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October 03, 1948 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-10-03

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Su"AX, OCTOR ', 3 1948


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Campus Politics
(Daly Columnist)
a THE CASUAL observer, the campus po-
litical scene must appear dreadfully be-
wildering. Only the seasoned participant,
however, can appreciate how closely this ap-
pearance resembles realit; for he is all too
often bewildered himself. At times the com-
plex pictures defies understanding as well
as description.
Nevertheless, there are certain basic
facts which may act as guideposts to the
student who wishes to make his way in
campus politics. The first obvious fact is
that the political organizations are
manned and led by an astonishingly small
minority of students; furthermore, these
students are nearly all, to use the popular
idiom, "left-wing."
It seems that the vast majority which is
unorganized in our student community is
still more realistic with its recognition that,
in Michigan at least and much of the time
on the national level, it need do nothing to
see its point of view triumph. This goes on
the not unreasonable assumption that the
so-called left-wing is composed of reform-
ers, ranging from New Deal Democrats
through the several species of socialists to
Communists (and there are so few real
Communists that they could meet com-
fortably in a Union phone booth).
And these reformers are of necessity
extremely vocal, whereas the defenders
of the status quo can quietly and peace-
fully contemplate a textbook or a'pitcher
of beer. In short, vocality is a poor crit-
erion of strength.
The only important exception is the
Young Republican organization, and the
Old Guard would probably discount it,
so far as representation of the conserva-
tive point of view is concerned, on the
grounds that the program usually sounds
Roosevelt-inspired. We are deliberately
ignoring the spectacular birth last term
of The Committee for the Defense of
Capitalistic Enterprise, since the same
week that witnessed its inception saw its
unspectacular demise.
To return now to the organizational spec-
trum "left-of-center." One should not infer
from this analysis that the liberal and rad-
ical groups are unimportant and deserve to
be disregarded. For students who hold such
views these organizations should provide a
significant focal point of attention. The
classroom is not the only phase of educa-
tion in the modern university; Political
Science I will not substitute for some active
participation in campus political life in the
education of a concerned and convinced stu-
Two important charges are frequently
leveled at campus politics, both of which
merit consideration. One of these is that
the organizations are confused and con-
fusing, that the liberal front is chara-
tgrized by schism,.and that the student
should therefore not waste his time in
such activity. The other is that campus
polities bear little or no relation to the
realities of politics in the "adult" world;
the conclusion accordingly is again that
the student should not waste his time.
Both criticisms are completely justified,
but the conclusions are not.
This is the community in which the stu-
dent lives, and, acknowledging its short-
comings, the community to which he is re-
sponsible. Politics is, or should be, as im-
portant, here as elsewhere; and in whatever
measure it is important, deserves the atten-
tion and responsible participation of the
members of the community.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

T TIME for a change."
This profound statement seems to be'
the backbone of the Republican campaign.
According to Time magazine, which ought to
know, Warren's speeches indicate that he
isn't mad at anybody, and while Gov. Dewey
may be a bit more violent he too is empha-
sizing the "new broom" aspect.
There's something about all this that
reminds one strongly of the "new look"
that hit the fashion world a year ago
this fall. Because designers and manufac-
turers wanted to sell clothes it suddenly
became impossible for any self-respecting
woman to appear in a skirt that wasn't
down to her ankles.
This year it's a "new administration" and
for about as good a reason, the old one just
isn't in style.
Well, we got used to the long skirts, and
even their most violent opponents are wear-
ing them now with equanimity. We could
probably get used to a new administration
too. ,People who direly predict the end of
everything if the Republicans come in to
power show a woeful lack of faith in strength
of the nation.
Those of us who support the Demo-

