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October 15, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-10-15

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Ta -Hel




Today is tag day for the Philippine Drive.
For the third year, students will be asked to contribute toward
the rebuilding of our, adopted institution, the University of the Phil-
*I * * *
ALL FUNDS COLLECTED will go toward the Hayden Library
fund, to supply books for Michigan's sister university in the islands.
The drive aimed at eventually collecting $50,000 is sponsored
by the Student Legislature.
Buckets will be placed at five conspicuous spots on campus, near
Waterman Gym, at North University and State St., in front of Alumni
Memorial Hall and in the Engineering arch, according to Legislator
Jim Saker.

MEMBERS OF THE Philippine Club will man the bucket in front
of the Library.
Buckets will also be placed in the women's dorms.
The Hayden Memorial Library is named after a University profes-
sor who helped establish the Philippines' leading educational institu-
tion. Prof. Hayden dieci shortly after the liberation of the islands
in 1945.
S* * ,
THE UNIVERSITY has had close ties with its sister institution
since the University of the Philippines was established.
Many faculty members have gone to the islands since the
turn of the century to teach and give assistance. The charter
of the University of the Philippines is based on that of Michigan.

Among the faculty members now on campus who have taken
an interest in the University of the Philippines are Professors Roy
Swinton of the engineering school and Harley Bartlett, director of the
Botanical Gardens.
* * * *
PROF. SWINTON has shipped over 15 tons of books to the
Philippine University on his own. He helped to see that the proceeds
of the first Philippine Drive were spent in a way most beneficial
to our adopted university.
The $2,500 went to equip the Health Service there with com-
plete optical equipment, the most pressing need of the University
of the Philippines at the time.
The libraries of the University were almost completely destroyed
in the battle of liberation.

GRADUATE STUDENT Jesus Ferrer of Manila, who graduated
from the University of the Philippines in 1947 said that the only things
left in the library after the battle were the iron bookstands. "There
was no roof," he said.
Books purchased by University student contributions were
beginning to flow into the still insignificant library of the U. of P.
in Ferrer's last semester there.
We were glad to know that students in the University of Michigan
were interested in us," he said.
"After learning of the help that Michigan students were giving
to my alma mater, I was very happy that I could come here to

See Page 4-


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Latest Deadline in the State


Spokesmen Give
Western Views
By The Associated Press
Two spokesmen of the Western Powers, Gen. Lucius D. Clay and
Britain's Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin revealed attitudes of op-
timism and determination in regard to relations with Russia.
From Berlin Gen. Lucius D. Clay was reported to have said in a
private talk that a firm stand by the Western Powers in Berlin can
lead to the breakup of Soviet domination in eastern Europe.
A responsible source close to the American commander in Ger-
many made public a speech in which Clay gave his views on the future

Charges Are
Tossed About
By Candidates
Accuse Each Other
Of Political Failings
(By The Associated Press)
MILWAUKEE-President Tru-
man said tonight he favors "public
control" of atomic development for
the "benefit of all the people,"
while Thomas E. Dewey "implies"
there ought to be "private exploit-
"The fearful power of atomic
weapons must be placed beyond
the reach of any irresponsible gov-
ernment or any power-mad dic-
tator." Atomic energy cannot and
must not be "another Teapot
Dome" for private exploitation, he
* * *
ON THE OTHER side of the po-
litical scene, Gov. Thomas E.
Dewey, campaigning in President
Truman's home state, said the
Democratic administration is
"tired, confused," and "coming
apart at the seams."
Making his second trip into
President Truman's home state
in two weeks in another bid
for Missouri's 15 electoral votes,
Dewey, in an obvious allusion to
the Democratic organization of
the late Tom Pendergast, said,
"It seems particularly appropri-
ate to talk about good govern-
ment here in Kansas City. You
have known how bad a govern-
ment can be."
Meanwhile, Michigan Republi-
cans pressing ahead with final de-
tails for Dewey's weekend visit
announced that Senator Arthur H.
Vandenberg would introduce
Dewey at a big rally in Owosso
Saturday night.
* * *
SPEAKING about three miles
away from Truman in Milwaukee,
Henry Wallace said the President
is a "prisoner" of big business and
militarists who "clamped down"
and stopped his plan to send Chief
Justice Fred Vinson to Moscow.
Gargoyle Sets
Copy Deadline
Gargoyle's sending out a last
call for both humorous and liter-
ary contributions to its first issue
of the semester.
Literary deadline for the maid-
en issue of the newly-redesigned
campus magazine is set for
noon tomorrow. Material may be
deposited in the Gargoyle office,
106 Publications Bldg.
Requirements for contributors
have been kept as broad as pos-
sible within the confines of reas-
onable taste. Among the contribu-
tions already received are poems,

