x THE GREAT COMPROMISE. See Page 4 \:Yl r e A6F A6F *1F CLOUDY OCCASIONAL RAIN Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LIX, No. 28 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22 ,1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Israeli Capture Beersheba, Threaten aza Sigler Hits Critics, Sees Better WES By JOHN DAVIES "The Workers' Educational Service has never 'been discontinued -it's just been improved," Gov. Kim Sigler told The Daily last night at a Washtenaw County Republican campaign dinner. The WES program "is not being given up," he explained. "It is being changed here and there ... Regents and administrative officers of the University have concurred in these changes. I anticipate the new program will be in the public interest." GOV. SIGLER also said "nothing is farther from the truth" than that he is "being pressed by one of the great industries of the State to give up this program of workers' education." (He was referring to yesterday's statement by UAW-CIO ed- ucation director, Victor G. Reuther who charged the Board of legents and Gov. Sigler with "complete submergence to the General Motors Corp.") "It is beyond the imagination to think a governor so presump- tuous" as to fire a University professor, Gov. Sigler said in reply to a charge that he was responsible for dismissing Arthur A. Elder, former director of the Workers' Educational Service. * * * * THE CHARGE was made in a CIO-sponsored leaflet handed out at the dinner. None of the statements on this paper were "within 14 miles of the facts," the governor said. Earlier, President Alexander G. Ruthven said Elder's position has been discontinued because "administrative responsibility .,. has been transferred to the director and executive committee of the Extension Service.". In an informal address after the dinner, Gov. Sigler said "this election is a question of whether the radicals, reds and pinks, who have hitched on to the Democratic Party, or the Republicans" will win. * * * * PREVIOUSLY, in a statewide campaign broadcast, he explained how the State government had been streamlined by merging the budgeting, purchasing and accounting offices into the Department of Administration. This gives the governor "tools of management which he has lacked," without ,interfering with any other State government bodies, Gov. Sigler said.+ The .Fep iblicans also plan to create a national Department of Administration "after Dewey and Warren are inaugurated," Gov. Sigler announced. ** ** * IN A QUESTION-and-answer period, the governor told The Daily, that Demcratic.gtibernatoriat ca Mlmen Wlli a& radio dai neito'ii xozvley "were trying to get a little free pub- licity" when Crowley accused Gov. Sigler "of having something to hide" in a radio broadcast Oct. 10. State Labor Leaders Threaten To Withdraw WES Support Vet Service Bureau Gets New Chief Waldrop Resigns, Leaves Michigan Robert S. Waldrop has resigned as director of the University Vet- erans Service Bureau effective November 15, Provost James P. Adams announced yesterday. Richard A. Correll will succeed him in the post which Wadrop will leave to become dean of stu- dents at Vanderbilt University. Correll has been assistant director and coordinator of veterans affairs at Willow Village since Jan. 10, 1948. WALDROP has been director of the Veterans Service Bureau since 1946. He came to head the newly- formed Bureau during the time when veterans were enrolling at the University in ever-increasing numbers. When he took up the post, the job was complicated by a multitude of new govern- ment regulations-as well as the normal job of postwar read- justment. During his term as Bureau di- rector, he worked directly with Veterans in clarifying rules and assisting individual students. Wal- drop assumed the position after his discharge from two years of service as a lieutenant in the Navy in both the Atlantic and Pacific theatres. * * * BEFORE serving in the Navy, he was an assistant in psychology and an assistant psychologist in the Psychological Clinic from 1940 to 1944. Corre)l wass admiiisttive assistant in the Veterans Serv- ice Bureau for six months be- fore he became assistant director early this year. After serving four years in the signal corps and being promoted to first lieutenant while on duty in the South Pacific, he was discharged in 1945. A native of Bangor, Mich., he received a bachelor of arts degree from Kalamazoo College in 1938 and attended the University Law School for a year in 1938-39. Red Feather Short of Goal The Ann Arbor Community Fund has thus far raised $50,526, approximately 31 per cent of its $159,600 goal, it was announced yesterday at a campaign workers' luncheon at the Allenel Hotel. Professor John Arthos, campus chairman for the Fund reported at the meeting that members of the University have so far contributed $8,009, which repi csents 31 per cent of the Universi,, quota. Representatives of the various divisions of the campaign