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October 23, 1948 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-10-23

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Bernadotte Proposals

W HEN THE PROPOSALS of the late Pal-
estine mediator Count Folke Bernadotte
for settlement of the war were released, they
received the frank endorsement of both the
American and British representatives to the
Security Council.
The Bernadotte proposals, calling for the
severance of the Negev from the State of
Israel, in exchange for Western Galilee,
closely parallel the bill of goods Ernest
Bevin has been trying to peddle since even
before last November's partition resolu-
The Negev is of the utmost importance
to the infant nation, inasmuch as it repre-
sents an area for future development. It is,
in other words, the area in which the Is-
raelis hope to settle European immigrants.
Considerable significance attaches to the
fact that for the past few weeks, United
Nations spokesmen have proclaimed un-
equivocally that Bernadotte's decisions were
based on his own observations and beliefs for
a disinterested settlement. Some observers,
Victor Bernstein, UN correspondent for the
"New York Star," for instance, have reason
to suspect otherwise.
In a dispatch to the "Star" from Paris last
Tuesday, Bernstein said, ". . . sources of ut-
most reliability here insist that territorial
changes embodied in the Bernadotte plan
were decided upon only after the late Pal-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

estine mediator was visited at his Rhodes
headquarters by representatives of the U.S.
State Department and the British Foreign
Bernstein, who identified Bernadotte's
two visitors as Robert McClintock and Sir
John Troutbeck, asserted that the inter-
view took place at a time when the only
correspondents assigned to Rhodes had
temporarily left the Island. He goes on to
say that about a week later, a correspon-
dent for the London Sunday Times filed a
story from Rhodes to the effect that the
Bernadotte plan was drawn up in accord-
ance with Anglo-American policy.
He said further, "A careful check of the
files of the Sunday Times reveals that this
story never was printed, but it is not known
where the dispatch was killed."
United Nations officials confirmed to
Bernstein that McClintock and Troutbeck
had visited Bernadotte, but denied that the
meeting had anything to do with a proposed
territorial settlement. They insisted the sub-
ject of the meeting was the problem of Arab
Bernstein raised the question whether
the problem of refugees would have been so
pressing that it required the dispatch of
special emissaries to Rhodes at the last
The . suggestion that there is something
more than coincidence in the resemblance
of the Bernadotte plan to, Bevin's scheme
for Palestine is more credible in the light
of the British stake in the Negev. If the
Bernadotte plan were adopted, the Negev
would go to Transjordania and King Ab-
dullah, insuring a strategic stranglehold on
the Near East by the British.
-Jake Hurwitz.

Unique Stand

country's most fatheaded veterans' or-
ganization the other day when it passed
a resolution urging Congress to outlaw the
Communist Party.
After practically every political figure
in the country has come out against this
idea, and the nation's most conservative
presidential candidate-Thomas E. Dewey
-carried the Oregon primary largely be-
cause of his stand against it, the Legion
is still not convinced.
The arguments against such a law include
two generally admitted facts:
It would be in clear violation of the spirit
of the U.S. Constitution;
It would be a completely ineffective
anti-Communist measure, as Senator Taft
recently pointed out when he said it
would "only drive them underground."
Specifically outlawing the Communist

Party would be an anti-American, not an
anti-Communist procedure.
Maybe in recommending it the Legion was
following the logic of Harold E. Stassen,
who told the national convention "peace can
only be won by force ... "
Apparently the theory is to adopt meth-
ods that will defeat desired ends, in the
hope that they will work in reverse, or
We've always felt the way to accomplish
an aim was to work toward it rather than
away 'tom it.
The way to combat Communism, according
to this outmoded idea, would be to attack
the conditions that give rise to it. One of
those conditions is the American Legion's
habit of passing crazy resolutions based on
misunderstanding of what "Americanism" is
all about.
-Phil Dawson.

