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By MURRAY GRANT... Daily Sports Editor
MICHIGAN'S GRIDIRON wonder has two conference games under
its belt, and a quick look at the statistics shows that the Wel-
verines' opponents in these contests have gainted the grand total of
83-net yards rushing.
It doesn't take an adding machine to figure out that this makes an
average of less than 42 yards per game.
GREATER HEIGHTS of defensive action have seldom been
reached. In years past, Michigan teams have been noted for their
powerful offenses, and the art of holding that line has been shunted
into the background.
Not so this year. Aside from one disputed touchdown scored
in the Michigan State fracas the Wolverine goal line has not been
crossed. In the last 195 minutes of play Michigan has held its op-
ponents scoreless.
Jack Blott, Michigan's line coach, can be rightly proud of his
charges. In each of the last three games the Wolverine forwards have
thrown back the opposition when Michigan's back was to the wall.
IN THE OREGON tilt, Van Brooklin piloted the Webfoots to a
first down on the Michigan 4-yard stripe, but Pete Elliott and Ed Mc-
Neill stopped the first play, Kempthorn; the second; Ozzie Clark bot-
tled up the third; and Brick Wahl took care of the fourth attempt to
crash into the forbidden zone.
Again against Purdue the Michigan line held with first and
four to go. The goal line stand came again in the second quarter
when the Wolverines held a scant advantage and a score could
easily have turned the tide against the Maize and Blue.
With another flash of brilliance the determined Michigan line
held again, and broke the opposition's heart with their amazing stand.
AND IN THE Northwestern clash the Wildcats met that' same stone
wall. It was second and four on the 12-yard stripe. But Al Wistert,
Kempthorn, Lloyd Heneveld and Brick Wahl rose up and held the
Purple to one yard in three tries.
K-Ale the defense faltered in any of these instances the opposi-
tion might have scored and the complexion of the game taken
on a voznpietely different hue.
In Minnesota the Wolverines face their severest test. They'll be
outweighed by a least 14 pounds to the man in the line. And when
you realize that the men in the Wolverine defensive line aren't exactly
midgets, as they average 202 pounds, this isn't anything to be sneezed
* * * *
THE GOPHERS have also excelled at defense. In their first four
games the Minnesotans have given up 25 points, holding Washington
and Illinois scoreless.
Led by Leo Nomellini, a veritable monster, at 250 pounds
and Clayt Tonnenaker, at 225 pounds, the Gophers will be tough
to stop. They've rolled up 81 points thus far or an average of
three touchdowns per game.
The lightest men on the Minnesota line are Vern Gagne and Bud
Grant, the ends, who scale in the neighborhood of 200 pounds each.
Couple with this the Gophers' desire for a Rose Bowl bid and pos-
session of the Little Brown Jug, and it's obvious that the Wolverines
are in for plenty of trouble when they take the field against Bernie
Bierman's proteges.
It'll be a battle of great defensive units when these two clubs meet
Saturday. And the age-old question of whether the irrestible force can
budge the immovable object may well be answered.
AP Choice of 'M' Parallels Last Season's Polls
Wolverines o tTop in Second'47Poll
ONE OF THREE-Wolverine Leo Koceski takes a perfectly placed pass on the five-yard line from
Wally Teninga in last Saturday's tilt with Northwestern. The pack of Wildcats who surrounded,
the shifty halfback, but were unable to stop him, as he dodged over the goal line were Peewee Day
(11), extreme left), Tom Worthington (16), Alex Sarkisian (54), and Ray Wietecha (56).
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PRES HOLMES, Night Editor
jayvees Line
Play Sparkles
In N.W. Gamte
Sparkling defensive line play
featured the Jayvee's 13-0 victory
over the Northwestern 'B' team
Saturday morning..
With the offense showing little
after the first quarter, the line led
by Dave Gomberg, repeatedly rose
to the occasion and threw back
the Wildcats whenever the foe ap-
proached scoring territory.
* * *
CONSIDERING the small pe-
riod of time Coach Don Robinson
has had to get the Jayvees work-
ing as a unit, the squad showed or-
ganization and seemed to work to-
gether better than did their op-
While brilliant on defense, the
offense of the Jayvees left much
to be desired. Both touchdowns
resulted from the recovery of
Wildcat fumbles deep in Purple
The heavy Northwestern line
stopped most of the Wolverine of-
fensive efforts without too much
NEVER DID Coach Robinson's
charges manage to get a sustained
drivelgoing and were able to com-
pile only five first downs.
It was the Wildcat Bees' sec-
ond defeat in as many starts,
having previously lost to Illinois
The Jayvees will have an oppor-
tunity to really prove their worth,
as they clash with Michigan
State's "B" team next.
