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October 12, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-10-12

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Latest Deadline in the State


Magidoff Assails
Soviet Hate-Talk
Reds Embark on Huge Anti-U.S.
Campaign in U.S.S.R., He Says
"There is now going on in Russia an anti-Western, anti-American
propaganda campaign which has no parallel in modern history except
Hitler's doctrine against the Jews."
This was one of the main facts pointed out by Robert Magidoff,
former NBC correspondent, last night, when he opened the Oratorical
Lecture Series at Hill Auditorium.
RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA is assuming worse proportions against
the United States at the present time than that directed against Ger-
many during the World War," Magidoff maintained.
The cause of this, he continued, is that- the Germans were al-
ready despised because they were the invaders, while the United
States has earned the respect of the Russians, and it is going to
take a large propaganda program to tear it down.
Incidents have been played up by the Russians to place foreign-
ers in a bad light, he said. Magidoff pointed to his own expulsion as
evidence of this.

* *


EXPELLED FROM Russian on spy charges made by his Rus-
sian secretary, who listed routine inquiries from his publisher as evi-
dence of espionage activities, Magidoff said he had no chance to repu-
diate the charges against him. The Russian press played up his ouster,
but American newsmen's stories defending him were censored.
'Why do the Russians need incidents like this to continue their
hate-America campaign? There are several reasons," Magidoff
First of all, the Russians have realized their strength as a result
of war. They are trying to expand because they sincerely believe that
their way of life is the one for a happy world and they have the
strength, they think, to back it up. .
"IT IS VERY untrue to believe that the men in the Kremlin are a
group of gangsters trying to seek power for power's sake," declared
"Russia's leaders are very sincere," related the correspondent.
This is one secret of their strength."
Another reason for their propaganda campaign is the Russians'
need for a scapegoat to attract the people's attention away from their
internal problems, he said.
* * * *
MAGIDOFF DECLARED that he "doesn't think that Russia is
trying to provoke a war. They don't have to-they think time is on
their side."
Illustrating this statement, Magidoff cited the Russian theory
that capitalists will eventually destroy themselves with strikes,
and depression. He also quoted production figures which showed
that the United States outproduces Russia by four to one, in
general war materials.
ONE OF THE major reasons why Russia will not go to war, as
dwelt upon by Magidoff, is that Russia feels that she can win the
"cold war." Therefore she doesn't have to resort to armed combat.
Magidoff contended that "Amei:can thinking should be guided
first and foremost by the determination to win the "cold war."
"The great responsibility of the American people is that they
must take an active and dynamic interest in world affairs, especially
those of Russia," he said.
* * * *
"There was almost complete religious freedom in Russia up until
the time that I left that country in April, 1948," Robert Magidoff de-
clared last night.
During the informal question period and press conference which
followed his lecture last night, the correspondent shed further light
on the subject of Russia.
* * * *
BECAUSE THE Greek Orthodox faith, the official religion of
Russia contriblited so ably to the war effort, and because the late
President Roosevelt urged Stalin to cement relations with the Church,
religion has prospered to date in Russia.
When asked to what extent the Communist party is represen-
tative of the Russian people, the correspondent quoted the follow-
ing statistics: 60 million people out of 200 million are Commu-
He further pointed out that it is very difficult to obtain entrance
into the Communist party. Candidates must be recommended, and
then have to pass exams dealing with party theory and practice.
Membership also brings with it several responsibilities, among them
the doing of -social work.

Trade Slaps
Once More
Dewey Splashed
By Ripe Tomato
From Associated Press Dispatches
President Truman and Gov.
Thomas E. Dewey continued their
barnstorming oratorical cam-
paigns, the Democratic nominee
presenting a farm program, while
his opponent engaged in biting
criticism of the present adminis-
And Gov. Dewey was splattered
by a ripe tomato hurled at him
as he spoke from the rear plat-
form of his campaign train to-
night in Mt. Vernon, Ill.
No one knew for sure who tossed
the tomatoes, but Dewey aides said
they thought they were thrown by
tucky and Southern Illinois, the
Republican presidential nominee
made this obvious reference to
President Truman's 'temporry
plan to send Chief Justice Vinson
to Moscow:
"These are too serious times
to trifle with incompetence and
blunders in positions of high
"Your sons and mine have a
right to know they have a govern-
ment that not only wants peace
but knows how to work for peace,
a President who will consistently
day in and day out support the
people who are working for peace-
as our official representatives
without undercutting them any-
THAT WAS at Lexington, Ky.,
where a crowd estimated at 4,000
persons cheered the GOP candi-
In Louisville, Ky., Dewey
again concentrated on foreign
affairs and jabbed again at the
He said bipartisan cooperation
in foreign police has operated
"whenever the (Truman) admin-
istration has permitted it," and
"EVEN WITH the rich benefits
of our bi-partisan foreign policy,
we have not seen the gains the
American people had a right to
hope for."
President Truman laid down a'
four point farm program in a
campaign in which he said the
GOP presidential nominee has1
lined up with "some queer char-
acters." 1
* * *
HE SAID, too, that the Repub-
lican Party had "departed from
the fundamental principles" of
Abraham Lincoln, its first stand-
ard bearer.
The President spoke in the
city where Lincoln lies bried,
For the most part it was a farmit
speech. And these were Mr. Tru-
man's four points-things he has
mentioned before but which he
stressed again tonight as "essen-
tial to the welfare of the farmer.
and the nation."






