,. w - '49 MICHIGRAS See Page 4 Yl r e t togFtn A& :43 a t t4p CLOUDY AND WARMER Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LIX, No. 14 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1948 U PRICE FIVE CENTS Hurricane's Path Marked By Deaths Storm's Center Moves Out to Sea MIAMI, Fla. -(AP)-A tropical hurricane roared over the Florida "Gold Coast" tonight, kicking up 90-mile an hour wind guests and ,several tornadoes as its center swept out to sea near Pompano. EIGHTEEN PERSONS were found in wreckage of houses at Pompano. In Fort Lauderdale, eight miles away, a tornado sliced the second story off a house. Opa-tocka northwest of Miami, reported a tornado wrecked two houses on a dairy farm near there. News and rescue work in the areas hit by tornadoes was de- layed by arrival of the hurri- cane. During the day, the hurricane battered Havana, beautiful capi- tal city of Cuba, with 132-mile winds killing at least eleven per- sons, 300 injured and crop dam- age on the island estimated at $6,000,000. HURRICANE warnings were or- dered down from Miami south- ward around to Fort Myers but remained displayed north of Mi- ami to Jupiter. Florida apparently escaped se- rious damage. West Palm Beach had winds of 40 to 50 nules an hourebut they were expected to go even higher as the storm's eye veered away from the maland The hurricane cafpried heavy rains to the eastward, but little water fell in the Florida Ever- glades, already sodden from a hur- ricane two weeks ago. Hurricane warnings were ordered down in the Lake Okeechobee area. The worst of the tornadoes wrecked 13 houses at Pompano. Meteorologists Say Typhoon To HitJapan Tokyo Not in Direct Path of Disturbance TOKYO-( )-A destructive ty- phoon which caused an estimated $10,000,000 damage on Okinawa is expected to strike the area south- east of Tokyo tonight. U.S. Army weathermen revised earlier forecasts that the storm might miss Japan. HIGH winds hit Kyushu, south- ernmost Japanese Island. They said, however, the disturbance was abating after winds reached a velocity of 120 miles an hour over the American held Ryukyus (Okinawa). Center of the Atorm is ex- pected to pass 60 miles south- east of Tokyo at 9 p.m. The Army weather wing at Haneda Field predicted winds of 80 miles an hour at the core. It warned of heavy seas and high tides along the coast of Japan. Heavy rains will fall along the south coastline with winds up toC 46 miles per hour, the Army said. The typhoon is moving in a north- easterly direction parallel to the Japanese Islands. ** * THE U.S. FAR EAST command moved rapidly to send aid to Oki- nawa, which rode out Monday's lashing without a reported cas- ualty. Three tugs with salvage re- pair and floating equipment al- ready have departed from Yoko- hama. The air corps arranged to fly skilled workmen to help the Oki- nawa garrison get back on its feet. With them will go everything from nails to plexiglas and other critical supplies. Sain Faces Feller In Boston Opener Of World Series BOSTON-0P)-Two of baseball's greatest righthanders, Bobby Feller of the Cleveland Indians and Johnny Sain of the Boston Braves, will fire 'em across this afternoon in the opening game of the 1948 World Series at Braves Field. FOR FELLER, the old Iowa farm boy, the honor of pitching the first game of the classic comes as a fitting climax to one of the brilliant careers of modern times. Though he was off his feed a good part of the season, the big fast-baller won 19 while losing 15 for the American League Cham- pions. Sain, ace of the Braves, mound staff, turned in 24 victories in the regular season while losing 15, and it is largely on his pitching that Russia Marsha- Paris Report To Be Given ;. On Saturday Truman To Cut East Campaign Boycotts Berlin Debate Returning From UN 0 JOHNNY SAIN BOB FELLER ... hurlers to duel in first game the National League winners must pin their hopes of beating red-hot Cleveland club. theI TICKETS OF ANY sort were at a great premium yesterday, and the Braves' medium-size park is certain to be packed to its absolute limit by some 40,000 fans when Said, with a huge helping of tobacco in his left cheek, fogs his first throw across at 1 p.m. Cleveland, terribly impressive in whaling the Boston Red Sox in Monday's play-off for the American League flag, is a heavy favorite among the game's authorities to splatter the Braves in the series. Most -of the experts doubt it will go anywhere near the limit of seven games. In Boston, though, the fans