See Page 4
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Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LIX, No. 33
etroit Leaders
it WES Changes
Sigler 'Fogged In,' Misses Meeting;
Committee Charges GM Pressure
More than 40 top religious, civic and labor leaders yesterday
irected their remarks to Gov. Kim Sigler's empty chair in a meeting
ailled to protest the Board of Regents' recent action in revamping
he Workers' Educational Service and firing its director, Arthur A.
When the Governor failed to keep his 10 a.m. appointment with
he group in Detroit's Book-Cadillac Hotel, they waited an hour and
half and then went ahead with the meeting.
A * *
"AT LEAST 1,500,000 citizens of Michigan have suffered a direct
Choose Malii
As Site for
Discuss ions
Hack Co
nsult from Gov. Sigler,"
* * *
EU' xtension
Enro Inent
Equals Registration
In Regular Courses
University extension course en-
collments for 1947-48 is equal to
enrollment in the University
proper, according to a report is-
sued by Everett J. Soop, Extension
3ervice director.
Over 21,000 registrations are re-
sorded in the 315 credit courses,
168 non-credit courses and other
ipecial programs offered by the
Rxtension Service.
* * *
SOOP EXPECTED the figures to
remain the same for the present
7,000 students are enrolled In
the credit courses, and over
14,000 in other programs.
Included in 1948-49 registra-
Lions are 1,669 veterans studying
under the GI Bill.
Classes are offered in 26 com-
rnunities, the c..inlud-
ing" Detroit, Grand Rapids and
Flint. The. program, conducted on
a, statewide basis, offers classes in
workers' education, parent educe,-
ion and specialized practical sub-
lliam B. Sperry, chairman of the
Lgroup, said.
At the meeting were Episcopal,
Jewish and Roman Catholic re-
ligious leaders as well as repre-
sentatives of the Michigan Com-
mittee on Civil Rights, Amer-
icans for Democratic Action, the
National Association for the Ad-
vancement of Colored People,
AFL, CIO and independent un-
They denounced the Regents'
decision to reorganize the Univer-
sity Workers' Education Program,
charging that pressure from Gen-
eral Motors Corp. forced the
Dismissal of former director El-
der was also a result, they said, of
last May's attack on the Work-
ers' Educational Service by a Gen-
eral Motors employe who said two
lectures he attended were "Marx-
* * *
STATEMENTS at yesterday's
meeting called for:
1-Opening meetings of the
Board of Regents to the public and
the press.
2 -Publicizing the investiga-
tion on which the Board said it
based the reorganization of the
workers' education program.
3-Transferring workers' educa-
tion to the State Superintendent of
Public Instruction because the
University is "entirely unfit and
unable to carry on this important
rviee'=msssheown-bT the-3egenl,
* *~ *.
GOV. SIGLER said later that
his plane was "fogged in" at Mus-
kegon airport . . . That made me
entirely too late for the meeting."
Establishment of an area for
student discussion at the base of
the flag pole on the Mall was
announced yesterday by Dean of
Students Erich A. Walter.
Discussion will be limited to the
hours from noon to 4 p.m. Mon-
day through Friday on topics
"within the realm of good taste."
Students can participate as indi-
viduals only and no organized par-
tisan activity will be permitted.
* * *
THE DECISION to give students
an area for discussion was the
result of a Student Legislature
petition passed at last week's
The plan was approved Tues-
day by the Student Affairs Com-
mittee and University authorities
gave their final okay yesterday.
The SL petition came after
Dean Walter had interpreted the
ban on political speakers as for-
bidding the discussions center-
ing around a Wallace Progres-
sive petition booth on the Diag
two weeks ago.
The SAC approved rules pro-
vide that the student body shall
have the responsibility of main-
taining order and "a true spirit of
impromptu debate."
NO OFFICIAL leader of the
discussions will be allowed under
the rules.
Any act of physical violence or
disorderly conduct or an attempt
by a student group to conduct an
organized political rally is deemed
by the rules as "against the best
interests of the student body."
Any such action will be sub-
ject to investigation and trial
by Men's or Women's Judiciary
Council, according to the plan.
The Student Legislature will ap-
point a committee of three to di-
rect cases of misconduct to the
Judiciary bodies.
Dean Walter said that the plan
would go into effect immediately.
To New AYC
Bob Holston was elected chair-
man of AVC at last night's meet-
Other officers chosen were John
Sloss, vice chairman; Mary Glad-
stone, recording secretary; Ed Yel-
lin, corresponding secretary, and
Paul Malkus, treasurer.
