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October 16, 1948 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-10-16

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THE FUTURE of the University's Workers
Education Courses-and perhaps the
trend of the entire national probgram-will
be decided today.
The Board of Regents are expected to
say finally whether the courses are to be
cut off permanently, whether a modified
program will be presented, or whether
recent charges against it will be dismissed
and classes will resume as usual.
If the Regents feel that the cries of "sub-
versive," "Propagandistic" and even "Com-
munistic" are justified, they will end the
program, or as President Ruthven suggested
last month, continue it "but not necessarily
in the same form."
The contemplated changes are not
known, but the progress of the program
to date, and a study of the subject matter
and conduct of classes, shows no justifi-
cation for generalization of "bias."
Part of a widespread and generally ac-
claimed adult education program, workers
courses were designed to meet the special
needs of the laborer who, lacking a general
education, found himself in a position to
improve his status, but without the neces-
sary tools.
Michigan's workers classes have led the
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

At Stake

country in explaining the basic economic
theories to the worker and more important
in dealing with specific problems-such as
how to read a company's financial report,
how to understand the construction of a
corporation and how to understand the
worker's place in the production process.
Moreover, workers learn how to conduct
a meeting and how to use, and profit by,
the collective bargaining facilities at their
Classes have been informal, discussion
has been encouraged. Theories of all eco-
nomic systems have been presented-cap-
That is why the suspension of the classes
and have been discussed.
Although courses for workers are offered
in well over 50 American institutions, includ-
ing Harvard, Penn State and Cornell, Mich-
igan's courses have been outstanding in their
coverage, presentation and facilities.
If the Michigan courses were to be term-
inated, the entire national program would
be visibly marred. It is only in the Mich-
igan program that the "grass roots" prac-
tical learning is made available. The Mich-
igan program reaches far more workers
than can the others. And it is the Mich-
igan workers education program which,
more than any of the rest, helps the
worker to "know the score."
That is why the suspension of the calsses
last month met with such widespread alarm
and vigorous protest. And that is why so
much depends on the Regents' decision to-

-The Senior Editors.
Needed: School Aid

FEDERAL AID to education, outlined by
President Truman's Commission on
Higher Education, has received another
verbal kick in the pants.
The United States Chamber of Com-
merce and the United Lutheran Church
of America have gone on record as oppos-
ing the national program which would
give direct financial help to school systems
throughout the country.
The two groups debunk the plan for dif-
ferent reasons. The Lutheran Church's bien-
nial convention meeting in Philadelphia
passed a resolution declaring that education
aid legislation would enable the government
to control education and so tend to handicap
privately supported schools. The report de-
clared that if the Truman Commission's pro-
posals were put into effect "it would mean
education will be federalized, socialized, vo-
cationalized, and secularized."
After an extensive study, the Chamber
of Commerce believes local and state gov-
ernments are in an improved position to
pay for school systems themselves. The

study committee reported that individual
incomes in the so called poorer states had
risen considerably in the last eight years
so that they are now more able to support
schools. The return of tax sources to states
proposed by the Eightieth Congress would
be a greater fund than that required by
education aid, the Chamber maintains.
Recent and potential increases in state
funds for education can enable the states
to support schools on a local level, the
report asserts.
Whenever the national government pro-
poses a remedy for any social diseases of
the country, individual groups will rise up
to cry, "Socialism."
But Congress overlooked these charges
when it passed social security legislation.
A good look at the school systems in the
South show that some financial aid must be
forthcoming. Congress must and will, we
hope, eventually see that all local school set-
ups cannot offer the type of education that
is essential to our national well-being.
-Janet Watts.

