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October 29, 1948 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-10-29

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Sleeping Polls

The Melancholy Days

Letters to the Editor .

(Editor's Note is written
Harriett Friedman.)

by Managing Editor

It is rather a sad thing that the sacred
right to the ballot doesn't seem quite so
valuable this year.
At least in the presidential race, there
won't be much joy or satisfaction in mark-
ing an "X" after the name of any of the
s * *
ONEaCOLUMN on the ballot will be headed
by Thomas E. Dewey, a candidate who
has not ony declared himself above all polit-
ical haggling, but above any concrete dis-
cussion of the problems facing this country
Gov. Dewey represents "sound" conserva-
tives and not - so - s-und reactionaries in
President Harry Truman's name will be
offered at the top of another list: Truman,
who has certainly attacked current issues
with energy du: ing the campaign, but whose
past record speaks more of raction and
conservatism that he would now have us
believe. Mr. Truman's backing will be a
strange mixture of liberalism and conserva-
In many states, Henry Wallace will ask
for votes on the basis of his long and vig-
orous attacks on existing American poli-
cies. But Wallace has disqualified himself
for many voters because of his unrealistic
approachto international questions and
because there is a feeling that much of
his liberal program was constructed witn
rather frantic emotionalism rather than
sound reason.
On the Socialist ticket, the voter will find
Norman Thomas, who proposes the non-
Communist socialist adaptation of our pres-
ent American system. After long years of
campaigning with what appeared to be radi-
cal ideas, Thomas, today, seems to have a
domestic program which would be supported
by a large proportion of ordinarily non-
socialistic liberals.
Unfortunately, Thomas has been less clear
on foreign policy, except for his definite
stand against the present Russian system.
And Thomas, who lost much support during
Roosevelt's tenure, has the backing chiefly
of regular Socialists and some liberals.
these candidates is a little difficult.
There may be no problem for the regular
party member, but the independent voter,
and especially what I have been calling the
"liberal" will be tempted to leave the top
spot on his ballot blank, or just not show up
at the polls.
One could see some humor in a situa-
tion where every candidate has announced
himself as a liberal, but in which no can-
didate really represents liberals, or espe-
cially appeals to them.
But thete is nothing really funny about
an election which provides no candidate of
appeal for these people, and which makes
non-voting seem an honest course.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
.nd represent the views of the writers only.
Too Worldly
AS I LISTEN to the interminable Western-
Russian debate, I have a strong feeling
that I wish the honorable contestants would
stop talking for a little while about what the
whole world is going to be like in time to
I favor the cosmic, or planetary, view of
things as well as the next man, but even
this can be overdone. If there is one
thing that history tells us, it is that the
world has always been made up of a

number of very different civilizations, and
the strong probability is that this state of
affairs is going to continue.
It would help enormously if all the dele-
gates to the various U.N. sessions were out-
fitted with small kazoos or other noise-
makers on which they could perform when
any speaker became too moody on the theme
that the West must organize the thinking of
mankind, or on the theme that Russia must.
I doubt if the world has waited this long in
order to be remade by any statesmen now
functioning at Paris, either for the West or
for Russia. It is going to remain complex,
many-formed, baffling, intricate and, on
the whole, rather messy, and the one thing
it is important to know about globaloney is
that it can come in all flavors.
If, even for a limited time, it were strict-
ly forbidden to remake the whole world,
the honorable disputants might even get
down to the solution of specific problems,
and they might even find that the world's
prospects had improved amazingly. It
would be as if a fog had been lifted. For,
actually, while almost nobody in the
United States thinks the United States is
going to go Communist, and while there
can be almost nobody in Russia who be-
lieves that Russia will go capitalist, there
must be millions in both countries who are

