orbit in the long run would be greatly enhanced. It is highly essential that Japan receive economic aid, but let's make certain that this wealth does not find its way into the, hands of the reactionaries who made billions during the period of confusion right after the surrender and now again stand to gain by cleverly playing alongdwith their newly discovered American friends. ---Ulrich A. Straus. I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: nonfire Days By SAMUEL GRAFTON ED NOTICED the election poster as he left the railroad station to walk home, and it made him think of all the presidential elections he had seen in his time. It also made him feel a little old, because when a man has lived through six or seven presidential elections he is not, Ed thought, a young fellow any more. Many of the trees wese bare already, Ed noticed as lie climbed the long hill, though there was one maple, which was belatedly making a spectacle of itself, its leaves a yellowy fire color, Ed stopped and regairded the tree. [t looked like a bonfire. They'd had wonder- ful bonfires on election night in the old days, he remembered. There had been a huge bonfire one year, on a hill much like this. When was that? Tweny-eight, he thought; Hoover and l Smith. Or could the big fire hve been n twetya- four? Coolidge and Davs. * * * There hadn't been much in the way of bonfires the last few elections. Not when Roosevelt was running. You were really too interested in the elections, these years, to think much about fires. They went with an earlier period, those bonfires, when election day was just a kind of holiday, and there weren't many issues that you thought about too deeply. The bonfires went with the age of inno- cence, thought Ed, the era of big talk at the barber shop, when elections were more like remote sorting eoinss than any- thing else. Things had changed sin'e the bonfire days, Ed thought. Elections now were pretty serious things. * *Y ** He hoped Truman would win this time. It would be kind of significant to have Tru- man win, if only to upset so many of Roose- velt's former enemies who now thought they had the country neatly lined up, in a sit- uation in which it couldn't do anything except elect Dewey. It would be important to disappoint Dewey; there was an annoying something about the way Dewey was so sure he was going to win that lie talked gen- eralities in his campaign speeches. Disappoint Dewey. Not a bad way to ap- peal for votes, Ed thought. But there was also something so pa- thetic about the election ths time, Ed thought. Almost no campaign buttons; almost no quarrels on the commuting trains. Dewey called it unity; it was really just a kind of bewilderment. The issues were there, all right; but it was oddly hard to get at them. S* * As Ed topped the hill he came upon a middle-aged man pushing an empty barrel down the road in front of him. "Hi," said Ed, recognizing a neighbor. "Hi," said the other man. "We're getting some stuff together for a bonfire election night, on the sand lot. You want to help? We heard some of the kids were going to do it, so we thought," he smiled insin- cerely, "the older men ought to supervise it, and keep it safe." "How are you going to vote?" asked Ed. "Vote?" said the other. "Oh, I don't know. I guess I'll vote for one of them, when I get in there. Want to help rme get some of this stuff over to te lot?" (Copyright, 1948, New Yok Post Corporation) ADMIRAL William 11. P. Blandy, comman. der-in-chief of the Atlantic fleet, termed a 30-day preventive atomic war "danger- ous' in a Navy Day speech in Dtroit. While in passing the Admiral might be condemned for implying a little dangr. could stop the United States, the terrify- ing thing is that not once was the moral implication of such a war mention d. The speech implied the boys would seri- ously consider pulling the atomic trigger if they thought we stood a reasonable chance to win. And this from a full admiral. The cold war is, to a large extent, a clashing of ideas, and certainly the calm, logical consideration of such a war by a high American official doesn't tend to further an atmosphere of peace; rather it leads towards more feverish defense measures on both sides. And then some minor incident sets off the spark .. . Even more important is the theoretical side-the United States is assumed believes that war is civilization's most choking kind of hell and thus has never started one. Is it barely possible that our military offi- cials are considering a revision of this idea? -John Davies IT SO IIAIPPENS * Modesty I Dood It .. NE OF OUR less athletic looking re- i porters went over to interview Fritz Crisler early last week, soon after said reporter broke his arm in a bicycle accident. Nodding toward the sling, Fritz solicitously asked what happened. "Ah well," answered our staff man, with a martyred look, "You News of the Week INTERNATIONAL All developments were tentative in the international scene this week as diplomats in every foreign capitol awaited the outcome of the American elections. West Europe. . The five powers that comprise the Brussels alliance, Britain, France, Holland, Belgium and the Netherlands announced that they would seek a North Atlantic pact with the United States. Their am- bassadors were instructed to begin negotiations in Washington im- mediately after the election. * * 4 * French Coal...... Tanks, machine guns and hand grenades came into play in French coal centers this week as troops moved in on the strike-bound mines. Over 200 casualties were reported as strikers used German potato masher grenades and machine guns and soldiers in tanks forced their way into the disputed areas. Berlin.. . . The compromise plan to settle the East-West split in Berlin was vetoed by Russia's Vishinski. The proposal would have meant the im- mediate lifting of the blockade and the establishment of Soviet cur- rency, under four-power control in the Berlin Area. (Continued from Page 2) The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column.' Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they aretreceived all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such lettersw hich for any other reason are not in good taste win not be published. The editors' reserve the privilege of con- densing. letters. ' . w Don't Misunderstand To the Editor: HOPE THAT no one thinks that the.enumeration of my rights to talk on the mall from 12-4 shall be construed to deny me the right to talk any other time or any other place. -James Davies. * * * Hope fulfGoals To the Editor: IT IS A PLEASANT thing in days like this to witness the cam- paigns of Tom Dewey and Earl 1t. "Notice How Warm It's Getting?: vember 1 and 2) in Office Barbour Gymnasium. Letters to the Editor ... 15, 4& IL C Palestine.... . At weeks end, Israeli forces were making new andi vances in southern Palestine, which was the scene of last week between Israeli and Egyptian soldiers. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Warren. It is a hopeful thing to see courageous goals set forth by men who are progressives, admin- istrators, and leaders in the broadest sense. Firmly convinced that the gov- ernent in America is capable of working for the welfare of indus- try, small business, labor, and the farmer alike without playing fa- vorite with any one segment of the economy; that government can provide the maximum security and progress without infringing on the structure of a free society, that our government can serve a united people through a bipartisan for- eign policy which will fulfill our moral obligations to the world and strengthen our role in the United Nations, Governor Dewey and Governor Warren propose to show the "Progressives" what progres- sivism really is! To charges of "evasiveness," "anti-labor," "reactionary," and "unqualified" leveled at Im by the frightened politicos, Tom Dewey's record in New York State speaks louder than words. Income taxes were reduced by 40 per cent and business taxes 25 per ,cent while the state debt was reduced 27 per cent and a tax surplus of $623,000,000 built up. Pay in- creases of 77 per cent for state em- ployes, a bill requiring equal pay for men and women, and the model Anti-Discrimination Em- ployment Act have been enacted. The Dewey administration spon- sored an emergency rent control law after most of the nation had been taken off such safeguards. The state veteran housing proj- ects rank first in the nation. Fa- ilities for educating veterans have been expanded from 104,000 to cover 230,000. While all this was going on, Tom Dewey, un- snarled red tape in New York's government as had never been done before and he can do it in Washington! As a New Yorker and a student of progressive views, I hail Tom Dewey as president of the United States. True American progres- sives everywhere will join Roose- velts confidants as ex-ambassador Bullitt, former Governor Charles Edison of New Jersey, and our former minister to Norway as well as half the Liberal Party in New York, most of the nation's independent press, numerous labor leaders, and farm organizations in