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October 20, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-10-20

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4 A6V A6F
t It



Latest Deadline in the State


Back Injury
Puts F oiville
Out of Action
Star To Undergo
Spinal Operation'
One of the greatest athletes in
Michigan history will be forced to
the sidelines for at least a year
when he undergoes an operation
this month.
Charlie Fonville, world-cham-
pion shot-putter, will enter the
University Hospital on the 27th of
this month to undergo an opera-
tion for a back ailment that has
bothered him since early last
spring, Don Canham, track coach,
announced yesterday.
CHARLIE will spend from three
to six weeks in the hospital after
an operation on an unfused verte-
bra. The operation will force him
into a period of inactivity which
will last a year and possibly longer.
This eliminates all possibility of
his competing in track meets dur-
ing the coming 1949 season.
Canham said that Fonville's
injury is not directly due to the
strain received from tossing the
16 pound shot. He may have had
it since birth, or it may have de-
veloped within the past two
However, Canham added that
throwing the shot had irritated
the spinal column and caused pain
to the big shot putter.
FONVILLE first felt a sharp
pain in his back early last April,
just before he set his world's out-
door record. The pain was not
very bad, and Fonville thought
little about it.
In fact, he thought so little
about it that on April 17, last
spring, he smashed the world
mark by almost a foot, throwing
the iron ball 58 feet, one-fourth
inch at the Kansas Relays.
Shortly after the Kansas meet,
the pain became more pronounced
and occurred more frequently.
However, because Fonville wanted
an Olympic berth very badly, he
continued to work out despite the
soreness of his back.
* * *
CONTINUING his good work,
Charlie won the National Colle-
giate championship in Minneap-
olis, just three weeks before the
Olympic trials were held.
Fonville was bothered greatly
by his back at the NCAA meet
in Minneapolis, and because of
this, he did not participate in
the AAU championships which
See FONVILLE, Page 3
Post-Grad job
Tips Given
To Students
Some 700 students seeking post-
graduation jobs in 1949 attended
the annual registration meetings
of the. University Bureau of Ap-
pointments yesterday and Mon-
day in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
meeting yesterday Dr. Luther T.
Purdom, director of the Bureau,
said that all persons registered
with the Bureau have an excellent
chance to get a job. "Everything
possible will be done by us to
place you in a position agreeable

to you," he said.
Purdom told students, "The
most important asset in getting
a job is knowing people." Stu-
dents must get good references
to get good jobs, he said.
Students who failed to attend
the meetings may pick up regis-
tration material today, Thursday
and Friday in Rm. 201 Mason
Hall. There is no fee for register-
ing at this time. A late registra-
tion fee of $1.00 is charged by the
Material for students failing to
register this week will be obtain-
able November 15.
placement meeting Monday
learned that anyone who gradu-
ates from the University with a
Teacher's Certificate can reason-
ably expect to find a teaching po-
sition waiting for him. Purdom
said that there is a tremendous
need for teachers in home eco-
nomics, elementary education, li-

Liquor Issue Untouched
By Inactive 'U' Probers
Stason Says Group Has Not Met Formally
To Investigate Warmly-Debated Problem
Members of a sub-committee appointed to probe the hotly-dis-
puted campus liquor question have so far taken "no steps" to investi-
gate it, according to chairman E. Blythe Stason, dean of Law School.
The subcommittee, appointed last May by the Committee on
Student Conduct, has not met formally, he said. Nor has the Student
Conduct Committee called its members in for a report.
S * 4 .
DEAN STASON said the faculty members of the subcommittee-
he, Dean Hayward Keniston of lit school and Dean Earl V. Moore of
the School of Music-have met informally.
They have not met with the student members of the commit-
tee-Patricia Hannagan, Marshall Lewis, and Albert Warner.







