OPPORTUNITY See Page 4 Y I&A " , .; CLOUDY, LIGHT RAIN Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LIX, No. 16 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Babson Quits as A eVVtoes -l e lan C Teninga Wins Athletic Post In Light Vote Twelve Elected To BAd. Council In one of the lightest votes ever recorded in an all campus election halfback WaltTeninga, '50, was chosen junior student member of. the Board in Control of Intercol- legiate Athletics yesterday. In the Business Administration School election, the constitution for the new Bus. Ad. Council was ratified by a 253 to 23 vote. Twelve members of the Council were elected. They are: LEE H. CLARK, Jack L. Doney, Patricia H. Hall, Rubert M. Kash, Donald E. Kenny, Martin Mar- sack, Raymond R. Schwartz, Ted Ward, John B. Watkins, Edward Wisniewski, Edith Wartsman and Lucille Miller. A total of 322 votes were cast in the athletic board election. Student Legislature Election Committee Chairman Jake Jacob- son attributed the light vote 'to a lack of knowledge on the part of the students and the fact that cashier's receipts were required for identification. Te other student member of the 14 man board is Pete Elliott. Faculty members of the board are, Professors Carl Brandt, English; J. H. Cissel, Engineer- ing; R. C. Hussey, Geology; S. C. Graham, Zoology; A. C. Cur- tis, M.D.; J. E. Tracy, Law School; H. C. Carver, Mathema- tics; and M. L. Niehuss, Vice President of the University. The faculty advisor to the group is Prof. Ralph Egler. Students Sing Verses, Win Grid Tickets As a rewardtfor knowing the second verses to some of Mich- igan's famous songs, including "The Yellow and Blue." 10 stu- dents are going to the contest be- tween Purdue and the Wolverines in Lafayette, Ind., this weekend as guests of the University of Michigan Club of Detroit. William. B. Crawford, vice-pres- ident of the organization, offered the prizes at the Pep Rally which was held at Ferry Field the night before the game between the Wol- verines and Oregon. THE CLUB IS providing trans- portation, meals, and a ticket for1 each of the 10 winners and their chaperone, Miss Marie Hartwig,c associate supervisor of physical education.1 They will board a bus at the east entrance of Hill Auditorium at 7:30 Saturday morning; fromE where they will drive to Milan to board a special train on the Wa- bash Railroad. The students making the trip are: Patricia Ann Goble, a jun- ior in education from Lansing; Linnea M. Jylha, L.S.A. senior from Negaunee, Mich.; Diana1 M. Lahde, reshman in educationE from Ann Arbor; Lilias C. Wag- ner, lit school junior from Ann Arbor; Barbara Jo Ream, sen- ior in L.S.A. from Somerset, Pa. ALSO MAKING the trek are: Harry E. Miles, engine school soph from Saginaw; Martin L. Boyle, a Milford, Mich., lit school soph; Eugene B. Freed, education senior of Statesville, N.C. The list is completed with Heinz R. Hoenecke, L.S.A. seniorhfrom Plymouth, Mich.; and John F. Neh an, a Detroit lit school sen- ior. Ruthven To Greet WSSF Delegates ' Profs. Sponberg, osson, Debate By RUSS CLANAHAN Inflation, labor, and housing were the issues on trial last night in the Washtenaw County Courthouse when two professors, Democrat Preston Slosson and Republican Harold Sponberg, squared off in an old-fashioned free-for-all debate. Speaking before a beyond-capacity audience, Slosson-Demo- cratic candidate for Congress from this district-and Michigan State's Sponberg, a Republican state speaker, traded expert verbal punches for an hour and a half. Inflation Leading off the debate, Sponberg immediately attacked President Truman's proposal to spend more public money as encouraging infla- tion. Instead, he urged more production as the cure for inflation. He pointed to the Dewey and Warren administrations in New York and California as proof that "taxes can be cut and the public debt still reduced." Sponberg also charged that "Truman took off wage controls when there was still a critical shortage of goods." This, he said, was what forced prices up. He added, however, that "it is too late now to put price controls back on." Slosson bitterly denounced the Republican tax cut as "contributing to inflation by allowing more money to remain on the market to compete for scarce goods, thus boosting prices." Labor Strongly defending the Taft-Hartley Labor Act, Sponberg said it was needed "to bring labor and management into balance." He particularly commended the sections prohibiting secondary boycotts, jurisdictional disputes, and'the closed shop. He admitted that "the act isn't perfect," but said the only two sections that should be changed are those prohibiting unions to express