have just finished watching Man- ager Billy 8outhworth's wonder boys win their pennant breezing, and they harbor a sublime conviction they will mow down the rival aborigines from the West. They concede that, on paper, the thing might look one-sided, but they refuse to read the figures. BOTH PILOTS ANNOUNCED their starting line-ups, and there were no surprises. Most cheering to Braves' supporters was the news that Eddie Stanky, scrappy little second-baseman, is ready to go after a long convalescence from a broken ankle. See INJUNS, Page 3 CHORAL UNION CONCERT: Eileen Farrell Will Give First Ann Arbor Performance WASHINGTON - (A) - The White House announced that President Truman has called Sec- retary of State Marshall home from the United Nations meeting in Paris to report on the interna- tional situation. Marshall will make his report Saturday. Y * *, THE ANNOUNCEMENT came as the President was preparing to leave Washington tomorrow on an election campaign tour through Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York and Delaware. He will cu short the tour by one day to mee Marshall here. The White House announce- ment did not disclose what the President desires to discuss with Marshall, although the Berlin crisis and the critical conflict between Russia and the Western Powers in the United Nations' sessions at Paris appearedcer- tain topics of their talks. Neither did White House offi- cials or State Department infor- mants hint at any changes in American Foreign Policy as a re- sult of the session between the President and his Secretary of State. CHARLES ROSS, presidential press secretary, said: "There is no particular crisis that causes the President to bring General Marshall back. He just wishes an oral report on every- thing that has been going on." The President is dispatching his personal plane, the Indepen- dence, to fly Marshall home from France. Hie is due here about 10 a.m. Saturday. Michael J. McDermott, State Department Press Officer, told re- porters after a conference with Undersecretary of State Lovett: * * * "THE SECRETARY will be here over the week end to see the President." Asked whether Marshall's re- turn had been anticipated by State Department officials, Mc- Dermott said that "the Secretary had expected that he would report to the President from time to time." Parties Brim Campaigns To Students The political campaign will be brought to the campus and Ann Arbor today and tomorrow with two speeches scheduled G. Mennen Williams, Democra- tic gubernatorial candidate 'will speak at 5 p.m. today at the Masonic temple. TOMORROW, Young Republi- cans will join with the Young Demnocrats in sponsoring a debate between Prof. Preston W. Slosson, Democratic nominee for Congress and Harold Sponberg, spokesman for the Republican party. The two debaters will square off at 8:30 p.m. in the Hussey Room of the League to present 15 minute prepared speeches on the issues of "Prices, Housing, and labor." Preceding the debate, the Young Republicans will hold a business meeting at the Hussey Room at 7:30 p.m. while the Democrats hold a similar meeting in the Union. Mrs. Pollock Dies Mrs. Agnes Marie Pollock, wife of Prof. James K. Pollock, chair- man of the political science de- ARTIST'S DRAWING OF NEW NAVY CARRIER. . . This is an artist's conception of the United States Navy's new 65,000-ton flush deck aircraft carrier, largest U.S. war vessel ever proposed. The design was originally proposed by late Adm. Marc A. Mjtscher. It will have a speed of 33 knots and an overall length of 1,090 feet. Maximum width will be 236 feet. AMERICANS TO THE CONTRARY: No War Talk Heard on Continent vy. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Last week, The Daily reported that American stu- dents who were abroad this sum- merfound much talk and anticipa- tion of a Third world War. Today, The Daily describes the impressions of the Europeans themselves.) By PHYLLIS KULICK Talk at International Center about the so-called war hysteria in Europe contrasts sharply with impressions that American stu- dents brought back with them from their travels abroad this summer. A DAILY INTERVIEW with students from representative countries-Italy, The Netherlands, Austria and Finland'-struck one unanimous note. There is no TALK of a third world war on the continet, student from Holland voiced. Steve Vandenberg, a graduate this opinion when he said, "Americans brought their own expectations with them when studying abroad." Europe expects another