See Page 4
:43 a t1]y
Latest Deadline in the State
M Steamroller Overpowers
Wildcats ,28-0
'U Education
For Workers
Will Continue
Courses To Start
AgainThis Year
The Board of Regents announ-
ced yesterday that the University's
courses in workers' education will
be resumed.
The Regents said that the pro-
gram, which was suspended them-
porarily last month, will probably
start again before the end of this
yesterday, they reaffirmed the
University's interest in adult edu-
cation for workers and authorized
the continuation of an expen-
mental program.
Plans will be made at once to
organize the program in accor-
dance with the "educational ob-
jectives of the University."
They listed these objectives: "to
offer additional opportunities for
general education; to equip work-
ers more adequately for the exer-
cise of rights and responsibilities
of citizenship in a democracy."
THE REGENTS said they had
studied the program for several
weeks. They surveyed it "with the
intention of continuing aspects of
the program which in the light of
experience are deemed appropriate
for the University to offer."
Since the course was begun in
1944, instructors have taught
collective bargaining, labor leg-
islation, health and safety, so-
cial philosophies, labor journal-
Ism, social security and parlia-
mentary procedure to some 200-
000 workers.
Then, last May, a minor GM ex-
ecutive charged that lectures he
had attended contained "Marxist
GOV. SIGLER ordered an in-
vestigation, and , ubsequently the
whole program was suspended.
When the Regents decided Vt
resume the program, which is
part of the University's exten-
sion services, they removed a
hotly-disputed issue from the
state political campaign.
G. Mennen Williams, Democratic
candidate for governor, had sharp-
ly criticized the Governor for sus-
pending the courses.
After yesterday's announcement
he congratulated the Regents for
"a return to liberalism."
* * *
IN THEIR announcement, the
Regents said that the education
program was due to come up for
review in May anyway.
"In any program of an experi-
mental nature the work must
from time to time come under
review by those responsible for
its policies," they said.
The courses had been supported
by legislative grant for their first
three years, but were financed
from the University's general fund
for the last year.
* *
THE REGENTS aso accepted
gifts amounting to $29,573.38 and
approved the following appoint-
Prof. Leigh C. Anderson as
chairman of the chemistry depart-
ment; Prof. Charles L. Stevenson
as acting chairman of the philos-
ophy department for this year.
Other appointments were: Harry
Bell Benford as assistant profes-
sor of naval architecture and ma-
rine engineering for 1948-49;
Richard E. Lippincott as assistant
director for administration in the
Survey Research Center.
Mayne Elected
To GOP Post
Picked To Head State
FLINT-(OP)-Mark Mayne of
Ann Arbor was elected chairman
of the State Federation of Young
Republicans at their annual con-
vention here.
He succeeded Anthony Stamm
of Kalmazoo
Defense Sparkles
In Crucial Victory
Dworsky, Kempthorn Outstanding;
Teninga's Punts Keep NU in Hole
(Daily Sports Editor)
Michigan still reigns supreme over Big Nine football.
The Wolverines demonstrated their supremacy before 85,938 fans
yesterday as they rolled over previously unbeaten Northwestern, 28-0
at Michigan Stadium, to notch their 18th straight victory.
* * * *-
SHOWING AMAZING defensive play and capitalizing on almost
every break, the Maize and Blue changed the game from a breath-
taking struggle into a near rout in the space of five minutes.
For three full quarters it was anyone's game. But then the
roof fell in on the Wildcats. On the last play of the third quarter
Wally Teninga smacked a jump O * *
pass into the arms of Leo Ko-z l
ceski for the second Michigan D
HIGH POINT MAN-Wolverine sophomore, Leo Koceski, as he is off on one of his frequent gains of yesterday afternoon. Koceski rattled off three touchdowns for Michigan
and was closely connected with the scoring of the Maize and Blue's last tally. This picture was taken by The Daily's special football photographer, Alex Lmanian.
Natioal News Round-Up
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The National Labor Relations Board ruled to-
day that strikers are ineligible to vote in plant elections if their jobs
have been permanently taken by other workers.
The decision, one of the most important since the Taft-Hartley
Act became effective 14 months ago, applied only to so-called "eco-
nomic" strikes-not to any walkouts over alleged unfair labor prac-
tices by an employer.
WASHINGTON-Labor organizations claiming a combined
membership of more than 15 million workers were lined up
tonight behind 16 Democratic candidates for the U.S. Senate.
Control of the Senate could turn on the success or failure
of the concentrated drive. The GOP had only a six-vote margin
during the 80th Congress.
DETROIT--Michigan Bell wage negotiators will meet tomorrow
at a State Mediation Board bargaining table in an attempt to settle
their differences.