"DOCTOR DEWEY is handing out Sleep-
ing Polls to lull the American voter into
sleeping instead of voting next Tuesday."
That charge, recently levelled at candi-
date Dewey by candidate Truman may be
funny - or punny - but it is indicative
of the attitude the nation is taking to-
wards its national elections. Who is go-
Kill That Germ,
Pity the influenza bug-if you have
time-nobody likes it. It is constantly
maligned as a filthy little germ, causing
no end of discomfort, misery and wasted
And with good cause. Because it is a
filthy little germ.
The University Health Service is of-
fering free anti-flu shots to students
this week and next in an effort to make
Ann Arbor impregnable to the ravages
of the germ. Eight nurses are on duty
for the express purpose of injecting
students with anti-flu serum. Service
is rapid and efficient, and what is more,
medical science has proven that the
shots really do the trick.
And, scientists have found that in ad-
dition to preventing influenza, the shots
have a tendency to cut down the number'
of colds of an injected person.
But the serum isn't going to do any-
body any good sitting around in a sterile
tube. It's got to get into a living body to
give the intended protection.
According to Dr. Warren Forsythe,
director of Health Service, Ann Arbor
was lucky last year, because the influ-
enza curse by-passed the city. However,
he emphasized that there is no way of
telling when and where an epidemic.
may strike.
And once an epidemic does occur, there
is nothing that can be done about it4
UNLESS those people who are exposed to
it have previously been innoculated. Ob-
vious solution: check your alphabetically
determined appointment time, and get
over to Health Service for your free shot.
-Fredrica Winters

ing to win is apparently decided months,
or even years ahead, by a few question-
happy researchers who apply time-tested
formulae for determining public opinion
to the vital issues that confront us. All
voters have to do is read their Sunday
paper and find out how they feel on.
America's problems and follow accordingly.
Although a few pollsters have been ac-
cused of using their polls unfairly, public
opinion experts can be trusted. Their books
are open; and their methods are explained.
The use being made of polls by Candi-
date Dewey is what Candidate Truman
objects to. Dewey, who currently bathes
in the warm glow of public approval, is
using that information to convince voters
that he is going to be elected anyway and
so 'why not climb on the band-wagon.'
Republicans also plea for the election of
G.O.P. Senators in the doubtful states on
the basis of not wanting a Republican Pres-
ident to be hamstrung by a Democratic
Candidate Dewey is so confident of elec-
tion for himself and his brethren that no
amount of prodding will bring him out in-
to the open on any controversial issue.
His charge of "mud-slinging" against
Candidate Truman recently was consid-
ered a climax in his campaign! And party
officials have even been told to clam up.
As long as nothing is done to upset the
apple-cart, Candidate Dewey figures he
will ride yogi-style into Washington on
the Elephant's back.
However, our quarrel is with the people
who are willing to accept the Republican
arguments. They are giving up their right
to help choose the next President and Sen-
They forget that pollsters also show how
quickly opinion can change. The booms
and busts of Candidate Truman's popu-
larity curve during his last term in office
well indicate how you can be hero one day
and a bum the next.
Although opinion polls are helpful for de-
termining the nation's day-to-day position
on issues with which politicians must deal,
they must not be used to warp our demo-
cratic election procedure.
-Craig H. Wilson


ROBERT SHEDD'S comedy, "Summer competence and no little zest. Don Mitchell's
Solstice," had its premiere performance performance as a pleasant and ingratiating
last night at the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- confidence man lacks little: he makes the
tre, and it turned out to be a very good most convincing conniver we've run into in
r a long time.
thing, indeed. The two-hour performance was marked
The play's humor appears to its best ad- by a number of side-splitting high spots:
vantage before a college audience, since it Clarence Stephenson's bit as "Lawrence," a
deals with university students in a sus- not-very-bright university Junior, is one of
piciously familiar "mid-west college town." them. With a very few words he establishes
"Summer Solstice" is a highly entertaining himself as an absolute clunk, who isn't even
sure if he's having a nice time. Karen Janie-
-and sometimes remarkably penetrating- son, who does "Sybil" in an athletic and en-
slice of college life. It captures the atmos- tertaining manner, makes the best of a line
phere of a university campus in mid-sum- part, and even manages to ride her bicycle
mer, when a great part of the student body across the stage as she does it. Charles Fos-
is made up of middle-aged high school sati makes a brief appearance as a be-mous-
teachers back for further study. The peo- tached South American student which is
ple of Shedd's play belong to this group, guaranteed to keep you roaring.
and during the course of "Summer Solstice" Special mention ought to go to the stage
they manage to get themselves into some crew, headed by Elaine Lew, who have man-
rather un-school teacherish situations, aged to create a set which includes a house
The cast, headed by Shirley Loeblich and that can only be described as Early Twen-
Don Mitchell, hit a rapid and sometimes tieth Century Ann Arbor Gothic. .
uproarious pace at the very outset, and sus- It's a long time since Play Production has
tain it all the way with a great deal of ease done a comedy as bright and as engaging
and nonchalance. Margaret Pell, a new- as "Summer Solstice." Don't miss it; it s
comer to Play Production, handles the Bill worth your while.
Burke-ish part of "Frances Joslyn" with -W. J. Hampton