war to ADVANCE GIFTS CAMPAIGN: Solicitations for Community Fn rv ei oa Concert-goers will gather for the first Choral Union program of the year at 8:30 tonight when the widely-acclaimed soprano, Eileen Farrell gives her first Ann Arbor performance in Hill Au- ditorium. A white hope of the nations's music crtics since her first ap- pearance six years ago, Miss Far- rell will give local concert-goers the explanation of her rapid rise to stardom in a wide program of vocal favorites. THIS EVENING'S program in- cludes: "When I Am Laid in Earth" from "Dido and Aeneas," "Divinities du Styx" from "Al- ceste," "Immer Leiser Wird Mein Schlummer" and "Botschaft" by Brahms, "Der Engel" and "Schmerzen" from Miss Farrell's Wagner repertoire. Completing the first part of the program will be the aria "Pace, Pace, Mio Dio" from "La Forza del Destino." The latter half of the concert will open with "Beau Soir" and "Nuit d'Etoiles" by Debussy, fol- lowed by "La Pavane" by Bru- near and Bachelet's "Chere Nuit." * * * ATTENTION WILL shift to contemporary works with "Strew No More Red Roses," by Frank Bridge, "Sing No Sad Songs" by Carl Thorpe and Clifford Shaw's "If There Be Ecstasy." "A Memory" by Rudolf Ganz and "Bird of the Wilderness" by Edward Horsman are the final numbers scheduled for Miss Farrell's appearance tonight. Many of the pieces in tonight's performance are familiar to Far- rell fans who have heard the so- prano on the numerous radio pro- grams which have. featured her voice, including the "Prudential Family Hour" and New York Phil- harmonic broadcasts. Single tickets for Miss Farrell's appearance tonight are available in limited numbers in the Choral Union offices today in Burton Me- morial Tower, and may be pur- chased directly before the concert at the Hill Auditorium box of- The Advance Gifts Campaign in the 1949 Community Fund Drive will begin tomorrow, it was an- nounced by F. Huston Colvin, chairman. E. J. Soop, director of the Uni- versity Extension Service, will su- pervise solicitations among the University employees. * * * THIS PHASE of the Commun- ity Fund Drive will end on Oc- tober 18, at which time the gen- eral red feather drive will begin. The University quota this year is $25,000, according to Professor John Arthos, campus chairman for the drive. This represents an increase of 15 per cent over last year's quota. Prof. Arthos said that due to the rising costs in maintaining the 15 social agencies supported by the Community Fund, it has been'hec- essary to raise the quota. * * * Although the University staff has not increased, he expects that contributions will be in accord with the new quota. Ability to Tall In Public Asset To Engineers Public speaking is one of the most important auxiliary tools an engineer can possess, according to Clint Booth, past president of Sigma Rho Tau, opening the group's organization meeting last night. The main purpose of Sigma Rho Tau is to help engineers ac- quire the ability of expressing themselves and -feeling their ideas, Booth said. Ellsworth Renier, president of Sigma Rho Tau, compared the technical engineer to a diamond in nature. It only takes a few hours of additional effort to make what appears to be just another pebble, a shining and valuable diamond. Prof. Ferdinand N. Menefee of the engineering mechanics depart- ment, described the role of the engineer in the court, emphasiz- ing the importance of an engineer being able to think and express himself effectively under pres- sure. come but it is a numb realization they agreed. "There is no talk or thought of war," one said. "The crux of the situation is that after all their hardships the people just don't care." * * * GENERALLY THEY registered surprise andrdismay at the preva- lance of war talk in the United States. All agreed with Frank Spit- zer of Austria when he said, "Europeans don't mention war because they feel the whole question is up to Russia and the United States. Europe is mere- ly waiting." Only Vandenberg of Holland expressed optimism. He called war a physical impossibility. "Russia was hit harder than Europe so how can she afford to fight when Europe can't," he said. * * * VANDENBERG stressed the fact that Europe feels more secure now that the United States has assumed an international role and Britain is in the thick of things rather than outside trying to maintain a balance of power. As to why another war is be- ing publicized in this country he said, "It is good campaign material to cover up domestic