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October 07, 1948 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-10-07

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See page 4

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Latest Deadline in the State


Braves Take
Initial World
Series Gavle
Underdogs Get
Jump on Indians
The underdog Boston Braves be-
hind Johnny Sam won the first
game of the World Series today by
beating the Cleveland Indians and
their ace Bob Feller, 1 to 0.
Feller pitched a' World Series
classic-a brilliant two-hitter -
but Sain blanked the American
League champions with four safe
* * *
rightfielder, sent the National
Leaguers out in front in the big
play-off by singling cleanly over
third base in the eighth inning to
score Phil Masi, a pinch runner,
from second. The only other hit
off Cleveland's great fireballer
was a single by Marvin Rickert in
the fifth.
A partisan crowd of 40,135
sent up a roar that must have
raised ripples on the nearby
Charles River when Holmes, a
left-hand batter, crossed up the
Cleveland defense by hacking an
outside pitch to left. Before the
Indians could collect the ball,
Holmes slid into second and an-
other runner, Sibbi Sisti,
reached third.
That was the only thing ap-
proaching a score in the tingling
contest. Six Indians reached base
on Sain, two of them on errors by
third baseman Bob Elliott. Five
of them reached second, but not a
one spiked third as the tall, tough
righthander bore down to strike
out six men.
Feller, a magnificent figure in
defeat, brought on his own down-
fall when he issued his second
walk of the game to catcher Bill
Salkeld to open the fatal eighth.
Masi went in to run for his fel-
low backstop, and reached the
middle bog an a perfect sacrifice
by Mike McCormick. Eddie
Stanky, a dangerous hitter in the
clutches, was purposely passed.
* 'I
to right for the second out it
looked as though Bullet Bob might
pull through safely. As he started
to itchto Holmes he whirled and
snapped a throw to Manager Lou
Boudreau which very nearly got
Masi as he slid desperately back.
Boudreau, in fact, argued with
Umpire Bill Stewart about it.
See SAIN, Page 3
Two Campus
Elections Will
Be Held Today
Two elections will be held on
campus today.
One is an all campus affair to
elect the junior student member
for the Board of Control of Inter-
collegiate Athletics and the other,
in the Business Administration
School will select 6 members of
the new Bus Ad Council and vote
on ratification of its constitution.
THREE students are running in
the Board of Control election.
They are:
Walt Teninga, '50, now playing
his third year of football in Mich-
igan's backfield. Teninga, from
Chicago, plans to become an in-

dustrial engineer. He was nomi-
nated for the position by the Man-
agers Club.
Mac Suprunowicz '49, high
scoring forward on last year's
champion basketball team and
member of the golf team, also was
nominated by the Managers Club.
Bob Erben '50,regular offensive
center in the Michigan line from
Akron Ohio.
Six election booths will be set
up on campus for the Athletic
board election according to Jake
Jacobson, Student Legislature
Election Committee Chairman.
They will be open from 8:30
a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Union, the
Law Quad, the center of the Di-
agonal, Engineering Arch, behind
Haven Hall and the League lobby,
Jacobson said.
Dean Lloyd Enjoy
Speedy Recovery
Dean of Women Alice Lloyd

