PAGE ' tfA THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBEM 24, 1948 ,... ._ .v _.. . .. 9"itepn lete (Editor's Note is written by Managing Editor Harriett Friedman.) IN ADDITION to what factual knowledge I gained from attending the New York Her- ald-Tribune Forum, I came away in great awe of presidential candidate Thomas E. Dewey. How can one help having a certain re- spect for someone who can say absolutely nothing, and yet make people think he is actually talking intelligently and pur- posively? Gov. Dewey presented the final speech at the forum in what was undoubtedly planned as a mammoth climax. And from all ap- pearances, the mere presence of the prob- able next President excited most of the audience. No Civil Service? "Wonder How Many Familiar Faces We'll See Inside" Letters to the Editor IF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY wins, they will be putting a man into the position of chief administrator who has proven by his past statements, public and private, that he views government employees with consider- able distaste-or at least those appointed under the only system we have been able to devise to combat the spoils system. Mr. Dewey shouts in one of the few semi-definite statements he has made in this campaign, that there will be a tre- mendous house cleaning in Washington come next January. We can't help won- dering just how far and to what extent this "house cleaning" will go. Or whether it is to be to the detriment or the benefit of good government. Certainly, everyone thinks our bureau- cracy.can be improved. Roosevelt tried that in 1938 with his Committee of Administra- tive Management. Truman ips tried it again, with a bi-partisan investigating committee headed by Herbert Hoover. But where does Dewey actually stand on the situation? We can only go by his past remarks. THE VFW sent a representative to a con- ference at Albany with the governor last spring and Dewey blew up during a discussion of Civil Service in much the quick-tempered way he did when his cam- paign train moved backwards and he be- came angered at his engineer. The VFW representative, Chairman of the Americanism Committee, reported "that af- ter some discussion of a proposed Civil Serv- ice bill, the governor turned around "with a broad grin and said all Civil Service is mediocre." And later in the discussion, "he stated in the course of conversation that if he had his way he would abolish the entire Civil Service system." This, from the man who is going to do the "greatest house cleaning in our history." The light which this, and his attacks last spring on organizations working for better schools in New York, sheds on his mythical record as the perfect administrator, merits the close attention of the voters. -Don McNeil R * * * * I HAD READ a press advance of his speech before he appeared. Dewey was suppos- edly discussing conservation and foreign policy; During the early part of the forum, con- servation had been strongly debated, with a heated argument between cattlemen and conservation experts over proper control of - government lands in the West, and whether erosion control should be regional, as TVA, by districts, federally managed or locally run. Gov Dewey's answer to these questions, and to the whole conservation question was principally to recall his experiences down on the farm at Pawling. He also urged "balance" in use of resources. The plati- tudes in the speecli about water as "life itself," and "nature keeping her house in order," were innumerable, but of actual con- structive proposals there were none. Foreign policy received the same treat- ment. "The peace of the world will only be secure when the forces on the side of peace are stronger than the forces on the side of evil," Dewey proclaimed. The most definite statement in the whole speech was: "We can once again lead from strength and not from weak- ness." The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. * *. S No Reflection To the Editor: It is about time the editors of The Michigan Daily publicly ad- mit they do not "accurately reflect campus opinion." They never have and they never will-and, what is more important, it is none of their business even to make the attempt. It is considered fine sport (wit- ness the recent public debate) to condemn, The Daily for not pre- senting campus opinion with a mirror of itself. And for some in- explicable reason, this so-called dereliction of duty is assumed by one and all to be some sort of crime. The editors too often blush and turn away at the accusation; the Board in Control holds a meet- ing, and the accusers demand that "something"-they are seldom ex- plicit-be done about the situation. It is time, I think, for a bit of frankness. The campus in large part, is populated by Republicans, conservatives, lovers-of-the-status- quo-call