o Assassinate UAW Chief

Sees Boom
The nation can forget its fears
of an economic bust-at least as
far as 1949 is concerned.
"There will be some falling off
in production during the coming
year, but the reaction will not be
serious," Prof. Herman Hollis
Chapman, director of the Bureau
of Business Research, University
of Alabama, commented.
* * *
PROF. CHAPMAN, who was
elected president of the Associated
University Bureaus of Business
and Economic Research here yes-
terday, said that "strong demand
for public works construction"
would act as a favorable influence
on the economy.
"New and larger schools will
be in demand with the increase
of enrollment brought on by a
rising wartime birthrate," he
Beyond 1949, Prof. Chapman
had no forecast.
* * *
TURNING TO the steel indus-
try, which the Alabama Bureau
has been studying for several
years, Prof. Chapman had little
hope for those that seek new cars
in 1949 but was optimistic over
the future prosperity of the South.
Prof. Chapman said he dif-
fered with other economists who
had forecast cars aplenty in the
new year. He said the steel now
going into the small appliances
industries, which have nearly
filled their backlogs of orders,
would go to public works con-
"The heavy new demand for
steel in public works will even
overbalance the metal released in
small industry. Auto manufactur-
ers will still be without the steel
they need to improve output," he
* * *
"SOUTHERN prosperity will in-
crease rapidly as it has in recent
years and approach the standard
of living throughout the nation,"
Prof. Chapman said. "That means
more food and clothes for the peo-
ple of the southern states."
Prof. Chapman is a 1918 grad-
uate of the University.
Other officers elected were:
Prof. Frank L. Kidner, of the Uni-
versity of California, Prof. R. S.
Winslow, of the University of
North Carolina, and Prof. George
W. Stocking, of Vanderbilt Uni-
versity, directors; and Prof. Hohn
H. Cover, of the University of
Maryland, secretary-treasurer.

Warner recently resigned from
the committee.
For more than a year now since
the Universitypassed a regulation
prohibiting drinking on Univer-
sity property or in campus resi-
dences, the issue has been debated.
S* *
MEMBERS OF the subcommit-
tee say they aren't sure how
they're supposed to investigate.
They aren't even sure that any-
thing can be done to alter exist-
ing rules.
Marshall Lewis, Student Leg-
islature representative on the
subcommittee, remarked, "It's
hardly practical to let students
over 21 to drink at fraternity
parties and to point thumbs
down to those under age."
"Maybe the best thing to do
with the whole issue is to leave it
alone," he said.
represents the Women's Judiciary
Council, doubted too if much can
be done about the drinking situ-
ation. "But there's a great deal of
confusion at present," she said.
"Perhaps at least the ruling
should be restated to alleviate stu-
dent confusion."
Serving beer in the Union
might help solve the problem,
she pointed out.
At present, however, this would
be prohibited by a local Ann Ar-
bor ordinance which prohibits
the sale of beer by the glass east
of Division Street.

BLAZE-TRAILING ENDED-Members of the Ann Arbor Fire Department take hard-riding No. 2,
a 1916 American La France, out for a last run before having to turn her over to the Dexter Fire
Department. Left to right, they are: Firemen Peter Pegan and Henry Kolander, Fire Chief Ben J..
Zahn, and Fireman George Martin. Those that stand do so from force of habit. No. 2 was
once equipped with spoke wheels and hard rubber tires.
S * * *
Engine Ends Ann Arbor Fire Caree

Deutsch Will
Speak Today
In Kellogg


"Old No. 2" the hard-riding
standby of the Ann Arbor Fire De-
partment has chugged through
Ann Arbor streets for the last
The truck, which is an Amer-
ican La France of 1916 vintage,
will go to the Dexter Fire Depart-
ment shortly, after 22 years of
local blaze-trailing.
But the men of the fire depart-
ment are not sorry to see her go,
according to Fire Chief Ben Zahn.
livered it had wooden spoke wheels
and solid rubber tires. Most of the
boys had to stand up going to the
fire," he explained. "Years later,
we changed over to balloon tires
but then No. 2 was on 'emergency

use only,' and she was always re-
membered as being uncomfortable
for out-of-town fires."
Firemen still recall No. 2 as
the only truck to suffer the dis-
tinction of being hit by a trolley.
One sunny day in 1916, when it
was the pride and joy of all local
fire eaters, the fire wagon was
snorting up Fifth St., and at-
tempted to snake past a street
car jogging along Williams.
The trolley suffered no damage
but No. 2 had to be worked on
24 hours before she was ready to
go back into service.
* * *
NONE THE worse for being in-
troduced to a street car at an early
age, No. 2 continued on "first call"

Journalist Albert Deutsch will
speak on "Paradoxes in Modern
Society" at 8 p.m. today in Kel-
logg Auditorium.
Deutsch, who now writes for the
New York Star (formerly PM).
has received many honors for his
humanitarian writings.
THE SPEECH will be sponsored
by the Hillel Foundation.
In, 1946, Deutsch was honored
by the New York Newspaper Guild
for "leading the field in humani-
tarian journalism."
Hie was given the Lasker
award by the national commit-
tee for mental hygiene for his
contributions toward the ad-
vancement of mental health.
Twice winner of the U. S. News-
tpaper Guild's Heywood Broun
citation, Deutsch has written sev-
eral books, the most famous of
which are "Shame of the States,'
and "The Mentally Ill in America:
Their Care and Treatment."

