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October 14, 1948 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-10-14

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TrURDA', OCTOBE1Rv 14, 1944

Slight Contradiction

IT ALL DEPENDS really, on which news-
paper you read.
If you picked up the New York Times, you
got the original text of a Tom Dewey cam-
paign speech, complete with flag waving,
platitudes, jingles and "What's good for the
But if you picked up the Detroit News,
you got an equally reliable quote, but also
an indication of what kind of legislation
you can expect, come a Republican Con-
gress in 1949.
While Dewey was attacking the record
of President Truman in the last Congress
in the Times story, saying that Truman
failed to get along with that 80th Congress,
he slipped from his high pinnacle, just far
enough to give what might be considered a
definite statement on issues: the Tom Dewey
12 point labor program .
In supporting all that is "good for the
country," Dewey says, "We will press for-
ward in solving the problems of race rela-
tions and discrimination in the great Amer-
ican tradition of freedom and equality and
thus deepen the unity of our people."
Nice statement if you like the flag waving
type, but it didn't mean a thing as far as
other Republicans were concerned.
Down in Nashville, Tennessee, Sen. Robert
A. Taft, on the pretext of helping the GOP
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are, written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

candidate's campaign, was making another
speech at almost the same time, according
to the news story from the United Press.
Said Taft, "There is a basic agreement
between Southern Democrats and the Re-
publican Party."
Taft said that President Truman's Demo-
cratic party follows the "prdgram of Henry
Wallace and the Political Action Committee
of the CIO."
The Republican Senate leader hinted
that his party would go easier on the
South than the Democrats where civil
rights are concerned, according to the U.P.
This then is the Republican situation.
If Mr. Dewey really means to attempt a
civil rights program, then he should not be
talking about President Truman's inability
to get response from the 80th Congress.
There is no indication that were a similar
Congress' to go back, the Republican candi-
date would even have the support of his own
party. With Senator Taft's statement as
evidence, there is every reason to believe that
he would not.
This argument concerning ability to get
along with Congress reminds me of a story
a local Democratic candidate is telling these
The Republicans, he says, couldn't get
along with Truman last year, so they say
Truman is inefficient. In Michigan, the Re-
publican governor could not get along with
the Republican State Legislature. Does this
mean that Michigan's governor is inefficient
too, or is it that no one can get along with
a Republican legislature?
Don McNeil.

Dewey, Taft, Congress

CINCINNATI-What is to be the relation-
ship between President Thomas E.
Dewey and the Eighty-First Congress? This
question is already more urgent than the
outcome of the election, which is now vir-
tually a foregone conclusion. And it is appro-
priate to ask the question in this city, the
personal stronghold of- Senator Robert A.
Taft, whose strong character and superior
ability make him the natural leader of the
more conservative Congressional Republi-
Not long ago, Taft's opposite number in
the House of Representatives, Speaker Jo-
seph W. Martin, passed through Ohio on
a campaign speaking trip. He told friends
here that he would stand for no dictation
from the White House, even when its oc-
cupant was Republican. Similarly, Mar-
tin's henchman, the great tax-cutter,
chairman of the ways and means commit-
tee Harold Knutson, has intimated to Re-
publican insiders that President Dewey
may need taking down a peg or two.
In fact, however, Martin and the other
members of the junta are simply old-line
professional party regulars. Another such
was the late Senator Joseph E. Robinson,
Senate Democratic leader until 1937. And
although Robinson was an infinitely bigger
man than Martin, the first thing Robinson
did every morning until he died, after
putting in his false teeth, was to swallow
his principles. If Robinson stuck with Roose-
velt in order to be regular, one can expect,
Martin to stick with Dewey.
F ANY ONE fights Dewey, it will be Taft,
who always refuses to compromise be-
liefs. Taft has already openly expressed his
uneasiness at the line taken by the Dewey-
Warren team. And unless the new President
briskly abandons the progressive, interna-
tionalist brand of Republicanism he is offer-
ing the country in this election, it is hard
to see how a Taft-Dewey conflict can be
avoided. They would like to agree but they
These facts, in turn, confer a curious
special interest. on the gubernatorial con-
test here in Ohio. The Republican incum-
bent, Governor Thomas Herbert, a slightly
-. -.
New Chorale
S OMETHING NEW under the University's
choral sun will get underway on a per-
manent basis at 7 p.m. today.
The Arts Chorale, organized by literary
college students, is holding its first "work
meeting" in Rm. 506 Burton Memorial
Tower. Aspiring engineers, educators, archi-
tects-in fact, students from every school
except music school, will be welcome tonight.
The movement for the Chorale started
when several non-music students told May-
nard Klein, associate professor of choral
music and director of University choirs, that
they missed singing in choirs.
They felt that choral music filled a defi-
nite need in their lives, they said, but there
was no time in their schedules for five-
day-a-week choirs. They asked him to
conduct a group, meeting only once a week,
for non-music students only.
Many a doctor, lawyer or teacher plays
in a civic orchestra or sings in a church
choir. According to Prof. Klein, some of the
world's greatest choral organizations are
leisure-time projects.