political opinions, and the clause requiring all union officers to be non-Communists in order to get the services of the National Labor Relations Board.. Attacking the Taft-Hartley Act, Slosson hit particularly the clause which "makes a trade union responsible for the individual disruptive acts of its members." He admitted that "there was a good case for labor legislation before Taft-Hartley." However, he felt that such a bill should have been- restricted to banning both strikes and company profits in public utilities during labor disputes. Housing Both debaters agreed that the Taft-Ellender-Wagner federal housing bill should be passed. Sponberg, however, minimized the lack of housing by asserting that "the problem is beginning to level off." Slosson retorted that much postwar construction had been luxury building, and not low income housing." Spokesmen Still Battle Enunciate Party Beliefs, Policies (From Associated Press Reports) Truman, Warren, Wallace, and Harold Ickes all figured in the latest political moves yesterday. President Truman said in Jer- sey City it is the "sacred duty" of American voters to prevent a "re- turn to reactionary government" in the United States and a result- ing world "tragedy." MEANWHILE IN Madison, Wis., the Republican record in state wel- ' fare legislation was put forward by Gov. Earl Warren as an example of "Republicanism in practice" and a guide for the future under a GOP national administration. "I am proud to say that in the mlain it is in those states with Republican administrations that you will find the most progres- sive records, the sounues. pio- grams in the field of human welfare," he said. In Washington, Harold L. Ickes,, in a telegram asked Gov. Thomas E. Dewey where he stands on con- servation of natural resources., ICKES, FORMER Secretary of the Interior under Presidents Roosevelt and Truman, said he' was particularly concerned because Dewey has "sponsored, enthusias- tically and without reservation, many Republican members of the 80th Congress whose principal in- terest seems to be recklessly to ex- ploit what remains of our national landed estate." And in Portland, Henry Wal- lace said the government is building Arctic air bases, dredg-i ing European harbors, and help-E ing "unfortunate Arab chiefs" while Americans "suffer in squa- lor, waiting and waiting for ade- quate housing." UWF Group Debates World Govern mernt Whether or not world govern- ment would be practical at this time was discussed last night at the first of a series of roundtables sponsored by the United World Federalists. LadiesNight The six tardy coeds who came home with police escorts all the way from a Detroit opera are today free from blame for their lateness. "When they did not catch the bus as was planned, they phoned their housemother, who gave them the necessary emer- gency permission, which was subsequently approved by the Office of the Dean of Women," women's judiciary chairman Pat Hannagan said. The University added its plaudits to those of the girls in thanking the Detroit police and the Wayne and Washtenaw County sheriff's offices for joining forces to bring the gals back to Ann Arbor in record time. arsaliAsks e bunhintg of Ied Atom Plan Russian Retreat Called_ Imaginary WASHINGTON-( P)-Secretary of State Marshall has ordered an international campaign to "de- bunk" Russia's latest proposal for control of atomic energy. Undersecretary of State Robert A. Lovett said today the order came from Marshall in Paris. * * * LOVETT SAID Marshall acted after the French radio reported that Russia was retr'eating from her previous demands on the con- trol of atomic energy and was making a concession to the West- ern Powers. "The retreat is entirely imag- inary," Lovett told President Truman's new advisory commis- sion on inflation. VISHINSKY PRESENT FOR BERLIN DEBATE-Andrei Y. Vish- insky, Russia's deputy foreign minister, reads a French Socialist newspaper as he sits in his place on the U.N. Security Council in Paris during opening debate on the Berlin crisis. After taking copious notes as the U.S. presented its view, he expressed boredom and discarded the pencil and earphones to concentrate on reading the paper. Yesterday he declared Russia would not participate in the debate. * * * * WAR MANEUVERS: Small Natons o De a Lif t of Ruslssian Blole kadetl By The Associated Press While the Russians announced large-scale maneuvers in the Berlin air corridor yesterday, small non-Soviet members of the United Nations Security Council were reportedly preparing a demand that Russia lift the Berlin blockade. The British claimed the Russians dropped live bombs 12 miles northwest of