See Page 4
ItF 6P
Latest Deadline in the State
Revolt Rages
In Paraguay;
Army Rebels
Capital Bombed
In NewUprising
tary revolt raged tonight in As-
uncion, capital of Paraguay.
The government radio said its
forces were battling with an army
leds by 0o. Carlos' Montanaro, who
seeks to overthrow the regime of
President Natalacio Gonzalez.
IT WAS the second time in a
year that the country was plagued
by revolution.
There was no direct commun-
ication with Asuncion and the
situation there appeared to be
confused. The government radio
announced that Montanaro had
surrendered, then said an hour
later he had backed down on a
promise to surrender and fight-
ing continued.
The revolt started yesterday
when a plane dropped several
bombs on Asuncion. That appar-
ently was the signal for Col. Mon-
tanaro to lead cadets from the
Paraguayan military academy in
the revolution.
* * *
THE RADIO admitted resist-
ance continued in the academy
buiding and would be difficult to
mop up.
Reports received here said the
cadets, joined by 200 sailors, had
given battle to the police, who
remained loyal to the govern-
The latest report put out by the
Asuncion radio said a pocket of
rebel resistance had surrendered
in the heart of the city but other
revolutionaries were fleeing to a
village across the Paraguay River
from the Argentine town of Puerto
* * *
THE RADIO said President
Gonzalez had gone to the head-
quarters of a cavalry division at
the nearby military establishment
of Campo Grande. It added that
government forces controlled the
capital despite the president's de-
New, Bigger
Technic Will
Go on Stands
The October issue of the Tech-
nic, will be on sale tomorrow and
Thursday in the West Engineering
Arch and the East Engineering
"Automatic Power Plant Control
for Aircraft," byrAllen S. Lange;
and "Engineering Problems in the
Power Industry," by Howard P.
Seelye, chief electrical engineer for
the Detroit Edison Company.
Something new will also be
added to the current Technic.
Because of the wide increase in
publicity on the subject of Pro-
fessional Engineers, the Tech-
nic presents the first part of the
Examination for Engineering
The editors hope that this will
better acquaint students at the
University with this type of exam-
ALSO TO BE found in the Oc-
tober issue: the brief summaries
of the latest scientific develop-
ments, scientific book reviews,
capsule biographies of outstand-
ing students and professors on
campus, and Michigan's oldest
humor column.
Crowd Calls
Nuns 'Devils'
LISBON, Portugal - VP) -The
people of Albufeira clamored be-
fore the Convent of the Barefoot
Carmelite nuns today, denouncing
them as devils.
The 11 nuns within the old. man-
sion, which had been dedicated to
their use, stood fast behind barri-
caded doors, refusing to be dis-
banded as the congregation of re-
ligious orders of the Roman Cath-
olic Church had ordered.
The nuns were ruled to be non-
conformist and to be refusing
entry to priests and the Bishop of
Algarve, who brought charges
against them. The convent was or-
ganized six years ago by Mario Do
IFC Open Meeting
To De bate 2.4 Rule
The Interfraternity Council will hold an open meeting tonight to
discuss the 2.4 group average requirement which may be applied to
fraternities this year.
Alumni and students interested in discussing this question with
the IFC have been invited, according to Bruce Lockwood, IFC Presi-
dent. Erich A. Walter, Dean of Students, and Robert Sinclair, Presi-
dent of the University of Michigan Interfraternity Alumni Conference
will be'present.
West Discusses Link
U. S
:) n*
. .I .
THE NEW RULING would require a fraternity as a group to make
a 2.4 scholastic average once every four years in order to retain its
initiation privileges.
Any house which fails to strike such an average during a two-
year period would be placed on social probation.
The 2.4 mark is slightly below the University average for men.
* * *
Health Service
Begins Battle
To Down Flu
Students Will ReceiVe
First ShotsToday
First shots in an all out war
against influenza will be fired this
morning when students whose last
names begin with A and B get it
in the arm.
This barrage is part of an ex-
tensive two week campaign Health;
Service is waging to keep the cam-
pus epidemic-free by providing
free flu shots to all students.
A NEW VIRUS has been added'
to the two used last year to pro-
vide a three way threat to influ-
enza, according to Dr. Thomas
Francis, Public Health School
epidemiologist, the consultant for
the injections.
Protection is effective seven to
ten days after injections and
lasts from seven to twelve'
months, said Dr. Margaret Bell,
Health Service physician.
Students are asked to use the
north door when reporting for in-
jections. After filing information
cards, they will be directed to oneI
of the eight nurses who give the
shots at the rate of -about 200 an
hour. Shots are given on a volun-
tary basis, but everyone is advised
to take advantage of the service.
* * sI
THE FOLLOWING schedule has
been posted for injections: A, B,
October 26, C, D, October 27, E, F.