them what you will. The editorial staff of The Daily, on the other hand, which is open to ev- eryone, is usually (though not al- ways) composed of a majority of liberals, varying widely in their degree of leftness. The Letters-to- the-Editor column, which again is open to everyone, is more often than not filled with left-of-center communications. All right, then, let's admit it: a liberal Daily does not accurately represent a con- servative campus. But I should like to know just what the liberals are supposed to do about it. Are they to begin turning out right-wing editorials in spite of themselves? Are they to devote the editorial page to re- prints from the Wall Street Jour- nal? Must they raid the next 'meeting of IPC and force some of the boys to join the Daily staff? Or are they required simply to quit writing and take to brooding? Actually, * it is painfully obvious that the trouble lies with the con- servatives, not with the liberals. It seems scarcely fair, you know, to condemn the latter for their will- ingness to work hard enough to win Daily appointments. But I think we are quite within our rights if we point out the un- deniable fact that the local Re- publicans and friends simply are not ordinarily willing to devote as much time and energy as is neces- sary to make good on the paper. Their political energy, such as it is. is consumed in quite accurately, if somewhat inanely, accusing the Daily liberals of spending most of their time writing liberal editorials. -Homer Swander KNOW THE REASON WHY: The Third Force * * * * BUT SOMEHOW when Dewey began talk- ing, the inanities, evasions and complete absence of thought, seemed to turn into real statements about conservation and foreign policy. He said nothing with such conviction that the audience actually applauded such remarks as "The task of waging peace should be above partisanship." I myself was impressed by his new persua- sive delivery, the way in which he could grab a glass of water and drink without even breaking the rhythm of his talk. The rising ovation at the end of the speech made me wonder for a moment if perhaps Gov. Dewey had really been saying something. As I said, I have a new respect fot the Republican candidate. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: AL BLUMROSEN I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Missed Train By SAMUEL GRAFTON " 'VE GOT a funny feeling somehow we've missed the train," she said. "Twelve minutes left," he said. "Look at the clock." Instead, the young woman looked at the three suitcases piled near them in the wait- ing room. "How'd we get here?" she asked. "How'd we land in this waiting room with every- thing we own, in October, 1948?" "Now, honey," he said. "How do we come to be here?" she asked. "Now, honey," he said. "It won't be so bad at your mother's. She's got lots of room." "By October, 1948, we were going to have a house and a car," she said. "I remember distinctly. We had $1800 saved up between us when you got out, for a start on a house and a car." "Well, honey, prices went up," said the ,young man. "This wasn't in the plan," she said. "We figured everything, but we never figured on being in this room with all our stuff. That pal of yours was going to give you a won- derful job in that new box factory, remem- ber?" "Well, honey, they didn't build it," he said, as if he had said it before. "Prices went up." "It isn't as if we weren't the figuring type," she went on. "Some people don't figure about the future, so if something happens to them, you're not surprised. But we figured everything, over and over, so much for this, and for that. I can remem- ber when we would rather figure than go to the movies, and then we'd figure in how much we'd saved by not going. We figured everything, except being here tonight." "Well, we figured on the old prices," said the young man. "By next spring we were going to have By LYMAN H. LEGTERS THE TERM "Third Force" has its origin in Europe, but it is being used increasingly with reference to American politics. And its meaning may provide a key to one great deficiency in our political life, both on the national and local levels. Historically, American politics has been characterized by the fusion of all points of view into two great camps, Republican. and Democratic by name. For nearly one hundred years the two-party system has functioned under these banners. Each center of opinion has received a variety of contributions from tradition, pressure groups, and, not necessarily least, forth- right conviction, until at the present time we find a tremendous overlapping between them. It is a major fallacy to say, as many do, that the two parties are virtually indistinguishable, at least in matters of policy. We can point to foreign trade pol- icy as one example of differences of long standing between