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October 23, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-10-23

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Latest Deadline in the State
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VOL. LIX, No. 29



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* * * *


Neutrals Ask
eds To Lift
Travel Block
City Would Get
Soviet Currency
PARIS-WP)-Russia was asked
in a resolution by the six neutrals
of the Security Council today to
lift immediately the Berlin block-
ade as part of an East-West settle-
ment in Germany.
The Big Four Powers were asked
in the same resolution to imple-
ment by Nov. 20 their Moscov
agreement to introduce the Soviet
Zone mark under four-power con-
trol as the sole currency of Berlin
x * *
vided for the convening of a Four-
Power Foreign Ministers Council
within 10 days after the currenc
settlement to reopen negotiations
on German problems as a whole
and for lifting of transport and
trade restrictions to and from the
Soviet Zone.
Argentine Foreign Minister
Juan A. Bramuglia presented the
six-nation resolution to the
council. He adjourned the meet-
ing before the Big Four stated
their views, setting the next ses-
sion for Monday. A vote may
come then.
An authoritative source said
Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister
Andrei Y. Vishinsky asked for the
delay. U.N. officials speculated
that he wanted time to get Mos-
cow's reaction to the formal res-
U.S. DEPUTY Delegate Philip C.
Jessup refused to commit his'
country but told a reporter that
"in general we think that it (the
resolution) is along the right line."
A British spokesman said his dele-
gation regarded the resolution as
a satisfactory basis for settlement.
Vishinsky miaintained his boy-
cott of the debate, but scribbled
notes furiously during the tense
The British spokesman said the
timing mentioned in the resolu-
tion-immediate lifting of the
blockade and an immediate meet-
ing of the four military governors
of Germany to arrange for solu-
tion of the currency question-
seemed acceptable.
French Send
Army To End
Stike Battle
PARIS--(')-The French cabi-
net decided in an emergency ses-
sion to call up the 1948 class of
soldiers who already had been dis-
charged, and Gendarme reservists
to deal with flaring violence in the
18-day coal strike.
At least two miners were killed
ii the first outbreaks of gunfire
between strikers and law enforce-
ment forces today, and the list of
injured in several days of clashes
mounted to 200.
THE CABINET also ordered
troops to use their arms in de-
fending themselves against at-
tacks, and empowered district
governors to ban any meetings.
There was no immediate esti-
mate on the number of soldiers
and gendarmes involved in the
The Interior ministry said the
two miners were killed at Firminy,
five miles southwest of St. Eti-

enne, when miners counterattack-
ed the police. Thirty other per-
sons were injured.
TIIERE ALSO were reports of
shootings at three other mines,
two in the St. Etienne area and
at Montceau-Les-Mines, about 100
miles to the north.
The ministry said militarized
police fired only after being fired
uptyn in compliance with strict
orders. An eyewitness said at
least 27 miners were injured,
seven seriously.
Police were reported to have
opened fire with submachine guns
on 1,500 attacking strikers, at
Cambefort mine near Firminy.
THE STRIKE has shut down
almost all coal mines in France

Det4roit I..Unions Plan
WE S Alternative
The CIO and AFL will carry on a joint workers' education pro-
gram of their own if the University doesn't restore the Workers' Edu-
cational Service, to its previous status, Barney Hopkins, secretary-
treasurer of the Michigan CIO Council, told The Daily last night.
He blasted the Board of Regents' decision of a week ago to
place the courses under general Extension Service supervision and
do away with the job of Arthur A. Elder, former director of the pro-
HOPKINS SAID THE unions "are not interested in a workers"
education program run by General Motors."
This was in reference to GM employe Adam K. Stricker's
charge last May that the courses were tinged with "Marxism."
The attack resulted in suspension of the program and the present
reorganization which shows "complete submergence of . . . the Board
* * 'of Regents to the General Motors