Daily-Bill Ohlinger.
WHOA TIIERE-That claim by 'Ensian business Manager Bill Graham that the 'Ensian had the
best looking women in the Student Publications Building was too much for Daily Business Manager
Dick Hait to swallow. Above Bait poses with six reasons why he says his staff wins the battle of
beauty hands down. Seated (left to right) are Jean Leonard, Halt, and Donna Cady. Standing are
tryouts Loretta Jacobs, Jean Segerstrom, Dotty Hess and Joy Goldsworthy.

inqutry in Reuther
Cage.Set for Oct. 19

i w


at Chances

DETROIT (AP)- Carl Bolton's
examination on a charge of trying
to kill Walter P. Reuther, presi-

dent of the CIO United
Workers, was set for Oct. 19.
The 39-year-old Bolton, a



minor official in the

(By The Associated Press)
DETROIT - Murray D. Van
Wagoner, military governor of
Bavaria, declared that Americans
"on the front line" in Germany
have given Communism "the
greatest licking of its life."
* * *4
LONG REACH, Calif. - Sen-
a tor Alben Barkley, Democratic
vice-presidential candidate, said
today the 1948 tax bill, passed
by a Republican Congress, was
designed "to appease and please
those who contributed to the
Repu blicancampaign fund."
TO BUTTE, Mont-Gov, Earl
Warren told a trainside cowd at
Biling: Moni., the high cos;t o(A
living was not, a partisan prob em
a d that to :olve it both parties
1u1,, lace' ' I he l'aets of hfc."
WAShINGTON .- A yovng
jBngari-+ nliplomat Said befled
1'r~oni Turkey to (be, United
States to avoid recall to his
homeland where "11ings would
be positively- not so pleasant."
Dimitri Karaghiosov, 38-year-
old Bulgarian consul general in
Ankara, was met at the dock in
Baltimore by U.S. Army intel-
ligence officers who drove him
States will need 1,390,000 new
teachers in the next ten years. a
commission of educators said.
At the present rate of training,
the commission added, the nation
is only going to get about 200,000.
Many of these, the report said, will
be "poor ones" able to offer little
nore than "maid service."

1,000,000-man union, was held un-
der $75,000 bond.
HE STOOD MUTE before Re-
corders Judge Christopher E.
Stein, who sent him to prison once
before at the age of 19 for armed
robbery. The court entered a plea
of innocent for him.
Bolton, if convicted, would
face a iaximum sentence of life
Reuther, 40 years old, was shot
in his home April 20. His assailant
fired a shotgun through a window
from the darkness outside. No
motive was ever made public.
THE RED-HAIRED union lead-
er has resumed his duties but his
right arm, which nearly was blown
off by the blast, still is being
trea ted.
Bolton said, nothing during his
brief appearance in court.
His attorney, Joseph W. Loui-
ell, termed Prosecutor James .
McNally's request for a bond of
$100,000 "ridiculous." But, he add-
ed, it didn't make any difference
to his client, because Bolton could
not even raise $1,000 bond.
wante a highbond because word
liad r'eached him that money was
being collected tot' Bolton's de-
fense, He did not say by whom.
The prosecutor also told Judge
Stein that he was "not as yet"
prepared to produce two uniden-
tified individuals named in the
warrn:tt with Bolton. It charges
assault with intent to kill,
"Do you have their right
names?" the court asked.
"Not at present," McNally re-
They are listed on the warrant
as John Doe and Richard Roe.
Bolton was to be returned to
Pontiac, Mich., to face a burglary
charge in connection with the rob-
bery of a CIO cooperative store
there last Feb. 28. It was while
he was being held on this charge
that state police claimed to have
obtained important evidence con-
tecting him with the Reuther case.
Bolton, slim and on the dapper
side, has denied to police any
knowledge of the Reuther shoot-