R.ALBERT DEUTSCH hasviolated our
administration's ban against political
speeches. He did it unknowingly at Kellogg
Auditorium last Wednesday night.
Journalist Deutsch talked about the
paradoxes of our society whereby racial
discrimination, unnecessary poverty, and
red-hunting exist in what we call a democ-
racy. le expressed grave anxiety over the
fact that our politicians are almost in-
different in their foreign policy to the
fact that an atomic and bacteriological
war wouldn't be nearly such clean sport as
was the last war. His one optimistic note
was that he thought another war would be
the long awaited last war. He pointed out
that wars can only be fought if there are
Mr. Deutsch's true but gloomy story ended
without offering anything in the way of a
solution or a hope. That is, until questions
were received from the audience and a dis-
satisfied young lady asked him what he
thourght we could do. Then we found that
he wasn't a pessimist after all. He was
backing the only presidential candidate who
is actively fighting our domestic paradoxes
and our foreign policy's drive to war. Said
Deutsch, "I'm all out for Wallace." He then
very well and very simply gave his reasons
for this choice.
Even under a loose interpretation of
the speaking ban this appending a posi-
tive political program to a negative speech
is a definite violation. But that the rule
was trespassed upon is not an issue.
The question is this-Of what benefit to
the student body (assumed that such rules
are made for the student body) is a rule
which only allows the presentation of the
negative side of an issue when the positive
side is of a political nature? If the answer
is none whatsoever, then what is the pur-
pose of the ban and who does it serve?
Could it be as a protection of the old
political parties because they have nothing
but apathy to offer to the paradoxes; and
because the bi-partisan foreign policy is
so unrealistic that it prefers war to losing
American influence in Central Europe? It
sounds very probable.
It is easy enough in this confused world
to either be cynical or apathetic without
having the "educators" make it even easier.
-Jack Barense.
And-en A fter
insight than that used by other candi-
dates, Henry Wallace has announced that
the Progressive Party will carry on in spite
of defeat in the election.
Recalling the blundering and frequently
laughable convention and campaign staged
by Progressive party leaders during the
past few months, many people will grit
their teeth and say, "We're going to have
that again."
But the Progressive party has a definite
and beneficial place in American politics.
As a left-wing party, it has managed to at-
tract attention and stir up much more
thought in voter's minds than any leftist
party in recent years.
Americans who for years have voted
the same ticket without questioning the
actual merits of the party's policies, have
this year re-examined the aims and prac-
tices of the various organizations in com-
parison with the more radical theory .
brought to the fore by Henry Wallace.
True, the Wallace movement has been
dampened by news of the candidate's impul-
sive behavior and suspicion of Communism
among Progressive higher-ups.
Much of the country is hoping that
Wallace and his cronies won't hold sway
much longer. But the principles which
they professed can be kept before the

American public, an ever-present balanc-
ing force to loud-mouth reactionary doc-
Providing that the Progressives continue
to support the general principles they es-
poused during this campaign, their presence
in the American political scene can temper
and perfect the performance of other play-
ers on the stage.
-Fran Ivick.
e -h

a political rally!

