',I MUSICAL DEARTH See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State :43att CLOUDY SLIGHTLY WARMER '7 VOL. LIX, No. 25 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY OCTOBER 19, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS CAllSpecial U.. Session In Palestine Israel Refuses Three Day Truce PARIS- () - The United Na- ions Security Council tonight was rdered into emergency session to ope with the new war in Pales- me. The session was set for 10:30 .m. (5:30 a.m. EST) today, only few hours ahead of another reeting on the Berlin situation. DR. RALPH BUNCHE, U.N. me- iator, requested the special meet- rg after Israel rejected his plea or a three-day ceasefire in the legev, Southern Palestine desert egion where Israeli and Egyptian orces are battling. ITx an emergency report to the Council, Bunche declared that a "serious breach of the truce is involved in the new Negev out- break" and demanded "prompt intervention" by the Council. "It would seem clear," Bunche aid "that the military action of he last few days has been on a cale which would be undertaken ,fter considerable preparation and ould scarcely be explained as a imple retaliatory action for an ,ttack on a Jewish convoy." THIS APPARENTLY was a ref- rence to an Israeli complaint arlier tonight that a Jewish con- oy has been attacked by the gyptians on its way into the Ne- ev. The Berlin session will be the Council's fourth since the United States, Britain and France charged that the Soviet blockade of Berlin is a threat to world peace. Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Lndrei Y. Vishinsky was expected o continue his verbal boycott, but here was a possibility that he right answer questions posed by he Council's six neutrals in writ- rg. The Western Powers planned o reply orally. Argentina sources reported that he Kremlin was offering a "new oviet stand" for settlement of the 3erlin dispute outside the Council. 'hese sources regarded it as "pro- iding more flexibility" but added hat Russia still is refusing to dis- uss Berlin in the council. * + s Rsrael Rejects rruse Plan, grees to Talks Offensive Launched Deep in Negev Centers TEL AVIV, Israel - (P)-Israel as rejected the latest United Na- ions proposal for a cease fire in he Negev fighting, but agreed 'to iold peace talks with the Egyp- ians, Israeli infantry and armor, with ir support, have already blasted pen a supply road to 23 Jewish ettlements in the Negev-the outhern Palestine desert. THE ISRAELI foreign office aid the Jews could not accept the J.N. proposal for a three-day truce BULLETIN CAIRO-Five ewmy planes attempted to raid Cairo tonight but a heavy anti-aircraft bar- rage kept them from reaching the city, official Egyptian sources said. When the alert was sounded the sprawling Egyptian capital was plunged into darkness. The alert lasted an hour but no bombs fell. n the Negev fighting unless the J.N. can guarantee that the Egyp- ians will refrain from taking ad- antage of the truce to improve heir positions. As to the U.N. proposals for peace talks in Jerusalem, the foreign office said Israel was ready to meet the Egyptians any time and any place for such dis- cussions. The Jews launched their offen- ive in the Negev last Friday after he Egyptians attacked a Jewish onvoy which had been dispatched or the obvious purpose of seeing hether it could draw fire. * * *i A ME, A- 'ELCW -XE a 4 + . c. Scholastic Requirement Would Affect IFC .Plus Lockwood Says That 2.4 Grade Ruling Would Include All Rooming Organizations An effort to enforce a rule requiring fraternities to maintain an overall 2.4 scholastic average may prove embarrassing to University officials. If the rule were enforced for fraternities every other dormitory, sorority, co-op house and rooming house should also be required to maintain a 2-4 average, the full regulations state. * * * * THIS WAS apparently overlooked by University officials when they told Interfraternity Council members of plans to enforce the long-dormant rule at the beginning of the semester. Research on the background of the disputed rule revealed that the portion relating to "other recognized rooming associa- tions" had been overlooked, according to IFC President Bruce Lockwood. Lockwood called the omitted portion of the regulation to the at- tention of Dean Erich Walter last week. Walter said he had been un- aware of this section of the regulation. * * * * THE CONTROVERSIAL regulations were contained in a report submitted to the Committee on Student Affairs and adopted in May 1945. The report was drawn up by the Interfraternity Alumni Con- ference. The section dealing with scholastic averages says a fraternity whose group average falls below a 2.4 for one year shall be warned. The second year below this average places the group on maximum social probation. If after two years on social probation the fraternity still has not raised its average about a 2.4 it shall be forbidden to initiate new members. * ~ IMMEDIATELY following this statement concerning fraternities is a paragraph which says ". . . the above recommendations should be implemented on the