Members at large selected were
Gil Dancy, Ed Shaffer, Jerry Mc-
Croskey, and Buddy Aronson.
Passed without dissent was a
motion to set up a permanent
committee headed by Art Moskoff
to provide social, educational, and
recreational activities for patients
at the Veterans Readjustment
Center and other veterans' hospi-
tals. The motion included an im-
mediate donation of $50.00 to the
Also passed was a resolution
protesting the indictment of the
12 Communist leaders. The mem-
bership voted to contribute $25.00
to the Civil Rights Congress in its
fight against the indictment.
Mary Gladstone was appointed
delegate to the Citizens Commit-
tee to Secure Justice for Roosevelt
Odria Leads
Revolt in Peru
LIMA, Peru----(P)-The Peruvian
government announced tonight
the army garrison at Arequipa had
The announcement said the
armed revolutionists were headed
by Gen. Manuel Odria. No other
details of the rebellion, including
its progress, were disclosed.
The country has been in a state
of unrest for several weeks and
the government of President Jose
Luis Bustamante Rivero assumed
emergency powers yesterday.
Basements of fraternities and
sororities and dorm recreation
rooms are alive with activity this
week as amateur artisans rush to
complete homecoming displays be-
fore the 9 a.m. deadline Saturday.
Some 90 houses and dorms have
entered the contest to vie for the
trophies on display in the window
of a local bookstore.
Since men's displays must be
moving, the contest will probably
provide an outlet for the ideas of
some of the more imaginative en-
BUT EVEN in the women's resi-
dences, you can see last minute
consultation of intricate plans,
many of which would put the most
advanced engineers to shame, and
hard working women toting
strange materials for use in the
wierd displays.
Starting this year, for the first
time in the history of the con-
test, trophies will become rotat-
ing, and permanent plaques
will be awarded winning houses.
Judges will start driving around
town to view the displays at 9 a.m.
Saturday morning, and the win-
ners will be announced between
halves of the game.
The West Quad will hold its
own homecoming display contest,
rewarding a cup to the winning
LAST YEAR, Lloyd House in the
West Quad took first place in the
contest with a display featuring
"Men of Distinction." Alpha Xi
"beit '-won the top women's award
with their circus display.
Last year's homecoming dis-
Displays Highlight Gala Weekend
* * * *
ing Ann Arbor on Washtenaw who
saw a strange series of signs read-
ing: "Prohibition Plaza, two
miles," "Volstead Vista, one mile";
then "No deans drink here," "No
professors drink here," and finally
"Nobody drinks here."
*. * *
will be set off by the traditional
"Varsity Night," to be held 8:15,
p.m. Friday in Hill Auditorium.
Besides professional entertain-
ment, the "Night" will feature top
campus talent, and the first per-
formance of the Michigan concert
Selections the band will play
include a brand new march
called "Marcho Poco," and
"Waggery for Woodwinds,"
featuring the various sections of
the band.
Student performances will in-
clude solos, piano duets, and a
couple of trios.
* * 4
FOR THE first time in many
years, the Homecoming weekend
will be without a pep rally. Too
many students attend pre-game
parties for a successful rally, Wol-
verine club members said.
The Illinois game, the Home-
coming Dance at the IM Building,
and movies of the Minnesota game
at 8:30 p.m. Sunday in the Union
Ballroom will finish off the week-
The annual Homecoming Dance
this year will feature the Music
of Sam Donahue and his orches-
tra. Thousands of pleasure seek-
ers are expected to attend the gala
affair which will be held in an
elaborately decorated I. M. Build-
PRIZE WINNER--Pictured above is the prize winning Homecom-
ing display exhibited by Lloyd House last year.
* * * *
B ostonians,8
[lear Talks
Both Candidates
Bid for Votes
(By The Associated Press)
Communism was the subject of
presidential campaign oratory
last night-Truman said he hated
Communism - and Dewey said
Americans in high places are help-
ing the Communist propaganda
President Truman was speaking
at Boston. He made a bid for the
Irish-Catholic vote by saying he
hated the godless creed of Com-
munism and promised a never sur-
render fight against it.
GOV. DEWEY spoke at Cleve-
land where he told 12,000 persons
gathered in the municipal audito-
rium that world peace cannot be
achieved by "jovially remarking we
like good old Joe Stalin."