Respects Force
WE NEVER USED to have a high opinion
in this country of nations which be-
lieved that military force was the determin-
ing factor in this world. This has always
seemed to us a kind of low-grade theory,
and we .took a special joy during the late
war in the way our brilliantly-improvized
and very non-standing army knocked over
the self-conscious German military machine.
But now we ourselves have come to have a
new feeling of respect for force, an explicit
regard for it, and we say nowadays that
strength is the key to peace. I am afraid
we are going to have to go through a period
of finding out that this theory is no better
when we hold it than when anybody else
holds it, regardless of what has brought us
to adopt it.
I am not speaking of normal measures
of military preparedness, such as every
nation is entitled to undertake. I am
speaking of the theoretical change that
has been taking place among us, the de-
veloping feeling that the answer to our
problems is most likely to be found on the
military level.
It does not take us long to rush from
theory into action, and so we are putting a
lot of our resources into military develop-
ment that ought to be going into economic
recovery, here and around the world. So is
impoverished Britain, according to her recent
rearming announcements. And Senator
Ralph E. Flanders, Republican of Vermont,
has just come back from Europe in what
seems a blue mood; he finds that the Mar-
shall Plan is aimed more, these days, at
rearming Europe than at helping Europe to
recover, and he sees in this a great if some-
what surprising 'victory for Russia in the
"cold war." Russia, he says, is thinking pri-
marily in terms of an economic weakening
of the west; and our emphasis on rearming
postpones European recovery and conven-
iently helps her out.
It is a paradox that our most vigorous
defense measures against Russia should
fit into a Russian prognosis for an eco-
nomically stumbling West, but then, if one
begins to think that force is the answer
to hard questions one is quite likely to
find that he has furnished his world and
his life with paradoxes.
It is not, I repeat, normal military pre-.
paredness that makes the trouble; it is the
theoretical shift to the idea that force is
the determining factor that does it. The
effect shows up in more fields than merely
the economic. There would not, I am con-
vinced, be quite the same exchange of insults
going on now in the U.N., the same use
of utterly unrestrained language, if the par-
ticipants, on both sides, felt that they were
really deciding the issue in their debates.
It is because they do not feel that they are
deciding the issue, it is because they feel
that the issue is being decided outside, by
the relation of forces, that they can speak
as they do. Back of such speechmaking must
be the feeling that talk no longer really
matters. And so one of the quickest results
of the "force comes first" theory, however,
elegantly it may be maintained or inter-
preted, is the rusting of a tool which hu-
manity has always found useful and impor-
tant, the diplomatic.
One of the troubles with the notion that
we can support a strong diplomacy on the
basis of strong rearmament is that there
isn't any diplomacy anymore.
And the same sort of approach leads
some of us to want to restore relations
with Franco. It leads still others of us
to object to the trials of German generals
and to begin to say sweet things about
Japan-which shows that if you swallow
a theory that is important enough, and
wrong enough, your world can change for

And the Washington news is that the
President's proposed limitation of 15 billions
on arms expenditures next year will prob-
ably have to be exceeded. Some Congress-
men are talking of 17 billions-as compared
with this year's figure, which is 13.5.
(Copyright, 1948, New YorK lost Corporation)
1r -

I 1 1





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Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of
the Assistant to the President, Room
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the
day preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LIX, No. 23
To Deans, Directors, Department
Heads, and Others Responsible
for Payrolls:
Payrolls for the Fall Semester
are ready for approval. Please call
in Room 9, University Hall after
Oct. 18.
Women Students attending the
EsquireBall, Oct. 16, have 1:30
a.m. permission. Calling hours will
not be extended.
Placement Registration: Univer-!
sity Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information will
hold its annual registration for
Feb., Jung and Aug. graduates,
graduate students and staff mem-
bers who wish to register.
Those interested in TEACHING
will meet at 4:10 p.m., Mon., Oct.
18; and those interested in GEN-
4:10 p.m. Tues., Oct. 19.
Both meetings will be held in
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Academic Notices
Organic Chemistry Seminar:
Mr. Fausto Ramirez will speak on
Recent Studies in the Chemistry
of Colehicine, 7:30 p.m., Mon.,
Oct. 18, 2308 Chem. Bldg.
Full Faculty Juries for School of
Music students have been posted
in the School of Music Bldg. Or-
gan jur'ies will begin at 3 p.m.,
Mon. afternoon in Hill Audito-
rium; piano, voice, violin, and
cello juries will be held Mon.,
Tues. and Wed evenings, October
18, 19, and 20, Rm. 305 School of
Music Bldg., 7:30-10 p.m.
German 33 will meet in Room
406 Library starting this Satur-
Events Today
Roger Williams Guild Open
house following the football game.

t d A VE E t' KT
5 N


"Maybe We Could Start With This"