New Traffic
Signal Lights
To Be Erected
System Will Control
Washtenaw Crossing
Student drivers and pedestrians
who use Washtenaw and/or South
University Avenues will be 'getting
an even break, now that Ann Ar-
bor has decided to install traffic
signal lights at the junction of
these two streets,
THE MOVE, which is part of
the city's long-range traffic con-
trol program, will require double
lights on Washtenaw - one for
each traffic lane and controlling
east and west traffic.
Poles for the cables which will
'support the lights are already
being mounted by Detroit Edi-
son workers and underground
wiring required by the signal
system should be in before the
end of this week, officials said
In addition to the overhead light
for motor traffic, there will be
lights for pedestrians which will
be visible from all four principal
points of the crossing.
With weather permitting, Capt.
Rolland Gainsley, police traffic
division head, said the lights
should be up and working by the
end of this week,
Slayers Will
Be E xamned
Three psychiatrists have been
appointed to examine Kenneth
Basha, 22, and Willard Swartout,
19, accused of first-degree murder
in the slaying of a Dearborn taxi
driver near Willow Run Sept. 20.
Charles R. Wagg, acting state
mental health director, said that
he had named Dr. L. E. Jimler,
of Mercywood Hospital, Dr. P. N.
Brown of Ypsilanti State Hospital,
and Dr. M. M. Frohlich of the
University's Neuropsychiatric In-
stitute to make the examination.
According to state law, Mrs.
Smith said, the examination must
be made before the Circuit Court
hearing. Wagg has asked immedi-

Life Begins at 85
Freshman Proves
TEANECK, N. J. (UP) -Take
it from Louis Rich of South
Orange, you never are too old
to learn-and he's out to prove
He started classes as a fresh-
man at Bergen Junior College
at the age of 85. He put his
six children throug'n colege
and is now retired.
"Can't keep occupied with
movies and radios," he said as
he entered his textile course,
City Rulingl
Are Seized
City police last night made good
Mayor William E. Brown's asser-
tion that he "intends to see that
city laws are enforced," when they
arrested txyo Progressive Party
members who were operating a
sound truck in downtown Ann Ar-
Dean, '49L, and John Houston
'51L, both residents of Ann Arbor,
were urging their listeners to reg-
ister for the coming election when
they were picked up by the po-
At the police station they were
advised of the city anti-noise
ordinance, and then released "on
recognizance" until this after-
noon at which time they will ap-
pear in Municipal Court.
Police said that City Attorney
William M. Laird had been ad-
vised of the arrest and that he
could authorize a charge to be
brought against the men today,
THE JEEP is being held in evi-
dence until a police photographer
takes pictures of it this morning.
Dean said that he expects to get
it back by noon today, and it will
be used in Ypsilanti this after-
noon, where there is no ordinance
against using a sound truck.
Yesterday the Progressive
Party's request for "blanket"
permission" to hold meetings
and use a sound truck, was
turned down by Mayor Brown.
He said that he would not grant
this permission for outdoor meet-
He indicated that requests for
specific meetings would be con-
sidered under 'the licensing law,
but as for sound trucks, he be-
lieved that the people of Ann Ar-
bor did not want the trucks
around making "obnoxious noises"
Jack Geist, former University
student, and Progressive Party
candidate for Congress, said yes-
terday that the party would pro-
ceed with the use of the sound
equipment, and with the meetings
even though the "blanket per-
mission" was denied.
Big Pep Rally
rjo BeHeld
'Beat Northwestern'
Is Friday'sWar Cry
A football pep rally to end all
pep rallies is being planned for
Friday night, eve of the all-im-
portant Northwestern game.
Don Greenfield, chairman of the
Wolverine Club, which together
with the Varsity Committee. is
sponsoring the rally, promised
that "It will be big and brassy,
the largest rally of the season."