U' Coeds To Carry Pigskin
In CampusGrid Skirmishes
Barricade the Union, they're at it again!
The women are moving farther into man's private world this fall,
with regularly scheduled football games between sorority houses,
women's dorms, and-hold your breath-men's teams.
* *
YES, THE FEMININE touch has been added to king football,
with the end-around play and quarterback sneak becoming as much
a part of a coed's bag of tricks as her lipstick and compact.
Typical of the teams is the Delta Delta Delta sorority, which
has begun an annual combat with the Pi Beta Phi house for the
"Powder Puff Bowl" championship.
The game is to be held at 4:45 p.m., Friday, in Burns Park.
THE TRI-DELTS are taking their football seriously, having per-
suaded Delta Tau Delta fraternity men to act as coeds in arduous af-
ternoon practices.

NSA To Give
Report Today
Student Legislature
Calls Special Session
A report on the recent NSA
congress and local NSA activities
will be given to the campus at a
special Student Legislature meet-
ing at 7:30 p.m. today in the
Grand Rapids Room of thef
LEGISLATOR Arlynn Rosen,
co-chairman of the University
NSA committee said that the
meeting would be open to the
public. Urging students to attend,
she said, "If NSA is to truly rep-
resent University students, they
themselves must taken an active
interest in the organization."
The history of NSA will be
outlined by Tom Walsh. Harvey
Weisberg, regional NSA presi-
dent will outline the privilege
card plan whereby students may
be able to purchase goods at re-
duced priers.
NSA's action on academic free-
dom will be discussed by Arlynn
Rosen. Norris Domangue will re-
port on discrimination.
A question-answer period will
Other phases of activity to be
discussed include NSA's interna-
tional program, the World Student
Exposition, economic problems of
students, cultural activities and
student government activities.
False Liquor ID
Costs Student $25

World News
At aGlance
(By The Associated Press)
WASHINGTON-Mrs. Franklin
D. Roosevelt has written President
Truman: "I am unqualifiedly for
you as the Democratic candidate
for the Presidency."
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia--
More than 300 students accused
of criticizing the government
have been expelled in recent
days from Belgrade University
and from higher medical and
technical facilities.
Only a few of those expelled
were believed to be Communists
siding with Russia and the Com-
inform against Premier Marshal
WASHINGTON - Secretary of
State Marshall was advised today
that the United States should keep
the door open for exchange of
students and scientists with So-
viet-dominated Eastern Europe.
State College authorities are still
sifting evidence gathered against

until 1924, stayed on as the second
team for a few years and finally
descended to regular furniture in
the fire house.
Now her spot has been va-
cated to make way for a new fog
truck, which is expected to
arrive within three weeks.
Another page was almost added
to No. 2's eventful history when
two University students entered
bids. One said he had hoped to
swap the truck to any comer for a
surplus jeep, a can of red paint
and a brush.
* * *
THE OTHER, along with fra-
ternity brothers, expected to make
the amount of their bid by selling
her accessories for junk. Their
profit would have been the chassis
and motor.
But No. 2 is assured of more
glorious years as.a fire-fighter in
Dexter before going wherever all
good fire trucks go.
Fritz Witness
In ]ducat Case
Fritz Crisler, university athletic
director appeared in a new role
yesterday - that of a witness
against a Wyandotte man accused
of "scalping" on Michigan football
The Associated Press reported
that Crisler conferred with chief
assistant prosecutor George A.
Gray of Wayne County regarding
activities of Joseph Kane, operator
of a travel bureau.
Gray said Kane would be ar-
raigned today.
He will appear before Detroit
Justice of the Peace Arthur Deck-
er. A formal complaint was to be
signed later against Kane.
Crisler's entry into the case
came after police investigated the
source of some Michigan-North-
western football tickets that they
said Kane had tried to resell at
prices higher than the regular
ticket price.