Derricotte's R
Bolsters Defei
(Special to The D
(Daily Sports Edit
gan's undefeated W
moved into the den of I
tarnished Golden G
Minnesota early this rr
an all important gam
the town humming!
Minnesota MUST wi
in order to stay in the
race. If the Wolverines
be way out in front of
the pack and they'll b

chairman of the Democratic National Committee, rises from his
seat and applauds Gov. Thomas E. Dewey, GOP presidential
nominee, who moves toward speaker's platform in Waldorf-Astoria
Hotel, New York. Governor Dewey addressed the final session
of the annual New York Ilerald-Tribune Forum. Bert Andrews,
chief of the Herald-Tribune Washington Bureau, is at right.
Herald Tribune F orum
(EDITOR's NOTE: This is 11w 1irst in a ..i.,s if: arljeips re'ortinq the
discussions at the 17th annual New York ierald Tribunie Forunm held Oct. 18
to 20 in New York.)
Civil Liberties are in danger of being sacrificed to the needs of
a national preparedness program.
That threat to American rights was declared by speakers during
ane of four sessions on "Our Imperiled Resources," general subject
of the New York Herald Tribune Forum.
INTRODUCING THE TOPIC, 'Balancin -Security and Freedom,"
Prof. Harold D. Lasswell, professor of Law, Yale University warned
that the military program which we are starting to prevent dictation
from abroad contains within it seeds of dangrr which might unwit-
tingly result in the very garrison-police state which the U.S. wants
to avoid.
Atomic scientist Philip M. Morse, physics professor, Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology, indicated that scientific research
progress is already hampered by restrictio"s.
He proposed that only the most vital technical points of actual
atom bomb construction be labelled secret. Other information should

WES Program
Will Not Alter
All Courses
Reorganization of the University
workers' education program does
not mean all the courses will be
changed, according to Everett J.
Soop, who as director of the Ex-
tension Service is now in charge
of the program.
"Probably one of the first ac-
tions" to be undertaken by Soop
and the Extension Service execu-
tive committee will be channeling
"approval of courses and instrue-
tors through the same procedure
that is followed in all other exten-
sion courses," he said in an inter-
view yesterday.
This involves approval by a spe-
cific department of proposed
courses in its field. For example,
an economics course would be re-
ferred to the economics depart-
ments here for approval of its con-
T he Extension Service then rec-
ommends an instructor to Provost
James P. Adams for appointment
and the Board of Regents takes
final action, Scep explained.
"All extension classes are taught
by regular members of the faculty
or persons who have been ap-
proved in this way," he pointed
German eds
ebate Draft
Of constitution
SE Levels Attack
On W stern Chlarter
BERLIN - UP, - The "German
Peoples Council" debated with
fanfare the final draft of a com-
munistic constitution "for all Ger-
But the council spent most of
the first day's session attacking
the constitution now being writ-
ten at Bonn for the three west-
ern zones of Germany.
Otto Grotewohl, co-chairman of
the Soviet-sponsored social unity
party (SED>, charged tha't the
Bonn constitution is designed by
the United States, Britain and
France "only to split Germany."
WITH NO apparent chance now
of the three Western Zones join-
ing the self-styled all-German
"overnment, the Communists are
expected to put their constitution
into effect soon in the Eastern
Zone of Germany. Apparently
patterned after the other so-called
people's democracies of Eastern
Europe, it could prove to be the
basis of a permanent east Ger-
man state unless some agree-
ment is reached to re-unite the
whole German nation.
In drafting the rival eomisitu-
tions, t w Comut niAts here and
the anti-Communists in Bonn
met under the same flag-the
black, gold and red of the pre-
Hitler Wimar repuobli.
The Communsts called the state
which their constitution provides
a "German Democratic Repub-
lie." The American military gov-
ernment warned, however, that it
would be a democracy in name
only "like those which today op-

