r eQtr6dt I Third Party Blues "Waleli It, Budi". (Editor's Note is written by Managing Editor- Harriett Friedman.) THE 'LOFTY sure-to-be-elected attitude of the Republicans has taken on a slightly pleading tone. In Republican papers throughout the country I have been reading actual pleas for the election of Republican senators. With Gov. Dewey's election assured, according to these papers, the United States can't afford to have a Senate dominated by the other party. Such thinking has led The Chicago Daily News to back Sen. "Curly" Brooks, isola- tionist and reactionary of the old school. And this despite the fact that his oppo- nent, Paul Douglas, is accepted by the News as a Jiberal. Gov. Dewey needs the support of a Re- publican Senate to accomplish his great plans, it is said. Such papers as the Daily News seem to imply that the liberal Dewey will welcome support of isolationists in order to have his own party dominating the Con- gress. Perhaps Dewey and the Republicans are not quite so concerned over international and labor problems as they pretended during the campaign. In support of this conclusion, we also have the Republican pleas for Sen. Joseph H. Ball of Minnesota, who has asked for labor curbing laws stronger than the Taft- Hartley Act. Sen. Ball is opposed by Hu- bert Humphrey, Democratic-Farm Labor- ite candidate, whose liberal views are well known. Of course one can't expect Republicans to oppose their own candidates. But Gov. Dewey has made a big issue of having good administrators and men of high calibre in Washington. He has also asked the American people to believe in him as a fond supporter of labor rights,, internation- alism, and liberal domestic legislation. Even more memorable are Dewey's con- stint cries for healthy bi-partisanship, whereby good men of both parties shall work together in solving the nation's prob- lems. I also seem to have heard the word "Unity" mentioned. With such a background, the GOP weep- ing for election of Republicans, just because they are Republicans, seems a little con- tradictory. If the pleas are in vain, as I hope, thei perhaps Gov. Dewey will get a chance to show how well he can work with liberals of both parties in obtaining his elusive "Unity." Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: AL BLUMROSEN PD RATHER BE RIGHT: Guns or Butter By SAMUEL GRAFTON ONE TRIES to peer into the future, to en- vison what sort of world it is'Mr. Dewey and his friends see ahead of us, if, indeed, they are looking very far beyond Election Day. On that day, one of Mr. Dewey's prob- lems will have been solved, but ours will go right on, and one would like to have a foretaste, a projection, a bit of an idea of what things are going to be like after that. It looks as if it would be a rather queer time. If we carry forward into the future the curve of Mr. Dewey's speeches, the most remarkable perspectives open up. First of all,.it will be (if Mr. Dewey is right) a time of abounding unity. But in this period of unity the most tiresome of Republican reactionaries are going to have a kind of charmed life; since no one has suggested doing anything to curb them, t1ey will carry on as they did before, ex- cept that they will be immune to criticism because this is going to be a period of harmony. There is something else that seems a bit strange about the picture Mr. Dewey pro- jects, and that is that it is a picture of a' country producing both guns and butter, and doing so in an atmosphere of considerable felicity. Now there have been countries (like our own, normally) which have produced butter instead of guns, and there have been countries which have produced guns instead of butter; but Mr. Dewey's schedule plainly calls upon us to do both. One can- not call to mind any country which has been able to combine these objectives very well over a long period; but Mr. Dewey does. He sees the future, soothingly, as one in which we shall be opening our new little stores, and our new filling stations, and making our new little inventions and investments; living, in a word, our normal, stable lives. But he also sees a future in which we shall have to strain indefi- nitely against a vast foreign uncertainty, in which we shall have to continue to pile up arms at a cost of perhaps 150 billions to 200 billions in the next ten years, and in which we shall never know, while living our brilliantly normal stable lives, what is going to happen from one day to the next. And one has the feeling that Mr. Dewey flashes these two pictures of the future on the screens of our minds consecutively, never THIRD PARTIES have never won on elec- tion in United States history and have only rarely' collected an electoral vote- which makes it seem strange that the third and fourth parties were formed in 1948. The one main purpose of third parties, aside from election, is to put across a pro- gram by forcing the major parties to in- clude certain points in their platforms. This was shown by the liberal points in both Republican and Democratic plat- forms this year. But, having accomplished this point the continued campaigning of such parties be- comes a paradox of self-contradiction. Cer- tainly this is true of the Progressive