Greece and Democracy

A DAILY EDITORIALIST this week called
attention to "the tremendous blackeye it
gives to ... democratic America ... to admit
that we have to depend on political crim-
inals such as . . . the Greek and Franco
governments . for our anti-Communist
This belief in the political similarity of
Greece and Spain is founded on no knowl-
edge of Greece, the people who live there,
or the government in power.
The very phrase "Greek and Franco gov-
ernments" is a giveaway. Nobody has yet
mentioned the Greek dictator by name.
The major political figures are Sophoulis,
90-year-old Liberal prime minister, and
Tsaldaris, foreign affairs minister and leader
of a divided Populist Party.
There are 22 ministers in the government,
11 Liberals and 11 Populists. The parlia-
ment includes about 48 per cent Populists,
25 per cent Liberals. The remainder are
splinter groups.
The Populist Party is about comparable
to the U.S. Republican Party plus Gerald
L. K. Smith. That is, it ranges from moder-
ate conservatives to extreme rightists or
Populist leader Tsaldaris' position was
much weakened in June by threatened with-
drawal of the strongly conservative Pelo-
ponnesian faction.
The Liberal Party is the party of great
Cretan Eleftherios Venizelos. His achieve-
ments include uniting Crete with Greece
proper, obtaining more territory for his
overpopulated country at the Versailles
Conference, and important economic re-
forms such as land redistribution.
In the thirties the party became divided
and weakened after Venizelos' death. It was
almost wiped out by a ten-year suspension
of political activity during the Metaxas dic-
tatorship and German occupation.
The Greek government today is a coali-
tion. The two parties in the coalition are
One of the major difficulties of the Greek
ernment' is the possibility of parliamen-
tary reversal. It cannot act on some of the
vital economic issues. Such a government
is hardly a dictatorship.
The most frequently voiced criticism of
Greece today concerns civil liberties. In
order to evaluate this criticism, however,

cultural differences between the U.S. and
Greece have to be taken into account.
For example, in Greece anyone is free
to be a Jew, a Negro or a member of
any other minority group-without the
restrictions and prejudice common in parts
of the U.S. On the whole, there is more
respect for human dignity in Greece than
there is here.
Mediterranean peoples are noted for their
"hot blood"; Greeks are no exception. They
are also proud of their nation and proud
of being Greeks.
'When in December, 1944, the leftish ELAS
forces battled the British in Athens, mu-
tilating and murdering fellow Greeks in
order to scare them into line, a great wave
of public opinion rose against those respon-
Ferocious hatred of Communists is still
characteristic of perhaps 90 per cent of the
people. Greek hopes for a reasonably united
progressive government were blasted in the
1944 revolution. Markos' followers in the
mountains are still causing manpower to be
diverted to the army and preventing many
northern villages from cultivating their
With a Liberal minister, Rendis, in charge
of the police, injustice has been kept to. a
minimum for the last year. It's nothing to
wonder at that anyone who is sent to an
Aegean island on a charge of being a
Communist usually gets little sympathy.
Such charges are generally substan-
tiated, but it is probably true that legal
processes are sometimes only half-ob-
served. There is also room for American
criticism of the Athens press, which in-
cludes some newspapers that make the
Hearst press seem objective.
There are other fields too where Amer-
ican views could have a beneficial influence
-one of .them is economic policy. An im-
portant drawback is that American corre-
spondents in Greece are scarce, often biased
or incompetent. They have concentrated
their attacks on irrelevancies and neglected
to explain essentials.
American understanding of Greek prob-
lems-as well as those of foreign countries
generally-depends finally on what Amer-
icans are told by their newspapers.
-Phil Dawson.

Friendly A rguments?

Four Power Talks
News of the Week
United Nations . ..
The UN was shaken this week by a series of verbal exchanges
which threatened to weaken its foundations.
Bevins, Spaak and Schuman attacked Russian Foreign policy,
1. The Berlin blockade crisis may wreck United Nations. Russia
would be to blame for a war. (Bevin).
2. Russia's "fifth column" was worse than Hitlers (Spaak).
3. The Western Powers have "exhausted every possibility of
direct agreement with the Kremlin." (Schuman).
At weeks end, the Security Council announced it would debate
the Berlin Blockade on Monday next.
Atom Bombl
.Vishinsky accused the Western Powers of trying to isolate the
Soviet, appealed for a one third cut in the armaments of the Big
five powers and outlawing of the Atomic Bomb as a weapon of war.
* * * *
Berlin .B.k.n
A group of Air Force pilots flying the Berlin Air Lift from
Western Germany sent a hurried message to cartoonist Al Capp
pleading for a C-54 load of those "lovable Schmoos" to relieve the
Berlin food situation.
S * * * *
Campaigns . ..a
Candidates Truman, Dewey and Wallace carried their campaigns
into a turbulent second week, the Democratic nominee, for the
first time stumping in Texas.
Hih Ghts were the harges of Harry Truman that the
Commusts were hoping for a Republican victory and Thomas
E. Dewey's proposal of a nine-point American foreign policy.
Henry Wallace, after being egged during an address in Houston,
Texas, pledged he will carry the fight against racial segregation and
poll taxes 'so long as I live."
* * * *
Spy Suit .. .
Alger Hiss, former State Department official, filed the second
suit resulting' from the Un-American Activities Committee investi-
gations. He filed a $50,000 libel suit against Whittaker Chambers, who
repeated his charges in Committee over a CBS broadcast.
Ruthven ...
Speaking before the University Press Club, President Alex--
ander G. Ruthven attacked the current trends which "place
anyone who questions the status quo under suspicion." Pressure
groups, and special interests also came under Ruthven's verbal
guns as creating an "atmosphere of fear."
* * * *
AVC'er Quentin Nesbett went before IFC and asked for member-
ship support. He described the Babson-Schaffer fracas of last week
as, "a little turnout trouble." Later in the week, AVC published its
agenda for the next meeting which will cover the issues that split the.
group earlier. At week's end, a showdown seemed assured.
Workers Courses ...

