FRDAY, OCTIOBER. 15, 94k THE MICHITGAN DATTY PAGE ,VP .. .a ..,..c .v i a.u . ... _ _._ _ __.__ .......,.__..._._ e.._v. 1.........___. _-..___-' _ _.__ ___ .PA({ 1# R VI .. Mexican Musicians To Offer Casbah Halftime Prograimt Union Plans Gay Nineties Mexican stylists will entertain during intermission at this week's campus Casbah from 9 p.m. to midnight today and tomorrow in the League Ballroom. Edgardo Blanchet and Hector Ma r~iiez, with their guitar-ballad duos, promise original Mexican music, quite distinct from popu- larized commercial South Amer- ican stuff. Decorations chairman Jo Bell has announced a new furniture arrangement that should "really please our customers." Conversa- tion groups will dominate with conveniently arranged sofas, up- holstered chairs and tables. FOR THE COKE-SIPPERS and larger parties there will also be resumed some of the popular table groups along the sidelines. The new League television set will be on all evening for all those who attend the Casbah. Ushering in his fourth success- ful week as Casbah maestro will be Art Starr and his Sextet. Art is armed with arrangements this week and challenges his dancing audiences to stump him with re- quests. * * * THE CASBAH will continue its hostess system, with members of the Casbah Committeee and League Council attending the weekly event to receive criticism, 4* *7 Intermission "Beat Northwestern" will be the theme of tonight's informal post- Pep Rally dance from 9 p.m. to midnight in the Union Ballroom. Couples are urged to "come as they are" directly from the Pep Rally, which moves from the Un- ion steps at 7:15 p.m. Entertainment on a Gay Nine- ties theme will be the Zete Quartet of Zeta Psi, which will feature turn-of-the-century music. Jack Kruse, Don Ross, Mark Wenley and Hal Beam make up the combo. Pollee Thomson and Jim Riese will act as co-masters of ceremonies and will entertain with a duet. Miss Thomson will also give Beatrice Kay renditions of two gripping ballads-"If I Were a Millionaire" and "Curse of an Aching Heart," with Barbara Kelso providing the accompaniment. Frank Tinker and his orchestra, featuring the vocals of Bill Lay- ton, will play for the dancers as usual both tonight and tomorrow. Michifish Michifish tryouts will be held from 7 to 11 a.m. tomorrow at the Union Pool. On tie40io By MARJE SCHMIDT and SYLVIA FOLZ This weekend the maize and blue will be flying high-with a purple and white welcome sign-as campus quarters are once again flung open for football frolics. A "Suppressed Desire Party" --has been planned by the Sigma Phis for Saturday evening. Everyone has been instructed to come dressed as their suppressed desire. Carrying out the theme will be surrealistic decorations. * * * * HAYRIDES WILL steal the social spotlight tonight. The Alpha Chi Omegas will take their dates to McCallough's farm followed by a record dance at the house. Washtenaw Farms will be the scene of the hayride given by Alpha 'Omicron Pi. Meanwhile the engineers of Triangle have promised an invigorating ride through Ann Arbor with refresh- ments at the house afterwar The Zeta Tau Alphas nave selected an atmosphere of utmost secrecy for their party from 9 to midnight tonight. Entitled "Mas- querade Ball," the coeds have planned that no one will know her date until midnight when the masks come off. *. * * * . COMIC STRIP CHARACTERS will come to life at the Phi Gams comic strip dance tomorrow night. The house will be done over in funny papers, and prizes will be awarded for the best costume. A costume party along different lines will be given by the Sigma Nus from 9 to midnight Saturday. The house will become a police station with barred doors in accordance with the jailbird theme. Acacia has planned a record dance Saturday honoring their NW visitors. At 10:30 the Acacia Little Theatre Group will present an original play, "When Night Falls, Dear-a la Schmaltz." TO WELCOME their Northwestern fraternity brothers, the Theta Xis are holding a barn dance from 9 to midnight tomorrow. The dental men of Delta Sigma Delta and dates also plan a square dance from 9 to midnight tomorrow. The Sigma Chis are going strictly stag this weekend when 35 fathers come down for the grid contest. Following the game, there na ,& Caement La rson-Bauer Mr. Uno L. Larson of Gary, Ind., has announced the marriage of his daughter, Rosemary, to R. Glenn Bauer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Bauer of Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. Bauer graduated from the School of Education in 1947. She was a member of Zeta Tau Alpha and was in the Women's Glee Club and A.A.U.W. Mr. Bauer graduated from the School of Engineering in June and is now enrolled in the law school here. He is a member of Phi Sigma ;:kappa and Tau Beta Pi. The wedding took place on Au- gust 28 in Gary. * , * Fick-McClintic Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Fick of La- peer, have announced the marriage of their daughter, Patricia, to Wil- liam McClintic, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira W. McClintic of Meta- mora. Mr. McClintic is a junior in the Literary College. He is a member of Phi Sigma Kappa. The wedding took place August 27 in