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September 21, 1948 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-09-21

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(Pei, ed
ONE OF THE not so well known works of
the House Un-American Acitivities
Committee is a handy little pamphlet en-
titled "100 Things You Should Know About
Communism in the U.S.A." which might well
have been subtitled "Reds, Their Habits,
Habitat and How to Hunt Them."
In 29 compact pages and one hundred
well chosen questions the committee has
undertaken to explain and expose the aims
and methods of Communism. Their pur-
pose as stated in the introduction is to
provide the American public with answers
to any conceivable question.,"If you ever
find yourself in open debate with a Com-
munist the facts here given can be used
to destroy his arguments completely and
expose him as he is for all to see."
Answers the pamphlet undoubtedly gives,
reasoning behind the answers is another
Here are some examples of the "Cate-
chism on Communism" as authorized by th
Question-"What would happen if Com-
munism should come into power?"
Answer-"Our capital would move from
Washington to Moscow. Every man, woman,
and child would come under Communist
Question-"Could I have friends of my
own choice as I do now?"
Answer-"No, except those approved by
the Communists in charge of your life from
cradle to grave."
Question-"What kind of people become
Answer-"The real center of power in
Communism is within the professional
classes . . . taken as a whole the party
depends for its strength on the support
it gets from teachers, pretchers, actors,
writers, union officials, doctors, lawyers,
editors, businessmen, and even from mil-
Question-"What is the difference in
fact between a Communist and a Fascist?"
Answer-"None worth noticing."
Question-"How can a Communist be
Answer-"It is easy. Ask him to name
ten things wrong with the United States.
-Then ask him to name two things wrong
with Russia.
His answers will show him up even to a
"Communists will denounce the President
of the United States but they will never
denounce Stalin."
There you have them, five of the 95 ques-
tions and answers. They're simple enough,
a child could learn them without any trouble
-- a parrot.
But if there are still any little problems
bothering you the committee will be glad
to help you out. They have a whole series
planned, "Communism in Religion," "Com-
munism in Education," "Communism in La-
bor," "Communism in Government."
Like the "Bobbsey Twins" and the "Rover
Boys" this serial threatens to keep going
on, and on and on.
-Allegra Pasqualetti
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
pre written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Escape and the GOP

"Right Behind You, Pal"

Letters to the Editor..

AM CONVINCED, now, that in turning
back to the Republicans, the American
people are indulging themselves in an es-
sentially fretful gesture. Scared by this
boilingly formless world, appalled by the
political changes which have been taking
place in Europe since the war, they turn
back to the G.O.P., as to something fam-
iliar, something they know, something that
stands at the furthest remove from what
is going on outside our borders. There is
both irritation and defiance in their choice;
they vote for Dewey in that same vexed
manner in which so many now boast that
they no longer follow foreign news. There
is also nostalgia, and a hankering for nor-
mq~cy, in the choice, as in the choice of
Harding in 1920.
Want Writers
the primary aims of The Michigan
Daily is to reflect to the greatest possible
extent the opinions of the various seg-
ments on campus.
Although Daily staff members, express-
ing their opinions on the editorial page,
represent many schools of thought, sev-
erl. positions for special columns, both
political and humorous, will be open this
semester to further increase campus rep-
There will also be openings for drama,
music, movie, and book reviewers. Appli-
cants should submit samples of their
work to the editorial director by Friday.
Students who would like to try for staff
jobs on The Daily may enter The Daily's
training program this Fall. Dates of try-
out meetings are given on page 1 of to-
day's paper.
-The Senior Editors
Whose Case?
DEXTER, IA.-All the elements in Harry
S. Truman's well-nigh hopeless polit-
ical problem were neatly, picturesquely
summed up at the formal opening of his
campaign, here among the yellow fields of
ripened corn. The Truman strategy is to
make his audiences' flesh creep with talk
of the "gluttons of privilege" who inhabit
Wall Street.
But in the first place, the obviously decent,
moderate and flatly unemotional President
is almost comically miscast in the old role
of William Jennings Bryan.
The scene, much more than what the
President said, was in truth the real polit-
ical story here. The setting was the pros-
perous Iowa farm of Mrs. T. R. Agg, widow
of the dean of the Iowa State College. The
fields of the place are rich, the farm has
been much improved by inventions of the
devilish New Deal, wickedly aided by the
Federal treasury. Here nearly 90,000 people
gathered, to witness the annual national
plowing contest, to look over Mrs. Agg's
experiments in progressive farming, and to
enjoy something like a vast county fair.
Yet the looks of the people were still
more impressive than their numbers. They
all have the same wiry, energetic good
health. And while only a tiny percentage,
were very rich, and none at all pretended
to be anything but farmers, the whole crowd
wore an air of comfortable, homely well-
They applauded mildly when he showed
the curious, small-man's spunk which is the
distinguishing mark of his campaigning.
They laughed when he used one of his
earthy expressions. They clapped him po-
litely at the close. And that was all.
Such were the people whom the Pres-

