LOS'1' SwF4b TRUTl See Page 4 742 t at CLOUDIER, JUST AS COOL Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LIX, No. 13 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1948 E PRICE FIVE CENTS Indians Rip Sox, Take Flag, 83 First Series in 28 Years for Tribe; Face Braves Tomorrow for Opener (See Pictures of Boudreau and Bearden, Page 3) BOSTON,-(P')-Cleveland's battling Indians loosed a searing home run barrage behind stout-hearted five-hit pitching by Lefty Gene Bearden to crush the Boston Red Sox, 8 to 3, in a "sudden death" playoff for the American League pennant. Two mighty blasts into the left field screen at Fenway Park by Manager Lou Boudreau and a three-run homer by third baseman Ken Keltner high outside the orchard-all within the first five innings- gave the Tribesmen all the runs they needed to humble the Hose and qualify for their first world series in 28 years. * * * * THE INDIANS will oppose the Boston Braves in the fall classic beginning here tomorrow. Bearden, 28-year-old Purple Heart veteran of the war in the Pacific, pitched his second complete game in three days and would have blanked the fearsome Sox sluggers for the last eight innings but for an error behind him by second baseman Joe Gordon in the sixth. Led by Boudreau with his two circuit smashes and two line singles, the Indians bashed two Boston flingers, Denny Galehouse and Ellis Kinder, for 13 solid blows and were never under pressure after Keltner delivered his three-run blast in the fourth. The 36-YEAR-OLD Galehouse, a surprise nomination by Manager Joe McCarthy, was driven to the showers by Keltner's homer, his 31st of the year. Kinder gave up the last eight Cleveland hits and four runs. A crowd of just under 34,000 saw the Cleveland players put on a wild demonstration as they rushed for the dressing room after the final out. Despite a newly-fitted artificial leg, youthful president Bill Veeck of the Tribe half-ran clear across the infield to join his men and help whack Bearden's broad shoulders. See ROOKIE, Page 3 Russia, U. s. Clash over Berlin Crisis Vandenberg Hails Bipartisan Prog ram MuiC1pl Excise Tax on. Amusements Is Considered With an eye to Ann Arbor's increasing size and the High Cost of Living, the City Council last night contemplated a municipal excise tax on football tickets, show prices and other amusements. After councilmen considered what a 10 per cent tax on Wolver- ine gridiron receipts would net, the Council unanimously, passed a> resolution calling for a Mayor's Committee on City Financing. The committee would study excise taxes and other means of adding to the city's income. ALDERMAN A. D. MOORE, professor of electrical engineering, proposed the resolution. He stated that city expenses would rise $100,- 000 in the coming year. 4' Employe raises in salaries, Campus GOP Anticipates Dewey Visit No Formal Speech, Say Party Members The campus may play host to a distinguished alumnus, Thomas E. Dewey, if present plans of the Young Republicans pan out. Jim Schoener, chairman of the campus chapter of the group, said last night that if Gov. Dewey makes his tentative campaign junket into Michigan, he wants to include the University in his itine- rary. * * * SCHOENER revealed that the local Young Republicans sent an invitation to Dewey last August to visit his old alma mater. The group received a reply from Dewey's campaign head- quarters indicating that he was especially eager to visit the Uni- versity and hisi home town, Owosso. I (The Detroit Free Press report- ed yesterday that Dewey's cam- paign swing into Michigan is a "virtual certainty." Schoener indicated that if Dewey came to Ann Arbor he would make no formal address. Williams To Speak Here G. Mennen Williams, Democratic candidate for governor, will visit Ann Arbor tomorrow to give a speech and attend a dinner given by the Washtenaw County Demo- crats. He will speak at 5 p.m. in the Masonic Temple on "What's at Stake in the State." He will then go diirectly to the dinner at 6:30 raises in the prices of materials and personnel additions to the police force would account for the increases, according to Al- derman Moore. He jumped his estirUyte another $40,000 for refuse collection after; the council passed a revised gar- bage ordinance which would re- sult in municipal garbage and refuse collection by October 15, 1949. THE ORDINANCE calls for payments for the collection serv- ice, but Alderman Moore said payments would be "none too sat- isfactory" and called for collec- tion on a free basis. Members of the committee are expected to be named later. * * * (IF THE PROPOSED excise tax is passed, it Would probably apply in all cases where Federal amuse- ment taxes are now collected.) Alderman Moore commented that, in the opinion of Michigan Municipal League officials, the city was collecting all the monies possible under