Lapeer. Hamilton-Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Ham- ilton of Ann Arbor annoumce the marriage of their daughter, Bar- bara Jean, to William Barnes, son of Mrs. Clarence R. Smith of De- troit. Mrs. Barnes is a graduate of the Literary College and is a member of Alpha Gamma Delta and Kappa Phi. Mr. Barnes is a graduate of the School of Business, Administration and is working on his master's degree in business. The wedding took place Septem- ber 12 in Ann Arbor. Norquist-Bostrom Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H. Nor- quist of Jamestown, N.Y. have an- nounced the engagement of their daughter, Hazel, to Roland C. Bos- trom, son of Mrs. Aaron J. Bos- trom and the late Mr. Bostrom, also of Jamestown. Miss Norquist graduated from the School of Business Adminis- tration last June. Mr. Bostrom will graduate from the College of Engineering next February and is a member of Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi and Eta Kappa Nu. Informal Rushing All women interested in in- formal rushing must sign up between 9 and 5 today in the League Undergraduate Office. Women should bring eligibility cards and $1.00 registration fee when they sign up. ART STARR comment and suggestions for im- provement. Jo Bell and Ilona Fietze will hostess today and Annette Munn and Ann Schoonmaker tomorrow. To keep stamps from sticking to everything. try buying a stamp box. Some types weighted down to hold papers, have a concave top to hold clips and pins and a padd- ed base to protect the finish of the desk. In addition, it is decora- tive and inexpensive. FIGHTS POLIO-Connie Hard- ing, 12, hospitalized with polio, holds one of the dolls she is making in Sioux Falls, N.D., to sell for the March of Dimes. Soph Notes There will be a meeting of the Hostess Committee for Soph Cab- aret at 5 p.m. today in the Garden Room of the League. A special booth will be open to- day in U Hall where sophomore women may pay their dues. .____ --- - J . DANCE TONIGHT will be a banquet at the house and a stag party tomorrow night. at the DEN Counselors Hold Outing ' 1311 So. U. 9 'til Midnight Rgoing to t A=HOP ARE YOU? The Tops in Separates -. d . R Admission 25c per person For "Just Good Food" ..,try the DEN ;Ja fill /4' Cr~n~ snS icok~sonxL A hike and nook-out will be the day's activities for the first Camp Counselors Club outing this Sun- day. Counselors and guests plan to meet at 4 p.m. at the WAB and from there proceed on a brisk hike to Bear Mountain where the day's camp will be made. 'Round the campfire singing and a supper cook-out will not only provide amusement for par- ticipants, but will also provide helpful experience for those who intend to become summer Coun- selors. A chilly sun-down and rugged walk of course necessitates reg- ular hiking clothes, perhaps even including red flannels. Hikers hope to get an early start home around 7:30 p.m. for the first outing. Longer and possibly overnight hikes are being planned for later in the term. The club will also welcome vis- itors who wish to go along, accord- ing to the manager. Anyone who wishes to go, however, must con- tact and make reservations before 6 p.m. today with Carol Tuer, 2-2281. Campus Favorites SSEAM-FREE 4-NYLONS WITH PATENTED HEEL Smart college girls everywhere are pam. pering their legs with these sleek, seam free beauties-the nylons identified by the Seal of the DANCING TWINS. Their exclusive, patented ' l ? heel*'assures perfect fit, their ." a (;ussetoe is designed for comfort. No twisting seams! Look for them under leading brand names at your favorite college shop or store. '''t",'d *U. S. Pat. No. 2388649 &'nnie &ip SWEATERS 100% Cashmere So kitten-soft you'll want to live in them .. such fine textured wool you'll wear them to complement your finest suits and skirts. Bonnie Briar sweaters, the focal point of a college wardrobe . .. in autumn- bright colors of pink, grey, white, f \V & !, Tailored All-Wool PROPORTIONED SLACKS At last! ... Slacks designed especially for your height and figure type, and beautifully tailored with the new snugtex blouse-gripper waistband. Short, medium or tall proportions. Black, brown, or navy; sizes 10 to 20. 7.95 Sports Shop I<> =><=<> =0<=>0<=>0==>O<>0 HOME OF GOOD FOODO 418 East Washington O Phone 9717 . .. s e r v i n g . . . FAMILY-STYLE DINNERS and HIGH CLASS SMORGASBORD (Come and peat all you want) Here, in the surroundings of a warm home, you can find c Swedish smorgasbord at its best and you'll be surprised at the variety of delicacies we have. And for that genuine O "home cooked" food prepared by experts, we can't be beat. ,For real eating pleasure, try our tempting meals. Daily, except Friday, 11:30 to 1:30 and 5:00 to 8:00 P.M. Sunday, 12 Noon to 6:00 P.M. Catering to Wedding Breakfasts and Bridge Clubs >< aqua, yellow and beige. dardigans 15.95 Long Sleeve Slip-over 14.9 Short-sleeved sl ipovers 12.95 Sports Room-First Floor and Downtown Store . , " ; t <. ' r $7 COTTON GLOVES 49C pair The maize and blue ... warmly worn on your hands ... in cot- ton gloves, tight knitted wrist- lets . . . to show your Michigan colors. GLOVES - FIRST FLOOR and at the Main Street Store AV. f )79~ your favorite flatties u i ;'Fr, M NMI= m a a