ident sought to arouse against his fa-
vorite Republican "gluttons of privilege."
In a sense, he had a good case. He spoke
nothing but the truth when he reminded
his listeners that by the close of the
Hoover administration, much of the state
was owned by eastern insurance com-
panies. He spoke the truth also when he
claimed for the Democrats much credit
for agricultural progress-
Yet his 70 per cent Republican audience
they would accord any decent President
of the United States, but without a quiver
of emotion even when he recalled the
terrible days of the early thirties. In the
early thirties, the mood of Iowa was almost
revolutionary. But now the President's
strong talk utterly failed to recreate that
If appearances are at all trustworthy, the
President's failure to arouse any more re-
sponse than this dooms in advance his whole
doughty effort.
On the other hand, in these crowds there
is also a warning for the Republicans.
Because President Truman lacks the
queer electric quality of leadership that
makes people stand on their hind legs and
cheer, this fact is in grave danger of being
forgotten. Yet it may be written down for
future remembrance.
If natinnal nnlicv isa ever dominated by

Turning to the Republicans is one way
of turning one's back on this whole con-
fused world, and on the angry questions
of how much liberal reform and how much
change we need in order to get by. And
this mood represents, as of this moment, a
defeat for liberalism.
AND YET one wonders how successful this
attempt at disengagement and flight is
going to be. I think we may find, as a
nation, that our effort to walk out of some
of our problems by turning Republican
may lead to a situation in which we are go-
ing to have to face them more squarely
than ever before.
For, up to now, if Roosevelt or Truman
made a mistake, it was just Roosevelt or
Truman making a mistake. But Dewey is
more than just Dewey; Dewey is the fav-
ored candidate of those who consider them-
selves the spokesmen of American free en-
terprise. In him economic traditionalism,
dressed in its best bib and tucker, prepares
to show what, given a free hand, it can do.
It will be in charge of its own destinies, un-
der the President it wants.
And thus the contest between the Ameri-
can productive system and the Russian pro-
ductive system for world moral leadership
is, going to become sharper, more direct than
ever. For in that contest Dewey will be
judged, by Americans and by the world, not
as Dewey, but as the chosen exponent of
American conservative thought. The degree
of human happiness and economic progress
his administration can achieve will be taken
as a measure of what American economic
conservatism can do. But what if painful
inflation continues, and a lack of housing?
Suddenly we can see that, far from be-
ing allowed, by their victory, to walk out
on the major questions presented by lib-
eralism, the Republicans are going to have
to face those questions in the most direct
way; face them as they have not faced
them, really, for sixteen years. I guess that
is what nostaligia will do for you every
time; it will lead you in a circle right back
to what you're fleeing from.
O SAY, then, that the liberal movement
will be killed off by the next election
is absurd; actually the liberal movement
may find that it has acquired a new lever-
age against conservatism, a new power to
make it face facts.
But more important than that is a cer-
tain obscure promise I feel to be concealed
even in the present mess - and that is that
ultimately we are going to find our security,
if we do find it, our feeling of confidence
even as against Russia, only in a renewal of
the.,courage it takes to be liberal. What this
election may show, most clearly of all, is
that a flight from liberalism doesn't solve
anything, or save you from anything, or
excuse you from answering hard questions,
and the morning after Dewey's victory may
betfie day on which we begin a perhaps
complicated return journey to the idea that
human problems must be solved, and not
ignored; they don't read the election re-
(Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation)
'7- -,