Campus Groups Will Aid
Voter Registration Here
Student Legislature, Political Clubs Will
Help Michiganders, Out of State Residents
Voting registration in Ann Arbor will be going full blast during
the next week as political groups, the Student Legislature, and indi-
vidual students strive to meet the October 13 deadline.
The Student Legislature has announced a plan to set up a station
on campus to register both local, Michigan, and out-state students.
SIMPLEST REGISTRATION will be for married students who
have lived in Michigan at least six months and in Ann Arbor at least
20 days. They are considered legal residents of Ann Arbor, and may
vote in November merely by registering at the City Clerk's office in
the city hall, Fifth and Huron streets. Office hours are 8-12 and 1-5
each weekday, and 8-12 on Saturday.
All out-of-town single students of voting age must vote by
absentee ballot. Michigan residents who are not registered should
send a letter to the city, village, or elections clerk of their home
town at once requesting an application form to register. This
letter must reach the clerk on or before October 13.
When they receive their form, it should be filled out, notarized,
and sent back to the clerk, together with a request for a ballot. The
ballot will be sent in time to vote in November.
*- *. *
STUDENTS WHO ARE registered in their home towns need only
send a request for a ballot to their city clerks. A student living in a
In order to vote in the November election, Michigan residents
must apply immediately to their city clerks giving name, sex, birth
place, marital status, husband's name, husband's birthplace,
marriage date, where last voted, birthdate and Ann Arbor address.
On receipt of this information, city clerks will send a form
that must be filled out and notarized and returned by October 13,
according to John Swets, SL campus action committee chairman.
town under 20,000 is registered if he has voted in an election within the
last two years. If a resident of a larger Michigan town, he must have
voted within the past four years.
Because the election laws of each state vary, the Student
Legislature, the Young Republicans, and the Young Democrats
have laid plans to give information on an individual basis. The
registration deadline is near in most states, however, so it is es-
sential that the voter begin the process immediately.
The Student Legislature will set up information and registration
booth in a campus building Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of
next week. From 1 to 5 p.m. Monday, October 11, a clerk from the
City Clerk's office will be at the booth to register married students.
*:s #
LEGISLATURE WORKERS will be at the booth at all times to
give out registration applications for Michigan residents, and with
specific information for out-of-state students. Location of the booth
will be announced later.
Registration applications can also be obtained through the
Young Republican Club by contacting Jim Schoener at 104
Cooley House, in the East Quadrangle. Schoener is a notary public,
and can notarize the forms as soon as they are filled out. Outstate
students can get information on individual state election laws by
calling Dale Stoppels at the Lawyers Club.
The Young' Democrats have announced that they will help any
student get his absentee ballot if he will call Harry Albrecht or Harry
Lusgarten at the Lawyers Club (4145) and give their name, address,
and telephone number.
* * *
THE WALLACE Progressives are depending largely on the Stu-
dent Legislature for registering students, and are concentrating on
their campaign to register townspeople. Young Democrats are con-
centrating on reaching all married students on campus, particularly
University Terrace. The Young Republicans plan to go through dor-
mitories and fraternities urging voters to register.
Lit School Students Will
Grade Profs This Year
For the first time in University history students will grade their
Lit school profs on an extensive scale this semester.
Associate Dean Lloyd S. Woodburne announced yesterday that
the College has embarked on a long-range faculty evaluation program
-the first of its kind at a large university.
* * *

HE REVEALED that letters were sent yesterday to the chairmen
of lit school departments, asking them to form staff evaluation com-
Under the program worked out by a faculty committee, stu-
dents will grade on an A-B-C-D-E scale the teaching ability of
every instructor and assistant professor of more than two yeairs'
The program will eventually affect some 400 faculty members.
Evaluations will be anonymous, and all students in lit courses will
take part in the program.
ASSOCIATE AND full professors in the A-E range of the alphabet
will also be graded this semester. The rest will be surveyed during the
next three years.
Reason for the postponement was that University tabulating
'World News At A Glance




Stand Firm in Berlin

Communists Occupy Changechunl



Courtesy The Ann Arbor News.
... emphasis on youth
Williams Hits
Sider Record
In Talk Here
Attacks Pressure Put
On Board of Regents,
"If Sigler is going to run on
his record, he'll be run right out
of Lansing," G. Mennen Williams
Democratic candidate for Gover-
nor told a group of two hundred
precinct and ward workers at Ann
Arbor's Masonic Temple yesterday.
In his speech, which will be re-
broadcast at 4:30 today over sta-
tion WPAG, the 37 year old De-
troit attorney condemned the Re-
publican administration's failure
to meet the needs of the people
of Michigan and charged that it
has worked directly against their
* * *
DIRECTING A special attack on
Governor Sigler's action in pres-
suring the University of Michi-
gan's Board of Regents into clos-
ing down its Worker's Extension
Service, Williams praised Presi-
dent Ruthven's stand on this issue.
He called for liberalizing of Mich-
igan's education system under a
Democratic administration.
Pointing to the split in the
Republican party in Michigan,
Williams asserted that the peo-
ple, "want a coordinated state
administration that functions
as a team which is free from
favoritism and scandal."
"They want an administration
that will do something about in-
equalities in teachers salaries, the
rehabilitation of Michigan's roads,
the still lawful and restrictive
Bonine-Tripp Act, and the inade-
quate unemployment, old age, and
social security benefits."
** *
WILLIAMS placed special em-
phasis on the youth of the Demo-
cratic ticket, remarking thatthe
average age of the candidates is
well under thirty.
League Debate
Banned by VU
Program To Be Held
In County Courthouse
The Slosson-Sponberg debate
scheduled for tonight in the
League has been banned from
University property, but it will be
held anyway at 8:30 p.m. in the
Washtenaw County Courthouse.
Dean Erich A. Walter, who an-
nounced the decision, said it was
because insufficient notification of
the lecture was given to the Uni-
versity lecture committee. The
committee is headed by Prof. Carl
G. Brandt, of the English depart-
The Young Republicans and
Young Democrats, co-sponsors of
the debate, both protested Dean
Walter's action.
Jim Schoener, chairman of the
Young Republicans, said that the
lecture committee was notified last
Monday of the debate, which "has
always been plenty of time be-
fn Tp o nn wX o I ,tp anynnnn

