THE AMTCHTTGNDAXTTXl T1TU~fl4, OCOR~R7, 9949 -- -- -- --_- f _ W hat's Up in the Dorms a i .11 (Editot's note: This will be a regu- lar column, printed several times each week. All residence halls, league houses, sororities and fraternities de- siring information or wishing to con- tribute should contact Dolores Pa- lanker at The Daily or 105 Betsy Bar- bour.) Adams Housce proudly an- nounces it will be the first res- idence house on campus to have television. The set will be placed in the house lounge where the members of the house and their friends may have easy access to it. THE COMMITTEE for the pur- chase of the television set includes Tom Rice, chairman, Dick Wag- ner, Bernard Rusky, John Stewart and Ken Throckmorten. Other items on the Adams House agenda are a listening party Saturday with Betsy Bar- Evaluation . (Continued from Page 1) Reason for the postponement was that University tabulating machines that will compile the results cannot handle the entire load of some 50,000 student re- ports at once, Dean Woodburne explained. Students will fill out Evaluation reports sometime later this semes- ter. Student evaluation of instruc- tors is only one part of a three- point program outlined. The plan follows: 1. Departmental committees of three or more staff members (who are not at the time being eval- uated) will drop in on the profes- sor's or instructor's class several times during the semester. They will note his classroom manner and teaching ability. 2. Students will fill out their in- dividual evaluation reports. 3. The instructor's colleagues will discuss his teaching con- tribution in the light of their visits, the student evaluations, information from other students and graduates, and other sources. In addition, they will survey his writings to determine the quality of his scholarship. They will also look at his record of administra- tion service in the University and in outside activities. AFTER THE data has all been compiled, the committees will make their. reports on individual instructors. How will students reports af- feet the overall report on the Instructor? Dean Woodburne said that they would be care- ally weighed in with the rest of the accumulated data. "Much of the program's effec- tiveness will depend on student co- operation," he said. "If students don't take the pro- gram seriously and help us find ways to improve teaching, they may discourage the whole project," he said. IN THE GRADING procedure ds it noe stands, students will mark instructors on whether they are clear, thorough and stimulat- ing in presenting material, open- minded, fair in grading, regular in meeting class obligations. They will also mark courses on difficulty and general contribu- tion to their education. Every class taught by each professor will be evaluated. "This will insure a more com- plete picture of faculty mem- bers' teaching contributions," Dean Woodburne said. Following the first evaluation, Dean Woodburne said that he and Dean Peake would like to discuss how the grading scheme could be improved with interested student and faculty groups. Elections... bour and an exchange dinner, Oct. 14, with Stockwell Hall. Couzens Hall is having an open house tomorrow evening, 9-12, to introduce its new class of nurses .nd campus students. Al Rice and his band will supply the dance music. a- Few people are aware that, be- cause of the serious housing sit- Aation, 60 campus women students are rooming at Couzens, which normally is for student nurses only. A LISTENING PARTY will be held Saturday, 2-5 p.m. by stu- dents at Stockwell. Dancing and bridge head the list of entertainments and al- though Anderson House will be special guests, everyone is invited. * * * THE WEST QUAD Glee Club is conducting a membership drive in the hope that the club's success of last year might be repeated. . Under the direction of Gus Rogers, the new Glee Club plans a Christmas program for the Quad and a Spring Recital sim- ilar to the one presented last year. The General Council of West Quad is in charge of the Glee Club, which includes one repre- sentative of each house. Its last year's membership totalled 40, while latest reports indicate 30 tryouts have already applied. NRTCUnit DoublesSize Navy Signs 221 Men For FallTraining Michigan's NavalROTC unit has reported an enrollment over twice the size of 1947-1948's regis- tration. Whereas little more than. 100 men signed up for naval train- ing last fall, this year 221 candi- dates are taking advantage of the present NROTC' program. Out of his group, there are 104 freshmen. Forty-one of these are regular students, or candidates who have been awarded Navy scholarshipships under the Hol- loway Plan. The other section in- cludes 63 freshman contract stu- dents, men who will receive pay after 'completion of the two-year elementary courses. Further breakdown of the en- rollment numbers reveals a total of 54 sophomores, 45 juniors and 18 seniors. Reserve Units To Play Vital Mobilization i Artillery Battalions, Cavalry, Signal. U 111 Us Will Be Ready if War Comes, Army Says WASHINGTON-(P)-For the first time in our history the Army plans to give reserve forces a vital role on mobilization day---if it should come. It plans to give M-Day assignments to 300,000 members of the organized reserve corps (ORC) by next June 30. That is the date by which General Omar N. Bradley, Chief of Staff, hopes to have an 18-division army, made up of 12 regular army divisions and six national guard divisions. He says an 18-division army is our "minimum security requirement." * * * ,* THE 300,000 ORC members slated for M-Day assignments will be used in support of the 18 divisions. The ORC says that some of its members already have their M-Day assignments but that organiza- tion is moving so fast that it cannot estimate how many. More than 7,000 ORC units have been activated, about 3,000 short of the goal. Not all these units will be ready to go on M-1Da.v. ht all srPPrvcdc i rnnnini tT~ to ., i M , i ,rn t iill h. MAMA LEAVES HOME Women Head Passport List AS- Aimeri6aiis Flood IEurope OCTOBER SALE of FINE ORIENTAL RUGS You'll enjoy its charm - It's a good investment Subd ii I Beduwtion on All Pieces WASHINGTON-UP)-This may be a man's world, but it's mama who's going to look at it. A report on passports issued during the months of April, May and June wandered in today. And housewives were at the top of the list. OF THE 82,786 passports issued. 