improved version of Senator John W.
Bricker, is rather breathlessly defending
his seat against former Goveror Frank
Lausche may not be an ideal administra-
tor but he is a man of obvious integrity, high
purpose and appealing personal color. If
Lausche defeats Herbert, he will immediately
become a formidable potential candidate for
the Senatorship when Taft must run again
in 1950. And Lausche's defeating Herbert
is far from impossible.
* * *
TWO FACTORS favor Lausche, aside from
the contrast between himself and his
opponent. First, Ohio has long had the habit
of voting for governors and presidents of
opposite parties. In 1924, for instance, while
giving Calvin Coolidge a majority of nearly
600,000 over John W. Davis, Ohio chose a
Democratic governor, Vic Donahey, by a
majority of nearly 200,000.
Second, while Bricker was governor, he
made it much easier for Ohioans to indulge
in their habitual ticket-splitting. In order
to protect himself from Roosevelt landslides,
he passed a law by which Ohioans now
actually vote for national and state candi-
dates-for president and for governor, for
instance-on two separate ballots. Dewey is
strong in Ohio and his strength will still
help Herbert. But for the reasons noted,
the best local experts estimate that Dewey's
Ohio coat-tails will have to be at least 350,-
000 votes long-a really whopping majority-
to send Herbert back to Columbus.
Lausche is hinting that if he wins the
governorship, he will still hesitate to
oppose 'raft for the Senate. Bricker is the
man he says he wants to beat. Yet Lausche
is highly unpredictable. And the mere pos-
sibility of such strong opposition is bound
to influence Senator Taft's choice of a
role in the next Congress.
Taft is reported to have decided already to
relinquish his Labor Committee Chairman-
ship. He is known to be considering taking
one of the vacant places on the Foreign Re-
lations Committee but probably only in the
uncertain event that Senator Arthur H.
Vandenberg becomes Secretary of State in-
stead- of John Foster Dulles. But this still
leaves the question of Taft and the Senate
leadership entirely open. As of now, Taft
seems to want the leadership. He may leave
the floor leadership of the Senate Repub-
licans to Senator Kenneth Wherry of Ne-
braska. But the chances are that he will
seek for himself either the formal title of
Majority Leader or the permanent chair-
manship of the Senate Republican Policy
Committee, which comes to the same thing.
On the other hand, if Taft has to think
about facing Lausche in 1950, he may pre-
fer to retain the freedom of action of an
individual Senator. And thus this Ohio
gubernatorial election may end by influ-
encing the Dewey-Congress relationships
more than any of the hotly disputed
Senatorial contests. For if Taft does not
plunge into the fray against Dewey, no
one will.
Copyright, 1948, New York Herald Tribune Inc.)