Capital Falls
In Red Siege
National Forces
Cling to Mukden
NANKING - (P) -The Govern-
ment announced its has aban-
doned Changchun. The Manchur-
ian capital has been turned into a
military liability by months of
Communist siege.
It was believed President Chiang
Kai-Shek made the decision in or-
der to concentrate government
strength against the growing red
peril in North China and South
SOME EXPERTS believe Chiang
also may be ready to tell his troops
to quit Mukden and fight south
into China proper.
There was no indication, how-
ever, that the government
means to leave Mukden. Lt. Gen.
Teng Wen-Yi, military spokes-
man who announced the aban-
donment of Changchun, said
fresh troops were pouring ashore
at the south Manchurian port of
The Changchun garrison of
100,000 men, by latest press ac-
counts has reached Mukden in a
race through thinly-held Commu-
nist lines. Changchun is 175 miles
northeast of Mukden.
* * *
PART OF THE garrison from
that big industrial city already
has moved south to join the battle
for Chinhsien, Mukden's imperiled
supporting base.
In the Changchun garrison
were two seasoned armies, the
new second and the new sev-
enth. Behind them they left a
starving civilian population
which could not be fed by gov-
ernment food drops.
Mukden itself is being supplied
only by air.
SL Candidates
Meet Today
A meeting for prospective Stu-
dent Legislators will be held at
7:30 p.m. today in the League Jake
Jacobson, SL election committee
chairman, announced.
All students who intend to run
for the Student Legislature in No-
vember should attend, Jacobson
said. The students will work with
the Legislature on its various proj-
ects and attend meetings in order
to familiarize themselves with the
workings of SL.
Jacobson will explain the func-
tions of SL to the interested stu-
dents and the various committee
chairmen will describe the work of
their groups.
The students will then sign up
to work on one of the committees.
Jacobson said that the Legisla-
ture will assist those who work
with SL in next month's campaign
by publicizing their names to the
student body.
Students who had ID pictures
retaken last week or who regis-
tered may pick up their identi-
fication cards from 8:30 a.m. to
12 and from 1 to 5 pm. today
outside Rm. 2, University Hall.

tial Candidate Thomas E. Dewey (right) confers with John Foster
Dulles, his top advisor on foreign affairs, at Albany, N.Y. Dulles
flew to Albany from Paris where he is a delegate to the U.N.
General Assembly.
U Coeds Stuck at Opera
Get Police Escort Home

Six coeds who were 55 minutes
late yesterday morning even
though three police departments
teamed up to rush them from De-
troit to Ann Arbor will have to
wait until next Thursday to learn
their fate.
But Women's Judiciary Chair-
man Pat Hannagan says they have
a strong case if they can prove
unavoidable transportation diffi-
* * *
A HEROINE named Carmen
caused all the trouble. The coeds
obtained special 1:30 permission to
attend the LaScala Opera produc-
tion in Detroit to see their old
friend and former University stu-
dent, Rose DerDerian who played
the title role.
The six opera lovers were:
Cynthia Hendrian and her sis-
ter Sue, Harriet Falls, Bernice
Calkins, Miriam Cady and Bar-
bara Kelso.
Don Jose didn't finish killing
Carmen until 11:35 p.m., five min-
utes after the last bus left for
Ann Arbor. The six found them-
selves stranded, and called every-
one they knew in the city but
couldn't find a ride.-
* * *
drive it yourself" car garage and
got a stony "No."
Finally in desperation they
called the police at 12:15 a.m. A
bewildered policewoman heard
their story and after considerable
delay, picked them up and headed
out Michigan Avenue.
At Telegraph Road a Wayne
County Sheriff's Patrol car met
the coeds and drove them
through the amazed stares of
many pedestrians all the way to
the Washtenaw County Line.
There two more Sheriff's depu-
ties in a brightly painted car
took up the errand of mercy.
More time was lost on this final