The Board of Regents denied a rumor that extension courses
for workers, under fire last year from General Motors, would be
discontinued. The UAW-CIO has asked AAUP to investigate the
alleged invasion of academic freedom and civil rights.
Slosson Notes ...
Notes on Prof. Preston Slosson's History 11 lectures were being
mimeographed by two enterprising students and sold for ten cents
a copy. The students, Fred Zimmerman and Bill Menacher, plan to
expand their rapid fire service to other lecturers.
Fifty Olivet College students continued their protest picketing
of the school for the dismissal of a faculty member. The Uni-
versity deadline for the students to be off campus came and went
last week but they are still there.
On campus, the Student Legislature refused to investigate the
Olivet fracas but NSA and the American Civil Liberties Union took
up the challenge by planning an open hearing on the issue.
x* * * *
Ann Arborite Margaret Price came out of the Democratic state
convention with the nomination for Auditor-General while the Re-
publican convention in Detroit o'k"d Gov. Sigler's hand picked group
of nominees.
Bus. Ad....
Business Administration Students met this week and laid
- plans for a Student Council to handle the business of school
social functions. To have a Council of 12 members, the group
announced that the elections would come off on October 7.

(Continued from Page 3)
October 14; Cincinnati Symphony
Orchestra, Thor Johnson, Con-
ductor, November 15; Rudolf Ser-
kin, Pianist, December 3; Jascha
Heifetz, Violinist, February 19;
Indianapolis Symphony Oches-
tra, Fabien Sevitzky, Conductor,
March 13
A limited number of tickets are
still available, at the offices of the
University Musical Society in Bur-
ton Memiorial Tower.
Tickets for the "Messiah" per-
formances December 11 and 12;
and for. the Chamber Music Fes-
tival, January 14, 15 and 16, are
now on sale.
Carillon Recital: The sixth pro-
gram in the current series of ca-
rillon resitals by Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will be
presented at 2:15 p.m., Sun., Oc-
tober 3. It will include instrumen-
tal works, selections from oratoria,
compositions for a musical clock,
and selections from opera by
George F. Handel.
Events Today
Men's Glee Club: The following
men have qualified for member-
ship and are requested to report
Sunday afternoon, Oct. 3, at 3
p.m., Rm. 3-G at the Union:
1st tenor:
Bay, John; Bennett, Gene;
Brown, Archie; Cosgrove, John;
Greene, Jonathan; Haddock, Rob-
ert; Houghtaling, Sam; McLaugh-
lin, Roland; Steding, Phil; Tewell,
Duane; Vickers, Gil; Wright,
2nd tenor:
Bay, Rpbert; Challis, Stan;
Derr, Lawrence; DeMeritt, Roger;
Dunckel, Elbridge; Geist, Wood;
Hrrington, Harold; McGowan,
Richard; Overcash, Clarence;
Stauffer, ,Robert; Stuart, Glenn;
Tamplin, Robert; Van Ryn, Rus-
sell; Williams, David; Williams,
Brehm, William; David, Milton;'
Elson, Robert; Frank, Richard;
Greider, Kenneth; Helzer, Demar;
Holmes, Pres; Jensen, Jack; Lins-
ley, Robert; Morgan, Robert; Mc-
Gaw, Richard; Meehan, James;
Mulford, Robert; Nielson, Ken-
neth; Pfluke, Ed; Porretta, Frank;
Scurlock, Charles; Thombson,
Berberian, Ara; Cleveland, Don;
Dieterich, Gordon; Entenmann,
Richard; Garchow, Alvin; Hall,
Don; Hansen, Robert; Kemp, Wil-
liam; Morris, Philip; Nelson,
Merle; Newton Kelley; Parker,
Christopher; Pease, David, Perry,
Will; Redmon, William; Reimann,
John; Rose, Jack; Ross, Donald.
U. of M. Hot Record Society:
"Negro Orchestras to 1930" pre-
sented at 8 p.m. Sun., Michigan
League Ballroom.
Lutheran Student Association:
5:30 p.m., Zion Lutheran Parish
Hall. Supper, 6 p.m., followed with
talks by Rev. Henry Yoder and
Mr. Loyal Gryting on "Let us Look
at our L.S.A."
Westminster Guild: Supper,
5:30 p.m.
Congregational-ljisciples Guild
Supper, 6 p.m., Mr. DeWitt Bald-
win, program director of S.R.A.
will speak on "Something New on
Our Campus."
Roger Williams Guild: 6 p.m.,
Prof. Preston Slosson will speak
on "You Can't Leave Out the
Wesleyan Guild: 5:30 p.m.,
Wesley Lounge. Dr. Edward W.
Blakeman, "What Guild Means to

