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October 21, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-10-21

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Lw i~;rn

Urn I


See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State





Elder from


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evolt Flares
n U.S. Held
outh Korea
Red-Led Troops
Seize Two Cities
SEOUL, Korea-(A)-Loyal Ko-
ean Army forces began to win
ack control of the southern
rea ripped by a bloody revolt-
escribed as Communist led.
Possibly 4,000 Korean troops in
he U. S. occupation zone were in-
olved in the revolt.
KOREAN ARMY headquarters
n Seoul reported othat while the
eaport of Yosu-focal point of the
ay old uprising-presumably was
n rebel hands, the larger city of
unchon 20 miles northeast had
ot fallen. Four army companies
t Sunchon are intact, a spokes-
an said.
Headquarters received an un-
confirmed report that fighting
had extended as far as Na won,
50 miles north of Yosu. This in-
formation said only a few insur-
gents had reached Namwon.
There was no indication of
large-scale fighting.
Army sources said it was possi-
le the main body of insurgents
ad taken to the hills Northeast
f Sunchon. The spokesman ex
ressed confidence the small,
merican-trained army would be
ble to prevent the insurrection
rom spreading.
* *' *
SOUTH KOREA was under
artial law. Strong troop and po-
ice detachments were ordered to
he scene of the revolt which
lared up yesterday.
It is the first stern test for the
-epublic, founded only Aug. 15.
he ievolt came as Russia an-
ounced it was pulling troops out
f North Korea.
MTere have been frequent
predictions South Korean Cor-
nunists would revolt when the
Russians begin leaving North
Korea. In fact, Moscow report-
ed Sunday a revolt had broken
out in Southeast Korea.)
(This report later simmered
own to a small fight in Ulsan,
outheast Korea. The current
rouble is in Southwest Korea.)
As far as is known, no U. S. oc-
upation troops are involved.
THE REVOLT broke with stun-
iing suddenness early today at
he port of Yosu (Reisui) and
pread swiftly to Sunchon (Jun-
en). Sunchon is 100 miles south
f Seoul. Yosu is 20 miles south-
est of Sunchon.
The rebels last were reported
speeding toward Kwangju
(Kashu). They may be there
now. Kwangju is the capital of
South Cholla Province, the
southwest corner of Korea. It
was here that a battle is ex-
Korean army and police au-
horities agreed on this version of
hat happened:
* *; ~
A COMMUNIST cell in the 2,-
00 Korean soldiers base at Yosu
;tarted the revolt, apparently tak-
Ing advantage of Rhee's absence
n a courtesy visit to MacArthur
n Tokyo. (This visit was punctu-
ted by the uncovering of a dyna-
mite plot against Rhee just before
ie left Seoul.)
Maj. Gen. Orlando Ward, Com-
ander of the Sixth Division sta-
tioned at Pusan told the Asso-
ciated Press by telephone he is

"reasonably sure" no Americans
ere caught in the fighting.
Gopher' Special
chedule Clarified
The time schedules for the Wol-
verine Club's special to the Min-
nesota game this week-end were
clarified yesterday by Don Green-
field, publicity chairman.
Tlie special train will leave Ann
Arbor depot at 8:45 a.m. tomor-
row; arrive Chicago 1 p.m. CST;
leave Chicago 3:15 p.m. CST; ar-
rive Minneapolis 10:30 p.m. CST.
Students will leave Minnesota at
7:30 a.m. CST Sunday; arrive Chi-
ago 2:40 p.m. CST; leave Chi-
cago 4:15 p.m. SCT; and arrive
~in Ann Arbor 9:39 p.m.

