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October 29, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-10-29

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Latest Deadline in the State





Politicos Battle
As Campaign Hits
LastMinute Stage
Dewey Promises Social Security,'
Truman Predicts Liberal Victory
By The Associated Press
Millions of voters listened last night as the presidential candidates
brought their campaigns to a new height of intensity.
Gov. Thomas F. Dewey, pledged increased Social Security benefits,
while President Truman resorted to cracker-barrel humor and Henry
Wallace promised voters the finer things of life, if elected.
* * * * *
BOTH TRUMAN AND DEWEY were met by gigantic audiences.
Wallace spoke before a meeting of the National Council of Arts,







Previous Scholarship Records Broken

Sciences and Letters.
Mentioning no specific figu
* * *
Party Fever
On Campus
Hits Climax
Groups Hold Last
Meetings, Discussion
Climaxing two months of inten-
sive campaigning, the campus
clubs last night held their final
pre-election meetings.
The Young Democrats an-
nounced plans to participate in a
torchlight parade and rally in Yp-
silanti tonight, while the Young
Republicans heard Gerald Ford,
Republican congressional nominee
from the fifth district, explain
how he defeated what he termed
an old reactionary incumbent in
the primaries.
Progressive Party candidates
spoke before 150 party members at
the Masonic Temple last night.
Local progressives were - given a
glimpse of their party in action in
an evening highlighted by
speeches directed against racial
The Democrats' parade, which
will start at Huron and Michigan
streets, will proceed to the high
school auditorium where the prin-
cipal speakers will be G. Mennen
Williams, Democratic candidate
for governor, Preston Slosson,
candidate for Congressman and
Arthur Elder, former director of
the Workers' Extension Service.
Elder will recount his experi-
ences as WES director and the
causes for his removal to another
'he ' Young Democrats also
voted unaminously to remain ac-
tive throughout the entire year
and plans were laid for future
meetings featuring prominent
Even a non-political group took
part in the pre-election whirligig.
The Foresters' Club, which met
last night, sent an open letter to
Governor Dewey asking for speci-
fic statements on conservatian
At the Young GOP meeting
Ford, a University graduate, '35,
and football star, said his cam-
paign centered around the fact
thac he is 30 years younger than
his opponent-he's 35, and that
his opposition is conceded to be
part of a machine of old party
hacks. Further, he is a veteran
and his opponent didn't serve in
the first world war.
Later Ford upheld the Republi-
cans on such national campaign
issues as taxation, foreign policy
and labor legislation.
A resolution urging modifica-
tion of the speakers' ban was
unanimously passed in opposition
to the AVC petition.
An election night party, open to
all, was announced at the meet-
ing. It will be held over the Sugar
Bowl restaurant down town and
last from 8 p.m. until the returns
are in.
At the Masonic Temple, Ro-
berta Barrow, Progressive Party
candidatefor Secretary of State,
lashed out against "Jim Crow"
laws and racial segregation. "I am
proud to be a member of the Pro-,
gressive Party," she said. "We are
campaigning together for issues
common to all people."
Ernest Goodman, running for
State A trnv General and Jack

res for social security increases,


Dewey proposed that benefits be
extended to farm and house-
hold workers, government em-
ployees, and small businessmen,
raising the total of people un-
der the program by "many mil-
Dewey also pledged a higher
minimum wage, and "a stronger
and expanded public health serv-
ice." He gave no hint as to how
high a minimum he advocated or
how far his public health pro-
gram would go.
* *. *
tonight, Henry Wallace promised
appointment of art and science
secretaries with cabinet rank
"when the Progressive Party puts
its first president into the White
Charging that "the two old
parties or monopoly have no
program for the integration of
culture and science in Amer-
ican life," he said that big- bus-
iness fears artists and intellec-
tuals who sought for truth.
Wallace said, "I am an agricul-
tural scientist."
Truman came out fighting to-
night in Madison Square Garden,
where he told large crowds that
"liberal government will win Nov.
2," along with the principles of
Franklin Roosevelt.
*. * *
following after him and shouting,
"Me, too," and declared that the
Republican candidate "Will still
be trailing along behind when the
votes are counted."
Truman remarked: "I have a
little shadow that goes in and
out with me,
"And what can be the use of
him is more than I can see."
Also in New York was Edward
A. Teicher, Socialist Labor candi-
date for president, who said that
his party "stands alone in this
campaign against all the forces of
reaction," and that universal well-
being can be achieved "only
through the revolutionary pro-
gram of the Socialist Labor
CAB To Launch
Camipa ign. Today
The Committee to Abolish the
Ban will meet at 4 p.m. today in
the Union to formulate definite
plans for its campaign against
the University ban on political
All campus organizations inter-
ested in cooperating with the
Committee are urged to send rep-
resentatives to the meeting.
Groups which have already con-
sented to participate in today's
session include AVC, the Young
Democrats. Young Progressives,
UWF, SRA, and Hillel.