With a crew-cut personality
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Michigan Theatres
rhe MosT Talked About
Stout'M' Defense Outslines
Offense in wildeat. Shutout
It took 'em three weeks, but the
members of the fourth estate have
finally climbed on Michigan's
For the first time this season,
the Wolverines have been named
as the No. 1 team in the country,
on the basis of the Associated
Press poll which garners its in-
formation from 148 sports writers
from coast to coast.
IN THE FIRST two weeks of
the current campaign, Notre Dame
and North Carolina copped the top
position, respectively. What the
writers based their choices on was
questionable. Neither team had
played serious opposition and it
looked as though the scribes were
tagging along with the Irish and
Tar Heels on the basis of pre-
season publicity.
Back on October 8 of last year,
Michigan ranked second to the
South Benders in the first poll
of the year. Michigan had start-
ed on its undefeated season,
having trounced Michigan State,
55-0, and Stanford, 49-13. The
Irish had one win under their
belts, over Pitt's Panthers, 40-6.
Yet the men of Leahy were look-
ing down at the rest of the field.
But the Wolverines kept on roll-
ing and on the following Saturday
reminded the old-timers of Field-
ing Yost's point-a-minute teams,
as they smothered Pitt, 69-0. Two
days later, Michigan was on topI
with 93 first place votes to 23 for
the Irish.
To say that friend Leahy was
irked was to do a beautiful piece
of under-stating. When asked at a
luncheon of the Herald-American
Quarterback Club by what score
Michigan would beat his team, the
Green mentor said, "Notre Dame
would welcome the opportunity to
play Michigan any time, on any
Saturday, during any fall."
MICHIGAN'S margin increased
the following week on the basis of
Few teams ever reach the point
where they are tops both offen-
sively and defensively, but the cur-
rent edition of the Wolverines
comes as close as any to filling the
Michigan proved this point Sat-
urday when they held- a vaunted
Northwestern offense scoreless
while rolling up 28 points against
their strong defense.
On defense, the Wolverine
forward wall was superb, stop-
ping Aschenbrenner, Murkow-
ski and company with a meager
47 yards via the ground route.
Standouts for the Wolverines on
defense were their unexcelled pair
of line backers, Dan Dworsky and
Dick "Killer" Kempthorn. In one
series of plays, Kempthorn made
nine of 11 tackles, while Dworsky
was brilliant in covering the right
side of the line.
In the line itself, Lloyd Hene-
veld played a top-notch game
along with Al Wistert and Irv Wis-
The Wolverines were equally
as good on offense as they tal-
lied four times, dividAng the
scoring between the aerial and
ground routes. Michigan's soph-
omore duo of Chuck Ortmann
and Leo Koceski added to their
stature and, more than ever
showed promise of becoming a
really great team.
In the scoring column, it was
almost all Koceski, as he crossed
the goal line three times and but
for a fumble would have made it
four touchdowns. As it was, cen-
ter Bob Eben got credit for the
tally as he fell on Koceski's fum-
Although he failed to figure in
the scoring, Ortmann was a valu-
able cog in the victory. He was the
top groundgainer for the Wolver-
ines with 44 yards in 10 attempts.
He maintained a better than .500
passing average, connecting four
times out of seven for 54 yards.
Dick Rifenburg showed more
of the stuff that could place
him in the All-American ranks.
Rifenburg carried the ball twice
on the end-around for 42 yards,
one setting up a Wolverine
Operating from both the tail
and the wingback slot, Wally
Teninga again proved his worth
to the Wolverines, with his fine
running, passing and punting. He
completed two of his four passes
for 22 yards, averaged 42.4 yards
on his punts and ran exception-
Altogether, it was a great day
for the Wolverines who proved
that they have no peer in the Big
Nine for the second straight year.
a 49-21 win over Northwestern, but
seven days later, after the Wol-
verines barely edged Minnesota,
13-6 and the Shamrock toters
downed Iowa, 21-0, Notre Dame
was ranked first again.
The reasoning in this case, as
the AP adroitly said, was that
"Notre Dame was still suppos-
edly playing 'under wraps.' s
For two weeks the South Bend
gridders stayed on top. Then
Michigan pushed Wisconsin
around on a muddy field, 40-6, as
the Irish got by the Wildcats, 26-
19, and back into first place went
the Ann Arbor team.
* * * -
AFTER MICHIGAN finished the
season with a 21-0 win over OSU,
Notre Dame defeated Tulane, 59-
6, and USC, 38-7. The final season
poll read: Notre Dame first, with
107 first place ballots and 1,410
points; Michigan second, with 25
votes for the top spot and 1,289
Then carne the Rose Bowl, 49-
0, and the fans began to squawk.
After all, Michigan had played
three opponents that the Irish
had faced, and had beaten all by
bigger scores than the Notre
Dame eleven.,
A special poll, with only the two
teams participating, was/held and
Michigan won in a breeze. Cris-
ler's squad took 226 first place
votes to 119 for ND. There were
12 writers whocouldn't make up
their minds.
The final results were conclu-
sive except in the minds of the
most fanatic Irish followers.
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