G, October 28, H, I, J, October 29,
K, L, November 1, M, N, , Novem-
ber 2, P, Q, R, November 3, S, No-
vember 4, and T-Z, November 5.
Members of the faculty, em-
ployees, and student wives will
be given shots November 1-5 for
the charge of one dollar.
"As with any other vaccine, like
typhoid, you can expect a reac-
tion," said Dr. Bell. There may
be reactions such as soreness of
the arm, chills, fever, and gener-
alized aching in which case the
student is advised to take 2 as-
pirins everyhfour hours and 'take
it easy.' These reactions seldom
last more than 24 hours."
Student Trial
BeginsT oday
The trial of University students
Max Dean and John Houston on
charges of violating Ann Arbor's
"anti-noise" ordinance will be held
at 2 p.m. today in Municipal court.
Judge Jay H. Payne will pre-
The students, both Progressive
Party members, were using a
sound truck on Tuesday, October
11, to urge citizens to register to
They had failed to get a permit
for the sound truck as required by
the city ordinance and were ar-
rested by police for "prohibitive
and unnecessary noises" in viola-
tion of the ordinance.
THIS PLAN was adopted in
May 1945 from a report made by a
sub-committee on scholarship of
the Alumni IFC, but the plan was
not implimented until this fall by
the Office of Student Affairs.
In the same committee report
of the Alumni Conference there
was a recommendation that the
plan be applied on the same
basis to sororities, cooperatives,
and "other recognized rooming
The report made no mention of
The ALUMNI report also rec-
ommended that fraternities col-
lect fines from pledges and active
members reprimanded by Univer-
sity officials for "excessive class-
room absences and other misde-
The entire set of committee re-
ports were approved at a joint
meeting of the Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs and representatives of
the Interfraternity Alumni Con-
ference in May, 1945.
Nearly one-third of the 31 fra-
ternities on campus last year had
averages above 2.00 but below 2.4
that the new ruling would require.
Town Meeting
Climaxes UN
Week Here
UN Week was climaxed Sunday
by a Town Meeting of the World
featuring a symposium of dis-
tinguished speakers in the Hussey
Room of the League.
Dean Hayward Keniston of the
literary college opened the pro-
gram with an informal talk on the
UN in which he, said the veto
must go if the group is to function
* *, *
HE SOUNDED a note of hope,
however, by hailing the League of
Nations and other international
agreements as significant results
in the struggle for world unity.
Professors Samuel Eldersveld
of the political science depart-
ment and Mischa Titiev of the
anthropology department and
three students who have been
abroad composed the symposium
panel discussing "It's Your UN."
With Dr. Manfred Vernon of the
political science department as
moderator, each of the symposium
members told the need of the UN
from his point of view.
* .4 *
ELDERSVELD stated that the
political scientist is aware of how
politically and economically inter-
dependent the world is; Titiev
pointed out that anthropologists
know society to develop from small
groups to large ones, which points
to an ultimate world community.
Other topics, such as what
the UN has accomplished and
whether or not individual na-
tions should give up their sov-
ereignty, were discussed.
Jal Barucha, Bill Miller and
Wyn Price were the student mem-
bers of the panel.
Military Pact
With Canada,
U.S. Planned
Britain, Benelux,
France Confer
PARIS-(UP)-Foreign ministers
of Britain, France and the Bene-
lux countries met yesterday to dis-
cuss how their alliance could be
linked in a military treaty rela-
tionship with the United States
and Canada.
Authoritative American and
British sources said this was ex-
pected to be the central theme of
the three-day conference. The
ministers were meeting for the
third time as the consultative
council of the five-nation Brussels
A WASHINGTON dispatch said
invitations to a conference to
draft a military alliance between
North America and Western Eu-
rope probably will go out soon
after next week's presidential elec-
(A Canadian Government
source in Ottawa said a Seven-
nation exchange of views at
cabinet level will be the next
stage in the progress toward a
north Atlantic alliance.)
Official British sources said the
ministers decided soon after to-
day's meeting began that the ses-
sions will be completely restricted.
Each delegation's own official
spokesman left the meeting a
once. There will be no briefing ses-
sions for newsmen but a joint
communique will be issued wher
the talks end, the informants said
*4 ,* *
SOURCES IN touch with the
proceedings said the secret agenda
before the ministers is highlighte
by these issues:
1-Development of a North At-
lantic military pact with th
United States and Canada.
2-Convocation, or indefinite
deferment, of the Western Eu-
ropean Assembly projected by
France and Belgium.
3-Admitting new members intc
the Brussels union.
4-Consideration of the report
of the permanent military com-
5-Economic, financial, soci
and cultural cooperation betweer;
the five countries.