Letters to the Editor

Up To Dewey

LOUISVILLE-The situation in Kentucky
is the apparent exception that proves
the rule of the Republicans' situation on the
eve of victory. Here Republican Senator
John Sherman Cooper seems extremely likely
to defeat his Democratic opponent, Repre-
sentative Virgil Chapman. But President
Harry S. Truman will probably carry Ken-
tucky over Governor Thomas E. Dewey.
There are, as usual, special local features
in the Kentucky situation. Senator Cooper
is making an effective down-to-earth ap-
peal to the Kentucky tobacco growers.
He points out that they already have
Senator Alben W. Barkley to help them
with the Democrats and suggests that they
had better keep a Republican on the pay-
roll too, to represent them with the new
Cooper is also assisted by the character
of his opponent, Chapman, who is an un-
usually unappetizing, dilapidated, old-fash-
ioned Southern reactionary. Equally, Tru-
man is helped here by the great home state
popularity of his running mate, Barkley.
Yet Senator Cooper's real major asset
is his reputation as a genuinely progressive
Republican, not tarred with the Eightieth
Congress brush. This is why Cooper, alone
among his fellow Senators, has more strength
than Governor Dewey. The Kentucky situa-
tion is the exact reverse of that in most of
the Mid-Western states,- where Hoover era
Republicans are frankly counting on Dewey's
coattails to carry them into the Senate. This
,orrespondent has found that to be the pat-
tern in Iowa, Minnesota and Illinois. Reports
from West Virginia and Wyoming plainly
suggest that in these states also, the Dewey
coattails are the chief reliance of the ob-
stinately backward-looking Republican Sen-
ators, Chapman Revercomb and Edward V.
Confident prediction is impossible where
the size of the total vote, the extent of
ticket-splitting in each state, the turn-
out for Henry A. Wallace and other un-
known quantities are going to be so
important. Yet, this correspondent's in-
quiries have led to the view that the Re-

victory all along the line may be dangerously
misleading. Governor Dewey himself does
not seem as yet to have much personal
appeal to the electorate. His strength is,
simply, that he is regarded as competent and
energetic, whereas President Truman is gen-
erally 'onsidered incompetent and inade-
(Luate. As one farm housewife put it, "Tru-
man seems .to be a good man, but when
you think a man would make a thriftless
farmer, you can't vote for him for Presi-
Competent and energetic leadership is
what the electorate very naturally wants
in this troubled time. On the other hand,
the electorate conspicuously does not want
the shopworn Harding-Coolidge-Hoover
era brand of Republicanism so persistently
peddled by the Eightieth Congress. The
Republican Senatorial candidates who rep-
sent this brand of Republicanism are ob-
viously weak. Cooper, the sole modern-
minded Republican Senator up for reelect-
tion, is equally obviously strong. The infer-
ence is clear.
Nor is this the sole proof that the situa-
tion in the country is not what some Re-
publicans gloatingly suppose. Everywhere,
the itinerant inquirer hears two points of
speculation. If some such man as Justice
William 0. Douglas had got the nod instead
of Truman in 1944, it is said that the Dem-
ocrats would probably now be winning again,
despite their sixteen years in office. And if
.n Philadelphia the Republicans had chosen
in Eightieth Congress type of candidate in-
stead of Dewey, it is also said, with still
treater positiveness, that even Truman
would now be ahead.
The visible deterioration of the Wallace
movement and the attempts of the North-
ern Democratic organizations to put their
houses in order are other developments
which the victorious Republicans should
note with care. Sum up the whole picture
and a central fact emerges. All now de-
pends on Governor Dewey. If he gives a
boldly progressive, clear-sighted admin-
istration, he will gain for his party, the
fundamental, permanent support it pres-
ently lacks. But if he weakly permits the