A of the Berlin crisis.
* * *
THE TALK was delivered pri-
vately to delegates of the British
parliamentary conference who
visited Berlin Sept. 28.
Clay disclosed then that the
Western Powers tried to buy
food from Poland and Czecho-
slovakia for the besieged Ger-
man capital, but this was
blocked by Russia.
Clay expressed belief lasting
peace in Europe could be reached
if the Western Powers refused to
yield to the Soviet Union.
only be halted," he said, "it will
And in London Foreign Sec-
retary Ernest Bevin said the
Russians must "keep on their
side of the garden wall" if they
can't get along with the rest of
the world.
In a speech before the National
Union of Manufacturers, Bevin
said the British "have ceased to
be an imperialist race. We domi-
nate nobody." But Russia, he con-
tinued, "is the one country in the
world that is still imperialistic.
"I AM NOT going to worry
about out relations with Russia,"
he said today. "If I cannot get
agreement, the issue that has got
to be settled is can we live to-
gether? What areas do they want
to live in? What is the extent of
their ambition? Where do they
want to go?"
He said he would not "advocate

Bdell Strike
Cuts Service
To District
Negotiations Are
Now Nationwide
Out-of-town calls from Ann
Arbor were brought to a near halt
yesterday, as the Communication
Workers of America went out on
strike at 5:30 a.m.
The local walk-out was one unit
of a state wide strike in 10 offices
of Michigan Bell Telephone that
effected 64,000 manually operated
The Associated Press reported
that negotiations were going on
also at 19 different points cover-
B ulletin
The CWA picket line was
withdrawn from around the
Ann Arbor exchange at mid-
night last night. Shirley Smith,
chief Union Steward said that
the operators would go back to
work "in the morning if the
company lets us." The Associat-
ed Press reported thatrpickets
had been withdrawn from all
but three offices.
ing more thna 30 states. The dead-
line for negotiations to end was
midnight last night but no
strike was indicated.
phone for long distance calls were
greeted by a -phonograph record
which stated that service was be-
ing given on emergency calls only.
In cases of emergency, callers
were asked to dial 115.
Local calls were going through
okay, although the company's
time information service was
temporarily suspended.
Nicholas J. Prakken, manager
of the Ann Arbor district for Mich-
igan Bell, interpreted emergen-
cies as only incidents involving
life, illness or loss of property.
SUPERVISORY personnel han-
dled the long distance switch-
boards during the day, according
to Prakken.
He had no idea when the
strike would end.
On the picket line, Chief Stew-
ard Shirley Smith of Ann Arbor
called the picketing a success say-
ing that "out of 250 operators,
only 4 went to work today."
maintenance went out on strike at
noon, Mrs. Smith said. They had
to work in the morning because
no pickets were out.
The pickets, carrying union
signs which said "This is a legal
picket line," moved in a circle
before the Washington St. office
of the telephone company.