6-Coordination of foreign pol-
them reports from their ambassa-
dors in Washington on talks they
have been conducting during th
last few months with the U. S
State and Defense departments.
the informants said.
Local Citizens
Propose New
Death Inquest
New "evidence" has been pre-
sented by a recently formed citi-
zens committee with which it
plans to reopen the inquest into
the death of Roosevelt Perkins,
alleged Detroit car thief.
"The Committee of Justice for
Roosevelt Perkins" unanimously
resolved yesterday to p ess charges
of murder against Kenneth Mc-
Allister, 19 year old posse member,
who was judged justiiied in the
homicide of the fugitive by the
original inquest.
They also voted to implement
the suspension of the law enforce-
ment officers involved in the for-
mation of the posse, as well as the
medical officer, Coroner E. C.
Ganzhorn of Ann Arbor.
The new evidence is in the form
of a written affidavit signed hv
ISRAELI TROOPS IN NEGEV BATTLE-This picture, first of the actual fighting in the Negev area
of Palestine, shows Israeli troops advancing against Egyptian positions on the Mejda-Biet Jibrin
DailyEdit o
Some people say that your
whole life flashes before your eyes
when you're about to die.
Daily night editor Leon Jaroff,
'50E, whoais still very much alive,
reports that on the contrary, his
"last thoughts" were for the
Michigan football team.
* * *
AS JAROFF tells the story, he
left Ann Arbor at 3 p.m. Sunday
with a carful of riders to deliver
some Daily pictures to a photo-
?ngraving plant in Detroit.
Driving down Plymouth Road,
a two-lane highway, he found
)r Relates 'Last Thoughts'
< > I
himself behind a new-car haul-
away truck and another passen-
ger car. Sounding a warning
with his horn, Jaroff pulled into
the left hand lane to pass and
began to pull even with the haul-
"Suddenly and without warn-
ing," the haulaway, attempting to
pass the car in front of it, swung
directly into Jaroff's path, and to
avoid a collision, he jammed on
the brakes and swerved to the left.
Be* * o
BUT THE rear wheels of the
Truman, Dewey Set Out
Ons Last Campaign Tours
CHICAGO - (R) - President
Truman suggested last night that
forces similar to those that backed
tlitler, Mussolini and Tojo are
"working through the Republican
Party" and seriously threatening
America's democracy and freedom.
"IN OUR OWN time," he said,
'we have seen the tragedy of the
Italian and German peoples, who
.ost their freedom to men who
mnade promises of unity and effi-
2iency and security."
Republican Presidential nomi-
nee Thomas E. Dewey has been
preaching unity and efficiency
throughout his campaign.
In the first major address of
,iis windup campaign tour, the
President also linked together
these ideas: '.
1. The real danger to American
democracy is not from "con-
temptible" Communists or "crack-
pots" on the right, but comes
mainly "from powerful reactionary
forces which are silently under-
mining our democratic institu-
2. These forces are "working
through the Republican party."
3. History shows that economic
power concentrated in the hands
of a few men has led to loss of
freedom. Such men look for a
"front man" to run the country.
Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo are
examples, "and it could happen
ALBANY, N.Y. - (A') - Gov.
Thomas E. Dewey, pictured as con-
fident of victory, set out last night
on the final tour of his campaign
for the Presidency.
A FEW HOURS before his
scheduled departure at 11 a.m.
(CST) on a five-day trek into six
states, the Republican presidential
nominee conferred at the executive
mansion with Robert Menzies,
wartime Prime Minister of Aus-
Dewey's campaign train head-
ed last night for Chicago where
he will make a major address
Wednesday night he will speak
in Cleveland and Thursday eve-
ning in Boston, with the grand
finale of the campaign set for
Saturday night in Madison Square
Garden, New York. Thursday and
Friday he will campaign in other
Massachusetts communities and in'
Rhode Island and in Connecticut.
* * .4
THE GOP candidate plans to
spend Sunday at his farm home
at Pawling, N.Y., returning to New
York City Monday to vote the
next day and get the returns that
Dewey put in most of his last
day in Albany-prior to the elec-
tion working on campaign
speeches, with time out for visits
with two guests-Menzies and C.
L. Simpson, vice president of Li-
car skidded on the sand and threw
the car against three posts, neat-
ly snapping them off. "The shock
of the collision deflected the car
back toward the road and threw
me against the handle of the door,
swinging it open," Jaroff said.
What happened next is not
exactly clear to the Daily re-
porter, for both he and Jim
Balonga, '52 were hurled out
the open door, and "I was roll-
ing, sliding and bouncing down
Plymouth Road at 30 miles an
At this point, Jaroff insists that
he had a certain "this is the end"
feeling. And for the benefit of the
curious, he narrates his last
THE FIRST thing I noticed as
I rolled along was one of my side
discs rolling along side me, 'Never
wanted that thing anway,' I
"Immediately after, I saw my
ripped topcoat flapping in the
breeze and began to worry about
replacing it.