Me." Supper, 6:30 p.m.
Independent Hillel Football
Team practice, 1:30 p.m., Univer-
sity High Field.
Kappa Phi: Calling dinner. All ac-
tives meet for church and dinner,
consecration service, and rose
Coming Events
The Women's Research Club
will meet Mon., Oct. 4, at 8 p.m.
in the West Lecture Room of the
Rackham Bldg. Dr. Elizabeth C.
Crosby will speak on "Some of the
Functions of the Cerebral Cortex."
Michigan Union Opera Music
Committee Meeting: 7:30 p.m.,
Mon., Oct. 4, Rm. 3-G, Michigan

ents Library. All graduate history
students invited.
Phi. Sigma: First meeting, Mon.,
Oct. 4, Rackham Amphitheatre.
Program: film on Jackson Hole
Biological Area; Dr. Warren W.
Chase, of the Forestry School, will
offer comments preceding the
film; business meeting, 7:15 p.m,
Program, 8 p.m. Public invited.
Le Cercle Francais: First meeting
of the year, Tues., Oct. 5, 8 p.m.,
Rm. 305 Michigan Union. Election
of officers, All students (including
freshmen) with one year of col-
lege French or the equivalent are
eligible to membership. Foreign
students are invited to join.
Club 730: Reorganization meet-
ing, 7:30 p.m., Mon., Oct. 4, 730
Haven St., headquarters for dis-
placed Victor C. Vaughan men.
Registered and prospective mem-
bers urged to attend.
Armenian Student's Association:
First meeting of thp semester, 7:30
p.m., Mon., Oct. 4, Michigan Un-
ion. All shish kebab eaters are in-
United World Federalists; Exec-
utive Council Meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Mon., Michigan Union. The next
General Meeting of the University
Chapter, Oct. 13 instead of Oct.
19. Members who want items
placed on the agenda of Executive
Council or Regular meetings
should advise Catherine Warren,
temporary Corresponding Secre-
tary, 715 Forest.
Science Research Club: 7:30
p.m., Tues., Oct. 5, Rackham Am-
phitheatre. Program: "Bones
Considered as Mechanical Struc-
tures," by Wilfrid T. Dempster,
Department of Anatomy.
"Regulation and Asymmetry in
the Digestive Viscera in Amphi-
bians," by Norman E. Kemp, De-
partment of Zoology.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society:
Full rehearsal, Tues., Oct. 5, 7:15
p.m., Michigan League. Compul-
sory attendance for all. Eligibility
cards must be signed
"Some Aspects of Life and Dis-
ability Insurance L w," by Prof.
G. C. Grismore of the ,Law School,
Tues., 4:15 p.m., East Lecture
Room, Rackhahl Bldg; auspices of
the Michigan Actuarial Club. All
interested are invited.
Wallace Progressives: Open
meeting, Mon., Oct. 4, 7:30 p.m.,
Michigan Union, Room 3R. Talk
by Al Fishman on the Draft. Plans
for Y.P.M. convention in Detroit,
Oct. 9,10. Regular meetings every
Monday night.