At All Remaining Home Games

any interference"
fairs, "but equally,
be annoyed if we
their interference,
fend ourselves."

in Soviet af-
they must not
are upset by
and we de-



Daily-Bill Ohlinger.
"HAIL TO THE VICTORS"-This scene of the "Beat Oregon" rally will be reenacted tonight when
loyal Wolverine fans once again demonstrate their solid support of this year's Michigan eleven.
Threatened By Cheer 'Champions of West'
Communists At Torchlight Rally Tonight
"Breathes there a Tom, out to honor the Maize and Blu
ROME-P-Italy's Communist Dick or Sally footballers on the eve of their b
labor chief, Giuseppe Di Vettorio, Who's not attending game with Northwestern.
threatened the nation with a Tgnight's pep rally?" * * *
7,000,000-man general strike un- If so, he or she prozably is not FORMING IN front of the Ur
less the government satisfies the a Michigan student, for most of ion at 7:15 p.m., the "Beat North
demands of striking state work- the campus is expected to turn western" assemblage will be led
ers. western _assemblagewillbeled_
than 1,000,000 govern- mass singing by the West Qua
ment employes, considered a cen- i l .) Glee Club.
ter orright-of-center white collar i e 'The crowd will then follow th
clas4, were called out today for IS 'University Band in the tradi-
one to nine hours to support their C tional snake dance down State
demands for higher wages and Street to Ferry Field.
other benefits. * * *
*r * *r "Governor Sigler has decided it AT' FERRY FIELD the Mich
IN ROME, however, where a is better to make necessary state gan cheerleaders will lead th
large part of the government em- constitutional changes by voting in gathering in several resoundin
ployes work, all but the ministry amendments on the general elec- cheers, guaranteed to blow a
of posts and telegraphs reported tion ballot than calling a consti- trains within a ten mile radius o
a majority of their people stayed tutional convention," revealed their tracks.
on the job. The ministry of in- Owen Cleary, chairman of the Slated to address the rally ar
terior said that in the provinces, Michigan Liquor Control Commis- Athletic Director H. O. "Fritz'
too, most government offices were sion. Crisler, Charley Parks, WJR an-
well staffed. Cleary, who spoke before a nouncer who will act as MC.
It was the first time this white meeting of the Young Republicans
collar group had tried a big- on the Michigan state government Authorities at the local Vet-
scale strike, as he observed it, explained why erans Readjustment Center
the Governor reached this deci- Hospital today requested per-
Di Vittorio made his threat at sion. sons having extra non-student
a mass meeting of about 10,000 The governor wants to preserve tickets for the Northwestern-
state employes in Rome. what is basically good in the pres- Michigan game to donate them
* * ent constitution and feels that to the veteran patients. Persons
"IF THE government does not each section of the constitution having non-student tickets to
accept the state employes' request receives more attention as indi- donate may make arrangements
all 7,000,000 general confederation vidual proposals than the accept- by phoning 2-2551, extension
workers will strike to support their ing or rejecting of a new consti- 213; evenings extension 449.
demands," he said. tution would permit.

A dance without decorations
-that's the plight the A-Hop
committee faces today.
Frantic chairmen Marian
Grant and Arlette Harbour, re-
porting late last night that
their 50-odd imported Esquire
magazine decorations had mys-
teriously vanished from the
League Undergraduate Offices,
intimated they -might have
been the victim of male culprits
seeking Varga pin-ups.
UN Nen ura is
A ttempting
Peace Talks
PARIS - The Security Coun-
cil's neutral nations tonight
pushed last-minute efforts to un-
cover a solution to the Berlin
crisis acceptable to the East and
Council President Juan A.
Bramuglia told newsmen he still
thinks there is a chance the six
neutrals he speaks for will find a
solution of their own "just and
acceptable" to Russia and the
Western Powers.
* '* *
WHILE THE corridor talks were
under way, these developments
took place on the floor:
1-The Security Council met
on Palestine, and Britain and
China demanded that Israel say
what is being done to find the
assassins of Count Folke Ber-
nadotte. The council adjourned
without a vote or setting an-
other session on the subject.
2-An Assembly subcommittee
on arms slashing started' debat-
ing how best to tackle a galaxy
of suggestions topped by Rus-
sia's demand for a one-third cut
in the arms of the Big Five. Col.
W. R. Hodgson of Australia was
named chairman.
land, a former University of Chi-
cago Professor, told the Assem-
bly's economic committee that
American dollars are rebuilding
a new imperialist Germany.
While U. S. chief delegate War-
ren R. Austin sat in the Security
Council meeting, American deputy
Philip C. Jessup conferred almost
continuously with British and
French representatives on the Ber-
lin situation.