16,426 went to housewives, with skilled laborers next at 11,976, ard students third at 10,591. As you know-or would know if you had just talked with John Boddie of the commerce depart- ment-more people are going abroad today than ever beore. Some 159,000 went to Europe last year, 46,000 of them by air. And more would have gone if they could have figured out some way to get across the Atlantic. A LARGE proportion of the 159.000 European travelers were hastening back to the old country to see Giuseppe, or Hans, or Fran- cois. "Many don't realize it," said Boddie, "but 30,000,000 people in this country either were born abroad, or had at least one par- ent born there. Women, in par- ticular, like to get back." Incidentally, the breakdown on where are travelers are from pro- duces an interesting note. ONE FOURTH of all the pass- ports, 23,562, were issued to resi- dents of New York City: This is quite a contrast to Wyo- ming. o course, there aren't as many out there to give passports to. But Wyoming got by with 59. Here are a few of the large assortment: Shiraz, 5.5x7 ............. Reg. $140.00 Reduced to Injilas, 2x3.............Reg. $28.00 Reduced to Shiraz, 3.5x5,. ............ Reg. $62.50 Reduced to Fine Hamadan, 5x7, ..... Reg. $165.00 Reduced to Karaja, 3.5x8, ...........Reg. $90.00 Reduced to Hamadan, 3.5x5,..........Reg. $80.00 Reduced to Mehriban, 3x14.10.........Reg. $210.00 Reduced to 9 x 12 and over-sized living, dining room, and library rurgs -- Sarook, Kerman, Tabriz, Chinese, Hleriz, etc. $110.00 $19.50 $45.00 $125.00 $65.00 $52.50 $150.00 N. L. MANGOUNI 334 South Fourth Ave. Phone 6878 WE DO EXPERTCLEANING AND REPAIRING i-ay, u ial reservists receiving ita sicte[SWl e o t'°t ? t 3 ( 3 t 7 t members of activated units. Field artillery battalions, armored cavalry units, signal companies, medical construction outfits and combat engineers are a few types of units slated for M-Day du ty. In the past army reserve forces have TE headed for special war-time schools and training outfits when the emergency came.* THE THING THAT MAKES the new plan possible is that a great percentage of the 800,000 members of the ORC today have had war- time training. Many have tasted combat. Top ORC people call their organization a "strength in being."M; They say that modern warfare will never again allow us theMA C important time element. They say that an already-trained reserve must be triggered for M-Day before it ever comes. All over the country ORC units are being made ready to start the methodical training they'll need to prepare them for M-Day. Unit commanders are scouring their towns and cities for storage space in which to put their equipment. ORC says M-Day units will have the full equipment needed for use in the field. for iving and personalized * Unique matches inclever #lastic druni. THE SELECTIVE SERVICE ACT fits right in with long-range ORC plans. After 21 months of draft duty, men who are inducted must sign up with an ORC (or national guard) unit for three years L0 for $2.00c or with an unorganized unit for five years unless they are willing to serve a full year more in the regular army. Thus in 21 months the ORC expects to get a steady flow of pre-trained men, a flow which will continue for two years, the Li IA I%"AVYXII~ L R effective period of the draft. 1PNIK PRINTERS By the time ex-draftees start coming in the ORC wants to add 150,000 veterans to .its roles, bringing its total strength to almost 119 East Liberty - Across from the P-Bell 1,000,000.o<-y<-o--o<--- eo.-- .- - .o.,o.-o3 Bucking Bronco Here Is Something New and Different in a luxurious Multi-Colored Sweater Fine yarns and rich color make this an outstanding sweater. See it today. $8.95 WE NOW HAVE A TUXEDO RENTAL SERVICE liE7 GE RY 521 EAsT LIBERTY Michigan Theatre Building ,i The modern dog has many of the instincts of his wild ancestors, says the World Book Encyclopedia. When a dog lies down, even in a room, he turns around a few times. VAN BOVEN SHOES by SSANDLER I'c B~cTfn GEN~ with I NUINE MOCCASIN h Handsewn Vamp and back $1095 Brown Black Red (Continued from Page 1) CASHIER'S RECEIPTS only will be acceptable for identifica- tion, Jacobson said. ID cards will not be honored. In the Business Administration School, students will elect 12 members for the new Council from a field of thirty-one. The only booth for this elec- tion will be located in the lobby of the Business Administration School building. Voting.will take place from 8:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. according to Jacob- son. Cashier's receipts will serve as the only valid identification in this election also, Jacobson added. CITY BALLOT boxes will be used for the elections. Jacobson and a member of Men's Judiciary Committee will distribute the boxes and ballots to the polling places in the morning and pick them up in the after- noon, taking them to the Union. Counting of ballots for both elections will be done by Jacob- son, with SL members Val John- son and Knight Houghton starting the duet* Casual but fashion-conscious, Logrollers add a new zest in styling to the moccasin . . . retain the same good comfort and flexibility. How necessary Cnd wonderful a shoe like this for hours that are active and mile consuming. *original design U. S. Pat. Off. VAN BOVEN L M;SH 0 iES = AM