reported their progress up to noon. Howard V. Walters, campaign chairman this year, presided at the lunch- con, which was sponsored by WPAG. Egyptian Forces outed in Several ectors b Jews TEL AVIV, Israel-( P)-Jewish forces swept into Beersheba, cradle of the modern Arab world, and occupied the town after a seven- hour battle today, a spokesman announced. While Israel awaited notice that Egypt will guarantee to quit fighting, the Egyptians' five-month-old invasion of Palestine appeared in danger of crumbling into isolated pockets of resistance against a determined Jewish offensive. Fall of Beersheba in the far south of the Negev desert threatened to undermine the Egyptian front along the southern perimeter of Jerusalem. It also threatened with encirclement the strong point of FRENCH MINERS BUILD BARRICADE - Minars in the Roche La Moliere area of France rip up an iron railing to build a barricade as the French government masses 6,000 troops in the St. Etienne sector to combat what is labeled a campaign of "sabotage." The crippling mine strike, now in its third week, has cost France more than 2,000,000 tons of fuel. MILK FOR EfUROPEANS: Famine Committee Aids Heifer Projeet ame C A By ALEX LINDSAY Many millions: of people abroad are trying to live on half the food Americans get. Because countries like Poland, Greece, and Italy are surviving on starvation diets, the University Famine Committee has taken ac- tion once again with a plan which will aid the Heifer Project, an or- ganization which has been sending heifer calfs to the hungry peoples of Europe. BY COOPERATION with the Art Cinefla League, and the show- ing of "Symphonie Pastorale," the Famine Committee hopes to equal the $1,420 total of its previous drive early this year, according to Chairman Seymour Goldstein, '50A. The idea of the whole proj- ect is this: The blight of war has greatly reduced dairy cattle numbers and the dearth of men has caused fields to lay uncul- tivated, thus making food and clothing hard to get. It was discovered that the amount of food that could be sent by relief committees would only be cf temporary help, so the idea was conceived of sending a cow to the needy families who would be able to care for it. * * * THIS WAS THE one sure way of getting the vital food, milk. It was apparent that relief of this *kind would help the people to help themselves, so the Heifer Commit- tee was formed. Now the University Famine Committee is working again to get heifers for Europe. Each of the calves costs $175, so the sale of tickets for "Symphonie Pas- torale" will naturally determine how many the University will contribute. Said Goldstein, "The idea of accepting charity is not pleasant for any people, thus by donating something which is of permanent. value, and which will give the peo- ple some of the necessities of life such as milk, we believe that the project as a whole will give them a start on the life they knew before the war." * * * NORMAN RAPPAPORT, '49, Manager of the Art Cinema League, has gone all out to make the drive successful by being the first in the country to secure the highly touted French film since its New York premiere. The picture will be shown at 8:30 p.m., Oct. 23 and 24, and a matinee showing at 2:30 p.m., Oct. 24, all at Hill Auditorium. State AFL and CIO leaders last night told Provost James P. Adams they want the University's program of workers' education to continue as it was or not at all. Barney Hopkins, secretary- treasurer of the Michigan CIO Council, and Robert Scott, sec- retary-treasurer of the Michigan Federation of Labor (AFL), met with Provost Adams as members of the Workers' Educational Serv- ice's six-man advisory committee. AVC To Fight Political Ban, Vets Meet To Unite Campus in Struggle As a part of its drive to win a reversal of the University Board of Regents' ruling banning political rallies, AVC has initiated a cam- pus-wide campaign to enlist other student and faculty groups to join its fight. A meeting to establish an ad hoc committee, which will con- tinue to function until the ban is lifted, has been scheduled for 10 a.m. Saturday in the Union, ac- cording to Jerry Green, member of the AVC organizing committee. Green stated that current strate- gy calls for the drafting and circu- lation of a petition with a goal of 10,000 signatures to be presented to The Regents at their next meet- ing, Nov. 13. Green disclosed that the Young Democrats, Young Republicans, IRA and UWF have agreed to send delegates to the meeting. Polio Strikes Willow Village A six-year-old boy died and an- other is in University hospital to- HOPKINS SAID the CIO will no longer participate if the program is not set up along the lines it op- erated on before the Board of Re- gents' recent decision to dismiss director Arthur A. Elder and re- organize the courses. Scott said' the advisory com- mittee, created *specifically to consult with the Regents, had not been forewarned of their ac- tion. The