The New York governor was
referring to the President's re-
mark in Oregon last spring,
when Truman said he likes "Old
Joe" but that Stalin could not
carry out his agreements be-
cause he was a "prisoner of the
Back in Boston Truman was tell-
ing a cheering Irish audience that
"we shall not retreat" from the
"frank and firm position that
Communism must not spread its
tentacles into the western zones
of Germanyl"
TRUMAN said the voters can
fight Communism "with a clear
cut vote to defeat Republican re-
Meanwhile in Cleveland Dewer
continued his attack on the Dem-
ocrats by saying that "persons in
places of authority are voicing day
after day the world wide Com-
munist propaganda that America
is headed from boom to bust.
"They are ridiculing the old
fashioned idea of teamwork and
unity and are trying to divide
our people by appeals to fear
and prejudice," Dewey said.
At the same time back in Bostori
Truman was saying that his fight
is against a Republican appeal to
"The passions of prejudice and in-
Three Parties
Plan Meetings;
All three political parties are
planning meetings here today.
The Young Republicans will
he ar Republican Congressional
nominee Gerald Ford at a meet-
ing at 7:30 p.m. today in the Un-
The Wallace Progressives are
sponsoring a rally at 8 p.m. in the
Masonic Temple where several
candidates for state offices will
The Young Democrats will dis-
cuss plans for post-election activ-
ity during their regular meeting at
7:30 p.m. today in the Union.
Meanwhile student members of
all three political organizations
have been making plans to assist
in getting out the vote next Tues-
day. Several will also act as poll
plays ranged from Rose Bowl
trains to giant stills, and in-
cluded a Punch and Judy show
and an underwater scene.
Another fantastic display last
year was seen by motorists enter-
WSummer Solstice' Will
e Given Here Tonight
* * '"
The premiere performance of
"Summer Solstice," the Speech
epartment's first play production
f the year, will be given at Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre tonight.
Written by Robert Shedd of the
iglish Department as a project
or a creative writing course under
of. Kenneth Rowe, the comedy
as a winner in last year's Hop-
wood contest.
THE AMUSING story of a group
of teachers who come back to a
large University in the summer for
graduate work, the play is designed
to dramatize the many amusing
incidents which occur in a summer
session. It is under the direction
of Valentine Windt.
Featured in the leading roles
will be Shirley Loeblich, Don
Mitchell, Betty Fuller and Mar-
garet Pell.
The cast will also include Beth
Klaver, Chuck Fossatti, Bill Rohr-
ing, Margery Smith, Steve Steph-
enson, Polly Thompson, Ann Hus-
selman, Betty Ellis, Boots Kall-
man, Ruth Frankenstein, Ruth
Livingston, Dick Jennings and
Karin Jamison.
* *% *
FOR THE LAST four weeks the
cast and crew, made up of stu-
dents in the Speech Department's
play production, stagecraft, acting
and direction classes, have spent
six nights a week rehearsing the
The initial rehearsals were
held in the Temporary Class-
room Building, moving to Lydia
Mendelssohn for dress rehearsals
this week. The set was originally
(By The Associated Press)
NEW HAVEN, Conn.-Henry A.
Wallace charged tonight that the
very "reactionaries" against whom
President Truman warned in his
Chicago speech occupy key posts
in his own administration.
States today halted most of its
remaining program of Marshall
Plan gifts to Europe until nine
European countries sign up for
repayable loans.
*. * *
proposed today that President
Truman use his control of the
"money bags of the Marshall
Plan" to end the "shooting of
French coal miners who are hun-
the elections are out of the way
next week. the United States is
expected to lay the basis for a
decision on a military alliance
with western Europe.
RMJNO, Nev.--Doris Duke, some-
times known as the world's richest
heiress, today was awarded a di-
vorce from Porfirio Rubirosa,
Dominican diplomat, whom she
married at Paris September 11,
WASHINGTON _- The Moscow
radio says victory in the American
presidential election is going to
Gov. Thomas E. Dewey.
While the Soviets keep urging
support for Henry Wallace, a
broadcast recorded by American
government monitors said:
"It is foretold on the basis of
various canvasses of opinion that
the election will put the Republi-
cans into the White House."
Free Flu Shots May Stave,
Off Corning Winter Colds
Those Ann Arbor sniffles can become a thing of the past.
Not only colds, but the more serious influenza epidemics may
avoided if students will make use of new flu shots, according
Health Service Director, Dr. Warren Forsythe.
THE SERUM, which is now being administered to students free
of charge, is even more effective than that used last year, Dr. Forsythe
said. Three types of influenza may be prevented by using the shots,
-- he pointed out.