Publication in The Daily, Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the Presaent, Room 1021
Angel Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Satur-
VOL. LIX, No. 34
Principal - Freshman Confer-
ence: Instructors of classes which
include freshmen are requested
not to schedule blue books for the
morning of Tuesday, Nov. 9, in
order that freshmen may be avail-
able for conferences with their
high school principals attending
the twentieth annual Principal-
Freshman Conference.
Faculty, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Meeting
4:10 p.m., Mon., Nov. 1, 1025 An-
gell Hall.
1. Consideration of the min-
utes of the meeting of Oct. 4, 1948
(pp. 1439-1451).
2. Consideration of reports
submitted with the call to this
a. Executive Committee-Prof.
A. W. Bromage.
b. Executive Board of the
Graduate School-Prof. I. A.
c. Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs-Prof. R.
C. Angell. No report.
d. Deans' Conference - Dean
Hayward Keniston. No report.
3. Report of the Committee on
4. Announcements.
5. New business.
Women students attending
Homecoming Dance: Oct. 30, have
1:30 a.m. permission. Calling hours
will not be extended.
All Seniors and Graduate Stu-
dents: Fri., Nov. 5, is the last day
for seniors or graduate students
who expect to receive a degree in
February, June or August to
make an appointment to get their
picture in the 1949 Michiganen-
sian, official university yearbook.
Appointments may be made at the
Ensian office, Student Publication
Building any day except Satur-
day-8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Community Fund: Members of
the University Staff are requested
to hand their Community Fund
contributions to their department
representatives by Fri., Oct. 29.
1949 Student Directory will be
on sale at the Diag, Engline Arch,
Union, Willow bus stop and Michi-
gan League next Tues., Nov. 2.
Approved student sponsored so-
cial events for the coming week-
October 29.
Brown League House, Delta
Sigma Pi, Kappa Nu, Omega Psi
Phi, Osterweil, Phi Sigma Delta,
Pi Lambda Phi, Sigma Alpha Mu,
Tau Delta Phi, Theta Xi, Triangle,
Zeta Beta Tau.
October 30
Acacia, Alpha Chi Sigma, Al-
pha Delta Phi, Alpha Kappa
Kappa, Alpha Kappa Psi, Alpha
Omega, Alpha Rho Chi, Alpha Sig-
ma Phi, Alpha Tau Omega, Beta
Theta Pi, Chi Phi, Chi Psi.

Delta Kappa Epsilon, Delta Sig-
ma Delta, Delta Sigma Pi, Delta
Tau Delta, Delta Upsilon, East
Quadrangle, International Center,
Kappa Sigma, Les Voyageurs,
Michigan Christian Fellowship,
Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Alpha Kappa,
Phi Chi, Phi Delta Theta, Phi
Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi
Kappa Sigia, Phi Kappa Tau, Phi
Rho Sigma, Phi Sigma Delta, Phi
Sigma Kappa, Pi Lambda Phi,
Psi Upsilon, Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
Sigma Chi, Sigma Phi, Sigma Phi
October 30.
Tau Delta Phi, Theta Chi, Theta
Delta Chi, Theta Xi, Triangle,
Trigon, Zeta Beta Tau, Zeta Psi,
Zeta Tau Alpha.
October 31.
Beta Theta Pi, Berkley House
Helen Newberry, Kappa Kappa
All students who have registra-
tion material from the Bureau of
Appointments are reminded that
today (Friday) is the last day
their material can be returned
without penalty. Blanks may not
be taken out or returned between
Oct. 29 and Nov. 15, at which time
a late registration fee will be
charged. Office hours are from
9 a.m.-12 noon, and 2-4 p.m.
Mr. John Alexander Pope, As-
sistant Director of the Freer Gal-
lery of Art of the Smithsonian In-
stitution, Washington, D. C., will
lecture on the subject, "The
Growth of Interest in Chinese
Ceramics in Europe and the Final
Refinements of Porcelain Manu-
facture in Ch'ing Times" (illus-
trated), 4:15 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 4,
Kellogg Auditorium; auspices of
the Department of Fine Arts. The
public is invited.
Academic Notices
Astronomical Colliquium: 4:15
p.m., Fri., Oct. 29, Observatory.
Mr. Carl A. Bauer will speak on
the subject, "The Composition and
Structure of Meteorites."
Biological Chemistry Seminar:
4 p.m., Fri., Oct. 29, 319 W. Medi-
cal Bldg. Sulfhydryl - Disulfide
Relations in Enzyme Reactions.
All interested are invited.
Events Today
German Coffee Hour: .3-4:30
p.m., Michigan League Coke Bar.
All students and faculty members
Westminster Guild: Meet at
church, 8 p.m., to attend Varsity
Roger Williams Guild: Open
house, 8:30 p.m., Friday and Sat-
urday following the football game.
Coffee Hour: 4:30 p.m., Lane
Hall lounge.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Sabbath Evening Service, 7:45
p.m. Panel on Election.
Corning Events
Swimming-Women Students:
Union Pool-Saturday, 9-10
a.m. Recreational Swimming
10-11 a.m. Michifish
Graduate Outing Club: Hike.