Reuther, educational director of
the UAW-CIO.
IMMEDIATE organization of a
separate workers' education pro-
gram would be "premature" ac-
cording to former director Elder.
jHe said:
"Workers already support a
lot of things by paying high con-
sumers' prices . . . I think we
have enough decent people left
in Michigan to insist on "some
modification of the Univer-
sity's stand.
The University should have
raised the whole question "of
whether to continue the workers'
program with the State, but they
shut it down with no hearing,"
Elder said.
* * *
HOPKINS also pointed out that
Thursday's meeting of the Work-
ers' Educational Service's six-
member advisory committee was
the only one "since January, 1947."
A meeting was finally called
Thursday, he said, not to dis-
cuss criticisms or possible
changes in the program but
,merely to-inform the members"
of the reorganization voted by
the Regents a week ago.
Hopkins was present at the
meeting as well as Robert Scott,
secretary-treasurer of the Mich-
igan Federation of Labor (AFL),
John Reid, MFL legislative repre-
sentative, and Bill Kemsley, di-
rector of the state CIO education
', * *
HOPKINS SAID the only criti-
cism of the former workers' edu-
cation program he had heard was
Stricker's blast that the two in-
dustrial economics lectures he at-
tended were biased in favor of
"the Marxist idea of classeco-
In Thursday's meeting with Uni-
versity officials, Hopkins "left it
up to them to advise the Regents
of our position."
Stress Arab,
UN Prblem
To the Arab world Palestine is,
unfortunately, the symbol of the
conflict between their own desire
for self-government and the con-
trol that foreign powers exercise
over their countries, according to
Dr. John S. Badeau.
This was brought out in a lec-
ture, "The UN Faces the Middle
Ebast," that Dr. Badeau, president
of the American University at
Cairo, gave last night in Rackham
In addition to this problem of
attaining political self-control,
the Middle East has another basic
one in the low standard of living
of the area, Dr. Badeau said.
This results from poor agricul-
tural resources, lack of capital to
finance agriculture and industry,
growth in rate of population in-
crease, and social indifference to
conditions that lasted until very

I LOVE THEE-If Minnesota is 'up' today, it may be because of
the 'Little Brown Jug.' The 'Jug,' symbol of the intense rivalry
between Michigan and Minnesota since 1903, is carried to each
football game between the two teams, and placed on the sidelines
for the duration of the game. At the end of the game, the earth-
enware trophy, originally valued at $.35 is awarded to the winning
team. The -ht4stime Minnesota possessed the 'Jug' was in 1942
when they beat Michigan, 16-14.
Northwestern Dean Sets
oern Eductiion Goals

Corp.," according to Victor G.

Health Service
Will Fire Fili.
Shot Barrage
Students will bare aims lor flu
shots Tuesday when Health Serv-
ice begins giving free influenza in-
Dr. Warren E Forshe, director
of Health Servic, advised all stu-
dents to obtain tius ton
against flu epidemics. A seh edul
for shots will be announced ate-.
Members of the faculty, Univer-
sity employees, the student wives
can get the shots for a charge of
a dollar.
Students are asked to bring their
identification cards and enter the
building at the north door to
speed up injection administra-
Those who are known to be sen-
sitive to eggs, horses, cats, or very
allergic to other things are askud
to wait until the week of Novei-
ber 8 to 12 when special treatment
will be given.

be exchanged between scientists
without restrictions, he urged, no
scientist canrti iv real pros'ress
in isoltion. lie explained.
* * *4
At'l'A >cI NG W %'n t 110 termed
paternal treatment of scientists,
More pointo ou U a scentist
k( tamie wi 1ecret for two
ye a 5be 0'0 goveinmnt ever
becama- mliorrtd.
A call frir appointment olf
Genera Eisenhowe-r "to a ppraise
the dangers and disasters of
polftwal dcmogogury in abol-
shing our freedom while pre-
tending to protee L our securit.y"
(a d Ieifi a panel discussion,
Paul A. Port -r, uormr chief of
OPA a ked that Eisenhower he
POited by Ite r'next preiident to
ed a (ninitee 0"to study the
p'rnt unconti-oiled drift toward
su,:;; n:of ieas"
l'ORTLI. /LSO attacked the
05- Un-Ar))-ican Activities
Cr mm tnec's method of investigat-
ing loyally, arguing that the
coiurts, only, should be used to try
k, Hing th Iouse Commit-
s Rep. BRihardo IM. Nixon of
California, a member of the group,
See FORUM, Page 5

The ultimate gcal of education
is to teach young people to deal
reflectively, humanely, and intel-
ligently with the problems facing
the communities and the nation,
according to Dr. James McBurney,
Dean of the School of Speech at
Northwestern University.
Speaking at a luncheon of the
Michigan Association of Junior
Colleges, he said that the central
job of all teachers is to provide
students with the tools with*which
to solve these problems.
* * *
annual meeting yesterday at the
Michigan Union. Over 250 repre-
sentatives from Junior Colleges
all over the state attended,
President Alexander G. Ruth-

* * *
IMAGINATION, including faith
in the future, and a sympathetic
understanding is one of the high-
est values of a college education,
Dr. McBurney said.
Judge Attacks
Ilan Activity
Charges KKK Tried
To Influence Decision

of bringing knowledge to bear
significent problems, and
straight thinking.