Grade Point
Averages Set
10 Year High
Reports Will Be
Mailed to Houses
Undergraduate students broke
University scholarship records last
year, with the highest grade-point
average for both men and women
in the past 10 years.
The average for all women
jumped from 2.62 to 2.65 during
the past year. Men's grade stand-
ings rose a notch from 2.54 to,2.55.
* * *
-THE COMBINED rating for
men and women climbed from
2.56 to 2.57. Despite these broken
For a point-by-point record
of the scholastic standings of
various fraternity, sorority and
independent houses, see page 8
for a run-down on the grade-
point status.
records, the overall scholastic av-
erage for all students only tied
the high mark reached in 1944-45.
Men, with a lower grade av-
erage, outnumber the women
and push down the overall rat-
Among residence halls, Ma'ry
Markely House earned the high-
est scholastic average with 2.89.
KAPPA NU stood at the head
of the fraternity list.
Gamma Phi Beta's 2.86 record
took top honors for sororities, and
was the highest sorority average
in 10 years.
Eight fraternities found them-
selves below the 2.4 danger
mark, a drop from the 11 in that
bracket the year before. No
other residence groups fell be-
low the grade standard recently
put into effect.
However, the general fraternity
average was 2.49.
S * * *
FRESHMEN men and freshmen
residence halls (more than 50 per
cent neophytes) were the only
general groups whose averages
slumped. But Williams House resi-
dents, more than 50 per cent of
them freshmen, bounced highest
among the men's halls.
The average for freshmen
women jumped markedly over

i . . . Revelli's men highlight gigantic pep meeting to open Michigan Homecoming celebration.
*d4 *sm in
Band Featured as Curtai n Rises on 'arsity Night'

This is the day of "The
At 8:15 p.m. today in Hill Au-
ditorium the University Concert
Band will join forces with the
cream of campus talent and a
bevy of top professional per-
formers to present the tradi-
tional "Varsity Night."
* * *
TICKETS FOR the "Night"
at 75 cents, are on sale at Rm.
2, University Hall, in the lounge

of Harris Hall, and from any
band member.
Performers range the whole
length of the entertainment
scale, from magicians to ven-
triloquists, and from soloists
to an entire glee club.
On the professional side of
the bill, there'll be Karrell Fox,
a comedian-magician who calls
himself the "King of Korn,"
Charles Montgomery, the Ten-

nessee Hillbilly," and Earl Got-
berg, a ventriloquist wvell-re-
membered for his performance
here two years ago.
* * *
BUT TOP MAN among the
professionals in the eyes of
many will be Ted Waldman, in-
ternationally known harmonica
player and one of the few men
who is able to obtain true chro-
matic tones from an ordinary

harmonica without attachments.
Campus talent will include
the Vaughan House Trio, the
Mack Ferguson Trio, the two-
piano team of Clarke and Wy-
ant, the Stewart Twins, Gloria
Jo Gonan, mezzo-soprano, and
Floyd Werle, pianist.
And as a special treat for the
Lone Ranger fans, Alan Squire
and his symphonette will ren-
der the "William Tell Overture."

