17- THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 11 .. . ...... ... _, .1 Members of Merit-Tutorial Committee Aid 'U' Students 0> Plan Casbah As Campus Coeds Raise Funds for FresF Air Camp as Part of Projedt MEMBERS of the Merit-Tutorial Committee in the League aid deficient students in finding tutors and keep the activities files up to date for the use of students and campus organizations.- The Merit section of the com- mittee keeps a complete file of, all undergraduate women and the extra-curricular activities in which, they have participated. The cards bear each coed's picture, address, phone number and class. With these cards are person-l nel reports made out by various chairmen of committees and heads of other activities. These personnel reports are used to compile each woman's activityr point record. Panhellenic . 0 (Continued from Page 1) Panhellenic has chapters on ev- 'ry campus having sororities and in addition maintains chapters in many cities and towns throughout the country. National Panhellenic meets biennially to make necess- ary changes in rules and proced- ure3. At Michigan, Panhellenic spon- sors many activities and projects. Among these are contributions to the University Fresh Air Camp, campus projects such as the Red Cross, Famine Drive, and United Nations Relief. Panhellenic works with As- sembly, the independent wo- men's association for the furth- erance of coed interests on cam- pus. Together they sponsor student-faculty teas, and will plan the Frosh Weekend to be held in the spring. Panhel Ball, to be given on Nov. 13, will be open to the campus. Other functions sponsored by the organization include exchange dinners between sororities and be- tween sororities and fraternities. An inter-sorority bridge tourna- ment will also be held this year. A campus entertainment night, under the auspices of Panhellenic will also be given sometime during the winter. Individual sororities support their own projects and favorite charities, such as "Care." Each year in January, Panhellenic Rec- ognition Night honors scholastic and activity achievement among the sororities. Sorority transfers from other schools are asked by Panhellenic to. sign up in their office in the League. Individual sororities give teas or open houses welcoming their transfer members in the fall. Additional information on Panhellenic is available in "League Lowdown," a booklet put out by the Undergraduate Council of the League and ob- tainable in the Undergraduate Offices of the League. Rushing for sororities at Michi- gan is "deferred," which means that rushing does not occur until the spring semester. The reason for deferring rushing is to give co- eds a chance to get acquainted with the sororities and decide whether or not they wish to rush. A C average is required for the first semester's work to be eligible for rushing. Rushing covers a two week period at the beginning of the spring semester. During this time interested coeds -get a chance to meet sorority women at planned teas and parties. If a sorority has room for more girls it may hold informal fall rushing. However the main rushing season begins in the spring term with a series of op- en houses. The rest of the functions during rushing are attended by written invitation ending with to prefer- ential desserts. p - 'f The reports are also used for the benefit of the Office of the Dean of Women, the Social Director of the League, Judiciary Council, League Committees and honor so- cieties, who, by referring to the file, may find just the coed they need to work on some activity. The files are also used as references by employers of Michigan graduates. NOT ONLY the activities in which a coed has taken part, but alsoj areport on how well she did the job is kept in the records. These files are very important and it is to each coed's advantage that her card be kept up to date, ac- cording to Virginia Nicklas, chair- man of Merit-Tutorial Committee. All students desiring tutors .should contact the tutoring serv- ice at the League and receive the name and telephone number of a tutor. Tutors and students make their own arrangements concerning the time and place of tutoring. Tutors'receive 75 cents an hour and tutoring ends two weeks before final examinations begin. Tobe eligible to tutor, a stu- dent must have received an A in the course or a B if it is his major. Tutors are available at the begin- ning of each semester for all stu- dents except freshmen, who may have tutors after their five-weeks grades are received. The bulletin board in the Un- dergraduate Office of the League is kept up to date by the commit- tee. Information on all League activities may be found there also. Insaddition to their regular duties, members of the Merit- Tutorial Committee have under- taken the job of