BUT IF Bernie Bie
pull this one out of th
race will be thrown into
four way tie and the G
stand an excellent cha
ping the title. They
Conference games whil
and Northwestern play
Bierman must win
or there will be a lot
for his scalp. His styl
ball, the power play
lines and strictly s
through the line, is co
outmoded by many and
the test that he must pa
It will be Minnesota
against the fast, shifty d
Wolverine attack and B
must prove to his follower
his method of attack is as
tive as Michigan's style.
Then too, the Little Brow
symbol of victory in the M
sota-Michigan struggle has
away from the Gopher lair s
1942 when the Minnesotans e
the Wolverines, 16-14.
IT HAS BEEN six years sin
Bierman produced a champia
and in Gopherland where they st'
remember the National Chan
of 1940 and 1941 that is an aw-
fully long time to go without a
titleholding team.
So it will be do-or-die for
Bierman and company tomor-
row afternoon at Memorial Sta-
dium. The town is jam-packed
with everyone looking forward
to one of the greatest games in
the long rivalry between the
two schools.
It may develop into a battle of
mighty lines or Michigan's high
powered offense may skirt the
ends and go over the line. The
Wolverines learned last year that
to try to go through the huge
Gopher line could be disastrous.
Last season the Wolverines nar-
rowly averted defeat when they
intercepted a Gopher pass and
cashed it into a second half touch-
down. The Wolverines were
pushed all over Michigan Sta-
dium that day by a big tough
Minnesota line and with a year's
added experience that same line
will face Michigan tomorrow.
At the ends will be two veter-
ans, Harry "Bud" Grant and
Verne Gagne, both of whom scale
in the neighborhood of 200
See BIG NINE, Page 3
Football Fans
Eagerly Await
Grid iron attl
With 36 Woverine warriors al-
ready encamped in Minneapolis,
fans across the nation last night
eagerly awaited the 39th Michi-
gan-Minnesota battle for the Lit-
tle Brown Jug.
Not only the antique piece of
pottery, but an 18-game Wolver-
ine winning streak will be at stake
when the fray begins at 3 p.m.
Ann Arbor time.
real Indian summer day.
Among the 64,000 fans expect-
ed to jam the Memorial Sta-
dium are thousands of confi-
dent Michiganders including,
many students who made the
trip by train, bus or thumb.
At half-time, the Michigan
Marching Band will wheel into the

ven, greeted the group at a CHARLESTON, S.C. - U. S.
luncheon held in the Union District Judge J. Waties Waring
Ballroom. Provost James P. said tonight the Ku Klux Klan at-
Adams was the principal speak- tempted to influence his decision
er at the morning session. on the Negro vote case.
The Association aims to improve Judge Waring received a letter
the effectiveness of the Junior with a Columbia, S.C., postmark,
College program through co-op- signed by the "Knights of the Ku
erative effort, Dr. Andrews, presi- Klux Klan," which asked his "co-
dent of the group, told rhe Daily. operation in a favorable decision
THE THREE AIMS of the edu- for the white people."
cational service, as outlined by Dr. Earlier in the day Judge Waring
McBurney, are knowledge, straight had decided against a jury trial tc
thinking, and imagination, determine whether a pernanent
Knowledge must be functional injunction shall be granted re-
as well as useful, and should quiring the State Democratic
be presented in a context which ;Party to admit Negroes.
facilitates its use, he said. The Judge also brushed aside
Dr. McBurney porned out that charges of "personal bias,'
in our society there is often an brought in an affidavit filed by
unfortunate gap between knowl- Aiken County Democratic execu-
edge and action. tive committeeman John C.
He emphasized the importance Stansfield.

NIRAM, Palestine-The Ne cvs s e acel ul tonight after
a week of some of the bloodiest fighting in Palestine's war.
Israel ordered its troops to stop firing at 3 p.m. (6 a.m., Central
Standard time), the hour set by the acting UN mediator, and tonight
United Nations officers reported:
"All is quiet. The truce is working"

Lawyers Tremble ast Cook Eleven
_______- --__-__- --

Battling against tremendous
odds, the law quad team stole a
21-18 victory in the final play of
yesterday's contest with the fight-

battered through the men's 180-
pound line to put themselves high
up among coed touch football

furnished by the lawyers, the
quarterback was kept in check
throughout the rest of the game.
* * *

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