SO LOUD, Eddie! We're liable to be taken for


After No,
MONTGOMERY, Ala,-With the Dixiecrat
revolt, the old political pattern of the
South has been broken wide open. The artifi-
cial alliance which kept John Rankin and
Hubert Humphrey in the same party has
been ruptured. The contrasting political sit-
uations in Alabama and Georgia suggest two
different versions of the new pattern which,
after Nov. 2, may begin to replace the old.
In Alabama, a strangely muted battle is
in progress. The story of this silent drama
can best be told in terms of two of its
chief actors, Lister Hill, Alabama's tall,
genial Senator, and Frank Dixon, former
Governor and leader of the state's Dixie-
Although he is a mild-mannered man who
has always fought Klu Kluxism, Dixon is
what the Northern liberals mean when they
talk about "Southern reactionaries." On the
racial issue, Dixon has recently said (and
passionately believes) that the Truman civil
rights proposals would "reduce us to the sta-
tus of a mongrel, inferior race, mixed in
blood, our Anglo-Saxon heritage a mockery."
The difference lies elsewhere. To Dixon,
the national Democratic party has become,
since 1933, "an unholy alliance of left-
wingers, pseudo liberals and radicals of as
many hues as Joseph's coat." But Hill
has been a party to this wicked alliance.
Throughout his career he has been that
rare bird among Southern Democrats, a
New Dealer. Except on the racial issue,
he has voted pretty regularly like the
typical Northern Democrat. That is what
the battle is really about.
Hill refused to walk out of the Democratic
convention, and Dixon reports bitterly that
he even refused to answer a letter inviting
him to join the Dixiecrat crusade. There is
good reason to believe that the Dixiecrats
are now out to defeat Hill and everything
he stands for when he comes up for re-elec-
tion in 1950.
Hill knows this, but for a peculiar reason
he cannot fight the Dixiecrats openly. Ala-
bama law requires that a would-be candi-
date must have supported the candidate of
his party in the previous election. J. Strom
Thurmond is the official candidate of the
Alabama Democratic party-indeed, the
Democratic electors are committed to Thur-
mond, so that it will be physically impossible
for any Alabama citizen to cast his vote
in November for Harry S. Truman. Thus if

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cept on the race issue, and want to stick
with the party. On the other side will be
those, like Dixon, who generally think like
Republicans on national issues, and who
want in effect to break all ties with the
Democrats of the North. Dixon talks of a
permanent regional party in the South, hold-
ing the balance of power in Congress, and
thus wielding decisive bargaining power.
Some such open, official split between
the right and left wings of the Democratic
party-in effect, a two-party system-may
emerge as the political pattern throughout
the South. Yet what is going on in Geor-
gia suggests a different outcome. Georgia's
next Governor, Herman Talmadge, has
not openly split with the national party.
He has not done so because he believes
that after the forthcoming defeat of Tru-
man, the Southern Democrats will again
be able to dominate the party, and Tal-
madge wants to be one of those doing the
Whatever else he is, Talmadge is no fool.
But something has happened in Georgia
which is paralleled in other Southern states,
and which may in the long run bode ill for
such Southern Democrats as Talmadge. The
Republican party in Georgia has been show-
ing real signs of life-so much life that
Thomas E. Dewey may win a plurality in No-
Effective Republican competition would
certainly siphon off much of the conserv-
ative support which men like Talmadge
now enjoy. This in turn would tend in the
long run to shape the Southern Demo-
cratic party increasingly in the Northern
image, and might lead to a lasting North-
South Democratic reconciliation, pro-
vided some compromise formula on the
racial issue were found.
Whatever political pattern eventually
emerges in the South, one thing seems clear.
The old one-party system, which so often
reduced Southern politics to the level of a
popularity contest without real political
choice, may not be doomed. But it is closely
threatened as never before. If it dies, there
will be few to regret its passing.
Copyright, 1948, New York Herald Tribune Inc.)
SENATOR BARKLEY, speaking at the Illi-
nois Sate Fair, boasted of "40-cent cattle
and 30-cent hogs" as an achievement of the