Debaters Swap Words
On Partiality of 'Daily'
(Daily City Editor)
The Michigan Daily was verbally dissected before some 500 stu-
dents and faculty members gathered for the first Speech Assembly
of the year in Rackham Auditorium yesterday.
FOUR MEMBERS of the varsity debate team took part in a
spirited discussion on the question, "Resolved: The Michigan Daily
is not representative of student opinion."
Bob Russell and Jack Wirth spoke on the affirmative and
Bill Joselyn and Duane Sunderman took the negative.
Each speaker presented a four minute case and was then sub-
jected 'to questioning by his opponent. The questioning was marked
by wisecracking which brought laughter from the audience.
Affirmative. .
LEADING OFF FOR the affirmative Russell said The Daily tends
to overevaluate news of certain small groups on the campus and
neglects representative organizations.
He said the AVC and the Olivet College issues had received
heavy play while the formation of a new Business Administration
School Council and imposition of higher scholastic standards on
fraternities had been neglected.
Russell charged that the editorials were of a destructive rather..
.than of a constructive nature.
* * '. '.
ALSO SPEAKING for the affirmative Wirth claimed The Daily
has failed to adequately and fairly represent student opinion, citing
a straw vote last year as proof that 66 per cent of the campus favored
conservative Republican candidates.
He said the Student Legislature and the IFC had been forced
to issue their own newsletter because these groups failed to get
adequate news coverage in The Daily.
Wirth said the majority of the editorials appearing in the paper
this year were written by a small group on the staff and were liberal
instead of conservative.
* * * *
SPEAKING ON THE negative,'side of the question Sunderman
made three points endeavoring to show that The Daily was represen-
Sunderman said every member of the staff is eligible to write
editorials for the paper and that any student may express his
opinion in the "Letters" column. "No bias is shown in the selection
of these letters or editorials for print" he declared.
The Daily aggressively seeks student opinion through polls and
interviews for news items, Sunderman concluded.
The final negative speaker was Joselyn who said The Daily
should not be criticized for minor mistakes but evaluated on its overall
performance as a newspaper.
* '* *~ *
HE SAID the 200 members of The 'Daily staff were chosen andj
promoted on the basis of literary merit and not ideological beliefs.
This staff represents every shade of opinion, according to Joselyn.
He pointed out that The Daily is the only college newspaper
in the Middle West which solicits editorials from every member of
the staff. And he emphasized that the only basis of selection of these
editorials is from a literary standpoint.
Police Arm in Red Zone

UN Neutrals
Have Plan for
Berlin Crisis
Western Powers
PARIS-()-A new formula for
settling the Berlin crisis was sub-
mitted to the Big Four powers by
the six "neutral" members of the
United Nations Security Council.
Authoritative quarters said the
new resolution appeared "eminent-
ly satisfactory" to the Western
powers. Russia's Andrei A. Vish-
insky promised to send the draft
to Moscow for study.
*. * *
ONE NEUTRAL source said
Vishinsky had approved the res-
olution conditionally, but there
was no confirmation of this from
the Soviet delegation or from any
other source.
Some Western sources, while
agreeing that the plan offered a
possible way out, were cautious
about itschances of success.
One high Western official said:
"THE POSSIBILITY of a settle-
ment remains, but I would go no
farther than that."
The resolution was reported to
recommend that Russia lift the
Berlin blockade within 48 hours
after the Security Council ap-
proved the proposal.
The Western powers, on their
side, were asked to agree to a
meeting of the Council of For-
eign Ministers on Berlin and the
whole German problem imme-
diately after the blockade is lift-
One neutral source said the
framers of the proposal were hope-
ful of winning Soviet support by
making the points recommenda-
tions and not submitting them as
demands on the big powers.
THIS development followed a
series of UN actions in which the
Western Powers' plan for world
atomic controls extending behind
the iron curtain won overwhelming
approval in the General Assem-
bly's Political Committee.
Then Latin American and Arab
nations joined in forcing post-
ponement of UN debate on Pales-
tine. The Russian bloc charged it
was a move to delay consideration
until after the Nov. 2 presidential
elections in the United States.
Meanwhile fighting continued in
Palestine despite a new Security
Council order yesterday for a
Israel Fighting
Flares Anew
Cease-Fire Order Is
Unheededby Cabinet
(By The Associated Press)
Fighting flared with new vio-
lence in Southern Palestine as the
Israeli cabinet met without act-
ing on the United Nations Secur-
ity Council's cease-fire order.
(All Arab countries will join in
the present Palestine warfare as
the result of Israel's continued
"aggression" against Egypt and
disregard of the cease-fire order,
Abdul Rahman Azzam Pasha,
Secretary-General of the Arab
League, told newsmen in Cairo. A
35-minute air-raid alert was
sounded tonight in the Egyptian
The cabinet adjourned for a re-