Vinson. Plan
SOME OF THE poking that has been going
on against President Truman because
of his abortive plan to send Chief Justice
Vinson on a mission to Stalin reminds me,
for the first time in this election, of the
campaigns against President Roosevelt.
There is the same kind of hectoring, the
same unrestrained belaboring. "Truman's
Blunder" at once became a proper noun, like
Pike's Peak, and within six or eight hours
even the quotation marks were dropped from
arond the words.
But it has not been juridically deter-
mined that the move was a blunder. To
call it that, without qualifications, is only
to dress up a value judgment as if it were
an established fact.
I must confess I find myself rather as-
tonished by the violence of these attacks.
The chief complaint seems to be that Mr.
Truman did not discuss his plan with the
Republicans, and that therefore he endan-
gered the structure of bipartisan harmony
on foreign policy. Well, that may be serious,
but from the tone of some of these state-
ments one might readily imagine that the
world's greatest danger at this moment lies
in friction between the Republicans and the
Democrats, and not between Russia and the
West. Whether Mr. Truman's plan would
have worked or not, it was at least directed
against the larger friction; and whatever he
was shooting with, he was at least aiming
for the target.
But here we get into very curious ground,
for the objectors do not only object to the
fact that Mr. Truman did not. discuss
his proposed move with the Republicans;
they object to the move itself. The formula
in which the objection is stated is that
to have sent Chief Justice Vinson to Stalin
would have been a unilateral action, a uni-
lateral peace move, sidetracking the United
Nations, which is, at the present moment,
considering the Berlin crisis.
* * *
ONE MIGHT ASSUME, from the tone and
nature of this argument, that there is
something inherently bad, something that is
almost a violation of international law, in a
unilateral peace move. The exact opposite
happens to be the case. The United Nations
was not set up to oppose unilateral peace
moves; it makes no objection to such moves;
its charter is shot through with solemn ad-
jurations to all contending parties to try to
settleidisputesaby themselves; the Security
Council is even required by the charter to
try to prod quarreling nations into making
independent peace efforts before it is allowed
to act. In point of fact, the U.N., as a body,
would have been delighted if the Truman
move had come off, and overjoyed if it had
succeeded, for one small reason, among
many, because such an outcome would have
definitely saved the U.N.
It seems to me that some of those who
are making the most noise about preserv-
ing bipartisan harmony on foreign policy
are hurting it rather than helping it. For
bipartisan unity on foreign policy was es-
tablished, just before the San Francisco
Conference on the U.N. charter, for one
purpose only, to preserve the peace of the
world. To find that a peace move, how-
ever dim and weak, is now considered, in
some way, to be a blow at bipartisan har-
mony gives one the feeling that we are
beginning to put last things first, and
that perhaps the time has come for us to
concentrate a little more of our attention
on the goal, and a little less on the in-
Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation)

Face Facts
WHEN A LARGE ENOUGH group of stu-
dents see and use a straighter line be-
tween two points than is provided for by
existing cement paths on the campus, the
University very wisely makes paths.
An unsensible ruling just can't be main-
tained. For years Michigan students have
been making the Friday of Thanksgiving
week a holiday. The time is long overdue
for the administration to yield to stronger
forces and proclaim a LEGAL four day
As it is now, that Friday and Saturday
are frustrating experiences. Half of us go
home but a damper is put on our holiday
feelings by speculating on whether or not
that English prof. will REALLY give us
triple cuts as threatened. The other half go
to school but usually get bolts because "there
aren't enough students present to continue
with the work." Nothing is taught that
Friday and nothing is learned.
Thanksgiving is by and large a day of
family gatherings, and it just plain hurts
to think that while you are eating that
"fancy" meal in the dorm your family ancd
relatives are having their coffee while they
exchange family gossip, after having done
justice to a real Thanksgiving dinner.
If the University realizes the idiocy of
the present situation and manages to rectify
it in time, they will be rewarded with 20,000
sincere and fond prayers of thanks.
-Abby Franklin.

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Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of
the Assistant to the President, Room
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the
day preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LIX, No. 21
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, Schools of Education,
Forestry, Music, and Public
Students who received marks of
I, X, or "no report" at the close of
their last semester or summer ses-
sion of attendance will receive a
grade of E in the course unless this
work is made up by October 20.
Students wishing an extension of
time beyond this date in order to
make up this work should file a pe-
tition addressed to the appropriate
official in this school with Rm. 4
University Hall where it will be
Placement Registration: Uni-
versity Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information will
hold its annual registration for
Feb., June and Aug. graduates,
graduate students and staff mem-
bers who wish to register.
Those interested in TEACHING
will meet at 4:10 p.m. Mon., Oct.
18; and those interested in GEN-
p.m. Tues., Oct. 19.
Both meetings will be held in
Rackham Lecture Hall.
The Michigan Civil Service
Commission announces an exami-
nation for the position of Vision
Consultant III. Closing date for
application, Oct. 27. For further
information, call at the Bureau of
Appointments, 201 Mason 1hal.
L. i. r
University Lecture: Professor
Kurt Weitzmann, of the Depart-
ment of Art and Archaeology of
Princeton University and of the
Institute for Advanced Study at
Princeton, will lecture on the sub-
ject, "The Imperial Art of Con-
stantinople" (illustrated), at 4:15
p.m., Mon., Oct. 18, Rackham Am-
phitheatre; auspices of the De-
partment of Fine Arts. The pub-
lic is invited.
Academic Notices
Seminar in Applied Mathemat-
ics: Thurs., Oct. 14, 4 p.m., 247
W.E. Prof. E. H. Rothe speaks on
Expansions of Functions and In-
tegral Equations.
Marian Anderson, Contralto,
with Franz Rupp at the piano, will
be heard in the opening concert of
the third annual Extra Concert
Series, Thursday evening, October
14, at 8:30, in Hill Auditorium.
Miss Anderson will sing a pro-
gram of songs and arias by Han-
del, Caladara, Legrenzi, Schubert,
Ponchielli, Griffes, Quilter; and
will close with a group of Negro
A limited number of tickets are
still available at the offices of the
University Musical Society in Bur-
ton Memorial Tower. On the eve-
ning of the concert tickets may be

purchased at the Hill Auditorium
box office after 7 o'clock.
Events Today
School of Business Administra-
tion: Faculty - Student Coffee
Hour, 3-5 p.m., League Ballroom.