Current Movies

(Continued from Page 2)
will be publicly stated by the Chairman
of the Committee. Appeal from the de-
cision of the Committee may be made
to the President of the University.
Office of Student Affairs
Room 2, University Hall
Eligibility for non-athletic extracur-
ricular activities. Students participat-
ing in extracurricular activities may
apply for an eligibility certificate in
the Office of Student Affairs, Room 2,
University Hall. A blueprint of his
scholastic record should be presented
by each applicant for a certificate.
Participation in an extracurricular
activity includes service on a commit-
tee or on a publication, participation
in a public performance or rehearsal.
holding of office in any student or-
ganization, or being a candidate for of-
fice in a class or major student or-
ganization. At the beginning of each
semester, every student shall be pre-
sumed to be ineligible for extracurric-
ular activities until his eligibility is
affirmativelysestablished by obtainn
a certificate of eligibility.
Computing eligibility. One hour of
"A" equals 4 honor points, "B", 3; "C",
2; "D", 1; and "E", 0. Unreported
grades and grades of "X" and "I" are
to be interpreted as "E" until removed
in accordance with University regu-
lations. If, in the opinion of the Com-
mittee on Student Affairs, the "X" or
"I" cannot be removed promptly, the
paranthetically reported grade may be
used in place of the "X" or "I" in
computing the average. A "C" average
requires twice as many honor points as
the number of hours elected.
Students on probation or warning
are forbidden to participate in any ex-
tracurricular activities.
Sophomores, juniors and seniors. A
sophomore, junior, or senior may ob-
tain a certificate of eligibility at the
Office of Student Affairs provided he
earned at least 11 hours ofacademic
credit in the preceding semester or 6
hours of academic credit in the pre-
ceding summer session, with an aver-
age of at least "C", and has a "C" av-
erage for his entire academic career.
Freshmen. No freshman in his first
semester of residence may be granted
a certificate of eligibility. A freshman
during his second semester of resi-
dence may be granted a certificate of
eligibility provided he has completed
15 hours or more of work with at
least 21/ times as many honor points
as hours and with no mark of "E".
Advanced standing. Any student in
his first semester of residence holding
rank above that of freshman (over 26
hours of advanced credit) may be
granted a certificate of eligibility if he
was admitted to the University in good
Special students. Special students
are prohibited from participating in
any extracurricular activity. Exception
may be granted by the Committee on
Student Affairs only upon the positive
recommendation of the dean of the
school or college in which the student
is enrolled.
Physical Disability. Students excused
from gymnasium work because of
physical incapacity are forbidden to
take part in any extraculricurar activ-
ity, except by special permission of
the Committee on Student Affairs. In
order to obtain suchrpermission, a stu-
dent may be required to present a
written recommendation from the
University Health Service.
Denial of Permission. Whenever in
the opinion of the Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs, or in the opinion of the
dean of the school or college in which
the student is enrolled, participation
in an extracurricular activity may be
detrimental to his college work, the
Committee may decline to grant a stu-
dent the privilege of participation in
such activity.
Responsibility for Checking Eligibil-
ity. Before permitting any student to
participate in an extracurricular ac-
tivity the president, chairman, or man-
ager of the activity shall (1) require
each applicant to present a certificate
of eligibility, (2) sign his initials on
the back of the certificate, and (3) file
with the Office of Student Affairs the
names of all those who have presented
certificates of eligibility and a signed
statement to exclude others from par-
ticipation. Eligibility list forms may