Party, and with due consideration for the failure of the southerners to get a reversal on civil rights, their actions too seem contradictory. THE THURMOND group is protesting against the Civil Rights program by helping to lose the election for Truman. Yet, the party they will thus elect is pledged to a similar program. The wishful thinking that the election will be thrown into the House of Representatives can be passed off as simple naivete. Simultaneously, the Southerners who vote against Truman will not only be putting in a party which says it will act on Civil Rights, but is also putting in a party which traditionally aided the big business interests in their exploitation of the South, by refusing to change railroad rates so that the south could develop it- self economically. The Progressive group seems equally irra- tional in its outlook. We have the words of their own candidate, Henry A. Wallace, that "A third party would guarantee a reactionary victory." And that the "two party system is the only system that will work" in the United States. For a party that claims the Democrats are aligning themselves with "fascism and big business," they seem to be coming dangerously close to that situation themselves. * * * NO PROGRESSIVE can still believe that Wallace has the slightest cance of election. The polls show that they will not cast a "protest vote" as large as the one cast by the Southerners. Rather, by their strategic location in cities like Detroit and New York, where they control ceven per cent of the labor vote they will be assist- ing in the defeat of anti-Taft-Hartley President Harry Truman while maintain- ing that they are for labor and liberal legislation. So it would seem that both parties are cutting off their noses to spite their face. If the stubborn third partyites who still hold out under these conditions cannot com- promise, they are entirely unfit to hold a public office where they could defeat the general policies of liberalism for the sake of one point to their disliking. -Don McNeil. EUROPEAN f RlECOVE ty z Kw Letters to the Editor DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Advertising Facts STRIKING OUT against Communism, a S nation wide advertising campaign will soon be launched to explain the American economic system in simple language. The first in a monthly series of ads, planned by the Advertising Council, Inc., is scheduled to appear in November issues of magazines and newspapers. The ad will bear the heading "Sure America's Going Ahead If We All Pull Together." The Council is made up of leaders ;in business, labor, education, religion and so- cial service. Its efforts represent an attempt to utilize America's propaganda into a single, coordinated drive. Sporadic advertising in behalf of the American way of life in the past has re- sulted in a muddle of confusion. The Office of War Information issued much of the propaganda during the war, but most of this was directed to the people of Europe to convince them that America's side was the right side. Many large cor- pora'tions often ran full page ads in news- papers and magazines to display their belief in the American way of life. But these groups did not present an organ- ized campaign directed with a single pur- pose in mind. After the war the O.W.I. was disbanded and most national advertisers dropped their dramatic wartime appeals. On the other hand Soviet Russia has consistently main- tained effective propaganda campaigns in all parts of the world. If America is to answer the Communist's claims that capitalism sdoes not bring the greatest amount of good to the greatest number of people, she must be able to stack up her economic system with that of any other country. But before the success of American cap- italism can be demonstrated to other coun- tries, America has to be sure that her own people understand it. The Advertising Coun- cil's new campaign looks like it has the answer. -Janet Watts. MATTER OF FACT: R adjoact By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON - Sooner or later, and probably sooner, a decisive question must be answered. It is simply this: Can Western Europe, with American help, be placed in a posture of defense, despite the vast pre- ponderance of man power at the disposal of the Kremlin? One fact may well have an important bearing on the answer to this question. That is that the experts are giv- ing serious attention to the defensive po- tentialities of the radioactive by-products of atomic fission. The basic facts are simple. Atomic fis- sion has made the mass production of radioactive material possible. If a soldier (or any one else) is exposed for a suffici- ent length of time to this radioactive ele- ment, he becomes a casualty. At first, he feels no ill effects. Some hours later, he begins to vomit. Subsequently his pores begin to bleed, and if he has been suffici- ently exposed, he dies. From these facts, it is possible to jump to all sorts of startling - and incorrect - conclusions. Indeed, an idea worthy of the most excitable writers of "science fiction" has been quite seriously discussed. This scheme called for a sort of radioactive Mag- inot line across Western Europe, perhaps from northern Germany to theAlps, to pre- vent an advance of the Red Army to the West. For all sorts of reasons, the atomic energy experts consider this fantastic concept al- most certainly impractical. But very serious attention is nevertheless being paid to the less spectacular possibilities of radioactive defense. The object is, of course, to find some way to use this by-product of atomic fission to deny vital ground to an aggres- sor. If this object is achieved, the implica- tions are obvious. The greatest weakness of the Red Army is transport - during the last war the Russians depended very heav- New Books at General Library Chaplin, Ralph-Wobbly: The Rough-and- Tumble Story of an American Radical. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1948. Erskine, John-My Life as a 't'eacher. Phil- adelphia, Lippincott, 1948. Gide, Andre-The Journals of Andre Gide. New York, Knopf, 1948. Hobart, Alice-The Cleft Rock. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill, 1948. Michener, James-Tales of the South Pacific. ye Defense ily on American-made trucks. Under any circumstances, in case of war, the task of transporting and supplying the Red Army from bases in distant Russia would be im- mensely difficult. It requires no acquaint- ance with top secret documents to under- stand how these difficulties could be mul- tiplied if important centers of communi- cation, crossroads, bridges and, above all, railroad marshalling yards, were even temporarily denied to the invader. And any area sufficiently impregnated with the radioactive by-product of atomic fission would of course become, at least for some time, a death trap. Yet it is important to understand the limitations of the radioactive defense. In the first place, of course, there is the "prob- lem of dissemination." This could probably be done - the Atomic Energy Commission's David Lilienthal has already announced that planes powered by atomic energy are now known to be practi- cable. But even if the problem of dissemina- tion were solved, the radioactive defense would not be a total defense. It would not, for one thing, be a permanent defense. Heavy rains over a period of time on an area impregnated with the atomic by- product would greatly reduce radioactivity, and under any circumstances the radioactive effect slowly weakens over a period of time. Moreover, there is a close correlation be- tween the deadly effects of radiation and the length of time of exposure. Lead sheets under trucks or tanks would give some pro- tection and so would the distance of a soldier from the ground. Men in such vehicles, traveling at top speed, could probably cross a considerable radioactivated area with- out becoming casualties. That is one reason why marshalling yards, where men must work for long periods of time, would be an obvious target for the radioactive defense. Finally, the ingenuity of the Red Army experts would certainly be brought to bear to find some counter-measure. The deadly radioactive material would cover only the surface of an area. If the surface were re- moved, perhaps by specially protected and specially equipped squads working for very short periods at a time, a passage might be forced through a radioactivated area. In short, the experts do not believe that the use of the radioactive by-product of atomic fission will miraculously solve the problem of the defense of Western Europe overnight. Yet even the most skeptical of the experts are agreed that the mass pro- duction of radioactive material may well have introduced a wholly new element into vvi lil'ni..-r, Anfn~ o n di,1 i-n + if. is Pnir~lx (Continued from Page 2) elude works by student composers Louis Dean Nuernberger, Fred- erick Truesdell, Edward Chuda- coff, and LeRoy Eitzen, present- ed by Millard Bush and Robert Henderson, pianists, Michael Polo- vitz, clarinetist, and Joan Bullen, cellist. The general public is invited. Carillon Recital: by Percival Price, Univerity Carillonneur, at 7:15 p.m., Thluts., Oct. 28. Pro- gram. Program will include group of Flemish carillon composihions, and eight British Folk Songs. Events Today Engineering Council Meeting: 7:30 p.m., W. Engineering Bldg. American Institute of Electri- cal Engineering and Institute of Radio 'Engineers, , Joint Student Branch: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 348 W. Engineering Bldg. Mr. R. 1-. Barnes of. the Michigan Bell Telephone Co. will speak on "The 'I'iai),sistor"' and "Bell System Transnissiun of Television by Wire md Microwave.' The pro- posed changes in the by-laws will be voted upon. Microwave dem- onstration. All interested are welcome. A.S.M.E. Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Nat-I ural Science Auditorium. Movies: "Tornado in a Box"- through courtesy of Allis-Chalmer "Building the Golden Gate Bridge" - through courtesy of Bethlehem Steel "Atomic Hydrogen Welding" - Shorts: "Are Welding" and "Atomic Hydrogen Welding" - through courtesy of General Electric. All those interested are invited to attend. English Journal Club: 7:45 p.m.,j East Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. "Belief in Literature" will be discussed by Mr. Manuel Bilsky of the Philosophy Dept. and Miss Catherine We' ver of the English Dept. All those interested are wel- come. Pre-Medical Society: Meeting 7:30 p.m., Rm. 3-G, Michigan Un- ion. Discussion and movies: "Hu- man Reproduction" and "Medical Service Second to None." Every- one invited. port on his recent trip to Spain. An open discussion will follow. United World Federalists Gen- eral Chapter Meeting: 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union. Agenda: Ds- cussion of Plans for the Peoples World Constitutional Convention in 1950; Election of delegates to the UWF National Convention. Every member is asked to bring at least one new member. Roger Williams Guild "chat:" 4:30-6 p.m. I.Z.F.A.: Wednesday study group 7:45 p.m., Rm. 3 B Michigan Union. Topic: "History of Zion- ism." Westminster Guild: Social tea. 4-6 p.m., 3rd floor parlor. Women of the University Fac- ulty: Afternoon Tea, 4-6 p.m., Rm. D, Michigan League. American Veterans Committee: Election of officers, 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union. Nominations will be accepted at the meeting prior to balloting. Coming Events Ordnance Film Hour: 8 p.m.., Thurs., Oct. 28, Rm. 3-R, Michigan Union. All Ordnance ROTC stu- dents are invited. Films for this month: "Task Force Williwaw" (North- ern Operations), "Concrete Pierc- ing Nose Fuzes," "The Cathode Ray Oscillograph." Eta Kappa Nu: Dinner meeting, 6:15 p.m., Michigan Union, Thurs., Oct. 28. U. of M. Rible Club: firing, 7 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 28, Basement, ROTC range. Deutscher Verein: 7:45 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 28, Rm. 38, Michigan Union. Program: presentation of Hans Sachs' Ein Fah~rend r Schuler im Paradies, poetry read- ings, and a movie. International Center weekly tea, 4:30-6 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 28. Host- esses Mrs. Martha Wentworth and Mrs. Homer Underwood. University of Michigan Young Republican: Last meeting of the semester, 7:30 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 28, Hussey Room, Michigan League Gerald R. Ford, jr., candi- date for Congress from Grand Rapids will speak to the group on "The Future of Young People in Republican Party Affairs." Young Democrats: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 28, Michi- gan Union. Last meeting before elections. Delta Epsilon Phi, Hellenic Club: Meeting concerning the coming Mid-Western Convention which begins Thanksgiving Day, 7 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 28, Michigan Union, Room 3B. All students of Hellenic descent and Phil-Hellenes are urged to attend. B'nai B'rith Ilillel Foundation: Membership Dance, 3 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 28, League Ballroom, Admis- sion by membership card only (membership cards will be sold at the door). University of Michigan Dames: Drama Group will meet at 8 p.m., The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. * . S Speakers Ban To the Editor: At a meeting last week of the council of the Student Religious Association, it was requested that the president write a letter to The Daily stating that those members present felt that the current in- terpretation of the University ban of political speakers and ral- lies, as it effects impromptu and unorganized group discussion and debate of political issues, consti- tutes a serious infringement of academic freedom. It was fur- ther felt that in an issue of such controversial nature, every reason- able effort should have been made to inform the student body of all the circumstances concerning the discussions as well as the reasons justifying such an interpretation of the ban. In a democracy, the very nature of which is based upon freedom of expression and the right for as- sembly, it would seem that col- lege students would be mature enough to be reasonably prudent in their evaluation of the content of such discussions. If this is not the case; then surely the entire system of our democracy, in which the vast majority have not at- tended college, is unsound. In the current issue, however, it seems that it is entirely within the right of the signer to raise ques- tions or discussion. Can this be considered a reasonable situation? Are we to assume, by the current interpretation, that it is impossi- ble to get student opinion on is- sues of importance? On November 2 many of us will go to the polls to elect the next president of the United States. We desire to be informed about the issues at stake. Is is not our right to participate in such in- formal discussions as might arise on the diag in an effort to clarify our thinking? Evidently not, but I for one would like to be sure whly. -P. E. Culbertson IC * Pussyfooters To the Editor: In, the past two years one of the finest parts of every football game was the band. I always enjoyed their pregame ceremony. The sight of the band Marching majesti- cally on the field seemed to sym- bolize Michigan's power. When I went to Lansing for the State game, I was in the State section when the band came on the field. The M.S.C. students almost fell over themselves laughing at the pussyfooting entry of our band. I hoped this was just an experiment. But when the practice of sneaking on the field was continued in