same scholastic basis by sororities, co-operatives and other recognized rooming associations." No effort was made to enforce these regulations until early this semester. When plans for enforcement were announced be- fore the IFC, a howl of protest went up. About one-third of the 31 fraternities on campus last year had scholastic averages above a 2.00 but below the 2.4 which would be re- quired under the resurrected rule. * * * * A FACULTY MEMBER of the group which drew up the disputed regulation has privately admitted that "it should be buried" according to Lockwood. Representatives of all the fraternities, along with alumni, will meet with University authorities next Tuesday to discuss the regu- lation. LA4RLY WINTER? Freezing-Weather HitsHere; Moves To Chill Easterners chigan By-passes oreame, Captures First Place in A Poll.- Oh Tazan!Tarheels Fall EVANSVILLE, Ind. - Two To Thid Slot men were injured today in a wj 90-minute battle with two " chimpanzees which escaped from their cage at Mesker Pork . s ; sfzoo on the west sid of Evans- . as vile For sheriff's deputies, half a 74 Ballots Name dozen policemen and several Best in Nation zoo officials joined in the Tar- zan-like melee which ended in the death of the male chimp NEW YORK-(P)-Michan's and the recapture of his mate. unbeaten-untied Wolverines have taken over the No. 1 spot in col- *-, 7g lege football ranks in the weekly Associated Press poll of the na- P rest lentiai t tion's sports writers. Grabbing 74 of the 148 first place ballots, the Michigan Power- house displaced North Carolina a d d twhich led the pack last week. De- j W IIlad spite afourth straight victory over s ((North Carolina State, North Car- ________ nolina dropped to third place be- Daily-Davehind Michigan and Notre Dame. Daly-Dave Heggen A fast-moving election cam-* * * CHARLIE SITS ONE OUT-Chuck Fonville, ace Michigan shot putter strikes a pose for his 'Ensian A fassumedingepetionsao* senior photograph with stage directions from veteran lensman John Bourque. Although over half of paig assumed the proportions of THE IRISH, 44-13 winners over a salad bowl as Candidate Dewey otbae ersa ln osc the senior class has already faced the camera, over 400 still haven't signed up for a sitting. Appoint- ducked flying tomatoes and Henry fnd-beaten Nebraska, clung to ser- ments are being booked daily in the Student Publications Building from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Wallace was splattered with eggs. dplaoe on a splurge ofrunner-- Neither candidate was act up votes. In the first place ba- struck by the edible missiles, toting Notre Dame had only 23 to SPEECH AREA PROPOSED: Rounding out the election picture, 32 for North Carolina. President Truman clarified Amer- Points, figured on the basis " eican foreign policy without benefit of 10 for a first place, nine for SL AVC Fight Political Speech Ban of salad ingredients. second and so n down the line 9*)*to one for tenth place, gave A TOMATO tossed by a young- Michigan 1,336 to 1,218 for No- Two campus groups today are litical discussions similar to those prohibited the discussions on the ster sailed over Gov. Thomas E. tre Dame and 1,139 for North making efforts to have the ban on which took place on the Diagonal Diagonal, and finally the refusal Deey's head as he was making Carolina. political speeches removed from several weeks ago. of the University to allow persons a trainside campaign speech in his campus. If approved by the entire Stu- under indictment by the federal h from the West Coast, polling 14 Student Legislature officials are dent Legislature the measure government to speak on the cam- It happened in Syracuse, the first place votes in taking fourth working on a plan which would will be referred to the Student pus. Republican Presidential nomi- place with 876 points. allow students to congregate in a Affairs Committee for an offs- * * * nee's second last stop on the * * * specified spot for political "bull cial OK. THE AVC petitions charge that way back to Albany from an ARMY, ONE of the four un- sessions"As a long range plan the Stu- the ban on political speakers is eight day, 4,500 mile tour of 10 beaten powers in the East, held * * * dent Legislature cabinet is work- "contrary to the sacred democra- states. tight to fifth place with 775 THE AMERICAN Veterans Com- ing on a proposal which would tic right of free speech 'and thepoints mittee is conducting a petition establish an organization here professed objectives of higher ed- Three eggs plopped on the plat- The only first place ballot, out- drive against the present rulings. similar to the Oxford Union at ucation. form in Pittsburgh as Henry Wal- side of the trp0, was for oe- The Student Legislature pro- Oxford College, England. They object to the interpreta- lace delivered a speech in which 's strong club which tied for posal was drawn up by the cab- * * * tion and say discussion "should he said labor leaders who call peo-1hhdk inet yesterday following an ear- WHILE ATTENDING a forum be encouraged by the University ple Communists are joining the The point score with first place ier