rejoicing at the election of Tom Dewey and Earl Warren. They will see that our hope for a new era in the U.S. lies in the liberal wing of the Republican Party of Theo- dore Roosevelt and Wendell Will- kie which is led today by Senator Wayne Morse, Rep. Charles Eaton, Rep. George Bender, Senator Van- denberg, John Dulles, Rep. Judd, Senator Saltonstall, and Harold Stassen who with young energetic men on the Dewey-Warren team will bring enlightenment and vigor to the nation's capital which we so sorely need. -Howard Hartzell. unopposed ad-I fierce fighting MATTER OF FACT: By JOSEPH AND STEWART ALSOP IT IS NOW PLAIN that Governor Thomas E. Dewey, long before - he is officially established in the White House, will be faced with a great and crucial decision. He can decide to approve a fundamental-and ex- pensive - departure in American foreign policy by negotiating a formal defense pact with a number of European nations. Or he can decide to attempt to shove the whole painful business under the rug. Either way, it will not be an easy decision. The foreign ministers of the five Western Union nations-Britain, France, and the three Benelux countries-have now decided to propose to the United States the opening of formal negotiations for a defensive pact. This is, of course, no sudden and un- anticipated decision. Ever since the passage of the Vandenberg esolution, which called for the "association" of the United States with the Western European nations, in- formal, "exploratory" talks have been going forward. On the one hand, the Ambassadors in Washington of the five European powers have been discussing with the American pol- icy makers, and especially with Under Sec- sorts of subsidiary difficulties, such as the desire of the French for at least tacit assurance that in case of war the Amer- ican strategy will be based on the defense of Western Europe rather than of Spain. But the central problem is perfectly ob- vious. It is, to put it bluntly, money. If a pact were negotiated which failed to include some commitment by the United States to aid the rearmament of Western Europe, it would be evident to all con- cerned that the pact was a mere paper agreement, without meaning. It would thu,s be not only useless but worse than useless. Yet if Dewey backs away from the pro- posed security pact now, the results abroad could well be disastrous. If he does not, there are certain to be a great many furi- ously disillusioned Republicans. In a way, it seems unfair that so difficult a decision should be forced on Dewey even before he becomes President. But if the bullet has to be bitten, perhaps it is better that it should be bitten right away. Copyright, 1948, New York Herald Tribune Inc.) Looking Back 50 YEARS AGO TODAY: An article in The Daily read: "Notice is hereby given to all students owning dogs within Ann Arbor, that there is an ordinance imposing a license of $1.25 on male and IRP..... The day after Economic Cooperation officials announced the sending of a three hundred million dollar loan to Britain, Secretary of State George Marshall halted the remaining program of ERP gifts to Europe. The gifts were held up pending the signing of repayable loans by the nine countries involved. NATIONAL Politics. . . . . . Dewey was one day behind President Truman as the two major candidates made their last campaign swing around the country, Presi- dent Truman still blasting the Eightieth Congress and now throwing some allegedly dirty cracks at Dewey, and the New York governor fighting for the Senate seats of a number of his party's incumbents. At weeks end, the consensus gave the Democrats a good chance to capture the Senate of the Eighty-first Congress. Investigation..... After investigator J. Parnell Thomas, head of the Un-American Affairs Committee of the House, had cried "politics" at a Justice De- partment investigation of his committee payroll, it was announced that the probe would be postponed until after the elections. Thomas is running for re-election. LOCAL Worker's Education Service ..... The Board of Regents actions in revamping the Worker's Edu- cation Service came under fire at a meeting of religious and political groups in Detroit this week. Addressing an empty chair (Gov. Sigler was fogged in at Muske- gon, couldn't make it) the group charged that General Motors had pressurized the University in its actions. Meanwhile, University Extension Service announced that the en- rollment for its courses had now passed 21,000. On the Mall ..... The Political Speakers Ban was lifted slightly this week to