leg of the trip when the officers
had to halt a car careening along
the highway. The deputies would
have hauled in the offenders-if
their car hadn't been full of coeds.
IT WAS 2:25 a.m. when the
opera lovers finally rolled up in
front of their home, the Alpha
Gamma Delta House. Muchly ap-
preciative of the police transpor-
tation, they all agreed that next
time they wouldn't let the bus get
away from them.
Student Faces
Migrant Laborer
Shot in BusStruggle
(Special to The Daily)
ST. JOSEPH-Duane Wither-
spoon, Negro student veteran of
Benton Harbor, was declared guil-
ty here yesterday on a charge of
manslaughter which developed
from the shooting of Edward
Stowe, migrant southern fruit-
Stowe was shot July 30 during
a fight with Witherspoon on a
Benton Harbor city bus. Witnesses
agreed that Stowe, intoxicated at
the time, insulted' Witherspoon's
race, ordered him to the back of
the bus and subsequently assaulted
him. '
Witherspoon attempted to beat
off his assailant by using his gun
as a blunt instrument; in the
struggle it went off, he said.
In a summary for the defense,
Benton Harbor attorney Charles
W. Gore indicated that Wither-
spoon acted in self defense in fear
for his life. He pointed out that
threats were made by the de-
ceased, whom he quoted as saying,
"If you sat in front of a white
man in the South you would be

Urge Lifting
Of Blockade,
In Germany
Soviets Refuse
To Discuss Case
PARIS-(P)-The United States
declared before the Security Coun-
cil its firm intention to resist Rus-
sian efforts to compel the Ameri-
cans to abandon Berlin to red
In the face of Soviet refusal
even to discuss the Berlin case in
the council, all three Western
Powers urged the council to help
lift the Soviet blockade of the city.
Dr. Philip C. Jessup, the U. S.
delegate, charged the Russians
with using all possible means to
force the Western Powers from
Berlin, including "political brib-
ery" of the Germans. But he
stressed that the U. S. is willing.
to have an immediate meeting of
the council of foreign ministers
on Germany "the moment the
blockade is lifted."
A BRITISH source said the rep-
resentatives of the Western Powers
met tonight to consider the first
steps toward a formal proposal
that the council call on Russia to
raise the Berlin blockade.
Only informal talks were
held and no resolution was
drawn up, the source added. The
Western Powers intentionally
put their case to the Council to-
day without any formal proposal
for action, saying merely they
wanted an end to the threat to
peace caused by the blockade.
Russia's delegate Andrei Y. Vi-
shinsky sat silently through both
the morning and afternoon con-
cil sessions. For a while he read a
newspaper, to show he was not
taking part in the debate.
* * *
AT THE end of more than two
hours of steady recital of Western
charges against Russia, the coun-
cil adjourned to give other dele-
gates time to decide their courses.
No date was set for the next meet-
ing, but informed sources predict-
ed it would be Saturday morning.
Several western delegates said
the Council adjourned in order
to give the members a chance
to study the long speeches made
today and to write their own
None of the western delegates
expects Vishinsky to enter the dis-
Goes Hunting
Warriors Capture
New Members
Listen to this tale of romance,
Tale of Indian warriors bold-
In the early moon of falling
Came they forth, the stoics 'vali-
Forth they romped to paleface
Wigwam one of friendly Great
Paleface might 'mong his kind;
Came he forth to take their token,
Then to the mighty oak of Tappan
Dashed the screaming, yelling
redm en;
To the tree of Indian legend
Where the white men pale and
Stood around the mighty oak;
Warriors choice of paleface

Choice of tribe to run the gauntlet.
Down the warriors, painted de-
Swooped and caught their prey
like eagles,
Loud the war cry stirred the
As they seized their hapless cap-
Forth they bore them to their
There to torture at their pleasure.
There they ate around the glow-


Eileen Farrell Looks Towards Met

< -

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Commutation of the
"a limited number" of Nazis convicted of war
ommended by a special Army Commission.
* * *

death sentence of
crimes has been rec-

An operatic career is the aim of
Eileen Farrell, young soprano, who
opened the annual Choral Union
Series last night in Hill Auditori-
Miss Farrell's appearance last
night was part of the second na-
tionwide tour after a spectacular
rise to fame via radio music hours.

training in opera, I hope to be
ready for the Met."
A good Wagnerian soprano
should be at least forty years old,
Miss Farrell believes. "I've made
unusually rapid progress since I
graduated from high school in
1939, and now, I want to slow
* * *

ousdsong, he doesn't know what
to do."
Older people sit and listen, Miss
Farrell said, "but my son usually
slaps me. He likes the music, but
he doesn't know quite what to do
about it."
MISS FARRELL herself relaxes
.,vif ,,nrnln'. r, n r .mhnh ohA f..-

ing bonfires

WASHINGTON - The vanguard of 205.000 homeless Eu-I

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