the two home games I was very disap- pointed. I hope the band will re- vert to the type of entry they used a year ago. -W. Upthegrove Rite of Spring To the Editor: How many hundreds of music students have written to The Daily to remind Ralph Matlaw (Off the Record, October 23) that the Sacre du Printemps of Stravinsky is translated "Rites of Spring" and not "Scenes of Pagan Russia"? -Elinor Anne Patterson '1 * ' * * A Deal To the Editor: [N REGARD to the letter written by Messrs. Tilly and Sibley of Purdue, concerning the exchange of women between Michigan and Purdue we would like to say, "It's a deal." -Al Goldman. Mike Schwartz. Harvey Belfer. Klass To the Editor: A short while ago I braved the rigors of Campus Society, and in a brief epistle expressed my humble opinion as to the physical charms of the species female which pre- vale upon the greens and walks of Michigan. Since the ill-fated day when said note received publication, I have been the target for some of the more expressive digs and sneers of which Kampus Kids are cap- able. Therefore, I desire to clarify the issue. I have been gal-gazing since early years, it being unavoidable in a bi-sexual society. In general, I have been happy. No complaints. At Michigan, I have found innum- egable coeds over which I can sigh, or howl heartily, treasures are these. Needless to say, there are also a few objects' over which tears can be shed. "'Nuff-said." Therefore, I here withal pre- sent: Krell's Koed Klassification: 1. Delicious: This class is com- posed of married, engaged, or steady girls. Completely unob- tainable. 2. DeMiddle: This class is plenti- ful, pleasing, and pretty. 3. Deplorable: This class is almost extinct, with a few still Avail- able. However, I have a virtual monopoly. I sincerely hope that everyone is now clear as to my position. - -Bob Krell Old Tricks To the Editor: I see where those Russian Bol- sheviks are up to their old tricks again. Last week they rammed one of their pet projects through the United Nations against the futile opposition of the Western demo- cracies. On page two of the Oct. 23 issue of that staunch opponent of Red Fascism, the Chicago Tribune, the following story appears: "Russia won a rare victory over the United States and Britain in the United Nations today. With Latin American support a Soviet delegate rammed through a hu- man rights amendment prohibit- ing slavery and the slave trade 'in all their aspects.' "The 58 nation social commit- tee's vote favoring inclusion of the Russian amendment in a proposed world declaration of human rights was 22 to 17 with three absten- tions. The United States, Britain, and China were on the losing side. "Russian delegate Alexei Pav- lov, introducing the amendment, claimed eight million persons still are held in slavery in Africa, Asia and the American continent. He charged the system of peonage in Latin America amounts to 'slave- like conditions'." It is gratifying to see the West- ern democracies resist these total- itarian concepts of human rights and equality for all. We shall con- tinue to fight for the democratic ideals of Jim Crow and segrega- tion. -Edwin Freeman Fifty-Ninth Year Delta Sigma Pi, Business Fraternity. meeting and pledge p.m., Chapter House. Professional Business meeting, 8, Sigma Gamma Epsilon: Meet- ing 12:15 p.m., Rm. 3054 Natural' Science Bldg. Mr. John Lemisi; will speak on "The Economic' Geology of the Iron Springs Dis- trict, Utah. Modern Poetry Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m.. Russian Tea Room, Michigan League. Discussion of Whitman's Influence. Read Mad- dow's "The City," and MacNeice's "The Kingdom," in Oscar Wil- liams Anthology. Student Religious Association: Easy Chair group will meet 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall lounge. Sociedad lHispanica: Meeting 8 p.m., Hussey Room, Michigan League. Mr. John Longhurst of the History Department will re- Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harriett Friedman ...Managing Editoz Dick Maloy ............... City Editor Naomi Stern .........Editorial Director Alegra Pasqualetti .... Associate Editor Arthur Higbee....... Associate Editor Murray Grant..........Sports Editor Bud Weidenthal .. Associa Sports Ed. Bev Bussey...Sports Feature Writer Audrey Buttery.......Women's Editor Bess Hayes .................Librarian Business Staff Richard Halt .......Business Manager Jean Leonard .... Advertising Manager William Culman .....Finance Manager Cole Christian ....Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, 5.00, by mail, $6.00. Oct. 28, at the home of Mrs. Jonas Kristinsson, 1032 Vaughan. Mrs. Gordon Keister will conduct the meeting in the absence of the chairman, Mrs. Cameron Mere- dith. Plans for the play to be presented by the group in the spring will be discussed. BARNABY Mr. Merrie doesn't like people. So you're lucky to have US taking care of your case for you, Gus. Now who S can resist the tearful entreaties of o soulful little children? ... Nobody! And then we have the irresistible appeal to Man's Best Friend here. Loving, wistful, dumbly pleading- And to top it all, the intercession of a Good Fairy! And one of the best in the business, if I do say so myself