setting up an information booth in the Merit- Tutorial Room in the Under- graduate Office of the League. The booth is equipped with in- formation on practically every- thing on campus and in Ann Arbor that would be of interest to students. Merit-Tutorial Office is open every afternoon during the week except Saturday. The committee is an integral part of League ac- tivities and is an opportunity for coeds to start out in League activ- ities and get the "know-how" on the workings of the organization. Miss Nicklas will be aided by four assistants. They are Carol Tuer, Jackie Zipp, Miriam Cady and Joyce Gould. Night Spot Holds New Talent Show Every Week THE CAMPUS CASBAH, student soft-drink night spot origin- ated last year, will again open its glamorous doors for weekly Fri- day and Saturday night dances in the League Ballroom. Designed to relieve the dearth of entertainment facilities on week- end nights, the Casbah features weekly floorshows and refresh- ments. Intimate tables lines the dance floor providing that touch of the night club atmosphere. The orchestra which will be fur- nished for most of the dances will be announced at a later date. Plans have been completed on the permanent decorations of the Casbah. Curtains surround the bandstand with a deep vel- vet drop over the top with cur- tains of the same material at the sides of the bandstand. STUDENT entertainers provide new talent for the floorshow each week. Anyone interested in participating in the programs can attend the tryouts held weekly. Announcements of the time and place of the auditions will be printed in The Daily. The Casbah, a non-profit func- tion, is a project of the League Council. Funds are used for im- provement of the facilities. In addition to the entertain- ment provided by the dance, other facilities of the building will be opened for student use on Friday and Saturday nights. For that in - between - dance snack, the hours of the League Grill will coincide with those of the Casbah. The Grand Rapids Room, will be available for bridge and table games. Cards will be furnished by the League. Classical music may be heard in the second floor lounge. JACKIE READ will be the chair- man of the League ballroom committee. Assisting Miss Read will be Ellie Littlefield and Pauline Zimmerman, floorshow assistants. Ann Sauer and Jo Bell will be in charge of posters and decorations. Publicity will be handled by Mary Ann Harris and Bernice Calkins will be in charge of personnel. .. - .. ThIE V1Y 'Tt9/y~t4 L A4UtE M AN ARBO[MlC4%4AM- f E !V.f'NIN T-R06k! uaAT.Pp r1 Pt r CENTER OF WOMEN'S ACTIVITIES-The Michigan League houses the undergraduate coed's gov- ernmental activities. The office of the Judiciary Council, Merit Tutorial, Junior Girls' Play, Sopho- more Cabaret and many others can be found here. The League is equipped with a Library, lounge, ballroom, a dining-room and cafeteria and rooms for guests. The Campus Casbah, campus night- spot is also located here. Casbah dances are held every Friday and Saturday night. Michigan League Landm--arks Mecca of Women's fRctivitie Raising funds for the University Fresh Air Camp for under-priv- ileged children has been a major project of University coeds under the direction of Assembly and Panhellenic ,Association. Among the projects undertaken by the organizations to raise funds for the camp is the annual As- sembly Hop, Tag Day and several benefit programs. Boy Haven, The camp is situated 24 miles northwest of Ann Arbor on Pat- terson Lake. It is the haven of approximately 230 boys between Sororities Plan Informal Fall Rushing Period Deferred rushing will be the procedure this year once again, according to Christine Blair, rush- ing chairman of the Panhellenic Association. According to this program, for- mal sorority rushing will not start until the beginning of the spring semester. Informal Rushing Informal rushing in the fall will be held for those houses who wish to participate, but first semester freshmen are not eligible for this rushing period. It will begin as soon as organization is possible. Immediately afterformal rush- ing in the spring, informal rush- ing will again be held. All coeds registered for formal rushing will not have to re-register for in- formal rushing. The Panhellenic Association is stressing the honor system in pre- ference to the contact rules sys- tem. Conditions There are three conditions un- der the contact system, the first of which is that independent wo- men are not to enter sorority houses. Secondly, sorority women are riot to enter dormitories and thirdly the two should not strive to form new friendships. This system is effective as soon as school starts. Sororities will strive to create as informal an atmosphere as possible during the rushing per- iod, nevertheless. the ages of eight