WASHINGTON-President Truman anounced today a $14,400,-
000,000 military spending budget for next fiscal year-an increase
of more than $2,000,000,000,000 over this year-and ordered a "vig-
orous" program to build up and train military reserve units.
But he emphasized that his moves were not caused by any
worsening of the world situation. In fact, he said, world tension
has eased slightly and there has been some improvement in the
Russian attitude. He said the Russians are better about talking things
Pranksters Get in Game
With Faked ID Cards
A 28-year-old blond divorcee and wide-eyed five year old kinder-
garten major sat hand in hand in the student section of the Michigan
stadium yesterday-in open defiance of the University's recent student
ticket ruling.
Or at least they could have, as far as the stadium's ticket takers
were concerned.
FOR HAD THE DUCAT CHECKERS examined more closely the
photographs on the ID cards presented by two Daily reporters, they
would have noted little resemblance to their unshaven owners.
One of the ID cards pictured its owner as he appeared some
14 years ago, and the other photo looked as much like its holder
as an orangutan resembles Betty Grable.
Yesterday morning, struck by the sudden desire to test the powers
of observation of the gate guardians, the two Daily pranksters thumbed
through magazines and old photographs looking for unreasonable
facsimiles of their own likenesses.
'e * *
SL To Protect
Students from
Crooked Sales
Will Operate Bureau
For Better Business
The Student Legislature's Better
Business Bureau will open tomor-1
row in the SL office in the Union.i
Designed to protect students
from misrepresentation by vendors
who sell goods in dormitories, fra-
ternities and sororities, the bureau_
will require all such salesmen to
A fee of $1 will be charged for*
which the vendor will get a card
of introduction describing his ac-d
tivities, according to Legislator Al
* * *
"THE SALESMAN must have
this card in order to get into the
student residence and sell his
goods," Harris said.
The card will carry the ven-
dors name, the name and ad-
dress of the company for which
he works, and his plan of mer-
chandising, cash, downpayment
or C.O.D.
Harris stressed the fact that the
Bureau's work could not succeed
without the cooperation of the
students. "Thesalesman mustbe
made to show his card from the
Better Business Bureau before be-
ing allowed to sell his goods, or
the plan will not work," Harris
THE WORKINGS of the Bureau
will be controlled by a board of
five students, an SL member, an
IFC member, a representative from
Pan Hel, an independent man and
an independent woman. The board
will consider all disputes and ques-
tions that arise from the opera-
tion of the Bureau.
Spanish Movie
The Art Cinema League will
team up with La Sociedad His-
panica to present "La Noche de los
Mayas" at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday and
Wednesday in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.
Estela Inda and Arturo de Cor-
doba will star in the Spanish film
with English subtitles.
Admission is 50 cents and all
seats are reserved.
Nominees Take Breather
v1 1 e
Before vFinalCampaigning
Truman Confidently Returns to White House;
DeweyStops in Michigan on Way to Albany
The Democratic and Republican
presidential nominees took brief
breathers today from their grind-
ing campaign travels.
Voicing confidence of victory,
President Truman got back to the
White House yesterday afternoon
Police Enjoy
Quiet Weekend
After Victory
Police yawned and sheriff's offi-
cers gossiped late last night as
Wolverine rooters enjoyed a peace-
ful victory celebration.
Cases of over-intoxication actu-
ally reached a new low and no
accidents were listed on the report
Only business was the usual lost-
and-found in missing people. Po-
lice werefchecking on lostboys
ranging from 10 years on up to
wives that couldn't remember on
which corner to meet their hus-
On the opposite side of the led-
ger were local bartenders, who
kept the taps open constantly as
scholars grimly set out to break all
suds-consuming records.
Police officials hoped they
wouldn't take to the wheel later
and spoil what may become a
record weekend low in accidents.
from a six-day, 3,500-mile swing
through the Middle West in which
he pounded away at the Repub-
icans on virtually every issue.
* * *
publican nominee, arranged to
rest today at his mother's home at
Owosso, Mich., as he neared the
end of a stumping loop that car-
ried him farther West than his
Democratic rival. of the last high spots
of his trip, Dewey advocated
gathering all the federal welfare
services into a "Department of
Social Progress," with cabinet
Both candidates resume their
travels tomorrow. Dewey heads
back to Albany, planning several
appearances in western New York
along the way. The President
scheduled a 6 a.m. Monday take-
off for Miami, Fla., where he is tc
address the national convention of
the American Legion.
Dewey broached the idea of a
Department of Social progress
at Renns laer, Ind. The idea, is
to coordinate federal welfare
agencies now "scattered with a
lavish and extravagant hand."