On, Wisconsin!
MADISON, Wis. - (A) - The
University of Wisconsin Stu-
dent Board asked wholehearted
support for the Badger football
team and censured "certain
members" of the student body
for "unsportsmanlike conduct"
at Saturday's Yale-Wisconsin
The Badger campus has been
rife with cominent since a
banner reading "Goodbye
Harry," aimed at Coach Harry
Stuhldreher, was unfurled in
the stands Saturday as Wis-
consin lost to Yale 17-7.
It was Wisconsins's third loss
of the season against one vic-
'U'Man To
Phone Row
A University professor was
named to the fact-finding panel
appointed by Gov. Kim Sigler last
night to head off a threatening
state-wide telephone strike.
Prof. Russell A. Smith, secre-
tary i the law school and Gov.
Sigler's appointee said that the
panel will meet in Detroit this af-
ternoon to lay the ground work for
its investigation.
* * *
attempt to resolve a dead-locked
wage dispute that government
mediators were unable to settle.
Other prominent educators
named by the governor includ-
ed Dr. David D. Henry, Presi-
dent of Wayne University, and
Rev. Father Albert H. Poetker,
Executive Dean of the Univer-
sity of Detroit.
The panel has been set up in
accordance with an agreement be-
tween Michigan Bell, the Commu-
nications Workers of America and
the governor, made at an emer-
gency meeting in Detroit last Fri-
AT THAT TIME, Michigan Bell
and the union agreed upon a truce
ending the "quickie" strikes that
tied up phpnes in Ann Arbor and
16 other Michigan cities all day
The truce expired at noon
yesterdayrafter another two-
hour negotiation sessiondaccord
ing to the Associated Press.
CWA leaders said they would
"do everything in our power" to
prevent any walkouts until the
panel has had time to act.
Under a 1939 state labor law
the panel has 30 days to study the
dispute and report its findings.
Its recommendations, however,
will not be binding on either Mich-
igan Bell or the Union.
At yesterday's bargaining ses-
sion the company stood by its lat-
est offers but the CWA, represent-
ing 10,000 operators, has rejected
Game Train
Time Changed
Time changes for the Wolverine
Club's railroad special to the Min-
nesota game this weekend were
announced yesterday by Don
Greenfield, publicity, chairman.
Changes from times previously
announced are as follows: Leave
Ann Arbor depot 8:45 a.m. Fri-
day; arrive Chicago 1 p.m. CST;
leave Chicago 3:15 p.m. CST; ar-
rive Minneapolis 10:30 p.m. CST.
On the return trip students will

leave Minneapolis at 7:30 a.m.
CST Sunday; arrive Chicago 2:40
p.m. CST; leave Chicago 4:15 p.m.
CST; and arrive in Ann Arbor
9:39 p.m.

Bolton Held :
Under Bond
For Assault
Faces Possible
Life Sentence
DETROIT-(P)-Carl Bolton, 39,
was held for trial after two De-
troit hoodlums said he offered
$15,000 to have President Walter
P. Reuther of the CIO United
Auto Workers assassinated.
Recorder's Judge Christopher E.
Stein held Bolton under $75,000
bond for trial in the next term
of court on a charge of assault
with intent to murder. The term
begins late in November.
THE MAXIMUM penalty on
conviction is life imprisonment.
Bolton is a former minor official
in the CIO-UAW.
John Miller, a 45-year-old
former factory worker, and John
Pantella, 43, a former member
of the CIO-United Auto Work-
ers, testified that Carl Bolton
offered $15,000 to have Reuther
and Kenneth Bannon killed.
Bannon is head of the union's
big Ford department.
of the 39-year-old Bolton's exam-
ination on a charge of assault with
intent to kill. Reuther was crit-
ically wounded April 20 by a
shotgun blast.
Describing himself as a former
convict who served three prison
terms for burglary, Miller tes-
tified that Bolton offered him
not only the $15,000 but also "a.
good job with the union" if he
killed Reuther.
He said Bolton had approached
him as early as September, 1947,
with the word "that .something
was coming up." Then, in March
of 1948, Bolton again mentioned
the proposition, Miller testified.
ON APRIL 16, four days before
Reuther was shot, Miller testified,
Bolton came back again and this
time "the name of Walter Reuther
came up." Bolton spoke of
"rubbing out Walter Reuther," the
witness said.
Miller testified that Bolton
promised "you'll get it (the $15,-
000) within an hour after the
job is done."
Miller said Bolton also told him
he could get the union job through
the people who are having this
thing done."
Council Votes
Truce Order
For Palestine
U.S. Delegate Says
Berlin NetTightens
(By The Associated Press)
The United Nations Security
Council by unanimous vote com-
manded Israel and Egypt to stop
at once the warfare in Southern
The cease-fire-the fifth from
the Council for the Holy Land.:-
was ordered aftersome hesitation.
Warren R. Austin of the United
States, Council president, was on
the point of adjourning the meet-
ing when Syria offered the cease-
fire resolution.

THIS ASKED for an immediate
and effective cease fire and in-
structed Dr. Ralph Bunche, the
acting UN mediator, to negotiate
for a return to the situation before
last Friday's outbreak.
As the Council issued its
cease-fire order reliable reports
from Tel Aviv said fighting
spread to other Arab fronts and
continued between Israel and
(Truce observers informed the
UN in Paris that Israeli forces
generally were the attackers on

students connected with
sional football gambling
lege authorities said.

a profes-
pool, col-

Draft Will- Not Call Students Till June

EDITOR'S NOTE-The folowing 1
interpretive article on Selective Ser-I

rate of inductions is expected to
n na1arn fa

suing a full time course of instruc-
tirmof At the TTict.+



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