der way. Goal is to double mem-
bership by Oct. 27. Next open
chapter meeting, Thurs., Oct. 21.
Sociedad Hispanica: Social
hour,, 4:00 to 5:00 p.m., Mon., Oct.
18, International Center.
Armenian Student's Association:
Meeting Tues., Oct. 19, Michigan
Union, Room 3-S, at 7:30 p.m. All
pilaff eaters are invited to at-
WHAT DO college teachers really
think about college adminis-
trations? How are they getting
along economically? Are they
achieving their personal goals of
scholarship and of living? What
are the joys and sorrows of to-
day's professors?
The professors themselves were
asked the above questions, too
oftenhanswered by someone else
for- them.
{The Survey-Fifteen hundred
faculty members from 30 colleges
and universities submitted un-
signed statements to the Office of
Scientific Personnel of the Na-
tional ResearchrCouncil about the
"joys and sorrows" of college
teaching. They were randomly se-
lected and included teachers from
each rank and each department.
Among the 30 institutions. were
Junior colleges, four-year colleges,
and universities, some publicly
and some privately supported.
A rainbow variety of attitudes
and opinions was presented. Per-
haps the bitterness or the sunni-
ness of some responses was more
indicative of the person himself
than of his institution and profes-
sion. But on the whole the state-
ments were serious, frank, and
fair. From them a college admin-
istrator could learn many lessons.
The majority were pretty well sat-
isfied with their station in life and
moderately optimistic about the
future of the profession. The pro-
fessor or chairman of a depart-
ment who had lived conservatively
for thirty years tended to be con-
tent with the "status quo." He has
security and prestige. A professor
of education, for example, ebul-
liently comments about the future
of college teaching: "Better than
that of any other profession in
America, because this profession
is coming into its own in Amer-
ican life and planning." And a
professor of botany states: I prob-
ably would not be satisfied in any
other work despite the gripes."
Sorrows-On the other hand, a
significant and vociferous minor-
ity presents a point of view and
some specific charges which should
not be ignored. The younger fac-
ulty members, especially, speak
plainly about the shortcomings of
teaching conditions and college
administration. An instructor in
history looks into the future:
"Grim. Something must be done
to encourage young instructors to
go into the field. They are no
longer willing to wait ten years
or longer for promotions or recog-
An associate professor of Eng-
lish is equally despondent when he
says of the profession:. "It will plug
along in its dismal way." A more
analytical comment is offered by
an assistant professor of history:
"I offer no panacea, but deeply feel
that some vigorous and candid

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the ordersin which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of adefama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* * *
About Religion
To the Editor:
The views of Professor Huntley
on the University's attitude toward
religion as reported in Tuesday's
Daily gave me such a deep feeling
of pain that I feel pressed to make
some sort of reply. I write as a
Christian, believing in the divine
origin of the Bible, and in the
deity of Jesus.
Dr. Huntley had in mind,. no
doubt, the simple student raised in
an orthodox faith who comes to
the University to find all his
teachers united in agreeing that
the Bible he has honorgd is after
all a human book: The Penta-
teuch a rough compilation of Je-
hovistic and Elohistic documents;
the prophets only traditional say-
ings not finally recorded until af-
ter the captivities; the synoptists
crude historians competing for
sources, disagreeing in their ac-
counts, and the writings of Paul
the effusions of a zealot. Before
such erudite opinion, the student
enters a spiritual crisis and "loses
According to Dr. Huntley, as re-
ported in the article, the Univer-
sity is obligated to seek to help
the student at this point. How?
By offering courses about religion
-for example, one in the psychol-
ogy of religion.
Actually, such a course is now
being taught. Below is the steno-
graphic record of part of a state-
ment made by the teacher of this
course during an extra-curricular
discussion: "You ask, what about
God? What sort of interpretation
would I put on the concept of God
as the all in all of the universe?
To me, you cannot apply a con-
cept of personality to the universe
as a whole. Personality as we can
conceive it has to do with an or-
'ganism in an environment. I am
merely saying that a concept that
has to do with an organism in an
environment cannot be applied to
the -universe." In other words, if
the Infinite will not conform to
our finite standards, we shall dis-
miss it.
Such, we are told, should be the
University's answer to the spiti-
tual problems of the students. I
am grieved by the cruel levity of
the suggestion. Are soul problems
so superficial they can be solved
by classroom discussion? Shall
the student's deepest questions be
made the sport of intellectuals who
are satisfied with their own minds
as measures of God?
Rationalistic dogmatism is as
vicious as religious dogmatism. If
the University feels solicitude for
spiritual crises, let it discourage
flippant attitudes on such matters
by its faculty.
-Robert Krause
To the Editor:
SO THREE local wise-guys got a
gander at some of the Purdue
coeds and are consequently losing
sleep by contrasting them to some
of Michigan's female element. I've
never had the pleasure of meeting
Messrs. Cook, Carneiro or Abrams,
but maybe I can figure the cause
of their bitterness as expressed in
their recent letter to the editor.
After all, most of us admit that
it's pretty hard for a smart aleck
to date one of the more "desirable"

girls on campus. With the, surplus
of men very much in evidence, a
girl can pretty much pick and
choose these days. This could very
well be the reason that our un-
happy little trio is losing out. This
is my third year on campus and I
can't say that I've been terrifically
impressed by the beauty or gal-
lantry of the majority pf Michigan
men, although there are excep-
tions to every rule. Maybe a course
in personality improvement would
help some of the complainers to
self-scrutiny by American univer-
sities is very much in order and
that unless changes are made on
the basis of that self-inspection
the future of the profession is
open to serious question. Like the
nation as a whole, the profession,
once the seat of liberalism, runs
the risk of slipping into comfort-
able but fatal conservatism.
-Lowell H. Hattery
in School and Society.