existing regula- tions. i 1 t 1 1 c t 1 Calls Russian Berlin Stand Peace Threat Predicts Dewey's November Win WASHINGTON - (P) - Sena- tor Arthur H. Vandenberg, (Rep. Mich.) described national unity as the best peace insurance and said U. S. voters can change the na- tional administration "without affecting the continuity of our foreign policy." At the same time, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee condemned Russia' attitude on the Berlin blockade a a "tlreat to everybody's peace, ou own emphatically included." * * * VANDENBERG predicted the election of Republican Thomas E. Dewey as President in indirect but unmistakable language. He said the Republicans cooperated with the administration on a bi-parti- san foreign policy and added: "I express the belief that our patriotic, Democratic friends will follow this example when they are the 'opposition' come next January 20." Vandenberg praised Dewey and his running mate, Gov. Earl War- ren of California, calling them men of exceptional "administra- tive genius." VANDENBERG listed two ma- jor advantages in a bi-partisan foreign policy: "One: it permits our democ- racy to speak with a great de- gree of unity at critical mo- ments.... "Two: it leaves us free to change our national administra- tion, if such be the people's desire and advantage, without affecting the continuity of our foreign pol- icy." VANDENBERG, veteran sena- tor from Michigan, stated the po- sition of the Republicans party in a speech prepared for a nationwide radio (CBS) broadcast. In the meantime, Gov. Dewey awaited at Albany a report from John Foster Dulles, United States representative to the United Nations, who has flown home from Paris to confer with the New York governor. Dulles is Dewey's closest adviser on foreign affairs. Vandenberg stressed the Re- publican role in the nation's so- called "bipartisan" foreign policy throughout his half-hour address. He said that during the past four years efforts to take American for- eign affairs out of "partisan poli- tics" have "to an important de- gree" succeeded, with credit to both major parties. "In the face of any foreign problems, our unity is as impor- tant as our atom bombs," he de- clared. "It is particularly impor- tant as a discouragement to alien miscalculation which, otherwise, might lead to the mistaken belief that we are vulnerable because of our domestic divisions. It is our best available i nsurance for peace." Daily-Bill Ohlinger.' IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO JOIN-Pictured above are five lovely reasons why Bill Graham believes his 'Ensian Business Staff tryout class is the best yet. The second meeting will be held at 4 p.m. today in the Student Publications Building. Men as well as women are still needed, according to Graham. Left to right (seated) are Lois Urban, Pat McClean, Business Manager Graham, and Carol Schnei- der. Standing are Eleanor Irwin, Patty Day and Nancy List. WHITE HOUSE PARLEYS: T ruman Patches Up Feud with Ickes WASHINGTON - (/P) - Presi- dent Truman put patches on a couple of old political feuds and prepared to hit the road again on Wednesday, northward bound. He was described as confident of "great progress" in recent stumping. Former secretary of the interior, Harold L. Ickes, who quit the Tru- man Cabinet in wrath, paid his first visit to the White House in two and one-half years. He came out smiling, said the chat was "en- tirely friendly" and promised a statement "in good time." A. F. WHITNEY, the railroad trainmen's chief who once vowed to throw his union's treasury into a fight against Mr. Truman but changed his mind, disclosed plans to campaign for the Democrats across the country. After these two parleys, the President plotted two more weeks of grinding train-and- plane campaigning in a huddle with Senator J. Howard Mc- Grath, Democratic chairman. Mr. Truman has been home only two days from a 140-plus speech tour of the West. The campaign flag will be hoisted over the Presidential spe- cial train Wednesday for a thrust into industrial Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and upstate New York. PRESS SECRETARY Charles G. Ross promised "a major speech on atomic energy" at the kickoff in Philadelphia tomorrow night. Major talks also will be made at Jersey City on Thursday and Buf- falo on Friday, with lesser speeches sprinkled along the right of way. Then, after a one-day pause in Washington, Mr. Truman will strike west on Sunday for major or near-major speeches at Ak- ron, O., on October 11 and on the succeeding days at Spring- field, Ill., St. Paul, Minn., Mil- waukee, Wis., and Indianapolis. The fortnight's travel will be rounded out with a "non-politi- cal" address to the American Le- gion convention at Miami on Oct. 18 and two speeches at Raleigh, N.C., on Oct. 19. He will fly both ways this trip. FinerLife? Police