Berlin. At the same time, British Royal Air Force bombers, He explained that the problem" still remains: * * * "basic Big Turnout Hits Previous 'Pack' Claims 'U' Speaker Ban Will BeFought By LEON JAROFF Dave Babson resigned as chair- man of the campus chapter of AVC last night after a stormy session, the largest in the chapter's history, rejected a resolution condemning Communist participation in AVC. True to his earlier promise, Bab- son, with six of his followers, walked out of the meeting imme- diately after the measure was soundly defeated, 91 to 54. IN A STATEMENT to The Daily, Babson stressed the point that although he was resigning from the local chapter, he would remain a member of the national AVC at least until AVC's national convention takes a stand on the Communist issue. Upon Babson's departure, the membership voted by a 2 to 1 margin to accept his resignation as chairman, but called for his return as a member of the local chapter by a nearly unanimous vote. Babson's opponents reiterated earlier charges that he had proved himself incompetent by making "ill-founded" charges against AVC members, and further, had done so without first clearing the charges with the executive com- mittee. ED TUMIN, treasurer, and one of Babson's consistent supporters, admitted that he and Babson had erred in some of their statements, but stated that h'e did not consider this grounds for a motion demand- ing Babson's resignation. Everett Bovard, vice-chair- man, who took over the gavel after Babson had gone, and Tuminimmediately declared their association with Babson and his policies. However, a res- olution demanding their resig- nation was tabled. Earlier, therephadbeen heated debate over the proposed Civil Lib- erties Forum which has been can- celled once already because of the University's refusal to allow Carl Winters, Michigan Communist Party boss, to speak on campus. * * * THE MEMBERS finally decided to hold the meeting off campus, where it will not be under the University's jurisdiction and voted to fight the University speaker's ban. It was then that Tumin pre- sented the resolution upon which Babson had promised to stand or fall. The text of the resolu- tion was summed up in the last point, which read: "While we defend the rights of Communists to participate in or- ganizations of their own making, or where they are Welcome-we go on record as emphatically discour- aging the entry or continued membership of members of the Communist Party in AVC." Tumin, in clarifying the mean- ing of his resolution, explained that "in a sense, it means that we request Communists to resign. The voting down of the resolu- tion and Babson's walk-out fol- lowed. * Space provided in the Union for the meeting proved to be inade- quate as a steady flow of new members and spectators crowded the room and overflowed into the hall. Although there were many new f aces among the AVC members, all veterans who voted last night had paid at least their $1 local dues. Ed Tumin, who had supported Babson's charges that the first meeting was controlled by a Com- munist faction, admitted to the members that, as far as he could, acertain, "this meeting is not ascertain, "this meeting is not iushees To Make "Do you get international in- SL Will Assist Student Voters lin Registration The Student Legislature's voting registration assistance program for state and out-state students will go into effect Monday. A booth will be open in the basement of Angell Hall from 8 a.m. to noon and from 1 to 5 p.m. Monday and Tuesday according to John Swets, SL campus action committee chairman. * * * LOCAL RESIDENTS, including' all married men and their wives will be able to register at the booth on Monday from 1 to 5 p.m. An assistant city clerk will be on duty. State residents must send in- formation, including name, sex, birth place and date, marital sta- tus, husband's name, husband's birthplace, marriage date, where last voted and Ann Arbor address to their city clerk. * * * SWETS said that the city clerks will send back a form which must be filled out, notarized and re- turned by October 13. Outstate students will be able to get information on registration procedures in their home states from the SL booth. Debaters Plan Wide-Spread Tour for '48 Plans of the Varsity Debating Team were outlined last night by Ray Nadeau, Debate Director, and Edd Miller, Director of Forensics, in the organization's first meeting of the year. An extensive program is planned for this year, including inter-col- legiate debates with the nation's leading schools. Talks and discus- sions will be given before luncheon clubs, high school assemblies, and other college