be obtained in the Office of Student
Presidents, hcairmen, and managers
of extracurricular activities who vio-
late this regulation may be directed
to appear before the Committee on
Student Affairs to explain their neg-
Cases of violation of these rules will
be reported to the proper disciplinary
authority for action.
Married Michigan Veterans of World
War i1: The waiting list for the Uni-
versity Terrace Apartments and the
veterans Housing Project will be open
Sept. 29, 30 and Oct. 1, 1948. Those who
will be eligible to apply for this wait-
ing list must have the following quali-
1. Only married veterans of World
War II who are at present registered in
the University may apply.
2. Only Michigan residents may ap-
ply. The Regents' definition of a
Michigan resident follows:" None shall
be deemed a resident of Michigan for
the purpose of registration in the Uni-
versitytunless he or she has resided in
this State six months preceding the
date of proposed enrollment.")
3. Only students who have com-
pleted two semesters in this University
may apply. (A Summer Session is con-
sidered as one-half semester.)
4. Only full-time students carrying
12 hours of work or more, or part-time
student-and-part-time-teachers, whose
total hours of teaching and class hours
elected amount to an equivalent of 12
hours or more, may apply.
5. veterans who have incurred physi-
cal disability of a serious nature will
be given first consideration. A written
statement from Dr. Forsythe of the
University Health Service concerning
such disability should be included in
the application.
6. Length of service( and particular-
ly overseas service, will be an impor-
tant determining factor. (In consider-
ing an applicant's total length of serv-
ice, A.S.T.P., v-12, and similar pro-
gramns will be discounted.)
7. If both husband and wife are vet-
erans of World War II and the hus-
band is a Michigan resident and both
are enrolled in the University, their
combined applications will be given
special consideration.
Each applicant must present with
his application his Military Record and
Report of Separation.
Students who are admitted to these
apartments may in no case occupy
them for a period longer than two
If a student should be granted per-
mission to move from one housing
project to the other, it is understood
that his total term of occupancy in the
two projects must not exceed two
Office of Student Affairs
Student Print Loan Collection: Stu-
dents interested in obtaining a pic-
ture for the fall semester may sign for
the print at the West Gallery, Museum
of Art, from September 20 through Sep-
tember 23. Students are requested to
bring student identification with them.
A rental fee of fifty cents will he
charged. The West Gallery is open to
the public from 9 to 12 a.m. and 1:30 to
5 p.m. The prints will be distributed
from Room 206, University Hall, the
week of September 27.
The student offices of the Michigan
Union will be open for issuance of
membership cards Sept. 21 and 22,
from 7-8 p.m. to accommodate those
unable to appear during the regular
office hours, 3 to 5 p.m. any weekday
1948-49 Lecture Course: The Orato-
rical Association presents the following
distinguished speakers during the com-
ing year: Oct. 12, Robert Magidoff,
"Why I Was Expelled From Soviet Rus-
sia"; Nov. 1, Raymond Gram Swing,
"History on the March"; Nov. 10, Re-
becca West, "Famous Trials"; Nov. 19,
John Mason Brown, "Broadway in Re-
view"; Feb. 24, Cornelia Otis Skinner,
"Wives of Henry VIII"; March 3, Eve
Curie, "France, Struggle for Civiliza-
tion"; and March 10, Herbert Agar,
"England Today." Tickets for the com-