La p'tite causette:
p.m., Grill Room,
NSA Committee:
Michigan Union.

today 3:30
4:00 p.m.,

Ceiling Zero

International Center weekly tea,
4:30-6 p.m. Hostesses: Mrs. Ar-
thur L. Brandon and Mrs. H. L.
Kappa Phi Rushing Dinner and
regular meeting for all Methodist
and Methodist preference women.
5:30 p.m., Methodist Church. Call
6881 for reservations.
Delta Epsilon Pi: Hellenic Fra-
ternity. Students of Greek de-
scenttand Phil-Hellenes are urged
to attend an important meeting,
7 p.m., Michigan League. Com-
mittee chairmen for the Mid-West
Thanksgiving Convention will
present their reports on the Social
Arts Chorale, Lit College Choir,
7 p.m., Rm. 506, Burton Tower.
Alpha Phi Omega, Service Fra-
ternity. Regular meeting for
members and prospective pledges,
Michigan League, 7 p.m. (not at
the Union as previously an-
U. of M. Sailing Club: Meet-
ing, 7 p.m., Rm. 311 W. Engineer-
ing Bldg.
The Gilbert and Sullivan Socie-
ty will hold a full rehearsal for
chorus and principals, 7:15 p.m.,
Michigan League. Room will be
Association of Interns and
Medical Students: First meeting
of 1948-49, 1:30 p.m., Michigan
Union, Room 3-A. Business meet-
ing, and symposium by students
who visited Europe this summer.
Young Democrats Meeting: 7:30
p.m., Michigan Union.
Forestry Club: Meeting a£ 7:30
p.m., Room 2042, Natural Science
Bldg. All members of Forestry
School and friends invited.
University of Michigan Young
Republicans will have as guest
speaker, Owen Cleary, Chairman,
Michigan Liquor Control Commis-
sion, at their meeting at Michigan
League. He will report on the
progress of the State Administra-
tion for the past 2 years. New,
members are invited.
Coming Events
German Coffee Hour: Friday,
3:00-4:30 p.m. Michigan League
Coke Bar. All interested students
and faculty members are invited.
Business Administration: Mr.
Charles Fleckenstein, Manager
Administration Department,
Standard Accident Insurance Co.,
Detroit office, and national direc-
tor of the research program of
National Office Management As-
sociation, will speak on research

ThegDaily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject4
to space limitations,tthergeneral pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* * * .
New Blood
To the Editor:
B. S. BROWN, in a special dis-
patch to The Daily on Sun-
day stated: "Michigan coeds at
the Purdue game couldn't be dis-
tinguished from other female
fans." Putting it discreetly: Good
intentions hindered objectivity.
Putting it frankly: How blind can
you get?
We spent two hours before the
game riding around the Purdue
campus in an open convertible,
carefully observing feminine pul-
chritude-and it sure was abun-
The contrast for us Michigand-
ers was tremendous, though a
little disheartening when we re-
called what we had to return to.
Now we know where the four out
of five who are beautiful go. We
tried to persuade a few of the
comelier specimens to transfer, but
with little success. Then we
thought of transferring ourselves,
but after the 40-0 rout, that was
out of the question. However, af-
ter some cogitation, we finally
came up with the ideal solution.
,Let's have an en masse ex-
change of entire female student
bodies, the Purdue girls coming
to Ann Arbor, and the Michigan
"girls" going down to West La-
fayette. The Purdue males may
not like this, but at least it would
probably improve their football
-Robert Carneiro.
Bruce Cook.
Bernard Abrams.
* * *
Call for Review
To the Editor:
WE WANT TO condemn as the
ultimate in narrow-minded
reaction the use which has recent-
ly been made of the regent's rule
prohibiting political activity on
the campus outside of organized
clubs. That such an interpretation
as the recent one by Dean Walter
can logically be made is proof
enough that the regents' stand is
absolutely untenable in the kind of
country ours is supposed to be.
The fundamental bases of the
Constitution and the system it es-
tablishes are freedom of speech
and freedom of peaceable assem-
blage. That a so-called great uni-
versity should be among the first
to abridge these rights is terrifi-
cally alarming to us. When we
firsthcame to the University of
Michigan we expected to find it
devoted intellectually and emo-
tionally to man's constant, al-
though faltering, quest for truth.
We thought that we would find a
place where every viewpoint would
be allowed-rather, enthusiastical-
ly encouraged - and open and
forthright discussion of the
problems of the day would be
an unquestioned principle upon
which the university would stand
or fall. We have learned, however,
to expect much less than this.
The University of Michigan has
ordered a halt to the debates
which centered around the Wal-
lace Progressive's table on the
Diagonal last week. We can imag-
ine only one possible reason why
such gatherings should be banned.
And that is if they become unruly
or destructive. They were anything
but that. They were orderly and