cess tonight without reaching a
decision on a cease-fire order, al-I
though earlier the foreign office'
had told UN representatives the
time and date an Israeli cease-
fire would be effective.
The cabinet and its military ad-
visers still were in session at mid-
night. It appeared most members
were in accord on acceptance of
the truce but the ministers con-
tinued deliberations on the terms
of their answer to the Security
Council's demands.
Honest Woman
Found ...Twice!
"Ay, sir; to be honest, as this
world goes, is to be one man
picked out of ten thousand."

Calling Card Criminal
it was almost the perfect
crime !
The thief entered the Ypsi-
lanti High School and stole
several items from the football
players' locker room.
But the culprit left only one
small clue behind him:
An Air Corps Battle Jacket
with the name and Army Ser-
ial Number Henry Raliki ASN
460 422 37.
Judic Posts
Go To Rees
The appointment of George
Meyer, '49, and Gerald Rees, grad-
uate student in the education
school to fill vacancies in the
Men's Judiciary Council was an-
nounced yesterday by president Ev
Meyer, who is president of Alpha
Phi Omega service fraternity will
serve for a year and Rees, former
president of the Inter-Cooperative
Council and now on its board of
directors received a semester term

REUTHER TESTIFIES-Walter P. Reuther, president of the CIO-
United Auto Workers testifies at examination of Carl Bolton
in Detroit, Mich., on a charge of assault with intent to kill. Reu-
ther still wears his arm in a cast as a result of the shooting which
occurred last April 20. Recorders Judge Christopher Stein presides.
Special SL Meetin Passes
Motion on NSA Cooperation


Four motions involving Student
Legislature cooperation with the
National Student Association were
passed last night at a special SL
meeting held to hear the NSA
report of their National Congress,
held early this fall.
The Legislature gave the NSA
committee a go-ahead to carry out
plans to provide University stu-
dents with privilege cards which
would allow students generous
discounts at certain stores, movie
County GOP
Members To



BERLIN - (P) - Guns were
being handed out to Moscow-
trained police throughout the
Eastern zone and anti-Commu-
nists said red rebellion in Korea
should be a warning to Germany:
"Korea offers a parallel of what
would happen in Germany if the
Western Powers , should accept
Russia's proposal that all occu-
pying forces withdraw from Ger-
many," said Franz Tausch, chief
editor of the newspaper Sozial-
demokrat,, when asked for his
opinion of the situation.
* * *W
"THE PUTSCH in Korea is a
warning to American policy," add-
ed Jacob Kaiser, chairman of the
Christian Democratic Union, a
conservative party.
Karl - Hubert Schwennicke,
chairman of the Liberal Demo-
cratic party, another right wing
group, commented that if

Western troops are pulled out of
Germany "It can be expected
that serious unrest would de-
velop-as in Korea - which
would give the Soviet Union a
chance to re-impose its occupa-
tion 'in the interest of peace'."
The Germans noted that the
South Korean uprising in the
American Zone broke out the very
day Moscow announced Russian
troops were beginning to leave
North Korea. Dispatches from
Seoul in the American Zone of
Korea said bands of soldiers, al-
leged by Home Minister T. Y. Soon
to be Communist-led, staged up-
risings at two towns.
* *. *
THE GERMANS recalled that
the Communist foreign ministers
of Eastern Europe at the recent
Warsaw conference proposed that
all occupying powers quit Ger-