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of
the Assistant t,. the President, Room
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 pm. on the
day preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LIX, No. 29
Choral Union members, whose
attendance records are clear will
please call for their courtesy
passes to the French National Or-
chestra concert on the day
of the performance, Monday.
Oct. 25, 9:30 a.m. and 12 noon and
1-4 p.m., at the offices of the Uni-
versity Musical Society, Burton
Memorial Tower.
Seniors and Graduate Students:
Mr. C. C. LaVene, of Douglas
Aircraft Co., Inc., will be here
Wed., Thurs., and Fri., Oct. 27,
28, and 29, to interview seniors
and graduate students. 'iheir par-
ticular needs are:
1) Graduate engineers in the
fields of aeronautics, mechanical,
civil or electrical who are inter-
ested in mechanical and structural
design, power plant installation
design, and equipment installa-
tion design work on the board.
2) Aeronautical engineers with
advanced degrees who have spe-
cialized in high speed aerodynam-
ics, compressibility and stress an-
3) Electrical engineers with ad-
vanced degrees in the field of
4) Physicists with advanced
degrees who have specialized in
nuclear physics, physical chemis-
try, electronics and fluid flow.
5) Mathematicians with ad-
vanced degrees who are interested
in applied mathematics and sta-
6) Mechanical engineers with
advanced degrees who have placed
emphasis on thermodynaics, heat
exchanging, etc.
Application blanks obtainable
in Rm. 1079 E. Engineering Bldg.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Win-
ston Leigh Roesch, Education;
thesis: "The Theory and Practice
of Senior High School Adminis-
tration in Twelve Cities of Michi-
gan, Ohio and Indiana," 9 a.m.,
Sat., Oct. 23, 4019 University High
School. Chairman, A. B. Moehl-
Doctoral Examination for Peter
Andrew Ostafin, Sociology; thesis:
,"The Polish Peasant in Transi-
tion: A Study of Group Integra-
tion as a Function of Symbiosis
and Common Definitions," 3:15
p.m., Mon., Oct. 25, East Council
Room, Rackham Bldg. Chairman,
A. E. Wood.
English 149 (Advanced Play-
writing) will meet Tues., Oct. 26,
7:30 p.m., 2019 Angell Hall (in-
stead of Mon., Oct. 25, 3217 An-
gell Hall).
The University Musical Society
will present the French National
Orchestra, Charles Munch, Con-
ductor, in the Choral Union Se-
ries Monday, October 25, 8:30 p.m.,
Hill Auditorium.
A limited number of tickets are
available at the offices of the So-
ciety in Burton Memorial Tower
and will continue on sale at the
Hill Auditorium box office after 7

Letters to the Editor ...

o'clock on the evening of the per-
Carillon Recital: The carillon
program scheduled for 2:15 p.m.,
Sun., Oct. 24, will be presented by
Sidney Giles, Assistant University
Carillonneur. His program will
include Timmermans' Impromptu
for Carillon; Ah, Sweet Mystery
of Life by Victor Herbert, My
Heart at Thy Sweet Voice by
Saint-Saens, and Sextette from
Lucia di Lammermoor by Doni-
zetti; Moment Musical by Schu-
bert, Waltz in A by Brahms, Ga-
votte by Gossec; Menuet et Trio
by Staf Mees, Ballet by Edward
Loos, and George Clement's Suite
Drawings and Water Colors
from the collection of John S.
Newberry, Jr., and Prints by the
Graphic Circle: Museum of Art,
Alumni Memorial Hall, daily 9
a.m.-5 p.m. Sundays 2-5 p.m. The
public is invited.
Events Today
Kappa Phi: Pledging and Foun-
der's Dinner for all Kappa Phi
pledges and active members. Call
6881 for reservations.
Westminster Guild: Listening
party, 2:45 p.m., 3rd floor parlor.
Motion Picture: Art Cinema
League and University Famine
Committee present "Symphonie
Pastorale," 8:30 p.m., Sat., and
Sun., Hill Auditorium.
Coming Events
Sociedad Hispanica: Social
Hour, 4 to 5 p.m., Mon., Oct. 25,
International Center.
Sphinx: Meeting Mon., Oct.
25, 10 p.m., Rm. 3D, Michigan Un-
ion. Election of treasurer and
discussion of future plans.
Inter-Guild Council: 2:30-4
p.m., Sun., Oct. 24, Lane Hall.
U. of M. Hot Record Society:
Live Be-bop session, 8 p.m., Sun.,
Oct. 24, Michigan League Ball-
room. No admission charge.
Americans for Democratic Ac-
tion: Films, nomination of offi-
cers, program for the semester.
7:30 p.m., Tues., Oct. 26, Michi-
gan Union. All students invited.
'ONTROL of the next Senate is
' largely a matter of prestige.
It is true that the Democrats
might well capture three or four
seats, and hence get control. This
would mean that the chairman of
every committee would be a Dem-
ocrat, and there would be a Dem-
ocratic majority on each commit-
tee. Thus the Democrats could
block Dewey nominations; and a
lot of postmasters and federal at-
torneys would keep their present
patronage jobs.
But to oppose Dewey with any
effectiveness, Democratic discip-
line would have to be achieved.
And where is it? The Dixiecrats
will hold the balance of power in
the Senate no matter who or-
ganizes it. On foreign affairs, they
are internationalists. Actually a
Democratic majority would prob-
ably aid Dewey's foreign policy. If
the half-dozen GOP isolationists
for whom he is campaigning are
elected, they will cut his throat
on aid to the European Recovery
-The New Republic.