enthusiastic and the debaters
(largely unrehearsed) were even
logical at times. They discussed
the draft and Soviet-American re-
lations. Southern whites and
northern whites and Negroes to-
gether discussed segregation and
other aspects of the race prob-
lems as calmly and as intelligently

f _. ,

Letters to the Editor ..

as we have ever heard them dis
cussed. They argued disarmamen
and the American plan for a
Atomic Development Authorit
and the Russian counter-propos
als. Being largely spontaneous, w
call it the most healthy and dem
ocratic sign we have ever see
And we agree with Dean Walte
and the regents in the larger def
inition of the word: this was pol
itics. And we hold that politic
are the stuff of which democrac
is made. The authorities do no
agree. The present university phi
losophy seems to be analogous t
that once applied to sex educa
tion: that it should be taught i
the gutters rather than in schools
Today's college students must b
protected from the horrible trut
of life.
We call for the regents to re
consider their action of last spring
We want to see this university i
the forefront of the struggle t
make our democracy work at
time when it must work or fal
by the way. It is unbearable t
see it instead sabotaging every ef
fort in that direction.
-Allen B. Robertson.
Robert H. Bradley.
Wayne Garrett, Jr.
Ulises M. Lopez.
SCHOOLS, colleges, universitie
research foundations, tan
other endowed institutions all ove
the United States are in a critica
state financially. Their costs o
operation have been rising an
their income from investments an
gifts has not kept pace . . . As
anybody why this crisis has arise
and he will promptly answer tha
it is due to taxes. Although th
country is prosperous, our syste
of income taxation bears down s
heavily upon large incomes, an
provides such scant credit for do
nations whether out of large in
comes or small ones, that th
sources of philanthropy are dry
ing up.
The resultant crisis is mor
acute and more ominous th
most people realize. Many a colleg
president, as he looks into the fu
ture, sees no alternative to a snow
balling deficit or government sub
ventions . . . Yet there is an al
ternative . . . a revision of th
income-tax laws to provide mor
substantial and logical credits fo
philanthropic contributions.
Some students of taxation esti
mate that if the personal and cor
porate income tax schedules wer
revised so as to permit deductio
of contributions to educationa
and scientific institutions, no
from one's taxable income, bu
from one's tax itself, up to sa
five percent of one's income; thi
would unlock the needed funds.
-Harper's Magazine.

Fifty-Ninth Year


Edited and managed by students
the University of Michigan under th
authority of the Board in Control a
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ... Managing Edit
Dick~ Maloy ...............City Edito
Naomi Stern.........Editorial Directo
Allegra Pasqualetti ....Associate Edito
Arthur Higbee ........Associate Edito
Harold Jackson ......Associate Edi
Murray Grant.......Sports Edit
Bud Weidenthal. .Associate Sports E
Bev Bussey ......Sports Feature Write
Audrey Buttery........Women's Edito
Business Staff
Richard Hait .......Business Manage
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William Culman .....Finance Manage
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All rights of republication of all othe
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Entered at the Post Office at An:
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Subscription during the regula
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Associated Collegiate Press

projects being developed in of-
fice standards and procedures,
Room 165, Bus. Ad., Fri., Oct. 15,
8 a.m. All persons interested are
Hawaii Club: Meeting, 7 p.m.,
Fri., Oct. 15, Rm. 3A Michigan
I.Z.F.A. Wiener Roast, Sun.,
Oct. 17, Island. Meet at W.A.B.
2:30 p.m. (Hillel in case of rain).
Nominal fee. For reservations
contact Sam Hack, 1120 Forest
* Ave., Phone 9431, by Thursday.

Loking Back


Pres. Wilson rejected the German peace


Maybe he's not home-

1 hate bearing bad


Hello, O'Malley. Hello, little boy. I'm I


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