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
s e ,
To the Editor:
T IS COMFORTING for one to
learn from reader Freeman
that his democratic Russian
friends support "a human rights
amendment prohibiting slavery
and the slave trade 'in all their
aspects.'" The hundreds of thou-
sands of Russian political pris-
oners as well as the myriads of
German, Slavic, and Japanese
slave laborers in the Soviet Union
undoubtedly will be consoled by
this magnanimous Soviet proposal.
-David Belin.
Rather Tired
To the Editor:
QUITE A FEW females on this
campus are getting rather
tired of having our virtues com-
pared with those of the Purdue
coeds. We would like to say to
Messrs. Tilly, Sibley, Goldman,
Schwartz, and Belfer that life is
what you make it and that goes
double for the social end of it. If
these fellows are having trouble
acquiring dates for themselves
whyudon't they just say so and
a few pitying coeds might set up
a date bureau for them so they
won't have to be lonely all the
-Faye Bell.
Ruth Vivian.
Peggy Bjork.
* * '
Not So Bad
To the Editor:
JUST A BRIEF word to your
would-be erudite correspon-
dent, who would inform Mr. Mat-
law of his errors. I did not see
the review to which reference was
made, but in the cause of accuracy
the proper English title should
read "The Rite of Spring," not
"Rites of Spring;" and since the
score bears the subtitle "Pictures
of Pagan Russia," I think Mr.
Matlaw is not erring too greatly
whenae refers to the composi-
tion as "Scenes of Pagan Russia."
Better look at the score next time
Miss Patterson!
-Louise E. Cuyler.
Associate Professor of
Advertising Facts
To the Editor:
The very confused article enti-
tled "Advertising Facts" by Janet
Watts is in need of some clarifi-
cation. First, the Advertising
Council is predominately a group
formhed by the business interests.
The main contributors to this
unit have been members of the Na-
tional Ass'n. of Manufacturers. To
clearly explain the implications of
this advertising campaign, it is
necessary to understand exactly
what the N.A.M. is and who it rep-
The N.A.M. is the most powerful
lobby in the United States, accord-
ing to the T.N.E.C. Monograph 26.
Most of its members such as
Chrysler, Ford, American Can Co.
and countless others, have been
and at present are, under indict-
ment for Anti-Trust violations.
Due to their remarkable influence,
though, they have never been fined

more than $5,000 and no executive
has ever been jailed. Five sena-
tors and 18 representatives intro-
duced evidence into the Congres-
sional Record showing that the
N.A.M. actually wrote the Taft-
Hartley Law. The N.A.M. publi-
cations themselves admit that this
organization was mainly respon-
sible for the destruction of the
O.P.A. and the subsequent price
But the N.A.M. is attempting to
Meet at 2 p.m., Sun., Oct. 31,
Northwest entrance, Rackham
check desk before noon Saturday.
Russian Circle: 8 p.m., Mon.,
Nov. 1, International Center. Dr.
Kish, speaker. Subject: "Russian
Folklore." All are invited.
Art Cinema League and Law-
yer's Guild present "Furia," Ital-
ian film, 8:30 p.m., Saturday and
Sunday, Hill Auditorium.