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
pubication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
Classroom Religion
To the Editor:
MR. STANTON'S letter on class-
room religion illustrates very
well the need for a course on the
college level, which will give stu-
dents information about Chris-.
tianity. His easy assumption that
Christianity is worthy only of
childish intellects, his misunder-
standing of the very nature of sci-
ence, and the impertinence with
which he dismissed the sincere
letter of Mr. Krause, all demand
Mr. Stanton's discovery that
Santa Claus was a myth when he
was yet a child indicates an in-
telligence that would otherwise be
unsuspected from the arrogant
manner in which he disposes of
grave human problems. I can only
hope that his maturity is not so
moribund that it prevents his ever
discovering thenmyth of science.
We should not, however, judge
truth by the measurement of fact
or myth. Language having the lim-
itations it has, "time-hallowed"
myths have given man an under-
standing of ultimate reality which
otherwise he would be unable to
gain. A myth per se may be true
or false, good or bad. How true, for
example, is Plato's cave? My ob-
jection here is to the naive myth
of science, not myths.
I do not deny Mr. Stanton's
right to criticize religion, but I do
think he should be informed as
well as sarcastic. His reference to
Galileo and Darwin illuminates
how very old-fashioned his ap-
proach is. Scientists of today real-
ize that more questions are raised
than answered by increasing sci-
entific knowledge, even if they do
cover up their ignorance with
double-talk about trends and fac-
I value science as a technique to
tell man how to accomplish his
goals; these goals cannot be gained
from science, but must be imposed
on science. Mr. Stanton wants
facts only taught at the University.
But facts are infinite in number
and voiceless. Was there ever a
falser myth than the one of the
calm, objective historian or ex-
perimenter investigating FACTS?
Any fact of history or science re-
mains just that until the bias or
purpose of the observer gives it its
relative importance. The fact-ar-
rangement of the ideographic sci-
entist and the type of the nomo-
thetic are both constructed for
reasonswhich are not in the facts,
but in unscientific human desires.
Mr. Stanton uses the term
should in his letter; he condemns
and proposes, but does science ever
say, "We should do this or that,"
just as if we were free agents? A
Christian can say, "We should do
this," and mean something by it,
because he believes in free will,
but can Mr. Stanton? Did sci-
ence ever inform Prof. Shepherd
that the universe is impersonal?
In what laboratory was this ex-
periment done? Mr. Stanton
should orient himself all over
again as to which is fact
and which fable-"even today."
While the University yet lacks
a course informing the student of
the meaning of Christianity, those
who wish to be more articulate
and intelligent about their faith
could start by reading Mr. C. S.
Lewis's Miracles, and by following
up the suggestions in that book,
achieve a great deal by them-

-John R. Staton.
*F 8
Voting Problem
To the Editor:
THIS VOTING problem is be-
ginning to worry me. Could
any readers tell me where I could
write to obtain some non-partisan
information concerning the candi-
dates in Wayne County and the
State of Michigan. I would appre-
ciate a prompt answer.
-Barbara Dewey.
Wants Singing
To the Editor:
THERE SEEMS to be a decided
lack (here) of pushing school
songs. During the half-time period
there are more students who don't
know the verses to the "Yellow
and Blue" and "The Victors" and
"Varsity" than do know them.