meeting of legislators with in New York this week Dean Wal- as a stimulus to the creation of "enemy"-the corporations. votes in parentheses (points fig- Dean Erich Walter. ter will meet with a former offi- a thinking, informed, student ures on basis of 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3- The cabinet has framed a res- cial of this Oxford Union and re- body." THE EGGS DID not strike Wal- 21) olution which will be presented to port back to the Legislature. The ban on indicted speakers is lace but his manuscript was splat- 1) h (741336 the entire membership of the Stu- The AVC started its petition called a "violation of democratic tered by one. He paused in his ad- 1. Michigan (4).. .1,336 dent Legislature this week, drive yesterday as part of a legal principles that a man is pre- dress to a police-estimated crowd 2. No. ame (3).....1,18 * * * campaign to fight the speaker's sumed innocent until proven guilty of 3,000 and said: "This looks fa- 3. No. Carolina (32).....1,139 IT CALLS FOR THE establish- ban. in a court of law. miliar, folks. There must be some 4. California (14) ........876 ment of a specific spot which stu- The petitions protest the ban The AVC has appropriated $100 Southerners here." 5. Army (1) . .......... 2775 dents could use for informal po- itself, the interpretation which to carry on its campaign. In a restatement of American 6. Georgia Tech..........627 foreign policy to the 30th Annual . Penns yvan ). 43 ________________________ State (1)....... .411 ____________________________t Greater Funds American Legion Convention, Mr. 9. Missouri (2)...........193 G reater F d s Truman beat no retreat from hisI 10. Northwestern. ......182 position that eearfthe world 11-Southern Methodist, 175; 12 Government WorldNes Seen Needed Mr. Trumantold eaapplauding 1 14-lemson, 74; 15-Nevada caehkeofth erfwr -Cornell, 117; 13 - Minnesota, Groups Salute At a Glance Se eddM.Tua odapadn edFofellow Legionnaires: (1) and Duke, tied, 60;17-Tu United N a ionRs'For 2 *la * * lane, 54; 18-Oklahoma, 53;" 19- (By The Associated Press) 1. UNFORTUNATELY, a "dank Mcia tt,3;2-iss PAIS-"Poan'sDrJlis Michigan State, 33; 20-Missis- fog of distrust" has risen between a . Membership irives Katz-Suchy said today "we have WASHINGTON - (W) - More Russia and the West, to distort sippi, 26. I already been on the brink of U. S. dollars for European Re- and confuse relations. Debates Scheduled jatomic war" once since the defeat covery and a bigger long-range 2. "It will be a long while before Re of Germany and Japan. program for China were urged by the Great Powers constitute 'one It's United Nations Week, and Katz-Suchy said a "group of two officials of the Economic Co- world.' world government groups on cam- United States Army leaders" had operation administration. 3. This country recognizes the r1ve O p ened pus are saluting it with an active wanted to use the bomb to estab- Roger Lapham, Chief of ECA's principles of mutual conciliation prograr ofn ebtes, spenchie. lish bases in Germany "at the time $275,000,000 China Aid Program. as a basis for peaceful negotia- By Picard program of debates, speeches' of the so-called Tito crisis." suggested a four-year Recovery tions. But this does not mean roundtables, and membership1 - * Plan for China as- well as Europe. appeasement. drives. 'aComm- * * . The Community Chest is need The United Nations Council alnd PARIS-y -ranctesdeom a "IF IT IS GOING to take four ee munty t i teUieWolFeeaitfe-nist P'arty tonight conceded ayer fo Eup, it probbly als iy D i ed even more today than when it the United World Federalisr fore- sap defeat in elections for the years for le, fo proay r was begun in 1920, Federal Judge most protagonists of world organ- won't take any less for China, A. Picard of Detroit, declared last izations on campus, are culminaat- Lapham told newsmen on his re- night at the Red Feather "kick-off ing their week's activities in week- The Communists admitted turn from the Orient. T dinner" held in the Union. end~~~~~~~~~~~~~inr prgrmslhadGn Carentelathes"t s ypesoaivewtatn. end programs. that G.en. Charles DeGaulle s "It is my personal view that * * Rightist Party and the middle we should plan at a longer Student contributions topped SPEAKING BEFORE some 400 THE UNITED Nations Council Radical Socialists probably will range than our present one-year $1,200 in Friday's Philippine volunteer workers who will start will co-sponsor a program of fac- dominate the house. try. I don't think they (the Drive. the drive today, Judge Picard told ulty and student speakers Sunday, * * * Chinese) are going to get back The money collected in the Stu- of the combination of the various 8 p.m. in the League Ballroom. BERLIN-An American airlift on their feet in a year." dent Legislature sponsored tag- welfare leagues into the Commu- plane was shaken but not dam- He declined to estimate China's day will go toward building the nity Chest in 1920. Dr. Manfred Vernon, of the aged by a mysterious land explo- needs beyond the present one-year Hayden Memorial Library at the He explained how industrial political science department, will sion today in the Soviet zone of program. University of Philippines. advancement, the "roaring be the featured speaker. Other Germany near Berlin's Gatow air- Contributions were mainly by twenties," the depression, and sponsors of the program are the port.' 