Gov. Kim Sigler will speak in
Ann Arbor tonight.
He will appear at a Washtenaw
County Republican dinner at the
Masonic Temple with other county
A special effort was made to get
the Young Republicans to the
dinner at a meeting last night. The.
group has been specially invited
to attend.
Gerry.Ford, Republican Con-
gressional candidate from the
fifth district, will be featured
speaker at the last pre-election
Young Republican meeting, it was
also revealed. It will be held a
week from today in the Hussey
Room of the League.
Ford, a University graduate, '32,
is a former football star.
The AVC petition on political
speakers was sent to a committee
for revision after debate.
Jim Schoener, chairman of the
group said that students wishing
to have absentee ballots notarized
should see him at 104 Cooley
House sometime this week.
Conclude Special
Union Registration
Men who have not yet registered
as members of the Union, campus
men's organization, may do so
from 7 to 9 p.m. today in the Stu-
dent Offices of the Union.
Tonight is the last of the special
evenings set aside for the con-
venience of men unable to reg-
ister during the regular hours of
3 to 5 p.m. every weekday.

theatres, cleners and restaur-
* " '
PROPONENTS of the plan cited
its success in a pilot project set up
by NSA at the University of Buf-
falo where 1,500 students partici-
pated in the plan.
Reaffirming it's affiliation
with NSA the group voted the
national and regional dues, and
set up a temporary definition of
NSA scope and relationship
with SL.
Under this definition, subject to
change by the National NSA
board, only actual delegates to the
Congresses will vote on national
matters, with Legislature NSA
committee members voting with
the delegates on local issues.
(All NSA decisions affecting the
campus are subject to a veto by
the Student Legislature as a
NSA REPORTS on discrimina-
tion, exchange students, Euro-
pean tours, planned "NSA cul-
turale," and relationship with the
International Union of Students
were also heard.
The Legislature tabled a motion
which would give NSA delegates a
voice, but not a vote, on the Leg-
islature, and passed a motion in
what was tantamount to a closed
session. The latter motion will be
released at a later date, according
to SL president Blair Moody.
Plan BigToot
For U' Band
The trumpets will be turned on
the Michigan Band today when
the Wolverines leave for Minne-
sota and that all-important game
with the Gophers.
As part of the rousing send-off
the Wolverine Club has planned
for the nation's number one team,
the Fiji Marching Band will give
the train-bound musicians a taste
of their own type of music.
Students will gather from 4:15
to 4:30 p.m. in front of the Union
where they will be met by the 10-
piece Phi Gamma Delta band.
And a Fiji version of "Varsity"
will move the entourage down
State Street to the station for the

of office, Ellin said.
two posts had to be given to sev-
eral candidates because of the
"difficulty of choosing from
among well qualified men" Ellin
Yesterday's appointments were
made under an amendment to
the Men's Judiciary Council con-
stitution which was passed at a
Student Legislature meeting,last
The amendment provides that
the appointment board, consist-
ing of the male members of the
SL cabinet and other SL mem-
bers make a total of five, shall
fill any vacancies that appear
during the year.
Normal time for petitions for
positions on the seven-man Coun-
cil is onemonth before the end
of each semester.
made under the new amendments,
pending approval by the Student
Affairs Committee.
Ellin said that over twenty-five
men had petitioned for the two
posts and that seven of them had
been interviewed by the student
legislature cabinet.
Prof. Dawson
Lecturer To Speak
On 'Greek Dilemma'
Prof. John P. Dawson, of the
Law School, recently Foreign
Trade Administrator for the Greek
Government, will speak on "The
Greek Dilemma" at 4:15 p.m. to-
day in Rm. 100 Hutchins Hall.
The lecture by Prof. Dawson is
the first in a series of special lec-
tures to be presented by the Law
School on timely topics of interest
to law students and the legal pro-
fession. The lectures are open to
the public.
Other lecturers in this series
will be presented throughout the
year at times to be later an-
Several of the speakers now in-
cluded are: Harrison Tweed,
President of the Association of
the Bar of the City of New York,
Randolph E. Paul, formerly Gen-
eral Counsel of the U. S. Depart-
ment of the Treasury and one of
the country's leading tax experts,
and Philip C. Jessup, Professor of
International Law and U. S. Dep!
uty representative on the United
Nations Security Council.