carrying pitchforks are patrolling the edge of campus today on the lookout for a black cow which is reported to be seeking the greener pastures of higher education. Farmer Conrad Ganzhorn told officers the black bovine had left his farm at the edge of the city and was last seen heading for campus town. A university official an- nounced firmly that the cow would have to take entrance exams like any other fresh- man. IBabson 's Supporters Slate Talks With the next meeting of the American Veterans Committee campus chapter only two days way, a flurry of activity has erupted on the AVC front. A majority of the members of AVC's executive committee, com- posed of supporters of chairman Dave Babson, has scheduled a se- ries of informal talks before va- rious campus grovips. The talks are designed to better acquaint interested veterans with the issues at stake at Thursday's meeting and to recruit new members. * * * ACCORDING TO Everett Bo- vard, vice-chairman of AVC, the discussions will be strictly "non- partisan" in character. Bovard is scheduled to speak today at the Robert Owen, Michigan, and Nakamura coop- erative houses and to the West Quad council at the Union. Quentin Nesbitt, AVC's record- ing secretary, will present a sim- ilar talk before the Association of Independent Men sometime be- fore Thursday's meeting. WHEN INFORMED of the pro- posed talks by Bovard and Nesbitt, John Sloss, who last week pro- posed the resolution demanding recall proceedings against Dave Babson, gave his wholehearted support to the plan-"as long as the talks are non-partisan," he added. Sloss also suggested that some of "the rank and file" accom- pany Bovard and Nesbitt "so that other views might be given if any questions come up about the recent fracas in AVC." Other evidence of increased AVC activity was a "fact sheet" mailed out to all active campus members which consisted of recent excerpts from The Daily. Quoted state- ments were presented without comment and members asked to make their own decisions. The sheets were signed by Sloss and five others. Name Delegates To State Meeting The campus chapter of the Young Progressives elected fifteen delegates to their state convention in Detroit this week-end at their weekly meeting last night in the Union. Plans were outlined for the forthcoming membership drive and. for a food collection to aid the striking workers of the Hoover Ball Bearing Co. Garg ?Meeting There will be a meeting of all Gargoyle staffs in the Gar- goyle office at 4 p.m. tomorrow. Every member should be pres- ent. Confine Issue To Big Four' --Vishinsky Jessup Demands UN Consideration PARIS-(A)-Russia's Andrei Y. Vishinsky demanded angrily that the Berlin deadlock go to the Council of Foreign Ministers. The United States insisted firm- ly that the Security Council act to halt the Soviet blockade. Vishinsky said the Security Council had no business discussing the stalemate. "Gentlemen, you have got the wrong address," he cried out. U.S. DELEGATE Philip C. Jes- sup-backed up by Britain-said Russia is threatening world peace in Berlin, and the threat is against the United States, Britain aid France. Jessup said the Security Council is the place to handle such threats to peace. The Council adjourned with- out a vote after three hours and twenty minutes of procedural wrangles and debate on whether to put the Western Power com- plaint against the Russians on the agenda. Another meeting was set for to- day at 3 p.m. (8 a.m. CST), when France and Syria have asked for the floor. * * * THERE WAS NO hint when the vote would come. Vishinsky said "we shall not be parties to such violations" of the U.N. charter but he gave no indication whether he would walk out or stay to fight if the Council decides to hear the case. Usually reliable United Na- tions sources said top-flight U. N. leaders-probably Secretary General Trygve Lie and Dr. Herbert Evatt, Australian for- eign minister and Assembly president-intend to offer to mediate the Berlin dispute. While the Security Council ar- gued whether even to discuss the case, Secretary of State George C. Marshall, French foreign minister Robert Schuman and British for- eign secretary Ernest Bevin talked about the Kremlin's demand-de- livered in notes to the Western Powers - that the four-nation council of foreign ministers take up the whole German issue. They adjourned after two hours with- out issuing a communique. Police Capture 37 in Gaming Raid on Farm Washtenaw sheriff's officers and state police captured 37 men in a gambling raid on a farm near Chelsea about 3 p.m. Sunday. The raid broke up a "stag party" allegedly given by the drill team of the local Eagles lodge. Officers of the lodge denied any knowledge of the party and said the Eagles' drill team might have given the affair without the knowledge of the other lodge members. About $600 in cash was