- - ---v

Soviet Envoy
Asks -if U.S.
Is Rearmting
Queries Military
Strength in Japan
(By The Associated Press)
Prime Minister Stalin's charge
that the United States-along
with Britain and France-is try-
ing to start a new war got an im-
mediate assist today from his Am-
bassador in Washington.
Hardly had Stalin's interview
with a Pravda correspondent come
inder official study here when
'r'viet Ambassador Alexander S.
Panyushkin made public a de-
;nand that the United States ex-
plain whether and why it is build-
ing up its military strength in
* * *
ister Andrei Vishinsky opened a
political counter-offensive on the
Balkans issue today and outlined
huis- own peace plan for Greece.
He said the United N'ations
Special Commission's report qp1
border conditions was a "pile of
The State Department joined
issue with both Stalin and Pan-
yushkin. Stalin's statement in
part accused the Western Pow-
ers of wrecking Big Four nego-
tiations for a settlement of the
Berlin crisis last month.
To this the State Department
replied that it's "White Paper"
gave the "truthful" account of
what happened in these ne
tions, The White Paper blame
PANYUSHKIN, in making his
demand, referred to an Associated
Press dispatch from Tokyo Oct.
14 which said U.S. defense com-
manders visiting Japan expressed
pleasure at measures which had
been taken "to convert the old
Japanese Navy Yard at Yokosuka
into a modern base capable of
handling large fleet units."
Panyushkin also had raised a
question of a military conference
which Gen. Douglas MacArthur
recently held with other Amer-
ican commanders at Tokyo. The
State Department said in effect
that such conferences are no-
body else's business.
The first reaction of authorities
here to the Stalin and Panyush-
kin moves was to put the whole
thing down- as designed to inject
new life into what they consider
Russia's lagging "peace offensive."
Socialists Plan
eeting Day
A new twist to the campus po-
litical alphabet will come into be-
ing today with the formation of a
student chapter of the Young
People's Socialist League-YPSL.
- Successor to the defunct
SLID-Student League for Indus-
trial Democracy - the campus
YPSL will hold its organizational
meeting at 4 p.m. today in the
apartment of Charles Buck, 1272
University Terrace.
founders, said they will petition
the Student Affairs Committee '

for University recognition as soon
as the group gets organized.
The group, affiliated with the
national Socialist Party, will
support Norman Thomas for
president on the national slate.
Plans have been laid by the
founders to pass out Socialist
campaign literature over the
The organization will support
public ownership of industries, the
Marshall Plan, world government,
and universal disarmament. They
are opposed to the draft, American

last year.

x wa n%,"A j v r c:a

For the first time since the
grade-point set-up was institut-
ed in 1938-39, houses and dorms
will get individual records of
their residents' grades by mail
"It is hoped that all groups will
take the opportunity to review the
records carefully and compliment
those who have achieved out-
standing success and offer assis-
tance to those in need," Regis-
trar Ira M. Smith said.

Postal Officers
Accuse State
Party Leader
liatchi Nct Violationl
Claimed in Hearing
DETROIT --- (/")' - Fourteen
Michigan postal officials testi-
fied today that they had been so-
licited for "voluntary" political
contributions this year by the
state Democratic Party.
William J. Collins, acting post-
master at Pontiac, said under
questioning at a Congressional
hearing that he had received a
phone call at his postoffice. He
said it was from a person identi-
fying himself as John R. Franco,
Chairman of the State Democrat-
ic Central Committee.
* * k
"HE ASKED if I was interested
in contributing to the campaign,"
Collins said. "He wanted to put
me down for $200. I told.him I'd
be glad to talk it over."
Collins said he made no com-
;mitments during the conversa-
The Federal Corrupt Practices
Act, known as the Hatch Act,
prohibits solicitation of political
donations on Federal property.
Hearings were opened here to-
day by a subcommittee of the
House Campaign Expenditures
Committee into charges that
Franco has violated the law. Fran-
co has admitted soliciting, but he
has denied any illegal acts.
TWO OTHER postmasters--
Walter R. Williams, of Pearl
Beach, and G. W. Fisher, of Somn-
erset Center--testified that they
had received calls at the stores in
which their post offices are situat-
All witnesses admitted receiv-
ing calls from a person identi-
fying himself as Franco. Most