them; anl yet it is pos- sible for both parties to put forth such incompatibles as Senators Morse and Taft, Senators Wagner and McKellar. One wonders how such a ludicrous devel- opment could have been tolerated this long, and, what is more important, how it can be rectified: Numerous attempts have been made in the form of third parties. We have had a Popu- list movement and a Greenback party; the Socialist Party with Norman Thomas at the helm is a sort of Old Faithful; and now we have the Progressives under Wallace. It seems safe to predict that the Wallaceites will have no more success than the others, and probably much less, in the sense of maintaining a political party in continuing fashion. All of them, on the other hand, have enjoyed some success in seeing their ideas and programs accepted in practice, although it has been through adoption by a major party. The point is that the need has' not been met. That is where the "Third Force" comes in. There is no dearth of conservatives-- the Republican Party is set for years. The need is for a vigorous and coherent non- Communist left, a Third Force standing between the extremes of Communism and reaction, if such a distinction is necessary. It must be broadly based to include all persuasions from Socialists to the conven- tional old liberal Democrats. But it must also have a strong internal structure to withstand failures. "It sounds good, but it can't be done" is the usual answer. But it can be done, not by just another third party, but by a disciplined corps of hard workers steeled to throw off failure and proceed with renewed energy. Two avenues are open to such a group. The Third Force can be an independent po- litical association, patiently building inter- nal strength out of a labor movement nu- cleus and watching over the disintegration of a major party, presumably the Demo- cratic Party. This means gradual develop- ment into a political party as strength is drawn from the liberal segment of the old party. Thus, in over-simplified terms, was the British Labor Party born. Or the Third Force can dedicate itself to the capture of an old party. This means the slow and tedious process of winning precinct and then district posts till finally state caucuses and conventions can be controlled. And then the task is to rid the new party alignment of the conservative elements; in short, a purge is in order. Either course is an arduous one. The Third Force is forming to carry out the as- sault, but the course is undecided. Between the two approaches, hope, likelihood, and opinion is still divided. Only one thing is certain: the course must benone or the other. To try both at once is to invite failure. MATTER OF FACT: South and Civil Rights INTERNATIONAL Palestine . A week of offensive operations by the Israeli army, which resulted in the capture of the Arab citadel of Beersheba and the opening of a corridor to the Negev area ended Saturday with the enforcement of a UN-ordered truce in the Holy Land. The truce, demanded Wednesday by the Security Council, brought an end to some of the most bitter fighting that Palestine has yet seen. France . . . Violence flared in the coal regions of France as striking miners fought with French troops and police during the latter part of the week. After 200 soldiers and police had been injured, first by attacks with sticks and rocks and later by gunfire, the French cabinet recalled the 1948 class of troops to deal with the situation. At weeks end, soldiers were pouring into the trouble centers with orders to defend themselves against any attack. Korean Revolt . . . The long-predicted Communist-led revolt finally broke out in Southern Korea. Approximately 4,000 Korean troops participated in the outbreak which was promptly stalled by loyal South Korean soldiers. At the end of the week, all but two of the cities which had fallen to the insurgents had been reconquered and the govern- ment predicted that the remaining rebels would be wiped out in the next few days. Berlin. The East-West brew in Berlin was only simmering this week. The six neutral nations finally presented their compromise resolution to end the dispute. Principle features: immediate end of the Russian blockade and introduction of the Soviet mark under four power control as the sole currency in Berlin. The Soviet-sponsored German Peoples Council debated the final draft of their "constitution for all Germany" while attacking the constitution writers of Bonn who are drawing up plans for a unified Western Germany. NATIONAL Investigation The Department of Justice began an investigation of the payrolls of J. Parnell Thomas' Un-American Activities Committee of the House. The investigation came as a result of a series of articles by columnist Drew Pearson. Political ... With only a week to go, the campaigns were slowing to a wall. Only an