and 14 during two four week periods. The camp serves a three-f purpose; to remedy the maladju ments of small boys who have d ficulty in adjusting to home e vironment by offering a vacati land among other youngsters; supply reference agencies with i formation and guidance in t child's behavior; and to provi students of education and so ology with opportunities for pra tical work combined with theore ical classroom work. Plans for student use of t camp have become a reality in t past year. Student organizatio have held picnics, parties a dances at the camp last sprin Present plans for student use for see the camp as a year-arou student recreation spot. Tee Skating The camp borders on two lak which may be used for swimmi and fishing in the summer, i skating and ice boating in tt winter. The hilly land is suitable f skiing, tobogganing in the winte and for picnics in the spring an fall. The camp's lodge contai a large recreation room, with fir places and a stage which coul be used for dances by groups students. Tentative plans for the cam include a regular week end cal endar of University-sponsore events and a winter sports car nival resembling the Dartmout af fair. Beach House Contributions and proceeds fro benefits have resulted in a sub stantial contribution toward- th building of a much-needed beac house for the camp. The projecte beach house will provide shower and dressing roois for the under privileged boys who attend th camp during the summer. In addi tion, the first floor of the build ing will house boat and othe equipment. When completed, th boat house could be used in th winter by skaters. The Fresh Air Camp Tag Da will be held again this year. Pro ceeds from this drive will be util- ized solely for the benefit of th boys. Funds to help winterize the camp for student use are derived from other drives and private con tributions. THE MICHIGAN LEAGUE, a fa- miliar landmark to all under- graduate women, is the mecca of University women's activities and scene of many social events. Food service, which include the League Grill on the main floor, and the dining room on the sec- Judic... (Continued from Page 1) Committee and of the Adminis- trative Board of the Literary Col- lege. The Judiciary Council meets in the Council Room, which is one of the Undergraduate Offices located in tp'e League. Coeds having ques- tions concerning residence regu- lations may call members of the Council, either at the League or at their respective residences, for in- formation about any of the cam- pus rules. ond floor, were established for thei use of students, faculty, and the general public. Hotel accommo- dations are especially for the usej of alumnae. all of whom are life members of the League. Reserva- tions may be made for friends of students as well as for visiting artists in the concert and lecture series. Rooms for project and com- mittee meetings are provided by the League at no cost to stu- dents. Lounge rooms, separate study rooms, music rooms, and the third floor League library are open to coeds at all times. Traditionally a women's build- ing, men must be accompanied by women on the second and third floors. IN ADDITION to providing fa- cilities for general use of Uni- versity women, the building also houses the League and Judiciary Councils in the Undergraduate Offices on the main floor. Assem- bly and Panhellenic Associations are headquartered on. the third floor.hThe Alumnuae Council and Social Director's offices are also on the main floor. The building was erected in 1929, following an extensive fund raising campaign conduct- ed by University women and al- umnae so that they might have a center for alumnae and stu- dent organizations. The cam- paign began early in 1921 when undergraduates and the Alum- nae Council decided to under- take the responsibility for spon- soring a building. The Board of Regents voted to grant the land later that year, and the sum of one million dollars was set as the goal of the campaign. Every University coed is auto- matically a member of the League, and is urged to use all facilities. SIP- hPn T . 'i t ,.., & $* w 'W ~~,_. ..r I ' .1: , 4..re iff'"4 MI' I 4 SHEER HOSIERY For Street and Evening Wear Proportioned .1*.l Lengths. BEAUTIFUL SHADES ROMAN STRIPE McCALLUM DOVEDOWN Cc )LLEGE SHOP Beady To Welcome YOU To Michigan Tempting Refreshment from Breakfast to Teatime in The SNACK BAR and GARDEN Restaurant ONCE AGAIN . .. Goodyear's waves a cordial greeting to all Freshmen and new students. Planned for your enjoyment and greater shopping convenience . . our College Shop on State Street offers fine quality merchandise in a delightfully attractive and informal setting. Whether you come in for a lipstick or formal, a snack, or just to browse aroand ... / Vi I, l 1'l" "Vlf YIIllYT "I' fl t-d-%"a® Xrtlll 1