PLAYWRIGHT-Faculty mem-
ber Robert Shedd will witness
the campus premiere of his play,
"Summer Solstice," tonight.
constructed in the TCB and
then moved to the theatre s age.
"Although the play involves no
scene changes, the partially out-
door setting has created the prob-
lem of producing realistic foliage,"
says Elaine Lew, the stage man-
* * *
ONE OF THE most interested
spectators, at the rehearsals has
been the author, Shedd. Although
he has wanted to be present to re-
write any lines which seem awk-
ward, Shedd has been dividing his
time between the theatre and his
wife, who is expecting a baby.
Campus Area
To Get New
Postal Station
A new branch postal station
which will alleviate congestion at
both the main office and the May-
nard St. branch will be opened
soon. according to Postmaster Os-
wald Koch.
The new office, to be located in
the E. University Ave.-S. Univer-
sity Ave. district, will provide
carrier service for residents in the
district east of State St. and south
of N. University.
In addition, the branch will sell
stamps and other postal items and
receive packages. Laundry case
lines will be shortened at the May-
nard Street office, as the new
branch will handle a large number
of these packages.
Although the exact location of
the station has not been deter-
mined, postal authorities will start
negotiating for rented quarters
shortly, Koch said.
He added that the station would
cut from 15 minutes to an hour in
delivery time of mail.
Fast, as well as free service
will be provided all students
who take flu shots during the
periods set aside by alphabet,
tomorrow through Nov. 5. Eight
nurses will be on hand every
day to administer the shots.
Students whose names begin
with E, F and G, as well as any
student at the beginning of the al-
phabet who missed his turn, may
report at the north door of Health
Service today.
* * *
THE REMAINING schedule is
H, 1. J, Oct. 29; K, L, Nov. 1; M,
N, O, Nov. 2; P. Q, R, Nov. 3; S,
Nov. 4; and T-Z, Nov. 5.
For the students worried about
a possible crimp in their social ac-
tivities, Dr. Forsythe commented :
"Since reactions are very slight,
flu shots will not put a damper on
Homecoming festivities."
Hey Texans.
The newly organized Texas Club
will hold an organizational meet-
ing for all students from the Lone
Star State at 7:30 p.m. today in
the Union.
Club founder Bailiss McInnis
urged all students who hail from
the longhorn state to attend the
initial meeting,
Buffer States
Menace Soviet
Says Barnes
Correspondent Cites
Buffer states may boomerang
against the Soviet according to
Russell Barnes, foreign corre-
spondent who spoke last night at
the Rackham amphitheatre.
Having just returned to the
United States after covering the
Big Four Foreign Ministers meet-
ing in Moscow, Barnes declared
that uprisings have occurred in
Russian satellite countries since
the Tito government has been op-
erating effectively in secret.
IHE MAINTAINED that a work-
able Marshall Plan and .a success-
ful settlement of the Berlin crisis
may cause uprisings in Soviet buf-
fer states that will expel the Com-
munists in a few years.
Mr. Barnes added that Rus-
sian expansion has been car-
ried out according to the plans
of a communistic blueprint that
he saw several years ago in
Russia wants a world system
based on Communism, Mr. Barnes
explained. He pointed out that
the Russians are using Berlin as a
lever in the United Nations to
force a new peace settlement that
would give the Soviet additional
reparations. The Russians also
want a new political setup in Ger-
many, he said.
Red Feather
With just two days. remaining
in the Ann Arbor Community
UWF Elects
The United World Federalists
Famous Economists To Speak Here During '48-'49
HE WENT ON to say that the
Communists may execute a serious
retreat on the Berlinissue rather
than risk war with Western
Powers. It is inherent in the Com-
munistic doctrine to retreat in a
pinch in order to preserve the cen-
ter of world revolution behind the
'iron curtain, Mr. Barnes affirmed.
War and internal revolution
could break down the arsenal
of world Communism and great-
ly retard the spread of commu-
nistic ideals, he argued.
Inside information on indus-
Says We're
' Stereotyped'
A Finnnish student traveling in
this country thinks all American
students conform to a stereotype
Margareta Neovius expressed
this opinion during an informal
talk before the University Luther-
Top-ranking economists from
FACH f.I1F:4T lP efIIrPr will rzB.r- I
I HnnkIin5 .TTnivr'4ity. He pwill ad-I
versitu of Virginia. His topics will I