cloak itself in respectability. The
main objectives of their $5,500,000
fund are to attack every progres-
sive and liberal concentration
(not merely the Communist) and
to propagandize 'free enterprise.'
These sanctimonious monopolists
who are attempting to weaken
Union labor, will next month be
spouting about 'free enterprise'
which does not exist. They will
call for a brotherhood of Labor
and Management while they pro-
duce record profits and Taft-
Hartley Bills. With their control
of 1,733 newspapers out of about
1750 in this country, they hope to
blind the reading public to their
powerful infringements upon Gov-
ernment and public alike.
The documentations are too
numerous to print, but any inter-
ested person can check with the
T.N.E.C., read the records in the
newsletter "In Fact," or see the
Congressional Record. I hope these
facts disturb no one's naivete
about 'free enterprise.'
--Hy Bershad
- * m
To the Editor:
electect Tuesday. I am sure of
this, not because the pollsters tell
me so, but because common sense
tells me it is unavoidable. Even
if he had wandered about the
country stammering "unity" in pig
Latin instead of in Lowell Thom-
ese, it still would have been un-
Whatever else the Democratic
administration of our childhood
and youth may have been, they.
were not noted for producing years
of serenity and security. The'Dem-
ocratic party will have to yield to
the only thing it has ever had to
fear-fear itself, not nameless, but
unreasoning, although perhaps
justified, terror. The 1920's, voters
now think, were doubtless mad and
wicked, but how quaint the period
was, what a golden era in which
to have lived! True, the Repub-
lican party, identified with it, may
have been guilty of precipitating a
bank crash or two and a drop in
the price of GM stock, but what a
small thing compared with the rise
of the CIO and the Red menace,
with the staggering of the second
World War and the makings of
another bigger and' better cru-
sade! A little depression every
twenty years we can, stand, the
voters will say Tuesday, but not
war and certainly not revolution.
After all, no Republican ever split
an atom. We are going to flee to
the arms that protected us before.
With the Republicans in Wash-
ington, the voters will say, we can
hide our faces in our mother's
apron again and not see the light-
ning and mhaybe for'get the thun-
-Franz Theodore Stone,

Fifty-Ninth Year

At theMichigan...
Grable and Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.
THAT SO MANY innocent tlitle ermines
should have died in vain! Aside from
the lovely garments made by their sacrifice,
beautiful sets and bright, bright technicolor,
"That tool in fur tails" has nothing to rec-
ommend it and much to condemn it.
For this is fantasy that doesn't enchant,
songs that should be left unsung, death-
less lines that inspire lively laughter and
allurement that becomes inanity. With
their entertainment sense apparently out
at the dry cleaners, the producers obviously
whipped up this gummy confection for the
sole purpose of exhibiting Miss Grable's
commendable figure and the talents of
their costumers in covering It.
They may have something there, but after
an hour and a half of Hungarian wars, char-
acters stepping out of portraits, royal com-
mands at hog-calling pitch, unconvincing
legends and Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., running
around in gold braid and tight pants, their
objective gets lost in the melee.
The dazzling Miss G. begins to look like
nothing so much as an overdressed doll
with too much, too blond hair, and Mr. Fair-
banks like a man who should have known

At the State . A
HATTER'S CASTLE, with James Mason,
Deborah Kerr, and Robert Newton.
THIS WEEK we shall further alienate
the motion picture industry--not by
panning the picture-but by asserting that
all advertising associated with it is a de-
lusion and a snare.
In the first place, James Mason and
Deborah Kerr are not the stars as listed.
The whole affair belongs to one Robert
Newton in the role of Brodie. In his por-
trayal of the greatest Menace the screen
has ever produced-here or in Britain-
he is tirelessly and terribly frightening,
though occasionally quite hammy.
Furthermore, the picture is not especially
"Frank! Daring! Adult!" It is simply an un-
usually gripping melodrama containing
nothing that would fail to pass Hollywood's
puritan censorship code. In fact, as we
have hinted, Mason and Miss Kerr appear
so seldom that they hardly have time to
be "reckless lovers."
Another performance, given by an ac-
tress whose name has so little box office
appeal that it is not even listed in the
ads, certainly deserves high praise. In the
part of Brodie's abused and invalid wife,
ta .nn, v. n - . a .t:. rri.n: n - ne 1h

Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ...Managing Editor
Dick Maloy..............City Editor
Naomi Stern .... ....Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti ....Associate Editor
Arthur Higbee.........Associate Editor
Murray Grant..........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey ...Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery......Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ..................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Halt......Business Manager
Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager
William C ulman ...Finance Manager
Cole Christian ....Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper,
All rights of republication of all other
matterseherein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00. by mail,

Look what Gus and I found back of
the house, m'boy! A tub! Full of
rainwater! For ducking for apples!

There must be an orchard on this big oldl
estate. We'll find apples. While we'ret
getting wood to toast the marshmallows-

Toddle after him, little girl, and
invite him to the party. Prettily.
i moi 4 - 1


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