Reuther Hits
Board's Vote
In Dismissal
Soop Will Assume
Control of Program
An administrative shift has
abolished Arthur A. Elder's posi-
tion of director of the University
Workers' Educational Service,
President Alexander G. Ruthven
announced yesterday.
Under the new plan the pro-
gram of workers' education will be
part of the general program of
extension courses.
* * *
THE CHANGE drew quick fire
from Victor G. Reuther, director
of the UAW-CIO educationde-
partment, and August Scholle,
president of the Michigan CIO
In a joint statement they said
the Board of Regents "killed
the Service . . . no amount of
double-talk can now conceal the
complete submergence of the
Board of Regents and Gov. im,
Sigler to the 'General Motors
The program was attacked last
May by Adam K. Stricker, a Gen-
eral Motors employe. He said an
economics class he attended for
three hours presented "the Marx-
ist idea of class economics."
THE PRESENT reorganization
is the initial step in carrying out
the Board of Regents' decision at
its last meeting Saturday.
Under Elder's direction It
functioned as a special unit of
the Extension Service which is
headed by Everett J. Soop.
The new set-up gives Soop sole
administrative responsibility; the
courses are now called the "ex-
perimental program in adult edu-
cation for workers."
would not comment on the
changes. Former director Elder
was notified of his dismissal
Tuesday by Provost James P.
Adams. "I had a twid-hour con-
versation with Provost Adams,"
he said, "the gist of which was
that the Regents apparently
have decided to change the em-
phasis and direction of the serv-
Elder, who is president of the
Michigan Federation of Teachers
(AFL), said, "The Regents appar-
ently want the workers, who at-
tend these night courses in their
own union halls, to learn all about;
fine arts, music, literature and his-
tory rather than industrial eco-
nomics, collective bargaining pro-
cedures and other such non-cul-
tural subjects."
THE REGENTS votedd7-1 for
his dismisal, Elder said. Their
statement after the meeting Sat-
urday said the program's purpose
"is to offer to workers additional
opportunities for general educa-
tion, and to equip them more ade-
quately for the exercise of the
rights and responsibilities of citi-
zenship in a democracy."
The statement by Reuther
and Scholle:
"The Board of Regents ... has

abolished the Workers' Education-
al Service at the command of the
General Motors Corp.
"THE METHOD by which the
Regents killed the service is one
of the rawest pieces of double-
See 'U REGENTS, Page 3
Campus UN
Begins Drive
Sparking its United Nations
Week activities, the United Na-
tions Council is manning member-
ship drive booths on the Diag to-
day and tomorrow.
Climax of the week's activities
will be on United Nations Day,
this Sunday, when the UN Coun-
cil will co-sponsor a symposium,
"It's Your UN," with the National
Students Association and the Uni-
The participants in the sym-
posium include a distinguished list
of faculty members and students.
Dean Maynard Keniston, of the
Litrarvchool will srneak at the''

Prof. Adelia Beeuwkes Says
Gir'lsMust, Avoid 'Track' Die(ts

Men are better losers than
women-at least when it comes to
That's what Prof. Adelia
Beeuwkes of the Public Health nu-
trition department told the Amer-
ican Dietetic Association Conven-
tion in Boston yesterday.
"MEN ARE MORE business-like
about reducing," she said. "They
nearly always see a physician and

to discipline the sweet tooth by
avoiding whipped cream, candy
bars, pastries and gravy.
MAJORITY of fad diets don't
contain enough proteins, she said.
"Give up meat, eggs, butter and
milk, and you may improve your
figure but you ruin your health."
Fortunately the unbalanceddiet
addicts get so irritable and un-
happy, they can't keep at it very

Deutsch Criticizes Post-War Aamerica


A dark picture of an America
three years after the war, para-
lyzed by panic and fear, and fac-

"A WORLD which desperately
wants peace is now tottering on
the brink of a so-called inevitable
war .... and the diplomats, sup-

Contradictions in foreign policy,
including U. S.-USSR currying of
a fallen Germany so soon after
the war and our policy of agreeing

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