groups. The first in a series of speech assemblies will be given Octo- ber 20. The program will fea- ture a debate between two teams of varsity debaters on a highly interesting and provocative is- sue; resolved, "That the Michi- gan Daily does not represent stu- dent opinion on campus." The Debate Organization will meet regularly at 7:30 p.m. every Wednesday. THOSE WHO WERE unable to attend the meeting last night are urged to come next Wednesday. No previous debate experience is nec- essary. droned outfrom England and dumped 17'/2 tons of live bombs on spection,and do you get elimina- ( th Norh Se islnd o Helgolad.tion of the veto in carder to make theNorh Sa ilan ofHelgolnd.international inspection effect- * * . * I AMERICAN AIR OFFICERS said the increasingly frequent Soviet warnings of air activity are intended to harass the Allied airlift. Far from harassed, however, Gen. Lucius D. Clay yesterday announced an increased food ration for blockaded Berliners this winter. Meanwhile, authoritative sources reported that one of the small countries on the Security Council would introduce, probably next week, a resolution to carry out American-French-British demands to end the blockade. Under the resolution being drafted, the Council then would T oao m pn au call for a meeting of the four-power Council of Foreign Ministers on Two of a four-man panel argued the whole German question. that a world federation is not only .ustion possible at this time but necessary to prevent future wars. THIE FAST-WEST struggle continued unabated on two other The other members argued that issues-atomic energy and arms reduction-with Russia clashing with a world federation is not practical in the near future because nations which couldn't agree inside the existing United Nations wouldn't agree in a more inclusive interna- tional body. Irwin Robinson, president of the local UWF chapter, and Samuel Dudley, vice-president and former! West Virginia UWF officer, sup- ported the founding of a world government now. Samuel Molod and Pamela Wrinch, of the polit- ical science department, argued that such government is not prac- tical, but they believe it may well come at some future date. World News At aGlance tB*y The Associated Press) LANSING - Extensive mock battles are planned Saturday and Sunday near Ann Arbor by units of the Michigan National Guard. CAIRO-Government sources1 said tonight Jewish forces at- tacked the Egyptian Army on an'. Egyptian-held sector of Pales- tine and were repulsed. The sec- tor was not further identified. LONDON---About 50 Royal Airl Force bombers droned out to blast Helgalond with 171/2 tons of live bombs tonight in RAF war exer- cises. * * * the West again in the Assembly's political committee. Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Y. Vishinsky accused the Western Powers of blocking world disarmament for the last 29 years and demanded that the big four cut their forces by one- third immediately. (W ith mSovie,0 f t Uy,, B e/% F viabeOfiia Sy DURHAM, N.H.-(,)-A top state department official said that while the United States seeks peace, it may "not be possible" to avoid war with Russia. He added, however, that the department will pro- ceed "on the assumption that it is possible." The statements were made by Assistant Secretary of State Charles E. Saltzman in a prepared address at the University of New Hampshire. * * * * "WE ARE EXERTING our utmost effort to avoid war," he said "We hope to win this conflict this side of war, by patience, calmness and'spiritual fortitude. Perhaps this will not be possi- ble but we shall proceed on the assumption that it is possible." He stressed the idea that the United States is working on the as- sumption that peace "is possible" and that the prospects for main- taining peace will be greater to the extent that this country is ready to preserve its security and freedom "at all costs." Russia's latest proposal was submitted to the United Nations General Assembly in Paris last Saturday by Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Y. Vishinsky. SL opef uls Hold Meeting A meeting of prospective candi- date's for positions on the Student Legislature was held last night in order to allow the students to get acquainted and at the same time publicize their names to the stu- dent body. The candidates attending the meeting were: Herbert Burgel, Mary Inman, Marcia Ames, Joan Johnson, Bill Clark, Jack Gannon, Susan Sirs, Gellert Seel, Marvin Lubeck, Calvin Klitman, Eliot Charlys, Delores Olsen, Nancy Stenbuck, Bill Starr, John Kunkle, James Karraf, Bill Hooker, Ken Bottle, Jim Brown, Howard John- son, Frank Butorac, Joyce Clark and L. Moll. Oficer Sis pen