THE ISSUE to be decided by the Security
Council is not whether the West or Rus-
sia; is right. The issue is whether men of
different minds can live in peace. Future
generations will remember these proceedings
with boredom or aversion if the Security
Council approaches its work in the spirit
of a magistrate's court taking evidence on a
neighborhood quarrel to decide who first
raised his voice or his arm. But the future
will remember this week with gratitude, in-
deed each hour of the future will be con-
ditioned and organically changed by the
work of this week, if the Security Council
will approach its task in the spirit of one
who seeks to discover, not who started the
fight, but whether peace on this earth is
possible. The issue before the Security Coun-
cil is the nature of man.
For it is not Russia which is being
judged, nor the West, but man himself.
The question before the chamber is
whether man knows people of this earth
are tired of the unending demonstrations
that one side is right and one side is
wrong; they had died in the course of
these demonstrations for five thousand
years, and the incidence of death has
been almost equal on each side of each
question. The word they seek from the
Security Council is not of who won the
argument, but of how it goes with man-
To those on both sides who are ready,
with their briefs and papers, to make their
demonstrations of untainted virtue and
incomparable morality, we say: We have
heard from you before. There is nothing
new in your story; it is old, and men have
died of hearing it. Tell us instead, this time,
how to live.
It is no longer possible to answer any
simple question of right or wrong in our
world without answering the attendant and
larger question of whether it is right to kill
peasants to punish emperors, and whether
man is so constituted that he must always
seek justice through some such bloody ob-
liqueness. The world has dodged that awk-
ward question for five millenia, during which
time it has kept its morality in a smaller
package, one much easier to handle. It is be-
cause the world fears that that question is
still being dodged that it watches proceed-
ings at Paris with the twin feelings of terror
and boredom. It is afraid someone is about
to be proved right, and that then men will
die, and mankind will again be proved
This is the great question the Security
Council will really be answering, and it
cannot be ruled out in favor of a narrower
one. Not though men solemnly hand each
other documents, and importantly call
attention to footnotes, and reverently

is right, or that one, but that man himself
is right, that he knows enough to live, that
he will live. The Security Council and the
General Assembly must call upon the West
and Russia to make peace. They will be
entitled to use every accent of anger and
dismay in making the request; they will be
entitled to the kind of righteousness that
does not fudge the bigger question. And if,
by some miracle, the United Nations does
this, then we may feel that while we may
not yet have the answer as to whether
mankind is right, we have at least a voice
in which to ask the question, and one in
which, perhaps, some day to say the answer.
Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation)

Fifty-Ninth Year



DRAWINGS AND paintings by well-known
artists from the mid-nineteenth cen-
tury to the present are featured in the
Newberry Collection now on exhibit at Alum-
ni Memorial Hall.
Extending from Ingres to Picasso, the
exhibit marks the real beginning of the
University's Museum of Art season. This
particular show will be of especial value to
'art students in that many of the drawings
are preliminary sketches for familiar
paintings or sculpture.
A pencil drawing by Matisse is recogniz-
able as another aspect of the lady in his
famous "White Plumes." And several very
interesting works by Henry Moore are pre-
sculpture sketches. His "Reclining Figure" is
very effective in its combined use of water
color, gouache and crayon.
The drawing techniques of Ingres, Degas
and Picasso-all masters of line-can be
readily compared in this collection. Although
Ingres is represented by only one work, both
Degas and Picasso are shown in several
phases. Also a noteworthy linear expression
is Andre Denoyer de Segonzac's "Sleeping
Almost oriental in design, Andre Mas-
son's "The Turtle" is a cleverly executed
work. But a haunting pen sketch by
Pavel Tchelitchew entitled "Africa" prob-
ably takes precedence as the outstanding
drawing of the exhibit.
Among others worth special attention are
some fine drawings by Renoir, Maillol, Seu-
rat and Delacroix.
Of the collection's paintings, three charm-
ing works by Paul Klee catch the eye. "The
Angler" shows particularly well this artist's
special touch, although "Sextette of the
Genii" and "Intoxication" are almost as de-
lightful and perhaps more effective.
A penetrating water color by Emil Nolde,
"Self Portrait" and a gouache by Franz

Edited and managed by students of
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Hour, Mon.,

History Club, Coffeej

Associated Collegiate Press

Oct. 4, 4-5 p.m., Clem-_____________


The children are not in the schoolyard!

Save the records from the flames!
|What heat! Ugh! Smell the smoke!

.-; ..


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