issues." * * * "AFTER THE election Soviet tactics will change depending up- on the foreign policy of the new administration," he said. Bino Kainlauri of Finland was most pessimistic. He ex- pressed assurance that the United states will get out of Berlin by December. "If Russia is the aggressor it will start in November; the Unit- ed States would attack in the spring." * * * ITALIAN ZORAC Organschi remarked that Americans haven't experienced the devastation of war on their native soil. "Europe is willing to make many more concessions so that peace can be maintained than you Americans," said Vandenberg. Kainlauri, who is president of the European Club, stressed the feeling of unity among the Euro- pean students on campus who look forward to the creation of a Unit- ed States of Europe. UN Council Asks To Hear Full 'Details Vishinsky Claims Russian Boycott (By The Associated Press) PARIS-Fiery Andrei Vishinsky announced Russia will boycott the Berlin debate in the United Na- tions Security Council. He demanded the floor and dis- closed his decision immediately after the Council voted 9 to 2 to hear the full details of the East- West dispute- over Berlin. * * * VISHINSKY left up in the air the question of whether he would be present when the Council re- sumes its meetings. Smiling broadly at newsmen who pressed for his plans, he said: "I made my position perfectly clear. That is, I am not going to take part in deliberations on this question." "Do you mean you will not at- tend-there is a difference be- tween attend and take part," one reporter queried. * * *" " * "I SEE NO difference," Vishin- sky replied. Then, in a short statement to the tense Council, Vishinsky summed up his arguments that the Council decision was illegal and the Berlin crisis should be handled by the four-power council of foreign ministers. In a calm voice and without gestures, he announced the deci- sion to bpycott: a * * "THE DELEGATION of the U.S.S.R. wishes to state, in the name of the 'government of the, U.S.S.R., that the adoption by the majority of the Security Coun cil of the presentitem for considera- tion constitutes a violation of Ar- ticle 107 of the Charter, according to which such a question should be decided by the powers respon- sible for the occupation of Ger- many. Marshall Asks Western States To Back Spain NEW YORK-The New York Times said tonight in a Paris Dis- patch that Secretary of State Marshall has proposed to Britain and France that the United Na- tions Assembly be asked to rescind. its Dec. 12, 1946, resolution against Franco Spain. This resolution recommended that all members of the United Nations. withdraw their ministers and ambassadors from Madrid until the regime of Generalissimo Francisco Franco is ousted. * * * THE TIMES DISPATCH said both British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin and French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman were reported to be hesitant about sponsoring a move to rescind the U.N. action. They were reported concerned about the reaction the move would cause in the British La- bor Party and the French So- cialist Party. The dispatch said Marshall's proposal was regarded as a first step toward the international re- habilitation of Spain. Louis Harmon Dies Louis Harmon, father of Michi- gan's All-American Tom Harmon, died at 5:30 p.m. yesterday in Uni- versity Hospital, officials; an- nounced. Harmon, who was 75, had suf- fered a chronic illness and recent complications led to his death, hnsni+t,1 enffniea~lc cnidAll mm IN THE PAST, Soop said, Special Gifts solicited have counted for a large part of University total. the ac- the Garg Meeting There will be a meeting of all Gargoyle staffs in the Gargoyle office at 4 p.m. today. Every member should be present. World News At A Glance FOOTBALL FOLLOWERS . . . who want rides or riders to theiwn na es an e By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-Attorney General Tom Clark today denied that the Justice Department ever tappedanytelephone wires of John L. Lewis. Lewis, head of the United Mine Workers, told the UMW con- vention at Cincinnati that Clark had wires leading into Lewis' home and his office tapped during the litigation between the miners and 'THIS IS WHAT I THINK ...' Diag Plays Host to Political Round Table Turning the center of the cam- pus into an impromptu political ing politics. As the day grew onl the group began to grow alternat- up a booth nearby as part of its current membership drive. The i