travel in the circles of our local
Hedy Lamarrs.
In the meantime, I think I
speak for many of my coed-pals
when I say that, as far as I'm
concerned the Frustrated Three
can go to Purdue!
-Joan Benson.
*, , *
To the Editor:
must enter the chaos of aes-
thetic controversy. The necessity
of my entrance stems from R. E.
Matlaw's coverage of the Marian
Anderson concert and specifically
his remarks pertaining to the ren-
dition of Schubert's Doppelganger
and Erlkonig. It may seem to some
that a dispute over such a small
fraction of Mr. Matlaw's article
is unwarrantable. This is very true
and if it were not my firm con-
viction that the small fraction is
an obvious example of what per-
meats all of Matlaw's criticisms
of music, I would have held my
Matlaw's position: "Miss Ander-
son does not project Schubert's
Leider with the proper intensity."
Can there have been members of
the Thursday night audience
(minus any Daily art critics) who
did not feel the dramatic intensity
of Miss Anderson's Doppelganger?
Inquiries were directed toward
the 'critic' concerning his three
voiced Erlkonig and it was found
that he was under the impression
that Schubert's song actually did
represent three persons. However,
that only variation Schubert ren- '
dered into Goethe's poem was a
repetition of the last line of the
fifth verse. All four voices are
still maintained: the poet, the Erl-
konig, the father and the son. As
to the critics decision that the
interpretation of Miss Anderson
failed to properly relate the voices,
I say he is being unduly influ-
enced by the Kipnes and Schuman
Heink recordings. However, how
could he possibly relate the voices
when he was under the impression
that there were only three to
I confess to reacting negatively
at the sight or utterance of the
words "Music Critic" and per-
haps this is reflected in the above.
So to be positive about the whole.
matter, let's have Lil' Abner ap-
pear in the space weekly con-
sumed by Mr. R. E. Matlaw.
-George Murdoch.
Vishinsky's solution, for the
problem of the Berlin blockade at
least has the merit of simplicity.
He wants the Security Council
to pass a law that there isn't any
-The New Yorker

Fifty-Ninth Year

Westminster Guild:
roast following the game.
council ring in back of
Indoors if rain.

Meet at

Looking Back

The United States rejected the German
armistice offer. President Wilson stated that,
"No armistic can be thought of while Gei-
many continues her atrocities on land and
Michigan students looked forward to tra-
veling to Columbus, O., for the Wolverine-
Ohio State game. The Daily reported that
a large number of students were anticipated
to make the trip, as the Michigan allotment
of 15,000 tickets were completely sold out.
"Trains will furnish the only 'legitimate'
means of travel for students, as the driving
of automobiles to football games has been
banned by University officials."
Round-trip railroad fare in those days was
five dollars.
"Unleashing a powerful attack from scrim-
mage, passes, and the broken field, Michigan
11 big, bad Wolverines exacted a 40-0 re-
venge in the Michigan stadium for a series
of disastrous defeats inflicted by Cornell in
the early days of football." The 40-0 victory

Art Cinema League and Asso-
ciation of Independent Men pres-
ent "Jenny Lamour," French film
with English titles at 8:30 p.m.,
Hill Auditorium. t
Coming Events
Graduate Outing Club: Meet at
2:30 p.m., Sun., Oct. 17, N.W. en-
trance, Rackham Bldg. for out-
door activity. Sign up at Check-
room desk before 11 a.m. Sat.
All graduates welcome.
United World Federalists: Ex-
ecutive Council Meeting, 4:15 p.m.,
Mon., Oct. 18, Michigan Union.
Written committee reports re-
quested from all chairmen.
BER Membership drive is now un-

Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ...Managing Editor
Dick Maloy ...............City Editor
Naomi Stern .........Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti .... Associate Editor
Arthur Higbee ........Associate Editor
Harold Jackson ......Associate Editor
Murray Grant..........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey ......Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery........Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ..................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Halt .......Business Manager
Jean Leonard ... .Advertising Manager
William Culman ...Finance Manager
Cole Christian ....Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,
Associated Collegiate Press
1948 -49


The new owner of this place Yes, but
can't dispossess you like that, sooner or
Gus. He has to serve notices. later I'll

There are organizations you can go
to for help. The Welfare Society.
Or the Psychic Research Society-

Cooped up in this creaky mansion
With a PERSON! With my nerves?

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