of f

Hiopea To Stop
Grid Ticket
Scalping Sale
Student Tickets
Not Transferable
Students will be asked to pre-
sent University identification
cards when entering the remain-
ing home football games, Ticket
Manager Don Weir announced to-
Wives of students will be asked
to show athletic coupon books.
taken as a result of "widespread
student ticket scalping and re-
sales." He said that an lnvestig .-
tion had revealed that lists of stu-
dents willing to sell their tickets
are posted in University dormito-
ries,. fraternity. and . sorority
A Detroit ticket broker is also
reported to be offering Univer-
stity student tickets for sale,
Weir declared.
The ruling will also apply to ex-
changes of student tickets between
friends where no money is in-
volved, Weir said. He explained
that the student tickets are not
authorities have also been eyeing
resales of student tickets here ac-
cording to Weir. They are con
cerned with taxation questions in-
volved in the scalping.
Students were required to
show ID cards when entering
home football games here as late
as 1943. Because of the large
number of armed services
trainees at the University after
that year the practice was dis-
Weir said checking of student
identification cards will start with
this Saturday's Wolverine-North-
western gridiron clash.
MSC Police
Wage War on
Football Pools
Michigan State College Campus
Police clamped down today on
what they termed student gamb-
ling on professionally operated
ootball polls.
Detective Charles Becker said
campus police detained three
students whom they believed to
be "contact men" for a gambling
syndicate and seized a quantity of
tickets for a week-end pool on
collegiate football games, plus a
list of student customers.,
warrants charging illegal posses-
sion of gambling apparatus would
be asked against the trio of stud-
ents, Michael Asadourian, 23, and
Charles Vartanian, 23, both of
Highland Park, Mich., and 24-
year-old Elmer Erickson, Lake

World News
At a Glance
(By The Associated Press)
WASHINGTON - Secret tes-
timony that two Communist un-
derground rings were operating si-
multaneously in the State Depart-
ment in the 1930s was disclosed by
the House Committee on un-
American Activities.
Reps. Mundt (Rep., S.D.) and
Nixon (Rep., Calif.), committee
members, said they received the
testimony Aug. 27 in a closed-door
session from Whittaker Cham-
* * e
NEW YORK-The Israeli gov-
ernment will send "key person-
nel" of its police department
here for training in the New
York City Police Department
NEW YORK-Paul G. Hoff-
man, Economic Cooperation Ad-
ministrator, said tonight "The
Marshall Plan has not only
stopped the march of Commu-
nism but has turned the tide in
the other direction." He added
that Western Europe was working
together "as never before in his-
S* * *
NANKING-Reports circu-
lated in Nanking today that the



Attempts To

Trisect Angles Still Prove Futile

"Many have tried and many
have failed,
and gallons of blood and of tears
it's entailed ...''
So spoke a learned mathemati-
cian many years ago about the
countless number of dreamers who
believe they can do the impossible

many more hopefuls who proudly
announce, "I have trisected the
"The fault lies entirely with
Plato, philosopher of ancient
Greece," complained Prof. An-
ning as he sorted through his
huge collection of letters with a
Daily reporter, "because he

principal and a retired naval of-
ficer in Detroit on the same day.
Both solutions were copy-
Although there are numerous
ways of making an exact trisection
with other instruments, Prof. An-
ning has no objection to those who
attempt approximate trisections

his solution and derived formu-
la are accurate to five places in
the trigonometric tables.
But Rida is quick to admit that,
if carried out much further, his
formula would begin to be inac-
* * *
FOR THOSE WHO still believe


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