seized by the 25 police, as well as six slot machines and a roulette wheel. Officers said this equipment and a poker game were in progress when they surrounded the alleged gamblers in a woodlot on the farm.A Six men are in jail charged with operating and maintaining a gam- bling establishment. The other 31 were released on $50 bond, and or- dered to appear in Municipal Court. Bus. Ad. Council To Be Elected Thirty-one petitioners are running for a dozen positions on the new Business Administration Student Council. Voters will choose their council- men from 8:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. MCAF Starts Investigation Of OlivetCase The Michigan Committee for Academic Freedom Sunday launched a full-scale investigation of the firing to Prof. and Mrs. T. Barton Akeley, at Olivet College. After hearing a report from Dr. Alfred McClung Lee, chairman of the Wayne University sociology department and representative of the American Civil Liberties Un- ion, the MCAF executive council moved to appoint a committee of educators and ministers to probe the case. * * DR. LEE commented that "fac- ulty tenure' was the basic issue at stake. He had returned from a survey of the Olivet scene. The executive board also ap- proved the action of NSA in pro- posing a public meeting in Ann Arbor at which Prof. Akeley, Olivet president Aubrey L. Ashby and Olivet students would express their views. MEANWHILE THE situation on Olivet campus remained quiet as ten students continued a policy of holding-out, each on a "per- sonal basis." None of them now reside in College dwellings. Those that did, left voluntarily. Members of the Student Action Committee still holding out lev- elled charges concerning reasons for the firing of two Action Com- mittee members who finally en- rolled. The pair were employed by a concessionaire who operates the College's dining rooms, until their dismissal two days ago. Meni's Judiciary 'U' Students Still Have Chance To See Out-of-Town Contests A quick look at the football ticket situation shows that two of the four remaining home games are complete - sell-outs, although students with the time and money have a pretty good chance of at- World News At a Glance LIMA, Peru -()-Rebel-seized ships of the Peruvian navy entered Callao harbor flying white flags of surrender in a dramatic climax to a short-lived but bloody revolution. .* * * MIAMI-(R)-Twenty-three per- sons saved by a pilot's skill in a night crash landing on a lonely Bahaman island were flown here by rescue planes. * * * MIAMI, Fla - (P) -Hurricane warnings flew along the Florida keys while a tropical storm whirled in the Caribbean Sea 200 miles southwest of Havana. * * * TOKYO - (P) - A violent ty- phoon slashed through Okinawa yesterday, causing ' $10,000,000 damage, and is now heading to- ward populous southern Japan, the U.S. Army reported.t tending the Minnesota and Ohio State games. Plenty of tickets for the Indiana game Nov. 13 are available at the Athletic Administration Building, according to Don Weir, ticket manager. * * * AND THERE are still "a very few" tickets left for the North- western game Oct. 16, Weir said. But there are no more seats for either the Navy or-Illinois games. The outlook for students planning to see "away" games is much better. The Wolverines Club will sponsor special train sections to both the Minnesota and Ohio State games. "There are still about 200 com- bination (train and game) tickets for Minnesota's game," said Don Greenfield, Wolverine Club mem- ber. These will cost students $36.50, and include the round trip train tickets and seats on the 40 yard line. * * * STUDENTS MAY BUY Minne- sota tickets at the booth near Rm. 2, Univeirsity Hall, Greenfield said. Tickets for the Ohio State game will go on sale beginning Nov. 2, according to Greenfield. There will be 500 tickets available at $18, which includes the round trip train fare to Columbus. IQ MIGHT TUMBLE: Lower Birth-rate of College Graduates Worries Experts By JANET WATTS College graduates are having fewer children these days. And population experts are worried about it. This lower birth rate might have a definite effect on the na- tional I.Q. the Population Reference Bureau has declared in its annual survey of the subject. DR. HORACE M. Miner, University professor of sociology, ad- mitted that the decrease in the number of children might mean a low- ering of the national IQ, but stated that the change would be relatively insignificant. "College graduates should have as many children as is practi- cally possible,"he said. He declared, however, "More intellectual potential is being wasted through non-training of persons with high IQ's than is being lost by CORPUSCLE CONSTR UCTION: Phi Gais Give Life Blood for Fraternity The Phi Gams may become ane-' i blood. They presented the chap-I month toward a building fundI