permit students to gather on the mall near the flag poll to discuss political problems. The Rules: No leaders, no actions of violence or disorderly con- duct, and "sponteneous discussion" could only occur from 1 to 5 p.m. At weeks end, an effort by Daily editors to test the ban by starting a discussion ended in failure. No students gathered to take part. * * * * Homecoming . . . . . At Hill Auditorium the students gathered for traditional Varsity Night with the Michigan Band, the best in campus talent and a bevy of top professional performers. *4 * * * - Grades ..... The grade averages were out this week and houses Which had held their breath could relax. The overall average had popped up from last year .01 to 2.57. Fraternities, who had begun to worry found their overall was 2.49. 2.4 Averages ..... At an open meeting in the Union, IFC heard both sides of the argument, agreed to ask for a special meeting of the Interfraternity Alumni Conference to consider the question. Meanwhile, Office of Stu- dent Affairs announced it went into effect with this semester. Concert Carillon Recital: Another in the current series of carillon pro- grams will be presented at 2:15 p.m., Sun.,. Oct. 31, by Prof. Price, University Carillonneur. The all- Bach program will include in- strumental solos: Prelude 1, Air, Minuet, Presto, Prelude; Air and Gigue from Suite 3; two cantatas, Strike, Long'd for Hour, and Sheep May Safely Graze; choral preludes, Jesu, Joy of Man's De- siring, and Sleepers Wake! Events Today Saturday Lunch Discussion: 12:15 p.m., Fireplace Room, Lane Hall. Review of Dr. Arnold Toyn- bee's book, "Civilization on Trial." Lane Hall: Saturday supper at Lane Hall in the Fireplace room, 5-7 p.m. Westminster Guild - Wiener roast after the game. Meet at council ring in back of church. Swimming-Women Students: Union Pool-Saturday, 9-10 a.m. Recreational Swimming 10-11 a.m. Michifish Coming Events Polonia Club: Members and guests are invited to take part in a hike scheduled for Sun., Oct. 31. Meet at the side entrance of the Michigan Union, 2 p.m. Graduate Outing Club will meet at 2:30 p.m. Sun., Oct. 31, at northwest entrance to Rackham for hike. All graduates welcome; please sign list at Rackham check- room desk before noon Saturday. U. of M. Hot Record Society: Mr. Phil Diamond will give a pro- gram on "Early White Jazz Ar- tists," Sun., 8 p.m., Michigan League Ballroom. Everyone is in- vited. United World Federalists in- vite students and faculty members interested in world government to attend a radio broadcast on world government featuring Raymond Gram Swing and Dr. Lawrence Preuss which will originate from the University Radio Studios (4th Floor Angell Hall) Mon., Nov. 1, 3 p.m. Program will be broadcast over WXYZ. Please be in studio by 3 p.m. (half hour program). Graduate History Club Coffee Hour: Mon., Nov. 1, 4 to 5 p.m., Clements Library. All graduate history students and faculty cor- dially invited. Alpha Kappa Psi: Business meeting, Chapter House, Mon- day, November 1, 7:30 p.m. Phi' Sigma: Regular meeting will be held on Mon., Nov. 1 at 8 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. Dr. Claude W. Hibbard will present an illuatrated lecture on "Fossil Hunting on the High Plains." Open to the public. A business meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of electing a delegate to the national conven- tion. Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harriett Friedman ...Managing EditoR Dick Maloy ................City EditoR Naomi Stern .........Editorial Director Allegra Pasqualetti ....Associate Editor Arthur Higbee.......Associate Editor Murray Grant..........Sports Editor Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed. Bev Bussey ..Sports Feature Writer Audrey Buttery......Women's Editor Bess Hayes ..................Librarian Business Staff Richard Hait .......Business Manager Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager William Culman .....Finance Manager Cole Christian .... Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-clase mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. retary of State Robert Lovett, the the proposed "association" is to take. On the other hand, various military resentatives of the United States been closeted with the Western Unionz tary staff committee, considering form rep- have mili- the BARNABY amount of military aid which will be re- quired from the United States to place I I'll make the changes you want in the plans, Mr. Merrie. Are you drivina back to town? Kc Hev. You want to come in I f