President Truman also ha,
asked for creation of a Depart-
ment of Welfare, but Congress
hasn't done anything about it.
Forty seconds later the Wol-
verines had the bag tightly sewn
up and tucked away. Harry Allis
recovered Art Murakowski's fumble
of Michigan's kickoff and Chuck
Ortmann tossed to Koceski for the
To make sure, the Wolverines
added another as Irv Wisniewski
intercepted a pass, and Bob Er-
ben recovered Koceski's fumble in
the Northwestern end zone.
* * *
THAT WAS the ball game, but
the real victor was the Michigan
line. There wasn't a team in the
country that could have penetrat-
ed that wall yesterday. The line
outrushed and out-thought the
Wildcats and the two linebackers
were dynamite.
Dan Dworsky and Dick Kemp-
thorn had superlative after su-
perlative heaped upon them af-
ter the game. Veteran sports-
writers claimed after the game
that there has never been a
better defensive combination
than this pair.
It was either Dworsky or Kemp-
thorn on almost every tackle. The
line would throw aside the inter-
ference and then either or both
of the linebackers would hit the
* * *
fizzled before play of this kind.
The Wildcats gained a grand total
of 47 yards on the ground. The
line held the Purple scoreless after
the Wildcats had averaged three
touchdowns in each of their prev-
ious outings.
It took the Wolverines almost a
full period to solve the seven-man
line the Wildcats used. Teninga
had put Northwestern in a hole
See ERBAN, Page 7
Purdue Movies
Scheduled Today
Football movies of last week's
40-0 rout of Purdue will be shown
at 8:30 p.m. today in the Union
Stuart Finlayson will as usual
handle the narrative.
who think a quarterback is a bot-
tle refund, are invited to me
,howing. There is no admission
In view'of the large attendance
expected, a tentative second
dhowing has beennplanned to fol-
low immediately after the first.
Dick Foote, co-chairman of the
Union House Committee, is in
1harge of arrangements for pic-
tures of all away Michigan
To Dampen
Sellout Crowd Packs
Stands at Grid Clash
The fans were literally hanging
from the rafters-some 87,000 of
them-during yesterday's sellout
gridiron clash between the Michi-
gan Wolverines and the North-
western Wildcats.
Temporary bleachers were
thrown up to handle the overflow
but still spectators perched atop
section marker signs and sat in the
stadium aisles. Even threatening
skies failed to hold down the size
of thi first sell-out throng of the
1948 season.
THE HEAVY overcast did give
raincoat peddlers a rushing busi-
ness prior to the game. There were
only intermittent periods of misty
rain during the game, however.
On hand was a sizable con-
tingent of Northwestern fans,
most of whom arrived late Fri-
day. White-clad cheerleaders
led the NW rooting section.
During halftime they unloosed a
purple, paper mache, Wildcat
which cavorted around the side-
THE WOLVERINE Club's flash
card system put in its most suc-
cessful appearance to date. A bril-
liant block "M," a script "NU"
and a Wolverine were fashioned
with the bright blue and yellow
cards during the first half.
Students sitting in the end
zones got a break yesterday as
far as viewing the game was
concerned. With the exception
of the last quarter all the play.
took place on the North end of
the vast bowl.
Billed as the "game-of-the-
week" yesterday's football battle
was extensibly covered by the
press, radio and television corps.
The press box was jammed and
several temporary broadcast
boothsast booths had to be set up.
THE FAMED Michigan band
put on an Election Preview half-
time show following the North-
western band's appearance. The'
Wolverine musicians drew a big
hand for their high-stepping for-
mations of a map of the U.S., the
states of Michigan and Missouri, a
large question mark and finally a
colorful red and white striped
Michigan's flip-flopping cheer-
leaders were togged out in new
sweaters which spelled out "Yea
Mich" yesterday. They also were
equipped with newly painted meg-
Several of the Regents relaxed
at the game after their regular
meeting in the morning.
Kenton To Rock Hill Rafters Tonight
When Stan Kentonhcomes to
Hill Auditorium tonight, he will
bring with him one of the most
unique jazz organizations ever be-
fore conceived.
The "big brass band from Bal-
boa Beach" is composed of five
saxophones, five trombones, five
trumpets, and a five-piece rhythm
any other musicians, but with
tremendous effort and constant
drive, he has succeeded in win-
ning first place in both the
"Downbeat" and "Metronome"
magazine polls- as the best jazz
band of 1947.
Kenton says that jazz can be
played in any time, and that the
eventually become completely-
separated into two fields-con-
cert and dance. Consequently,
he and talented composer-ar-
ranger Pete Rugolo have
amassed a library of original
jazz pieces with which they ex-
pect to be able to withdraw from
the dance field and play con-
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