"Then, as I pitched forward on
See JAROFF, Page 2
Troops Seize
French Mines
Pickets Surrender;
No ViolenceReported
PARIS - () - Thirty thous-
and heavily armed French troops
and police occupied approximately
half of the nation's key northern
coal fields today and seized at
least 12 struck mines.
No violence was reported as the
government forces, including Mo-
roccan infantry units, moved in
before dawn. Pickets meekly sur-
rendered the pits to troops backed
up by armored cars and heavy ma-
Government officials used bat-
tle-like language to describe the
operation, saying: "all objectives
were reached with out incident."
The government forces swept
over about 280 square miles in the
area near the Belgian border. The
main seizures of struck mines took
place at Valenciennes and Douai.
About 15 arrests were made.
Neutrals Ask
Peaceful End
Of Blockade
No Vote Is 28th
For Soviet Union
PARIS -- (P) - Russia's Andrei
V. Vishinsky last night vetoed the
plan submitted by the six neu-
ral" members of the United Na-
tions security council for settling
the Berlin dispute.
It was the Soviet Union's 28th
veto and the second cast by Vi-
hinsky personally. The vote was
9 to 2, with Russia and the Soviet
Ukraine casting the lone negative
Argentine Foreign Minister
Juan Atilio Bramuglia, Acting
President of the Council, told
newsmen: "I will keep on trying
to get a peaceful settlement."
HE SPOKE for the five other
"neutrals"-China, Syria, Bel-
jium, Canada and Colombia-as
well as his own country.
"I am sure," Bramuglia said,
"neither of the parties wants to
reach the worst now. And it is
my duty to try to bring them
to an agreement. Their differ-
ences have been very much
ironed outso far and they may
still be brought to a coincidence
in viewpoints."
The discussion just before the
vote disclosed that the major
sticking point between Russia and
the Western Powers is: when will
the Russian blockade on Berlin be
lifted, and when will the Russian
mark be made the currency for all
four sectors in Berlin?
Dr. Philip C. Jessup, U. S. dele-
gate, told the council that respon-
sibility for stopping council ac-
tion rested solely upon the Soviet
IMMEDIATELY after the vote,
Jessup went over to Bramuglia
and congratulated him for his ef-
forts to bring Russia and the
Western Powers together.
"You know that this is not
over yet," Jessup told Bramu-
glia. "You know that you will
have to continue working for a
As he left the jammed hall,
Vishinsky said to a reporter:
"My position is perfectly clear.
There is nothing to add to it."
THE VETOED resolution pro-
posed that Russia and the Western
Powers lift all restrictions on cam-
munications with Berlin as soon as
the four governments had been
notified that the resolution was
It also provided that at that
same moment the military gover-
nors of the four powers in Berlin
would begin negotiations aimed at
making the Soviet currency the
single money for all of Berlin. The
currency arrangement would go
into effect by Nov. 20. The final
provision called for a meeting of
the council of foreign ministers by
Nov. 30 for a discussion of the
whole German problem.
Politicos Will
Answer Queries.
Meeting Will Feature
County Candidates
Ann Arborites will have a chance
to "MeetYurCandidates a
town meeting at 8:15 p.m. tonight
in Pattengill Auditorium, Ann Ar-
bor High School.
Sponsored by the Junior Cham-
ber of Commerce, Citizens Council
and Adult Education Group, the
meeting will feature a question and
answer period and short talks by
the candidates from Washtenaw
The meeting will be broadcast
over local stations WHRV and
WPAG-FM beginning at 8:30 n.m.
Texans Will Hitch Up to Form
Lone Star Government in Exile
French 'Orchestre' Invades Ann Arbor
Scholars from 'deep in the heart
of Texas' will form a government-
in-exile tomorrow.
But before local Texans hitch
up their horsescat the side en-
trance of the Union, and walk up
the elevator shaft to the third
floor in their cowboy boots, the
transportation problem of Tex-
ans, foster alumni organizations
in Texas and prompote the folk-
lore of the nation of Texas.
"The group also plans to set
up permanent headquarters in the
International Center," he said.
McInnis, and two other tum-
bling weeds far from home, Elea-
The campus went cosmopolitar
yesterday when 96 French musi-
cians came to town for the year's
second Choral Union concert.
Fren-h idionms flw through Ann
versity, their noted conductor
Charles Muench said, "Its size
is unbelievable. The college is
doing marvelous work in giving
students here a high cultural
P..tnanA furnishinx them
tour is sponsored by the French
government, "as a gesture of grat-
itude to the American people to
whom we owe almost all," Muench
explained. "We want this country