Not the Colossus?
To the Editor:
With the election campaign
now getting into gear it seems
that a lot of despicable persons
have been going around implying
that the Republican party is not
the greatest thing since the Co-
lossus of Rhodes. It is open sea-
son on Republicans and the mem-
bers of the party resent being sub-
jected to the calumnies of a lot of
shady characters who don't have
sense eto realize that the party of
Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover is
the only one capable of adminis-
tering the government with hon-
esty, justice, and intelligence.
Take the matter of the energy
plete course are now on sale in 111 Au-
ditorium box office, which is open
from 10-1, and 2-5 daily.
Academic Notices
Chemistry 55-169E
For the first week only, the schedule
for the various sections has been
changed as follows:
Sec 1, Rec M 2 Rm. 165 Lab. M, 1,
3-5; F 1-5 280
Sec. 2 Rec. Tu 1, Rm. 151, Lab. Tu,
2-5; Th 1-5 Rm. 280
Sec. 3, Rec. W 2, Rm. 151, Lab. W,
1-3-5; S, 8-12, Rm. 280
Sec. 4, Rec. Tu 8, Rm. 2308, Tu, 9-12;
Th, 8-12, Rm. 2310
Sec. 5, Rec. W 2, Rm. 151 W, 1, 3-5; S,
8-12, Rm. 2310
For the rest of the semester, recita-
tion times will be announced.
Students in sections 2 and 4 will re-
port for recitation, first. Those in sec-
tions 1. 3, and 5 will report to the lab-
oratories for desk assignments at 1
p.m. at 2 p.m., they will report for reci-
tation as indicated.
Education D209A, Proseminar in Mu-
sic Education, will meet Tues. and
Thurs.. 10 a.m., 2nd floor, Lane Hall.
EM2a Lecture will begin with Group
1 at 2 p.m.. Fri., Sept. 24. Laboratory
work begins with Section 1 on Mon.,
Sept 27
English 31, Sec. 16, Eastman, willi
meet in 2235 Angell Hall, MWF, 1 p.m.
Assignment: "The Three Strangers."
English 45, Section 1, will meet in
2219 AH instead of 2082NS, beginning
Wed., Sept. 22.
English 107, section 4 scheduled to
meet on Tuesday and Thursday at 9
a.m. will meet in 3217 Angell Hall.
Geometry Seminar: There will be a
preliminary meeting of the Geometry
Seminar Wed., Sept. 22, 4 p.m., Room
3001 Angell Hall.
Mathematics Concentration Examina-
tion: Wed., Sept. 22, 4-6 p.m., Room
3011 A.H. If this time is inconvenient,
see or call Prof. C. H. Fischer before
that time to make special arrangements.
Spanish 209. Survey of Colonial and
Nineteenth Cehtury Spanish-American
Literature will meet Tuesday, Thursday
and Friday at 4 p.m.., Room 406 General
Freshman Health Lectures for Men
First Semester 1948-49
It is a University requirement that
all entering Freshmen takes a series of
lectures on Personal and Community
Health and to pass an examination on
the content of these lectures. Transfer
students with freshman. standing are
also required to take the course unless
they have had a similar course else-
where, which has been accredited here.
Upperclassmen who were here as
freshmen and who did not fulfill the
requirements are requested to do so
this term.
These lectures are also required of
veterans with freshman standing.
The lectures will be given in the Nat-
ural Science Auditorium at 4, 5 and 7:30
p.m. as per the following schedule:
Lecture Day Date

Fifty-Ninth Year

and imagination of yourth. Which
of the other parties presents such
an inspiring collection of young
men? Harold Stassen says that
the "Republican platform is a
forward-looking document devel-
oped . ..through the insistence of
millions of the younger and more
liberal members of the Republican
party." Three cheers for the
youthful liberalism of Congress-
man Halleck, Speaker Martin, and
Senator Taft.
Or how about the charges that
J. Parnell Thomas and his Re-
publican colleagues do not under-
stand the fundamental concpets
of the American democratic tra-
ditional? How can they say such
a thing? Stassen says that Presi-
dent Truman "has followed Henry
Wallace and Henry Wallace fol-
lowed those who had no faith in
America." That's a justifiable at-
tack on the opposition, but to say
anything of the sort about the
Republicans borders on treason.
After all, the other political
parties are only interested in
"demagogue appeal to, set class
against class." They want "to sow
the seeds of disunity in the minds
of American youth for the sake of
fleeting political advantage."
Everyone knows this is true, be-
cause Harold Stassen says it's
But the Republican party has
higher motives. It has no interest
in the outcome of the election ex-
cept that it sincerely hopes the
most capable man will win. It
seeks to reap no partisan politi-
cal advantage from the current
world situation. While the other
parties dissipate their energies on
patronage problems and the dirty
work of winning an election the
Republicans are concentrating
their resources on the establish-
ment of international peace and
the creation of an abundant
economy in the United States.
An organization so utterly vir-
tuous, standing for such high
moral principles, should not be
forced into the gutter of everyday
politics. It is not right that the
brick-bats and rotten eggs which
are the lot of the candidates of
other parties should soil the pure-
white banner of the Republicans.
The next time you hear anyone
attack the Republican party re-
member that he is either getting
old, has no faith in America, or
is trying to reap political advan-
tage by fomenting a class struggle.
This is one election in which
American voters will have no
trouble deciding where to cast
their ballot. Virtue has gone to
perch on the halo of the. Albany
Sphinx, and none but the immoral
will deny it.
-Leo Weiss