reorganization transfers administrative responsibility to the director of the general Ex- tension Service, Everett J. Soop. THE NEW PLAN also empha- sizes general education rather than such courses as industrial eco- nomics and collective bargaining, union representatives said. Last year 65,000 students par- ticipated in the program, with six full-time workers and nearly 40 part-time teachers. LEADERSHIP NEEDED: Greeks Basically Hostile To Dictatorship-Dawson Slosson Raps Republicans, Asks Debate M~ichener Declines, To 'Stand 011 Record' "If the Republicans are inter- ested in and able to defend the record of the 80th Congress, let them be heard from now!" So read the challenge that Pres- ton W. Slosson, Democratic Con- gressionial candidate, threw out to the Republicans in the 2nd Con- gressional District yesterday. EARLIER, SLOSS N had in- vited his opponentt, Rep. Earl C. Michener, to join him in a series of open forums or(de b ates throughout the four counties of the district. The Republican Con- gressman indicated in a return letter that he was too busy and would "stand on his record." "It is indeed unfortunate that Mr. Mihener can't find the time to debate with me," Slos- son said "The voters are thus denied the opportunity to hear a full discussion of both sides of the issuesd "Because I feelthat the voter have a right to a faii statement of the issues which will affect them, I stand ready to throw my schedule open to any meeting or radio debate at which the Repub- lican party will put forth an au- thorized party spokesman to dis- cuss the issues of the campaign before 2nd District voters," lie added. Slossor~i, a professor in the his- tory department at the University and a former well-known radio commentator, was forced to cancel several personal appearances and important talks during the past week when he was confined to V-A dte--ruiy oera 'orld News At AGlance By The Associated Press BERLIN-The last hope for a city-wide election in Berlin was killed by what anti-Communists called "impossible" conditions laid down by the Russians. * * * * HAVANA, Cuba-The Cuban government announced it has taken "precautionary measures" as the result of a reported plot against the United States and Mexican ambassadors. The announcement came after newspaper quoted Sen. Jose Aleman as saying he had learned of threats against the lives of the two envoys, Robert Butler and Benito Coquet. * * * * SEOUL, Korea--South Korean rebels still hold two cities, but a high government source said they would be cleaned out within four days. This source said the south coast city of Yosu, where the revolt began early Wednesday, would be back in government hands within two days. It is on a peninsula, which has been sealed off by land and sea to prevent the rebels' escape. * * *' PEIPING-=Pro-Government Chinese press dispatches have coniceded the Communist capture of Changchun, hungry' capital of Manchuria. WASHINGTON---The Army opened its officer ranks to veterans with a year's military service and two years of college education. The offer is part of a general program to get 30,000 more officers between now and next June. CHARLOTTE, N.C.--The Charlotte News has announced its support of Gov. Thomas E. Dewey for the presidency. The News is traditionally Independent-Democratic. It is the first time it ever has supported a Republican presidential nominee. * * * * SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador-Strong earth shocks were felt here late last night. No damage was reported. Strikers Fight With PoIe in FTrench Mines Cabinet Asks for More Government Troops PARIS (R') - Some French Cab- inet ministers were reported to be urging Premier Henri Queuille to declare martial law in the riot- torn coal fields where more than 170 police and soldiers were in- jured in battles with strikers to- day. Reports tonight said the minis- ters felt the Premier should not only declare a state of siege in the coal fields but send more troops there and call up reserves. * ~* * POLICE reinforcements were flown into Grand-Combe in south- ern France where 6,000 miners, their wives and friends hurled scrap iron, sticks aid stones and routed a smaller number of sol- diers and militarized police to- day. A total of 150 soldiers and po- lice were injured, 20 of them se- riously. In Bethune, northern France, a mob of 5,000 strikers sur- rounded a prison and forced au- thorities to release seven arrest- ed strikers and kidnapped the under prefect. Police, using tear gas, and an infantry battalion rescued him. Twenty policemen and 15 strikers were hurt. The under prefect was unhurt al- though he refused strikers' de- mands that he carry a red flag. In the battle at Grand-Combe, the police and strikers were driv- en away from a mine they were guarding. Police finally fled from the town, abandoning a large quantity of material including a truck loaded with helmets and rifles. An official spokesman declined to give details about