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October 05, 1948 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-10-05

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-. -. - -


Japanese Women Gain
Prestige Says Studerit
Socially, politically and economically the Japanese woman up
the time of the occupation was practically non-existent, Miss To-
iiko Kabashima of Tokyo told The Daily in an interview yesterday.
Miss Kabashima is one of the first four Japanese students study-
g abroad since the onslaught of the war. She is here on a Barbour
It took a war and an occupation force to start the ball rolling
woman suffrage. "Almost immediately MacArthur granted
omen political rights. They re-d * * *

sponded by electing 39 women to
the national Diet and countless
others to public office."
Those in the Diet understood
the connection between politics
and their daily life, but for the
most part the townswomen are
not yet politically minded, she
pointed out.
"Adult education is expanding
into the countryside and women
now have a governmental channel
through which to coordinate all
activities related to their social
and legal gain," she said.
"Of course, fundamental to the
effect of new privileges is educa-
tion and training for assumption
of their new role," she said.
A special student in sociology,
Miss Kabashima has been part of
the growing movement in Japan
for the recognition of women as
responsible members of society.
Miss Kabashima cited the new
Labor Standards Law as a real
force in improving the status of
the Japanese woman.
Before the war women were
banned from the Universities and
could only attend "junior col-
leges." The new constitution has
made coeducation possible on
every level.
"Mobilization during the war
Speedy Typist
To Exhibit
Skill Today
Kiddin' on the keys is only one
way in which Cortez Peters, Amer-
ica's fastest typist on the portable
typewriter, exhibits his skill.
At a demonstration to be held
at 10:30 and 11:00 a.m. today,
at the Business Administration
School, Peters will also put on a
speed show.
HOLDER of the present port-
able speed championship, Cortez
travels the country giving exhi-
bitions of speed and stunt typing.
Not only does he type to music,
but the Chaimp also finger tap-
dances on the keys.
Because he can type blindfold-
ed while wearing mittens, among
his other feats, Peters has been
featured in Paramount film
shorts, on television and on
radio's Hobby Lobby.
Peters developed his typing skill
while he was a government clerk
in Washington. He became so well
known for his skill that he used
to type testimony and speeches
from special court trials, and im-
portant official occasions.
Association of Independent Men
-7:30 p.m., Rm. 3-L, Union.
At the State-"Romance on the
High Seas," 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.
At the Michigan-"Street With
No Name," 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.

_ ...

eries Starts
Eileen Farrell
To Sing at Hill
Opening the annual University
concert season will be soprano star
Eileen Farrell, who will appear at
8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Audi-
Hailed as one of the greatest
singing discoveries of recent years,
Miss Farrell will show her talents
to Choral Union concert-goers in
a varied program including
Brahms, Wagner, Verdi and De-
bussy favorites and a number of
modern works.
THE YOUNG Irish - American
soprano made her debut in the
music world in 1942, and soon was
solo star on her own radio pro-
gram. Since that time, she has ap-
peared in numerous guest spots on
radio music hours.
Miss Farrell is a frequent solo-
ist with the New York Philhar-
monic, and has starred on the
"Prudential Family .Hour" for
five successive summers.
The Farrell voice was original-
ly intended to play second fiddle
to a career in art, but the soprano
was persuaded to switch to con-
cert singing. Almost ommediately,
themusic critics declared that her
performances were "the kind great
singers used to do but almost nev-
er do any more."
Tickets for Miss Farrell's con-
cert are still available in the
Choral Union offices in Burton
Memorial Tower, or may be pur-
chased at Hill Auditorium box of-
fice Wednesday night.

PIC- r


I r i /

SC I E N T I ST-Prof. Au-
guste Piccard, wearing spectacles
with hinged second lens, explains
on cargo ship at Antwerp, Bel-
iurn, details of his bathyscape,
40-ton steel ball in which he
plans to explore depths of Gulf
of Guinea, East Indies.

LOW-C UT - Eleanor
Parker. screen actress, wears a
satin dinner gown, low-cut and
draped off the shoulders.

...-Japanese student
forced students fron tle univer-
sities into factories and little
studying was accomplished," Miss
Kabashima continued. "Now they
have returned to their studies with
renewed zeal, always looking for
something constructive to do but
frequently frustrated in the chao-
tic situation."
Miss Kabashima recalled with a
laugh Prof. Fifield's pun calling
the General the 27th Shogun of

O N B E ACH - Lola All-
bright of the movies poses in her
bathing suit during a visit to
beach in California.

C 0 W G I R L Q U E E N - Peggy mcCarthy, 22, chosen
"Aliss Las Vegas '"to represent Nevada at rodeo in New York
this fall, proves she can ride as well as look pretty.

NCN-can't be beaten
in the U. S.

__._. i



-M©0 N T^A N A S K I R U N - Toni Matt, ski school in-
structor, goes do n a course near Whitefish, Mont., where national
downhill and slalom championships will be held next M'larch.



So tidy, so trim, so
reminiscent of the<
of yore ... you'llc
- these Penobscot Tr
- with their lady-likc
slim silhouette. St
and crafted so deli
n priced so consid
you'll consider them
best wardrobe assets.


j E F F E R S 0 N M E M O R I A L- This view of the Jefferson Memorial at Washington, D.C.,,
was made through a hole in the side of bridge across inlet to Tidal Basin in Potomac Part;.




F RE N C H I N V E N T I O N-A lazy man's garden spade
is demonstrated at an inventors' exhibition in Paris. The gadget
is rigged with a roller support, springs and levers.

is the place for
at 69c
3 for $2.00
(Get 'em by the dozen)




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