To the Editor:
thank The Daily for the favor-
able publicity you have been giving
us recently. We are glad that you
appreciate the importance of one
of our aims: to protect the rights
of women on the Michigan cam-
Our campaign against tyranny,
(i.e. Misters Cook, Abrams, and
Carneiro) has met with unprece-
dented success. We are sure that
their election as SCHMOES OF
THE WEEK has made them see
the folly of their ways.
We have noticed, however, a
serious error in your recent ar-
ticles on the Shmoos. Although
probably unintentional, we were
hurt at your misspelling of
SHMOO. This lovable little animal
bears no resemblance to "schmoos"
whatever they may be.
In closing, we wish to congratu-
late the Casbah on its newest in-
novation. We feel sure that the
whole campus will join us in sup-
porting Shmooland. It is hearten-
ing to think that Michigan has fi-
nally adopted the Shmoo spirit.
--Gloria Griesing, President,
Helen Orlick, Vice-President.
Joanne Zellman, Sec. and
Skin Deep?
To the Editor:
IN REGARD to the letter written
by Messrs. Carneiro, Cook, and
Abrams, we have only three things
to say.
Those gentlemen were riding in
an open convertible. They should
try walking to see how far they
could get. The Purdue women
MAY be beautiful, but they cer-
tainly know it. We will trade our
beautiful Purdue women for Mich-
igan coeds sight unseen.
-Herman T. Tilly.
Richard M. Sibley.

During a University of Pennsyl-
vania game one never fails to hear
"Old Jeff Davis," "Hurrah Penn-
sylvania," "Oh Hail Alma Mater,"
"Fight on Pennsylvania," "Oh
Drink a Highball," etc.
What I am trying to bring out
is that we don't have enough
well-known Michigan songs. What
I would like to see is that The
Daily publish one page of school
songs now while there are still
games to be played; not when
school is ready to be dismissed.
How about pushing the chorus
to "Laudes Atque Carmina,"
"Here's to Michigan," and "O
Michigan, Dear Michigan," (tune,
"Heidelberg," from the Prince of
-Herbert Stanley Mirsky.
* * *

Fifty-Ninth Year

Looking Back

The front page of The Daily reported
that a former University student had gone
out of his mind. "The student," the article
reads, "belonged to the ultra-fashionable set
on campus and was very conspicuous because
he drove to classes in his private horse and
trap." li5 fiancee was "prostrate."
A big cry was raised by the Sophomores
because of the refusal of Frosh women to
wear verdant buttons signifying their low
and humble state.
Ann Arborites made the most of the lifting
of the ban on gasless Sundays.
To the tune of "The Victors," a 130-piece
Wolverine band marched briskly down New
York's 42 street led by a police escort in
the first lap of their Yale trip. Thomas E.
Dewey, campaigning for Governor led the

Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ...Managing Editor
Dick Maloy ................City Editor
Naomi Stern .........Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti ....Associate Editor
Arthur Higbee ........Associate Editor
Harold Jackson ......Associate Editor
Murray Grant..........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey ......Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery........Women's Editor
Bess Hayes................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Hait .......Business Manager
Jean Leonard .... Advertising Manager
William Culman .....Finance Manager
Cole Christian .... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matterseherein are aiso reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,

Our PTA delegation has an appointment
with Mr. Merrie early this afternoon to
try and persuade him to sell that bit of

It might take somebody like Barnaby's
imaginary Pixie to convince Mr. Merrie.

Hello, m'boy. Let's run over
the tactical approach of our
delegation before we start

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