the number of policemen sent by air Rah! Rah! Michigan spirit is improving as evidenced by the fabulous football team send-off at the station yesterday, Approximately 75 students watched the undefeated, stone- hearted Wolverines entrain for their "breather" against Mnd nesota. This, according to sta- tistics in The Daily, is an in- crease of 75 persons above the three dogs and two cats seen sneaking around last year be- fore the Wisconsin trip. At a last glance, no players were seei doing back-flips from the rousing farewell. Nevertheless, hats off to the Fiji (spur-if-the-moent) band for the corniest, but sweetest music 'round these parts. Gaza, basenof the Egyptian spear- head extending along the coast to Isdud, 20 miles south of Jaffa and Tel Aviv. BETHLEHEM AND Hebron, Egyptian bases south of Jeru- salem, were reported tottering, and Gaza was indicated by Jewish spokesmen as a probable objective. Meanwhile, the Egyptian and Is- raeli airforces were trading blows from Haifa to the Egyptian bor- der. An announcement said the Israeli cabinet had notified the United Nations in Paris that the Jews would order their troops to quit fighting within 12 hours after receiving assurances that the Egyptians have agreed "to order and maintain an effective cease-fire" in the Negev by ir- regulars as well as regulars. Until then, the spokesman de- clared, the fighting goes on. * * * ACTING UN mediator Ralph Bunche in Paris set a deadline of noon, Friday for both Egypt and Israel to stop the fighting. The Security Council order for an. "Immediate" cease-fire tvcQ d #. ago set no day and hour. Bunche said there was no question of eith- er side having the right to set the time. A UN spokesman said "the Egyptians already have agreed to a cease fire." (A press officer of the Egypt- ian UN delegation in Paris, de- dared there was no foundation to Jewish victory reports. He said Egyptian forces "broke up all" Jewish attacks and have lost "no Egyptian position." He said Jewish forces had lost1,000, killed in six days since fighting flared on the southern froW., while Egyptian losses were very light.) Strategists here pointed out that the time for transmission of Is- rael's answer to Paris, a reply and the 12-hour margin for issuance of cease-fire orders to the front would give Israel's forces consid- erable time to complete their of- fensive. Israel said scores of Egyptians were killed, hundreds wounded and other scores captured in fight- ing inside Beersheba. 'Eusian Hours Now Extended Ensian general sales manager, Bill Zerman, has announced that beginning today, the Ensian of- fice will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily to take senior pic- ture appointments. This service is extended so that seniors unable to make appoint- ments in the afternoon may still get their pictures in the '49 year- book. In addition, the Ensian pho- tographers still have some evening appointments open. Zerman also, emphasized that it was important for all graduat- ing seniors, whether they gradu- ate in February, June, or August, to get their pictures in the '49 Ensian. Graduating medical stu- dents may. also make appoint- ments for pictures at the medical school senior meeting tomorrow, Contracts Manager Tom Cramer also asked that all groups plan- ning to place their pictures in the '49 Ensian return their contracts to him immediately. "T.here is no people anywhere to which dictatorship is more re- pugnant than the Greek people. They are basically individualistic, and are in spirit extraordinarily like Americans," stated Prof. John P. Dawson yesterday in an ad- dress on "The Greek Dilemma." Prof. Dawson recently spent a year in Greece as Foreign Trade Administrator, and has previously serviously served his country in the Far East and in connection with lend-lease aid. HE OUTLINED the complex problems now faced by the Greek people in their dual struggle against the civil war and the pos- ernment Prof. Dawson stated that since the suspension of normal politics in 1936 the Greeks have not had adequate political leader- ship. The coalition government has not produced men sufficiently capable and public spirited to or- ganize the nation. THE PROFESSOR went on to illustrate the dilemma of the wage policy and said that similar inter- locking problems lead to a feeling of frustration because one prob- lem cannot be solved without solv- ing ten others. Although there is much talk of return to dictatorship and GALS OUT TO JAR T HE BAR: Cook Gridders Stage Rally at Law Quad By FRAN IVW K Coed football got the finishing touches last night when 50 Martha Cook gals lit up the Law Quad with a fiery pep rally for their girls set fire to the perfume to give the lawyers a flaming reminder of the battle to take place this after- noon. THJ TWO TEAMS play touch football, and no injuries have thus far been sustained in the tradi- tional game held each Friday this semester. "Needless to say," Coach Sanitation Department i i L I