0 Who's Discouraged?
Election Note,.,.
STUDENTS WHO became discouraged
with the difficulties of registration were
probably too busy arguing their way into
courses to discover that they weren't the
only ones. For, according to a large sign
on Waterman's Gym balcony, "Changes' in'
election will be difficult and discouraged."
Serious Frosh .". .
THE POOR LITTLE freshman who wan-
dered into a Martha Cook open house
last week will probably be sticking to his
books for awhile. Trying to wheedle a date
with a resident of that strictly upperclass
residence for women, our little freshman in-
quired what year of school she was in.
When her cold "Freshman-in Law School"
-failed to rebuff him, she philosophised,
sweetly, "I thing women should marry men
younger than themselves, don't you?"
"Oh, I'm not going to marry," he said.
"I'm going to study."
Window Shopping? -. -
FRESHMEN are getting a little smarter
this year-as witness the remark made
by one of the crew at a recent mixer dance
when asked by a hostess if he would like to
be introduced to a girl.
"No," he answered, "I'm just looking,

At the Michigan .. .
with Dan Dailey.
of my public by three semesters at this
nefarious occupation, I'm going to get off
to a roaring start with what I know will be
a contested opinion. For while Give My
Regards to Broadway will probably be class-
ified as that golden vegetable by the ma-
jority of Ann Arbor audiences, I happened
to like this very believable tale of a vaude-
ville juggler who saw his profession buried
but would never believe the writing on the
tombstone. Albert the Great and Family
played to the dirty wallpaper of a walkup
apartment following the demise of the
old "three a day" and Charles Winneger, as
Albert had to trade in his tux for overalls
while they "were between engagements." It
turned out to be the longest run he ever
played, for twenty years later he is a
prosperous official of the company, still
waiting for the booking that never came.
Dan Dailey and his two blonde sisters that
make up the "Family" part of the act prac-
tice their songs and juggling out in the
garage, and the story for the most part is
concerned with how the kids grow away
from their Dad's dream of trouping again.
It's very much middle class America; elm
trees, baseball, family birthday parties and
all, and possibly this and Mr. Winneger's
constant absorption in show business will
seem dull to many. But the likable Mr.
Dailey, and the fine performances of Fay
Bainter, Charles Winninger and Charles
Ruggles plus some very good situations give
it a realism and warmth that make you
feel you have really met the family, rather
than merely seen another movie.
-Gloria Hunter.
,* * *
At the State..
"THE PIRATE" with Gene Kelly and
Judy Garland.

1 Mon.
2 Tues.
3 Wed.
4 Thurs.
5 Mon.
6 Tues.
7 (Final Exam) Wed.
You may attend at any

Sept. 20
Sept. 21
Sept. 23
Sept. 23
Sept. 27
Sept. 28
Sept. 29
of the above

hours. Enrollment will take place at
the first lecture. Please note that at-
tendance is required and roll will be
Events Today
Polonia Club: First meeting, 7:30
p.m., International Center. All students,
invited especially those of Polish de-
Young Democrats: Executive Com-
mittee meeting, 4:30 p.m., Michigan
Coming Events
Pi Tau Sigma: Meeting of charter
members and election of officers, 229
W. Engineering Bldg., Wed., 8 p.m.
Bring initiation fees.
Flying Club; Open meeting, Wed.,
Sept. 22, 7:30 p.m., 1042 E. Engineering
Bldg. All students and faculty mem-
bers invited:.
Young Republicans: Open meeting,
7:30 p.m.. Thurs., Sept. 23, Rm. 3L-3R,
Michigan Union.
United World Federalists University
Chapter: First general meeting of the
semester, Wednesday evening, Sept. 22,
Michigan Union. Meeting is open to
old, and new and prospective members
of the United World Federalists.

Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ...Managing Editor
Dick Maloy..............City Editor
Naomi Stern .......Editorial Dreictor
Allegra Pasqualetti .. ..Associate Editor
Arthur Higbee.......Associate Editor
Harold Jackson ......Associate Editor
Murray Grant..........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey .....Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery......Women's Editor
Business Staff
Richard Halt......Business Manager
Jean Leonard .... Advertising Manager
William Culman ...Finance Manager
Cole Christian .... Circulation Manager
Bess Hayes................Librarian
Telephone 23-24-1
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Hmm. A letter the Principal is writing
to the newspaper, pointing out that his
school is overcrowded and-Overcrowded?
Why, this building is deserted, Barnaby.

We've got to arouse community interest
and force the city to build the proposed
annex to this school. There just isn't
any other solution to overcrowdedness-

I can think of several simple solutions
to the Principal's little problem. I'll
wait here and discuss them with him-

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