occasional egg or tomato marked the passage of the can- didates. Gov. Dewey was stumping the country trying to insure the election of a Republican Senate, President Truman, who got the endorsement of Mrs. F.D.R., was still blasting the eightieth Congress, and Henry Wallace in Syracuse said "that labor leaders who called people Communists were joining the enemy-the corporations. For all practical purposes, the campaigns were over. LOCAL Political Ban . . . As November 2 neared, and interest in the campaign heightened, student protests to the Political Speaker's ban grew by leaps and bounds. Student Legislature officials were reported to be working on a plan to set up a specific spot for discussions similar to those banned from the diag last week by Dean Walters. The American Veterans' Committee held a petition drive, asking students to protest both the ban and the interpretation which pre- vented the diag discussions. Later in the week, the Young Republicans, the Young Democrats and the United World Federalists joined in the fight. Education... Arthur A. Elder, head of the much-discussed Workers Educa- tion Service of the University was dismissed in what President Ruthven called an Administrative Shift. WES has been suspended since last spring after a General Motbrs official charged that workers were getting Marxian indoctrination. The shift, which put WES under the general extension course program of the University, brought charges that the Regents "killed the service . . ." and of "submergence of the . . . Regents and Gov. Sigler to the General Motors Cop." from UAW-CIO educational director Victor Reuther. UAW-CIO officials were planning a WES program of their own to replace the University's course. Football ... - The Wolverine 28-0 trouncing of the Wildcats last week tossed them into first place in the weekly Associated Press poll of national sports writers. Next in line, before yesterday's game, were Notre Dame, North Carolina, California and Army. Liquor ... Members of a University sub-committee on student conduct set up to investigate the campus liquor question reported that no steps had been taken in the probe of the last six months. Meanwhile a Daily survey revealed that student drinking had not fallen off since the imposition of the more stringent rules. News of the Week DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN By STEWART ALSOP DURING the briefest journey of inquiry in the South, it is difficult not to be im- pressed by one fact. That is the almost con,- pletely unanimous opposition to Federal civil. rights legislation, by Southerners of every political stripe. However one may approve the objectives of the civil rights proposals, this almost total unanimity is an important political fact, which must be recognized. It is possible, of course, to head in the South a deal of wicked nonsense about the race question. One highly regarded Dixie- crat leader, for example, told this reporter that there were really only two ways of handling the problem. One was to ship all the Negroes in the United States to Africa. If this proved impracticable, he suggested, a mass redistribution of Negroes, so that each county in the United States would have no more than a ten per cent Negro popula- tion, would be only fair. He was perfectly serious. Among such liberals, there is not much real objection to the anti-poll tax measure. There are even those who favor it. The same is true of the anti-lynching bill, although most Southerners are quick to point out that lynching has almost disappeared in the South. The real, last-ditch opposition is aroused by the - Federal fair employment practices bill, and the anti-segregation bill. Passage of either of these two measures by the Congress, Southern liberals argue, would play directly into the hands of the Klu Kluxers and their unacknowledged allies. No doubt, say the liberals, racial prejudice should not exist in the South. Yet is does exist, and it is a political factor of the first importance. To disregard it as a political factor is to court disaster. Race prejudice, they argue, has always been the most convenient instrument of was able to find precisely one dissenting voice-Aubrey Williams, former friend and protege of Harry Hopkins. Williams is a native-born Alabaman, and he currently edits the farm paper, "The Southern Farmer." No one can deny to Williams a certain moral courage. Williams asserts staunchly that ;the South's treatment of the Negro is evil, and that the only way to deal with evil is to fight it. As for a bloody Southern reaction to passage of civil rights legislation, Williams believes that this is mostly talk promoted by those who stand to profit by it. As evidence, he points out that out of a million subscrib- ers to his paper, less than a thousand have cancelled their subscriptions as a conse- quence of his civil rights stand. Yet Williams represents a tiny minority- as he himself admits, hardly more than a minority of one. And that is the major weak- ness of his argument. For unenforceable leg- islation is bad legislation. And to any one who has spent even a short time in the South, it is difficult to see how civil rights legislation could be enforced in the teeth of the opposition of the entire white popula- tion. Copyright, 1948, New York Herald Tribune Inc.) (Continued fron Page 2) Lutheran Student Association: Supper, 5:30 p.m., Zion Lutheran Parish Hall; program, 7 p.m. Mr. Theodore Markwood, of Toledo, will speak on "If We Obey Him We Will Serve Him in the Church." Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stu- dent Club: Supper meeting, 5:30 p.m. Educational feature "The Life of Christ in Woodcarvings." Roger Williams Guild program, 6 p.m., a talk by Father Sophocles on "The Church of Beauty." At 10 a.m. the teachings of Jesus will be studied. At 11 a.m. service Rev. Loucks will speak on "Man Needs Fellowship." Congregational-Disciples Guild: Supper meeting, 6 p.m. Panel dis- cussion, "On the Assembly Line." Silver Jubilee of the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, 3 p.m. at 2101 Hill Street. U. of M. Hot Record Society: Live Be-bop session, 8 p.m., Mich- igan League Ballroom. No ad- mission charge. Coming Events La p'tite causette Mon., 3:30 p.m., Grill. Room, Michigan Lea- gue. Sociedad Hispanica: Social Hour, 4 to 5 p.m., Mon., Oct. 25, international Center. Sigma Xi Lecture, open to the public. "Some Contemporary Problems in Hydrodynamics." (i1- lustrated). Dr. J. H. Wayland, Di- rector, Underwater Ordnance Di- vision, Naval Ordnance Testing Station, Inyokern, Calif.; auspices of the University of Michigan Chapter, Sigma Xi, 4:15 p.m., Mon., Oct. 25, Rackham Amphi- theatre. Club '730: Members will meet Oct. 25, 7:30 p.m., in the club- .ooms, 730 Haven St. The Student Peace Fellowship will meet in the Fireplace Room, Lane Hall, 7:30 p.m., Mon., Oct. 25. The Bull Session will meet in Lane Hall basement, 7:30 p.m. It is open to everyone. Sphinx: Meeting Mon., Oct. 25, 10 p.m., Rm. 3D, Michigan Un- ion. Election of treasurer and discussion of future plans. Pershiig Rifles: Business meet-I ing and .drill 7 p.m., Tues., Oct. 26, ROTC Rifle Range. Business: Collection of citation cords, dues, pledging plans. 1FC Open Meeting. Subject:; The 2.4 scholarship proposal and its meaning to fraternities. All alumni invited to attend. Room 3 K-L-M, Michigan Union, 7:30 p.m., Tues., Oct. 26. Quarterdeck Society: Tues., Oct. 1at Fifty-Ninth Year 1 26, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 3R, Michigan Union. Captain Morgan, guest speaker, will lecture on "Practical Ship Operation." Wallace Progressives: Member- ship meeting, Tues., Oct. 26, 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union. Al Mill- stein will speak on "The Strength of the Progressive Party." Ann Arbor Library Club: First meeting, Tues., Oct. 26, 7:45 p.m., Clements Library. Dr. Frank E. Robbins, speaker. "Summer Solstice," original play by Robert G. Shedd, will be pre- sented by the department of speech Thursday through Satur- day evenings at 8 p.m. in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets go on sale tomorrow at 10 a.m. in the theatre box office. Students will be given a special rate on tickets for the Thursday performance. I.Z.F.A.: Tues., study group will meet Oct. 26, 7:45 p.m., Rm. 3A, Michigan Union. Topic: "History of Zionism." Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harriett Friedman ...Managing Editor bct Maloy..............City Editor Naomi Stern ........Editorial Director Allegra Pasqualetti ....Assoclate Editor Arthur Higbee.......Associate Editor Harold Jackson......Associate Editor Murray Grant..........Sports Editor Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed. Bev Bussey. Sports Feature Writer Audrey Buttery...... Women's Editor Bess Hayes ..................Librarian Business Staff Richard Hait.....Business Manager Jean Leonard . ...Advertising Manager william Cuinan .. ..Finance Manager Cole Christian ....Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Looking Back 20 YEARS AGO TODAY: "Rainbow's End" was chosen as the title for the 1928 Mimes opera, according to an- nouncements made by E. Mortimer Shuter, general director, and Paul Buckley, treasurer of the group. "Rainbow's End" was billed as the twenty-third annual opera production. 10 YEARS AGO TODAY: A leaky aerial defense almost cost Michi- J1ARNA # Don't worry about the lots the town needs for the school. I'm sure your mother's PTA delegation has persuaded Mr. Merrie to sign f~p rig U $194 , orQ fw{ Re.V.S ot16 I- I So OUR delegation will limit itself merely to persuading Mr. Merrie to' sign an agreement for poor Gus here