'ET individual students, Legislator finally the last war all helped National Students Association s * i S T iryouts ... Jim Saker said, but Delta Delta create new problems which are and the UnitariansPARIS--The government's ef- A tryout meeting for the En- Delta sorority gave a $20 check. now being met by the 15 agen- A debaters' institute will be co- forts to save France's coal mines sian business staff will be held After last year's drive, the Uni- cies supported by Red Feather sponsored by the United World from possible damage by action of at 4 p.m. today in the Student versity of the Philippines sent a funds. Federalists this Saturday at Kel- Communist-led strikers erupted in Pbiaions bidng, scroll to the University in appre- Judge Picard was introduced by ,ogg Auditorium starting at 9:30 violence today. ciation. Howard U. Walters, 1949 local a.m. Campaign Chairman for the Com- *,* * DEWE VICTOR Y PECIA L- munity Fund Chest Drive, who IT WILL CONSIST of two de- was master of ceremonies for the bates and a roundtable on woild dinner. federation. Featured debatei- ® Daily Finds Train Geared for CampaignW elude Dr. Tibor Payzs, chairman WATESaXPAIEat of the political science depart- the members that the 1949 Red ment at the University of De- Feather goal of $158,600 was a 15 troit, and Samuel Levering of the By DON McNEIL TOM DWEY himself travels in the life of the candidate and the per cent increase over last year's UWF National Executive Council. (special to The Daily) a private car on fhe end of the people around him aboard the spe- total because of rises in the oper- The Michigan High School Foren- What is life like for the people train with Mrs. Dewey. cial. ational cost of the 15 Commu- campaigning with a major party ntt t D ' rtr i ty Chest Services. sic Association are the other spon-amainin wia mao paty After several attempts to Dewey's private secretary is osniinlut 1 minina 1-hp rcouipirv . ,. -. . . . .._. o-__.,.r T'hPTTni,,vdrct~v'c cma 1 -q ~hpoe, While the Ann Abor area was shaking in its boots from the be- low freezing weather that hit us yesterday, the rest of the country could sympathize with us. The Mid - West's pre-winter chilly spell moved into the Middle Atlantic States and New England last night, while we were loosen- ing our collars in preparttion for some "warm" 59 degree weather today. SUB - FREEZING temperatures were predicted for much of the northeastern part of the nation by tomorrow morning. The colder weather was precededed today by widespread snows in the Appa- lachians and New England. The snow ranged in depth from four inches in the upper New York State mountains to a few flakes in lowland areas. The nose-diving thermometer prompted New Orleans police to order coats for patrolmen and caused one cop a little trouble. "EFFECTIVE immediately," read the message tapped out on police teletypes, "you will wear summer gray shirt, tie, cap and coat." The headquarters' telephone rang and a patrolman said: "That message that came over the teletype says I got to go to work witha shirt and a tie and my cap and coat. How about my pants? Ain't I supposed to wear pants?" The sergeant bit his lip. "DON'T the message say any- thing about pants?" "No Sarge." "Well, then," the Sergeant re- plied, "just use your own judg- ment." COUNCIL MEETS: Students Unsuccessful in Bid To Buy Fire Engine fromn City, University students and an Ann Arbor junk dealer were disap- pointed last night as the City Council moved 0 sell a 1916 American LaFrance ladder truck to the Dexter Firemen's Associa- tion for $325. One Daily reporter, along with members of Phi Kappa Tau had submitted a bid of $205 and an- other reporter offered $10. .Discuss Civil Rights,_Cartels The Wallace Progressives dis- cussed cartels and passed resolu- tions on civic rights at a meeting last night. Member Al Fishmann, speaking on cartels, charged that many Nazi industrialists, members of cartels, were regaining their power. * * * THE DEPARTMENT of Justice . rnvamne in rar lutionf onr SALE OF THE FIRE truck to either would have resulted in two such vehicles on campus. A 1920 American LaFrance fire wagon, purchased from the city of Flint by Jerry Fauth, is now upholding the honor of Kappa Sigma. The council also heard an opinion from City Attorney Wil- liam M. Laird that the United States is still in a state of war with Germany and Japan. At- torney Laird said he was un- able to find any action to show that the war was over. The council requested the opinion to clarify the legal position of local rulings effective "for the dura- tion." The council passed a resolution urging voters to cast their ballots early Nov. 2, and avoid the tradi- tional 6 to 8 p.m. rush. The reso- lution also urged Ann Arbor busi- nessmen to give employes one hour off to vote during the day. * * * PHI SIGMA DELTA fraternity,