MEETING in front of the Un=
ion at 7:15 pni. the assemblage
will march to Ferry Field, illurni
nated by 100 torches to be sup-
plied by the Wolverine Club.
Among the well-known speak-
ers slated to address the expect-
ed throng are Fritz Crisler and
Harry Sparks, WJR sports an-
nouncer, who will also act as
master of ceremonies.j
The University Band and the
West Quad Glee Club will supply

.Arm s Now
Reduced Too
Vishinsky Hits
Back at Charges
PARIS-()-The United States
declared disarmament is impos-
sible in a world where the Soviet
battle cry is "wreck and destroy."
The United States already has
disarmed too far and too fast af-
ter the last war, said Warren R.
Austin, the No. 2 delegate to the
United Nations General Assembly.
* * *
IN A GLOVES-OFF speech to
the Assembly's political committee
Austin said the United States will
support a British resolution
pinning blame for lack of control
on world armaments on Russia~
and a Syrian proposal that the
U.N. commission for conventional
arms get back on the job.
Russia's Andrei Vishinsky
countered with an apparently
conciliatory move.
In a speech peppered with typ-
ical "Vishinskyisms" he offered to
Put the Soviet cards on arms re-
duction on the table-if the Unit-
ed Nations adopts the Russian
proposal for an immediate one-
third cut in armaments of the five
major powers.
OTHER MAJOR developments
in the U.N. Assembly halls as
American policy stiffened toward
the Russians were:
1. The United States, Britain
and France worked on details of
a resolution calling on the Se-
curity Council to act in thie
Berlin dispute. The Americans
were reported impatient at the
delay on this hot question.
2. The United States, France,
Britain and China teamed with
four other countries in an atomic-
sub-committee in endorsing a de-
mand that the Assembly approve
the majority reports on world
atomic control. Russia fought the
move all the way.
Austin told the political com-
mittee that the cnations of the
world could not disarm or even
slash armament while the Rus-
sians refused to cooperate.
He said that under present con-
ditions of world fear and insecur-
ity it will be impossible to set up
effective systems of control ard
reductions of arms.
He said the world situation is
too grave to permit further play
with words.
* * *
U.S. Air Arm
To Winterize
BERLN-(P)-The U. S. Air
Force announced plans to "win-
terize" the Berlin airlift.
Several hundreds of reserve of-
ficers who volunteer will be given
special training at Great Falls,
Mont., in visual and instrument
flying and assigned to the airlift,
the announcement said. These
pilots, co-pilots and engineers can
revert to inactive duty next spring.
* * *
ANOTHER announcement said
Douglas Globemasters Transports
will be put into a regular shuttle
service over the Atlantic carrying
special high priority cargo from
Westover Base, in Massachusetts,
to Frankfurt to the air lift.

The service will speed up the
movement of critical supplies.
Maj. Gen. William H. Tunner,
commander of the U. S. airlift
task force who flew troops and
supplies over the "hump" from
Burma to China, declares the air-
lift not only can continue through
the winter but can even expand its
operations over the summer.
* * *
THROUGH RADAR, the radio
eye, the Army has perfected a sys

W* K *
flexible price support

system of
for farm

Call SL Vote
Aid Success
Over 600 students participated
in the Student Legislatures vot-
ing assistance program which end-
ed yesterday.
The program was termed a
"complete success" by SL campus
action committee chairman John
FIFTY-ONE local students reg-
istered with the assistant city
clerk at the SL booth Monday.
Swets estimated that 200
Michigan residents had picked
up absentee ballots and 350 out-
state students had gotten in-
formation about voting regula-
tions in their home states.
Local residents who were un-
able to register at the booth Mon-
day can do so at the City Clerk's
office downtown which will be

'Ensian Tryouts
To Meet Today
Climb aboard the 'Ensian staff!
The best-bound yearbook in the
nation will hold its first editorial
tryout meeting of the year at 4:30
p.m. today in the second floor con-
ference room of the Student Publi-
cations Building.
Art Mancl, managing editor of
the 'Ensian, said that students in-
terested in photography and sports
positions are also invited to at-

2. Expanded soil conservation.
3. E~xpanded consumption.
through scientific research.
World trade agreements, the
school lunch program and im-
provement of the diet of low in-
come groups.
4. Development of co-operatives,
extension of rural electrification
and better housing, roads and ed-
ucation facilities in farm areas.
* * *
MR. TRUMAN said that when
the farmer votes for the Repub-
lican Party that "proposes to
smash the strength of labor," he is
not voting just for a cut in the
wages of city workers but for a
"cut in his own income." He went
He is voting to reduce his own


ang, ate action, she observed.


Bartlett Sees First Book Shpment to Philippines

The first shipment of books

liberation intact by storing them With a tag day, students will
under canvass. tate asked to contribute toward

Prof. Bartlett said that the
situation at the University of

He noted the close ties that the
University of Michigan has with

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