Daily Editors Fail in Attempt'
To Incite Discussion on Mall

Five Daily night editors yes-
terday tried unsuccessfully to gen-
erate a political discussion on the
Campus Mall, newly set aside as
an area for spontaneous student
After thirty minutes of more or
less spirited bickering, they had
succeeded in enticing no one to ac-
cept the challenge of a free de-
POSING AS proponents of op-
posite political views, the would-
be provacateurs filled the air with
a battery of facts, lies, propa-
ganda, insinuations, accusations
and innuendoes.
Most passersby regarded the
group with a passive air of dis-
Chief deterrent to participation
in the diseussion appeared to be a
Will Go to Olivet
Dick Nakumura, '51, and Ken-
neth Yoss, Grad., will leave the
Robert Owen Coop House at 8:10
a.m. today to take part in a stu-
dent demonstration at Olivet Col-
lege this afternoon.
The demonstration has, been
planned to coincide with an Olivet
Board of Regents meeting at
which the dismissal of a profes-
sor and his wife will be discussed.

2 p.m. Economics 51 bluebook in
the Natural Science Auditorium.
Further investigation revealed
that no discussion -had taken place
on the Mall previous to the at-
tempt made by The Daily.
A subsequent effort to provoke
a debate at 3 p.m. was similarly
The Daily's experiment was oc-
casioned by Dean Walter's ruling
that political discussion may be
held on the Mall, underneath the
flagpole, from noon to 4 p.m. each
'Date Books'
Of 20,533!
With each cover red as finger-
nail polish, 5500 new 1948-1949
Student Directories will start
pouring onto campus beginning
Nov. 2.
For one dollar, the students will
be sold a goldmine of 20,533 stu-
dent names, Ann Arbor addresses,
home addresses, and-phone num-
Bill Zerman, Directory sales
manager says, "I think Directories
are the best date book on campus.
With a dollar's worth of Directory
and a handful of nickels, I'm in."

Anti-Flu Shots
Offer Solution
To ColdWar
The University Health Service
has come up with the latest solu-
tion to the cold war.
Health Service is offering free
flu shots to students. Dr. Forsythe,
director, said that if enough stu-
dents take advantage of the in-
noculations the possibility of a
serious influenza epidemic can be
The shots also furnish some im-
munity to the common cold.
Students whose names begin
with H, I, and J may report at the
North door of Health Service to-
day. Those at the beginning of
the alphabet who missed their ap-
pointed time may likewise come
The remaining schedule is: K
L, Nov. 1; M, N, 0, Nov. 2; P,Q,R,
Nov. 3; S, Nov. 4; and T-Z, Nov. 5.
No ID, No Game!
Students will again be required
to show both ID cards and tickets
to get into Saturday's game, Tick-
ets Manager Don Weir has an-
Wives of students will be asked
to present athletic coupon books
if they have no card.
Any student found transferring
his ticket to someone else will lose
his tickets to the remaining home
games, as did twelve violators at
the Northwestern game.

World News At A Glance
By The Associated Press
LANSING-"Prices will stop rising when people stop spending be-
yond their incomes," Prof. Paul W. McCracken of the University of
Michigan School of Business told members of the Michigan Associa-
tion of Farmer Cooperatives at their annual meeting.
Dr. McCracken said indications already are evident that consumer
spending is tapering off.

* * *
Force claimed a cut of about
$8,000 a day in the cost of the
Berlin airlift.

*' 4 *
WASHINGTON-Death ended
the Congressional career of Rep.
Milton West, 60-year-old Browns-
ville, Texas, Democrat.

Fraternity Presidents Pan 2.4 Ruling

WASHINGTON-What the women of this country need is a
daintily colored automobile that will show instantly that a women is
at the wheel.
The suggestion and reasoning came from Mrs. Veronica Dengel
who teaches a course on how to improve your personality at New York

Cpmments on the 2.4 ruling
among fraternity men were as
varied in kind as there are frat-
ernities on campus.

"antagonism which the rule en-
genders will largely deprive the
plan of force."
Referring to his own house,
Walsh said that the Theta Delta

COMMENTING on the decision
of the Interfraternity Council to
meet with alumni in an effort to
arrive at a better plan, McAllis-
ter said that some other plan


4 4 4 * *

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